Proverbs about war and peace. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel

A bad world is better than any battle.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

Cheerful grief is a soldier's life.

If you want peace, be ready for war.

War is good to hear, but hard to see

Bullet ranks do not parse.

What is taken from the battle is sacred.

War and fire are no joke.

Those who do not want to feed their own army will feed someone else's.

To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear.

War is a big swamp: it's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out.

If you want to win the war, work twice.

The warrior fights, and the children grieve.

There is safety in numbers.

To whom the world is inexpensive, that is our enemy.

Peace builds, war destroys.

Keep your gunpowder dry and you'll be invincible.

To go to battle is to know the price of life.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Treasure the world - people live long.

War brings scars and wounds.

Who to us with sword will come, by the sword and die.

You can't win a battle with former glory.

In war, as in war.

Peace and harmony - God's grace.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Peace to you, and I to you!

From the world on a string - to Hitler a rope.

Friends are made in battle.


War is the game of kings.

Two wills in the field - whom the Lord will help

War attracts those who do not know it

Who loves war, everyone becomes enemies over time

There will be peace in the world—all working people want it.

From Moscow to Berlin the path is narrow.

No matter how much Hitler fights, the victory will be Russian!

War loves blood.

Do not swords of such arrows that you cannot repulse.

Strive not to conquer the world, but its knowledge.

The war has been won, but not the peace.

Peace is the virtue of civilization, war is its crime.

A bad peace is better than a good fight.

You can't take a fortress without courage.

The battle is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.

In war, the army is strong as a governor.

Not a bullet, but a man kills a man with a gun.

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

The soldier is close - bow low to him.

Beat the enemy with a rifle, beat and skill.

Fight loves courage.

Fight is a holy cause, go to the enemy boldly.

The enemy is nearby - hit with the butt.

The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.

You can't drown your enemy in tears.

Guards mortar will find the enemy everywhere.

For the Soviet soldier, the border is holy.

To Moscow on tanks, and from Moscow on a sled.

Living in the world, do not forget about the war.

For the edge of your death stand.

Who skillfully owns weapons, he will overcome enemies.

Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.

Better to die in a field than in a woman's hem.

On the hero and glory runs.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

The soldier who does not think of being a general is bad.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

Minesweeper is wrong only once.

I earn my glory in battle.

Learn courage from a scout, caution from a sapper - you will never make a mistake.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

Sayings about war. Only the best sayings. The most complete collection of Russian sayings by topic and direction. If you are looking for sayings, then you have already found them - this is

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    In love and war, all means are good.

    And I would go to war, but it's a pity to leave my wife.

    To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

    A star with a tail - to war.

    Bellum omnium contra omnes. War of all against all.

    Clouds cannot close the sun, war cannot win the world.

    Light will conquer darkness, and peace will conquer war.

    War brings scars and wounds.

    War is a lie.

    Light conquers darkness, peace conquers war.

    What peace builds, war destroys.

    War is a big swamp: it's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out.

    To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear

    Bella gerant alii. Let others fight.

    Peace - to glory, war - to poison.

24 sayings about war

Stand boldly for a just cause!

Fight loves courage.

Who dreams of victory does not think of death.

Feel free to go into battle - the Motherland is behind you.

And one soldier in the field, if he is a Soviet soldier.

For the edge of your death stand.

There is safety in numbers.

For Russia, go forward, do not be afraid.

The fortress of our rear is a grave for the Nazis.

Gather first, then fight.

There was a case near Poltava.

What is taken from the battle is sacred.

Consolidate your victory - follow the enemy's heels.

To firmly believe means to win.

Time in battle is more valuable than money in the rear.

Every stone was fired in Stalingrad.

There was a charge - not five back.

After a successful battle, porridge tastes better.

In the strong adhesion of the front and rear, there is an invincible force.

War marks everyone: with a scar - the military, with a wrinkle - civilians.

In the rear - an ear, at the front - a bayonet.

It is not enough to wish for victory, one must win.

There is no such force in the world to mow us down in battle.

The warrior is at war, and the wife of the house is grieving.

To win, you need to stand strong, stand together.

Gold is by fire, but the people are known by war.

Our people are humble for the time being, but what if they take up axes.

For the edge of your native go fearlessly into battle.

What is the sword for, if there is no one to cut!

You can't win a battle with former glory.

To fight is not to chew dumplings, not to slurp cabbage soup.

The war will not write off anything, it will only add glory to some, shame to others.

In powder smoke and flame we will not change the sacred banner.

In hand-to-hand combat, hold on closer - you will strike more friendly.

Do not beat the pot with the boiler.

They achieved great victories - they broke the back of the Nazis.

If a difficult time comes, our fighter against the seven will go.

The outcome of the battle is decided not by who is stronger, but who is more cunning.

Every place on the front is important, everywhere you have to fight bravely.

There is safety in numbers.

At its nest, the raven beats the eagle.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

War is good to hear, but hard to see

War and fire are no joke.

The world is a big deal.

To fight is not to grieve, but to grieve is not to fight like that.

Without a head - not a warrior, but ran, and you can return.

You can't take a fortress without courage.

Beat the enemy, do not spare the batog.

The battle is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.

There is no sense in our regiment: whoever got up earlier and took a stick is a corporal.

I faithfully serve - I do not grieve for anything.

Formidable is the enemy behind the mountains, and even more formidable behind.

To another, service is a mother, to another, a stepmother.

A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun.

If there is not enough bayonet, then we will give the butt.

Beat the enemy with a rifle, beat and skill.

Fight loves courage.

Fight is a holy cause, go to the enemy boldly.

To go to battle is to know the price of life. The fascist eye sees Moscow, but the tooth is numb.

The enemy is nearby - hit with the butt.

The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.

You can't drown your enemy in tears.

Yesterday's glory in the war does not live.

Guards mortar will find the enemy everywhere.

For the Soviet soldier, the border is holy.

To Moscow on tanks, and from Moscow on a sled.

If in Russian tailored, and one warrior in the field.

Living in the world, do not forget about the war.

For the edge of your death stand.

To us with guns, and from us with sticks.

On the hero and glory runs.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

What is the regiment, such is the sense of it.

Who skillfully owns weapons, he will overcome enemies.

Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.

Who honestly serves, glory is friends with him.

Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

Who serves, he grieves; and who yells, he sings songs.

It's easy to hear about a warrior, but it's hard to see him.

In war, the army is strong as a governor.

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

Bullet ranks do not parse.

What is taken from the battle is sacred.

War is a big swamp: it's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out.

Peace builds, war destroys.

The prudent have peace, the world has abundance.

Keep your gunpowder dry and you'll be invincible.

To go to battle is to know the price of life.

Treasure the world - people live long.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

You can't win a battle with former glory.

Peace and God's grace.

The land army is one hand, and the land and sea forces are two. (Peter I)

Whoever loves war, everyone eventually becomes enemies.

From Moscow to Berlin the path is narrow.

How many Hitler do not fight - Victory will be Russian!

From the world on a string - to Hitler a rope.

Friends are made in battle.

A step forward is a step towards victory.

A bad peace is better than a good fight.

War loves blood.

War and fire are no joke.

War is good to hear, but hard to see.

Enmity does no good.

Keep your gunpowder dry and you'll be invincible.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

If you want peace, be ready for war.

To whom the world is inexpensive, that is our enemy.

The world is a great thing.

You don't give birth to the death of children.

In nekrutchina - that in the grave.

If you don't trust them, they beat you and if you roll over, they beat you.

To fight is not to grieve like that, but to grieve is not to fight like that.

Without a head - not a warrior, but ran, and you can return.

You can't take a fortress without courage.

Beat the enemy, do not spare the batog.

The battle is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.

Painfully wounded - and the head was not found.

There are three pains in our volost: uncoolness, taxes and zemshchina.

There is no sense in our regiment: whoever got up earlier and took a stick is a corporal.

They hit you in the back, like forging a strip.

I serve faithfully - I do not grieve for anything.

Cheerful grief - a soldier's life.

He fought young, and in his old age he was allowed to go home.

Warrior: sits under a bush and howls.

Where the goat has passed, there the soldier will pass.

Wherever a soldier lived, there he bred.

Where it is crowded, there is a place for a soldier.

Formidable is the enemy behind the mountains, and even more formidable behind.

God forbid he be a colonel, but not in our regiment.

God forbid that they drank and ate, but the service did not come to mind.

Path together, tobacco in half.

One warrior leads ten companies.

Still would have fought, but lost the squeaker.

Fool is a fool - and he will give his father to the soldiers.

For a long time in the next world, provisions have been received.

For a soldier - write wasted.

Know the estimate, die crouching!

From the bow - not we, from the squeak - not we; and bare your teeth,
scratch your tongue - you can’t find it against us.

To another, service is a mother, to another, a stepmother.

A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun.

If there is not enough bayonet, then we will give the butt.

Who serves, he grieves; and who yells, he sings songs.

It's easy to hear about a warrior, but it's hard (but scary) to see him.

In war, the army is strong as a governor.

You will not be a dead man - you will be a colonel.

If you don't last - they beat you, if you overtighten - they beat you.

They do not beat a soldier for stealing, but to bury the ends.

Not a bullet, but a man kills a man with a gun.

Don't make your enemy a sheep, make him a wolf.

Something a soldier does without a fur coat: he goes and warms himself.

He didn't even sniff the gunpowder.

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

No matter how long you serve, be retired.

An employee is like a fly: where there is a gap, there is a bed, where there is a fence, there is a yard.

Death to a Russian soldier is his brother.

The soldier is close - bow low to him.

A soldier on vacation - a shirt made of trousers.

A wretched soldier, worse than a bast bast.

The soldier is a government official.

Soldier is not a thief (soldier a kind person), and his cloak is a grabber.

The soldier did not steal, but simply took.

The soldier is a cut piece.

The soldier sleeps, and the service goes on.

The soldier shaves with an awl, warms himself with smoke.

A soldier is neither a widow nor a husband's wife.

The whole village is the father of the soldiers' guys.

Cold, yes need, yes royal service.

The soldier shaves his awl, but no fur coat, so the stick warms.

Keep the honor of a soldier holy.

Perhaps yes, I suppose, drop it at the front.

A machine gun and a shovel are the friends of a soldier.

Beat the enemy with a rifle, beat and skill.

Fight loves courage.

Fight is a holy cause, go to the enemy boldly.

You can't win a battle with former glory.

To visit the battle - to know the price of life.

The fascist eye sees Moscow, but the tooth is numb.

The enemy is nearby - hit with the butt.

The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.

You can't drown your enemy in tears.

Yesterday's glory in the war does not live.

Guards mortar will find the enemy everywhere.

For the Soviet soldier, the border is holy.

To Moscow on tanks, and from Moscow on a sled.

If in Russian tailored, and one warrior in the field.

Living in the world, do not forget about the war.

For the edge of your death stand.

To us with guns, and from us with sticks.

What is the regiment, such is the sense of it.

The soup is boiling - the bowler is a friend, knock-break - the bowler is the enemy.

Who skillfully owns weapons, he will overcome enemies.

Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.

Who honestly serves, glory is friends with him.

Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

Better to die in a field than in a woman's hem.

On the hero and glory runs.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

From our gate lives and turn.

The soldier who does not think of being a general is bad.

Order in the company - and the foreman is held in high esteem.

Bullet ranks do not parse.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

Minesweeper is wrong only once.

I earn my glory in battle.

Learn courage from a scout, caution from a sapper -
never go wrong.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

Courage is the motley of victory.

The book is not an airplane, but it will take you to distant lands. (A proverb means that when reading a book, a person mentally travels with the characters of the book and with the help of the book learns a lot of new things about what he has never seen.)

Books don't tell, they tell the truth.
(A proverb means that through reading books we learn a lot of new and interesting things.)

When they do not know how to write, they say that the pen is bad. (The proverb refers to people who always blame other people or circumstances for their personal failures. Although most often they themselves are to blame, because of their mistakes.)

When cancer whistles on the mountain. (A saying about a situation that will happen no one knows when, not soon, or very unlikely. It will be very difficult for Cancer to whistle on a mountain, which means that this situation has very few chances to happen))).)

When the conscience was handed out, he was not at home. (A saying about an unscrupulous, arrogant, rude person.)

Scapegoat. (So ​​they say about the person who was made the only one to blame, for the offense that several people committed. Or a situation happened where people or property suffered, and in order to punish at least someone, they are looking for a “scapegoat” on whom they will blame all for this.)

The mosquito will not undermine the nose. (Proverb. It is said when something is done perfectly, perfectly and in the highest class.)

To whom to what, but to the blacksmith to the anvil. (The proverb is said when discussing the feature of any work.)

To whom the world is not dear, that is our enemy. (The proverb means: we do not make friends and do not do business with those who want war and conflict.)

A penny saves a ruble. (A proverb about what you need to take care of what is given to you in life. There will be no ruble without a penny, so do not thoughtlessly scatter money or gifts of fate.

The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruits are sweet. (It is very difficult to study and gain knowledge, you need to try and be patient, not everyone succeeds. But the one who has learned and was able to acquire knowledge will have a decent, beautiful and interesting life further.)

The girl is red with eyes, but not red (ugly) with speeches. (The proverb refers to girls who are attractive in appearance, but not at all endowed with intelligence, or are trying to acquire elementary knowledge of life. There is absolutely nothing to talk about with such a girl and quickly becomes boring, uninteresting.)

The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning. (A proverb means that animals and birds decorate them appearance and man is adorned by his knowledge and mind. No matter how beautifully you dress, but if you are an illiterate and narrow-minded person, then good people you probably won't like it.)

Brevity is the soul of wit. (The meaning of the proverb is that in any business and conversation, the most effective is short, but clear and understandable information that is said on the case and reveals everything you need to know about the case.)

Xenia is waiting for the resurrection. (An old Russian proverb. It is a question of a person who constantly sins, and on Sunday he runs to church to “reproach” his sins. Such a person thinks that this will help and from Monday you can start sinning again, because next Sunday you can again ask for forgiveness in church It is more convenient for such a person to think so, but this is a delusion).

Whoever does not run will not stumble. (The proverb means: a person who tries to do something naturally makes some mistakes in the process of creativity, tries to correct them, becomes smarter, gives experience to others so that they do not make mistakes and “do not stumble.” Who does nothing, it is natural and does not make mistakes. His life is just one big mistake called uselessness and idleness. The proverb encourages you to actively engage in something useful, your favorite pastime.)

Whoever owns the information owns the world. (A proverb that valuable information, knowledge, valuable secrets are in the hands smart people bring huge advantages over those who do not have this information. If a person has the right information, then he will surely achieve success in business.)

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. (Russian proverb. This is what Russian heroes and warriors said in ancient times about the enemies attacking Russia. It means that everyone who attacks our land will be defeated.)

Who is silent will hear more. (A proverb means: when a person is silent, he is well tuned to receive useful information. When he speaks, he is hardly able to catch something important, he is all concentrated on his chatter.)

Who pays, then orders the music. (It is said that in a certain situation, the one who pays for everything, or who takes responsibility dictates his conditions.)

I bought a cat in a bag. (The proverb means that a person bought a fake, low-quality product, or a thing that costs much less than what was paid for it, and also if he paid money and did not receive the goods.)

Chickens for laughs. (A saying about a funny-looking person, or some kind of ridiculous act that will make even chickens who cannot laugh laugh.)

An affectionate word does not cost anything to itself, but it gives a lot to another. (A proverb about the power of a kind word. A kind word spoken to another will surely return kindness to you.)

It's easy to brag, it's easy to fall down. (A proverb means: those people who often brag are very often disappointed in what they boasted about. If, after boasting, what was planned does not work out, and this happens very often, then others will laugh twice as loudly. Therefore good deeds and joyful events are very fond of silence).

Discussion: 94 comments

    Summer at the gate, look into the garden. Please tell me the meaning.


    1. Like snow on your head. Nightmare will not undermine the nose


  1. Where two stand, the third does not care. Clarify please.


A bad world is better than any battle.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

Cheerful grief is a soldier's life.

If you want peace, be ready for war.

War is good to hear, but hard to see

Bullet ranks do not parse.

What is taken from the battle is sacred.

War and fire are no joke.

Those who do not want to feed their own army will feed someone else's.

To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear.

War is a big swamp: it's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out.

If you want to win the war, work twice.

The warrior fights, and the children grieve.

There is safety in numbers.

To whom the world is inexpensive, that is our enemy.

Peace builds, war destroys.

Keep your gunpowder dry and you'll be invincible.

To go to battle is to know the price of life.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Treasure the world - people live long.

War brings scars and wounds.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

You can't win a battle with former glory.

In war, as in war.

Peace and harmony - God's grace.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Peace to you, and I to you!

From the world on a string - to Hitler a rope.

Friends are made in battle.


War is the game of kings.

Two wills in the field - whom the Lord will help

War attracts those who do not know it

Who loves war, everyone becomes enemies over time

There will be peace in the world—all working people want it.

From Moscow to Berlin the path is narrow.

No matter how much Hitler fights, the victory will be Russian!

War loves blood.

Do not swords of such arrows that you cannot repulse.

Strive not to conquer the world, but its knowledge.

The war has been won, but not the peace.

Peace is the virtue of civilization, war is its crime.

A bad peace is better than a good fight.

You can't take a fortress without courage.

The battle is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.

In war, the army is strong as a governor.

Not a bullet, but a man kills a man with a gun.

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

The soldier is close - bow low to him.

Beat the enemy with a rifle, beat and skill.

Fight loves courage.

Fight is a holy cause, go to the enemy boldly.

The enemy is nearby - hit with the butt.

The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.

You can't drown your enemy in tears.

Guards mortar will find the enemy everywhere.

For the Soviet soldier, the border is holy.

To Moscow on tanks, and from Moscow on a sled.

Living in the world, do not forget about the war.

For the edge of your death stand.

Who skillfully owns weapons, he will overcome enemies.

Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.

Better to die in a field than in a woman's hem.

On the hero and glory runs.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

The soldier who does not think of being a general is bad.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

Minesweeper is wrong only once.

I earn my glory in battle.

Learn courage from a scout, caution from a sapper - you will never make a mistake.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.
