Additional education program - school of survival. Elective course program "School of Survival" Work program of the study group "School of Survival"

What What can most strongly unite a family? What remains in the memories of children and adults? Of course, pleasant, cheerful, good moments spent together! Family holidays and traditions help create a valuable “piggy bank” of memories that will stay with everyone for a lifetime. Hours spent with a child doing things together lay down those same traditions., on which later, in adulthood, respect, trust, sincerity, children’s help to their parents, and mutual understanding in the family are built. Family activities are the foundation of strong relationships and a great contribution to the development of the child. It is in the family that a child develops a model for his own future life.

How long has it been since you played games together with your children, became part of family history, became involved in the interests of your children and their friends, while relaxing yourself? This weekend you have such an opportunity!

Join us and spend an unforgettable weekend, take a break from the everyday routine of current affairs!

We have prepared an offer for you that most parents will not leave indifferent!

One day family camp from the Federation project is an opportunity to spend an exciting and unforgettable day in the team of instructors of the School of Survival, learning how to overcome dangers in wildlife and modern city! But this is not only physical survival, because it is not so often that we are left alone in completely wild nature. Survival is, first of all, a set of actions aimed at maintaining life, health and performance in conditions of stress and uncertainty.

Children without parents are also accepted into the program; our counselors will be able to replace loving mothers and fathers for one day, because this is not something you should miss!

So, in our one-day program “Federation” we will learn:

  • Making a fire without matches
  • Construction of a temporary shelter
  • Identify animal and human tracks
  • Knit various knots
  • Get water
  • Coping with stress
  • Be able to warm up or, on the contrary, cool down depending on extreme weather conditions
  • Treat wounds and provide first aid medical care without medications!
  • Coping with hunger (but we will eat)

And since our trip is timed to February 23, we will practice assembling and disassembling the machine gun and even learn how to walk through a minefield!

A great gift for February 23rd - for both parents and children!

Where: training base of the “Academy of Survival” (Ruza)

Meeting time at the bus: 9.30

Arrival time back to Moscow: approximately at 19.00

Meals at the base: camping + always hot tea with goodies!

Who conducts the classes: professional instructors of the “Academy of Survival” and the “Federation” project website

A little about the coaches: The Academy of Survival is headed by Dmitry Viktorovich Kolesnikov, 2nd dan black belt in taekwon-do, candidate master of sports in sambo, ex-captain of the Moscow national team. Head of the Hand-to-Hand Combat and Acrobatics Department of the Russian Center for Stuntmen "STRUK", director of stunt scenes. A man whose charisma and experience captivates from the first minutes of meeting you!

Having gathered at the bus at the Myakinino metro station, having checked in the lists of those accompanying us, Let's go on a real adventure! The appearance and full equipment are camping and sports, because from the first minutes upon arrival a rich program awaits us!

Program "School of Survival in extreme conditions» tourist and sports direction, focused on organizing educational environment and activities of children in a creative mode, ensuring moral, aesthetic, physical and psychological development, as well as creating conditions for choice future profession. The program allows you to prepare students for independent actions in the event of emergency situations, both in nature and in the modern world.

The program provides a broad approach to studying the nature of Kuban, Russia and the world, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

One of the main forms is tourism and local history work in the area. During hikes, children learn to independently rationally use the gifts of nature as a means of survival.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that the life safety course in secondary school is practically absent or is it integrated with various items, which does not give a basic idea of ​​how a person should behave in the event of a natural or man-made emergency. This program will teach students about autonomous existence and the use of nature’s gifts for survival.

The program includes V several blocks:

1. Tourism as a means of understanding the world around us.

2. Knowledge about natural factors and resources.

3. Medical, psychological and physical preparation.

4. System of knowledge necessary for survival in different conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.



Explanatory note

The “School of Survival in Extreme Conditions” program for tourism and sports is focused on organizing the educational environment and activities of children in a creative mode, ensuring moral, aesthetic, physical and psychological development, as well as creating conditions for choosing a future profession. The program allows you to prepare students for independent actions in the event of emergency situations, both in nature and in the modern world.

The program provides a broad approach to studying the nature of Kuban, Russia and the world, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

One of the main forms is tourism and local history work in the area. During hikes, children learn to independently rationally use the gifts of nature as a means of survival.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that there is practically no life safety course in secondary schools, or it is integrated with various subjects, which does not give a basic idea of ​​how a person should behave in the event of a natural or man-made emergency. This program will teach students about autonomous existence and the use of nature’s gifts for survival.

The program includes V several blocks:

  1. Knowledge about natural factors and resources.
  2. Medical and psychological and physical training.

4. A system of knowledge necessary for survival in various conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.

The success of the program depends on the number of lessons conducted in the area related to the object of study; in the work it is necessary to use all forms of active types of tourism: walks, excursions, hiking trips, expeditions.

The relevance of this program is due to its practical significance.

Purpose of the program: creation of an integral environment for the formation and development of a socially active personality, possessing a number of skills necessary for autonomous existence in the event of emergency situations, a culture of behavior in nature, a responsible attitude towards environment and as a result to your health.


1. Educational:

Formation in students of a system of knowledge about the laws and patterns operating in living and inanimate nature;

Teaching the skills of autonomous existence in nature and anthropogenic

Generalization and deepening of knowledge on history, geography, biology of Kuban, Russia and

Consolidation of knowledge on cartography, ecology.

2. Educational:

Education of norms (motives, motivations) of behavior and activities aimed at
to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve the environment;

Formation of organizational skills for working in a team.

3. Developmental:

Development of intellectual abilities aimed at target, causal and

life situations: emotional, volitional and psychological spheres (beliefs in
possibilities for solving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and
personal participation in practical matters to protect the environment.

A distinctive feature of the program is that mastering the program material helps schoolchildren from an early age to do without the benefits of civilization and, in the event of an emergency, makes it possible not only to avoid disastrous consequences for their own health, and sometimes even life, but also to help their “environment” organize events to get out of this situation. The program combines material on various school subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, Kuban studies, geography, life safety and physical culture, and this arouses interest in a more in-depth study of the above subjects.

The program is designed for students aged 9 -15 years.

Implementation period is 1 year, with the prospect of expanding knowledge on the topics studied and the accumulated experience of working in the field.

Methods and forms of work.

Studying the accumulated material about the area (conversations, sections, seminars).

Search and research work ( independent work performing various tasks),

Intellectual games (“Brain-ring”, various quizzes).

Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 hours.

Number of teaching hours: 144.

Expected Result.


Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region, factors that strengthen and weaken human health;

Your body - how it works, about tourist hygiene, rules for disinfecting and purifying drinking water during a hike, diseases characteristic of natural conditions your locality;

Be able to:

Identify typical species of plants and animals of the region by appearance, determine

a habitat;

for wounds, bleeding and burns in field conditions (while hiking, relaxing in the forest and man-made settlements);

Correctly choose and collect fuel for a fire at different times of the year, correctly

natural surroundings.

Ways to check the results of mastering the program:

Participation in tourist competitions (search and rescue operations).

Conducting quiz competitions based on the material studied.

Conducting parent meetings.

Preparation of reports on campaigns and expeditions.

Control of the administration of the educational institution.

Educational and thematic plan.





Initial tourist training

Tourist - friend of nature

Movement technique

Ways to find water and food

Physical, medical and psychological preparation

Autonomous survival in extreme situations

What is "survival"?

Survival in polar conditions

Survival in the mountains

Survival in the tropics

Desert Survival -

Survival at sea

Survival in natural emergencies

Survival in man-made emergencies


Safety in the city and home environment

1st section Initial tourist training 84 hours.

Formation of knowledge about nature as an interconnected system, tourism knowledge and skills in nature management (tourism, recreational nature management), interest children in search and cognitive activities and develop their creative activity.


1. Develop knowledge about man and his place in nature as a special object.

2. Develop skills and abilities to work autonomously in nature. To form an understanding of the dependence of the degree of impact on the environment on the types of tourism and the type of tourist environmental management, instilling environmental and tourism skills and abilities, behavioral (life-sustaining,
reclamation and secondary environmental management).

3. Formation of skills and abilities to work with a plan and map, focus on

4. Physical, medical and psychological preparation and preparation of the tourist
technology should be carried out taking into account program requirements for physical education and
age characteristics.

Methods and forms of conducting classes:

Theoretical - conversation with demonstration of illustrative material and models.

Practical indoor and outdoor activities: observations, work with measuring instruments, excursions and workshops on describing natural objects. Game forms(games with ready-made rules; competition games, competition games, contests and role-playing games).

Brief description of topics and theoretical and practical classes

  1. Tourist - friend of nature

Tourism is a massive form of active recreation and recreation, as a sport. Types of tourism. The impact of hiking on the environment. How tourists learn the world. What tourist and local history positions and assignments are there?

What is "ecology"? What is the environment. Why should a tourist study ecology? How different types tourism affect the environment. Participation of tourists in nature conservation.

Practical work- selection of illustrative material about plants and animals of the region (for an album, abstract), organization of a book exhibition, distribution of tourist and

local history positions and assignments. Organization of nature observations.

  1. Movement technique

Developing movement techniques in various terrain conditions, moving alone and in groups. Concepts: tempo, rhythm, special commands in group movement.

Practical work - a hike with overcoming various obstacles.

Observation of nature and preparation of observation material. Design of the album "Notes for Tourists" (page "Plants and Animals from the Red Book of the Region"). A workshop tour to study the habitats of plants and animals (or a hike).

  1. Camping in normal and extreme conditions

What to take with you on a hike. Equipment for tourists. A tent is a tourist’s house: its structure, rules for installation and choice of location (so as not to harm nature). Choosing a bivouac site and arranging the site. Shelters and their types. How to choose the right place for a fire and set up a fire pit. Rules for using a fire in tourist trip. The rules for “disposal” of household waste are cleaner after us than before us. Rules for communicating with wild animals.

Practical work - selection of material and design of the album “Notes for Tourists” (about medicinal plants, you need to know them - they are poisonous).

  1. Basics of navigation

Plan of the school, school on the plan of the city (village, hamlet, town). What types of cards are there? Area plan, topographic map, tourist maps. Map orienteering(first meeting). In the world of landmarks. Compass. Topographical signs and their purpose. Orientation on the terrain using a map and local signs.

Practical work - topographical dictation, work with a classroom and school plan, determining the sides of the horizon using a compass, playing on the ground using a map.

  1. Ways to find water and food.

Finding water is a priority for living in autonomous conditions. Sources of water, types of water landscapes. Methods for extracting water from the atmosphere.

Hunting, fishing, cooking and storing food in extreme conditions. Plants - enemies and friends: medicinal, fruit and berry (edible) wild plants, edible mushrooms. "Red signal" - be careful, poisonous! Universal edibility test.

Practical work - a workshop excursion to study and collect the herbarium of medicinal plants "Green Pharmacy". Observation of nature and preparation of observation materials.

Human adaptation to temperate climate. Measures to prevent colds, flu, vitamin deficiency. Seasonality of diseases. Health and illness of schoolchildren. Factors that strengthen and weaken human health in the natural conditions of their region. The influence (indirect and direct) of polluted air, water, soil on the human body. Prevention of modern diseases. Special physical exercises. Psychology of survival. Practical work - providing first aid.

Preparation for competitions in tourism technology and search rescue work.

Practical work - training in the gym and natural conditions.

2nd section Autonomous survival in extreme situations (72 hours).


To formulate the concept of human adaptation to the conditions of autonomous existence in nature, to teach children to apply practical survival skills in various landscapes and the urban cycle, to preserve and improve human health.


Develop knowledge about man and his adaptation to the climate of the temperate zone, the role
recreational (tourism and local history) activities in promoting the health of young people

Further development of natural selection skills in different climates
conditions, application of rules and skills to comply with the norms and rules of recreational
environmental management.

Develop the skill of survival in any conditions, and also instill a goal not only
to survive, but also to help others survive.

Show role sports tourism, orienteering in development
personality, in recovery.

Brief description of topics, theoretical and practical classes

2.1. What is "survival"?

The concept of “survival” is given, as well as what activities need to be performed for successful survival.

2.2. Survival in polar conditions.

Polar regions, movement in polar conditions, types of shelters, features of making fire and cooking, obtaining water and food in cold climates.

Practical work - one-day winter hike.

2.3. Survival in the mountains.

Hiking mountains: climate and terrain. Methods of orienteering in the mountains. Traveling through mountainous areas. Danger of glaciers and avalanches. Special climbing techniques. Units and special equipment.

Practical work - a planned three-day hike.

2.4. .Survival in the tropics.

Tropical natural area, moving through the jungle, tips on clothing for the tropics. Camp and shelter, searching for water and food in tropical conditions. Dangerous plants and animals.

2.5. Survival in temperate climates.

Temperate climate. Features of the geography of the Krasnodar region and Seversky region. In this section, the main place is given to hiking around the area (practice).

2.6. Survival in the desert.

High temperatures and insufficient precipitation, water in the desert and methods of its extraction. Clothes for travel. Plant and animal food. Dangers. Ways to build a shelter in the desert.

Practical work - water extraction in difficult conditions.

2.7. Survival at sea.

How to avoid panic in case of a water accident? Survival in water. Life-saving equipment and their contents. Distress signals. Obtaining water and food.

Practical work - drawing up a rescue manual on water and ice.

2.8. Natural emergency survival and rescue measures.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, storms. Heavy snowfall and glaciation. Storm. Forest fires. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Drought.

Practical work - training in rescue operations (use of communications, signs and signals of rescue, actions of the search party).

2.9. Survival in man-made emergencies, accidents at chemical and other hazardous enterprises.

2.10. Safety in the city and home environment.

Safety on the roads, in public transport, in the home environment, during terrorist attacks.Practical work - drawing up survival instructions in different environments.

As a result of mastering the program, students should:

1. Tourism as a means of understanding the world around us.


  1. what is a hike, a country trip;
  2. tourist equipment (weekend hiking);
  3. composition of a medical first aid kit;
  4. environmentally friendly bivouac, rules for its equipment;
  5. homemade camping equipment that helps protect the natural environment;
  6. rules for using fire on a camping trip;
  7. walking on flat areas;
  8. going up and down slopes;
  9. concepts: plan of the school, city (village) and its surroundings, terrain, scale;
  10. the concept of "map" (physical-geographical, topographical, sports
    orientation, tourist);
  11. conventional signs plan, topographic map, orienteering
    (separate characters);
  12. local orientation signs;

The structure of a compass and how to use it.

Impact of tourist equipment (campfire and bivouac equipment) and
outdoor equipment;

- that the movement of tourists is incorrect (i.e. environmentally illiterate),
vacationers in the area - the reason for the destruction of natural landscapes;

That correctly selected personal equipment and a first aid kit are the key
successful hike, relaxation and excellent health;

The purpose of the area plan and various maps for tourists, the role of the plan, maps in business
nature conservation;

The influence of orienteering classes on health improvement and development
observation and horizons.

Be able to:

- select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions

- use fire on a camping trip;

- choose the right place to descend and ascend slopes of different types, descend and
climb a slope;

Follow the rules for walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, deciduous,
mixed), in meadow and swamp;

Properly equip the fireplace;

Work with plans and topographic maps;

Perform basic techniques for working with an orienteering map;

Work with a compass: determine the sides of the horizon, orientate on the ground.

2. Knowledge about natural factors and resources.


- diversity of plants and animals of forests, meadows;

Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region;

Rare and endangered plants of the region;

Factors that strengthen and weaken human health (using the example of our own
natural area).


- the importance of a forest, meadow, pond in a person’s life, in strengthening his health, in recreation and

- influence of the environment on living organisms (adaptability);

- the impact of environmental pollution on human health.

Be able to:

- identify typical species of plants and animals of the region by appearance;

- determine the sides of the horizon, weather conditions with the help of plants and local

- give examples and explain features external structure living organisms in
connections with the environment.

3. Medical, psychological and physical preparation.


Your body - how it works;

About tourist hygiene;

Rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water while camping;

Diseases characteristic of the natural conditions of their area and their measures

Diseases associated with environmental pollution;

Features of medical and physical training of a young tourist;

- poisonous and inedible plants and mushrooms of their region.

The influence of environmental conditions on human health;

The need to maintain the “purity” of the human environment to preserve it

Be able to:

- follow the rules of personal hygiene and first aid rules
for wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (while hiking, relaxing in the forest);

- identify poisonous, inedible plants and mushrooms;

- disinfect and cleanse drinking water in the field;

4. A system of knowledge necessary for survival in various conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.


  1. concept natural areas and landscapes;
  2. features of survival in autonomous conditions;
  3. patterns of nature in various areas.
  4. that a correctly chosen standard of behavior will reduce the burden on nature.
  5. the duration of the period of “healing of wounds” inflicted on nature by tourists (fire pits).
    Be able to:
  6. choose and collect fuel for the fire correctly at different times of the year;
  7. correctly take drinking water and purify it in the field;

On a hike (during an excursion) be able to recycle different types household waste;

Collect and use medicinal, fruit and berry plants;

Explain the appropriateness of your behavior in a specific natural environment.

List of literature for children

1. Bagoundinova F.G. Tourism and local history activities of students. - M.: TsDYuTur, 1996.

144 p.

2. The planet is our home: textbook. - Reader for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. /
Comp. I.G. Belavina, N.G. Naidenskaya. - M.: Laida, 1995. - 228 p.

3. Velek I. What a young conservationist should know and be able to do. - M: Progress, 1983. - 273 p.

4. Koroleva A.E., Kucheneva G.G. Ecological path ( author's program) / Herald
AsEKO-1994-issue. 3-4-C. 3-7.

  1. Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain. - M.: 1998.
  2. Kuprin A.M. Interesting about orientation. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1980. - 108 p.
  3. Mindelevich S. It's time to go hiking! - M.: "Young Guard", 1985. - 180 p.

List of literature for teachers

Barysheva Yu.A.

2. Formation of environmental and local history knowledge at school - M.: TsDYuT RF,
1997. - 104 p.

3. Pleshakov A. A. Program of the optional course “Ecology for junior schoolchildren”

4. Pleshakov A.A. Program "Nature and us" (4th grade).
5. Ecology programs for general education educational institutions and children's
preschool institutions. - Kurgan: GUNO Administration of the Kurgan Region, 1993. - P.

6. Pleshakov A.A. Ecology for junior schoolchildren - M.: Education, 1995. - 45 p.

7. Pleshakov A. A. From earth to sky: Atlas - guide to natural history and ecology

8. Polomis K. Children in a pioneer camp. -M.: "Profizdat", 1989. - 143 p.

9. Simonova L.P. Keys from nature. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Agar, 1997. - 144


Goals and objectives for 2009-2010

1. Creation of a holistic environment for the formation and development of socially active

possessing a number of skills and abilities necessary for autonomy in emergency situations, a culture of behavior in nature, a responsible attitude towards the environment and, as a result, towards one’s health.

2. Formation of a system of knowledge about laws and patterns,
in living and inanimate nature, teaching the skills of autonomous existence in anthropogenic conditions, generalizing and deepening knowledge of Kuban, Russia and the world, consolidating knowledge of cartography.

3 . Fostering norms of behavior and activity aimed at
healthy lifestyle and improving the environment,
organizational skills of working in a team.

4. Development of intellectual abilities aimed at target, causal and
probable analysis that students can make when emergencies and
life situations: emotional, volitional and psychological spheres (beliefs in the possibility of resolving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and participate in practical matters to protect the environment.

Expected Result.

As a result of completing the program material, students of the School of Survival association


- what is tourism, the concept of “map” (physical-geographical, topographical, orienteering, tourist), symbols of the plan, topographical orienteering (individual signs);

Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region, factors that strengthen and weaken human health.

Your body - how it works, tourist hygiene, rules for disinfecting and purifying drinking water while hiking, diseases characteristic of the natural conditions of your area.

The concept of natural areas and landscapes, features of survival in the natural patterns of various areas.

Be able to:

Select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions, follow the rules for walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, mixed), in meadows and swamps, properly equip a fireplace, work with a plan and topographic map, perform basic techniques for working with an orienteering map;

Identify typical types of plants and animals of the region by appearance, determine
sides of the horizon, weather conditions using plants and local signs, lead
examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in connection with the environment
a habitat;

  1. follow the rules of personal hygiene and first aid rules
    for wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (while hiking, relaxing in the forest, etc.);
  2. choose and collect fuel for the fire correctly at different times of the year, correctly
    be able to take drinking water and purify it in the field, on a hike (during an excursion)
    dispose of different types of household waste, collect and use medicinal,
    fruit and berry plants, explain the appropriateness of their behavior in a particular
    natural surroundings.

Organizational and mass work Activities Deadlines:

Holiday "Tourist - Friend of Nature" September.

Participation in “Star Trek” September.

Competition “I can navigate” October.

Scientific environmental conference November.

Quiz "Plants and Animals" Krasnodar region" December.

Game “What should we take with us on a hike” January.

Competition "Tourists - Rescuers" February.

Competition “Tourist Family” March

Hiking throughout the year.

Result: participation in the regional gathering of tourists.

Organizational design work

  1. Design of the folder “Plants and Animals of the Krasnodar Territory”.
  2. Album "We're on a hike."
  3. Design of a folder based on the results of work for the year.

Methodical work

  1. Development of materials “Nature of the Seversky region”.
  2. Development of scripts for holidays and quizzes.
  3. Album design “What you need to know about the laws of nature?”

Working with parents

1. Parent meetings:

  1. Org. meeting. September
  2. Students' problems in acquiring knowledge about nature.

2. Competition “Tourist Family”, Quiz “Plants and Animals of the Krasnodar Region”.

Self-education plan

Literature Study:

1. The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin

  1. Pleshakov A. A. Ecology for junior schoolchildren - M.: Education, 1995. - 45 p.
  2. Simonova L.P. Keys from nature. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Agar, 1997. - 144

3. Tatarnikova L.G., Zakharevich N.B., Kalinina T.O. Valeology - the basics of safety
child's life. - Saint Petersburg:"Rygos", 1995. - 214 p.

4. Tourism and local history activities of students: Program and methodological

Calendar and thematic planning of the association “School of Survival”in extreme conditions"

Lesson topic









1. Initial tourist training


Tourist is a friend of nature

Tourism is like a sport.


Bagoundinova F.G.

Tourists learn the laws

various types



tourism, what is

local history

Nature laws.


students.- M.:

TsDYuTur, 1996.


Movement technique

Promotion technique

Group movement in


groups in extreme

tourist trip.


conditions (in tourist


survival Moscow


responsibilities of participants

AST- Astrel under


edited by T. Timoshin


Various types

,. -




crossings, landslides,



scree, slopes and

survival Moscow


AST- Astrel under

edited by T. Timoshin



All types are revealed


obstacle in

obstacle and


tourist trip

technique is specified

survival Moscow

overcoming them

AST- Astrel under

edited by T. Timoshin


Crossing rivers and

Pointing Features



mounted crossings


survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin 2006

Overcoming mountainous terrain

Techniques for overcoming obstacles in the mountains: ascent, descent, etc.

1.3. Camping in normal and extreme conditions

What to take with you on a hike. Equipment for tourists.

Personal and team equipment of the tourist.

Mindelevich S. It's time to go hiking! - M.; "Young Guard", 1985,

Shelters and their types. Tent - a tourist's house: its structure, rules for its installation

How the tent is structured, its types. The possibility of constructing other types of shelters is being considered: hut, etc.

Choosing a bivouac site and arranging the site.

. ■■■<""

What you need to know when choosing a place to spend the night and stay.

Bonfire and fire pit.

Types and types of fires and their uses

Mindelevich S. It's time to go hiking! -M.: "Young Guard". 1985.

Rules for the “disposal” of household waste after us are cleaner than before us

Environmental work on a hiking trip

Forest wealth

< ■■" .<

A catalog of edible plants of the Krasnodar region is being considered

Pashkang KV., Rodzevich N.N. Basic rules of behavior for students in nature. // Geography at school, 2002. - No. 5.

Mindelevich S. It's time to go hiking! - M.: "Young Guard", 1985.

Practice (physical training classes)

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

Mindelevich S. It's time to go hiking! -M.: "Young Guard", 1985.

1.4. Basics of navigation

Orientation based on local characteristics

Orientation by stars, sun, moon, moss, etc.

Plan and map

Area plan, symbols. Teach children to work

Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain. - M.:

with plan and map.


Orientation by plan and map

Orientation by compass.

Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain, - M.: 1998

Orienteering practice

Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain. - M.: 1998

Orienteering practice

Cross-country training, orienteering (practice).

Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain. - M.; 1998

1.5. Ways to find water and food

Methods for finding and purifying water

The main methods of water extraction in various natural conditions and its purification are described.

The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin 2006

Hunting, fishing, cooking and storing food in extreme conditions.

Rules for fishing and hunting without special means.

The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin 2006

1.6. Physical, medical and psychological preparation.

Human adaptation to temperate climate.

Description of correct behavior and action in the wildlife of a temperate climate, the concept of “acclimation to natural conditions.”

The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin 2006

Psychology of Survival

The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin 2006

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

A set of exercises for tourists (strength and endurance development)

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

A set of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001

A set of exercises for tourists (strength and endurance development)

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

A set of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001

A set of exercises for tourists (development of flexibility)

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

A set of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

A set of exercises for tourists

V. Mironov Moscow, 2001


A set of exercises for tourists (development of agility and speed).

Cross training, a set of exercises for tourists

A set of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001



1.7. Special tourist training


Features of special tourist training

Special techniques for tourist training during competitions and in nature.




Passing the canopy crossing

Techniques and tactics for passing the stage of the mounted crossing

Rules for holding competitions in tourist all-around V. Teploukhov 1996





Techniques and tactics for passing the ford stage

Rules for holding competitions in tourist all-around V. Teploukhov 1996




Passing PTS

Rules for holding competitions in tourist all-around V. Teploukhov 1996




Passing PTS

Techniques and tactics for passing the PTS stage

Rules for holding competitions in tourist all-around V. Teploukhov 1996




Passing parallel railings

Techniques and tactics for passing the parallel ropes stage

Rules for holding competitions in tourist all-around V. Teploukhov 1996




Passage of tourist chaff

General technique and tactics of passing the tourist-sports strip

Rules for holding competitions in tourist all-around V. Teploukhov 1996



2. Autonomous survival in extreme situations

2.1. What is "survival"?


The concept of "survival"

What is survival and its organization.

The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin 2006



2.2. Survival in polar conditions


Polar regions, movement in polar conditions

Features of the nature of polar latitudes



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Types of shelters

Types of shelters in polar conditions

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Features of making fire and cooking

Methods for making fire in polar conditions

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Obtaining water and food in cold climates.

Extraction of water and food in polar conditions

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2.3. Survival in the mountains


Hiking mountains: climate and terrain.

Features of the nature of mountainous areas

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Methods of orienteering in the mountains. Traveling in mountainous areas,

Orientation in the mountains and movement tactics

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Danger of glaciers and avalanches

What are glaciers and plains, their danger to humans.

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Special climbing techniques. Units and special equipment

Special tourist training

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2.4. Survival in the tropics


Tropical natural area, moving through the jungle, tips on clothing for the tropics.

Features of the nature of the tropical natural zone

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Camp and shelter

Types of shelters in tropical natural areas

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Finding water and food in tropical conditions

Extraction of water and food in a tropical natural area

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AST-Astrel edited by T. Timopshna 2006


Dangerous plants and animals.

Dangers of the tropical natural area

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2.5. Survival in temperate climates


Temperate climate.

Features of the nature of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Seversky region

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Features of the geography of the Krasnodar region

Local history





Features of the geography of the Seversky region.

Local history

In Chistyakov Geography of the Krasnodar Territory, ed. Kuban 1991




Hiking trip







Hiking trip







Hiking trip






2.6. Desert Survival


High temperatures and insufficient precipitation, water in the desert and methods of its extraction.

The effect of high temperatures and precipitation on the human body

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Clothes for travel.

Selection of clothes for travel

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Plant and animal food. Dangers.

Consideration of the catalog of animal and plant deserts

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Ways to build a shelter in the desert.

Shelters in the desert

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2.7. Survival at sea


How to avoid panic in case of a water accident?

Methods of psychological preparation in the event of an emergency.

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Survival in water.

Ways to survive in the water element

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Life-saving equipment and their contents.

Rescue operations and water rescue equipment

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Distress signals. Obtaining water and food.

Special distress signals.

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2.8. Survival in natural emergencies


Floods. Tornadoes, hurricanes, storms.

Nature of phenomena





Heavy snowfall and glaciation.

Nature of phenomena


Velek I. What a young conservationist should know and be able to do.




Storm. Forest fires.

Nature of phenomena

Velek I. What a young conservationist should know and be able to do.



Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Drought.

Nature of phenomena

Velek I. What a young conservationist should know and be able to do.



2.9. Survival in man-made emergencies


Accidents at chemical and other hazardous enterprises






Organization of rescue measures in case of accidents

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2.10. Safety in the city and home environment


Road safety

traffic rules

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Safety in public transport and in the home environment

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Security during terrorist attacks.

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edited by T. Timoshin

  1. The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin
  2. Barysheva Yu.A. Formation of environmental and local history knowledge at school. - M.: TsDYuT RF,
    1997.-104 p.
  3. Pleshakov A. A. Program of the optional course "Ecology for junior schoolchildren" //
    Bulletin of Education - 1993. - No. 6 - P. 72-80.
  4. Pleshakov A.A. Program "Nature and us" (4th grade). "Let's save nature" (3rd grade):
    Ecology programs for general education institutions and children's
    preschool institutions. - Kurgan: GUNO Administration of the Kurgan Region, 1993. - P.


  1. Pleshakov A.A. Ecology for junior schoolchildren - M.: Education, 1995. - 45 p.
  2. Pleshakov A.A. From earth to sky: Atlas - guide to natural history and ecology
    for beginning students class - M.: Education, 1998. - 224 p.
  3. Polomis K. Children in a pioneer camp. -M.: "Profizdat", 1989. - 143 p.
  4. Simonova L.P. Keys from nature. Educational and methodological manual. -M.: Agar, 1997. - 144

9. Tatarnikova L.G., Zakharevich N.B., Kalinina T.O. Valeology - the basics of safety
child's life. - St. Petersburg: "Re1gos", 1995. - 214 p.

10. Tourism and local history activities of students: Program and methodological
recommendations for teachers. / Author-compiler F.G. Bagautdinova. - Kazan:
Republican SYTour, 1991.-21 p.

Explanatory note

The program of the school club "School of Survival" in the tourism and sports direction is focused on organizing the educational environment in the children's and youth center and the activities of children in a creative mode, ensuring moral, aesthetic, physical and psychological development, as well as creating conditions for choosing a future profession. The program allows you to prepare students for independent actions in the event of emergency situations, both in nature and in the modern world.

The program provides a broad approach to the study of nature, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

During hikes, children learn to independently rationally use the gifts of nature as a means of survival.

This program will teach students about autonomous existence and the use of nature’s gifts for survival.

The continuity of the “School of Survival” program is that this program is based on the triad of the security system - “Nature - Man - Society”, special attention is paid to the education of a harmoniously developed personality. The term “society” conventionally includes not only the concept of “society”, but also the results of human activity, that is, technogenic aspects and their impact on people and the environment.

Appeal to such a seemingly simple diagram is able to interpret in a form accessible to children the conditions in which the harmonious development of life is possible, and helps to clearly define the role and place of a person as a decisive factor in ensuring safety.

The program includes V several blocks:

    Knowledge about natural factors and resources.

    Medical and psychological and physical training.

    A system of knowledge necessary for survival in various conditions in nature and anthropogenic landscapes.

    System of knowledge and skills in rifle shooting

The success of the program depends on the number of on-site activities conducted,related to the object of study, it is necessary to use all forms of activetypes of tourism: walks, excursions, hiking, expeditions. Block in The shot was developed taking into account the fact that the main values ​​really become the national security of the country, human life and health. During fire training classes, students gain initial knowledge and skills in rifle shooting, and at the end of the classes they pass test standards. When conducting classes, special attention is paid to strict adherence to the rules and safety measures when handling weapons and ammunition.

Relevance The purpose of this program is due to its practical significance.

Purpose of the program: creation of a holistic environment for the formation and development of a socially active personality, possessing a number of skills and abilities necessary for autonomousexistence in case of emergency situations, culture of behavior in nature,responsible attitude towards the environment and, as a result, towards one’s health, practical skills in the field of state defense; military-professional interests and motives; knowledge about the role of a healthy lifestyle in ensuring the safety of the individual, society and the state; requirements for the moral, psychological and professional qualities of students; military professional guidance; the ability to independently acquire and apply knowledge; the ability to discuss results and draw conclusions, make adjustments in the life of various objects; the ability to conduct comparative characteristics and monitor their activities;


1. Educational:

Formation in students of a system of knowledge about the laws and patterns operating in living and inanimate nature;

Training in the skills of autonomous existence in nature and in anthropogenic conditions;

Generalization and deepening of knowledge on history, geography, biology of Kuban, Russia and the world;

Consolidation of knowledge on cartography, ecology.

Involving students in issues of personal, public and state security;

Popularization and promotion of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

Popularization of military applied sports.

2. Educational:

Developing norms (motives, motivations) of behavior and activities aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle and improving the state of the environment;

Formation of organizational skills for working in a team.

3. Educational:

Development of intellectual abilities aimed at targeted, causal and probable analysis that students can conduct when emergency and
life situations: emotional, volitional and psychological spheres (beliefs in the possibility of resolving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and personal participation in practical matters to protect the environment.

Fire training classes are conducted based on the following methodological principles:

A) The principle of consciousness and activity. Each student must consciously complete the tasks assigned to him.

b) The principle of visibility. The most accessible form of training. Using specific visual examples, students should better assimilate the necessary material.

V) The principle of accessibility (from known to unknown, from simple to complex, from easy to difficult). The material is selected to be accessible for assimilation based on existing knowledge.

G) The principle of systematic training. Success in mastering certain knowledge, skills and abilities is based on their systematic consolidation.

d) The principle of gradually increasing requirements. Improvement in the quality of exercise performance and increased shooting results can only be expected by gradually increasing the load and increasing the requirements.

A distinctive feature of the program is that mastering the program material helps schoolchildren to do without the benefits of civilization and, in the event of an emergency, makes it possible not only to avoid disastrous consequences for their own health, and sometimes even life, but also to help their “environment” organize measures to get out of this situation. The program combines material on various school subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, Kuban studies, geography, life safety and physical culture, and this arouses interest in a more in-depth study of the above subjects.

The program is designed for students aged 9-15 years.

Implementation period is 1 year, with the prospect of expanding knowledge on the topics studied and the accumulated experience of working in the field.

Methods and forms of work.

Studying the accumulated material about the area (conversations, sections, seminars).

Search and research work (independent work with various tasks),

Intellectual games (“Brain-ring”, various quizzes).

Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 hours.

Number of teaching hours: 144.

Expected Result.

As a result of completing the program material, students of the School of Survival association


- what is tourism, the concept of “map” (physical-geographical, topographical,orienteering, tourist), symbols of the plan, topographicorienteering (separate signs);

Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region, factors that strengthen and weaken human health;

Your body - how it works, about tourist hygiene, rules for disinfecting and purifying drinking water while hiking, diseases characteristic of the natural conditions of your area;

The concept of natural areas and landscapes, features of survival in the natural patterns of various areas.

    understanding the main provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation to ensure the national security of Russia;

    understanding of the legal basis of military service;

    knowledge of the main types of military activities;

    knowledge of fire training;

    knowledge of the rules for using weapons to hit various targets in combat;

    knowledge of the material part of small arms

Be able to:

Select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions, follow the rules of walking in flat areas in the forest (coniferous, mixed), in meadows and swamps, properly equip a fireplace, work with a plan and topographic map, perform basic techniques for working with a sports map orientation;

Identify typical species of plants and animals of the region by appearance, determine the sides of the horizon, weather conditions with the help of plants and local signs, give examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in connection with their habitat;

Follow the rules of personal hygiene, the rules of first aid for wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (while hiking, resting in the forest and man-made settlements);

Correctly choose and collect fuel for a fire at different times of the year, correctly take drinking water and purify it in the field, on a hike (during an excursion) be able to dispose of different types of household waste, collect and use medicinal, fruit and berry plants, explain the expediency of your behavior in a specific natural environment.

    the ability to hit a target with the first shot;

    the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Ways to check the results of mastering the program:

Participation in tourist competitions (search and rescue operations).

Conducting quiz competitions based on the material studied.

Conducting parent meetings.

Preparation of reports on campaigns and expeditions.

Control of the administration of the educational institution.

Educational and thematic plan.





Initial tourist training




Tourist - friend of nature

2 – 4

Movement technique




Ways to find water and food


Physical, medical and psychological preparation




Autonomous survival in extreme situations




What is "survival"?


Survival in polar conditions


Survival in the mountains


Survival in the tropics


Survival in temperate climates


Desert Survival -


Survival at sea


Survival in natural emergencies


Survival in man-made emergencies


Safety in the city and home environment



General provisions for shooting training




The role and importance of shooting training

Safety regulations




Rules for safe handling of weapons and ammunition

Logistics of small arms




The material and technical part of an air rifle.

Tactical and technical data of an air rifle

Material and technical part of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

Disassembly and assembly of an AK assault rifle



Basics and rules of shooting.




Commands given at the firing line

Getting ready to shoot.



Shooting from a prone position


Shooting from a point-blank position


Shooting from a standing position


Shooting from a kneeling position

Compliance with control standards.




Compliance with control standards for shooting from pneumatic weapons,

(3+5+5), lying down, from an emphasis, from the knee.

Disassembly and assembly of AKS.





Initial tourist training.

Formation of knowledge about nature as an interconnected system, tourism knowledge and skills in nature management (tourism, recreational nature management), interest children in search and cognitive activities and develop their creative activity.


1. Develop knowledge about man and his place in nature as a special object.

2. Develop skills and abilities to work autonomously in nature. To form an understanding of the dependence of the degree of impact on the environment on the types of tourism and the type of tourist environmental management, instilling environmental and tourism skills and abilities, behavioral (life-sustaining,
reclamation and secondary environmental management).

3. Formation of skills and abilities to work with a plan and map, focus on

4. Physical, medical and psychological preparation and preparation of the tourist
technology should be carried out taking into account program requirements for physical education and
age characteristics.

Methods and forms of conducting classes:

Theoretical- conversation with demonstration of illustrative material and models.

Practical indoor and outdoor activities: observations, work with measuring instruments, excursions and workshops on describing natural objects. Game forms (games with ready-made rules; competition games, competitive games, competitions and role-playing games).

Brief description of topics and theoretical and practical classes

Tourist - friend of nature

Tourism is a massive form of active recreation and recreation, as a sport. Types of tourism. The impact of hiking on the environment. How tourists experience the world around them. What tourist and local history positions and assignments are there?

What is "ecology"? What is the environment. Why should a tourist study ecology? How different types of tourism affect the environment. Participation of tourists in nature conservation.

Practical work - selection of illustrative material about plants and animals of the region (for an album, abstract), organization of a book exhibition, distribution of tourist and

local history positions and assignments. Organization of nature observations.

Movement technique

Developing movement techniques in various terrain conditions, moving alone and in groups. Concepts: tempo, rhythm, special commands in group movement.

Practical work - a hike with overcoming various obstacles.

Observation of nature and preparation of observation material. Design of the album "Notes for Tourists" (page "Plants and Animals from the Red Book of the Region"). A workshop tour to study the habitats of plants and animals (or a hike).

Camping in normal and extreme conditions

What to take with you on a hike. Equipment for tourists. A tent is a tourist’s house: its structure, rules for installation and choice of location (so as not to harm nature). Choosing a bivouac site and arranging the site. Shelters and their types. How to choose the right place for a fire and set up a fire pit. Rules for using a fire on a camping trip. The rules for “disposal” of household waste are cleaner after us than before us. Rules for communicating with wild animals.

Practical work - selection of material and design of the album “Notes for Tourists” (about medicinal plants, you need to know them - they are poisonous).

Basics of navigation

Plan of the school, school on the plan of the city (village, hamlet, town). What types of cards are there? Area plan, topographic map, tourist maps. Orienteering map (first acquaintance). In the world of landmarks. Compass. Topographical signs and their purpose. Orientation on the terrain using a map and local signs.

Practical work - topographical dictation, work with a classroom and school plan, determining the sides of the horizon using a compass, playing on the ground using a map.

Ways to find water and food.

Finding water is a priority for living in autonomous conditions. Sources of water, types of water landscapes. Methods for extracting water from the atmosphere.

Hunting, fishing, cooking and storing food in extreme conditions. Plants - enemies and friends: medicinal, fruit and berry (edible) wild plants, edible mushrooms. "Red signal" - be careful, poisonous! Universal edibility test.

Practical work - a workshop excursion to study and collect the herbarium of medicinal plants "Green Pharmacy". Observation of nature and preparation of observation materials.

Physical, medical and psychological preparation.

Human adaptation to temperate climate. Measures to prevent colds, flu, vitamin deficiency. Seasonality of diseases. Health and illness of schoolchildren. Factors that strengthen and weaken human health in the natural conditions of their region. The influence (indirect and direct) of polluted air, water, soil on the human body. Prevention of modern diseases. Special physical exercises. Psychology of survival. Practical work - providing first aid.

Special tourist training

Preparation for competitions in tourist equipment and search and rescue operations.

Practical work - training in the gym and natural conditions.

Autonomous survival in extreme situations.


To formulate the concept of human adaptation to the conditions of autonomous existence in nature, to teach children to apply practical survival skills in various landscapes and the urban cycle, to preserve and improve human health.


Develop knowledge about man and his adaptation to the climate of the temperate zone, the role
recreational (tourism and local history) activities in promoting the health of young people

Further development of natural selection skills in different climates
conditions, application of rules and skills to comply with the norms and rules of recreational
environmental management.

Develop the skill of survival in any conditions, and also instill a goal not only
to survive, but also to help others survive.

Show the role of sports tourism, orienteering in the development
personality, in recovery.

Brief description of topics, theoretical and practical classes

What is "survival"?

The concept of “survival” is given, as well as what activities need to be performed for successful survival.

Survival in polar conditions.

Polar regions, movement in polar conditions, types of shelters, features of making fire and cooking, obtaining water and food in cold climates.

Practical work - one-day winter hike.

Survival in the mountains.

Hiking mountains: climate and terrain. Methods of orienteering in the mountains. Traveling through mountainous areas. Danger of glaciers and avalanches. Special climbing techniques. Units and special equipment.

Practical work - a planned three-day hike.

Survival in the tropics.

Tropical natural area, moving through the jungle, tips on clothing for the tropics. Camp and shelter, searching for water and food in tropical conditions. Dangerous plants and animals.

Survival in temperate climates.

Temperate climate. Features of the geography of the Krasnodar region and Seversky region. In this section, the main place is given to hiking around the area (practice).

Survival in the desert.

High temperatures and insufficient precipitation, water in the desert and methods of its extraction. Clothes for travel. Plant and animal food. Dangers. Ways to build a shelter in the desert.

Practical work - water extraction in difficult conditions.

2.7. Survival at sea.

How to avoid panic in case of a water accident? Survival in water. Life-saving equipment and their contents. Distress signals. Obtaining water and food.

Practical work - drawing up a rescue manual on water and ice.

Survival in natural emergencies and measures to salvation

Tornadoes, hurricanes, storms. Heavy snowfall and glaciation. Storm. Forest fires. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Drought.

Practical work - training in rescue operations (use of communications, signs and signals of rescue, actions of the search party).

Survival in man-made emergencies, accidents at chemical and other hazardous enterprises.

Safety in the city and home environment.

Safety on the roads, in public transport, in the home environment, whenterrorist acts. Practical work - drawing up survival instructions in different environments.

As a result of mastering the program, students should:

1. Tourism as a means of understanding the world around us.


    what is a hike, a country trip;

    tourist equipment (weekend hiking);

    composition of a medical first aid kit;

    environmentally friendly bivouac, rules for its equipment;

    homemade camping equipment that helps protect the natural environment;

    rules for using fire on a camping trip;

    walking on flat areas;

    going up and down slopes;

    concepts: plan of the school, city (village) and its surroundings, terrain, scale;

    the concept of "map" (physical-geographical, topographical, sports
    orientation, tourist);

    symbols of a plan, topographic map, orienteering
    (separate characters);

    local orientation signs;

The structure of a compass and how to use it.

Impact of tourist equipment (campfire and bivouac equipment) and
outdoor equipment;

- that the movement of tourists is incorrect (i.e. environmentally illiterate),
vacationers in the area - the reason for the destruction of natural landscapes;

That correctly selected personal equipment and a first aid kit are the key
successful hike, relaxation and excellent health;

The purpose of the area plan and various maps for tourists, the role of the plan, maps in business
nature conservation;

The influence of orienteering classes on health improvement and development
observation and horizons.

Be able to:

- select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions

- use fire on a camping trip;

- choose the right place to descend and ascend slopes of different types, descend and
climb a slope;

Follow the rules for walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, deciduous,
mixed), in meadow and swamp;

Properly equip the fireplace;

Work with plans and topographic maps;

Perform basic techniques for working with an orienteering map;

Work with a compass: determine the sides of the horizon, orientate on the ground.

2. Knowledge about natural factors and resources.


- diversity of plants and animals of forests, meadows;

Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region;

Rare and endangered plants of the region;

Factors that strengthen and weaken human health (using the example of our own
natural area).


- the importance of a forest, meadow, pond in a person’s life, in strengthening his health, in recreation and

- influence of the environment on living organisms (adaptability);

- the impact of environmental pollution on human health.

Be able to:

- identify typical species of plants and animals of the region by appearance;

- determine the sides of the horizon, weather conditions with the help of plants and local

- give examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in
connections with the environment.

3. Medical, psychological and physical preparation.


Your body - how it works;

About tourist hygiene;

Rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water while camping;

Diseases characteristic of the natural conditions of their area and their measures

Diseases associated with environmental pollution;

Features of medical and physical training of a young tourist;

- poisonous and inedible plants and mushrooms of their region.

The influence of environmental conditions on human health;

The need to maintain the “purity” of the human environment to preserve it

Be able to:

- follow the rules of personal hygiene and first aid rules
for wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (while hiking, relaxing in the forest);

- identify poisonous, inedible plants and mushrooms;

- disinfect and purify drinking water in the field;

4. A system of knowledge necessary for survival in various conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.


    the concept of natural areas and landscapes;

    features of survival in autonomous conditions;

    patterns of nature in various areas.

    that a correctly chosen standard of behavior will reduce the burden on nature.

    the duration of the period of “healing of wounds” inflicted on nature by tourists (fire pits).
    Be able to:

    choose and collect fuel for the fire correctly at different times of the year;

    correctly take drinking water and purify it in the field;

On a hike (during an excursion) be able to dispose of different types of household waste;

Collect and use medicinal, fruit and berry plants;

Explain the appropriateness of your behavior in a specific natural environment.


    Bagoundinova F.G. Tourism and local history activities of students. - M.: TsDYuTur, 2006.

    The planet is our home: textbook. - Reader for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. / Comp. I.G. Belavina, N.G. Naidenskaya. - M.: Laida, 2009.

    Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain. - M.: 2008.

    Kuprin A.M. Interesting about orientation. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1980. - 108 p.

    Mindelevich S. It's time to go hiking! - M.: "Young Guard", 2008.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel edited by T. Timoshin

    Barysheva Yu.A. Formation of environmental and local history knowledge at school - M.: TsDYuT RF, 2007.

    Pleshakov A. A. Program of the optional course "Ecology for junior schoolchildren"

    Pleshakov A.A. Program "Nature and us"

    Simonova L.P. Keys from nature. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Agar, 2007.

    Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”.

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

    State standard of the Russian Federation “Safety in emergency situations”.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures of state support for public associations working on military-patriotic education of youth” No. 727 dated May 16, 1996.

    Government Decree “On military-patriotic and children's associations” No. 551 of July 24, 2001.

    Profile training in questions and answers (educational manual), Kaluga-2006, KOIPKRO.

    Drill regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Book for teachers “Basics of preparation for military service”, V.A. Vasnev and S.A. Chinenny, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 2003.

    “Military professional guidance for students”, A.A. Volokitin, N.N. Grachev, V.A. Zhiltsov et al., Moscow, “Drofa”, 2004.

Municipal educational institution "Bolsheyanikovskaya secondary school"

" Survival School"


Teacher - organizer of life safety

Survival school program "Torch"

In the context of additional education, the need arose to build a life safety course that would fill the gaps in the school life safety curriculum, and at the same time, would significantly expand this course. I would supplement it with practical skills not only for safety in specific cases and situations, but also for promoting the comprehensive development of key individual competencies.

Purpose of the program:

creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual’s potential and increasing the ability to adequately respond in extreme situations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, patriotic education

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved

formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual;

to assist students in mastering the skills of independent technical and biological research work;

provide the opportunity to develop self-regulation of one’s own behavior based on the development of variability and tolerance of thinking and behavior;

create conditions for students to acquire practical knowledge on the conditions and parameters of successful life in various conditions, which are reduced to some basic types;

organization of children's leisure;

teach teenagers to conduct basic scientific research and field work;

physical development of students, formation of their need for a healthy lifestyle

to instill in students a readiness to defend the Fatherland. Act correctly in extreme situations.

The survival school unification program is designed for students in grades 6-8 and 9-11 and provides for the acquisition of the necessary skills, knowledge of life safety, sports categories in tourism, tourist all-around, and orienteering. The program is intended for additional education teachers, life safety teachers, and physical education teachers.

The program is designed for 2 years of study, but can also be used for a longer period. The first year program (initial training) can be used for two years, and after completing the two-year cycle, the teacher can supplement it based on his experience, specialization, and interests of the students. The time allocated for training is 136 hours per year, with practical training making up the majority of the program.

The first and second years of study involve teaching the basics of tourism, orienteering, familiarization with conducting tourism competitions as participants (walking, skiing, cycling)

Due to the specifics of the work of tourist associations, the time payable for conducting practical classes on the ground, excursions in one’s own locality is set at 4 hours, for conducting one day of hiking, country excursions, tourist events - 8 hours. Practical classes can be conducted both outdoors and indoors, depending on the topic of the lesson and the time of year. Particular attention should be paid to general physical and special training. The recommended minimum group size for the first year of study is 15 people, in subsequent years at least 12 people. When recruiting first-year students, it is necessary to complete a group with an excess number of students, since the natural elimination of circle members during the training period is essential and, in addition, not all children, for one reason or another, can participate in educational and testing activities. Classes can be conducted with a full complement of circle members, but as the experience of the students grows, greater emphasis should be placed on group (2-3 people) and individual classes, especially at the stage of training when specialization begins.

Theoretical and practical classes should be conducted with the use of visual materials, using the latest techniques, the teacher should develop in students the ability to make independent decisions, strictly follow the rules of the competition, and be an objective judge. A prerequisite is participation in the preparation of tourism events held in one’s educational institution, district, or republic. It is recommended to involve experienced judges, tourists, and athletes to conduct theoretical and practical classes. After each year, outside of school hours, a multi-day tourist event is held - a hike, a rally, competitions, training camps, a tourist camp.


(first year of study)

Number of hours




Practical lessons

Basics of tourist training

Tourist travel, history of tourism development

Educational role of tourism

Compass. Working with a compass

Measuring distances

Methods of orientation

Orientation on local subjects. Actions in case of loss of orientation.

Local history

Native land, its natural features, history, famous fellow countrymen

Tourist opportunities of the native land, overview of excursion sites, museums

Exploring the travel area

Socially useful work and travel, protection of nature and cultural monuments

Basic hygiene and first aid

Personal hygiene of tourists, disease prevention

Travel medical kit, use of medicinal plants

Basic techniques for providing first aid

Techniques for transporting a victim

General and special physical training

Brief information about the structure and functions of the body and the effects of physical exercise

Medical supervision, self-control, prevention of sports injuries during training

general physical preparation

Special physical training

TOTAL for the training period

Competitive step-by-step hike outside the clock grid


Tourist travel, history of tourism development

Tourism is a means of learning about one’s region, physical and spiritual development, health improvement, nurturing independence, and acquiring labor and applied skills. Famous Russian travelers, their role in the development of our country. History of the development of tourism in Russia. Organization of tourism development in Russia. The role of the state and educational authorities in the development of children and youth tourism. Types of tourism. Walking, skiing, water, cycling. Characteristics of each type. Concept of sports tourism. Excursion and foreign tourism. Rank standards for sports tourism, orienteering, tourist all-around.

Local history. Tourist - local history movement of students "Fatherland", the main directions of movement.

1.2 The educational role of tourism.

The importance of tourism and local history activities in personal development. Her role in preparing for the defense of the Motherland. In choosing a profession and preparing for upcoming work. Spiritual and physical capabilities of the natural and social environment in the development of personality. Socially useful work. The role of tourism work in the formation of a general personal culture, correct behavior in nature and in society.

Volitional efforts and their importance in hiking and training. Nurturing strong-willed qualities: dedication, perseverance and perseverance, independence and initiative, determination and courage, endurance and self-control. Laws, rules, norms and traditions of tourism, traditions of their team.

1.3 personal and group travel equipment.

The concept of personal and group travel equipment. List of personal equipment for a one- or three-day hike, requirements for it. Types of backpacks, sleeping bags, advantages and disadvantages. Rules for placing items in a backpack. Clothing and footwear for summer and winter hikes. Equipment for winter hiking, types of skis. Preparing personal equipment for the hike.

Group equipment, requirements for it. Types of tents, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages. Camping utensils for cooking. Saw axes. Composition and purpose of a repair first aid kit. Household set: equipment, mittens, knives, and other features of equipment for a winter hike.

Practical lesson on packing backpacks, fitting equipment, working with equipment, caring for it and repairing it.


To create conditions in the “School of Survival” to develop in the student the need for a healthy lifestyle, who can navigate modern social conditions.


Promotion of physical culture and healthy lifestyle; Development of physical qualities and social and communication skills; Reveal the child’s personal potential, develop his natural inclinations and creative abilities.

Organizational and pedagogical foundations of training.

The implementation of this program assumes that the main task facing the students of the “School of Survival” is the formation of social needs, motives of interests associated with a healthy lifestyle, readiness to use sports achievements to maintain health and high performance. Curricula of all areas included in the “School survival" are designed for 4 years of study. The program provides for the study of theoretical and mastery of practical knowledge in the following areas of sports activity:

The “Tourism” direction is intended to form students’ ideas about tourism sports and its development, vital motor skills, instilling love for their native land, and collectivism. The last stage in mastering it is a multi-day hike through the places of your native land.

In the “Survival School” classes, when studying new material and consolidating practical skills, various forms and methods are used that correspond to the goals and objectives, as well as the content of educational activities. (These are methods of verbal perception, the method of visualization, the practical method, competitive and game forms.) The greatest effect and result are provided by game and competitive forms, which are mainly used by teachers in the classroom. Pedagogical techniques are skillfully applied in their work: persuasion, explanation, encouragement, reprimand, vivid and convincing examples from the lives of outstanding athletes are used as examples to follow.


Consists of the following sections:

Walking tourism;

“Tourism” classes are aimed at developing strength, endurance, dexterity, courage, perseverance, discipline, cultivating a sense of collectivism, love of nature, and broadening one’s horizons. Before setting out on the route, special training is carried out, during which the students of the “Survival School” practice elements of sports and hiking equipment: setting up a tent, lighting fires, and packing a backpack.

As a result of studying “Tourism”, a student of the “School of Survival” must:

Have an idea:

About the history of tourism,

About the types and forms of tourism,

About the basic elements of topography,

About conventional topographical signs,

On hygienic provision of tourist travel,

About the types of self-massage,

About the rules of honey. preparation,

About the rules of conduct in extreme situations,

About safety rules during shooting,

About passing obstacles

About judging at competitions.

Survival school program

Number of hours



Safety in the classroom

Extreme situations in nature and their causes

Factors and stressors of survival in natural conditions

Psychological foundations of survival in natural conditions

How to avoid getting into an extreme situation

Reliable clothing, shoes necessary for safety

Basic rules of behavior in extreme situations

Determining exit direction


Access to a populated area (for local subjects)

Construction of temporary housing

Methods of making fire

Providing food and water

Finding and preparing food

Distress signals

Change in climatographic conditions

International Visual Signals Code

Orientation by cardinal directions

Orientation by the stars

Determining cardinal directions using local objects

Rules for making a fire

Types of fires

Eating outdoors

water supply

Wild edible plants

Cooking food

tourist nodes

Straight knot

Counter knot

weaving knot

Grapevine knot

Winter tourism

Safety precautions during ski trips

Tracking the ski tracks

Azimuthal travel

Going up and down the mountain on skis

Description of the tourist route (winter route)

Equipment repair in nature

First aid

Semaphore alphabet

Knitting sea knots

Marine eventing

Setting up tents


Expected result of the program implementation:

development of all components of sociocultural competencies during the implementation of the practical-activity approach to classes;

increasing self-esteem in the absence of unfavorable (asymmetric) relationships in the socionic model of the group;

change in personal attitudes - compensation for at least some “minuses” in the structure of the sociogene, development of tolerance and tolerance for other people’s opinions, increasing the ability to self-regulate one’s own behavior;

increasing resistance to aggressive environmental factors;

acquisition of environmental design and research skills.

The need to organize the “School of Survival” was to develop the social adaptation of adolescents in the modern world, which is impossible without the organization of continuous upbringing and education, which creates optimal conditions for the development of personal potential and comprehensive development. "School of Survival" includes a huge variety and choice of sports activities and physical training.

“School of Survival” is aimed at developing the necessary physical qualities of future defenders of the Fatherland. In order to perfectly master combat skills and quickly solve problems, you need to be a strong, courageous, resilient person.

Tourism is a journey, exciting hikes, where students explore their region, develop a love for nature, and broaden their horizons. Tourism is the most comprehensive type of education for a healthy and seasoned person; it teaches collectivism, camaraderie, discipline, initiative, hard work, and mutual assistance. Tourism broadens one's horizons, enriches spiritual life, and is a means of experiencing beauty. Rousseau saw tourist trips as a means of patriotic education of youth.

All of the listed variety of sports activities included in the “School of Survival” is the best social adaptation for adolescents, one of the means of comprehensive harmonious physical development of children. By engaging in such diverse types of sports activities, the students of the “School of Survival” develop and maintain such physical qualities as strength, agility, speed, endurance, and the ability to find a way out of any non-standard life situation.

Be able to:

Navigate the terrain using a map, celestial bodies, and local

items, distribute personal equipment, set up tents, set up

fires, cooking.

Elements of hand-to-hand combat

1) Protection from direct and lateral fist impacts 1

2) Capturing the opponent’s attacking arm and leg 1 1

3) Safe position of the enemy 1 1

4) Knife strikes and their reflection

5) Knocking out the knife at the time of the attack

6) grabbing a hand with a knife and neutralizing the enemy


A tourist trip is a trip with an active method of movement in areas remote from the place of residence, carried out for educational, recreational sports, and research purposes.

A walk is movement in the area for educational, health-improving purposes, with the aim of hardening the body.

An excursion is a collective visit to certain objects for educational purposes.

A tourist expedition is an organized multi-day trip to a little-explored area, which is carried out for special research purposes.

Terrain means a certain space on the earth's surface, in which it is customary to distinguish between relief and local objects.

Relief is the totality of all the irregularities that form the earth's surface. A ridge is a hill stretched in one direction.

A saddle is a lower part of a ridge or elongated mountain, located between two adjacent peaks.

Dunes are loose sandy mounds of semi-lunar shape not secured by vegetation with a convexity against the wind.

A hill is a small rounded hill less than 200 m high with gentle slopes and an unclear foot.

Uval is a gently sloping elongated hill less than 200 m high with rounded slopes and a not sharply defined base.

A valley is an elongated hollow landform with a slope in one direction.

Floodplain is the part of the valley that is flooded during floods.

A ravine is a narrow, elongated depression of terrain with steep or steep


Balka - similar to a ravine, but has gentle, often turfed slopes.

A hollow is an elongated depression, descending in one direction. Spillway - a line connecting low points along the bottom of a hollow.

A basin is a depression in the area, closed on all sides.

A map is an image that shows a significant area of ​​the earth's surface and takes into account the curvature of the earth.

Plan - a reduced image of any area on paper, made with conventional signs on a certain scale.

Berghstrich - the direction of decline of the slope indicated by this sign.

Scale is the ratio of the length of a line on a map to the length of the corresponding line on the ground, expressed in equal measures of length.

Coordinates are angular and linear quantities that characterize the position of points on a surface or in space.

Orientation - determining your location relative to the sides of the horizon of surrounding local objects and the terrain.

Tandem - double arrangement of tents

MPS (military applied sports)

for teachers

1. “On a militarized obstacle course” Voenizdat


2. "Militarized Obstacle Course" 1988

3. “We need a school to prepare for life” 1999

4. Ripa preparation for military service" 1988

for students

1. Evdokimov B. S. “Come on, guys!” 1998

2. Evdokimov V. S. “One day in the army” 1998

3. “Hour of pre-conscription training” 1987

4. M “Military sports festival at school” 1983

5. “Come on, boys,” 1988

6. “Come On Boys” 1988

7. “Come on guys” 1988


for teachers

1., “Tourist topography” Moscow 1985.

2. “Tourism” Moscow Enlightenment 1988

3. “Pedagogy of tourism and local history work at school” Moscow







by decision of the pedagogical council

from 31.08. 2015 protocol No. 1

Chairman of the Teachers' Council

____________ / O.N.Shelest/


extracurricular activities

sports and recreation areas

"School of survival"

duration of the program: 3 years

number of hours: 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year, 102 hours.

age of students: 11 -13 years (5-7 grades)

Explanatory note

The work program was compiled on the basis of the author’s program of the life safety teacher of MAOU Secondary School No. 16 named after K.I. Nedorubov D.E. Dyadchenko “School of Survival”, approved in 2015.

The current socio-economic situation in Russia has raised a number of problems related to the formation of a healthy, independent, active, responsible personality capable of socially significant transformations in society. One of the problems is solving the issue of life safety and healthy lifestyle of the younger generation. The lack of personal priorities in lifestyle and attitude towards others negatively affects the development of a child’s personality.

Education in the field of safety begins in the 1st grade in the “World around us” lessons and continues until the 4th grade, then only in the 8th grade the topic of safety and a healthy lifestyle is resumed in the life safety lessons. Thus, students in grades 5-7 do not have the opportunity to either acquire new knowledge in this area or improve it.

First stage

Grades 1-4 in “The world around us” lessons

Second stage

5-7 grades


Third stage

8-11 grades

in life safety lessons

The implementation of extracurricular activities in sports and recreation in grades 1-7 is not only a propaedeutic course of life safety, it is teaching schoolchildren to take care of their health, starting from early childhood, to have a positive attitude not only towards their health, but also towards the health of others.

Relevance of the program dictated by the time itself - in a situation of socio-economic crisis, it is necessary from early childhood to instill in every child the skills of healthy habits, which will subsequently lead to success in all areas of activity, and in school, first of all, the skills of adequate actions in extreme conditions, which, of course, will lead to the salvation and safety of life.

The program is developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and corresponds to the age characteristics of students.

The goal of the “School of Survival” program is the formation of a socially active personality with a sense of national pride, civic dignity, with developed healthy lifestyle skills, adapted to modern living conditions.

The program helps to create a behavioral model aimed at developing communication skills, the ability to make independent choices, make decisions, and navigate the information space.


1. Creating conditions to prepare children for action in various extreme situations.

2. Instilling skills and abilities that allow, in extreme situations, not only to carry out competent self-rescue actions, but also to provide first aid.

3. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills.

4. Socialization of the individual.

5. Fostering patriotism, citizenship, a sense of responsibility for one’s own destiny and the destiny of others.

6. Improving knowledge, habits and skills acquired in lessons.

Working methods:

1. Reproductive.

2. Partially – search.

3. Problematic.

Forms of work:

1. Educational and training sessions, lectures, conversations.

2. Meetings with representatives of the state fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the region.

3. Practical work.

4. Hiking.

The leading form of work isgroup form of training, which promotes:

TOeach student into an active cognitive process, which develops the ability to think independently, apply the necessary knowledge in practice, and easily adapt to a changing life situation;

development of communication skills, productive cooperation with other people, as the student alternately performs various social roles: leader, organizer, performer, etc.;

testing the intellectual and moral strength of group members when solving security problems;

the desire to help each other, which excludes rivalry, arrogance, rudeness, and authoritarianism.

Work principles:

1. The principle of cooperation.

2. The principle of scientificity.

3. The principle of accessibility.

4. The principle of consistency, which consists in the unity of holistic guidelines, goals, style, content, forms and methods.

5. The principle of developing a value approach: without giving ready-made answers, let children evaluate their choices in everyday life.

6. The principle of voluntariness.

7. The principle of interconnection and interdependence.

The program is designed in such a way that topics about a healthy lifestyle are studied in each class.

The program is designed for 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year, 102 hours per course of study.

The program consists of blocks, the content of which corresponds to a certain age of students and is implemented within one year. The content by grade is not interconnected, but is aimed at developing the general competence of students. Therefore, it is recommended to implement the “School of Survival” program for 7 years: from 1st to 7th grade, but it is possible to implement it within 1 year with content appropriate for a particular age.

The content of each training class contains practical work, the completion of which is mandatory for the implementation of the program.

Planned results.

Personal results

Show positive personality traits and manage your emotions in various (non-standard) situations and conditions;

Show discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals;

Provide selfless help to people, find a common language and common interests with them.

Meta-subject results mastering the content of the program are the following skills:

Find errors when performing various tasks, select ways to correct them;

Communicate and interact with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance, friendship and tolerance;

Organize independent activities taking into account the requirements of its safety, safety of inventory and equipment, organization of the place of study;

Plan your own activities, distribute the load and rest during its implementation;

Analyze and objectively evaluate the results of your own work, find opportunities and ways to improve them.

Subject results mastering the content of the program are the following skills:

Fostering patriotism and love for the Motherland;

Formation of qualities necessary in life, in emergency and extreme situations;

- knowledge of the basics of safe behavior in dangerous and emergency situations, the ability to apply them in practice;

The ability to anticipate the occurrence of dangerous situations based on their characteristic features, as well as on the basis of information from various sources;

The ability to make informed decisions in a specific dangerous situation, taking into account the actual situation and real possibilities;

Forming a belief in the need for a safe, healthy and reasonable lifestyle;

Understanding the need to preserve nature and the environment for a full human life;

Ability to provide first aid to victims of injuries and wounds.

Students will have the opportunity to develop the following personality traits:

Ability to assess emergency situations

Ability to make decisions in emergencies,




Conflict-free communication.

Educational and thematic

5th grade:

6th grade: 7th grade:

Contents of the program.


Rules of personal hygiene: hygiene of hands, eyes, ears. Teeth cleaning.Quiz "Do you follow the rules of personal hygiene."

2. Actions in emergency situations of man-made, criminogenic nature - 31 hours

Potential dangers of accidents and disasters at enterprises and other national economic facilities.

Rules of conduct in the zone of radioactive contamination and in areas with increased background radiation.

Practical work “Putting on a gas mask.”

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices, their purpose, design and application.

Impact of vibration and noise on humans.

Individual protection means.

Ways to protect your home.

Audio player on the street: enemy or entertainment.

Precautionary measures while being outside in the dark and during daylight hours. Clothes, jewelry, uncrowded places.

Rules of action during persecution.

Behavior in the event of aggression from a stranger.

Assault in a car.

Rules of conduct for street robbery.

Self-defense techniques.

Practical lesson “Self-defense techniques”.

Types of fraud and rules for safe behavior when dealing with scammers.

Rules of conduct for extortion, blackmail, fraud, theft.

Telephone scammers. Ways to fight.

Ways to provide psychological support to the weak and younger.

Methods of psychological influence on the crowd.

Techniques of mental self-regulation.

Terrorist danger in modern conditions.

Behavior during terrorist attacks.

Practical work “First aid for bruises and fractures.”

Shock, blood loss.

High-risk areas: stadiums, train stations, markets, discos, etc. Rules of conduct.


1.Basics of a healthy lifestyle - 3 hours. Computer danger. Rules for working at the computer. Physical and emotional overload.

2. Orientation - 31 hours.

Orientation and topography.

Methods of orientation.

Study of topographic signs.

Practical work “Reading topographic signs.”

The concept of "Relief". Methods of depicting relief.

What is the difference between a plan and a map?

Map scales. Determining distance on maps.

Practical work “Determining distance on a map.”

Sides of the horizon.

Loss of orientation. Determination of azimuth by the sun, moon, polar star. Access to major landmarks.

Orientation in the city, among large buildings.

Orientation in the forest.

Orientation in the field.

Orientation based on local characteristics

Azimuth determination. Instrumental determination of azimuth (using a protractor).

Orientation using a compass.

Practical work “Making a compass from scrap materials.”

Orientation on the terrain and drawing up a map of the area.

Practical work “Terrain orientation”.

Practical work “Drawing up a map of the area.”

Drawing up a route according to the legend.

Movement along a given azimuth.

Route diagram image.

Visual survey of the area

Determine the height and width of an inaccessible object.

Practical work “Determining the height of an inaccessible object.”

Practical work “Determining the distance to an inaccessible object.”

Methods for determining distance on the ground.

Footprints. Characteristics of traces.

Practical work “Measuring your average step.” Exercises for passing segments of different lengths.

Practical work “Overcoming a wetland with the help of poles.”


1.Basics of a healthy lifestyle - 2 hours. About the dangers of smoking. Social significance of smoking. Project “We are against smoking!”

2. Autonomous existence of a person - 32 hours.

Various natural phenomena and the causes of their occurrence.

Protection of the population from natural emergencies.

Tourist Environmental Code.

Ways to overcome fear, panic, conflicts.

Rules of movement in various conditions.

Rules for setting up tents. Installation and removal of different types of tents.

Practical work “Installing tents”.

Bivouac equipment rules. Construction of a temporary shelter.

Safety precautions when handling fire and boiling water. Basic kitchen equipment.

Choosing a place for a fire. Types of fires.

Rules and methods for making a fire.

Practical work “Building a fire”.

Methods for storing and carrying fire.

Submitting distress signals. International distress signal code system.

Getting food and water. Cooking over a fire.

Rules for packaging and storing products under extreme conditions.

Water disinfection.Practical work " Making a water filter."

Types of nodes. Practical work “Knitting knots”.

The design of the carabiner and the purpose of the insurance system.

Safety precautions when working with a camping hatchet, knife, saw.

Rules for packing a backpack.

Medicinal plants. Their use on a hike.

Tourist first aid kit. Medicines in the first aid kit, their purpose and use.

First aid for limb fractures. Transporting the victim. Transportation rules.

Gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning. Carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Laying logs and crossing the logs.

Movement along a narrow passage.

Extreme situations on a hike. Actions in case of loss of orientation.Rescuer profession. Requirements for the personality of a rescuer and his professional training. The importance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia. Excursion to the medical unit unit.

One day hike.

List of used literature

    “Health Pedagogy”, program and methodological guide forprimary school teachers, M., 1999.

    “School of Doctors of Nature or 135 Health Lessons”, L.A. Obukhova, N.A. Lemyaskina, M., 2005,

    “50 health lessons”, N. Korostelev, M., 1991.

    Encyclopedia of survival. Boris Kudryashov. “One on one with nature”, Krasnodar, “Soviet Kuban” 2001.


material and technical support of the educational process.

Multimedia projector.


Agreed Agreed

at the ShMO meeting, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management

Protocol No. 1 ______________Parfenova A.A.

Konovalova N.V.
