5 cm cubic to cubic metres. How many liters are in a cube? Formulas for calculating volume

Measure all required distances in meters. The volume of many three-dimensional figures can be easily calculated using the appropriate formulas. However, all values ​​​​substituted into formulas must be measured in meters. Therefore, before plugging values ​​into the formula, make sure that they are all measured in meters, or that you have converted other units of measurement to meters.

  • 1 mm = 0.001 m
  • 1 cm = 0.01 m
  • 1 km = 1000 m
  • To calculate the volume of rectangular shapes ( cuboid, cube) use the formula: volume = L × W × H(length times width times height). This formula can be considered as the product of the surface area of ​​one of the faces of the figure and the edge perpendicular to this face.

    • For example, let’s calculate the volume of a room with a length of 4 m, a width of 3 m and a height of 2.5 m. To do this, simply multiply the length by the width and by the height:
      • 4 × 3 × 2.5
      • = 12 × 2.5
      • = 30. The volume of this room is 30 m 3.
    • A cube is a three-dimensional figure with all sides equal. Thus, the formula for calculating the volume of a cube can be written as: volume = L 3 (or W 3, or H 3).
  • To calculate the volume of figures in the form of a cylinder, use the formula: pi× R 2 × H. Calculating the volume of a cylinder comes down to multiplying the area of ​​the circular base by the height (or length) of the cylinder. Find the area of ​​the circular base by multiplying pi (3.14) by the square of the radius of the circle (R) (radius is the distance from the center of the circle to any point lying on this circle). Then multiply the result by the height of the cylinder (H) and you will find the volume of the cylinder. All values ​​are measured in meters.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of a well with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 10 m. Divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius: 1.5/2 = 0.75 m.
      • (3.14) × 0.75 2 × 10
      • = (3.14) × 0.5625 × 10
      • = 17.66. The volume of the well is 17.66 m 3.
  • To calculate the volume of a ball, use the formula: 4/3 x pi× R 3 . That is, you only need to know the radius (R) of the ball.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of a balloon with a diameter of 10 m. Divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius: 10/2 = 5 m.
      • 4/3 x pi × (5) 3
      • = 4/3 x (3.14) × 125
      • = 4.189 × 125
      • = 523.6. The volume of the balloon is 523.6 m 3.
  • To calculate the volume of cone-shaped figures, use the formula: 1/3 x pi× R 2 × H. The volume of a cone is equal to 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder, which has the same height and radius.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of an ice cream cone with a radius of 3 cm and a height of 15 cm. Converting to meters, we get: 0.03 m and 0.15 m, respectively.
      • 1/3 x (3.14) × 0.03 2 × 0.15
      • = 1/3 x (3.14) × 0.0009 × 0.15
      • = 1/3 × 0.0004239
      • = 0.000141. The volume of an ice cream cone is 0.000141 m 3.
  • To calculate the volume of irregular shapes, use several formulas. To do this, try to break the figure into several figures of the correct shape. Then find the volume of each such figure and add up the results.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of a small granary. The warehouse has a cylindrical body with a height of 12 m and a radius of 1.5 m. The warehouse also has a conical roof with a height of 1 m. By calculating the volume of the roof separately and the volume of the body separately, we can find the total volume of the granary:
      • pi × R 2 × H + 1/3 x pi × R 2 × H
      • (3.14) × 1.5 2 × 12 + 1/3 x (3.14) × 1.5 2 × 1
      • = (3.14) × 2.25 × 12 + 1/3 x (3.14) × 2.25 × 1
      • = (3.14) × 27 + 1/3 x (3.14) × 2.25
      • = 84,822 + 2,356
      • = 87.178. The volume of the granary is equal to 87.178 m 3.
  • Instructions

    The gap between cubic “meters” and “centimeters” is even greater. It is already 10^3=1000000 times. A cubic meter is conventionally depicted as a cube with a side of 1 meter.

    To convert cubic centimeters to cubic meters, divide the number by 10^6 or, which is the same, multiply by 10^(-6). For example, 5 cu. cm = 5/10^6 cu. m = 5 10^(-6) cubic meters. m = 0.000005.

    To convert cubic meters back to cubic centimeters, multiply the number by 10^6. For example, 2 cu. m = 2 10^6 cu. cm = 2000000 cubic meters cm.

    The intermediate link between centimeters and meters is “decimeter”. The prefix “deci” (from the Latin decimus – “tenth”) implies a multiplier of 10^(-1). The cubic dimension will “triple” this factor.

    To convert cubic centimeters to cubic decimeters, multiply the number by 10^(-3) (or divide by 10^3). For example, 9 cu. cm = 9 10^(-3) cu. dm = 9/10^3 cu. dm = 0.009 cubic meters dm.

    To convert cubic decimeters to cubic centimeters, perform the reverse operation: multiply the number by 10^3. For example, 1 cu. dm = 1 10^3 cu. cm = 1000 cc cm.

    Helpful advice

    All metric prefixes “work” directly only for linear system measurements. Next, they change their “strength” in accordance with the exponent. The "two" (square) measurement system doubles the power of prefixes. The cubic system triples.


    • 10 m cubic

    To measure the volume of a liquid or gas, the unit of measurement often used is the liter. Indeed, in everyday life we ​​say three liters of milk or a liter carton of juice. But to solve some problems it is necessary to convert the units of measurement to the SI system, in which the unit of volume is the cubic meter.

    Now, with this knowledge, you can easily calculate cubic meters and calculate that a 2-liter Coca-Cola is 0.002 m3, and a 40-liter gas tank holds 0.04 m3 of gasoline.


    • liter per meter

    The liter as a unit of volume is not used in metric system SI adopted in most countries, including Russia. Therefore, according to GOSTs, volumes on packages of medicinal, food and other products are often indicated in cubic centimeters. However, the liter is also used very often, and in the SI system it has the status of “a unit that can be used together with SI units.” Such ambiguity often makes it necessary to convert cubic centimeters to liters and vice versa.


    Divide the number of cubic centimeters by a thousand to find out what quantity they correspond to. One liter in modern measurement is equal to one cubic decimeter, which consists of a thousand cubic centimeters. It should be noted that in different periods a liter was understood as a different volume of a substance, therefore, for example, when recalculating the formulas of French alchemists, one must keep in mind that in their time a liter was 0.831018 of its modern meaning.

    Use for practical volumes, cubic centimeters to their liter equivalent. For example, in a standard calculator operating system In Windows, such conversion is provided in the built-in unit converter. You can open this calculator through the program launch dialog. Open the main menu on the “Start” button and select “Run” or press the WIN + R key combination. Then type calc in the input field and press Enter.

    Turn on an additional panel with unit conversion options - open the “View” section in the menu and select “Value Conversion”. Here you need to follow a certain sequence of actions - you need to start by opening the top drop-down list (“Category”). When you click the “Volume” item in it, the contents of the other two selection lists will change. In the list under the inscription “Initial value”, set the value to “cubic centimeter”. In the "Final value" list, select "liter".

    Click the input field above the calculator buttons and type the volume in cubic centimeters. After that, click the “Convert” button and the calculator will calculate and show you the equivalent of the entered value in liters.

    If you have access to the Internet, then instead of a calculator you can use, for example, the unit converter built into search engine Google. Formulate and enter the appropriate request into the field on its main page and you don’t even have to click anything. For example, if you need to convert 545 cubic centimeters to liters, enter “545 cubic centimeters to liters” and the search engine will immediately show the answer.

    Along with measuring the volume of substances in cubic meters and its derivatives (including cubic centimeters), the international system of units (SI) allows the use of the liter and its derivatives. This duality supports the relevance of the problem of converting volumes from cubic centimeters to liters and vice versa.


    Divide the known volume of a substance, measured in cubic centimeters, by exactly one thousand to determine its volume in . Since 1964, the SI has equated a volume of one cubic decimeter to one, and it is equal to one cubic centimeter. It should be borne in mind that from 1901 to 1964 a liter was considered not exactly 1000 cubic centimeters, but 1000.028. And before the adoption of metric weights and measures in France on August 1, 1793, the liter was approximately 83% of its current value.

    Use unit converters available on the Internet to quickly convert from cubic centimeters to liters. For example, go to page http://convert-me.com/ru/convert/volume, in the “Metric Measure” section, find the “Cubic Centimeter” field and enter the known volume value into it. Then click the "Calculate" button and the script will place the equivalent of the entered value in the "Litre" field. At the same time, the remaining fields of this section will be filled in - you will be able to see the same volume, expressed in ten different derived units from liter and cubic meter.

    Use a calculator if you can’t do calculations “in your head” and don’t have access to the Internet. For example, the standard Windows OS calculator has a built-in unit converter, which also provides the ability to convert from cubic centimeters to liters. You can open this calculator, for example, by pressing the WIN + R key combination, typing the command calc in the input field and pressing the Enter key.

    Expand the “View” section in the calculator menu and select the “Translation of quantities” line. In the drop-down list located under the inscription “Category”, select the line “Volume”. In the "Initial value" list, select "Cubic centimeter". In the “Final value” list, select the “Liter” line.

    Click the calculator's input field and type the volume measured in cubic centimeters. Then click the “Convert” button, and in the input field the calculator will display the equivalent of the specified volume in liters.

    Of course, centimeters and cubes (cubic centimeters) are used to measure different physical units. However, in practice, sometimes it is necessary to use both units of measurement. Naturally, it may be necessary Additional Information, which can be clarified based on the specific conditions of the problem.

    You will need

    • calculator


    Such as a centimeter is used to measure the length (width, height, thickness) of an object (object). Cubes (cubic) are used to measure volume. Therefore, before converting centimeters to cubes, please clarify that the parameters were measured in centimeters.

    If the dimensions of an object with the shape were measured in centimeters, then simply multiply the numerical values ​​of the length, width, height (thickness) of the object. The result is the volume of the object, expressed in cubes (cm³).

    Determine the quantity (volume) in a standard matchbox.
    According to GOST 1820-2001 "Matches. Technical conditions", the dimensions of a matchbox are:

    5.05 x 3.75 x 1.45 cm.
    To get the number of cubic centimeters, multiply these parameters:

    5.05 * 3.75 * 1.45 = 27.459375 ≈ 27.46 cm³.

    If the height of a prism or cylinder is given in centimeters, then to convert these centimeters into cubes (determining the volume), specify the area of ​​the base of the figure and multiply the numerical value of this area by the height. The area must be expressed in square centimeters (cm²). By the way, the same method is also suitable for calculating the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped, as a special case of a prism.

    Determine the number of cubes in a glass with a bottom area of ​​10 cm² and a height of 20 centimeters.
    Since a glass can be considered a cylinder, multiply its height and base area:

    10*20=200 (cm³).
    Answer: the volume of the glass is 200 cubic meters (cubic centimeters, cm³, milliliters, ml).

    If the parameters of a more complex figure are specified in centimeters, then to convert centimeters to cubes, use the formulas for calculating the volume of the corresponding figure. If the figure has a very complex geometric shape, then divide it (conditionally) into several simpler figures and calculate the volume of each of them. Then, add up the volumes of the component figures.

    Video on the topic

    Volume is a parameter of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies that determines the totality of the dimensional characteristics of the body. Mathematically, it is the product of the length, width and height of a body. That is why in the International System of Units this value is measured in cubic meters. But often in everyday life there are other units of volume, such as liter, milliliter, cubic centimeter.


    According to the physical and mathematical theory, one liter is equal to zero point one, one thousandth, that is, 1 liter = 0.001 m^3 (where m^3 is a “cubic meter”). Then one cubic meter will be equal to a thousand liters, 1 m^3 = 1000 liters.
    Based on the above rule, the algorithm follows: to convert to , you need to multiply the numerical value of the volume given in the problem statement by one thousand. To do this, move the comma sign of the number three characters to the right.
    Example 1. Let you need to convert 5 cubic meters into liters. Solution: 5 m^3 = 5*1000 = 5000l.
    Example 2. Let you need to convert 0.5 cubic meters into liters. Solution: 0.5 m^3 = 0.5*1000 = 500 l.
    Example 3. Let you need to convert 57 cubic meters into liters. Solution: 57 m^3 = 57*1000 = 57000 l.

    If you need to translate, then multiply the number given to you by zero point one thousandth or divide it by a thousand. With these mathematical operations, the original number will move to the left three digits.
    Example 4. It is required to convert 0.3 liters to cubic meters. Solution: 0.3 l = 0.3 / 1000 = 0.3 * 0.001 = 0.0003 m^3.
    Example 5. How many cubic meters fit in 8 liters of a substance? Solution: 8 l = 8 / 1000 = 0.008 m^3.

    If the resulting answer is too long, simplify it by using decimal prefixes. Tables of designation of accepted (multiple or submultiple) decimal prefixes can be found in any physical reference book. One of them: O.F. Kabardin. Physics. Reference materials. Moscow. "Enlightenment", 2000.
    Example 5. How many cubic meters fit in 8 liters of a substance? Solution: 8 l = 8 / 1000 = 0.008 m^3 = 8 ml. (milliliters).

    You can also write numbers that are too long, burdened with zeros, as products with a power ten. That is, the number 1000 can be written as 10^3 (to the third power), and the fraction 0.0042 can be represented as 42* 10^(-4) (to the minus fourth power).
    If we return to example 4, then the solution can be continued: 0.3 l = 0.3/1000 = 0.3*0.001 =0.0003 m^3 = 3*10 (-4) m^3.

    Kl – number of liters.

    A similar formula can be used if the initial volume is specified in cubic decimeters (dm³).
    Km³ = Kdm³ * 0.001,
    where Kdm³ is the number of cubic decimeters.

    If the initial volume is given in centimeters (cm³) or cubic millimeters (mm³), then to calculate cubic meters, use the following formulas:
    Km³ = Ksm³ * 0.000001

    Km³ = Kmm³ * 0.000000001,
    where Kcm³ and Kmm³ are the number of cubic centimeters and millimeters, respectively.

    If the mass is known, then to calculate cubic meters (volume), check the density of the substance. It can be found in the corresponding tables of the density of substances or measured independently. To calculate the number of cubic meters, divide the body weight (in kilograms) by its density (in kg/m³). That is, use the following formula:
    Km³ = M / P,
    M – body weight (in kg),

    P – density (in kg/m³).
    P – density (in kg/m³).

    If the object is a simple three-dimensional figure and some of its parameters are known, then to calculate the volume, use the appropriate geometric formulas. So, for example, if the body is a rectangular parallelepiped, then its volume can be calculated using the following formula:
    Km³ = L * W * H,
    where: L, W and H are the length, width and height (thickness) of the parallelepiped, respectively. The units of length, width and height must be specified in meters (linear).

    The room has a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, length of 10 meters and width of 8 meters. It is necessary to determine the volume (number of cubic meters) of the room.

    Km³ = 2.5 * 10 * 8 = 200 cubic meters.

    Related article


    • how many meters in 1 km

    Suppose you are faced with a task: how many boxes can you fit in the trunk of your car if its volume is already known? The task is simple: calculate the volume of each box separately, add it up and get the total volume of your cargo. Now you have to solve the minimum problem: calculate the volume of the box.

    You will need

    • Tape measure or ruler
    • Box
    • Formulas for calculating the area of ​​a rectangle and the volume of a parallelepiped


    According to the theorem, the area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of its two sides. We find the area of ​​the base by measuring two sides perpendicular to each other: AB and BC. Or AD and CD, which is the same, because. parallel sides of a rectangle are equal to each other.

    The height of the parallelepiped in this case is the edge of the face AE. We finally calculate the volume of the box using the formula for the volume of a parallelepiped: (see figure)

    In this way, the volume of the box is calculated, which has the shape of a rectangular parallelogram, each face of which has the shape of a rectangle. The volume of a box of a different shape will be calculated using different formulas.

    Video on the topic


    If in the future you plan to fill the trunk of a car with boxes, keep in mind that, as a rule, the trunk has an irregular geometric shape and the calculations for filling it with boxes will be approximate.

    Helpful advice

    When you measure the sides of a box in centimeters, the result will be in cubic centimeters (cm^3). When converting cm^3 to cubic meters (m^3), the result obtained is multiplied by 0.001. When converting m^3 to liters, the result is multiplied by 1000.


    • Interactive formula reference
    • calculate the volume of the box

    An aquarium in the house is not only very beautiful. It has been proven that observing underwater life calms the nerves, improves mood and puts thoughts in order. But in order to underwater life not only looked harmonious, but also did not cause inconvenience to underwater inhabitants, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for them, namely, choose the right size of the aquarium.

    You will need

    • calculator or mental arithmetic, aquarium decorations and soil, fish


    First, think carefully about what kind of fish you plan to place in the aquarium. It should not be very crowded, otherwise internal wars and, as a result, the death of residents are inevitable. And this is not what you want to set up an aquarium for. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much internal space a particular individual requires. As a rule, a peaceful medium-sized fish (5-8 cm) requires 10-15 liters. Accordingly, the larger the fish and the more aggressive it is, the more space it needs to live peacefully with its neighbors.

    Decide what interior decorations you want to place, what plants you will plant in what soil.
    We must not forget that decorations, plants and soil take up some of the internal space of the aquarium. The thickness of the soil layer depends on the size of its particles and ranges from 3 to 8 centimeters. That is, the larger the particles, the thicker the soil layer in the aquarium should be. The background can also be 3D (although more often than not it is not), so be sure to take that into account as well.

    Taking into account all the selected items, calculate the size of the aquarium you need. As a rule, the volume is already indicated in stores, and when purchasing you will know exactly whether this or that aquarium is suitable for you. But if you do not know exactly the volume of this particular aquarium, it can be calculated using the formula. To do this, you need to multiply the length, depth and height of the aquarium in centimeters. We will get the volume in cubic centimeters. This value must be multiplied by 0.001 to get liters. By choosing the right aquarium, you can create a beautiful corner in your own home and ensure a joyful, happy life for its inhabitants.

    Video on the topic

    Volume - quantitative characteristic space. The volume of a room is determined by its shape and linear dimensions. Closely related to the concept of volume is the concept of capacity, that is, the volume of the internal space of a vessel, packaging box, etc. The accepted units of measurement are in the SI measurement system and its derivatives - cubic meter m3, cubic centimeter, liter.

    You will need

    • To measure the volume of a room you will need a tape measure, a sheet of paper, a calculator, and a pen.


    Each room, for example a room, is, from a geometric point of view, a rectangular parallelepiped. A parallelepiped is a three-dimensional figure that has six faces (for example, a room: 4 walls, a ceiling, a floor), and each of them is a rectangle. Formula for finding the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped: V=abc. Volume of a rectangular parallelepiped equal to the product its three dimensions. In addition to this formula, you can measure the volume of the room by multiplying the floor area by the height.

    So start calculating the volume of the room. Measure the length of one wall (long wall), then measure the length of the second wall (short wall). Take measurements along the floor, at the level of the baseboard. Keep the tape measure straight. Now measure the height of the room, to do this, go to one of its corners, and accurately measure the height along the corner from floor to ceiling. Write down the received data on a piece of paper so as not to forget. Now start the calculations: multiply the length of the long wall by the length of the short wall, multiply the resulting product (number) by the height and you will get the required result. premises are calculated in various cases: 1) in the case of purchasing an air conditioner, since air conditioners are designed for a certain volume of premises; 2) in the case of installing heating radiators in rooms, since the number of sections in the radiator directly depends on the volume of the room.

    If you have a room of irregular shape, that is, it consists of a large parallelepiped and a small one. In this case, it is necessary to measure the volume of each of them separately and then add them up. If your room has an alcove (a semicircular niche), then its volume must be calculated using the volume formula. The volume of any cylinder is equal to the product of the area of ​​the base and the height: V=π r2 h, where π is the number “pi” equal to 3.14, r2 is the square of the radius of the cylinder, h is the height. Imagine your alcove as part of a cylinder, calculate the volume of the entire cylinder, then see what part of this cylinder your alcove occupies, subtract the excess part from the total volume.

    Helpful advice

    When measuring the radius of the alcove, use a thread with a needle, stick the needle into the imaginary center of the cylinder and pull the thread to the wall, then measure its length.


    • Rectangular parallelepiped
    • room volume

    Cubic volume is a characteristic of a body that shows its ability to contain a certain number of cubes of any substance or gas. It is very easy to calculate cubic volume.


    Note. The gas in the cylinder is liquefied and under high pressure, so in reality its volume is much larger.

    If the mass of the body is known, then to find the number of cubic meters, multiply the mass by . Mass should be expressed in , and density in kg/m³. The result in this case will be . The density of a substance can be found in the relevant reference books or measured independently. Please note that the density of water is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter. The density of many liquids used in practice is approximately the same value.

    In practice, the shape of an object (container, room) often helps to find the number of cubic meters. So, for example, if a body is a rectangular parallelepiped (standard room, box, block), then its volume will be equal to the product of the length, width and height (thickness) of the object.

    If the base of the object has more complex shape, but constant height, then multiply the area of ​​the base by the height. So, for example, for a cylinder, the area of ​​the base will be equal to “pi” “er” square (πr²), where r is the radius of the circle lying at the base.

    The cubed meter, cubic meter or cubic meter is a standard unit of volume. These units are used to calculate the volume of premises, as well as the consumption of water and gas. They often indicate the quantity of certain building materials, for example, boards. Other non-system units of volume measurement - liters, cubic decimeters and centimeters - are also converted into cubic meters.

    You will need

    • - calculator;
    • - table of density of substances;
    • - computer.

    Length and distance converter Mass converter Converter of volume measures of bulk products and food products Area converter Converter of volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes Temperature converter Pressure, mechanical stress, Young's modulus converter Energy and work converter Power converter Force converter Time converter Linear speed converter Flat angle converter Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Economy Number Converter to various systems notation Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Exchange rates Dimensions women's clothing and shoes Sizes of men's clothing and shoes Converter angular velocity and rotation speed Acceleration converter Converter angular acceleration Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Torque converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion converter (by mass) Energy density and specific heat of combustion converter (by volume) Temperature difference converter Ratio converter thermal expansion Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Thermal Radiation Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flow Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter mass concentration in solution Dynamic (absolute) viscosity converter Converter kinematic viscosity Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Water vapor flux density converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level (SPL) converter Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Brightness converter Luminous intensity converter Illuminance converter Computer graphics resolution converter Frequency and wavelength converter Optical Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Converter electric charge Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter Converter electric current Linear current density converter Surface current density converter Voltage converter electric field Electrostatic potential and voltage converter Electrical resistance converter Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance converter American wire gauge converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts and other units Magnetomotive force converter Converter tensions magnetic field Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Absorbed dose rate converter ionizing radiation Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Image Processing Units Converter Timber Volume Units Converter Calculation molar mass Periodic table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

    1 cubic meter [m³] = 1000000 cubic cm [cm³]

    Initial value

    Converted value

    cubic meter cubic kilometer cubic decimeter cubic centimeter cubic millimeter liter Exaliter DEMALITRER GIGALITRITRER MEGALITRIR HEXTOLIRER DECALITRITRY MIKOLITRIRER Microlyliter picoliter picoliter Figoliter ATTOLITRITRY CUBLE (OILE) BARRAREL BARRAREL BRORALLOL BRARLLOL GALLLON USA Varta Quarter British Pinta Pint British glass American glass (metric) British glass ounce liquid USA ounce fluid British tablespoon US. tablespoon (meter) tablespoon brit. American dessert spoon Brit dessert spoon teaspoon Amer. teaspoon metric teaspoon brit. gill, gill American gill, gill British minim American minim British cubic mile cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch register ton 100 cubic feet 100-foot cube acre-foot acre-foot (US, geodetic) acre-inch decaster ster decister cord tan hogshead plank foot drachma kor (biblical unit) homer (biblical unit) baht (biblical unit) gin (biblical unit) kab (biblical unit) log (biblical unit) glass (Spanish) volume of the Earth Planck volume cubic astronomical unit cubic parsec cubic kiloparsec cubic megaparsec cubic gigaparsec barrel bucket damask quarter wine bottle vodka bottle glass charka shalik

    Learn more about volume and units of measurement in recipes

    General information

    Volume is the space occupied by a substance or object. Volume can also refer to the free space inside a container. Volume is a three-dimensional quantity, unlike, for example, length, which is two-dimensional. Therefore, the volume of flat or two-dimensional objects is zero.

    Volume units

    Cubic meter

    The SI unit of volume is the cubic meter. The standard definition of one cubic meter is the volume of a cube with edges one meter long. Derived units such as cubic centimeters are also widely used.


    The liter is one of the most commonly used units in the metric system. It is equal to the volume of a cube with edges 10 cm long:
    1 liter = 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm = 1000 cubic centimeters

    This is the same as 0.001 cubic meters. The mass of one liter of water at a temperature of 4°C is approximately equal to one kilogram. Milliliters, equal to one cubic centimeter or 1/1000 of a liter, are also often used. Milliliter is usually denoted as ml.


    Gills are units of volume used in the United States to measure alcoholic beverages. One jill is five fluid ounces in the British Imperial system or four in the American system. One American jill is equal to a quarter of a pint or half a cup. Irish pubs serve strong drinks in portions of a quarter jill, or 35.5 milliliters. In Scotland, portions are smaller - one fifth of a jill, or 28.4 milliliters. In England, until recently, portions were even smaller, just one-sixth of a jill or 23.7 milliliters. Now, it’s 25 or 35 milliliters, depending on the rules of the establishment. The owners can decide for themselves which of the two portions to serve.


    Dram, or drachma, is a measure of volume, mass, and also a coin. In the past, this measure was used in pharmacy and was equal to one teaspoon. Later, the standard volume of a teaspoon changed, and one spoon became equal to 1 and 1/3 drachms.

    Volumes in cooking

    Liquids in cooking recipes are usually measured by volume. Bulk and dry products in the metric system, on the contrary, are measured by mass.

    Tea spoon

    The volume of a teaspoon varies different systems measurements. Initially, one teaspoon was a quarter of a tablespoon, then - one third. It is the latter volume that is now used in the American measurement system. This is approximately 4.93 milliliters. In American dietetics, the size of a teaspoon is 5 milliliters. In the UK it is common to use 5.9 millilitres, but some diet guides and cookbooks- this is 5 milliliters. The size of a teaspoon used in cooking is usually standardized in each country, but different sizes of spoons are used for food.


    The volume of a tablespoon also varies depending on the geographic region. So, for example, in America, one tablespoon is three teaspoons, half an ounce, approximately 14.7 milliliters, or 1/16 of an American cup. Tablespoons in the UK, Canada, Japan, South Africa and New Zealand also contain three teaspoons. So, a metric tablespoon is 15 milliliters. A British tablespoon is 17.7 milliliters, if a teaspoon is 5.9, and 15 if a teaspoon is 5 milliliters. Australian tablespoon - ⅔ ounce, 4 teaspoons, or 20 milliliters.


    As a measure of volume, cups are not defined as strictly as spoons. The volume of the cup can vary from 200 to 250 milliliters. A metric cup is 250 milliliters, and an American cup is slightly smaller, approximately 236.6 milliliters. In American dietetics, the volume of a cup is 240 milliliters. In Japan, cups are even smaller - only 200 milliliters.

    Quarts and gallons

    Gallons and quarts also have different sizes depending on the geographic region where they are used. In the Imperial system of measurement, one gallon is equal to 4.55 liters, and in the American system of measurements - 3.79 liters. Fuel is generally measured in gallons. A quart is equal to a quarter of a gallon and, accordingly, 1.1 liters in the American system, and approximately 1.14 liters in the Imperial system.


    Pints ​​are used to measure beer even in countries where the pint is not used to measure other liquids. In the UK, milk and cider are measured in pints. A pint is equal to one-eighth of a gallon. Some other countries in the Commonwealth of Nations and Europe also use pints, but since they depend on the definition of a gallon, and a gallon has a different volume depending on the country, pints are also not the same everywhere. An imperial pint is approximately 568.2 milliliters, and an American pint is 473.2 milliliters.

    Fluid ounce

    An imperial ounce is approximately equal to 0.96 US ounces. Thus, an imperial ounce contains approximately 28.4 milliliters, and an American ounce contains approximately 29.6 milliliters. One US ounce is also approximately equal to six teaspoons, two tablespoons, and one eighth cup.

    Volume calculation

    Liquid displacement method

    The volume of an object can be calculated using the fluid displacement method. To do this, it is lowered into a liquid of a known volume, a new volume is geometrically calculated or measured, and the difference between these two quantities is the volume of the object being measured. For example, if when you lower an object into a cup with one liter of water, the volume of the liquid increases to two liters, then the volume of the object is one liter. In this way, you can only calculate the volume of objects that do not absorb liquid.

    Formulas for calculating volume

    Volume geometric shapes can be calculated using the following formulas:

    Prism: the product of the area of ​​the base of the prism and the height.

    Rectangular parallelepiped: product of length, width and height.

    Cube: length of an edge to the third power.

    Ellipsoid: product of semi-axes and 4/3π.

    Pyramid: one third of the product of the area of ​​the base of the pyramid and the height. Post a question in TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

    Very often, buyers of tanks, reservoirs and other containers have the following questions:

    • 1 cube is how many liters?
    • How many cubic cm (cubic centimeters), dm cube are in a liter?
    • How many liters of gas, propane, earth, solution are in a cube?
    • How many liters are in a cube of concrete, diesel fuel?
    • How many liters are in a cubic meter (cubic meter)?
    • How many liters of air are in a cube?

    Further, we can identify groups of questions that are more clarifying, for example, how many cubes is the tank 50 liters? Or 500, 5000, 3000, 200 liters - how many cubic meters is that? These questions are relevant when you need to buy a container of 50, 100, 200 liters - while manufacturers offer containers of 5, 10, 15 cubic meters. Let's figure out how to convert cubes to liters and vice versa. Whether such transfers between units of measurement depends on the substance that will be placed in the container.

    Converting cubes to liters

    First, a short digression into school course physics. The generally accepted unit of volume measurement, as is known, is the cubic meter. Represents 1 cu. m. - the volume of a cube, the side of which is equal to one meter. This unit is not always convenient, so others are often used - cubic centimeters, and cubic decimeters - liters.

    In everyday life, the most convenient unit of measurement is the liter - the volume of a cube, the side of which is 10 cm or 1 dm. Thus, we get the following ratio: 1 liter = 1 dm3.

    From here we get the following forms:

    1 cu. m = 1000 l (formula for the volume of a cube in liters)

    • How many liters are 0.5 cubic meters? Solution: 0.5*1000=500 liters. Answer: 500 liters.
    • How many liters are 10 cubic meters? Solution: 10*1000=10,000 liters. Answer: 10,000 liters.
    • How many liters is 2 cubes? Solution: 2*1000=2,000 liters. The answer is 2,000 liters.
    • How many liters is 20 cubic meters? Solution: 20*1000=20,000 liters. The answer is 20,000 liters.
    • 30 cubic meters is how many liters? Answer: 30,000 liters.
    • 300 cubic meters how many liters? Answer: 300,000 liters.
    • 5 cubic meters is how many liters? Answer: 5,000 liters.
    • 6 cubes - how many liters? Answer: 6,000 liters.
    • How many liters are 4 cubes? The answer is 4,000 liters.

    Accordingly, the simplest thing: The answer to the question: “1 cubic m how many liters?” - 1000 liters.

    How many liters are in a cubic meter?

    Now we will give answers to questions regarding the conversion of liters to cubic meters.

    • How many cubes are 100 liters? Solution: 100*0.001=0.1 cubic meters. meters. Answer: 0.1 cubic meters.
    • How many cubes are 200 liters? Solution: 200*0.001=0.2 cubic meters. meters. Answer: 0.2 cubic meters.
    • 3000 liters how many cubes? The answer is 3 cubic meters. meters.
    • 500 liters how many cubes? Answer: 0.5 cubic meters.
    • 5000 liters how many cubes? Answer: 5 cubes.
    • How many cubes are 1000 liters? Answer: 1 cubic meter.
    • How many cubes are 10,000 liters? Answer: 10 cu. m.
    • How many cubes is 140 liters? Answer: 0.14 cubic meters.
    • 1500 liters how many cubes? Answer: 1.5 cubic meters.