The main problems of various forms of education. Topical issues of modern upbringing and education. Weak system of interconnection between different levels of education

The quality of education is a fundamentally important issue that affects not only the intellectual potential of the younger generation, but also the overall future of the country. The Soviet education system was almost destroyed, but nothing relatively worthy came to replace it. The crisis of the Russian education system is affected not only by the change in the political system, but also by the ever-increasing globalization.

Consider the main problems of Russian education.

The crisis of the traditional education system

Organization learning activities in modern Russia largely inherited from the Soviet education system. However, the industrial society is being replaced by the information society, the world is developing in the context of globalization, which necessitates fundamental reforms in the current education system. The principles of presenting educational material, the role of the teacher in the educational process need to be updated. Requires implementation in studying proccess innovative technologies, equipping educational institutions with computers and modern technology. The theoretical training of students should be aimed not at memorizing information, but at understanding it and the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practical activities. It is worth noting that the 21st century is a time of rapid scientific progress. Thus, today's educational materials for educational institutions already tomorrow become obsolete. It requires constant updating of the taught knowledge in accordance with the latest scientific achievements.

Low practical orientation of education

Today's education system is more focused on educating a future theoretical scientist than on training a practicing specialist. Theoretical knowledge largely out of touch with practice. Students, for the most part, do not know how to use the acquired knowledge in their professional activity. Most people who have graduated from high school note that they do not feel ready to start practicing. There are several reasons for this. These include poor practical training, a weak connection between the theoretical material taught and practice, and an outdated education system that no longer meets the rapidly changing conditions in the labor market.

Low level of funding

Russian educational institutions at all levels face constant underfunding. The chronic shortage of funds negatively affects the level of salaries of workers in the field of education. Every year this problem becomes more acute, because educational institutions require computers, modern equipment, textbooks that meet the latest scientific achievements. Reformations in the field of education are impossible without a qualitative renewal of the teaching staff, but the solution to this problem is hampered by the low prestige of the teaching profession, which is a consequence of low wages in the field of education.

Weak system of interconnection between different levels of education

The main levels of education are pre-school, school and higher. Low continuity between all the “levels” of the educational process negatively affects the quality of education and hinders the deep acquisition of knowledge by students. Pre-school education in Russia is a poorly organized system that does not provide the necessary amount of knowledge necessary to start schooling. Often, preschoolers are taught by people who have not received a pedagogical education. The situation is even more complicated with the continuity between school and university. On the this moment a school graduate does not receive the amount of knowledge that is required to pass the exam and enter a university. High school students are forced to turn to paid tutors, because free education does not meet all the needs of future students.

Weak education legislation

The quality of education largely depends on the legislation in this area. At the moment, attempts are being made to qualitatively reform the law "On Education", but many problems have remained unresolved. In particular, these are “vague” social obligations on the part of the state, poorly written principles for licensing educational institutions. Incomplete laws on control and oversight procedures multiply corruption and increase the number of universities that provide poor-quality education. Rural education laws are extremely weak. In particular, the laws do not take into account the special specifics of rural educational institutions.

Mass demand for higher education

Undoubtedly good universities in Russia, as they were, as they are. However, every year more and more more people tend to get higher education, which directly affects the increase in the number of bad universities. The problem under consideration is becoming more acute also because the prestige of vocational schools. In addition, many young men enter universities only in order to be exempted from military service, which further increases the number of universities that provide a poor educational level;


Corruption in the Russian education system is a multifaceted and multilevel phenomenon. This can include monetary extortions from the parents of schoolchildren, and theft of budgetary funds, and bribes, and the sale of fake diplomas, and the production of fake education documents. Many laws are being made against corruption, but whether they work is a difficult question. In particular, it was supposed to reduce corruption through the introduction of the Unified State Examination, but whether this measure led to the desired results is still being debated not only by ordinary citizens, but also by experts. The high level of corruption in educational institutions blocks the possibility of vertical mobility through quality education for children from disadvantaged families;

Falling prestige of education in vocational schools and technical schools

The problem under consideration arose in the 1990s. Since then, the shortage of workers in the labor market has been increasing, and the number of students studying at vocational schools has been declining. According to 2009 data, 7 times more students studied at universities than at technical schools and vocational schools. As a result, Russia lacks its own labor force, and one has to resort to the help of foreign workers. A consequence of the problem under consideration can also be called high unemployment among people with higher education.

Summing up, it can be noted that traditional “cosmetic repairs” are clearly not enough to solve problems in the Russian education system. There are problems at almost every level of the system, and their solution is the most important strategic task for Russia. The new time requires new reforms capable of raising the educational level of Russian citizens, multiplying the number of qualified employees and raising the quality of education in Russia to international standards.

Elena Sergeevna Chugaeva
Essay "Actual problems modern education»


« Actual problems of modern education»

At present, not only the conditions of life, the social space for the existence and functioning of a person, the system of his relations have changed in the world, he himself has changed.

Problems in modern education many can be listed.

Family plays an important role. To date a large number of incomplete families where the children are being raised. A parent often has no time to take care of his child due to being busy at work, and he grows on his own. Because of this, most contemporary parents do not have time not only to cooperate with the preschool educational institution, but also to simply communicate with the child. Without the cooperation of parents with a preschool educational institution, the full development of the child is impossible. Parents need to be influenced way so that they try to be with the child throughout the preschool age.

There are also families where parents persistently teach their children to read and write at an extremely early age, send them to all kinds of circles, referring to the insufficiency education of their children in preschool. This leads to many child development problems, since all processes needed by the child for skills and learning to write and read are formed throughout the entire period of preschool childhood. Parents in this case need to understand the patterns of age and individual characteristics. cognitive development children. After all, it is in preschool age the child lays all the main features of the personality, and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined.

There are cases when children "stand in line" for admission to kindergartens and so do not have time to get into the kindergarten before entering school, then the fate of his preschool education falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents.

Children are our future and the future of the country. We all want children and youth to become pride for their relatives and friends, driving force for the development of the city, our country. Only dialogue, communication and interconnection of all social institutions affects proper development children.

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Annotation. The article discusses the prospect of systematization of new teaching methods, the search for new ways by scientific and pedagogical teams to solve problems set by the requirements of the time. It is noted that it is necessary to ensure the integration of science and practice, the introduction of innovative educational technologies at all levels of the education system; development of material and technical, information and scientific and methodological base of educational institutions; optimization of the network of educational institutions in the regions on the basis of monitoring studies, the prospects for its socio-economic development.
Keywords: education, scientific and pedagogical teams, integration of science and practice.

There is no person in the world who is unfamiliar with the word "education". Getting a quality education is a successful, decent life tomorrow not only for the children themselves, but for society as a whole. Successes in education and upbringing in modern world completely depend on the ability of teachers to use in practice advanced pedagogical ideas, technologies, achievements of modern pedagogical science. AT modern conditions the information environment of education at all stages is developing in the conditions of uniform standards. However, the modern education system is experiencing its difficulties.

We live in an age of accomplishments, new discoveries, information technologies. Time goes on and modern stage The development of education requires new teaching methods, non-standard forms of education, an individual approach to each student. This encourages scientific and pedagogical teams to look for new ways to solve the tasks, since it is education that is the foundation for the development and formation of the personality, the foundation that tomorrow will provide the student with a stable life. The well-known phrase of the philosopher Seneca remains relevant: “We study not for school, but for life.”

Today, scientific and pedagogical workers face a responsible and difficult task - to educate a citizen who is able to bring good to people, to work for the good of his country. They should not only improve the quality of education, but also raise it to a new level, bring it into line with the standards of modern life. All activities of educational institutions should be aimed at improving the effectiveness of learning, helping students to master skills that allow them to adapt to the requirements of life in modern society solve life problems, develop the ability to make independent decisions.

The old system is being destroyed, new information trends are coming to replace it. Sometimes the introduction of innovation occurs on damp ground, or innovations are not adapted to the regional mentality. Thus, we have identified a "repertoire" of problem areas and identified more than enough of them. We propose approaches to their solution outlined in the first approximation.

Firstly, it is necessary to teach students to extract information not only from gadgets, but also to understand the possibilities in applying new scientific literature, manuals, articles and participation in conferences for their growth.

Secondly, in the pursuit of innovation, we forget that by educating a theoretical scientist, a huge shortage of narrow practitioners is created. Having received a good theoretical background, few people can apply the acquisition of knowledge in practice. Therefore, having got a job, young specialists are faced with the problem of adapting and applying their knowledge in practice.

The third is, of course, insufficient funding. The lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system as a whole in the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and upgrade obsolete equipment. The educational institution does not always have the funds for this.

The fourth is the practical absence of communication between the stages of education. A strong difference between the requirements that were made at school and the level required for studying at a university. As a result, for the first year of study at universities, the percentage of deductions is the highest.

Fifth, the decline in the prestige of engineering fields leads to an overabundance of specialists in the humanities, law and other so-called "prestigious" specialties.

At present, the education system is focused on finding other ways, innovative development of modern education. That is why it is the understanding of the problems of modern education that seems relevant now, so that the ways to solve them would be an impetus for development and movement towards the eternally new. But for this it is necessary to objectively look at today, at the state of problems in modern society, in modern civilization. Realization of grandiose tasks requires joint decisions and actions. It is necessary to ensure the integration of science and practice, the introduction of innovative educational technologies at all levels of the education system; development of material and technical, information and scientific and methodological base of educational institutions; optimization of the network of educational institutions in the regions on the basis of monitoring studies, the prospects for its socio-economic development.

List of sources used:

  1. Vereskun V.D. The history of engineering education in Russia [Electronic resource ELS "IPRbooks"]: tutorial- M .: Educational and methodological center for education in railway transport, 2012. - 227 p.
  2. Gromtsev S.A. Pedagogical problems of the system of training specialists with higher education in Russian Federation[Electronic resource EBS "IPRbooks"]: monograph - Saratov: University education, 2014. - 65 p.
  3. Collection of master's programs " Social Psychology and Pedagogy", "Health Saving Technologies in Education" [Electronic resource] - M. : Prometheus (Moscow State Pedagogical University), 2011.- 247s

In the light of the ongoing modernization of education in Russia, the problem of pedagogical risk is especially relevant, because it affects all aspects of the application of innovations in teaching methods and methods at all stages of education.
Innovations mean the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. Innovations do not arise by themselves, but are the result of scientific research, the practical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. Risk implies the experimental application of some technology that is not widely used in practice, but, nevertheless, in theory, which is promising in terms of learning.
In understanding the essence of these two concepts, there are two main problems of modern pedagogy: the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of implementing the achievements of innovative teachers. Thus, innovation and pedagogical risk should lie in the plane of combining two interconnected phenomena, usually considered separately, i.e. the result of their synthesis should be new knowledge, allowing the teacher to use innovations in everyday practice, calculating the possible consequences.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, programs and methods that allow you to work with all categories of children, using the latest developments in the technology sector, original exercises, authentic, modern and interesting audio and video materials, as well as interactive learning tools. But the main reason for the invariability of the monotony of the life of an ordinary student is the unwillingness to introduce them.
Indeed, what should an ordinary teacher, who has recently graduated from the university and come to school, do if his bold undertakings, in most cases, meet with fierce resistance from the “old”, still Soviet-style, team of teachers? So you have to refine yourself by introducing tasks of your own design into academic plan, approved "from above" and crushed by years of practice of these same teachers, in order to diversify the educational process for children at least a little.
The casket opens simply: the connection between the hardened thinking of the team and the unwillingness to change something is the fear of risks. Yes, risks are always problems that need to be solved with modern methods, because children change and those methods that worked great in the 1980s are already ineffective or completely useless in 2012. The consciousness of children, the environment, moral values, and parenting stereotypes have changed in the family and public opinion, while the education system, like a sleepy turtle, is trying to realize the changes that are happening around, but, due to its own helplessness, it either goes wrong or lags behind even more.

Based on the foregoing, I want to highlight several contradictions that are, in fact, the main slowers in the progress of the existing education system:

  • 1) For many years, nothing fundamentally new and interesting was introduced into the education system, only the methods and methods of perception were changed, which were emphasized in the transfer of information, which gave rise to a kind of “stagnation” in education. The textbooks developed in the past years, in my opinion, are not sufficiently informative and suitable for learning, due to the complexity of the narrative, some inaccuracies and the expression of one author's opinion on contentious issues.

    2) The existing order of education does not cope with the amount of information and the demands of society placed on it. Finally, at the exit educational institution there is a need for re-certification and advanced training of a graduate, which negatively affects both the position higher education in society, and on the personal attitude of a person to the acquired knowledge.

    3) As you know, the process of introducing innovations, which, in most cases, are invented and promoted by young and energetic people, does not occur due to their absence in places of education, because. the educational process is led by teachers of the old school, relying on their experience and proven books, rather than on the "crazy ideas" of the younger generation.

    4) At the moment, the methodology for constructing a lesson and the knowledge invested in it are not enough effective way transfer of information, due to the extreme disinterest of children in obtaining knowledge in the traditional way. In this regard, there is an acute problem of increasing the motivation for the learning process among pupils and students.

In connection with the above contradictions, which today already exist in the existing model of education, the following problems arise that require close attention and solutions in the near future:

  • 1) The problem of stagnation, which is the lack of novelty in the learning process.

    2) The problem of knowledge obsolescence, which consists in the insufficient speed of updating existing information in the process of its transfer from teacher to student, using traditional teaching aids.

    3) The problem of shortage of young specialists, which consists in insufficient staffing of schools by graduates of pedagogical universities due to low wages and the impossibility of self-realization.

    4) The problem of student disinterest, which consists in the lack of motivation for learning among schoolchildren and students, caused by the invariability of the methodology for conducting each lesson.

I would like to lead to each problem by an example based on personal experience:
Modern Process mass education in the form of a class-lesson system was first described in the 17th century. Ya.A.Komensky. The class-lesson system of education was further developed by K. D. Ushinsky. He scientifically substantiated all its advantages and developed a coherent theory of the lesson. Since then, little has changed. Pupils sit at their desks, listen to the teacher, who, in most cases, tells the material from the textbook in a boring, monotonous and mumbling voice, solve examples in the class, get homework, do it and come back to the lesson. And so for 11 years. Of course, a small variety in the form of forms of work in the lesson, TCO assistance and interactive tasks is present, but cannot change general position affairs. Innovative methods and methods of conducting a lesson, not finding a response in the souls of head teachers, are cut down in the bud, turning, as a result, the entire educational process into an eleven-year chewing gum.
While still at school, using Soviet textbooks and new editions, I noted that the style of presentation of textbooks published in the USSR is more adapted for understanding the average student, while modern editions were distinguished by confusion of presentation, some points important enough for understanding the material were omitted, due to for which the teachers had to explain them on their own, involving a lot of additional material. Of course, the level of knowledge in the new textbooks was higher, but still did not reach the level acceptable at that time, and their comprehensibility left much to be desired.
When I became a teacher, I was horrified to find that the year of publication of textbooks had changed by 1-3 years, while a little more than 6 years had passed since my last English lesson. On the face of a clear lag of the learning process from the process of development of society. By the way, about this very society.
I was asked: “Do you want to go to work in school after university?”. I invariably agreed, because I thought that I could change something and bring fresh thought to such an important matter. But, having got to know the school better, I realized that if you are an ordinary teacher, then it is very difficult for you to deviate from the program in your activities, at least at the initial stage: step to the right, step to the left - execution! Naturally, after this, I didn’t want to go to school. But there is another important factor: wages. It's no secret that a modern teacher gets crumbs, and the amount of work he does can frighten an unprepared person even at the familiarization stage. This fact further exacerbates the situation of schools, draining the already thin stream of new faces in educational institutions.
And finally, the motivational component. Each of us at some time did not want to go to a lesson or lecture, because. it seemed that they were talking about "dregs" and "garbage", and the time saved could be spent with much greater benefit. The main problem is that the trainees do not see any real benefit from their knowledge. The teacher fails to make the students understand why they need to know this and bam! - Lost interest.
Now that I have illustrated the problems with illustrative examples, you can come close to their step-by-step solution. No, I do not offer a panacea, as you might think, but I show one of the options for solving problems.
First, you need to get rid of the monotony in the conduct of the lesson! No reading from books, boring tasks from textbooks and answers at the blackboard. Children are tired of monotonous lessons - so you need to give them something new and interesting. For example, dilute the lesson with a small movement game (believe me, such games, if properly conducted, are relevant at any age). It is also useful to break the children into groups and change the scenery - holding a lesson on the street, in the corridor, in the assembly hall, rearranging desks, new posters on the wall - everything will do.
What to do with old textbooks? As they say in Germany - "Kein Problem!". Additional material- that's what we need! Try to select tasks that are interesting for young people, related, for example, to reading rap on the subject of vocabulary or tasks aimed at developing the child’s creative streak: draw an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba incomprehensible word, beat any action in motion or a scene like “Crocodile”, etc. .
As for the shortage of young specialists, this, alas, is not a problem that a teacher is able to solve - this is a state problem, I would even say, an all-Russian one. As V.I. Lenin: Cadres decide everything. I agree with him, because Indeed, somewhere, where, but at school, the teacher is the pillar of the entire system on which the future of our children relies. It is absolutely necessary to raise wages, opening doors for new developments and promising personnel, providing the school with resources and solving the above problems.
And let's talk about lack of interest. Why is this happening? The answer is simple: kids just don't want to learn! Not all, of course, but most. And this desire arises from them primary school, where knowledge, let's say, is hammered into the head of unlucky students, absolutely repelling the craving for future knowledge. As in a joke: “For what?! For eleven years!" It is necessary to radically change the teaching methods, moving away from direct cramming and bringing the entire system to a simple and understandable idea: "I know why I need what I know". In fact, if you clearly explain to the child that this is exactly what he needs for this, and this is for something else, then the problem of motivation will disappear by itself - the children themselves will set a goal for themselves and will go towards it, and the teacher will only need to push and level the course.
As follows from the above, a modern teacher who monitors changes in the quality of his work and wants to become better is not afraid of any problems, because a solution can always be found. Having brought to light some of the urgent and long overdue problems of the modern education system, I tried to show that with due attention to them, not from the side of the state, from which, as you know, nothing good has been expected for a long time, but from the side of caring teachers, you can safely count on to improve the quality of knowledge acquired by children, as well as to increase the level of student interest. Therefore, any teacher who has embarked on the “path of correction” gets a chance with minimal effort and, importantly, with minimal financial investment, to ensure a “happy childhood”, for which they will thank not grandfather Lenin, Comrade Stalin or the party, but him or her personally.

P.S. The article was originally written for the International Scientific Conference students, graduate students and young scientists of Lomonosov-2013, but I decided that more people will see it here and maybe you will leave useful comments.

Tags: education, pedagogy, innovations, society, children, school

Some 20-30 years ago, Russian education was considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, our education system is not scolded only by the lazy, and the vast majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes "embarrassing for the state."

Some 20-30 years ago Russian education considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only lazy people do not scold our education system, and the vast majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes "embarrassing for the state" (in particular, according to statistics, the knowledge of about 80% of first-year students of paid departments of Russian universities corresponds to the knowledge schoolchildren of the 8th grade of the Soviet period).

And the most upsetting thing is that, despite the regular implementation of reforms to improve the domestic education system, "things are still there": the quality of modern Russian education is not so much improving as rapidly deteriorating. If in 1990, in terms of knowledge and literacy Soviet Union occupied 33rd place among 174 states, then already in 1998 Russia dropped to 62nd place. And the "fall" of our positions goes on and on.

In many ways, this situation is due to the fact that a well-proven soviet school collapsed, and our specialists have not been able to create a new model of the educational system that corresponds to modern European trends.

Fortunately, our society understands that not only the prestige, but also the fate of the state depends on the state of the education system. Therefore, both the Russian government and the public are making every effort to identify relevant problems of Russian education and find effective ways to eliminate them. What are these problems? Let's look at the most obvious and relevant of them.

Falling social status of the teacher

In the Soviet Union teachers had special status: parents did not doubt the professional suitability of teachers and did not question their recommendations on the upbringing and development of children, and schoolchildren and students perceived teachers as some kind of "celestials" who should be treated with exceptional respect and reverence.

What are we seeing today? Students and pupils of schools allow themselves to break into the office during a lesson or lecture, argue with the teacher and insult him, go about their business in the learning process (for example, play mobile phone or "wander" on the Internet), do not respond to the teacher's remarks. At the same time, some parents not only justify such behavior of their children, but also behave not in the best way.

It should be noted that in this situation, the government is largely to blame, which is not able to offer teachers a decent level of salary, as a result of which the quality of education has deteriorated. teaching staff, but also the teachers themselves, who allow themselves to discuss personal problems in front of their students and "vent" their bad mood on them.

Mismatch between labor market requirements and diploma nomenclature

Experts are increasingly talking about the fact that Russian universities are focusing on the preparation of "monetary" specialties (that is, those that are popular with applicants and for which they are willing to pay). And the specialists who are really needed for the economic development of our country are trained according to the residual principle.

In addition, the education system that exists today is simply not able to quickly respond to changes in the labor market, the content of demanded specialties of which changes every 5 years. As a result, a young specialist leaves the university with outdated knowledge, which is why he has to “spend” the first years of his career on acquiring necessary knowledge and skills through experience.

Educational services

But the most important mistake made in the opinion of the public Ministry of Education, was the retraining of the education system into a system for the provision of educational services. Many specialists adhere to the same opinion, arguing that such concepts as "education" and "services" are incompatible.

The fact is that the provision of services implies the performance of work, in terms of volume corresponding to the amount of payment. And if we accept as an axiom that educational organizations provide the population with educational services, then there is no need to talk about any quality and affordable education for everyone. In addition, such a consumer attitude to education gives participants educational process full right to statements such as “I don’t want to study, but my parents pay you, so try to teach me something” or “until you pay me for additional classes, your child will not receive high marks”, etc. d.

As a result, we have graduates with "purchased" diplomas and certificates, behind which there is only the minimum of the required amount of skills and knowledge. To understand what such an approach to education can lead to, you don’t need to think long: we will be treated by doctors who do not see the difference between, for example, hypertension and physical inactivity, and the country’s economic development strategy will be developed by specialists who confuse debit with credit.

Ways to solve the problems of the education system

From all of the above, it is obvious that solving the problems of modern Russian education is impossible without restoring the status of a teacher as the country's elite and the most respected member of society. Naturally, such a status must be confirmed by an appropriate salary and respect, both from the public and from the apparatus of officials.

In addition, it is very important not just to try to introduce Western models of the educational system, many of which, by the way, are not adapted to the Russian mentality, but to make every effort to return the country to the natural path of development, which, whether we like it or not, is inextricably linked with the socialist the past of our state. In other words, today Russia needs education system Soviet type, equipped with modern technologies and teaching methods.
