What does the concept of a traffic light closed mean? The concept of a traffic light. To regulate the movement of trams

From encyclopedias I learned that the word traffic light comes from the Russian " light" and Greek " for(os)” and means “carrying light.”

This device is designed to regulate the movement of people, bicycles, cars and other participants traffic, trains railway, river and sea vessels.

The first traffic light was installed on December 10, 1868 in London, near the British Parliament. It was invented by J.P. Knight.

He was a specialist in railway semaphores. This semaphore was manually controlled and had 2 wings. Raised horizontally, they meant a stop signal, and lowered at an Angle of 45 *, they meant moving with caution.

At night, a rotating lantern with two gas lamps with red and green glasses was used. With its help, red and green signals were sent. The traffic light was used to indicate pedestrians crossing the street, and its signals were intended for vehicles. But this “miracle of technology” worked for only 4 weeks. Unfortunately, on January 2, 1869, the gas lamp of the traffic light exploded, injuring the traffic light policeman, who died and his invention was forgotten for some time.

The first automatic traffic light system that was capable of changing without direct human intervention was developed in 1910 by Ernst Sirrin of Chicago. His traffic light used the inscription: "Stop".

Lester Wire from Salt Lake City (USA) is considered the inventor of the first electric traffic light. In 1912, he developed, but did not patent, a traffic light with two round electric signals, red and green.

On August 5, 1914, in Cleveland (USA), the American Traffic Light Company installed 4 electric traffic lights designed by James Hogue. They had a red and green signal and made a beep when switching.

The system was controlled by a police officer sitting in a glass booth at an intersection. Traffic lights set the traffic rules.

Three-color traffic lights using a yellow signal appeared in New York in 1920.

In Europe, similar traffic lights were installed in 1922 in Paris and Hamburg, and in 1927 in England.

In Britain, the first automatic traffic light, which was installed on an iron pole at a height of 2.5 m, was called the “electric policeman” by the British.

In the USSR, the first traffic light was installed on January 15, 1930 in Leningrad, and on December 30 of the same year the first traffic light started working in Moscow.

2.2. What does each traffic light signal mean? Why were these three colors chosen?

Why red, yellow and green?

Red light - no way, no way.

Yellow - be ready for the journey,

And the green light is rolling!

Why is red, and not some other, chosen as a danger signal?

Already in ancient times, people knew: each color can have its own effect on a person - cause a feeling of joy or sadness, excite or calm, create different sensations. Artists knew this especially well.

Science relatively recently, only at the beginning of this century, really began to study this interesting natural phenomenon. The experiments continued for a number of years, and now we can say: yes, the powers of observation of the ancients are worth envying.

The fact is that with a red light, adaptation to the dark accelerates 5-6 times, and since this is so, it means that the guarantee that a person will notice the approaching danger in a timely manner increases, and the one who is driving will avoid an emergency situation. By the way, this also applies to children. The first color that they begin to distinguish is red, and then all the others - yellow, green, blue, etc.

Red color can't be confused with any other. That's why most road signs are outlined in red, and fire trucks are painted red. The color red catches the eye; we associate ideas about fire and danger with it.

That's why red traffic lights are used to stop vehicles and pedestrians. Yellow The sun reminds us, it can be a friend or an enemy (if it gets too hot). The sun seems to warn: “Attention! Be careful, don't rush." Greencolor: green fields, forests, meadows. In a word, everything that is associated with peace and relaxation. This is safety

Traffic lights come in various configurations. Each individual case has its own rules for orientation according to the instructions of the device.


The standard configuration of a three-section device assumes the presence of three colors:

  • green- passage is allowed. In a flashing state, it warns that the signal will switch soon;
  • yellow. In a stable burning condition, passage is prohibited. Passage is permitted if the driver crosses the road lane and does not have time to stop the car before the marking. When yellow is flashing, movement is allowed. It also indicates a malfunction of the device;
  • red– passage is prohibited when the signal is constantly lit or flashing.

The segments are arranged in order from bottom to top or left to right. Three-section devices are most often installed at intersections, as they are capable of regulating the movement of vehicles in all directions. Their placement is possible at controlled crossings that are located between intersections.

Also, traffic lights of this type are installed at railway crossings, at the intersection of a road with a bicycle path or tram tracks.


Devices with two sections regulate the passage of vehicles in places where the roadway narrows, as well as in the territories of enterprises. With their help, you can organize a single-lane reverse traffic flow. There are only two signals available: red and green. Their meaning is the same as in a three-section device.

With additional section

There is a traffic light configuration with additional sections equipped with arrows or their outlines. With their help, traffic flow is regulated in a specific direction. When a certain segment with an arrow is activated, travel to given direction either allowed or prohibited. For example, a green arrow allows passage, but it does not provide an advantage when driving.

Single section

A device with one section is installed at pedestrian crossings and unregulated intersections or in the territories of closed enterprises. They are used as an addition to traffic lights. Single-section devices effectively distribute traffic flows. Often their segments include a countdown board.

The green arrow informs you that it is possible to turn in the indicated direction. Using the device allows you to increase the throughput of intersections and reduce the risk of accidents.


Reversible traffic lights are used on roads where traffic can flow in one direction or the other. The direction is determined based on the degree of congestion of the roadway.

The following signals apply here:

  • a red cross shaped like the letter "X". The signal prohibits passage in a certain lane;
  • yellow arrow. She points to the right. The signal requires the driver to change lanes to the lane on the right side;
  • green arrow. It allows travel in a specific lane.

In Russia, roads with reversible traffic are not widely used. Therefore, few drivers are familiar with the peculiarities of moving on such roads.

To regulate traffic through a pedestrian crossing

Traffic lights that regulate a pedestrian crossing usually contain only two sections. They depict a person in a standing or walking position. If the red figure is on, then movement on the crossing is prohibited for people. You are only allowed to cross the road when the light is green.

Regulating devices are often equipped with a timer that reflects the waiting time. It also counts the time allotted for pedestrians to cross the roadway.

Some traffic lights are equipped with a special device for the deaf. When passage through the passage is allowed, a special sound signal is emitted from the speakers.

For trams

A four-cell white traffic light is used to regulate the movement of trams. It is made in the shape of the letter "T". This type of transport can only move when the lower signal is on. The upper sections indicate different directions of travel.

Often the railway instrument is equipped with a white lamp. It regulates the movement of vehicles through the crossing. When the white light is flashing, crossing the railway line is permitted. Movement is also permitted when the white lamp is steadily lit.

The main task of a traffic light is to regulate the movement of vehicles on the roadway. Violating the instructions of the electronic traffic controller increases the risk of an accident.

Therefore, there are penalties for ignoring the device signals:

  • for driving through a red signal – at least 1 thousand rubles. If the violation is repeated, the fine increases and is at least 5 thousand rubles. Possible deprivation of driving privileges for a period of 4–6 months;
  • for driving on a yellow light – at least 1 thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation, the fine will be 5 thousand rubles. The driver may also be deprived of his license for a period of 4 to 6 months;
  • Failure to comply with the stop line before the intersection results in a fine of at least 800 rubles. (read more about);
  • entering a lane with reverse traffic when the control device is turned off - a fine of at least 5 thousand rubles. Such movement is regarded as driving into the oncoming lane;
  • If you fail to change lanes on a road with reverse traffic, the fine will be at least 500 rubles.

A traffic light regulates the movement of vehicles on the road, creating comfortable and safe conditions for all its participants. The size of the fine for ignoring his signal depends on the severity of the offense, as well as the consequences for road users.

Today it is very difficult to imagine traffic rules without the main tool for regulating traffic, which is a traffic light. It is designed to regulate and facilitate both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. There are different traffic lights depending on their functions. Although they are similar to each other, they have certain nuances that need to be remembered.

Traffic light: definition

A traffic light is an optical signaling device that is designed to regulate the movement of cars, bicycles and other vehicles, as well as pedestrians. It is used in all world countries without exception.

Interesting! Previously, there were no green lights in traffic lights in Japan. It was replaced by blue. But scientists have proven that green is more acceptable to human eyes.

Types of traffic lights

The most common are three-color traffic lights with round signals: red, yellow and green. Traffic regulations in some countries require the use of orange traffic lights instead of yellow ones. Signals can be located both vertically and horizontally. If other special traffic lights or additional sections are not provided, then they regulate the movement of all types of transport, as well as pedestrians. Next we will look at different kinds traffic lights, from everyday ones to special ones.

Classic three-section traffic light

Such a traffic light, as a rule, has three colors, arranged in order: red, yellow, green - from top to bottom or from left to right. Such traffic lights are installed at intersections. They are designed to allow simultaneous passage of all types of transport in all directions permitted by traffic regulations. They are also installed at controlled pedestrian crossings located between intersections. It is allowed to install such a traffic light at a railway crossing in populated areas, at the intersection of the road with the tram tracks, in front of the bicycle path and the roadway. They can also be seen where the roadway is narrowed to allow oncoming traffic to pass alternately.

Interesting fact!The first three-section traffic light was installed in Detroit in 1920.


Traffic lights with two sections are used to regulate the flow of traffic in the territories of industrial enterprises and organizations, as well as during the narrowing of the roadway to organize a single-lane reverse traffic flow.

Single-section traffic light with yellow light

This one-color traffic light is found at unregulated intersections and pedestrian crossings.

Traffic lights with additional section

Traffic lights can also be equipped with additional sectional sections with arrows or arrow outlines. They regulate the movement of traffic in one direction or another. According to traffic regulations, such traffic lights operate as follows: the contours of the arrows on all signals of a conventional three-color traffic light mean that its action extends only in one indicated direction.

An additional section of a traffic light with a green arrow on a black background according to traffic rules allows passage, but does not provide advantages during passing. Sometimes you can find an always-on green signal, which is made in the form of a sign with a solid green arrow. This means, according to traffic rules, that turning is allowed, despite the prohibitory traffic lights.

Such traffic lights are installed in places where it is necessary to organize conflict-free traffic at intersections. If one of these traffic lights turns green, then when crossing the intersection, you don’t have to give way. To avoid emergency situations, personal traffic lights are placed above each lane, which show the direction of movement that is allowed from a particular lane.

Reversible traffic lights

To regulate traffic along the roadway lanes, reversible traffic lights are used. These are special band control regulators. Such traffic lights can have from two to three signals: A red signal in the form of the letter “X” prohibits movement in a specific lane. A green arrow pointing down, on the contrary, allows movement. Diagonal arrow yellow color signals that the lane mode has changed and shows in which direction you need to leave it.

Traffic lights for regulating traffic through a pedestrian crossing

Typically, such traffic lights have only two types of signals: the first one allows, the second one prohibits. As a rule, they correspond to green and red colors. The signals themselves can be of different shapes. They are often depicted as a stylized silhouette of a person: standing in red and walking in green. For example, in America, the prohibition signal is made in the form of a red raised palm, meaning “stop”. Sometimes the following inscriptions are used: red “stop” and green “walk”. In other countries, respectively, in other languages.

On highways with heavy traffic, traffic lights with automatic switching are installed. But there are cases when you can switch the traffic light by pressing a special button, which allows you to cross the road within a certain time. Modern traffic lights are equipped with a digital countdown display for convenience. For blind people, sound devices are installed in traffic lights.

To regulate the movement of trams

A traffic light for a tram is usually placed in front of areas with limited visibility, long ascents and descents, at a tram depot and in front of switches. There are two types of traffic lights for trams: green and red. They are installed either to the right of the tracks or hung centrally above the contact wire. Basically, such traffic lights notify tram drivers whether the path further is busy or not. They do not regulate the movement of other vehicles and are purely individual. Their work is built automatically.

Traffic lights: driving rules

The circular light signals mean the following: a static green signal allows the movement of vehicles or pedestrians, and a flashing green traffic light means that a prohibitory signal will soon come on, but for now movement is allowed.

Interesting fact!Residents of large cities generally spend about six months of their lives waiting for a traffic light.

What does a yellow traffic light mean? It warns that the prohibiting signal will be replaced by a permissive one or vice versa, and for the duration of its action it prohibits movement. A flashing yellow traffic light means that the section of the road on which the traffic light is located is not regulated. If it is located at an intersection and operates in this mode, then the intersection is unregulated. Drivers are guided by those articles of the traffic rules that stipulate the passage of unregulated intersections. A static and flashing red signal prohibits movement in any direction.

The red and yellow traffic lights that are on at the same time indicate that it is prohibited to move further, and the green light will soon turn on. The white-lunar traffic light signal informs that the alarm system is working and you can continue driving. Such traffic lights are installed on tram and railway tracks.

Traffic lights that look like arrows mean the following: red, yellow and green arrows mean the same thing as round signals, only they act in a certain direction. An arrow pointing to the left also allows a U-turn, unless the corresponding next priority traffic sign prohibits it.

The green arrow of the additional section has a similar meaning. If this signal is turned off or the red outline is on, it means that movement in this direction is prohibited. If the main green signal has a black outline arrow, then this means that there are other directions of movement than those indicated by the additional section.

What is more important: a sign, a traffic light or a marking?

Traffic rules imply the following priority: the main one is the traffic controller, then the traffic light, then the sign and then the markings. Traffic controller signals take precedence over traffic light signals and road sign requirements. They are mandatory. All traffic lights, except flashing yellow, are more significant than road signs. All road users are required to follow the instructions of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, signs and markings.

In the capital of Germany there is a traffic light with thirteen signals. It is not so easy to understand his testimony right away.

At first glance, traffic light signals are all very simple and we have all known them since childhood. Red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go. This is a very simple rule. In this article we will look at this rule deeper within the framework.

Let's find all the pitfalls hidden in traffic lights. The most interesting signals will be those that are located in the additional section of the traffic light and what signals there may be in this section. We will look at Chapter 6 of the Traffic Rules regarding the regulation of traffic through an intersection using traffic lights.

6.1. Traffic lights use green, yellow, red and white-lunar light signals.

Depending on the purpose, traffic light signals can be round, in the form of an arrow(s), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, or X-shaped.

Traffic lights with round signals may have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow(s), which are located at the level of the green round signal.

We will not consider white-lunar traffic lights, in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, and X-shaped ones in this article.

6.2. Round traffic lights have the following meanings:

  • A green signal allows movement;
  • A green flashing signal allows movement and informs that its time is expiring and a prohibitory signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
  • The yellow signal prohibits movement, except in cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of an upcoming change of signals;
  • A yellow flashing signal allows movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
  • A red signal, including a flashing one, prohibits movement.

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming activation of the green signal.

This paragraph of the traffic rules describes round traffic lights. The most common traffic light, which is most often found on the roads.

6.3. Traffic light signals, made in the form of red, yellow and green arrows, have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their effect extends only to the direction(s) indicated by the arrows. In this case, the arrow allowing a left turn also allows a U-turn, unless this is prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

The green arrow in the additional section has the same meaning. A switched off signal of an additional section means that movement in the direction regulated by this section is prohibited.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the signals are made in the form of arrows, i.e. the arrow is a signal. The signal is not round. Traffic light signals with a contour arrow do not fit this definition, and clause 6.3 of the traffic rules is not applicable to them.

The second important point is that traffic light signals made in the form of arrows regulate only indicated directions. For example, if the red arrow to the right is on, then movement is prohibited only to the right; moving straight, turning left and turning around are not regulated by this signal.

The same applies to the green arrow signal, but only if the arrow is in the main section of the traffic light. Determining, for example, in the dark, whether this is the main section of a traffic light or an additional one is very simple - if the section is additional, then some signal in the main section of the traffic light must be on; if there are no other signals besides the arrow, then this means that the arrow is in the main sections.

6.4. If a black contour arrow(s) is applied to the main green traffic light signal, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the additional section signal.

This paragraph describes the purpose of the contour arrow of a traffic light signal. We see that a contour arrow can only be placed in the main section, and only on a green traffic light signal, and unlike a signal in the form of an arrow, a contour arrow allows movement only in the indicated directions. Traffic in other directions is prohibited.

We could finish our material here, if not for one very common situation in practice. We often come across a traffic light with the following signal:

In front of us is a traffic light with an additional section and a round signal. It would seem that according to paragraph 6.3, moving in the direction regulated by this section is prohibited.

But let's figure it out:

  • According to clause 6.2, a round green signal allows movement in all directions, clause 6.3 regulates traffic light signals made in the form of arrows, in this case clause 6.3 is not applicable.
  • The additional section may not be visible at night, and traffic signals may not have different meanings depending on the time of day.
  • The direction regulated by the additional section is unknown to us, we only know that it is “different” from the signal in the main section, and in the main section we have a green signal that allows movement in all directions,
  • The additional section may not contain a traffic light signal at all, but can be used, for example, for a timer.

Thus, with a given traffic light signal, according to clause 6.2, movement is allowed in all directions, unless otherwise prohibited by signs or markings.

Response from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Let's summarize:

  • The round traffic light signal extends to all directions,
  • The traffic light signal, made in the form of an arrow in the main section, applies only to the indicated direction and does not regulate traffic in other directions,
  • The traffic light signal, made in the form of an arrow in the additional section, applies only to the indicated direction and prohibits movement in other directions,
  • A round traffic light signal with a contour arrow on it applies only to the indicated direction and prohibits movement in other directions.

And this is how the TV show “Main Road” on NTV sees the situation.

Dear you without obstacles!

Traffic light(from Russian light and Greek φορός - “carrying”) - optical carrier device light information . designed for traffic control motor vehicles, as well as pedestrians at pedestrian crossings and other participants road traffic, railway and metro trains , river and sea vessels, trams, trolleybuses, buses and other transport. In CIS countries , the traffic light is municipal property of the city.


The first traffic light was installed on December 10, 1868 in London near the British Parliament. Its inventor, John Peake Knight, was a specialist in railway semaphores. The traffic light was manually controlled and had two semaphore arrows: raised horizontally meant a stop signal, and lowered at an angle of 45° meant moving with caution. In the dark, a rotating gas lamp was used, with the help of which red and green signals were given, respectively. The traffic light was used to make it easier for pedestrians to cross the street, and its signals were intended for vehicles - while pedestrians are walking, vehicles must stop. On January 2, 1869, a gas lamp at a traffic light exploded, injuring the traffic light policeman.

The first automatic traffic light system (capable of changing without direct human intervention) was developed and patented in 1910 by Ernst Sirrin of Chicago. Its traffic lights used unlit Stop and Proceed signs.

Lester Wire from Salt Lake City (Utah, USA) is considered the inventor of the first electric traffic light. In 1912, he developed (but did not patent) a traffic light with two round electric signals (red and green).

On August 5, 1914, in Cleveland, the American Traffic Light Company installed four electric traffic lights designed by James Hogue at the intersection of 105th Street and Euclid Avenue. They had a red and green signal and made a beep when switching. The system was controlled by a police officer sitting in a glass booth at an intersection. Traffic lights set traffic rules similar to those currently accepted in the United States: a right turn was carried out at any time in the absence of obstacles, and a left turn was made when the signal was green around the center of the intersection.

In 1920, three-color traffic lights using a yellow signal were installed in Detroit and New York. The authors of the inventions were, respectively, William Potts (eng. William Potts) and John F. Harris (eng. John F. Harriss).

In Europe, similar traffic lights were first installed in 1922 in Paris at the intersection of Rue de Rivoli (fr. Rue de Rivoli) and Sevastopol Boulevard (fr. Boulevard de Sebastopol) and in Hamburg on Stephansplatz (German). Stephansplatz). In England - in 1927 in the city of Wolverhampton (eng. Wolverhampton).

In the USSR, the first traffic light was installed on January 15, 1930 in Leningrad at the intersection of 25 October and Volodarsky avenues (now Nevsky and Liteyny avenues). And the first traffic light in Moscow appeared on December 30 of the same year at the corner of Petrovka and Kuznetsky Most streets.

In connection with the history of traffic lights, the name of American inventor Garrett Morgan is often mentioned. (English) Russian , who patented a traffic light of an original design in 1923. However, he went down in history for the fact that for the first time in the world, in addition to the technical design, a patent indicated the purpose: “The purpose of the device is to make the order of passage of the intersection independent of the person sitting in the car.”

In the mid-1990s, green LEDs with sufficient brightness and color purity were invented, and experiments with LED traffic lights began. Moscow became the first city in which LED traffic lights began to be used en masse.

Types of traffic lights

Street and road traffic lights

Car traffic lights

  • a red traffic light prohibits driving beyond the stop line (if there is no traffic light) or the vehicle in front into the area protected by the traffic light,
  • yellow allows driving beyond the stop line, but requires a reduction in speed when entering an area protected by a traffic light, being prepared for the traffic light to switch to red,
  • green - allows movement at a speed not exceeding the maximum level for a given highway.

It is common, but not universal, to use a combination of red and yellow signals to indicate the upcoming turn on of the green signal. Sometimes the green signal comes on immediately after the red signal without an intermediate yellow signal, but not vice versa. Details of the use of signals vary depending on the rules of the road adopted in a particular country.

  • Some traffic lights have one lunar white or several lunar white lights for a special vehicle lane that allows route traffic vehicles. The moon-white signal is placed, as a rule, at non-standard intersections, on roads with a second double solid line, or in cases where one lane changes places with another (for example, when a tram line running in the center of a highway moves to the side of the road).

There are traffic lights of two sections - red and green. Such traffic lights are usually installed at points where cars are allowed to pass on an individual basis, for example, at border crossings, at the entrance or exit from a parking lot, protected area, etc.

Flashing signals may also appear, the meaning of which may vary depending on local regulations. In Russia and many European countries, a flashing green signal means an upcoming switch to yellow. Cars approaching a traffic light with a flashing green signal can take timely braking measures to avoid entering an intersection guarded by the traffic light or crossing into a prohibitory signal. In some provinces of Canada (Atlantic Coast, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta), a flashing green traffic light indicates permission to turn left and go straight (oncoming traffic is stopped by a red light). In British Columbia, a flashing green light at an intersection means that there are no traffic lights on the road being crossed, only stop signs (but the green flashing light is also on for oncoming traffic). A flashing yellow signal requires you to reduce speed to pass through an intersection or pedestrian crossing as unregulated (for example, at night, when regulation is not required due to low traffic volume). Sometimes special traffic lights are used for these purposes, consisting of one flashing or alternately flashing two yellow sections. A flashing red signal may indicate an upcoming switch to green if there is no red + yellow combination at this traffic light.

Arrows and arrow sections

There may be additional sections in the form of arrows or arrow outlines that regulate movement in one direction or another. Rules (in Ukraine, but not in all countries former USSR) are:

  • Contour arrows on a red (yellow, green) background are a regular traffic light, operating only in a given direction.
  • A solid green arrow on a black background allows passage, but does not give an advantage when passing

In traffic rules Russian Federation in paragraph 6.3, contour arrows and a colored arrow on a black background are equivalent and do not provide an advantage when passing when the red signal is on in the main section.

Most often, the additional section “to the right” either lights up constantly, or lights up a few seconds before the main green signal turns on, or continues to light up for a few seconds after the main green signal turns off.

The extra "left" section in most cases means a dedicated left turn, since this maneuver creates more traffic disruption than a right turn.

In some countries, for example, in Ukraine, there are no “always on” green sections, made in the form of a sign with a green arrow on a white background. The sign is located at the level of the red signal and points to the right (an arrow to the left is also provided, but can only be installed at an intersection of one-way roads). The green arrow on the sign indicates that a right (left) turn is allowed when the signal in the main section is red. When turning along such an arrow, the driver is obliged to: take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to pedestrians and vehicles moving from other directions.

Traffic light with flashing red signal

A red flashing signal (usually with one red section flashing or two red sections flashing alternately) is used to mark intersections with tram lines when approaching trams, bridges during routing, sections of roads near airport runways when planes take off and land at a dangerous altitude. These traffic lights are similar to those used at railway crossings (see below).

Traffic lights installed at railway crossings

This one is installed directly at railway crossings in combination with “STOP” and “Stopping Place” road signs, respectively. Usually consists of two horizontally spaced red sections and one additional moon-white section. The white section is located between the red ones, below or above the sections connecting them. The meaning of the signals is as follows:

  • two alternately flashing red signals - movement through the crossing is prohibited; this signal is usually duplicated by an audio alarm (bell);
  • A flashing moon-white traffic light means that technical system the crossing is in good working order, and also informs road users about unhindered passage through the railway crossing

Reversible traffic light

To regulate traffic along the lanes of the roadway (especially where reverse traffic is possible), special lane controls (reversible) are used. In accordance with the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, such traffic lights may have two or three signals:

  • red X-shaped signal prohibits movement in the lane;
  • a green arrow pointing down allows movement;
  • an additional signal in the form of a diagonal yellow arrow informs about a change in the operating mode of the lane and indicates the direction in which it must be left.

Traffic lights for route vehicles

To regulate the movement of route vehicles (trams, buses, trolleybuses) or the route movement of all vehicles, special traffic lights are used, the type of which differs from country to country.

In Russia, the Traffic Rules provide for the use of a T-shaped traffic light with " four round signals of white-lunar color" The upper signals are used to indicate permitted directions of movement (left, straight, right), and the lower one allows the start of movement. also in last years in cases where there is only one direction of movement of route vehicles, or for all directions movement is always allowed at the same time, sometimes a traffic light is used in the form of an ordinary single round section with a luminous yellow letter “T”, allowing movement when illuminated, and prohibiting when not lit.

In Switzerland, a single orange signal (steady or flashing) is used for this purpose.

In countries Northern Europe traffic lights with three sections are used, identical in location and purpose with standard traffic lights, but with White color and the shape of the signs: “S” - for a signal prohibiting movement, “—” - for a warning signal, a movement direction arrow - for a permitting signal.

There are also traffic lights at tram stations (terminal) - that is, outside highways, having 2 sections - red and green. They serve to indicate the order of departure of tram trains from different tracks of the station.

There is no international standard for traffic lights for route vehicles, and they can vary greatly even in neighboring countries. As an example, below are the signals of such traffic lights in Belgium and the Netherlands:

Signal meaning (from left to right):

  • Driving straight ahead is allowed
  • Driving to the left is allowed
  • Driving to the right is allowed
  • Movement in all directions is allowed (similar to the green signal of a car traffic light)
  • Driving is prohibited unless emergency braking is required to stop (similar to a yellow traffic light)
  • Traffic is prohibited (similar to a red traffic light)

Because of its specific appearance, the Dutch traffic light received the nickname negenoog, that is, “nine eyes”.

Traffic light for pedestrians

These regulate the movement of pedestrians through a pedestrian crossing. As a rule, it has two types of signals: permissive and prohibitive. Typically, green and red light are used for this purpose, respectively. The signals themselves have different shape. Most often, signals are used in the form of a person’s silhouette: red for standing, green for walking. In the United States, the red signal is often performed in the form of a silhouette of a raised palm (the “stop” gesture). Sometimes the signs “don’t go” and “go” are used (in English language“Don’t Walk” and “Walk”, similar in other languages). In the Norwegian capital, two standing figures painted red are used to prohibit pedestrian traffic. This is done so that the visually impaired or people suffering from color blindness can understand whether they can walk or need to stand. As a rule, automatically switching traffic lights are installed on busy highways. But an option is often used when the traffic light switches after pressing a special button and allows the transition for a certain time after that.

Modern ones for pedestrians are also additionally equipped with sound signals intended for blind pedestrians, and sometimes with a countdown display (first appeared in France in 1998).

During the existence of the GDR, traffic light signals for pedestrians had original form little “traffic light” man (German) Ampelmännchen). In Saxony and the eastern part of Berlin, such traffic lights are still installed to this day.

In the absence of a pedestrian traffic light, pedestrians are guided by the indications of a car traffic light.

Traffic light for cyclists

To control traffic bicycles Sometimes special traffic lights are used. This can be a traffic light, the signals of which are made in the shape of a bicycle silhouette, or a regular three-color traffic light, equipped with a special sign. As a rule, such traffic lights are smaller in size than car ones and are installed at a height convenient for cyclists.

Tram traffic light

T-shaped (tram) are designed to regulate the movement of vehicles that have a dedicated lane for movement - in the vast majority of cases for trams. They are usually installed in front of areas with limited visibility, before long ascents and descents, at the entrance/exit of tram depots, as well as in front of tram switches and intertwined tracks.

Usually trams have 2 signals: red and green. They are installed, mainly, either to the right of the tram track, or in the center above it above the contact wire. Traffic lights of this type operate automatically.

The main purpose of tram traffic lights is to signal to tram drivers that the part of the tram track following the traffic light is occupied. The effect of tram traffic lights applies only to trams.

Railway traffic light

Railway traffic lights are designed to regulate the movement of trains, shunting trains, as well as regulate the speed of dismantling from the hump:

  • red - the path is busy, travel is prohibited;
  • yellow - travel is allowed at a speed limit (40 km/h) until the next section of the stretch;
  • green - 2 or more areas are free, travel is allowed;
  • lunar white - an invitation signal (placed at railway stations, marshalling and freight stations).

Also, traffic lights or additional light signs can inform the driver about the route or otherwise specify the indication. If there are two yellow lights at the entrance traffic light, this means that the train will deviate along the arrows, the next signal is closed, and if there are two yellow lights and the top one is flashing, the next signal is open.

There is a separate type of two-color railway traffic lights - shunting ones, which give the following signals:

  • one moon-white light - maneuvers are allowed;
  • one blue light - maneuvers are prohibited.

Sometimes a railway traffic light is mistakenly called a semaphore.

River traffic lights

River traffic lights are designed to regulate the movement of river vessels. They are mainly used to regulate the passage of ships through locks. Such traffic lights have signals of two colors - red and green.

Distinguish distant And neighbors river traffic lights. Distant traffic lights allow or prohibit ships from approaching the lock. Nearby traffic lights are installed directly in front of and inside the gateway chamber on right side along the direction of the ship's movement. They regulate the entry of ships into and out of the lock chamber.

It should be noted that a non-working river traffic light (none of the signals is lit) prohibits the movement of vessels.

There are also river traffic lights in the form of a single yellow-orange lantern, built into the “No anchoring” sign to indicate this sign at night. They have three lenses of the specified color, directed downstream, against the current and perpendicular.

Traffic lights in motorsport

In motorsports they can be installed at marshal posts, at the pit lane exit and at the starting line.

The starting traffic light is suspended above the track so that it is clearly visible to everyone standing at the start. Arrangement of lights: “red - green” or “yellow - green - red”. The traffic lights are duplicated on the opposite side (so that all fans and judges can see the start procedure). Often at a racing traffic light there is not one red light, but several (in case the lamp burns out).

The starting traffic lights are as follows:

  • Red: Prepare to start!
  • Red goes out: Start! (start from a place)
  • Green: Start! (running start, qualifying, warm-up lap)
  • Flashing yellow: Stop engines!

The signals for a standing start and a rolling start are different for this reason. The fading red does not allow you to start reflexively - this reduces the likelihood that someone will move off at the “alarming” yellow light. During a rolling start, this problem does not arise, but it is important for the drivers to know whether the start has been given (if the judge considers the starting formation to be inappropriate, the cars are sent to a second formation lap). In this case, the green start signal is more informative.

In some racing series there are other signals.

Marshal traffic lights are found mainly on oval tracks and give the same commands that marshals give with flags (red - stop the race, yellow - dangerous section, etc.)

The traffic light in the pit lane has the following signals:

  • Red: Leaving the pit lane is prohibited.
  • Green: Exit from the pit lane is permitted.
  • Flashing blue: a car is approaching the exit, give way to it.

In 2008, the Ferrari team used a traffic light instead of a sign to signal the driver during a pit stop. The system operated fully automatically, but during the Singapore Grand Prix, due to heavy traffic in the pit lane, the traffic lights had to be controlled manually. The mechanic mistakenly gave Massa the green light before the fuel hose had even been removed from the car, which led to the incident. After this, the team returned to the traditional sign.
