Why we need to fight for the purity of the Russian language. Research project "purity of Russian speech". Need help studying a topic?

Project goals: Find out what “pollutes” Russian speech.
Find out the cause of these factors.
Find ways to solve the problem.
Give examples of actions aimed at
cleansing Russian language.

Pollution of the Russian language

Despite the fact that the Russian language is verbal
rich, it also contains jargon,
filler words and much more. Exists
there are still many factors deteriorating Russian
literature, but in order to make it clear and
just explain the whole essence of the problem, I
I’ll give an example using jargon.

Jargon is a word or expression
belonging to any jargon.
So, in modern life can often be seen
girl walking with a cigarette and talking
swearing on the phone. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s
causes a feeling of disgust. That's it now
changed, and from tender, vulnerable creatures
girls turned into rude and tough
creatures It's a shame that many people stopped
pay attention to this, do not understand why
everything begins. But watch your
behavior and speech, very hard labour,
which most of today's youth
seems ineffective. But in vain.


statistics are not
pleases: quantity
almost vocabulary
number of citations in
Russian speech.

Causes of vulgar speech:

Poor upbringing and education.
Inability to behave respectfully
towards others.
Lack of respect for oneself, as a consequence
the above.

Poor upbringing and education in
primarily provokes obscene
speech. From early childhood the child
imitates his parents, and if with him
non-normative language is used in education
vocabulary (even if not specific in its
address), then when a person becomes
adults, he does not refuse this
habits instilled in him by his parents.
Education develops in a person
responsibility, ability to set goals
goals, literacy, and therefore speech culture,
Therefore, the purity of speech also depends on

Inability to behave respectfully
attitude towards others also imposes
imprint on a person's speech. When young
a person does not see among other people
differences neither in age, nor in status, nor in
position, he will talk to everyone as
with your friends, buddies and
peers using the same
jargon and other things that clog speech,
words. This means that his speech will become very distant
from correct speech. Well-mannered young
a person will always be respectful
treat both your peers and people
older people, using literate

And also, we all know that Russian teachers
language and literature are always competent and correct
express our thoughts, we try to them
imitate, learn from them, but there are teachers
other items that are used in their
youth speech is slack, dialectisms, words are parasites, which means in terms of pure speech they
cease to be a model for us. But
a good teacher is a teacher in everything. So I
I think that every person, no matter what he is
no age or profession, must respect
not only those around you, but also yourself, and therefore
try to speak intelligently.

Language is not only a method of communication, it is also
is one of the signs of the life of the people, its
using; this is a book in which
displays the entire history of the development of the people, the entire
its historical path, starting from the most ancient
times to the present day. In every phrase
the historical past is traced,
relentlessly accompanying people;
the present is traced, and perhaps
the future of all those with mother's milk
absorbed Russian words filled with
the love of people close and dear to the heart.

But, no matter how widespread obscene language
speech for today, fighting it
exists. Promotions are held and posted
posters with relevant slogans, in
schools hold special events.

And having understood the problem of pollution,
it becomes clear that it is not obscenity that needs to be eradicated, but
its reasons.

So, let's summarize:

We found out the reasons for the pollution of Russian speech.
We learned about the reasons for vulgar speech.
We looked at examples of events
dedicated to the purity of Russian speech.
Everyone made a conclusion for themselves after learning everything
seen here.



Nomination:“To be able to help, to know in order to protect...”

Direction: prevention of the use of profanity, jargon and excessive teenage slang in speech

Topic: “We are for the purity of the Russian language”

3rd class,



Pantas Nina Vasilievna, teacher primary classes,

ZATO Vidyaevo




1. 1 Reasons for using profanity, jargon, and teenage slang in speech.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .....21. 2 Brief summary of the project.................................................... ........................................................ .2



2.1. Objective of the project…............................................... ........................................................ ...............2 - 3

2.2. Objectives of the project…………………………………………………………………………………......... .2 - 3


3.1. Relevance................................................. ........................................................ ....................3

3.2. Legal legality of actions during

project………………………………………………………………………………………….............. .4

3.3. Stages of project implementation………………………………………………………………......4

3.4. Forms of work on the project……………………………………….……......4 - 5

3.5. Scientific and methodological work.................................................................. ............................................. 5

3.6. Logistics………………………………………………………......5 - 6

3.7. Control and inspection and analytical work …………………........................6

3.8. Interaction with parents, with each other, with Murmansk organizations

area……………………………………………………………………...... ........................6

3.9. Project Implementation Plan........................................................ .....................................6 - 8


Chapter 1V . RESULTS

4.1. Expected result…………………………………………………………………………………8

4.2. Prospects for the development of the project………………………………………………………................................8

4.3. Assessing the success of the project……………………………………………………………...8 - 9

Useful resources: ………….....................................................................................................9




1.1. Reasons for using profanity, jargon, and teenage slang in speech:

a) to achieve a certain social status in a group based on the acceptance of its social and moral values; b) for fun and pleasure; c) to demonstrate the sharpness of your mind; d) in order to avoid the everyday banality of the use of words literary language, desire for greater expressiveness of speech;e) to attract attention to one’s own person;f) to perform a secret function; social community;g) to create your own speech mask.

1.2. Project abstract

Our project “We are for the purity of the Russian language!” is aimed at updating the problem of the existence of profanity, jargon and excessive teenage slang in the speech of students primary school and relationships modern society to this “rejuvenated” reality.

In our project, we want to provide an opportunity for our peers to think about and discuss the problem of the existence in the Russian language of words that are not included in traditional dictionaries, which are not recommended to be used in public speech, including when communicating at school and in public places.

We are confident that our verbal promiscuity plays an important role in our formation, in our intellectual development, for our health. Today schoolchildren, youth, adult men and women do not swear, but speak. Mat is spread by the media and cinema. Jargon and slang impoverish our speech.

With our project we want to attract the attention of everyone, and above all schoolchildren, to the problem of that part of the vocabulary that until some time was considered indecent, and a publicly spoken phrase cost a person the loss of authority and was punishable by a fine or punishment in the form of detention for 15 days.

Project directed studying the possibilities of the rich literary Russian language, for the prevention and prevention of “pollution” of our speech, for intolerance towards such words. He covers important aspects work on our speech, historical roots and includes forms of work that are interesting and accessible to students. His originality the fact that children themselves can directly see the mistakes of others, analyze them, and look for solutions to prevent these mistakes. The teacher has developed technologies to prevent “pollution” of the Russian language. Activities during the project occur in a non-edifying manner. Each project participant feels his importance in this work and understands that the success of others depends on his success. For this reason, each project participant performs everything conscientiously and consciously. The project is viable and has prospects for development.

The project is designed for 1 year



2.1. Objective of the project:

2.2.Project objectives:

formation of a positive speech culture among students.

a) draw attention to the problem of profanity and purity of the Russian language;

b) develop a respectful attitude towards others;

c) determine the role of words borrowed from other languages;

d) introduce students to archaisms and neologisms;

e) instill in students the desire for beauty and correctness of Russian speech;

f) increase the level of communication culture among the younger generation.


3.1. Relevance

The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, to speak competently, logically, figuratively, and the ability to capture the attention of listeners is a unique characteristic of a cultured person who evokes the sympathy of others and is able to adapt in society. We all know how important culture is speech behavior for a good future for a growing person. Of course, the formation of competent speech depends on many factors: family, culture of upbringing, environment and, of course, education, the desire of the individual to improve himself.

IN Lately There is a sharp decline in general speech culture. Problems of language have long gone beyond the scope of philology and are aligned with other general spiritual problems of society; speech becomes not only a means of communication, but also a powerful energy charge that has a hidden impact on the human psyche and the entire world around us.

Tongue-tiedness, negligence, and inaccuracy in the selection of words to express thoughts are amazing; we use words without even thinking about the appropriateness of their use. Jargon, colloquial elements and other non-literary means poured into the pages of periodicals, mass literature, and into the speech of educated people: piece, stolnik, lemon, green, bucks, wash etc. The words have become commonly used even in official speech: party, hanging out, showdown, mayhem and many others. No less striking feature of today language development One can also consider the clogging of speech by borrowings. Borrowings have become not just buzzwords in the speech of schoolchildren: show (spectacle), display (screen), hit (hit), but necessary... What can we say about the “contact” beloved by many students, which gives the opportunity for free communication online? Yes, this is interesting, however, if abbreviated words, convenient for quick communication, are used verbally, or even in writing, at least, causes bewilderment among listeners. And how can we understand the words “me”, “cha”, “lyu”, often used by children? Are there not enough clear, pure words in our language that are understandable to every person and do not require replacement? It hurts that an invisible, at first glance, hobby, abbreviation of words, careless use of them leads to lack of culture and impoverishment vocabulary, derogation of personal dignity...

And the use of profanity in the speech of schoolchildren, even primary school children!

That is why the problem of preserving the purity, lexical richness of the Russian language, the possibility of using it artistic means for the development of society culture. Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowledge of the rules speech etiquette, their observance allows a person to feel confident and at ease, not to feel embarrassed due to incorrect actions, and to avoid ridicule from others.

And the most important role in this is given to the school...

3.2. Legal validity of proposals and actions during the project

Before starting work on the project, the parents of the students are presented with brief information about the project and their consent is obtained for the cooperation of children, for children to work with their parents on the Internet, for the publication of texts and other work done collectively or by the child individually, as well as photographs of children in a collective handwritten book "We are for the purity of the Russian language."

3.3. Project implementation stages




WithSeptember - October

November - April


preparing the base for execution


all the main work to bring the project to life: collecting and preparing material, class hours, class events, open lesson“We are for the purity of the Russian language”, familiarization with dictionaries, participation in “Dictionary Day”, studying the historical roots of profanity, borrowed words, neologisms, archaisms, jargon, youth slang, studying the culture of other peoples (Sami culture), excursions, participation in competitions (even international ones), acquaintance with the works of Russian writers and poets, which help to feel the beauty of the Russian language, close contact with the IBO ZATO Viyadevo in order to instill a love of books, enrich the speech of schoolchildren, etc...

release and presentation of the book, generalization of experience, printing of developments on the Internet, “Vestnik Vidyaevo”, trip to the festival of Slavic culture and writing in Murmansk.

3.4. Forms of work on the project

Our project has become a part of children's lives, because it is interesting and viable. The project involves the following complementary forms of work:

passive forms of work

active forms of work

work on the purity of the Russian language, its enrichment in lessons, in the course academic disciplines: Russian language, literary reading and others;

essay competition “We are for the purity of the Russian language”;

class hours, conversations;

participation in various poetry competitions (classroom, school-wide)

use of Internet space;

cool watch;

meetings with interesting people;

independent collection of material;

release and presentation of the book “We are for the purity of the Russian language”;

reading fiction.

We study the culture of other peoples (Sami culture) - a trip to the village of Sam-Syit; With

comparing two cultures;

printing developments on the Internet;


holiday trip Slavic writing and culture in Murmansk;

publication of an article in Vestnik Vidyaevo;

cooperation with municipal and cultural institution of ZATO Vidyaevo;

participation in Dictionary Day;

participation in the XX International Children's Handwritten Book Competition;

cool events aimed at expanding the reader's horizons, enriching the Russian language and intolerance to the “clogging” of the language;

activities within the circle “I am a reader” and “I am a researcher”.

3.5. Scientific and methodological work


conversations between teachers and parents about the need to enrich and purify the Russian language for schoolchildren;

rendering methodological assistance parents in terms of instilling a love of reading in children and expanding their reading horizons;

creating and updating a page in the methodological corner.

3.6. Logistics support

Logistics support involves updating the page in the methodological corner, allocating funds for the creation of a handwritten book, funds for a trip to the festival of Slavic writing and culture, prizes for the winners of various games and competitions. All funds are allocated by parents.



Price (average)



Tools for handwritten books

500, 0

500, 0

Tools for the page in the methodological corner

200, 0

200, 0

Funds for a trip to Murmansk

300, 0

6 300, 0

Funds for a trip to the village of Sam-Syit

1000, 0

21 000


1050, 0


29 050, 0

3.7. Control, inspection and analytical work

This work is to analyze the causes and conditions, the contamination of the Russian language, the poverty of students’ speech, tracking changes in students’ speech during the work on the project, this is the work of selecting the found material and designing the pages of the book. All project participants are involved in this work, with a clear delineation of the tasks of each participant.

3.8. Interaction with parents, with each other, organizations of the Murmansk region

Interaction with each other and parents implies joint participation in ongoing activities.

Interaction with other organizations (MEC DOD “Lapland”, MBO ZATO Vidyaevo, etc.) are joint events: participation in competitions of these organizations, visiting exhibitions on this topic, etc. (Involvement in cooperation with these organizations as these organizations announce events on the specified topic).

3.10. Project Implementation Plan




September October

November - April


Preparing the base for the project:

The main work to bring the project to life:

1. Printing developments on the Internet (as they are completed).

2. Participation in reading competitions (as they are held).

3. Visiting exhibitions related to the culture of the Russian language"

4. Every week we listen to audio recordings of Russian writers performed by masters of words, and read the proposed works.

5. We work (regularly) on creating handwritten books:

"We are for the purity of the Russian language"

"My strong little people"

6. Cooperation with IBO ZATO Vidyaevo, MOC DOD "Lapland"

1. Generalization of experience.

2. Release and presentation of the book “We are for the purity of the Russian language”

During the preparatory periodWe observe the speech of our peers, test our classmates on the topic “Your attitude towards profanity, slang words. What do you think about your speech and the speech of your classmates and friends!

1. Trip to the village of Sam - Syyt

14 September 2016

1. Choosing a topic,

coordination with parents, distribution of responsibilities.

1. Essay competition "We are for the purity of the Russian language"

2. Participation in the school-wide reading competition “This is my homeland”

3. History of profanity, jargon, youth slang.

1. Trip to Murmansk for the holiday of Slavic culture and writing

2. Publication of an article in "Vestnik Vidyaevo" "Russian language is our wealth"

1. Solving legal issues. 2. Solving financing issues.

1. Open event during the primary school week "Visiting the Sami"

1. Solving cooperation issues.


Class hours (one class hour per hour, starting from November 2016):

1. "The power of words"

2. "You and your speech"

3. “They are greeted by their clothes, they are seen off by their minds”

4. "To learn to speak beautifully..."

5. "A book is your best friend."

6. "Poets and writers of our time"

7. "Great Russian writers and poets"

Creating a page in a cool teaching corner.

We study archaisms.

intellectual and educational game “We are for the purity of the Russian language”;

Meeting with interesting people (LITO "Flashes")

We study neologisms.

We study borrowed words.

Cool event "Madam, please allow me"

Holiday "Like the Old Time"

Educational game"My own game. Russian language and literature."

1. Game "Verbal battles"

1. Summing up “What our speech has become”

1. Participation in XX international children's handwritten book competition


ChapterV . RESULTS

5.1. Expected Result

1. The implementation of the program will make the speech of schoolchildren more beautiful and rich, and will begin to develop intolerance to the “pollution” of Russian speech

2. Children’s reading activity will begin to increase and their interest in books will increase.

3. Children will have the opportunity to communicate more easily in any society, without using “newfangled words” in their speech.

4. Students will have the opportunity to learn the culture of the indigenous people of the Kola North and will begin to respect any world culture.

5.2. Project development prospects

Children will be able to present the handwritten book “We are for the purity of the Russian language” to other school students, participate in competitions with it, attract like-minded people into their ranks, begin to appreciate their language, and enrich their speech.

5.3. Project success assessment

The project is aimed at achieving practical results. This is evidenced by the effectiveness of actions to implement the project. The main positive value is put at the head of the project - identifying the problem to adults and willingly including adults in the implementation of the project, creating motivation for children and adults that meets the needs of children. During the implementation of the project, other positive values ​​were used, described in the chapters of the project and wisely selected taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students.

The project or its individual technologies (some technologies were developed by the project leader) can be successfully used by other groups of students.

The project is original for its practical solutions: family participation, collective creativity, use of Internet materials, etc.

The project is viable because it is relevant. It was built taking into account the real capabilities and resources of the municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school ZATO Vidyaevo.

Useful resources:

1. https://deti-online.com/skazki/rasskazy-prishvina/ - Stories by M. Prishvin for children

2. https://www.tikitoki.ru/stihi-dlya-detey/poezija-sergeja-esenina-detjam - Poetry of S. Yesenin for children

3. http://www.4egena100.info/olimpiada/citaty.html - quotes from great writers about the Russian language

4. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/511075/ - Workshop for parents of young children preschool age"Teach children to speak correctly"

5. http://www.krupenichka.ru/ustarevshie-slova/slovar-ustarevshih-slov.htmlDictionary of obsolete words

6. http://likbez24.ru/index.php/leksika/item/246-leksicheskij-slovarik - Lexical (explanatory) dictionary of neologisms

7. http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/6311366/page:34/ - Dictionary of teenage slang

8. http://slavculture.ru/mir/1178-mat-v-russkom-yazyke.html - Where did swear words come from in the Russian language?


Jargon is a word or expression belonging to some jargon. So, in modern life you can often see a girl walking with a cigarette and talking obscenities on the phone. I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel disgusted. Now everything has changed, and from gentle, vulnerable creatures, girls have turned into rough and tough creatures. It’s a shame that many people have stopped paying attention to this and don’t understand why it all starts. But monitoring your behavior and your speech is very hard work, which seems fruitless to most of today’s youth. But in vain.

Poor upbringing and education primarily provokes obscene speech. From early childhood, a child imitates his parents, and if profanity is used during his upbringing (even if not specifically addressed to him), then when a person becomes an adult, he does not give up this habit instilled in him by his parents. Education instills in a person responsibility, the ability to set goals, literacy, and therefore a culture of speech, therefore purity of speech also depends on education.

The inability to behave respectfully towards others also leaves an imprint on a person’s speech. When a young man does not see any difference in age, status, or position among other people, he will talk to everyone as to his friends, acquaintances and peers, using the same jargon and other words that clog his speech. This means that his speech will be very far from correct speech. A well-mannered young man will always treat both his peers and older people with respect, using competent speech.

Language is not only a method of communication, it is also one of the signs of life of the people who use it; This is a book that reflects the entire history of the development of the people, their entire historical path, from ancient times to the present day. Each phrase traces the historical past that constantly accompanies people; traces the present, and, perhaps, the future of all those who, with their mother’s milk, absorbed Russian words, filled with the love of people close and dear to their hearts.

I constantly come across the opinion of guardians of the purity of the Russian language and fighters against Anglicisms like “smoothie” or “outsourcing”. Personally, these attempts to stretch an owl onto a globe (to enclose such a flexible thing as a tongue within a rigid framework) amuse me incredibly.

This linguistic snobbery looks especially funny against the background of the fact that even the most ardent admirer of pure Russian in his everyday speech sprinkles foreign borrowings every word. I think that if you dig, then in the speech pattern of the “classical” Russian language there will be no more than 20% of words that at least relate to Slavic group.

Although I don’t know, perhaps it’s the English “novorus” that they hate, and terms from Greek, German, French and several dozen other languages ​​are kind of normal.

But absolutely everything is normal, language is a living organism, everything that is unnecessary will be rejected over time, everything that takes root is already Russian word and period!

By the way, if anyone thinks that borrowing is a problem only for the Russian language, but in fact, English itself constantly drags in words from all over the world and there are no problems with that.

I read a study that the languages ​​of small nations defend themselves from “invaders”; new models are coming into circulation to replace internationally generally accepted terms, such as computer or aggregator. This natural process, if there is no such protection, then the language will simply degenerate in a few generations.

The languages ​​of large nations, on the contrary, greedily absorb everything new, sometimes even changing the meaning of the original word (for example, Xerox, in our country it’s any copying machine, but all over the world it’s just a brand of office equipment). And this is good, it enriches the language, makes it richer, more flexible. When there are several terms for one phenomenon, it is much better than when there are not enough of them.

Here is the opinion of a Russian linguist, with which I agree:

Linguist Vladimir Plungyan - on whether the Russian language has really become worse

The Russian language is degrading - everyone is worried about this except linguists, who for some reason are calm and just chuckle.....

……Borrowing is the most common complaint. At the same time, they give examples of teenage Internet slang “go”, “gamat” and “sign up”, and they themselves quite calmly talk about how they make investments, conduct monitoring and learn marketing. But all these words are borrowed.

……Why the older generation is irritated by youth slang

Each new round of language development begins with those who are younger. This is the slang that irritates the older generation because it is different from their language. But there have always been differences in the speech of young people.

……..The question most often asked is: why does the Russian language borrow words for which there are “its own” analogues?

Vladimir Plungyan: “A language will never borrow what it does not need. Language has its own logic. Another thing is that it may not be clear to us. For example, there is the word “teenager” and suddenly a new one appears - “teenager”. And why are teenagers bad? Why call them an incomprehensible word? There is a feeling that the Russian language is missing something in the word teenager.

If you look at the context, the word “teenager” is such an official, medical-legal one. “A project aimed at socializing difficult teenagers” - this is what the state says. And when we talk about the modern urban environment, we want more modern word. Nobody has heard the phrase “difficult teenagers.”

But there is a “TV show for teenagers”, “SMS addiction of modern teenagers”. The difference between these words is significant!
In a huge number of cases, borrowing cannot be replaced by anything - in our language there are no simple short words for them.

Vladimir Plungyan: ““Spoiler” is a very capacious and useful word. In the dictionary, to explain it in Russian, you need a few lines of neat text - “prematurely revealed important information that spoils the impression of watching a movie or reading a book.”

Has the language deteriorated because this word appeared? He has become better."
The Russian language does not deteriorate and cannot deteriorate in principle. Because he reacts to all changes in society. And if a language reacts, it means it is alive, it is doing its job, it is developing, it is responding to the challenges of the time (by the way, we didn’t say that 20 years ago).

If we continued to use the language of Marlinsky or even Dovlatov, we would simply not be able to describe modern life.

Well, are you still fighting for the purity of the Russian language?

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Slide captions:

For the purity of the Russian language!

Rings More Beautiful Catalog Cakes Blinds Contract Quarter Facilitate How Many Providing Means Sorrel Pamper Carpenter Place emphasis on the following words:

Ringing Beautiful and more Catalog Cakes Blinds and Contract Quarter Facilitate How many Providing Means Sorrel Pamper Joiner Check yourself

The brake is stupid; Cool - good; To have a blast - to have fun; Ancestors - parents; Imagine - imagine; To run into - to pester; If it’s not a market, don’t say it; Don't drive - don't deceive; In the sense - how to understand; Relax - relax. A failed exam is a tail; Head - dome; TV - telly; Homework – homework; Leave - fade away; Over the hill - abroad; Wheelbarrow - car; I trudge - I admire; Box - TV. Here are some of them: “The use of slang vocabulary,” writes linguist L. I. Skvortsov, “clogs and coarsens spoken language.”

– Don’t say bad words yourself. – Don’t copy others. – Don’t talk like everyone else, don’t try to be like someone else, maintain your originality and remember: “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles it, but what comes out of the mouth.”

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