What you need to know to become an airplane pilot. Starting to become a pilot: advice to applicants and addresses of educational institutions. How to get a job as a pilot at a major airline

The sky beckons many people. After all, what romance is hidden in the vocation of a pilot - this profession is prestigious, well paid and rarely boring. But it is associated with huge risks, so the selection of candidates is quite tough. It’s not enough to just take a course or read literature. If you want to know how to become a civil aviation pilot, you must understand that there are many requirements that need to be met, including those related to physical fitness. It is impossible to become a pilot without practice. This is a difficult path, so you need to be aware that the childhood dream of conquering the sky is not suitable for everyone, and the responsibility here is very big.

The situation in the country is difficult. On the one hand, there is a noticeable shortage of pilots in the labor market. On the other hand, it is not enough to graduate from a specialized university to be hired. So how to become a pilot? It's worth looking into it in more detail.

Basically, most places at universities are provided on a budgetary basis, but getting there is not so easy. The reasons for this are the strict medical commission. It is important to take into account that the following systems should be in order:

  1. Heart.
  2. Lungs.
  3. Vessels.
  4. Normal blood pressure.
  5. The vestibular apparatus is normal.
  6. Excellent vision.

The commission should be held constantly, at every course. At the slightest deviation you may be expelled. If you decide to become a passenger aircraft pilot, then you need to understand that commissions will be held even after graduation, before almost every flight. The pilot is responsible not only for his own health, but also for the lives of passengers, so it is important that a person prepares for the flight with full responsibility.

How is the training going?

Of course, future students are interested in how their education will proceed. Civil aviation pilot training begins with studying the structure and configuration of aircraft. The following courses also take place:

  • studying the methods and possibilities of operating aircraft;
  • theory and practice of aircraft control;
  • routing and understanding maps;
  • aerodynamics;
  • meteorology;
  • engine design;
  • Skydiving;
  • first aid and medical skills;
  • foreign language for working on foreign flights.

The practice also includes training on special simulators that simulate real flights and the cockpit.

What awaits graduates?

Not every company will hire graduates who have just received their diploma. It's all about high responsibility and lack of experience. However, in this way you can become an Aeroflot pilot from scratch. But this option is not always realistic. Graduates must begin to accumulate flight hours, as well as obtain special pilot licenses. It is believed that the more hours a cadet spends in the air, the better for him. Many companies are willing to hire people who have been practicing this way for at least two years.

Of course, this is a problem for young professionals. Not every one of them has their own plane and runway so they can just practice. Therefore, there are special training organizations that provide private small training grounds and aircraft for a fee. All this requires quite a significant capital, because fuel for aircraft alone will not be cheap. But this also includes equipment care and repairs if something happens.

What does it take to become a pilot without education?

Of course, not everyone the man will go study at a university, because after studying for 6 years, then you will have to for a long time increase your experience. This question is also interesting for people who already have higher education and want to fly, even if they are well over 30 years old. There are special flying clubs that provide a license on a commercial basis after training. There are stages of training here:

  • At the first stage, an amateur pilot certificate is issued; you can fly with it, but it is prohibited to work. You can fly, for example, on your own small plane with friends or family;
  • After the first stage, the rank of commercial pilot is available. This license allows you to operate light aircraft, participate in commercial flights on a ship with one engine, and fly short distances;
  • at the last level, the rank of line pilot is available with all the ensuing consequences in the form of permission to fly any aircraft.

It is noteworthy that, compared to university graduates, such specialists have three times or even more flight hours, so they are much more often hired by large airlines.

Any pilot knows perfectly well what each button does.

Such training to become a Russian civil aviation pilot is quite expensive, but it is justified if you definitely want to get a job immediately after receiving your license. There is a real struggle on the part of large companies for such specialists, because so far in the country every year twice as many pilots retire as are employed. This causes a severe shortage of personnel. Therefore, having completed all three stages, you can quickly recoup the cost of training.

Courses abroad are also available for young people. The education system there is somewhat different from the domestic one. After receiving a commercial pilot's license, a specialist may not spend money on paying for the next level, but rather earn it by receiving additional flight hours. In the USA, the practice of working as an instructor is widespread, because here airplanes are very popular and you can buy them freely. It is fair to say that such a situation is gradually being established in Russia, but so far not every person can afford such a means of transportation.

How to get a job as a pilot at Aeroflot

This company is a leading Russian air carrier. Getting a job there is not only prestigious, but also profitable, since the management pays excellent salaries to its employees. However, at the same time, extremely stringent criteria for selecting specialists apply, and not every pilot has a chance of getting on Aeroflot’s staff.

The airline itself has its own flight schools, where training is carried out according to a specially developed specialist training program. In order to become a full-time pilot, you must have a commercial license. The initial stage of requalification takes place at the Ulyanovsk School, then the candidate is prepared for the issuance of an international certificate.

The training lasts one and a half years, and it is paid. It costs 27 thousand dollars to undergo training at Aeroflot. The company can provide a loan for training, but in this case it is necessary to work off the debt to Aeroflot within five years after hiring. To do this, an amount of $450 will be debited every month. There is also an accelerated retraining course, but its cost is even higher - $100 thousand. The cadet must pay the initial contribution of 55 thousand on his own, and the company provides a loan for the remainder. Light aircraft with two engines are used for training. Aeroflot currently provides Austrian Diamond Aircraft models for training its future pilots. In addition, modern simulators are used to practice all possible techniques and develop the necessary skills.

In contact with

Path to civil aviation usually goes through special universities, because the profession of a pilot requires no person only the ability to fly an aircraft, but And teaches you to have responsibility for life and the health of other people. Therefore, only a person can become the manager of a passenger aircraft whose appropriate education.

How to become a pilot if you have no money? IN There are several universities in Russia where pilot training is taught free of charge, for example, State University civil aviation in St. Petersburg. You must graduate 11 to enroll. classes and have high results in independent exams. The future conqueror of the sky needs to pass several exams: mathematics, physics, and the state language.

Applicants usually choose their own direction. You can become a regular pilot or a pilot engineer. Often potential pilots choose "Aircraft Operation and air traffic organization." For applicants, no admitted to budget, you are given the opportunity to learn the basics of your specialty on a paid basis.

Even a person can become a commercial pilot, not admitted to university, or students with incomplete secondary education. Like after 9 class to become a pilot? Go to school. Less than 3 professions are taught there years. For admission you need to pass mathematics, physics and languages.

Behind Over a long period of time, each student of the school fully masters the basics of the flying specialty, undergoes an internship, and receives a commercial pilot diploma. IN flight organizations provide students with everything they need. You can learn to become a pilot here for free.

There is another way to become a commercial pilot. This method - private school. IN There is no competition for admission to such schools. To obtain a diploma, only a high school diploma is required general education And money because the cost of training in private schools is quite high. By After graduating from school, a person becomes an amateur pilot with corresponding certificate. WITH With this document you can easily find your place in small aviation.

Many don't just want to fly a helicopter in within the specialty, but And sometimes they are the owners of such a device. To sit down helicopter helm, you also need to get the appropriate education, because law govern it Only persons with a diploma can. Therefore, many people want to know where to go to become a helicopter pilot. This can be done by enrolling in flight school or private aviation school.

This profession - Not just a certificate and specialized education. A person who dreams of mastering this specialty must have nerves of steel and impeccable physical fitness - the sky is not tolerates weak people.

Maybe can a woman become a pilot?

Of course it can. This is proven by world practice. Behind women aviators abroad - Absolutely not rarity. IN in our country now few girls dream of rising to the top heaven and connect your life with aviation.
How can a girl become a pilot? Civil Aviation Flight Academy - here is the answer to this question. Enroll in This institution is now difficult even for men, but even a fragile girl can become a student at the academy. On in extreme cases, a persistent young lady can always turn to certificate in private flight school.

Before what age can you become a pilot

Often people are for 30 years decide to change of profession. Some people remember their childhood dream, others find out that pilots get paid well. Can whether in 30 years or after 40 become a pilot? Now in flight schools have no restrictions on age, anyone can become such a student. The main thing is that he Not had health problems.

The most common reason for refusal is obtaining a flight certificate becomes difficult eyes. Can whether with become a pilot with poor eyesight? Yes, and V Russian aviation in including. True, for this not you there must be chronic eye diseases or vision changes greater than 4 diopter. Wearers of contact lenses and points can obtain an aviator's license in any private institution.

It is possible to become a pilot V 35 And V 40 years. However, older flight school students need to remember that they are less likely to find a good job completion of the training course, because large airlines and small private owners with look at with doubt such graduates. They prefer to take job of younger applicants. On Such organizations will pay attention to a mature applicant only if there is a shortage of personnel.

Become a pilot after 30 almost impossible for free. To obtain a pilot's diploma, older students are required to pay money for education. Education and aviator skills for adult men can be obtained at state flight schools contract, and also in many private schools.

Learn on a pilot can behind border. However, far from all officials of our state recognize diplomas from foreign schools - keep this in mind when making a decision.

No matter how much time has passed, no matter how many generations have changed, people’s desire to fly, to be a pilot or astronaut has not gone away. In order to become a pilot, you can take several paths. Firstly, get an education at a flight college, secondly, undergo practical training at a flying club. It’s up to you to decide how to become a pilot, but to make it easier to choose, we’ll look at these options in more detail.

How to become a real pilot

The first opportunity involves studying at a university. As we know, it lasts five years. But after receiving your diploma, you can try to get a job as a pilot for an airline. Of course, in order to borrow a good place, you will have to fly additional hours, since, on average, the flight time of a college and academy graduate is 150 hours, these indicators are often not enough.

In addition, before deciding how to become a pilot, you should study the requirements for To evaluate it, you will have to pass the 1000 m run, 100 m, and pull-ups. Only after passing this test the commission will make a decision: “recommended for training” or “not recommended.” The advantages of studying at a university are obvious: good theoretical training, the opportunity to study for free. However, if for some reason during the training process your health condition worsens, then there is a chance that you will never learn how to become an airplane pilot.

The second option is directly related to the flying club. You can take your first flight

Do it already in the first lesson, however, as a passenger. Various legal acts stipulate that pilots, in such conditions, have a large amount of not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge. At the same time, most often students do theoretical training themselves, and undergo a medical examination only at the end of training.

Pilot's license

In order to be able to fly an airplane independently, you must obtain a pilot's certificate. It confirms that the person knows how to become a pilot and has completed the full training.

The certificate is issued in three categories: private, line, commercial pilot. Studying at a university makes it possible to obtain a commercial pilot certificate. In the future, they can be commanders of single-engine or multi-engine aircraft, but with the condition that they are not used for commercial purposes.

In the event that a person has passed regular courses, then upon completion he becomes a private (amateur) pilot. In this case, the right to independently fly a light aircraft appears, but without the possibility of being hired.

Only those who have more than 1,500 hours of flight time become linear. Moreover, higher demands are placed on pilots in this category.

In order to find out, you also need to know that airline and commercial pilots are further divided into classes. The first one is considered the highest. If you are thinking about becoming a helicopter pilot, you must at least obtain a private pilot certificate.

In any case, if your intention to master this profession is serious, and your health is good, top level, go for it! All in your hands!

How to choose the best flying school in the world and learn to fly

“Why don’t people fly?” – a classic question that transcends time and generations. The era of the “winged man” has not yet arrived, but technological progress has made all the wildest dreams of flying over the Earth come true. Going into space, freely floating in the air, seeing what is there above the stars and clouds has become possible and commonplace. We tell you how to learn to fly and not get lost in the abyss of tempting offers from flying schools around the world.

Do I want to fly?

Before choosing a flying school, you should make sure of your boundless love for the sky and your readiness to learn the basics of flying a particular aircraft. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to choose a means of transportation in advance either. If the choice falls on any of the non-motorized ultra-light aircraft (this also includes balloons), then there should not be any difficulties in finding aviation schools. Flight and training services on both paragliders and hang gliders are provided by a lot of aviation clubs, which exist in almost every region of Russia. To fly in this case, no licenses or certificates are required. This pleasure costs from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the region, school and the availability of an instructor. Training to operate the device will cost an average of 25,000 rubles. The course can last from 1 month to 3, depending on the class schedule.

To start learning to fly an SLA, you don’t need to collect a huge package of documents; you just need to be over 15 years old. Many flight schools require you to provide accident insurance or offer to obtain the document on the spot. But buying your own paraglider will cost 70–120,000 rubles, although on Avito you can find offers for 30–40,000 rubles.

If things are much more serious and your soul asks for the helm of an airplane or helicopter, then it’s worth thinking about a more careful selection of flight courses. But first, it’s still worth trying, feeling and understanding the process by using the introductory flight service. For 7,000 rubles, any flying school will not only give you a ride on an airplane, but also let you fly it.

When you come down from heaven to earth with a strong desire to learn how to fly an airplane in order to fly independently in any direction in the future, then the question of choosing air courses arises. To fly independently, you must obtain a private pilot license (PPL). It does not give the right to make money on air travel, but is necessary for those who plan to fly a private small plane. In which country is it more profitable to study as a private pilot?

Russian aviation schools

In Russia, a PPL license can be obtained at one of the aviation training centers or at flying clubs that have a contractual relationship with the aviation training center. Schools operating under the DOSAAF system remain proven over the years. Anyone over 18 years of age who can present a medical examination report can begin training there. The cost of a practical and theoretical course will be from 400–500,000 rubles. At the beginning of training, a flight record book is created for each cadet, where flight hours are recorded. But the training flights are carried out on Yak-52 and A-27 aircraft. Accordingly, in the future you can only fly aircraft of this slightly outdated category. If you do not plan to purchase your own aircraft, then with this license you can rent aircraft from DOSAAF in the future. Otherwise, it is better to immediately undergo training on popular aircraft such as Cessna or Tecnam.

One of the best options is the ChelAvia flight school. If you take both a theoretical and a practical course here, the training will cost approximately 600 thousand rubles. Branches of the flying club are located in Chelyabinsk and Moscow, so residents of other regions will have to either rent a room at the club’s airfields or look for a school in their area.

It is worth remembering that with a Russian private pilot certificate you will not be able to fly in foreign countries. If frequent flights abroad are expected, then it is more logical to undergo training directly in Europe or America.

American flying schools

Finding a flight school in the USA is not difficult. This is the most “flying” country in the world, and there are a huge number of flying clubs there. On the other hand, such popularity attracts a large influx of students, for example, from Asia. There is no need to count on an individual approach when training. Unlike Russian schools with a base of experienced pilot-instructors, American ones are increasingly taught by yesterday's cadets. However, extensive practice of spoken and specialized English will be provided for sure.

You can enroll in any flight school in the USA on your own if you have excellent command of the language and obtain a study visa. It is better to choose a flying club on the spot if you can get a visa without the mediation of a school. When looking for a school, you should not immediately trust beautiful websites and sociable managers. There is also no need to rush to pay most of the tuition fees. There is enough information online to be able to compare prices and school locations. The most “flyable” states in the USA are Florida and California. The climate favorable for flying and the location on the ocean near the visited tourist areas are more attractive than, for example, the deserts of Arizona. All Phoenix, Arizona flight schools have to offer is lower tuition. For example, a private pilot course at SunState Aviation in Florida on a Cessna 172 will cost $11,700, and at the Arizona Professional Air flying club the same course will cost $10,400.

As a rule, American schools accept anyone aged 17 to 64 with good English, who has passed a medical examination and without a criminal record, for private pilot courses. If you don’t have time to look for flight schools on your own, you can turn to intermediary organizations. Such companies not only provide assistance in obtaining a visa and finding housing, but also help resolve any issues related to the learning process throughout the course. It will only cost more. For example, the Russian company Aerocadet cooperates with a commercial college of aeronautics “ Aviator College of Aeronautical Science & Technology" in USA. The entire training program here for two months with accommodation and visa will cost $12,750.

If you want to get an American education, but are afraid to find yourself in a completely foreign environment and culture, you can choose a school organized by Russian pilots. For example, 35 days of training at the SkyEagle Aviation Academy in Miami will cost $10,380, but does not include the cost of housing, food and visa. Although on .

European flying schools

Aviation education in Europe is valued among both the Russian and American flying worlds. It is worth going to Europe for high-quality theory and an extremely attentive attitude of the instructor to the subject and to the students. Upon completion of studies in Europe, you need to take several exams at once, and not just one, as in the USA. To enroll in a flying school in any European country, it is enough to fall into the age category from 17 to 60, pass a medical examination and speak English at least at the school level.

If previously the UK and Germany were considered the most expensive countries for pilot training, now the prices have leveled off compared to other countries. Training to become a private pilot of an aircraft, for example, on a Cessna 150, will cost an average of 7,000 euros at both the British Academy ANT and the Latvian AvioBaltica. One of the most budget-friendly is the Latvian school Paraleks, where the private pilot course costs 6,293 euros. Training on newer aircraft models in the United Kingdom, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Greece and other countries will cost about 9,000 euros. Therefore, it is better to choose a country to obtain a European flight license based on the cost of living in that country. Thus, the Baltic states and Greece are much cheaper than the UK.

The flight school helps with obtaining a student visa. You can also come for training using a tourist visa, if its validity exceeds 1 month.

After training in Europe or America, you can obtain a Russian “duplicate” PPL private pilot license.

Is it possible to learn to become a pilot for free?

You can get a free aviation education only up to the age of 27 in state educational institutions, but this will take 2-3 years. To master the basics of piloting, 2-6 months are enough. Such training is not given completely free of charge, but if you wish, you can save a lot: if you refuse the theory course, which can be found on the Internet, the savings will be approximately 40,000 rubles. Also, the Cessna flight training online course for training private pilots was recently released, developed at the request of Cessna and capable of saving time on studying theory. This course costs $384.

Another way to save money is to try offering your services in exchange for flight hours. Flying clubs often need help in various areas: from cleaning the territory to advertising.

For those who have already made a clear choice in favor of the sky and the airplane, it is convenient to select a flight school on the services

Many people in love with the sky are trying to conquer its vast expanses. How to become a professional pilot? It is not simple. However, endurance, willpower and a great desire to move forward will allow anyone to learn this difficult profession.

Russian legislation gives the right to issue flight permits in three categories:

  • amateur pilot;
  • commercial pilot;
  • line pilot.

How to become a pilot? This question haunts many amateurs and beginners in the field of aviation. To realize your dream, you need to accurately understand and realize all the difficulties and problems that a pilot may encounter. Learning to fly is a long and labor-intensive process that includes the following:

  • obtaining special education at a university;
  • training at a flying club;
  • obtaining a pilot's license.

Studying at a university

How to become an airplane pilot? Get trained at flight school or university. This process is the longest and most labor-intensive, on average it takes five years. In Russia there are two state flight schools, which are located in St. Petersburg and Ulyanovka, the rest of the institutions are branches.

To enter such institutions, a potential pilot must have exceptional health and endurance, so the first step on the path to training is passing sports standards: timed running (100 m and 1000 m), pull-ups on the horizontal bar. If the commission is satisfied with the student’s results, then he enters. It is important to note that if health deteriorates during training, a potential pilot may be expelled from the university.

Mostly in schools they study theory, which is taught in various areas: aircraft design, flight manual, aircraft navigation, aviation medicine and others. Upon completion of the course, the pilot is issued a diploma.

Having received the necessary knowledge, a person begins to practice. To get a job as a pilot, a graduate needs to fly about two hundred hours.

Training at the flying club

How to become a pilot? Any specialist must constantly improve and improve their skills. This is where various courses organized in flying clubs come to the rescue, where experienced teachers will talk about new products in the field of aviation and supervise test flights.

If a person intends to become an amateur pilot, then he only needs to pass full course at the flying club without primary education at the Academy of Civil Aviation. However, Rosaviation requires a large amount of practical and theoretical knowledge from the pilots of the flying club.

At the very first lesson, the beginner will be asked to make a test flight together with the instructor and will be told about the operation of the main instruments on the aircraft control panel.

The pilot will have to master theoretical training on his own, since training in flying clubs is largely aimed at practice and flying hours.

At the end of the course, the newly qualified pilot undergoes a medical commission of VLEK GA (medical flight expert commission) for professional suitability.

It is important to know that only flying clubs that have all the necessary certificates and licenses are granted the right to fly professional activity within the framework of the current law.


An amateur pilot who has completed training at a flying club receives a corresponding certificate, which gives him the right to fly independently on light aircraft, but limits him to work for hire.

A flight academy graduate receives a commercial pilot certificate, which allows him to become the pilot of single-engine and multi-engine aircraft.

The most difficult thing for a line pilot is to obtain a flight license of the appropriate level. The total flight time must be one and a half thousand hours, and the health requirements are increased.

Commercial and line pilots are divided into classes, of which the third is the lowest, the second is the middle, and the first is the highest.

How to become a civil aviation pilot?

A specialist with a commercial flight certificate has the right to apply for work. How to become a civil aviation pilot is explained to him at the airline where he is going to work. The procedure for recruiting a pilot into the workforce in most cases does not undergo changes.

After training at a flight school, a newly minted specialist can only apply for the role of co-pilot of a crew.

How to become a civil pilot:

  • A commercial pilot license is required;
  • passing exams: theory and practice;
  • medical examination;
  • availability of the required hours of flight time.

    To become a line pilot, achieve the highest category and get a job with major airlines, you must have extensive experience in flying commercial flights as both a co-pilot and a crew chief.

    How to become an Aeroflot pilot?

    Aeroflot is the largest airline and national carrier of Russia, operating domestic and international flights around the world. It is prestigious and honorable to work there. The airline strictly selects its employees, as it requires only highly professional personnel.

    How to become an airplane pilot? Aeroflot has established its own flight schools and developed personnel retraining programs. When starting a job, a pilot must have a commercial license with him.

    The first stage of the one-and-a-half-year training takes place at the Ulyanovsk School of Civil Aviation. Aeroflot's school then spends six months preparing the pilot to obtain a Commercial Pilot License or Multi-crew Pilot License.

    The cost of training in the amount of twenty-seven thousand dollars is paid by the pilot himself. Aeroflot provides its employee with a loan for this amount on the condition that he must work for the airline for five years. From monthly wages he will be deducted an amount of $450 to pay off the loan.

    To save money, the company decided to train its cadets on a light twin-engine Diamond Aircraft aircraft of Austrian origin. Also, the Aeroflot school is equipped with the latest simulators, which allows you to carry out many manipulations on the ground.

    The airline offers accelerated retraining courses worth $100,000. The initial payment in the amount of 55 thousand dollars is paid by the cadet himself, and Aeroflot provides a loan for the remaining amount.

    Helicopter flights

    How to become a helicopter pilot? In many cities of Russia there are centers for training pilots to work with various brands of helicopters. Almost everyone dreams of flying a rotorcraft, but not everyone succeeds in becoming a professional pilot.

    Anyone who enrolls in such courses masters a theoretical and practical knowledge base. Helicopter control training takes place individually with an experienced instructor.

    The pricing policy for rotorcraft pilot training courses consists of a number of factors:

    • presence or absence of primary aviation education;
    • preferred type of helicopter (Robinson R44, Eurocopter, Bell, Agusta and others);
    • quantity practical classes and general raid.

    Several teaching methods have been developed in schools: for beginners and virtuoso professionals who want to take an advanced training course.

    Upon successful completion of training, the cadet is issued a state-issued civil aviation amateur pilot certificate.

    Fighter piloting

    How to become a fighter pilot? Currently, the most popular Russian fighters are the MIG-31 and Su-27. They are also where pilots are trained.

    Fighter pilot is a very risky and adrenaline-filled profession. At the flight school, cadets practice techniques and methods of correct and accurate flight. On average, each pilot must fly one hundred hours during the year.

    The practical training course includes the following:

    • flights according to the combat training plan;
    • restoration of lost skills of flight personnel;
    • performing various types of tasks from the military crew;
    • a program for refueling aircraft in the air during the day and at night.

    It is very important to master the technique of refueling fighters in the sky, since it is quite difficult to do: at a speed of 600 km/h you need to get into the fuel tanker hose. With the help of refueling, the flight duration increases to five hours.

    All tricks and interception methods are practiced on the latest simulators

    Fighters that accurately repeat all tactics and movements.

    After five years of hard work, professional first-class fighter pilots graduate. They join the Air Force.

    Military pilot

    How to become a military pilot? It is necessary to graduate from the civil flight school, and then from the Air Force Academy. Yu. Gagarin.

    It is important to know that working as a military pilot is a service in the Russian Air Force, and it includes all government benefits and programs.

    Young people over 18 years of age, after a full medical examination, can begin military service. In addition to a medical examination by doctors, the cadet will have to undergo a neurological and psychological examination. If he fails to meet at least one of the criteria, he will not be accepted into the Air Force.

    Any potential military pilot must have the following qualities:

    • bravery;
    • responsibility;
    • endurance;
    • high intelligence;
    • stable psyche.

    Undoubtedly, the profession of a pilot is prestigious and honorable. You can learn about how to become a pilot and a truly professional in your field at specialized institutions, having discussed all the conditions and rules for admission. The most important thing is that the pilot must be truly in love with the sky, constantly develop, improve and go towards his goal in spite of all the difficulties that arise.
