How you can achieve success in business and personal life. How to succeed in life: advice from great people. Psychology of success

Everyone dreams of achieving something worthwhile in life and business. How many books have been written in the world on the topic “how to achieve success”, how many articles have been published... Probably everyone understands that just by reading a few motivational books, success will not come by itself. To do this, you need to act and move towards your goal. However, before this, you need to form in your head an image of the very ideal that you are going to become.

The following technique is common in psychology: if you want to become a person with the right set of qualities, behave as if you already have them. Think as if you have already become this person. The same can be applied to the desire to be successful.

We have collected some tips that will help you become successful, wealthy and happy:

  • Never let failure stop you. Even the most capable people Very few things work out the first time. Try until it turns out the way you intended. With each attempt, you move one step closer to your goal.
  • Don't put off your goal until later. Don't wait to become smarter, more talented, or more savvy on your own—start taking action now. Only by doing something can you become better. Wean yourself from inaction and waiting for “better times.”
  • If a problem arises, think not about how it could happen, but about how to solve it. Don't let an obstacle waste your time. Look for ways to overcome it in a short time.
  • Learn positive thinking. Place only positive thoughts in your head, try to experience only positive emotions. Negative thinking will never lead you to your goal, and the right thoughts can attract even more luck, even more positivity and success into your life. No matter how it sounds, it is true.
  • Become a sociable person. Be open to communication with people around you. Share your experience and learn from the experience of others. Help people if you can, and you will feel the return from them. The ability to communicate with people is necessary not only for establishing connections in business, but also for a comfortable inner feeling.
  • Find time to exercise. Physical activity will only benefit anyone. The minimum you can do is do morning exercises or jogging. By strengthening your muscles, you strengthen your will to win.
  • Develop different sides of your personality. Having a favorite activity is great, but you shouldn’t get stuck on just one thing. Maintain a balance between the different areas of your life.
  • Forget the word laziness. Laziness is one of the most harmful human habits. If you allow laziness to overcome you even once, you will fall deeper and deeper into this dangerous state called “I’ll do it later.” There is only so much time in the day, is it really worth wasting it on meaningless activities?
  • Plan your every day and week. Make a list of necessary things to do tomorrow or within a certain time, and then you will definitely not miss anything important.
  • Be disciplined. At school, teachers monitored your discipline, but now you must monitor yourself. Become a strict teacher for yourself. If you violated discipline, punish yourself if you spent the work week with the greatest benefit- then encourage. Punishments and rewards can be anything from extra goodies for dinner to no Saturday fun.
  • Choose your surroundings carefully. You should be surrounded by smart, reliable and positive people. People you can trust and who will give you wise advice at the right time.
  • Sometimes give in to your intuition. It happens that unconscious thinking itself directs us to the right path. Trust your intuition, but you shouldn’t turn off rationalism either.
  • Develop your creativity. There are a huge number of options to discover previously unknown abilities and talents. The ability to think creatively will allow you to find ways out of the most unusual situations that you will encounter.

  • Eat right. Drink clean water, eat more vegetables and fruits. Fast food and preservatives pollute your body. This leads to a decrease in stress resistance and performance.
  • Spend a lot of time in nature, breathing fresh air. If you are faced with a choice between an evening in a smoky bar and a picnic in nature, feel free to choose the latter. Spend more time with your family.
  • Be the best at what you do. Having chosen a profession that you like, do not stop developing yourself in this direction. Make people say about you: “Yes, he is an expert in this.”
  • Unleash your talents. Maybe the talented artist or composer in you is dying? Try to do something you haven’t done before, and perhaps you will discover hidden sides of yourself that will become real inspiration for your future achievements.
  • Enjoy life, no matter what happens. Be grateful for everything you have and appreciate every minute you live.

Everyone at least once asked themselves the question: “How to achieve success in life and career?” How do people achieve outstanding success in school, work, business, personal relationships and any other endeavor?

The answer to this question is that they have a special thinking, knowledge and most importantly - they act!

As one of the wise men very accurately noted, some people achieved success only because they began to strive for it before you. Everyone has a choice - to be successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor, happy or unhappy. And everyone makes their own choice throughout their lives!

In today’s article I want to give not just empty advice on how to achieve success in life, but clear methods/techniques of successful people with the help of which you will achieve everything you could not even dream of before.

These methods helped me a lot to get started and short period time to achieve truly impressive results.

By the end of the article, you will be able to choose a specific method (strategy) that is right for you and begin to plan your life and achieve success!

So how can you become successful in life and achieve your goals?

Many of us do not have clear life goals and priorities. Often we cannot say “NO” to certain people and things. We don't know our strengths and weak sides. We do not control our energy and often scatter it aimlessly. We are constantly afraid of something.

The basis of success is the correct self-organization (self-government) And motivation. All success depends on this!

Self-organization (self-government) means competence, one’s personal and Professional Development regardless of external circumstances. Part of self-organization is time management, or in simple words, time management.

Peter Drucker, perhaps one of the most prominent authors on self-management of the 20th century, said that we live in an era of unprecedented personal and professional opportunity.

However, these opportunities require taking responsibility for your development and personal maturity. On this subject, Peter Drucker says:

  • You must become both a leader and a subordinate for yourself, in other words, on the one hand, you must be able to set the right goals and objectives, organize your time and, on the other hand, follow your plan and complete the intended tasks.
  • Throughout your life, you must remain curious and productive.
  • In order to do things well, you must maintain a deep awareness of yourself.
  • You need to know what skills you have and where you can use them most effectively.

The ultimate goal of self-organization is for us to consciously take our daily work into our own hands.

This also includes: planning, organizing, motivating and goal setting.

To achieve success in life you should:

  • better organize yourself
  • plan your tasks,
  • prioritize and of course,
  • be always motivated.

It is vital that you make the most effective decisions.

It would seem like such simple tips However, it is hard work. Scientists say: every day we take more than 20,000 solutions , most of them within a few seconds. It's quite difficult to imagine!

Especially in the process of work, we again and again find ourselves in situations in which we have to make decisions quickly. We find ourselves in this state, under pressure from lack of time, 60 percent of the time.

Start with one goal

How can you set your goals?

First steps:

  • Yours target must be clearly determined.
    The path to achieving a goal is most often not easy. Therefore, you must set clear goals and be able to make decisions more spontaneously and improvise. Too strict planning does not allow this.
  • Don't be a slave to your goal.
    It sounds harsh, but there are people who stubbornly stick to a goal once set, no matter what happens to them. It is worth admiring your perseverance if, when your life circumstances change, you are able to adjust your goals or abandon them altogether.
  • Your passions spontaneously shape your goals.
    If you value something, stand behind it and, most importantly, love it, then you don’t need any other goals. In this case, you know exactly what you want to achieve.

Now let's move on to the main thing - strategies that will allow you to achieve success in life.

The Pareto principle, named after Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), states that We achieve 80% of all results with 20% of our efforts . The remaining 20% ​​of the result requires as much as 80% of our effort.

In other words, we often spend a huge amount of our time and effort on things and deeds that don’t really produce any results.

This is illustrated in the following graph:

Bottom right square– this is actually nothing more than garbage. These tasks may not be completed. They are neither urgent nor important.

Lower upper square– these are unimportant but urgent tasks. These tasks should be delegated.

Tasks that in turn are not urgent, but important (bottom left) must be entered into the calendar and later executed step by step.

Remaining tasks in the upper left corner: urgent and important. They must be implemented immediately!

Of course, it would be pointless to develop such a coordinate system for every day. The purpose of this is to internalize this principle so that you can apply it intuitively.

Which method you choose to achieve your goal is your personal choice, the main thing is that it contributes as much as possible to achieving success.

4. Let's become successful and achieve our goals!

Gradually, step by step, we are moving towards success! So how are they different? successful people from losers?

5. Individual performance curve

People, like all other living beings, have an “internal clock” called biorhythms. Depending on the time of day, people are either active or relaxed.

The productivity of an individual, as a result, is not always the same throughout the day, but changes at regular intervals.

Successful activity requires high degree concentration and activity. So important tasks should be completed during the periods in which they are most suitable - in terms of activity and efficiency.

Therefore, it makes sense to know your performance curve and take it into account. To avoid a phase of low concentration while working, you should adjust your work schedule in accordance with your productivity curve.

There are 3 performance curves:

    "average person""owls""larks".

5.1 Performance curve of the “average person”

It is suitable for most people.

Productivity is strongly felt in the morning and reaches its climax in the morning (8.00 to 11.00).

It decreases towards lunch and noon and increases again towards evening (18:00 - 20:00).

But the morning peak of productivity will no longer be achieved.

In order to use this performance curve, you must

  • Schedule important work and meetings during the time of your highest level of productivity - morning
  • Leave less important matters and routine work for the afternoon.

5.2 OWL performance curve

Do you fall asleep late, don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, have no appetite and are not particularly talkative?

Then you are probably a “evening person” whose performance curve is shifted back by 2 hours compared to the “average person”.

5.3 LARK performance curve

Are you often already tired by 21.00, but as soon as you wake up, you are already in a cheerful state and are immediately ready to act?

Then most likely you are a morning person.

Your productivity curve moves forward from the average person by approximately 1 hour.

In order to effectively use your performance curve, you must

  • start your working day early,
  • use the hour before your colleagues arrive to complete important work in silence,
  • Perform routine work in the afternoon.

The chart below should help you understand the different performance curves more clearly:

Individual performance should be observed and noted over a long period of time.

Then you can build your personal performance curve and make it the basis of your daily work.

What tasks did I complete today and what did I achieve?

Things don't always go as easily as we would like. Therefore, you must stay motivated throughout the day.

Everyone, including top managers and highly qualified athletes, has experienced a lack of motivation. It is often tedious, boring, or difficult to follow your plan. This can seriously weaken motivation.

Motivation is a necessary condition for successful work. But how to motivate your reluctance, moreover, if you are at the bottom?

Become aware of your own motives and their meaning.

Motivation is often just a matter of having the right attitude.

Motivation and drive to achieve certain goals can only be achieved if you have a compelling reason to achieve this goal.

Only when a person understands the benefits of the goal and the actions associated with it, will he be able to motivate himself and work towards achieving the goals.

If a task seems strange to you in some way or you cannot understand its meaning, then you should question this task. Try to collect all possible information about the task being performed: Why do it? What will this give me? Do I need this?

Each person is individual. For one, a vacation with his family is a great happiness, another needs the applause of the audience, while the third lives only with his car.

The first step towards self-motivation is to understand what really motivates you.

What are your personal motivations for achieving your goal?

Only those who identify themselves with daily activities have greater intrinsic motivation and, accordingly, high level productivity.
Steve Rice, an American psychologist, found in one study (Rice profile) that there are 16 basic human needs:

Motive Behavioral trait
Power Influence, success, leadership
Independence Freedom, Self-determination
Curiosity Knowledge, truth, unknown
Confession Social recognition, membership, positive self-esteem
Rule Clarity, structure, stability, good organization
Collecting/ Accumulation Property, accumulation of material wealth
Honor Morals, principles, integrity of character
Idealism Social justice, decency
Social connections Friendship, camaraderie, sociability, humor
Family Family life, own children
Status Reputation, public opinion, rank, social status
Struggle Competition, revenge, aggression
Love Beauty, sexuality, erotica, aesthetics
Food Feed, cook, drink, enjoy
Physical activity Physical activity, fitness, body, sport
Calm Relaxation, emotional security, satisfaction

The better you know yourself, the better you can control yourself!


Here some advice O volume, How You you can save money precious time.

Conducting a telephone conversation

  • never call without a plan
  • call purposefully
  • set aside a specific time for phone calls
  • asking your partner if he has time
  • get straight to the point
  • think about costs
  • use cheap phone call hours
  • talk about important things to repeat
  • write down important information immediately
  • don't get distracted while talking

Read about how to find a high-paying job on the Internet.

How to achieve success is a question many people have asked themselves. We want to succeed in business, study, family life, in many large and small endeavors, but we don’t know how to truly achieve what we want. In this article we will talk about 17 incredible rules of success that apply in any situation, for any task. We can say that they are universal, and the practicality of these rules has been tested by more than one generation of successful and rich people. If you are a reader of our column, then these 17 rules will not be a new discovery for you. After all, almost every millionaire we wrote about, in one way or another, in his lectures, interviews, and speeches, spoke about one of the rules and focused attention on it. We can say that this article contains all the wisest thoughts, all the experience of several generations, by understanding which you can radically change your life today.

Solve problems immediately

The first rule of success is that you must solve all problems as they arise, and immediately, without procrastination. After all, problems tend to accumulate unnoticed, and one fine day you will be faced with a whole bunch of unsolved problems that can take many months to sort out. Remember that successful people have everything structured, everything is clear and understandable. You always need to act confidently, quickly, decisively. No unnecessary swaying.

Work for yourself

The second rule of success is: “You must create jobs, not take them.” Get rid of the idea that you can achieve success by working for someone else. Just not in our country. Nobody values ​​workers, and it’s hard to achieve success if you give your knowledge, energy and time to someone else’s project. Work for yourself, do what you love, develop yourself, and only when your work becomes a highly paid hobby can you truly become successful.

You are above all

Personal interests, desires and aspirations should be a priority above all else. Your loyalty is unlikely to be appreciated by your superiors. Working for a company, you will bring profit to the owners, and the moment you become financially unprofitable, they will get rid of you without a doubt. The sooner you start setting your own goals ahead of the rest, the faster you will achieve success.

Set high goals

Constantly raise your income bar. Just started a business, earned your first $1000, and don't stop there. Set the goal next month to double the amount, in half a year to earn 10 times more, and in a year to reach a level 25 times higher than earnings in the first month. Constantly stimulate yourself, be hungry for new knowledge, new goals, new victories.


Acquiring new acquaintances, obtaining useful contacts, developing partnerships and friendships is another important component of the overall success of your business. Try to communicate as much as possible, take part in various symposia, forums, and exhibitions. As they say, show yourself and look at others. Isolation and fear of communication are the main enemy of success.

Environment first

“Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” - this phrase has an incredible deep meaning. If you want to be successful, rich, happy, then you must surround yourself with such people, communicate with them, adopt knowledge and visions of the world. Run away from those who do not believe in you, who say that you are worthless and will never achieve your goals. As a rule, such people are losers themselves, and communicating with them will not bring anything useful. Your friends should be optimists and winners in life.

Don't forget about responsibility

Remember that as soon as you start earning more, as soon as you start your own business, hire a team, then a burden of responsibility will fall on your shoulders. It will be different: responsibility to employees, to whom you give hope for long and stable work, to partners, to society, and, ultimately, responsibility to yourself. Don't be afraid to be responsible for the results of your actions.

Do it here and now

Are you constantly short of money? This is a compelling argument for thinking about starting your own business. And if there is no money at all, then the business needs to be opened today. Don’t sit with folded arms and hang your nose, look for ways out of the current situation, try to think more broadly, find interesting solutions and unusual answers. Believe me, there are always dozens of opportunities around us, we just need to learn to see them and choose the best ones for you. The main thing is the desire to do something, and the opportunity will appear.

Passive income

Another step to success is passive income. As Rockefeller said: “I would rather get 1% of the work of 100 people than 100% of my own work.” Strive to create a company that will make a profit with little intervention from you. Then there will be more free time for new things, new goals and successes.


A lot of successful people are investors. Having made money on one project, they prefer not to create a new one, but would rather invest in a successful startup. If you see a prospect in some business, then take a risk and invest money in it. Success comes to those who are determined and take risks, and where else if not in investing can one obtain such qualities.

Find a good incentive

Stimulus is what will make you move, develop, and reach new heights. Articles can be a good incentive different people, tips and tricks from millionaires, or. You will find all the necessary information in the sections of our website.

Ask yourself questions

Very often a person cannot achieve success, because he does not know what to do, what to strive for, why all this. Try asking yourself questions: Who am I? What can I do and how unique is my knowledge? Why am I here? What will I do if I earn a lot of money? What do I want to achieve? Try to answer the questions posed as honestly as possible, do not deceive yourself. The path to success begins with inner answers.

Dream and strive

You must have a dream. You cannot live, develop and reach heights without having a dream, without seeing what you need to strive for. The dream will become an incentive that will force you to wake up every morning, do work, go to bed late, not get enough sleep, but know that you are not doing all this in vain, that in the end you will achieve what you dream of.

Help others

Have you not noticed that many successful people happily help others, are philanthropists, donate money to charity, and open their own foundations. Some may say that they became like this after they achieved success, but I assure you that this is not so. If a person is kind, open, ready to respond to the requests of others and help in a difficult situation, then fate will respond in kind. Help others, and they will help you in difficult times.

Keep a success diary

In one of our previous articles, attention was already focused on the fact that it is worth keeping a success diary. Write down all your plans and tasks in it, and after achieving them, describe the result, praise yourself and set new, more serious goals. As a rule, we can remember negativity longer, and if a moment comes when you give up, a bad mood comes over you and the desire to work disappears completely, then take your success diary, re-read everything, remember your victories and achievements, at what cost they were obtained, what emotions you experienced. Believe me, the blues will disappear instantly.

We all have a fairly limited amount of time to do everything we want. To avoid wasting energy and achieve success and happiness faster, use these tips to help you do better.

Present yourself as something valuable

It doesn't matter what exactly you do or what your life goals, you should be important person. Those whom people will need. The more valuable you are, the more money you can make. IN personal life it will help you grow and strengthen your relationship. The best way gain value - figure out what value you can offer people and how it fits with your beliefs and goals in life. Have you made yourself better today? How could you achieve this?

Do what you love

If you study the biographies of successful people and think about your personal experience, you will realize that the most successful representatives of humanity do what they love. Don't waste your life, find what you love and do just that. Those who don't follow their dreams rarely achieve anything significant. If you haven't figured it out yet, try to do it as soon as possible.

Be unique

If you live exactly like someone else, you will have a hard time achieving success. It’s important to go beyond the usual; that’s the only way you’ll get noticed. It doesn’t matter whether you dream of money, strong relationships, or want to realize yourself, you should definitely be a unique person.

Get started now

There are many factors that can lead to success in your professional and personal life, but the most important thing is to take action. Many people fail to reach their full potential because they don't even try. They are just preparing, planning and waiting for the special moment to come. If all successful people waited until they were ready, they wouldn't get anything done. A situation is rarely one hundred percent comfortable, you have to be able to start and adapt along the way. What are you waiting for? What are you planning? What bad thing will happen if you start right now? It's time for you to change your approach and forget about your previous empty worries.

Find yourself a good teacher

People who succeed are usually grateful to their teacher or group of teachers who helped them achieve everything in life. A teacher already has the experience needed to realize your goal and can help you choose the right direction and move you in it faster than you could on your own. If you want to improve your health, you need a competent trainer. If you want to get rich, learn from someone who has already amassed a fortune. People rarely think about how important it is to find an advisor. But, if you want to succeed, you need to change your point of view on this issue. If you have a teacher, life will be much easier for you. Just think about the area in which you would benefit from the support of an experienced person.

Get a support group

The teacher will help you determine the right direction in life, with him you will analyze your previous actions and plan the future. A support group is someone who will be there for you on your journey to success. This could be your colleague or a discussion group where you can talk about your goals and discuss all the difficult situations that arise in life. It is very important to know that someone is always ready to listen and help you cope with doubts and frustration, who will remind you how much you have already achieved. Do you have a support group?

Take control of your finances personally

The numbers are scary for many. Start talking about revenues and profits, and people will immediately start to worry. If you too are feeling anxious, try to change the situation. Don't try to run away from money, you will only make things worse for yourself. If you dream of financial independence, you must control the situation yourself. If you own your own business, in order for it to succeed, you will need to personally understand all of its internal processes. If you don't understand anything about economic matters, you need to learn as soon as possible. It's not that difficult if you don't limit yourself to the preconception that you don't understand it. Do you know the value of your business? What makes you doubt your own ability to handle numbers?

Get Help

It is important to know and understand all aspects of your personal and business life, but it is not necessary to perform all related tasks yourself. If you prioritize correctly, you will maximize your potential. You can always learn something new and become more competent, but you only have twenty-four hours a day, so it's much more effective to learn to delegate some tasks to other people. The ability to delegate is a very valuable skill.

Learn to sell

Many people cringe when thinking about trading. They are prejudiced by this work. In fact, it may prevent you from being successful. The ability to sell is the ability to convince someone. If you want to make a date, this skill will come in handy. And if you are having an interview, this skill will come in handy. When convincing relatives or colleagues of something, you use it. So if you want to get the most out of every area of ​​your life, learn effective sales techniques. There are many successful coaches from whom you can learn a lot.

Do not give up

Things rarely go the way you planned them, there is always something that will distract you and hinder you on the path to success. The main thing is not to forget about perseverance, to find the courage to move forward even when everyone around advises you to give up. You don't have to stubbornly stick to a plan that doesn't work, just don't forget about the goal you've always dreamed of. When things don't go the way you would like, remember that any successful person has had to endure many failures - it's just important to then continue moving forward. Never give up, no matter how hard it gets, and one day you will thank yourself for it. Believe in yourself, remember your goal and keep moving, even if each step you take is slow and small.

Everyone dreams of achieving something worthwhile in life and business. How many books have been written in the world on the topic “how to achieve success”, how many articles have been published... Probably everyone understands that just by reading a few motivational books, success will not come by itself. To do this, you need to act and move towards your goal. However, before this, you need to form in your head an image of the very ideal that you are going to become.

The following technique is common in psychology: if you want to become a person with the right set of qualities, behave as if you already have them. Think as if you have already become this person. The same can be applied to the desire to be successful.

We have collected some tips that will help you become successful, wealthy and happy:

  • Never let failure stop you. Even the most capable people don't succeed the first time. Try until it turns out the way you intended. With each attempt, you move one step closer to your goal.
  • Don't put off your goal until later. Don't wait to become smarter, more talented, or more savvy on your own—start taking action now. Only by doing something can you become better. Wean yourself from inaction and waiting for “better times.”
  • If a problem arises, think not about how it could happen, but about how to solve it. Don't let an obstacle waste your time. Look for ways to overcome it in a short time.
  • Learn positive thinking. Place only positive thoughts in your head, try to experience only positive emotions. Negative thinking will never lead you to your goal, and the right thoughts can attract even more luck, even more positivity and success into your life. No matter how it sounds, it is true.
  • Become a sociable person. Be open to communication with people around you. Share your experience and learn from the experience of others. Help people if you can, and you will feel the return from them. The ability to communicate with people is necessary not only for establishing connections in business, but also for a comfortable inner feeling.
  • Find time to exercise. Physical activity will only benefit anyone. The minimum you can do is do morning exercises or jogging. By strengthening your muscles, you strengthen your will to win.
  • Develop different sides of your personality. Having a favorite activity is great, but you shouldn’t get stuck on just one thing. Maintain a balance between the different areas of your life.
  • Forget the word laziness. Laziness is one of the most harmful human habits. If you allow laziness to overcome you even once, you will fall deeper and deeper into this dangerous state called “I’ll do it later.” There is only so much time in the day, is it really worth wasting it on meaningless activities?
  • Plan your every day and week. Make a list of necessary things to do tomorrow or within a certain time, and then you will definitely not miss anything important.
  • Be disciplined. At school, teachers monitored your discipline, but now you must monitor yourself. Become a strict teacher for yourself. If you violated discipline, punish yourself; if you spent your working week with the greatest benefit, then reward yourself. Punishments and rewards can be anything from extra goodies for dinner to no Saturday fun.
  • Choose your surroundings carefully. You should be surrounded by smart, reliable and positive people. People you can trust and who will give you wise advice at the right time.
  • Sometimes give in to your intuition. It happens that unconscious thinking itself directs us to the right path. Trust your intuition, but you shouldn’t turn off rationalism either.
  • Develop your creativity. There are a huge number of options to discover previously unknown abilities and talents. The ability to think creatively will allow you to find ways out of the most unusual situations that you will encounter.

  • Eat right. Drink clean water, eat more vegetables and fruits. Fast food and preservatives pollute your body. This leads to a decrease in stress resistance and performance.
  • Spend a lot of time in nature, breathing fresh air. If you are faced with a choice between an evening in a smoky bar and a picnic in nature, feel free to choose the latter. Spend more time with your family.
  • Be the best at what you do. Having chosen a profession that you like, do not stop developing yourself in this direction. Make people say about you: “Yes, he is an expert in this.”
  • Unleash your talents. Maybe the talented artist or composer in you is dying? Try to do something you haven’t done before, and perhaps you will discover hidden sides of yourself that will become real inspiration for your future achievements.
  • Enjoy life, no matter what happens. Be grateful for everything you have and appreciate every minute you live.