20 years is the time to be cool. Have your own opinion

We are publishing a translation of an article by the popular American blogger Mark Manson www.markmanson.net.

When I was 20, I didn't have a goal. I just graduated from music school and just cut my long hair. I wanted to get out of Texas, but I didn't know how or where. I was smart, cocky, arrogant and very irritable.

I'm 30 now, and a lot has changed over the past 10 years. I built my own business, traveled to many countries, and managed to start a career as a writer - something I never could have foreseen. You can only appreciate the dramatic changes that have happened to me by stopping and looking back. Here are some things I learned:

1. Time is your best asset

When you are young, your greatest asset is your talent, not your ideas and experience, but your time. Time gives you the opportunity to take big risks and make big mistakes. Drop everything and go travel the world for a few years. Or start some company to create some crazy app you came up with with your friends. The difference between an unemployed 22-year-old with debt and no work experience and an unemployed 25-year-old with debt and no work experience is negligible in the long run.

2. You can't force people to be friends with you.

There are two types of friends in life: those who feel no change when you leave them for a long time, and those who feel how things have changed when you leave and then return.

I have spent most of the last five years in different countries. This, unfortunately, means that I have left behind a lot of friends in a lot of different places. What I've discovered in all this time is that you can't force someone to be your friend. Friendship either exists or it doesn’t.

I've also discovered that you can rarely predict which friends will stay with you long term and which ones won't. I left Boston in the fall of 2009 and returned eight months later. Many of those who were close to me when I left were in no hurry to call me when I returned. And some completely random acquaintances gradually became our closest friends. This does not mean that the first group of people are bad people, or that they are bad friends. It's no one's fault. It's just life.

3. You don't have to achieve all your goals.

If a person has lived for two decades, he usually learns to focus on his goals. You set out to accomplish tasks X, Y, and Z, and you either complete them or you don't. If you succeeded, great. If not, then no.

But in my 20s, I learned that life doesn't really work that way. Of course, it's nice to always have some goals and always have a direction to work in, but I found that achieving goals was not relevant.

When I turned 24, I sat down and made a list of goals that I wanted to achieve by 30. The goals were ambitious, and I took this list very seriously. At least for the first few years. To date, I have achieved about a third of these goals. I made significant progress on the second third of my goals as well. But with the last third everything remained the same.

I firmly believe that the point of all these goals is 80% to get us to do something, and only 20% to get us to reach some specific point. The value of any endeavor almost always lies in the process of failure and re-trying, rather than in the final achievement.

4. Nobody really knows what they're doing.

There is a lot of pressure on children at school to know exactly what they will do with their lives. This starts with choosing the university they will attend after high school. Then there will be a choice of work. Then there will be a choice of a path that will help you climb the career ladder, and, if possible, get to its very top step. Then there will be a wedding, then children.

But the truth is that almost no one has any idea what exactly they are doing in their 20s, and I'm pretty sure this continues into their later lives. Everyone is simply processing their current best offer.

I rarely had any idea what I was doing. I get emails all the time from people wanting to know how I built my own business, when I decided to become a writer, and what my original business plan was. The truth is that I never knew any of these things. They just happened. I paid attention to opportunities and acted on them. Most of these actions ended in failure. But I was young and could afford failure. In the end, I was lucky enough to find my own path to do what I love and do it well.

5. Most people in the world basically want the same thing.

I started my business in an amazing industry that led me to some interesting places and let me meet interesting people. I have visited more than 50 countries around the world. I learned several languages ​​and interacted with both rich and poor, in both rich countries and third world countries.

And I discovered that from a broad perspective, people basically want the same thing. Everyone spends most of their time worrying about food, money, work or family - even rich and well-fed people do this.

Everyone wants to look cool and feel like important birds, even the coolest and most important ones.

Everyone has worries and anxieties that hinder them, no matter how successful they are.

Ultimately, I learned to evaluate people not by who they are, but by what they do. For example, some are very good people The people I met were people who weren't supposed to be kind to people like me. And you won't know who you're dealing with until you spend enough time with that person. Pay attention to what he does, not what he looks like, what gender he is, etc.

6. The world doesn't care about you

A thought that at first glance seems scary: “Does no one really care about me”? But it becomes liberating when its true meaning reaches a person.

As David Foster Wallace once said:

"You'll stop worrying about what others think of you when you learn how rarely they do."

You, me, and everything we do will someday be forgotten. It will be as if we never existed at all, even if that is not the case. No one will care. Much like how now no one cares what you actually said or what you did with your life.

Actually it's good news: it means that you can walk away with a huge amount of stupid things you've done, and people will forget and forgive you for it. This means that there is no reason not to be who you want.

7. Pop culture is full of extremes, practice moderation

My life immediately became 542% better when I realized that the information you consume online is 5% of the extremes in the foreground, and that approximately 90% of life happens in the unnoticed background where life actually lives. most of the people. If you read enough of the Internet, you will think that the Third World War it is inevitable that corporations rule the world through some conspiracy, that all men are rapists, that all women want to be raped, that white people are victims of “reverse racism,” etc.

It’s important to step back to those 90% and remind yourself: life is simple, people are kind, and the chasms that separate us often turn out to be just cracks.

8. The totality of little things is much more significant than large things.

I remember reading an interview with Dustin Moskowitz, co-founder of Facebook. The journalist asked Dustin how it felt to be part of Facebook's overnight success?

He replied something like this:

"If by 'overnight success' you mean coding all night, every night, for six years, then I feel very tired."

We tend to believe that things just happen on their own. As outsiders, we tend to only see the end result of something, rather than the arduous process (and all the setbacks) that went into getting that result finally achieved. I think when we're young, we have this idea that we have to do something big that will completely change the world. We dream about this because, due to our youth, we do not understand: all the “big things” actually consist of hundreds and thousands of daily little things that are simply and quietly done over a very long time. Welcome to life.

9. The world is not such a scary place

I was in huge numbers dangerous places, both inside and outside the United States. Now, when possible, most people are helpful and kind. If there is any practical advice, which I would like to give to every 20 year old, then here it is: determine your travel route, and if you suddenly doubt it, talk to the people around you, ask them, get to know them. This advice has practically no drawbacks and is useful for everyone, especially if he is still young and impressionable.

10. Your parents are people too

Finally, perhaps the biggest disappointment for a 20-year-old: Your parents probably lied to you about a lot of things growing up. So many people do this (as my mom likes to say, “babies aren’t born with an instruction manual”). And most likely you'll start noticing all the parenting missteps when you're in your 20s.. Growing up and living to the point where you can recognize all your parents' mistakes is always painful. This can cause a lot of bitterness and regret.

But perhaps the first benefit of adulthood is the truth about adulthood. It is recognizing, accepting, and (perhaps) forgiving the shortcomings of your parents. After all, they are people too. And they do their best, even if they don't always know what's best.

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“In the current economic climate, it is not enough to simply save to become a millionaire,” writes Grant Cardone, who went from permanent debts at the age of 21 to the status of a millionaire by the age of 30 - first of all, you need to focus on systematically and constantly increasing your earnings.”

“In a free market economy, anyone can earn as much as they want.” - Steve Sebold“I earned $3,000 a month, and after nine years I received $20,000. Look for ways to earn money - this way you will learn to control your income and find opportunities.”

Of course, it's easy to talk about it, but in reality it's more complicated, but most people have different options. You can read about ways to earn extra income, find a profitable side hustle, create and start a business.

2. Provide yourself with multiple sources of income

One of the most obvious ways to earn more is to find additional sources income.

Writer Thomas Corley studied the lives of millionaires for five years and found that many of them have several sources of income: 65% have three sources, 45% have four, 29% have five or more.

These sources could be renting out real estate, investing in securities, or owning part of a business. “Many of the millionaires in my study prefer to have three sources of income, but the more you have, the safer your finances will be,” Corley writes.

3. Don’t keep your money idle, invest

Cardone writes: “It’s worth saving money only to invest it. Transfer your savings to secure and untouchable accounts. Do not spend this money on anything, even in emergency situations. This will force you to follow the first tip, which is to increase your income. IN Lately at least twice a year I have no free money left at all because all the surplus is invested in companies and I don’t have access to it.”

The easiest way to train yourself to constantly save money is to automate this process. This way you won’t even see your deductions and will learn to live without these extra funds.

4. Don't spend money on luxury items

“I didn’t buy myself expensive watches or cars until my business and investments were generating several stable income streams,” Cardone writes. – When I became a millionaire, I still drove a Toyota Camry. Let them know you as a classy specialist, and not as a lover of luxurious trinkets.”

5. Change the way you think about money

“Wealth starts with your earnings and theirs,” says millionaire Steve Sebold.

“The secret to success has always been one thing: attitude,” he says. “Most people believe that it is impossible to get rich without outside help, while rich people know that everything depends only on ourselves.”

6. Invest in self-development

“The most profitable investments you make are in your own future,” writes Tucker Hughes, who became a millionaire at age 22. – Read for half an hour every day, listen to useful podcasts in transport, and start looking for a mentor. It is not enough to be an expert in your field, you need to have a broad outlook and be able to conduct a conversation on any topic, be it finance, politics or sports. Absorb as much knowledge as you can and put your curiosity above all else.”

Many of the most successful and wealthy people are avid readers. For example, Warren Buffett, who spends about a lot of time reading.

7. Set yourself goals and make plans to achieve them

If you want to earn more, then you need to clearly understand your goal and how you will go towards it. Money doesn’t just appear, you have to work hard for it.

Rich people consciously choose their path. They put all their concentration, dedication, knowledge and energy into it. According to millionaire T. Harv Eker, you can achieve anything if you clearly outline your goal and know what needs to be done: “People don’t get what they want first of all because they don’t fully understand what they want. Rich people realize that they want to be rich.”

8. Hang out with people you respect

Andrew Carnegie, who started from scratch and became richest man in the USA, cited one principle called “Collective Genius” as the main reason for his success. Its essence is to surround yourself with gifted people who share your worldview, because the combination of several smart and extraordinary individuals creates something that far exceeds the capabilities of each of them individually.

In addition, people learn a lot from those with whom they communicate, which is why wealthy people try to surround themselves with people of the same level of wealth.

“More often than not, close friends have similar income levels,” says Steve Sebold. – Communication with more successful people can change the way you think and lead to an increase in your wealth. The thing is, millionaires think differently about money than the middle class, so you can learn a lot by surrounding yourself with wealthy people.”

9. Set bolder goals.

“My biggest financial mistake is setting goals that are too modest,” Cardone writes. – I advise you to strive not for millions, but for something more. The world is not short of money, it is short of sufficiently ambitious people.”


We continue to bring you important and interesting opinions from discussions hosted by Quora users. Today we will find out what simple and complex truths young people have to learn at the age of 20.

We are sure that you also have something to say on the topic, so we encourage you to be active and share your experience in the comments.

  • Working hard isn't everything. You have been taught since childhood that to achieve success in life, you need to work hard and hard. If you still think that hard work opens all doors for you, then think twice. Be smarter and more cunning, do not forget that connections decide a lot, so not only fulfill your official duties conscientiously, but also make contacts with the right people.
  • Just because you got a good job doesn't mean you are free from all your money problems.. After starting their first job, many 20-year-olds think that financial problems will never affect them again. But, dear friends, thoughts about money will never leave you alone, because you will have to pay bills throughout your life.
  • Good friends. As a rule, we find our best friends at school or university. Work colleagues can be good friends who are ready to help you in many ways, but they rarely become best friends, most often just buddies.
  • Life is not fair. Life has never been fair and never will be. The sooner you get used to this fact, the easier it will be for you to move through life. You won't always be rewarded for good work. If you are a loving and caring person, this does not mean that your boyfriend or girlfriend will not leave you one day. You will blame many for being unfair to you. But remember: life doesn't have to be fair.
  • Following what your heart tells you is not as easy as it seems. You really like something. It could be photography or music, or maybe you dream of opening your own business. If you want to make your dreams and plans come true, you will have to take risks. Many people are afraid to take risks and already at the age of 20, almost at the very beginning of their journey, they give up what they like.

If I had known in my 20s that...

Now I regret that in my 20s I did not know that:

  • Love hurts, but that's no reason to give up love.
  • Friendship is very important in life, much more important than your job.
  • There are no irreplaceable people. You are replaceable. There are thousands of people in the world who can do your job better than you.
  • Getting married is a responsible decision that can affect your entire life. This is not a case where you can make a decision rashly.
  • Take care of your health. It is very short-lived.
  • Finding a hobby that you enjoy is just as important as finding a job that you enjoy doing.
  • Don't compare yourself to others, this will only lead to disappointment.

The media loves to feed us stories about lucky people who were in the right place at the right time and thanks to this they achieved success. But such people are the exception to the rule, and the remaining 99.99999% of those living on Earth will have to work hard in order to make their dreams come true.

  • High expectations lead to great disappointments. Don't have your head in the clouds and don't set yourself unattainable goals.
  • Don't complain. Either change what you don't like, or suck it up and don't whine.
  • Don't be discouraged by the low salary that you will most likely receive at first at your first job. Now the main thing for you is to gain experience and become a master of your craft. And the money will come later.
  • Don't look down on others.
  • Failure is not a reason to give up. This is a great opportunity to try again.
  • If you know you are at fault, apologize.
  • If you have forgiven a person, do not remind him and do not remember your old grievances yourself - this is low.
  • Everyone needs an editor. Absolutely everyone. Even the editors themselves.
  • Watch your thoughts. They really have a big impact on your life.

I'm still learning - I can't always stick to this list, even though I created it myself. But I'm trying.

Quarter life crisis

Here's what I learned during my quarter-life crisis:

  1. Don't pay today's debts tomorrow. Students are a prime target for lenders. They will promise you mountains of gold for very little interest, but in the end you will pay twice, or maybe even three or four times as much. Don't take out a loan unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Success will not come to you just like that. You have to work damn hard to achieve it. Growing up, we were often taught that we should follow our dreams and never settle for less. We were told that the most important thing is to love your job. Undoubtedly, this is very good, but reality will quickly dispel this youthful maximalism. You can work at a job you love, but to succeed at it you will have to put in a lot of effort. Do you want to become famous artist or an artist? Constantly train, hone your skills, draw 10 thousand paintings or give 10 thousand concerts. It's hellishly difficult, but constant practice, daily effort is the only thing.
  3. It's normal to not know where to go next at 20, but it can't be an excuse to sit back. 20 years is a wonderful age when you feel truly free: you do not yet have a family to provide for and take care of, you have not yet realized what real responsibility means. If you don't know what you want, then most likely you still know what you definitely don't want, so you shouldn't do work that you don't feel like doing. If you do not want to continue your education, then start actively looking for the area that will be close to you. Don't miss a single chance, communicate with new people who are busy in different fields, and then you will notice how many new doors will open before you.
Lijuan Guo/Shutterstock.com

Here's what I think about it. But I am sure that this is not all, because this is a very deep question.

At 25 years old I know that...

I'm 25 now, so I'm not sure I can give a complete answer to this question, but still.

  1. School is over. Now you are your own teacher. You will not be graded for what you do. It may seem shocking, but sometimes I still expect approval from someone else for my actions. You must learn to rely only on yourself, and not wait for someone else to tell you what is right and what is wrong.
  2. Life is not a smooth paved road. This is a winding mountain path. We are often taught in schools and colleges that by the time you graduate, your life should be completely planned out: what job you want to do, what city you want to live in, what age you want to get married, etc. But life is not a plan on paper. Of course, such a plan will help you, but remember that not everything in life always happens as we planned. Be prepared for the unexpected.
  3. take care of yourself. When we are young, we do not think about our health and believe that nothing bad will ever happen to us. 20 years is the right time to stop being an infantile teenager and start getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and giving up bad habits.
  4. Learn to forgive yourself. Each of us has made, is making and will make mistakes throughout our lives. It is very difficult to admit your mistakes, but it is even more difficult to learn to forgive yourself for them. Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember that no one is perfect. Learn from your mistakes, but don't indulge in self-criticism.
  5. Don't judge others. You should always have your own opinion, but remember that you should not be the judge of everyone and everything. I love to argue, I always defend my opinion, but at the same time I remember that no one is obliged to agree with me. Just like I don’t have to agree with others on everything. Try to be open-minded towards others and always think before you speak.
  6. Don't go to extremes. 20-year-olds often fall into two common extremes: some still consider themselves children and continue to live carelessly and constantly have fun, without thinking about what awaits them tomorrow; and the latter, like a mantra, repeat: “I am an adult and responsible person,” and plunge headlong into work. Everything needs moderation. Remember to enjoy life, but remember that you also have responsibilities.

Simple lessons

I'm almost 30 years old and have been fortunate to meet some amazing people who have taught me important lessons. Here are some of those lessons:

  1. In your 20s, you will have to make several choices that you will reap for the rest of your life. Everything is important here, even the little things. Approach everything wisely, do not commit rash actions.
  2. Even if you graduated from school and university, this is not a reason to stop studying. Be a lifelong learner.
  3. Surround yourself with people who will help you. After all, sometimes we just need advice from a loved one, sometimes we need someone to push us, tell us: “Hey, dude, you can do it! Be bolder!
  4. Always have your own opinion, but don't forget to listen to others.
  5. Praise yourself for your successes and never stop there.


  • Time is the most valuable resource you will ever have.
  • No one and nothing in the world is what it seems, including you.
  • Success does not come to the smartest, but to those who are able to make decisions.
  • Only the current moment is real. Tomorrow may not come.

The oasis is no more

For better or for worse, most 20-year-olds grew up in an oasis. Family, school, even the police - everyone protected and shielded you from the real world.

And now you are 20 years old, you are entering the adult world, but you just can’t stop being a child. But the world has changed - no one cares about you as much as before.

It’s no longer as easy for you to make friends as it was at school: the adult world has its own rules, people often make “friends” here based on the benefits that one can receive thanks to the other, and not because you are a fan of one rock band or root for the same football team.

To the police, you are no longer a child who needs to be protected. Are you a witness or a suspect?

The company you work for is not a school. You won't always be praised for your success, and you can be kicked out at any time.

Your parents no longer force you to wear a hat or eat lunch - you are on your own. If you don't take care of yourself, no one will take care of you.

Make your own choice

I think the hardest thing for a 20-year-old is to make his own choices.

Nobody knows what will be right.

Often young people bury their dreams and plans because parents, peers and the media impose on them a completely different model of life, assuring them that their childhood dreams are something that will never make them successful people.

It is important to remember that this is your life and that you must make your choice yourself. And most importantly, no one knows what will be right.

15 truths

  1. Your mom will always be your best friend.
  2. We are always taught to be honest, but sometimes we need to be more cunning.
  3. Everything is temporary.
  4. Money matters a lot. It's a sad truth, but it's true.
  5. Never get stuck in the past. Life goes on.
  6. The path to success will never be easy.
  7. A person is able to change much of what he does not like.
  8. People are willing to do anything to achieve what they want. Get ready for the fact that even your friends can betray you.
  9. Nobody is perfect, everyone has their flaws. It's important to accept them.
  10. You should always have a hobby - it will save you from boredom.
  11. Don't lose your loved one because of foolish pride. If you are wrong, come forward and apologize.
  12. Patience works wonders.
  13. Don't judge people, as they say, by their clothes.
  14. Be optimistic. If something doesn’t work out for you yet, you will definitely succeed soon. Provided, of course, that you put enough effort into it.
  15. Life is short. Live it in such a way that you have something to be proud of.

About the consequences

Everyone must understand that any actions have consequences, and it is not mom or dad who will have to deal with these consequences, but you.

Think before you act, think before you say anything.

You are free

Now I am 25 years old, and I often notice that my peers do not want to accept one simple truth - we are free.

They all want to buy a house and pay for it for 10 years, get married, have a child, buy a fancy car on credit... This list can be continued for a long time.

I have nothing against my wife, children and my own home, but not now. Now we are free from obligations, and it is stupid to waste this time in vain.

I can go away for the weekend with friends to another city, and I don’t have to answer to anyone. I can pack my backpack and go on a 10 month trip, which is what I'm planning to do now.

I will gain invaluable experience. What will my friends do? From the very beginning, their life will flow along a given track: home - work - home.

Remember that it’s still worth living exclusively for yourself for a couple of years.

Take action

You are very young, you want to achieve a lot and dream about a lot, but do not take concrete actions. You think that happiness is waiting for you around the corner.

Give up ephemeral dreams, start taking action. Set clear goals. Yes, you may not become an astronaut, as you dreamed of as a child, but you can choose another, no less important profession that will help you make the world a little better.

Ask questions

I'm almost 30 years old, and the most important thing I realized:

If you don't ask a question, you won't get an answer.

You have your whole life ahead of you. But it passes every second

  • All people are different. To humiliate and despise someone because of their age or nationality means showing yourself as a weak and unworthy person.
  • If you don't believe in yourself, then no one will believe in you. You can be very capable and talented person, but what good is it if you don't use it?
  • We live in a cruel world, but we don't have to live with a cruel heart.
  • Always fight for what you believe in.
  • Yes, you have your whole life ahead of you, but it passes by every second. life for later.

You won't get a second chance

  • You are not omnipotent.
  • You are not immortal.
  • You will never have a second chance to live your life again.

Remember this.

What will others think

When we are young, we often worry about what other people think of us. Relax. Everyone thinks only about themselves. Others don't have time for you.

  1. The plans you shared with your classmates during graduation are just a nice speech that sounds cool. Not all our dreams come true.
  2. Not all problems come from other people. Some come from you.
  3. No one is obliged to deal with the consequences of your mistakes. Rely only on yourself.

What do you think about this?

I just remembered my 20s, when it seemed like the whole world was at my feet and the sea was knee-deep. Youthful maximalism was in full swing - there were no closed doors or insurmountable goals. However, now I understand that there was no most important thing - a life plan that would have helped me achieve my plans much faster.

Today's youth are characterized by entrepreneurship, optimism and tireless self-belief., perhaps it was precisely these character traits that I lacked so much during my student years. Today I would do everything differently, and start with a plan, which is most appropriate to make at the age of 15, or even 14.

Life plan for the future

In order not to ask yourself what to do at 20, at the age of 15 you should make some kind of plan on the topic: “How to live further”? So, 15 years is about 10th grade, just the best time, when the mood for the future is the most optimistic, and the thoughts in your head try to fit into a logical chain.

At this age it is necessary understand who you want to become; but do not choose mythical professions, for example, astronaut or ballerina, but live in reality and reality. This is very important, since a life plan and a fairy tale are completely opposite concepts.

When the question of a future profession has been decided, there are two paths to choose from: finish 11th grade and go to university; or leave school after 9th grade and receive secondary specialized education. Both options are good, but here you need to reason and choose based on the specifics of your future profession.

If you decide to enroll after 9th grade, but your knowledge and preparation did not allow you to do this, it’s time to return to school and reconsider your life plan. At such a young age, there are still options, the main thing is to choose the one that will help you not only feel like a qualified specialist in the future, but also a happy person.

So I think you'll agree with me that adult life begins with a plan, and the third decade begins with its implementation.

The right to choose at 20

At the age of 20, a person is usually a student and is in his second or third year of university. This is a very important stage in life, because further higher education will allow you to acquire a well-paid job and realize yourself in all areas of life.

If your future profession is chosen consciously, then 20 years is the age when you are absolutely happy and life is in full swing. However, the feeling of complete harmony is not always present; it is especially difficult if, already in the first or second year, the final disappointment in terms of studies came.

In such cases You shouldn’t force yourself into an unloved specialty., since she will not be able to become a hobby, an outlet and a true calling in life. Here you need to admit that the specialty was chosen incorrectly and, so to speak, “re-enroll”: at 20 years old this is not such a tragedy at all, and the process of adaptation to a new specialty will pass quickly and unnoticed.

There is another option, but it is more suitable for those students for whom the chosen specialty is a dark forest, and notes are a meaningless set of incomprehensible phrases, formulas and definitions.

The main thing here is to set a goal and try to understand what should become your favorite profession in the future. If you manage to figure it out at the age of 20, then it is possible that at 23 you will become the pride of your parents and the owner of a diploma with honors. Well, at least you won’t be ashamed in front of the teachers when defending your diploma.

So we can summarize: Mistakes made at 20 can be easily corrected, and in a year no one will remember about them, but isn’t that wonderful? As they say in such cases: “Young is green”!

What can you be at 20?

In modern society, not all young people are diligent and have a special desire for knowledge. Very often young people are overcome by laziness, and instead of setting a goal and pursuing its achievement, you can often hear the essentially stupid phrase: “This is not mine”!

That is why, at the age of 20, every person has his own plans for the future and tries to bring them to life using his own methods. This is where a conditional classification of young people comes to mind:

1 person active. As a rule, this is a student who, although he does not understand what he is studying, knows exactly why he is doing it; and what goals he plans to achieve in the future.

There is no laziness or passivity in his life, and the phrase: “In war, all methods are good” becomes the key, a kind of motto.

2. Man passive. Otherwise, I would simply call this type of people “losers.” For the most part, they do not like change, and consider any action in their life unnecessary and ineffective.

They are obviously confident in their own loss, although they have not yet made any effort to achieve the goal. However, the worst thing is that they are quite happy with this position in life. Only a few become students, and there are no diligent students in this category at all.

So think about which category you place yourself in, and then decide what and by what methods you plan to achieve in the future. There are many options, the main thing is to sort your life into pieces in a timely manner, otherwise you won’t reach heights “with a mess in your head.”

Option for future professions

To follow the path at 20 years old higher education, already at 17 you need to finally decide on future profession and enroll in the appropriate specialty. So who should you be at 20? Let's try to find answers to this question. I will say right away that there are many options, so there is something to think about carefully.

Engineering specialties. If you liked physics, mathematics and geometry lessons at school, then you definitely need to become an engineer.

This direction will not only seem exciting and necessary, but in the future it will also allow you to fully realize yourself as a competent specialist in one or another engineering and physical field. You can become a technologist, designer, engineer, designer, etc.

Humanities. This is a large industry that includes a huge number of equally fascinating professions, for example, teacher, translator, university lecturer, philologist, librarian, educator and other professions.

Jurisprudence. This is one of the most difficult areas of life, and to become a sought-after and successful lawyer, you will have to not only work hard, but also delve into your profession as much as possible.

If this is not done, then five years of study will be wasted time. But if you set a goal, then upon graduation you can get a position in all legal structures, secure a high income and rapid career growth.

There is one person in my circle who was originally an intern (bring it - give it) in a law firm, then became an assistant to a judge, and now holds the position of a judge and receives good money for it.

Economic specialties. Economic progress is inexorable, so such specialties are not only in demand, but also have big competition on admission. If you are lucky enough to become a freshman, you must approach your future profession responsibly.

Remember: economists are a dime a dozen today, but there are only a few good economists. And there is always an increased demand for them.

Medical specialties. If at school you especially loved subjects such as chemistry and biology, can you safely enroll in medical school in the future?

Of course, you will have to study not for five, but for six years, and the internship is not easy; but then you can become a first-class doctor and fulfill a very important mission in this world - to treat people. A pharmacist is also a good specialty, and it is possible to obtain it after 5 years of study at a medical university.

Physical education. If you think that there are no “universities in physical education”, then you are greatly mistaken, since the popularity of this specialty has increased dramatically over the past decade.

You can train not only to become a physical education teacher at school, but also to become a professional instructor capable of developing unique training complexes. Today sport has become an integral part modern society, so the need for specialists in this field does not plan to decrease.

Dangers and pitfalls of the future profession

Before deciding on your future specialty, you need to carefully study the labor exchange, or rather, labor exchange statistics. It is important to understand which professions are especially in demand today, which ratings are dynamically increasing, and which specialties the labor market is already overcrowded with.

As statistics show, for last years There are so many young specialists in the economic and legal fields that there is not always enough work in their specialty, be it in a province or a huge metropolis.

But engineering specialties are always needed, especially in industrial cities. Young distribution specialists are employed in factories, and after just a year of practice they can be considered professionals in their field.

The same can be said about the tourism sector, and hotel business managers, for example, are more in demand in resort cities. So, when living in tourist regions, it is best to choose just such a specialty, and employment and a stable income can be considered guaranteed.

However, there are those specialties that are needed always and everywhere. Of course, these are doctors, salespeople and pharmacists. No matter what city it is, its residents will always get sick and eat, so there will certainly not be a shortage of jobs for such specialists.

In conclusion, I can only advise one thing: you should not choose a fashionable specialty, it is best to choose a profession that is needed in society and will bring inner satisfaction. Also, the specialty must be in demand in the labor market!

Conclusion: I hope my article will at least somehow help you decide and decide for yourself the main question of who to be at 20 years old..

I believe that they will help many people decide and set life priorities.

Now you know, who to be at 20!

As children, it seemed to us that at twenty we would become completely adults and know the answers to all questions. And here we are, twenty years old, and there are only more questions. What to do, what to do at 20 years old, and what to do after 20 years? Let's try to figure it out.

1. Realize that time is limited. It passes irrevocably, so you won’t be able to wonder what to achieve by age 20 for long. Look for the answer today, or better yet, have a clear strategy for your future life.

2. We have the conditions of the problem: girl or guy, 20 years old, what to do next. Answer: be self-critical and realistically assess your own strengths. Write down all your strengths and achievements so that you can multiply them in the future.

3. Plan your routine. Being lazy and then hastily completing everything on the last day is an option for failing. You are already older)))

4. Let's say you decided where to go to work at the age of 20, and received the coveted position. You are a beginner, so try to work harder and harder than others.

5. Be proactive. You can decide for yourself: where to work at 20, and who to work at 20, just be more decisive.

6. Learn to take responsibility for your actions.

7. Never stop. Every day it is important to be better than yourself yesterday.

8. You shouldn’t change jobs too often, because you won’t have time to learn anything. And such a kaleidoscope in a resume will alert an employer.

9. Be aware of what you have to do and what you don’t quite like.

10. Become bolder. If you have something to say, say it, and don’t grumble in the smoking room.

11. Learn to maintain relationships, make new acquaintances.

12. Plan your budget. Make it a rule to set aside 10% of your earnings for future expenses.

13. Take care of your reputation. Take the advice of the classic, take care of your honor from a young age.

14. If you are thinking about what to do at 20, then understand what you want to be. May you have an example to follow.

15. Be prepared for hardship. Don't be dramatic if you have to give up something for the sake of a goal.

16. If you are concerned about the question of what to do at 20 years old without education, learn to acquire knowledge yourself.

17. Become persistent. Often, being methodical in routine matters leads to the best results.

18. You are young, so listen more.

19. Take care of your health, develop the right regime.

20. Don’t regret what happened, but draw conclusions.

Of course, life after 20 is just beginning. It is important that your twenty years be productive for you.
