Kolchak counterintelligence methods. Admiral Kolchak: agent of Western intelligence services and traitor (1 photo). Blind Leaders of the Blind Documentary Film

From me:

Mannerheim in Leningrad, for his participation in the BLOCKADE, was immortalized with a plaque. A monument to Kolchak was erected where he destroyed the most people. And after the rehabilitation of Vlasov, will they take up the rehabilitation of Hitler?

Blind Leaders of the Blind Documentary:

How and why A.V. Kolchak came to Russia - British officer from December 1917

Not everyone knows about this. It is not customary to talk about this now for the same reason that in references to the legendary A.A. Brusilov will never be told that he became a red general. Sometimes in disputes about Kolchak they ask to show a document with a contract. I don't have one. He's not needed. Kolchak himself told everything, everything was recorded on paper. Everything is confirmed by his telegrams to his mistress Timireva.

A very important question is what brought the British officer to Russia. Especially in light of the fact that some senators and zealots of Kolchak’s memory are in favor of erecting monuments to him :

“There should be places of worship, monuments to the heroes of the Russian Army who laid down their lives and well-being in the name of Russia, the Tsar and the Fatherland. A monument to Alexander Kolchak should appear in Omsk!”— © Senator Mizulina.

We will show that:

a) Kolchak actually entered the service of the British crown;

b) Kolchak ended up in Russia on the orders of his new superiors. (At the same time, he himself did not want to go to Russia. Maybe he even hoped to avoid the visit.)

* * *

From the minutes of meetings of the Extraordinary Investigative Commission.

“...Having considered this question, I came to the conclusion that there was only one thing left for me - to continue the war, as a representative of the former Russian government, which made a certain commitment to the allies. I occupied an official position, enjoyed its trust, it waged this war, and I obliged to continue this war. Then I went to the British envoy in Tokyo, Sir Green, and told him my point of view on the situation, saying that I did not recognize this government (remember these words -arctus) and I consider it my duty, as one of the representatives of the former government, to fulfill the promise to the allies; that the obligations that were assumed by Russia in relation to the allies are also my obligations, as a representative of the Russian command, and that therefore I consider it necessary to fulfill these obligations to the end and wish to participate in the war, even if Russia made peace under the Bolsheviks. Therefore, I turned to him with a request to inform the English government that I was asking to be accepted into the English army on any conditions. I do not set any conditions, but only ask that you give me the opportunity to actively fight.

Sir Green listened to me and said:

“I completely understand you, I understand your position; I will inform my government about this and ask you to wait for a response from the British government.”

However, he had the opportunity to remain in service Russian Navy, there are many examples of naval senior officers, and the investigator draws attention to this:

Alekseevsky. At the time when you made such a difficult decision to enter the service of another state, even an allied or former allied state, you must have had the thought that there is a whole group of officers who quite consciously remain in the service of the new government in the Navy, and that among them there are well-known large figures ... large officers in the Navy who deliberately went for it, such as, for example Altvater* . How did you feel about them?

Kolchak. Altvater’s behavior surprised me, because if the question had previously been raised about what Altvater’s political beliefs were, then I would have said that he was rather a monarchist. ... And I was even more surprised by his repainting in this form. In general, before it was difficult to say what political beliefs an officer had, since such a question simply did not exist before the war. If one of the officers had asked then:

“Which party do you belong to?” - then he would probably answer: “I don’t belong to any party and I’m not involved in politics.” (and now let us remember the words noted above about the non-recognition of the Bolshevik government, and read carefully the following -arctus )

Each of us believed that the government could be anything, but that Russia could exist under any form of government. In your case, a monarchist means a person who believes that only this form of government can exist. I think we had few such people, and Altvater most likely belonged to this type of people. For me personally, there was not even such a question as whether Russia could exist under a different type of government. Of course I thought it could exist.

Alekseevsky. Then among the military, if not expressed, there was still an idea that Russia could exist under any government. However, when the new government was created, did it already seem to you that the country could not exist under this type of government?


Two weeks later a response came from the British War Ministry. I was first informed that the British government was willing to accept my offer to join the army and asked me where I would prefer to serve. I replied that when I approached them with a request to accept me into service in the English army, I did not set any conditions and offered to use me in whatever way they found possible. As for why I expressed a desire to join the army and not the Navy, I knew the English Navy well, I knew that the English Navy, of course, did not need our help.


A.V. Kolchak - A. Timireva :

... Finally, very late, the answer came that the British government was inviting me to go to Bombay and report to the headquarters of the Indian army, where I would receive instructions about my appointment to the Mesopotamian front.

For me this, although I did not ask for it, was quite acceptable, since it was near the Black Sea, where the actions against the Turks took place and where I fought at sea. Therefore, I willingly accepted the offer and asked Sir Charles Green to give me the opportunity to travel by boat to Bombay.

A.V. Kolchak - A. Timireva :

“Singapore, March 16. (1918) Met by order of the British government return immediately to China for work in Manchuria and Siberia. It found a way to use me there in the form of the allies and Russia, it is preferable to Mesopotamia.”

...In the end, on the 20th of January, after much waiting, I managed to leave by boat from Yokohama to Shanghai, where I arrived at the end of January. In Shanghai I went to see our Consul General Gross and the English Consul, to whom I presented a paper defining my position and asked for his assistance in getting me on board the ship and taking me to Bombay to the headquarters of the Mesopotamian army. An appropriate order was made on his part, but he had to wait a long time for the ship. ...

When meeting with the first “whites” in Shanghai who came for weapons, Kolchak refuses help, citing his new status and the obligations associated with it:

Then, back in Shanghai, I met for the first time with one of the representatives of the Semyonovsky armed detachment. It was the Cossack centurion Zhevchenko, who was traveling through Beijing, visited our envoy, then went to Shanghai and Japan asking for weapons for Semenov’s detachment. At the hotel where I was staying, he met me and told me that there had been an uprising against Soviet power that Semenov is at the head of the rebels, that he has formed a detachment of 2,000 people, and that they do not have weapons or uniforms - and so he was sent to Cathay and Japan to ask for the opportunity and means to purchase weapons for the detachments.

He asked me how I felt about this. I replied that no matter how I felt, but this moment I am bound by certain obligations and cannot change my decision. He said that it would be very important if I came to Semyonov to talk, since it was necessary for me to be involved in this matter. I said:

“I fully sympathize, but I made a commitment, received an invitation from the British government and am going to the Mesopotamian front.”

From my point of view, I considered it indifferent whether I would work with Semenov or in Mesopotamia - I would fulfill my duty towards my homeland.

How did Kolchak end up in Russia? What kind of wind blew it?

I left Shanghai by boat to Singapore. In Singapore, the commander of the troops, General Ridout, came to me to greet me and gave me a telegram urgently sent to Singapore from the director of the Intelligence Department of the military general staff in England.

This telegram read as follows: the British government accepted my proposal, nevertheless, due to the changed situation on the Mesopotamian front (later I found out what the situation was, but before I could not have foreseen this), he considers in view of the requests addressed to him by our envoy Prince. Kudashev, useful for the general allied cause, so that I return to Russia, that I am recommended to go to Far East start your activities there, and from their point of view this is more profitable than my stay on the Mesopotamian front, especially since the situation there had completely changed.

Let us pay attention to one more piece of evidence that shows what Kolchak was seeking:

« I ask to be accepted into the English army on any terms." it's done.

I'm already more than half way done. This put me in an extremely difficult situation, primarily financially - after all, we traveled all the time and lived on our own money, without receiving a penny from the English government, so our funds were running out and we could not afford such excursions. I then sent another telegram asking: is this an order or just advice that I may not carry out? To this, an urgent telegram was received with a rather vague answer: the British government insists that it is better for me to go to the Far East, and recommends that I go to Beijing at the disposal of our envoy, Prince. Kudasheva. Then I saw that their issue had been resolved. After waiting for the first steamer, I left for Shanghai, and from Shanghai by rail to Beijing. This was in March or April 1918.


That is, Kolchak obeyed the order, and did not go to Russia at the call of his soul.

As for material difficulties - well, really, it’s a logical question; only strong romantics and enthusiasts can work without a salary.

* Vasily Mikhailovich Altfater - rear admiral of the Russian Imperial Navy, first commander of the RKKF RSFSR

About Kolchak and Kolchakites

As part of the propaganda of the “white” movement and the distortion of history, many artistic works. One of these works is the film “Admiral”.

White officer, admiral, patriot, hero... Such a handsome Khabensky Kolchak cannot be bad. Can't be wrong. That means the Bolsheviks are wrong.— This is exactly the chain of reasoning that the authors of this book offer us. artistic film.

But this is all untrue!

The truth is that the historical Kolchak bears very little resemblance to the artistic one.

1918 In November, Kolchak, with the blessing of the British and French, declared himself dictator of Siberia. The admiral is an irritable little man, about whom one of his colleagues wrote:

“a sick child... definitely neurasthenic... always under the influence of others,” settled in Omsk and began to call himself “the supreme ruler of Russia.”

The former tsarist minister Sazonov, who called Kolchak “the Russian Washington,” immediately became his official representative in France. In London and Paris he was lavished with praise. Sir Samuel Hoare again declared publicly that Kolchak was a “gentleman.” Winston Churchill claimed that Kolchak was "honest", "incorruptible", "smart" and a "patriot". The New York Times saw him as a "strong and honest man" backed by a "stable and more or less representative government."

Kolchak with foreign allies

The Allies, and especially the British, generously supplied Kolchak with ammunition, weapons and money.

“We sent to Siberia,” the commander of the British troops in Siberia, General Knox, proudly reported, “hundreds of thousands of rifles, hundreds of millions of cartridges, hundreds of thousands of sets of uniforms and machine gun belts, etc. Every bullet fired by Russian soldiers at the Bolsheviks during this year , was made in England, by English workers, from English raw materials and delivered to Vladivostok in English holds.”

In Russia at that time they sang a song:

English uniform,
French shoulder straps,
Japanese tobacco,
Ruler of Omsk!

The commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, General Greves, who can hardly be suspected of sympathy for the Bolsheviks, did not share the Allies’ enthusiasm for Admiral Kolchak. Every day his intelligence officers supplied him with new information about the reign of terror that Kolchak had established. There were 100 thousand soldiers in the admiral's army, and new thousands of people were recruited into it under the threat of execution. Prisons and concentration camps were filled to capacity. Hundreds of Russians who dared to disobey the new dictator hung from trees and telegraph poles along the Siberian Railway. Many rested in mass graves, which they were ordered to dig before Kolchak’s executioners destroyed them with machine gun fire. Murders and robberies became an everyday occurrence.

One of Kolchak’s assistants, a former tsarist officer named Rozanov, issued the following order:

1. Occupying villages previously occupied by bandits ( Soviet partisans), demand the extradition of the leaders of the movement, and where the leaders cannot be found, but there is enough data indicating their presence, shoot every tenth resident.
2. If, when troops pass through the city, the population does not inform the troops about the presence of the enemy, collect monetary indemnity without any mercy.
3. Villages whose population offers armed resistance to our troops are to be burned, and all adult men are to be shot; property, houses, carts, etc. confiscate for the needs of the army.

In telling General Greves about the officer who issued this order, General Knox said:

“Well done, this Rozanov, by God!”

Bodies of workers and peasants shot by Kolchak's men

Along with Kolchak’s troops, the country was ravaged by gangs of bandits who received financial support from Japan. Their main leaders were Ataman Grigory Semenov and Kalmykov.

Colonel Morrow, who commanded American troops in the Transbaikal sector, reported that in one in the village occupied by the Semyonovtsy, all men, women and children were villainously killed. Some were shot “like hares” when they tried to escape from their homes. Others were burned alive.

“Soldiers of Semenov and Kalmykov,- says General Grevs, - taking advantage of the patronage of Japanese troops, they scoured the country like wild animals, robbing and killing civilians... Anyone who asked questions about these brutal murders was answered that those killed were Bolsheviks, and, apparently, this explanation satisfied everyone.”

General Grevs did not hide the disgust that the atrocities of the anti-Soviet troops in Siberia aroused in him, which earned him a hostile attitude from the White Guard, British, French and Japanese command.

The American Ambassador to Japan Morris, during his stay in Siberia, informed General Greves that he had received a telegram from the State Department about the need to provide support to Kolchak in connection with American policy in Siberia.

“You see, general,- said Morris, - you will have to support Kolchak.”

Greves replied that the War Department had not given him any instructions regarding support for Kolchak.

“It’s not the military that’s in charge, it’s the State Department,” Morris said.

“The State Department doesn’t know about me,” Grevs answered.

Kolchak's agents began persecuting Grevs in order to undermine his prestige and achieve his recall from Siberia. Rumors and fiction began to spread that Grevs had “become a Bolshevik” and that his troops were helping the “communists.” This propaganda was also anti-Semitic in nature. Here's a typical example:

“American soldiers are infected with Bolshevism. For the most part, these are Jews from New York's East Side who are constantly starting riots.

English Colonel John Ward, a member of parliament who served as a political adviser to Kolchak, publicly stated that when visiting the headquarters of the American Expeditionary Forces, he discovered that “out of sixty liaison officers and translators, more than fifty were Russian Jews.”

The same kind of rumors were spread by some of Grevs's compatriots.

"American Consul in Vladivostok,– recalls Grevs, – day after day, without any comment, he telegraphed to the State Department slanderous, false, obscene articles about American troops that appeared in Vladivostok newspapers. These articles, as well as slander against American troops that were distributed in the United States, were based on accusations of Bolshevism. The actions of the American soldiers did not give rise to such an accusation... but it was repeated by Kolchak’s supporters (including Consul General Harris) in relation to everyone who did not support Kolchak.”

At the very height of the slanderous campaign, a messenger from General Ivanov-Rynov, who commanded Kolchak’s units in Eastern Siberia, appeared at the headquarters of General Grevs. He informed Grevs that if he undertakes to give Kolchak’s army 20 thousand dollars a month, General Ivanov-Rynov will make sure that the agitation against Grevs and his troops stops.

This Ivanov-Rynov, even among Kolchak’s generals, stood out as a monster and a sadist. In Eastern Siberia, his soldiers exterminated the entire male population in villages where, according to their suspicions, the “Bolsheviks” were hiding. Women were raped and beaten with ramrods. They killed indiscriminately - old people, women, children.

Victims of Kolchak in Novosibirsk, 1919

Excavation of the grave in which victims of the Kolchak repressions of March 1919 were buried, Tomsk, 1920.

Tomsk residents carry the bodies of spread out participants in the anti-Kolchak uprising

Funeral of a Red Guard soldier brutally murdered by Kolchak's troops

Novosobornaya Square on the day of the reburial of the Kolchak victims on January 22, 1920.

One young American officer sent to investigate the atrocities of Ivanov-Rynov was so shocked that, having finished his report to Grevs, he exclaimed:

“For God’s sake, general, don’t send me on such errands again! Just a little more and I would have torn off my uniform and started saving these unfortunates.”

When Ivanov-Rynov faced the threat of popular indignation, the English commissioner Sir Charles Elliot hastened to Greves to express his concern for the fate of the Kolchak general.

As for me, - General Grevs answered him fiercely, - Let them bring this Ivanov-Rynov here and hang him on that telephone pole in front of my headquarters - not a single American will lift a finger to save him!

Ask yourself why during Civil War The Red Army was able to defeat the well-armed and Western-sponsored White Army and troops of 14!! states that invaded Soviet Russia during the intervention?

But because the MAJORITY of the Russian people, seeing the cruelty, baseness and corruption of such “Kolchaks”, supported the Red Army. source

Kolchak. He's such a sweetheart...

Such a touching series was filmed with public money about one of the main executioners of the Russian people during the civil war of the last century that it just brings tears to your eyes. And just as touchingly, heartfeltly they tell us about this guardian for the Russian land. And memorial trips and prayer services are held on trips through Baikal. Well, just grace descends on the soul.

But for some reason, residents of the territories of Russia, where Kolchak and his comrades were heroes, have a different opinion. They remember how entire villages of Kolchak’s people threw people who were still alive into mines, and not only that.

By the way, why is it that the Tsar’s father is honored on an equal basis with priests and white officers? Weren't they the ones who blackmailed the king from the throne? Didn’t they plunge our country into bloodshed, betraying their people, their king? Wasn’t it the priests who joyfully restored the patriarchy immediately after their betrayal of the sovereign? Was it not the landowners and generals who wanted power without the control of the emperor? Didn’t they begin to organize a civil war after the successful February coup, organized by them? Weren't they the ones who hanged Russian peasants and shot them all over the country? It was only Wrangel, horrified by the death of the Russian people, who left Crimea himself; all the others preferred to slaughter the Russian peasant until they themselves were calmed down forever.

Yes, and remembering the Polovtsian princes with the last names Gzak and Konchak, cited in the Tale of Igor’s Regiment, the conclusion involuntarily arises that Kolchak is related to them. Maybe that’s why we shouldn’t be surprised by the following?

By the way, there is no point in judging the dead, neither white nor red. But mistakes cannot be repeated. Only the living can make mistakes. Therefore, the lessons of history need to be known by heart.

In the spring of 1919, the first campaign of the Entente countries and the United States of America against the Soviet Republic began. The campaign was combined: it was carried out by the combined forces of internal counter-revolution and interventionists. The imperialists did not rely on their own troops - their soldiers did not want to fight against the workers and toiling peasants of Soviet Russia. Therefore, they relied on the unification of all the forces of internal counter-revolution, recognizing the main ruler of all affairs in Russia, Tsarist Admiral A.V. Kolchak.

American, English and French millionaires took on the bulk of Kolchak's supplies of weapons, ammunition, and uniforms. In the first half of 1919 alone, the United States sent Kolchak more than 250 thousand rifles and millions of cartridges. In total, in 1919, Kolchak received from the USA, England, France and Japan 700 thousand rifles, 3650 machine guns, 530 guns, 30 aircraft, 2 million pairs of boots, thousands of sets of uniforms, equipment and linen.

With the help of his foreign masters, by the spring of 1919, Kolchak managed to arm, clothe and shoe an army of almost 400,000.

Kolchak's offensive was supported by North Caucasus and the south of Denikin’s army, intending to unite with Kolchak’s army in the Saratov region in order to jointly move towards Moscow.

The White Poles were advancing from the west together with Petliura and White Guard troops. In the north and Turkestan, mixed detachments of Anglo-American and French interventionists and the army of the White Guard General Miller operated. Yudenich was advancing from the north-west, supported by the White Finns and the English fleet. Thus, all the forces of counter-revolution and interventionists went on the offensive. Soviet Russia again found itself surrounded by advancing enemy hordes. Several fronts were created in the country. The main one was Eastern front. Here the fate of the Soviet Union was decided.

On March 4, 1919, Kolchak launched an offensive against the Red Army along the entire Eastern Front over 2 thousand kilometers. He fielded 145 thousand bayonets and sabers. The backbone of his army was the Siberian kulaks, the urban bourgeoisie and the wealthy Cossacks. There were about 150 thousand intervention troops in Kolchak’s rear. They guarded railways, helped deal with the population.

The Entente kept Kolchak's army under its direct control. Military missions of the Entente powers were constantly located at the headquarters of the White Guards. French General Janin was appointed commander-in-chief of all intervention troops operating in Eastern Russia and in Siberia. The English General Knox was in charge of supplying Kolchak’s army and forming new units for it.

The interventionists helped Kolchak develop an operational plan of attack and determined the main direction of the attack.

In the Perm-Glazov sector, Kolchak’s strongest Siberian Army operated under the command of General Gaida. The same army was supposed to develop an offensive in the direction of Vyatka, Sarapul and connect with the interventionist troops operating in the North.

victims of Kolchak and Kolchak’s thugs

victims of the Kolchak atrocities in Siberia. 1919

peasant hanged by Kolchak's men

From everywhere, from the territory of Udmurtia liberated from the enemy, information was received about the atrocities and tyranny of the White Guards. For example, at the Peskovsky plant, 45 Soviet workers, poor peasant workers, were tortured to death. They were subjected to the most brutal torture: their ears, noses, lips were cut out, their bodies were pierced in many places with bayonets (doc. Nos. 33, 36).

Women, old people and children were subjected to violence, flogging and torture. Property, livestock, and harness were confiscated. The horses that the Soviet government gave to the poor to support their farms were taken away by the Kolchakites and given to their former owners (Doc. No. 47).

The young teacher of the village of Zura, Pyotr Smirnov, was brutally hacked to pieces with a White Guard saber because he walked towards a White Guard in good clothes (Doc. No. 56).

In the village of Syam-Mozhga, Kolchak’s men dealt with a 70-year-old old woman because she sympathized with Soviet power (Doc. No. 66).

In the village of N. Multan, Malmyzh district, the corpse of the young communist Vlasov was buried in the square in front of the people's house in 1918. Kolchak’s men herded the working peasants to the square, forced them to dig up the corpse and publicly mocked him: they beat him on the head with a log, crushed his chest, and finally, putting a noose around his neck, tied him to the front of the tarantass and in this form dragged him along the village street for a long time (Doc. No. 66 ).

In workers' settlements and cities, in the huts of the poor peasants of Udmurtia, a terrible groan arose from the atrocities and execution of Kolchak's men. For example, during the two months of the bandits’ stay in Votkinsk, 800 corpses were discovered in Ustinov Log alone, not counting those isolated victims in private apartments that were taken to an unknown location. Kolchakites robbed and ruined National economy Udmurtia. From the Sarapul district it was reported that “after Kolchak, there was literally nothing left anywhere... After Kolchak’s robberies in the district, the availability of horses decreased by 47 percent and cows by 85 percent... In the Malmyzh district, in the Vikharevo volost alone, Kolchak’s men took 1,100 horses and 500 cows from the peasants , 2000 carts, 1300 sets of harness, thousands of pounds of grain and dozens of farms were completely plundered.”

“After the capture of Yalutorovsk by the Whites (June 18, 1918), the previous authorities were restored there. A brutal persecution of everyone who collaborated with the Soviets began. Arrests and executions became a widespread phenomenon. The Whites killed Demushkin, a member of the Soviet of Deputies, and shot ten former prisoners of war (Czechs and Hungarians) who refused to serve them. According to the memoirs of Fyodor Plotnikov, a participant in the Civil War and a prisoner of Kolchak’s dungeons from April to July 1919, a table with chains and various torture devices was installed in the basement of the prison. Tortured people were taken outside the Jewish cemetery (now the territory of the sanatorium orphanage), where they were shot. All this happened since June 1918. In May 1919, the Eastern Front of the Red Army went on the offensive. On August 7, 1919, Tyumen was liberated. Sensing the approach of the Reds, Kolchak’s men committed brutal reprisals against their prisoners. One day in August 1919, two large groups of prisoners were taken out of the prison. One group - 96 people - was shot in a birch forest (now the territory of a furniture factory), another, 197 people, were hacked to death with sabers across the Tobol River near Lake Ginger...".

From a certificate from the deputy director of the Yalutorovsky museum complex N.M. Shestakova:

“I consider myself obliged to say that my grandfather Yakov Alekseevich Ushakov, a front-line soldier of the First World War, Knight of St. George, was also hacked to death by Kolchak’s sabers beyond Tobol. My grandmother was left with three young sons. My father was only 6 years old at that time... And how many women throughout Russia did Kolchak’s men make widows, and children orphans, how many old people were left without filial care?”

Therefore, the logical result (please note that there was no torture, no bullying, just execution):

“We entered Kolchak’s cell and found him dressed - in a fur coat and hat,” writes I.N. Bursak. “It seemed like he was expecting something.” Chudnovsky read him the resolution of the Revolutionary Committee. Kolchak exclaimed:

- How! Without trial?

Chudnovsky replied:

- Yes, Admiral, just like you and your henchmen shot thousands of our comrades.

Having gone up to the second floor, we entered Pepelyaev’s cell. This one was also dressed. When Chudnovsky read him the resolution of the revolutionary committee, Pepelyaev fell to his knees and, lying at his feet, begged not to be shot. He assured that, together with his brother, General Pepelyaev, he had long decided to rebel against Kolchak and go over to the side of the Red Army. I ordered him to stand up and said: “You can’t die with dignity...

They went down to Kolchak’s cell again, took him and went to the office. The formalities are completed.

By 4 o'clock in the morning we arrived on the bank of the Ushakovka River, a tributary of the Angara. Kolchak behaved calmly all the time, and Pepelyaev - this huge carcass - seemed to be in a fever.

Full moon, bright frosty night. Kolchak and Pepelyaev stand on the hillock. Kolchak refuses my offer to blindfold him. The platoon is formed, rifles at the ready. Chudnovsky whispers to me:

- It's time.

I give the command:

- Platoon, attack the enemies of the revolution!

Both fall. We put the corpses on the sleigh, bring them to the river and lower them into the hole. So the “supreme ruler of all Rus'” Admiral Kolchak leaves for his last voyage...”

(“The Defeat of Kolchak”, military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense, M., 1969, pp. 279-280, circulation 50,000 copies).

In the Yekaterinburg province, one of the 12 provinces under Kolchak’s control, at least 25 thousand people were shot under Kolchak, and about 10% of the two million population were flogged. They flogged both men, women and children.

M. G. Alexandrov, commissar of the Red Guard detachment in Tomsk. He was arrested by the Kolchakites and imprisoned in Tomsk prison. In mid-June 1919, he recalled, 11 workers were taken from their cell at night. Nobody was sleeping.

“The silence was broken by faint groans coming from the prison yard, prayers and curses were heard... but after a while everything died down. In the morning, the criminals told us that the Cossacks hacked the prisoners with sabers and bayonets in the back exercise yard, and then loaded the carts and took them away somewhere.”

Aleksandrov reported that he was then sent to the Aleksandrovsky Central Station near Irkutsk, and out of more than a thousand prisoners there, the Red Army soldiers released only 368 people in January 1920. In 1921–1923 Alexandrov worked in the district Cheka of the Tomsk region. RGASPI, f. 71, op. 15, d. 71, l. 83-102.

American General W. Graves recalled:

“The soldiers of Semenov and Kalmykov, being under the protection of Japanese troops, flooded the country like wild animals, killing and robbing the people, while the Japanese, if they wished, could have stopped these killings at any time. If at that time they asked what all these brutal murders were about, they usually received the answer that those killed were Bolsheviks, and this explanation, obviously, satisfied everyone. Events in Eastern Siberia were usually presented in the darkest colors and human life there was not worth a penny.

Horrible murders were committed in Eastern Siberia, but they were not carried out by the Bolsheviks, as was usually thought. I will not be mistaken if I say that in Eastern Siberia for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were a hundred people killed by anti-Bolshevik elements."

Graves doubted whether it was possible to point out any country in the world during the last fifty years where murder could be committed with such ease and with the least fear of responsibility as in Siberia during the reign of Admiral Kolchak. Concluding his memoirs, Graves noted that the interventionists and White Guards were doomed to defeat, since “the number of Bolsheviks in Siberia by the time of Kolchak had increased many times in comparison with their number at the time of our arrival.”

There is a plaque for Mannerheim in St. Petersburg, now there will be one for Kolchak... Next is Hitler?

The opening of the memorial plaque to Admiral Alexander Kolchak, who led the White movement in the Civil War, will take place on September 24... The memorial plaque will be installed on the bay window of the building where Kolchak lived... The text of the inscription is approved:

“The outstanding Russian officer, scientist and researcher Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak lived in this house from 1906 to 1912.”

I will not argue about his outstanding scientific achievements. But I read in the memoirs of General Denikin that Kolchak demanded (under pressure from Mackinder) that Denikin enter into an agreement with Petlyura (giving him Ukraine) in order to defeat the Bolsheviks. For Denikin, his homeland turned out to be more important.

Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence while he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. This happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to which he swore allegiance and kissed the cross!

Have you ever wondered why the Entente fleets calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea in 1918?! After all, he was mined! Moreover, in the confusion of two revolutions in 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak’s ticket to joining the British intelligence service was to hand over all the information about the location of minefields and obstacles in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands!

Russian intelligence historian A. Martirosyan wrote an article about the betrayal of Admiral A.V. Kolchak, recruited by the intelligence services of Great Britain and the USA. The same one who was depicted so glamorously in the film “Admiral” with Khabensky in the title role.
There were some things he knew about her, some he didn’t. For example, that Kolchak was a descendant of the Crimean Tatar military leader Ilias Kalchak Pasha. But in general, judge for yourself.

IN Lately More and more often there are almost demands for the rehabilitation of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak as an allegedly innocent victim of political repression by the Bolsheviks. At times it comes almost to the point of hysteria on the part of the “rehabilitator democrats”, who demand full justification for the actions of this traitor to Russia. Thus, shortly before his death, the extremely odious “architect of perestroika” and the same traitor - Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, foaming at the mouth from television screens, demanded the complete rehabilitation of A.V. Kolchak. For what? Why do some traitors care so much about the “honest name” of other traitors who preceded them?! After all, since hoary biblical times, betrayal has been the only a priori unforgivable act forever and ever and, therefore, regardless of any previous services to Russia, a traitor must remain a traitor! And we managed to erect a monument to the traitor who officially switched to the service of the British king in Irkutsk!? And a multiple traitor. Worse than that. A traitor who not only managed to formalize his transition to the side of the ardent enemies of Russia, but also de jure formalize the violent dismemberment of the Russian State! After all, many territorial and political problems, in particular with the same Baltic limitrophes, were generated precisely by his activities! Judge for yourself.

Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence while he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. This happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to which he swore allegiance and kissed the cross! Have you ever wondered why the Entente fleets calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea in 1918?! After all, he was mined! Moreover, in the confusion of two revolutions in 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak’s ticket to joining the British intelligence service was to hand over all the information about the location of minefields and obstacles in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands!

Further. As you know, on June 28, 1916, Kolchak was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet. However, this happened under the direct patronage of the resident of British intelligence in Russia, Colonel Samuel Hoare, and the British ambassador to Russian Empire Buchanan (the king is also good - no, to send English allies to the “Bigben mother” so that they do not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire). This is the second betrayal, because, under such patronage, becoming the commander of one of the most important fleets of Russia at that time, Kolchak accepted obligations to fulfill the official task of British intelligence to disorganize and reduce the combat effectiveness of this fleet. And, in the end, he fulfilled it - he simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 secretly fled to England. What do you want to call a fleet commander who, during a war, basely abandons his fleet and secretly flees the country abroad?! What does he deserve in this case?! At a minimum, a more than clear definition - TRAITOR and TRAITOR!

Kolchak received the title of admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to which he also swore allegiance. And which he also betrayed! If only because, having secretly fled to England, already in August 1917, together with the Chief of the British Naval General Staff, General Hall, he discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia! Simply put, the question of overthrowing the Provisional Government! To put it even simpler, it’s a question of a coup d’état. Otherwise, forgive me, how could a dictatorship be established?! Swear allegiance to the already vile Provisional Government that overthrew the Tsar, receive a promotion from it and immediately betray him too!? This is already a genetic pathology! I’ll explain below what’s going on here.

Then, at the request of the American ambassador in England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was also recruited by the diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. The recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Eliahu Root. That is, at the same time he has now betrayed the British too. Although the Britons, of course, knew about this recruitment. The fact that he temporarily betrayed the British is to hell with him and with them. The point is different. Having gone to be recruited by the Americans, he betrayed the same Provisional Government for the second time in a short time, to which he also swore allegiance and thanks to which he became an admiral. But in general, the list of his betrayals only lengthened.

Having eventually become a double Anglo-American agent, immediately after the October 1917 coup, Kolchak turned to the English envoy to Japan, K. Green, with a request to the government of His Majesty King George V of England to accept him into service! That’s what he wrote in his petition: “...I place myself entirely at the disposal of His government...”. “His Government” means the government of His Majesty the English King George V! On December 30, 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak's request. From this moment, Kolchak had already officially gone over to the side of the enemy, who was masquerading as an ally. Why the enemy?! Yes, because at that time only the laziest of the agents of England, the USA and the Entente as a whole could not have known that, firstly, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente made an official decision on intervention in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the European core of the Entente - England and France - signed a convention on dividing Russia into spheres of influence! And almost a year later, when in November 1918 the German Empire (and the Austro-Hungarian too) was sent to the dustbin of History, and Kolchak was finally thrown back to Russia, under the patronage of the United States, the Anglo-French allies confirmed that the convention itself or, in purely legal terms, prolonged its effect. And Kolchak, who knew all this and was already a double Anglo-American agent, agreed to become the alleged Supreme Ruler precisely after the confirmation of this convention under the patronage of the same states. That’s why I say that he was a scumbag and a traitor who was officially in the service of the enemy! If he had simply collaborated (suppose, within the framework of military-technical supplies) with former Entente allies, as many did White generals, then that would be one thing. Even despite the fact that they also took on not very good obligations that affected the honor and dignity of Russia. However, they at least de facto acted as something independent, without formally going into service foreign country. But Kolchak officially transferred to the service of Great Britain. And that same Admiral Kolchak, who was shot by the Bolsheviks like a mad dog, was not just the self-proclaimed Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, against whom the Bolsheviks fought, but an official representative of the English king and his government, who was officially in their service, trying to rule all of Russia! British General Knox, who supervised Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for the creation of Kolchak’s government! All this is now well known, including from foreign sources.

And along the way, Kolchak also carried out an equally important task for the Americans. It was not for nothing that E. Ruth “trained” him for the role of the future Cromwell of Russia. And do you know why?! Yes, because the overly “compassionate” E. Ruth developed a barbaric plan for the enslavement of Russia, which had a decent name - “Plan of American activities to preserve and strengthen the morale of the army and civilian population Russia,” the essence of which was simple, like the revered Yankee popcorn. Russia would continue to have to “supply” the Entente with “cannon fodder,” that is, to fight for the interests of the Anglo-Saxons, which were alien to Russia itself, while paying for it with its political and economic enslavement, in which the United States had to play the “first fiddle.” I emphasize that the central place in this plan was occupied by the economic enslavement of Russia, primarily the seizure of its railways, especially Trans-Siberian Railway. The damned Yankees even formed a special “railway corps” to manage Russian railways, especially the Trans-Siberian Railway (by the way, the British at that time were targeting Russian railways in our North, in the area of ​​Arkhangelsk and Murmansk). And in parallel, the Yankees also set their sights on Russia’s natural resources.

So it’s time to put an end to the hysterical screaming about the supposedly innocently murdered supposedly honest and decent Admiral A.V. Kolchak. A scumbag and a traitor - he is a scumbag and a traitor! And he should remain as such in history (without denying his previous scientific services to Russia, one cannot help but notice that he crossed them out with my own hand). It has now been definitively and precisely documented that he was a traitor to Russia and should and will remain such in its history of the twentieth century. In the documents of British intelligence, the US State Department, in the personal correspondence of the “gray eminence” of American politics during the First World War - Colonel House - A.V. Kolchak is directly named as their double agent (these documents are known to historians). And it was precisely as their double agent that he was supposed to implement the West’s most criminal plans towards Russia. And the “finest hour” of this traitor came in 1919. However, the West began to pave the way for his future crimes against Russia back in November 1918, at the end of the First World War.

As you know, on November 11, 1918, in the suburbs of Paris - Compiegne - the Compiegne Agreement was signed, which put an end to the First World War. When they remember it, they usually very “elegantly” forget to mention that it was just an armistice agreement for a period of 36 days. Moreover, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which, as a tsarist empire, bore the brunt of the war, and then, having already become Soviet, rendered a colossal service to the same Entente with its revolutionary banditry in Germany. Without the help of Lenin and Co., the Entente would have been fussing with the Kaiser’s Germany for a long time. But this is so, a saying...

The main thing is that Article 12 of the Compiegne Armistice Agreement stated: “All German troops that are now located in the territories that constituted Russia before the war must equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies recognize that the moment has come for this, having accepted taking into account the internal situation of these territories.” However, the secret subclause of the same article 12 already directly obligated Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic states to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of the troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries. Such actions of the Entente were openly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without the participation of Russia, I emphasize, even the Soviet one. But these are still “flowers”.

The fact is that the terminological “pearl” - “... in the territories that made up Russia before the war” - meant that the Entente de facto and de jure not only agreed with the results of the German occupation of territories, the legality of which became part of Russia before August 1 1914 and even throughout the First World War, it never occurred to anyone to challenge it, at least openly, but also in the same way, that is, both de facto and de jure trying to tear away, or, as Then the Anglo-French allies put it “elegantly” by “evacuating” these territories after the fact of the German occupation. Simply put, as if in the order of a “legitimate trophy” obtained from a defeated enemy - Germany.

And in this regard, I would like to draw attention to the following circumstance. As mentioned above, back on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente made an official decision to intervene in Russia. Unofficially, this decision was agreed upon back in December 1916 - they were only waiting for the now extolled “temporary February workers” to drive their “revolutionary ax” into the back of the Entente’s most loyal ally, Nicholas II. And in development of this decision, on December 10 (23), 1917, the Anglo-French convention on the division of Russian territory was signed. For the information of readers: this vile convention has not yet been officially canceled! According to this convention, the allies deigned to divide Russia as follows: the North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of English influence (this, of course, was not the end of the Britons’ “appetites,” but that’s a separate conversation). France got Ukraine and the south of Russia. On November 13, 1918, the same Anglo-French allies, under the patronage of the United States, brazenly extended the validity of this convention. Simply put, for the second time they declared a war on Russia, even a Soviet one, truly a world war, and truly the second in a row in the scenario of the First World War “from the wheels”! In fact, this was indeed a re-declaration of the first “Second World War” in the 20th century in the “on the wheels” scenario of the first world massacre.

As for the second “pearl” from Article 12 of the Compiegne Agreement - “taking into account the internal situation of these territories” - here is another international legal “trick” of the Entente. Without risking calling these territories states - the question of recognizing their fake sovereignty would be raised only on February 15, 1919 during the Versailles so-called “peace” conference - the Entente, nevertheless, prepared to steal them. Especially regarding the Baltic states, although I knew very well that this would be completely illegal! Because in this way, behind the scenes and without any participation of Russia, the Nystad Treaty of August 30, 1721 between Russia and Sweden will be blatantly torn apart! According to this agreement, the territories of Ingermanland, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia with the cities of Riga, Revel (Talinn), Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel and Dago passed to Russia and its successors into full, undeniable and eternal possession and ownership! By the time the Compiegne Truce was signed, no one in the world had even tried to challenge it for almost two centuries, especially since the Treaty of Nystad itself was confirmed in writing and guaranteed by the same England and France.

But the Entente was afraid to steal openly. First of all, because during the period of actual German occupation, as well as after the signing of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, the German occupation authorities forcibly “cut off” huge pieces of purely Russian territories to the Baltic territories. To Estonia - parts of the St. Petersburg and Pskov provinces, in particular, Narva, Pechora and Izborsk, to Latvia - Dvinsky, Lyudinsky and Rezhitsky districts of the Vitebsk province and part of the Ostrovsky district of the Pskov province, to Lithuania - parts of the Suwalki and Vilna provinces populated by Belarusians (not very , obviously capable of understanding anything, but having sold themselves wholeheartedly to the West, the authorities of the modern Baltic limitrophes are now constantly trying, in purely popular language, to “open their mittens” to these lands more widely). The Entente was also afraid because first it was necessary to replace the power structures formed by the German occupation authorities with a purely pro-German orientation (German intelligence widely planted its agents of influence there) with authorities with a pro-Entente orientation. But this is just one side of the “coin”. The second was as follows.

Under direct pressure from the Entente, which set this as a harsh precondition for the truce, the Kaiser's government of Germany on November 5, 1918 unilaterally severed diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. Fortunately, there was no need to look for a reason - the Soviet embassy, ​​headed by a long-time patient of the best European and Russian psychiatrists, A. Ioffe, interfered so openly and so brazenly in the internal affairs of Germany that it was impossible not to notice it. However, it was, as they say, “a debt is paid in good faith” - a year before this she behaved in exactly the same way in Russia.

The severance of diplomatic relations meant that even according to the norms of the then predatory international law, all previously signed and ratified agreements between the two states automatically lost their legal force. Moreover, on November 9, 1918, the Kaiser’s empire also sank into oblivion: the monarchy fell, the Kaiser went on the run (he took refuge in Holland), and the Social Democrats, led by Ebert-Scheidemann, came to power in Germany. At the time of the signing of the Compiègne Armistice on November 11, 1918, the Social Democratic, we use the parliamentary rule and put an accent so as not to use obscene language, .... led by Ebert-Scheidemann, they realized a super-unique, super-unprecedented even for the robber history of the West and its jurisprudence. Automatically deprived of any legal force, the already predatory Brest-Litovsk Treaty of March 3, 1918, just six days after its, I emphasize, automatic denunciation by the German side, was suddenly resurrected by the Social Democrats who came to power in Germany . Worse than that. Together with the function of monitoring its implementation, which allegedly continues to be in effect, the treaty was voluntarily transferred to the Entente as a “trophy”!? Naturally, with all the ensuing extremely negative geopolitical, strategic and economic consequences for Russia, even Soviet Russia! After all, we were talking about the theft of a Million Square Kilometers of Strategically Important Territories of the Russian State, along with their natural, economic and demographic resources! Resources, which even by the scale of that time were measured in more than tens of billions of gold rubles!

Lenin, who tried to recapture the Baltic states by armed means, no matter how he treated him personally, was absolutely right de facto. And, what is especially important in this regard, de jure too. Because official diplomatic relations were unilaterally severed by the Kaiser’s Germany, which soon collapsed, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty automatically lost any force. Consequently, the Baltic states that remained under German occupation, both de facto and de jure, turned into Russian territory illegally seized and occupied by the troops of the deceased state, which is also openly stolen by the Entente! Moreover, declaring for the second time to Russia, even the Soviet one, the next, that is, the next world war, the second in a row and in the scenario “from the wheels of the first”! From a purely military-geopolitical point of view, the armed onslaught of the Bolsheviks on the Baltic States, which began on November 13, 1918, was absolutely justified in the nature of an objectively necessary counter-offensive in order to protect the state’s own territory.

But from an ideological point of view, Lenin was just as wrong, for he gave this armed campaign the appearance of an attempt to “come to the aid of the German revolution,” which was violently rejected by all of Germany, which Ilyich and Co. did not want to understand, since their enthusiasm at that moment, mildly to put it simply, the idea of ​​a “field revolution”, inadequate to the realities of that time, simply turned off in their minds even the shadow of a hint of any rational thinking. The result was logical - defeat was inevitable, especially since all of Europe, with desperate efforts, even to the point of inciting evil Judeophobia in most of its countries, repelled the attacks of Lenin, Trotsky and Co., stunned by the bloody taste of the “world revolution” and their German and other “colleagues” .

But, despite the failure of this armed campaign, the fate of these territories could not be decided without the participation of Russia, even in the person of some traitor. And the Entente entrusted this vile deed to the now praised Admiral Kolchak, who by that time had become a direct agent of the Entente’s strategic influence.

On May 26, 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente sent Admiral Kolchak, who was completely controlled by British intelligence (his actions on behalf of the allied command were directly led by the British General Knox and, subsequently, the legendary British geopolitician, and then, as indeed until the end of his life, the most authoritative British military intelligence agent-intellectual J. Halford Mackinder) a note in which, reporting the severance of relations with the Soviet government, he expressed his readiness to recognize his own double agent of strategic influence in the admiral's ranks for the Supreme Ruler of Russia!? And that’s what’s typical. Admittedly, they recognized him, but only de facto. But de jure - sorry, they showed the Entente tripartite. But with all this, they demanded purely legal actions from him - they gave him a strict ultimatum, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to:

1. The separation of Poland and Finland from Russia, which made no sense, especially in relation to Finland, except for the fierce desire of especially Great Britain to arrange everything in such a way that these countries received independence supposedly from the hands of only the Entente (West). The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government on December 31, 1917, which, by the way, Finland still celebrates. It was the right step, because its stay as part of Russia, where, according to the Friedrichsham Treaty of 1809, it was included by Alexander I (by the way, at the request of the ancestor of the future Fuhrer of Finland - Mannerheim), was not only senseless, but also dangerous due to the separatism that was raging there purely nationalistic.

As for Poland, due to the events of October 1917, it already became independent - Lenin did not interfere. Consequently, from this point of view, the ultimatum to Kolchak was also meaningless.

2. Transferring the issue of the separation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Trans-Caspian region) from Russia to the arbitration of the League of Nations in the event that the agreements necessary for the West are not reached between Kolchak and the puppet governments of these territories.

Along the way, Kolchak was presented with an ultimatum that he recognize the right of the Versailles “peace” conference to decide the fate of Bessarabia as well.

In addition, Kolchak had to guarantee the following:

1. That as soon as he captures Moscow (the Entente, obviously, went crazy for setting him such a task), he will immediately convene a Constituent Assembly.

2. That he will not interfere with the free election of local governments. A little clarification. The fact is that under the outwardly very attractive formulation there was hidden a time bomb that was colossal in its destructive power. The fire of separatism of various stripes was then burning in the country. From purely nationalistic to regional and even local. Moreover, literally everyone was drawn into this destructive process, including, sadly, even purely Russian territories, almost completely Russian in population composition. And granting them the freedom to elect local bodies of self-government automatically meant granting them the freedom to separately declare the independence of their territory, and, accordingly, to secede from Russia. That is, the ultimate goal was to destroy the territorial integrity of Russia at the hands of its own population! The West, by the way, always tries to do just that. In the same way, by the way, the USSR was destroyed in 1991.

3. That he will not restore “special privileges in favor of any class or organization” and, in general, the previous regime, which restricted civil and religious freedoms. A little clarification. Simply put, the Entente was not at all satisfied with the restoration of the tsarist regime, but even the regime of the Provisional Government. And to put it even more simply, a united and indivisible Russia, as a state and a country. It is at this point, not to mention others, that the meanness of Kolchak’s repeated betrayal manifests itself most clearly. Someone, but he knew very well that the news of the overthrow of the tsar was received, in particular, in the same England, whose king he volunteered to serve, by the British Parliament with a standing ovation, and its Prime Minister - Lloyd - George just exclaimed: “The goal of the war has been achieved!” That is, he openly admitted that the First World War This is exactly what it was started for! And, therefore, by recognizing this point of the Entente’s ultimatum, Kolchak once again proved that he is a traitor deliberately acting against Russia!

On June 12, 1919, Kolchak gave the Entente the necessary written answer, which it considered satisfactory. Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente. After all, she only recognized Kolchak de facto, but issued an ultimatum de jure. And the answer from a recognized only de facto traitor to Russia, the Entente recognized de jure! This is what the West means!

As a result, some Kolchak in one fell swoop crossed out all the conquests of Peter the Great and the Nystad Treaty itself of August 30, 1721! When he completed the tasks assigned to him and huge chunks of the territory of the Russian state were de jure torn away, his fate was decided. The Moor has done his job - the Moor can not only leave, but must be killed, preferably by the wrong hands. So that all ends would really be in the water. Through the hands of the representative of the Entente under Kolchak - General Janin (the Anglo-Saxons remained true to themselves here too - they framed the representative of France for this unseemly deed) - and with the assistance of the Czechoslovak corps (they were also enemies of Russia, raging at the direction of their Western masters on the Trans-Siberian Railway) the puppet admiral was surrendered Bolsheviks. Well, they shot him like a dog, and rightly so! There is no point in squandering the accumulated territory of a great state and a great country for centuries!

It remains to say the following. What the Anglo-Saxons “took” Kolchak on - whether on immense vanity, on drug use (Kolchak was an avid cocaine addict) or on both at the same time, or on something else - can no longer be established. But you can still say something. Apparently, in Kolchak they “kindled” a feeling of ancestral revenge for their distant ancestor - the commander of the Khotyn fortress in 1739, Ilias Kalchak Pasha, with whom the Kalchak family began in Russia. Ilias Kalchak Pasha - this is how his name was written in the 18th century. - was forced to surrender to Russian troops under the command of Minich during the next Russian-Turkish war. After 180 years, the distant descendant of Ilias Kalchak Pasha - A.V. Kolchak - surrendered to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs!

It was a frankly Jesuitical move by the West! By the hands of a traitor precisely in admiral's uniform, who was also not of Russian origin - after all, Kolchak was a “Krymchak”, that is, a Crimean Tatar - to deprive Russia of access to the Baltic Sea, for the right to have which, Russia of Peter the Great fought the Northern War with Sweden for over 20 years ! All the works of Peter the Great, his predecessors and successors were completely crossed out, including the famous Nystad Peace Treaty of August 30, 1721, which legitimized Russia’s right to free access to the Baltic Sea and further to the Atlantic! Moreover. This is how Russia got a headache in the form of the viciously Russophobic so-called Baltic states. This was the case even before the Second World War, and this is how it continues today.

And now “the scum that dominate democracy” - this inherently charming expression belongs to one of the most respected people in the whole world, the “king of dynamite” and the founder of the world famous Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel - they praise Kolchak not only supposedly as a patriot of Russia, but also as an innocent victim of Bolshevik political repression!?

Russian intelligence service historian A. Martirosyan wrote an article about the betrayal of Admiral A.V. Kolchak, recruited by the intelligence services of Great Britain and the USA. The same one who was depicted so glamorously in the film “Admiral” with Khabensky in the title role.
There were some things he knew about her, some he didn’t. For example, that Kolchak was a descendant of the Crimean Tatar military leader Ilias Kalchak Pasha. But in general, judge for yourself.

Recently, there have been more and more demands for the rehabilitation of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak as an allegedly innocent victim of Bolshevik political repression. At times it comes almost to the point of hysteria on the part of the “rehabilitator democrats”, who demand full justification for the actions of this traitor to Russia. Thus, shortly before his death, the extremely odious “architect of perestroika” and the same traitor - Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, foaming at the mouth from television screens, demanded the complete rehabilitation of A.V. Kolchak. For what? Why do some traitors care so much about the “honest name” of other traitors who preceded them?! After all, since hoary biblical times, betrayal has been the only a priori unforgivable act forever and ever and, therefore, regardless of any previous services to Russia, a traitor must remain a traitor! And we managed to erect a monument to the traitor who officially switched to the service of the British king in Irkutsk!? And a multiple traitor. Worse than that. A traitor who not only managed to formalize his transition to the side of the ardent enemies of Russia, but also de jure formalize the violent dismemberment of the Russian State! After all, many territorial and political problems, in particular with the same Baltic limitrophes, were generated precisely by his activities! Judge for yourself.

Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence while he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. This happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to which he swore allegiance and kissed the cross! Have you ever wondered why the Entente fleets calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea in 1918?! After all, he was mined! Moreover, in the confusion of two revolutions in 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak’s ticket to joining the British intelligence service was to hand over all the information about the location of minefields and obstacles in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands!

Further. As you know, on June 28, 1916, Kolchak was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet. However, this happened under the direct patronage of the resident of British intelligence in Russia, Colonel Samuel Hoare, and the British ambassador to the Russian Empire, Buchanan (the tsar is also good - no, to send English allies to the “Bigben mother” so that they do not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire). This is the second betrayal, because, under such patronage, becoming the commander of one of the most important fleets of Russia at that time, Kolchak accepted obligations to fulfill the official task of British intelligence to disorganize and reduce the combat effectiveness of this fleet. And, in the end, he fulfilled it - he simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 secretly fled to England. What do you want to call a fleet commander who, during a war, basely abandons his fleet and secretly flees the country abroad?! What does he deserve in this case?! At a minimum, a more than clear definition - TRAITOR and TRAITOR!

Kolchak received the title of admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to which he also swore allegiance. And which he also betrayed! If only because, having secretly fled to England, already in August 1917, together with the Chief of the British Naval General Staff, General Hall, he discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia! Simply put, the question of overthrowing the Provisional Government! To put it even simpler, it’s a question of a coup d’état. Otherwise, forgive me, how could a dictatorship be established?! Swear allegiance to the already vile Provisional Government that overthrew the Tsar, receive a promotion from it and immediately betray him too!? This is already a genetic pathology! I’ll explain below what’s going on here.

Then, at the request of the American ambassador in England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was also recruited by the diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. The recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Eliahu Root. That is, at the same time he has now betrayed the British too. Although the Britons, of course, knew about this recruitment. The fact that he temporarily betrayed the British is to hell with him and with them. The point is different. Having gone to be recruited by the Americans, he betrayed the same Provisional Government for the second time in a short time, to which he also swore allegiance and thanks to which he became an admiral. But in general, the list of his betrayals only lengthened.

Having eventually become a double Anglo-American agent, immediately after the October 1917 coup, Kolchak turned to the English envoy to Japan, K. Green, with a request to the government of His Majesty King George V of England to accept him into service! That’s what he wrote in his petition: “...I place myself entirely at the disposal of His government...”. “His Government” means the government of His Majesty the English King George V! On December 30, 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak's request. From this moment, Kolchak had already officially gone over to the side of the enemy, who was masquerading as an ally. Why the enemy?! Yes, because at that time only the laziest of the agents of England, the USA and the Entente as a whole could not have known that, firstly, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente made an official decision on intervention in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the European core of the Entente - England and France - signed a convention on dividing Russia into spheres of influence! And almost a year later, when in November 1918 the German Empire (and the Austro-Hungarian too) was sent to the dustbin of History, and Kolchak was finally thrown back to Russia, under the patronage of the United States, the Anglo-French allies confirmed that the convention itself or, in purely legal terms, prolonged its effect. And Kolchak, who knew all this and was already a double Anglo-American agent, agreed to become the alleged Supreme Ruler precisely after the confirmation of this convention under the patronage of the same states. That’s why I say that he was a scumbag and a traitor who was officially in the service of the enemy! If he had simply collaborated (suppose, within the framework of military-technical supplies) with former Entente allies, as many White Guard generals did, then that would be one thing. Even despite the fact that they also took on not very good obligations that affected the honor and dignity of Russia. However, they at least de facto acted as something independent, without formally switching to the service of a foreign state. But Kolchak officially transferred to the service of Great Britain. And that same Admiral Kolchak, who was shot by the Bolsheviks like a mad dog, was not just the self-proclaimed Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, against whom the Bolsheviks fought, but an official representative of the English king and his government, who was officially in their service, trying to rule all of Russia! British General Knox, who supervised Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for the creation of Kolchak’s government! All this is now well known, including from foreign sources.

And along the way, Kolchak also carried out an equally important task for the Americans. It was not for nothing that E. Ruth “trained” him for the role of the future Cromwell of Russia. And do you know why?! Yes, because the overly “compassionate” E. Ruth developed a barbaric plan for the enslavement of Russia that had a decent name - “Plan of American activities to preserve and strengthen the morale of the army and civilian population of Russia,” the essence of which was simple, like the revered Yankee popcorn . Russia would continue to have to “supply” the Entente with “cannon fodder,” that is, to fight for the interests of the Anglo-Saxons, which were alien to Russia itself, while paying for it with its political and economic enslavement, in which the United States had to play the “first fiddle.” I emphasize that the central place in this plan was occupied by the economic enslavement of Russia, primarily the seizure of its railways, especially the Trans-Siberian Railway. The damned Yankees even formed a special “railway corps” to manage Russian railways, especially the Trans-Siberian Railway (by the way, the British at that time were targeting Russian railways in our North, in the area of ​​Arkhangelsk and Murmansk). And in parallel, the Yankees also set their sights on Russia’s natural resources.

So it’s time to put an end to the hysterical screaming about the supposedly innocently murdered supposedly honest and decent Admiral A.V. Kolchak. A scumbag and a traitor - he is a scumbag and a traitor! And he should remain as such in history (without denying his previous scientific services to Russia, one cannot help but notice that he crossed them out with his own hand). It has now been definitively and precisely documented that he was a traitor to Russia and should and will remain such in its history of the twentieth century. In the documents of British intelligence, the US State Department, in the personal correspondence of the “gray eminence” of American politics during the First World War - Colonel House - A.V. Kolchak is directly named as their double agent (these documents are known to historians). And it was precisely as their double agent that he was supposed to implement the West’s most criminal plans towards Russia. And the “finest hour” of this traitor came in 1919. However, the West began to pave the way for his future crimes against Russia back in November 1918, at the end of the First World War.

As you know, on November 11, 1918, in the suburbs of Paris - Compiegne - the Compiegne Agreement was signed, which put an end to the First World War. When they remember it, they usually very “elegantly” forget to mention that it was just an armistice agreement for a period of 36 days. Moreover, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which, as a tsarist empire, bore the brunt of the war, and then, having already become Soviet, rendered a colossal service to the same Entente with its revolutionary banditry in Germany. Without the help of Lenin and Co., the Entente would have been fussing with the Kaiser’s Germany for a long time. But this is so, a saying...

The main thing is that Article 12 of the Compiegne Armistice Agreement stated: “All German troops that are now located in the territories that constituted Russia before the war must equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies recognize that the moment has come for this, having accepted taking into account the internal situation of these territories.” However, the secret subclause of the same article 12 already directly obligated Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic states to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of the troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries. Such actions of the Entente were openly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without the participation of Russia, I emphasize, even the Soviet one. But these are still “flowers”.

The fact is that the terminological “pearl” - “... in the territories that made up Russia before the war” - meant that the Entente de facto and de jure not only agreed with the results of the German occupation of territories, the legality of which became part of Russia before August 1 1914 and even throughout the First World War, it never occurred to anyone to challenge it, at least openly, but also in the same way, that is, both de facto and de jure trying to tear away, or, as Then the Anglo-French allies put it “elegantly” by “evacuating” these territories after the fact of the German occupation. Simply put, as if in the order of a “legitimate trophy” obtained from a defeated enemy - Germany.

And in this regard, I would like to draw attention to the following circumstance. As mentioned above, back on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente made an official decision to intervene in Russia. Unofficially, this decision was agreed upon back in December 1916 - they were only waiting for the now extolled “temporary February workers” to drive their “revolutionary ax” into the back of the Entente’s most loyal ally, Nicholas II. And in development of this decision, on December 10 (23), 1917, the Anglo-French convention on the division of Russian territory was signed. For the information of readers: this vile convention has not yet been officially canceled! According to this convention, the allies deigned to divide Russia as follows: the North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of English influence (this, of course, was not the end of the Britons’ “appetites,” but that’s a separate conversation). France got Ukraine and the south of Russia. On November 13, 1918, the same Anglo-French allies, under the patronage of the United States, brazenly extended the validity of this convention. Simply put, for the second time they declared a war on Russia, even a Soviet one, truly a world war, and truly the second in a row in the scenario of the First World War “from the wheels”! In fact, this was indeed a re-declaration of the first “Second World War” in the 20th century in the “on the wheels” scenario of the first world massacre.

As for the second “pearl” from Article 12 of the Compiegne Agreement - “taking into account the internal situation of these territories” - here is another international legal “trick” of the Entente. Without risking calling these territories states - the question of recognizing their fake sovereignty would be raised only on February 15, 1919 during the Versailles so-called “peace” conference - the Entente, nevertheless, prepared to steal them. Especially regarding the Baltic states, although I knew very well that this would be completely illegal! Because in this way, behind the scenes and without any participation of Russia, the Nystad Treaty of August 30, 1721 between Russia and Sweden will be blatantly torn apart! According to this agreement, the territories of Ingermanland, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia with the cities of Riga, Revel (Talinn), Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel and Dago passed to Russia and its successors into full, undeniable and eternal possession and ownership! By the time the Compiegne Truce was signed, no one in the world had even tried to challenge it for almost two centuries, especially since the Treaty of Nystad itself was confirmed in writing and guaranteed by the same England and France.

But the Entente was afraid to steal openly. First of all, because during the period of actual German occupation, as well as after the signing of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, the German occupation authorities forcibly “cut off” huge pieces of purely Russian territories to the Baltic territories. To Estonia - parts of the St. Petersburg and Pskov provinces, in particular, Narva, Pechora and Izborsk, to Latvia - Dvinsky, Lyudinsky and Rezhitsky districts of the Vitebsk province and part of the Ostrovsky district of the Pskov province, to Lithuania - parts of the Suwalki and Vilna provinces populated by Belarusians (not very , obviously capable of understanding anything, but having sold themselves wholeheartedly to the West, the authorities of the modern Baltic limitrophes are now constantly trying, in purely popular language, to “open their mittens” to these lands more widely). The Entente was also afraid because first it was necessary to replace the power structures formed by the German occupation authorities with a purely pro-German orientation (German intelligence widely planted its agents of influence there) with authorities with a pro-Entente orientation. But this is just one side of the “coin”. The second was as follows.

Under direct pressure from the Entente, which set this as a harsh precondition for the truce, the Kaiser's government of Germany on November 5, 1918 unilaterally severed diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. Fortunately, there was no need to look for a reason - the Soviet embassy, ​​headed by a long-time patient of the best European and Russian psychiatrists, A. Ioffe, interfered so openly and so brazenly in the internal affairs of Germany that it was impossible not to notice it. However, it was, as they say, “a debt is paid in good faith” - a year before this she behaved in exactly the same way in Russia.

The severance of diplomatic relations meant that even according to the norms of the then predatory international law, all previously signed and ratified agreements between the two states automatically lost their legal force. Moreover, on November 9, 1918, the Kaiser’s empire also sank into oblivion: the monarchy fell, the Kaiser went on the run (he took refuge in Holland), and the Social Democrats, led by Ebert-Scheidemann, came to power in Germany. At the time of the signing of the Compiègne Armistice on November 11, 1918, the Social Democratic, we use the parliamentary rule and put an accent so as not to use obscene language, .... led by Ebert-Scheidemann, they realized a super-unique, super-unprecedented even for the robber history of the West and its jurisprudence. Automatically deprived of any legal force, the already predatory Brest-Litovsk Treaty of March 3, 1918, just six days after its, I emphasize, automatic denunciation by the German side, was suddenly resurrected by the Social Democrats who came to power in Germany . Worse than that. Together with the function of monitoring its implementation, which allegedly continues to be in effect, the treaty was voluntarily transferred to the Entente as a “trophy”!? Naturally, with all the ensuing extremely negative geopolitical, strategic and economic consequences for Russia, even Soviet Russia! After all, we were talking about the theft of a Million Square Kilometers of Strategically Important Territories of the Russian State, along with their natural, economic and demographic resources! Resources, which even by the scale of that time were measured in more than tens of billions of gold rubles!

Lenin, who tried to recapture the Baltic states by armed means, no matter how he treated him personally, was absolutely right de facto. And, what is especially important in this regard, de jure too. Because official diplomatic relations were unilaterally severed by the Kaiser’s Germany, which soon collapsed, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty automatically lost any force. Consequently, the Baltic states that remained under German occupation, both de facto and de jure, turned into Russian territory illegally seized and occupied by the troops of the deceased state, which is also openly stolen by the Entente! Moreover, declaring for the second time to Russia, even the Soviet one, the next, that is, the next world war, the second in a row and in the scenario “from the wheels of the first”! From a purely military-geopolitical point of view, the armed onslaught of the Bolsheviks on the Baltic States, which began on November 13, 1918, was absolutely justified in the nature of an objectively necessary counter-offensive in order to protect the state’s own territory.

But from an ideological point of view, Lenin was just as wrong, for he gave this armed campaign the appearance of an attempt to “come to the aid of the German revolution,” which was violently rejected by all of Germany, which Ilyich and Co. did not want to understand, since their enthusiasm at that moment, mildly to put it simply, the idea of ​​a “field revolution”, inadequate to the realities of that time, simply turned off in their minds even the shadow of a hint of any rational thinking. The result was logical - defeat was inevitable, especially since all of Europe, with desperate efforts, even to the point of inciting evil Judeophobia in most of its countries, repelled the attacks of Lenin, Trotsky and Co., stunned by the bloody taste of the “world revolution” and their German and other “colleagues” .

But, despite the failure of this armed campaign, the fate of these territories could not be decided without the participation of Russia, even in the person of some traitor. And the Entente entrusted this vile deed to the now praised Admiral Kolchak, who by that time had become a direct agent of the Entente’s strategic influence.

On May 26, 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente sent Admiral Kolchak, who was completely controlled by British intelligence (his actions on behalf of the allied command were directly led by the British General Knox and, subsequently, the legendary British geopolitician, and then, as indeed until the end of his life, the most authoritative British military intelligence agent-intellectual J. Halford Mackinder) a note in which, reporting the severance of relations with the Soviet government, he expressed his readiness to recognize his own double agent of strategic influence in the admiral's ranks for the Supreme Ruler of Russia!? And that’s what’s typical. Admittedly, they recognized him, but only de facto. But de jure - sorry, they showed the Entente tripartite. But with all this, they demanded purely legal actions from him - they gave him a strict ultimatum, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to:

1. The separation of Poland and Finland from Russia, which made no sense, especially in relation to Finland, except for the fierce desire of especially Great Britain to arrange everything in such a way that these countries received independence supposedly from the hands of only the Entente (West). The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government on December 31, 1917, which, by the way, Finland still celebrates. It was the right step, because its stay as part of Russia, where, according to the Friedrichsham Treaty of 1809, it was included by Alexander I (by the way, at the request of the ancestor of the future Fuhrer of Finland - Mannerheim), was not only senseless, but also dangerous due to the separatism that was raging there purely nationalistic.

As for Poland, due to the events of October 1917, it already became independent - Lenin did not interfere. Consequently, from this point of view, the ultimatum to Kolchak was also meaningless.

2. Transferring the issue of the separation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Trans-Caspian region) from Russia to the arbitration of the League of Nations in the event that the agreements necessary for the West are not reached between Kolchak and the puppet governments of these territories.

Along the way, Kolchak was presented with an ultimatum that he recognize the right of the Versailles “peace” conference to decide the fate of Bessarabia as well.

In addition, Kolchak had to guarantee the following:

1. That as soon as he captures Moscow (the Entente, obviously, went crazy for setting him such a task), he will immediately convene a Constituent Assembly.

2. That he will not interfere with the free election of local governments. A little clarification. The fact is that under the outwardly very attractive formulation there was hidden a time bomb that was colossal in its destructive power. The fire of separatism of various stripes was then burning in the country. From purely nationalistic to regional and even local. Moreover, literally everyone was drawn into this destructive process, including, sadly, even purely Russian territories, almost completely Russian in population composition. And granting them the freedom to elect local bodies of self-government automatically meant granting them the freedom to separately declare the independence of their territory, and, accordingly, to secede from Russia. That is, the ultimate goal was to destroy the territorial integrity of Russia at the hands of its own population! The West, by the way, always tries to do just that. In the same way, by the way, the USSR was destroyed in 1991.

3. That he will not restore “special privileges in favor of any class or organization” and, in general, the previous regime, which restricted civil and religious freedoms. A little clarification. Simply put, the Entente was not at all satisfied with the restoration of the tsarist regime, but even the regime of the Provisional Government. And to put it even more simply, a united and indivisible Russia, as a state and a country. It is at this point, not to mention others, that the meanness of Kolchak’s repeated betrayal manifests itself most clearly. Someone, but he knew very well that the news of the overthrow of the tsar was received, in particular, in the same England, whose king he volunteered to serve, by the British parliament with a standing ovation, and its prime minister - Lloyd - George just exclaimed: “The goal of the war has been achieved!” That is, he openly admitted that the First World War was started precisely for this purpose! And, therefore, by recognizing this point of the Entente’s ultimatum, Kolchak once again proved that he is a traitor deliberately acting against Russia!

On June 12, 1919, Kolchak gave the Entente the necessary written answer, which it considered satisfactory. Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente. After all, she only recognized Kolchak de facto, but issued an ultimatum de jure. And the answer from a recognized only de facto traitor to Russia, the Entente recognized de jure! This is what the West means!

As a result, some Kolchak in one fell swoop crossed out all the conquests of Peter the Great and the Nystad Treaty itself of August 30, 1721! When he completed the tasks assigned to him and huge chunks of the territory of the Russian state were de jure torn away, his fate was decided. The Moor has done his job - the Moor can not only leave, but must be killed, preferably by the wrong hands. So that all ends would really be in the water. Through the hands of the representative of the Entente under Kolchak - General Janin (the Anglo-Saxons remained true to themselves here too - they framed the representative of France for this unseemly deed) - and with the assistance of the Czechoslovak corps (they were also enemies of Russia, raging at the direction of their Western masters on the Trans-Siberian Railway) the puppet admiral was surrendered Bolsheviks. Well, they shot him like a dog, and rightly so! There is no point in squandering the accumulated territory of a great state and a great country for centuries!

It remains to say the following. What the Anglo-Saxons “took” Kolchak on - whether on immense vanity, on drug use (Kolchak was an avid cocaine addict) or on both at the same time, or on something else - can no longer be established. But you can still say something. Apparently, in Kolchak they “kindled” a feeling of ancestral revenge for their distant ancestor - the commander of the Khotyn fortress in 1739, Ilias Kalchak Pasha, with whom the Kalchak family began in Russia. Ilias Kalchak Pasha - this is how his name was written in the 18th century. - was forced to surrender to Russian troops under the command of Minich during the next Russian-Turkish war. After 180 years, the distant descendant of Ilias Kalchak Pasha - A.V. Kolchak - surrendered to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs!

It was a frankly Jesuitical move by the West! By the hands of a traitor precisely in admiral's uniform, who was also not of Russian origin - after all, Kolchak was a “Krymchak”, that is, a Crimean Tatar - to deprive Russia of access to the Baltic Sea, for the right to have which, Russia of Peter the Great fought the Northern War with Sweden for over 20 years ! All the works of Peter the Great, his predecessors and successors were completely crossed out, including the famous Nystad Peace Treaty of August 30, 1721, which legitimized Russia’s right to free access to the Baltic Sea and further to the Atlantic! Moreover. This is how Russia got a headache in the form of the viciously Russophobic so-called Baltic states. This was the case even before the Second World War, and this is how it continues today.

And now “the scum that dominate democracy” - this inherently charming expression belongs to one of the most respected people in the whole world, the “king of dynamite” and the founder of the world famous Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel - are praising Kolchak not only supposedly as a patriot of Russia, but also as an innocent victim of Bolshevik political repression!?

Already at the end of the entire White movement, Baron Wrangel, locked with the remnants of the army in Crimea, officially announced the complete private ownership of land by peasants by his decree. And he created in Crimea a coalition government of different forces of the white camp, from monarchists to socialists, and he no longer blindly insisted on “one and indivisible,” recognizing the fact that the national outskirts had fallen away from Russia and concluding an alliance with Poland “Pilsudczyk”. But what could all these political maneuvers of Wrangel give if his eight-thousand-strong White Russian army on the Crimean Perekop was attacked by almost 100 thousand soldiers of the Red Army at Frunze, more than ten opponents for each fighter. If the Red Army already fought using the method of “ignoring its losses,” not sparing the mobilized men in greatcoats, which by 1941 it would elevate to an absolute in its tactics: the Red Army would devote almost 10 thousand of its soldiers to the frantic assaults of Perekop in the fall of 1920 alone, chasing the next waves over the corpses of the dead (the whites will lose only 2 thousand people during all the battles in Crimea). What decrees could help, what tougher actions of white counterintelligence? In such a situation it was simply impossible to win. And had all these “decrees” about land and freedom been accepted by Kornilov back in 1917, or by Denikin a year later, the final outcome of this war would probably have been the same. According to the mass of other military and political reasons.
Now it is becoming fashionable again to say that whites are worthless liberals, children of the February that destroyed the country, friends of the hated West (then they called the Entente), that they are very far from the people, that the peasantry wove a million bast shoes for the Red Army for the promise of land, and the whites are not intertwined. But we should not forget how the Reds, with their food detachments, the “food dictatorship” and the Cheka, forced the people to “weave bast shoes” and then repaid them with what they weaved. Now we understand: in that situation, the white camp most likely had no chance of defeating the huge five-million-strong Red Army, which Soviet Russia supplied by all possible methods at the expense of the plundered population, under any circumstances. In addition, the entire center of the country with its powerful industry always remained under Lenin’s power, and scattered white armies tried to attack him from different outskirts of the country, moreover, not simultaneously, but in turn.
And the cruelty of white counterintelligence here certainly could not fix the matter. And these counterintelligence agencies of Kolchak, Denikin, Miller, Yudenich themselves were not as cruel and ruthless as the Cheka of Lenin’s government opposing them. And they were not even organizationally strong, like the Chekist intelligence service or the Intelligence Department of the Red Army. The Cheka leaders themselves also understood this very well and also took into account the weaknesses of white counterintelligence. By the end of the active phase of the Civil War, even the attitude within the Cheka towards white opponents on the secret front in this regard had developed a condescendingly contemptuous attitude. With constant remembrance at every opportunity about the atrocities of Kolchak’s counterintelligence, more than once even in films about security officers, their veterans, gathering behind German lines during the Second World War, warn each other that “it will be very difficult, and the Abwehr and the Gestapo are not White Guard initiative” . More than once I have come across such a refrain from the KGB subconscious in cinema.
Of the counterintelligence bodies of the white armies or temporary secret police bodies in the white-occupied territories of Russia, the most established and relatively professional in the history of the Civil War are considered to be the counterintelligence of the Volunteer Army and the secret police Osvag (Information Agency) in the territories occupied by “volunteers”. This was not only a secret investigation in the white rear, there was also a propaganda apparatus of the Denikinites in Osvag. Actually, political and military investigation inside Osvag was carried out only by the Bureau of Secret Information, headed by Patsanovsky, who was close to liberal and cadet circles. During the Denikin regime in southern Russia, all of Osvag was also led by a cadet and a civilian named Chakhotin.
General Denikin himself was quite critical of his counterintelligence; he shook up its leadership several times, trying to combat the “excesses” of the vindictiveness of its employees or the corruption that at times flourished among his counterintelligence officers. In his work “National Dictatorship and Its Politics,” the white commander-in-chief of the south of Russia, Denikin, himself spoke about his then counterintelligence: “I would not want to offend many righteous people who were suffering morally
in the difficult situation of our counterintelligence institutions, but I must say that these agencies, covering the territory of the South with a dense network, were sometimes hotbeds of provocation and organized robbery. The counterintelligence services of Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, and Rostov became especially “famous” in this regard. We had to fight them, both against self-appointed institutions and against individuals.” This is very reminiscent of Lenin’s: “The Ukrainian Cheka was created too early and let in many who had succumbed to it.” As we see, in some ways the heads of the opposing camps of that war had similar problems with their intelligence services, and Denikin names as examples of the most undisciplined counterintelligence the same southern cities where the Cheka was the most “crazy” and bloody.
At times in 1918-1920, Denikin’s counterintelligence was simply powerless in the confrontation with the “red” or “green” underground, with the intelligence officers sent by the Soviet Cheka and the Intelligence Service, but was mired in the search for conspiracies against Denikin in the white officer camp itself, especially from among the monarchists and Cossack separatists or right-wing Social Revolutionaries. In Odessa in 1919, even the head of the local counterintelligence of the Denikinites, Colonel Kirpichnikov, was shot from an ambush on the street by radical white monarchists, whom he was pursuing on the orders of Commander-in-Chief Denikin.
Only with the squeezing of Denikin from the leadership of the Volunteer Army in the spring of 1920, its new commander-in-chief Baron Wrangel and his more determined entourage cleared out their counterintelligence in Last year white struggle in southern Russia. In place of Colonel Astrakhantsev, who was removed from his post as head of volunteer counterintelligence, and who, when leaving for emigration, took with him a significant part of the cash desk of this Denikin special service, Wrangel appointed the former head of the Tsarist Police Department, Yevgeny Klimovich, as head of counterintelligence in Crimea. This professional of political investigation replaced many amateur army officers with pre-revolutionary intelligence officers from the secret police, the Police Department and military intelligence of the Tsar's General Staff. In the last year of the desperate struggle of Wrangel’s army, at least its rear in the Crimea turned out to be covered by this counterintelligence of Klimovich. In 1920, she liquidated the underground Crimean Revolutionary Committee of the Bolsheviks, whose leaders were executed in the “Trial of Nine,” and also defeated a conspiracy in favor of the Soviets against Wrangel among his own officers, who hoped to earn the forgiveness of the Reds before the Crimean catastrophe. According to some versions, behind these double-dealing officers was the white General Slashchev, close to the commander-in-chief, who had already entered into secret contacts with the Soviet Cheka, and not in exile before his shocking return to Soviet Russia in 1921. Partly thanks to the work of this counterintelligence, Klimovich managed at the end of 1920 to preserve the rear of Wrangel’s army and save its most combat-ready part by organized evacuation to Istanbul. Klimovich and in the emigrant union EMRO was appointed by Wrangel as the head of his security service; he died as an emigrant in Serbia in 1930.
There was also " Special department“in Kolchak’s counterintelligence, it was headed by another commander of the former tsarist investigation, Colonel Eremin. When the Don ataman Krasnov in 1919 had not yet recognized the unified power over himself of Kolchak and Denikin and dreamed of the idea of ​​​​an independent Cossack state on the Don, his “Don Army” had its own counterintelligence under the command of Colonel Dobrynin - it can also be classified as white counterintelligence agencies.
There was also a “State Security” under the short-lived regime of Komuch (the Socialist Revolutionary Committee of the Constituent Assembly on the Volga in 1918, then merged with the power of Kolchak), it was headed by the Socialist Revolutionary officer Klimushkin. In the “State Guard” of the Komuchevites there was something like a political police department under the command of the Socialist Revolutionary Rogovsky, who at the same time led the military tribunal of the “People’s Army” of the Komuchevites. These short-lived counterintelligence services of the white armies were also not ideologically homogeneous and also did not escape factional squabbles. So in the east of Kolchak, Colonel Kalashnikov, who headed counterintelligence in the 1st Siberian Army, turned out to be a Socialist Revolutionary and became one of the main initiators of the Socialist Revolutionary conspiracy against Kolchak in 919. So the Soviet Cheka in this regard, in contrast to the disparate and organizationally not fully established white counterintelligence services, was much more integral and internally homogeneous.
Another relatively combat-ready counterintelligence service developed in the north of Russia in the army of General Yudenich, it was also headed by a career gendarme from the tsarist secret police, Colonel Novgrebelsky. During the offensive of Yudenich's army in 1919 on Petrograd, Novgrebelsky even created a special group from his counterintelligence employees, which was supposed to penetrate the city ahead of the advancing troops in cars and seize Smolny and the building of the Petrograd Cheka on Gorokhovaya Street, not allowing the Bolshevik leaders and security officers. The “State Security” of the Komuchev Socialist Revolutionaries, Kolchak’s counterintelligence and Yudenich’s Novgrebelsky counterintelligence are also reproached for cruelty towards captured Bolsheviks and their sympathizers.
In the Northern region under the regime white general Miller had his own military counterintelligence and security service in the rear of the Northern Army - the “Special Unit”, it was led by a white officer Shabelsky, later in exile one of the most irreconcilable Kutepov terrorists from the EMRO. This is if you don’t count the already mentioned counterintelligence of Colonel Petrov in the almost operetta “Anglo-Slavic Legion” in the Northern Region. In other small white armies, they did not even have time to create such semi-professional counterintelligence services; reconnaissance and counterintelligence in them were carried out, as necessary, directly by front-line units. And almost nowhere in the white camp did they create a separate body for conducting foreign reconnaissance behind enemy lines; for Kolchak, Denikin and Yudenich, white counterintelligence was also responsible for this activity as necessary.
In general, it has long been no secret that the cinematic and literary image of the White Guard as an ardent monarchist Black Hundred has little in common with reality. And almost the entire leadership of the White armies was in the hands of the Cadets or Socialist Revolutionaries, and the White movement itself as a whole defended February revolution, the monarchists among his officers constituted a minority, often even underground and persecuted by the white counterintelligence itself. The point, of course, is not that the monarchists could commit atrocities in the search for the White movement, but the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Cadets could not - everyone could do this in those years, of which there are many examples. It’s just that this already destroys the image of the White Guard punisher, a monarchist and a Black Hundred member, which was familiar to Soviet propaganda. There were atrocities in the White counterintelligence, but how significant were they in the light of the “Red Terror” opposing the White cause?
Most of the torture and executions of the Bolsheviks and their sympathizers were carried out within the walls of these institutions of the white armies, especially in the days when the white front was already retreating under the attacks of the red units. There were also extrajudicial executions, although for the most part these counterintelligence services carried out, according to the law of their government, only arrest and investigation, then delivering the accused into the hands of military courts, No one had ever given them the rights to carry out extrajudicial executions, similar to those available to the Cheka since the end of 1918. A military tribunal among Denikin’s or Kolchak’s is, of course, not a jury trial with good lawyers and long speeches in defense of the accused, but it is also not a Cheka massacre in the basements on the basis of decrees on the “Red Terror” without any judicial procedure at all. White counterintelligence had forceful interrogation methods, not too surprising for the brutal Civil War, but again clearly inferior to the KGB set of such means. There were barges with commissars that were flooded during the retreat, but even captured commissars and commanders of the Red Army were sometimes kept by these white counterintelligence officers in their prisons for years without being shot. The notorious “death trains” carrying Bolshevik prisoners that left with Kolchak’s army from the Volga to Siberia did not have the most humane conditions of detention. Others arrested in them died on the way or were shot by the guards, but even they were still carried along, and not shot in the KGB fashion during a retreat in a dark basement.
The Bolsheviks themselves, on their side of the front, knew this and were well aware of the difference in the actions of the white counterintelligence and their Cheka. In 1920, when mass torture and executions flourished daily in the network of Cheka institutions scattered across Russia, Soviet newspapers in Moscow calmly described the “atrocities of white counterintelligence” - in the prisons of the Crimea occupied by Wrangel’s followers, it turns out that political prisoners were protesting against coarse prison clothes and meager food went on a hunger strike. This fact alone eloquently shows the difference in approaches. About the partisan Lazo and his two comrades, who were brutally burned in a locomotive firebox by white counterintelligence officers, is known to everyone who once went to the Soviet high school. But the fact that the officers of Ataman Semenov committed this cruelty in response to the demonstrative execution of 120 captured Kappel officers by the Cheka in the spring of 1920 is known only to a few specialists in the history of that war.
At the same time, there was a well-known bloody episode on the Angara ship, which is very often exaggerated as evidence of the atrocities of white counterintelligence and about which, for the sake of impartiality, it would be wrong to remain silent. In January 1920, the Kolchakites left under the onslaught of the Reds from Irkutsk, where Admiral Kolchak himself had already fallen into a trap, and the counterintelligence officers took away from prison three dozen previously arrested enemies with the detachment of Colonel Skipetrov leaving for Lake Baikal: the Bolsheviks and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries. It seemed unnecessary to take them beyond Baikal, and on the Angara ship these hostages were killed and thrown overboard into Baikal waters, including one woman among them. There are no words, here the white counterintelligence agents have shown cruelty and complete lawlessness, from which many in the white camp then turned away with disgust, blaming for this massacre those who led the execution on the “Angara”: Colonel Skipetrov and the head of counterintelligence, Ataman Semenov, named Sipailo, as well as the English officer-adviser Grant, who was present at the massacre. Skipetrov, even in the white camp, was then demanded to answer for this action of lynching, and the Czechoslovak legionnaires arrested him for investigation, but the collapse of the front freed Skipetrov from responsibility and allowed him, along with the same Czechoslovaks, to flee into exile. But here too we're talking about Regarding a specific case, even the number of victims on the “Angara” was accurately calculated - there were exactly 31 people. Do not forget that on these same days the red units victoriously drove Kolchak’s completely disheveled army east to Lake Baikal. And throughout vast Siberia in the ice holes on the rivers one could easily see the corpses of Kolchak’s officers and soldiers shot by the Cheka without any trial, and there were not 31 of them there, but simply without counting.
(To be continued)
