Review of V. Meshcheryakova’s manual “I can sing”. Meshcheryakova's methodology "English for children" Textbooks in English by Meshcheryakova

Benefit for English language for children from 3 to 6 years old, is the zero level in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk and a coloring book. At the end of the manual guidelines, translation of song lyrics (for parents) and a dictionary (also for parents). At this level, children learn to perceive English speech by ear, follow the teacher’s commands, play and sing songs in English. Classes are conducted in the music game form.

"I can sing"- musicals, author - V.N. Meshcheryakova

The English language guide for children aged 4 to 7 years is a continuation of the zero level in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk and a colorful book for the child. At the beginning of the book there is a dictionary (for parents), and at the end there is the text of audio lessons in English. At the end of each academic semester, you can stage musicals with your children in English, the scripts of which are given in the teacher’s manual.

"I can speak", author - V.N. Meshcheryakova

The English language guide for children aged 5 to 7 years is the 1st stage in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk, a book with audio lessons and workbook. Children continue to develop listening skills and begin to speak English, using about 250 words and 40 colloquial phrases. Over the course of a year, children learn 30 songs and rhymes. Children also develop communication skills, activity and independence.

"I can read", author - V.N. Meshcheryakova

The English language guide for children aged 6-10 years is the 2nd stage in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk, a book with audio lessons and a reading book. Children continue to improve their listening and communication skills in English and begin to learn to read using the original color reading technology on familiar language material studied at previous levels. Children learn to read English with ease.

"Clumsy and Gracie", author - N.A. Poddubnaya

The set consists of a reading book, a workbook with board game and a disc with very beautiful songs and well-read fairy tales. The book was created on lexical material, acquired by children at the stages “I can speak” and “I can read”. This book develops the reader's curiosity, the ability to think, compare with personal experience and form your own own opinion about what you read. At the end of the book there is a script for the musical.

"I can write", author - V.N. Meshcheryakova

The English language manual for children aged 7-11 years is the 3rd stage in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk, a textbook and a workbook. At this stage, children learn the basics of writing in English and, of course, continue to work with listening, speaking and reading. The audio lessons of this level include a large number of new grammatical structures.

, author - N.A. Poddubnaya

The set consists of a reading book and a disk. This book combines entertaining texts with interesting tasks, where new vocabulary is presented using the technique of color reading. Reading and writing in this book are aimed at developing critical thinking. At the end of the book you will find a dictionary and a script for a musical that you can stage with your children at the end of the school year.

Today we would like to general outline present to you the method of teaching English by Valeria Nikolaevna Meshcheryakova and touch on the most interesting aspects of this method.

The technique is designed for preschool and younger children school age.

Since our school organizes the work of a pro-gymnasium, this technique is interesting and effective for us. Using only some of its elements for now, we see effective results.

The structure of the “I love English” manual set is as follows:

Stage 0 – I can sing(preschooler)

Level 1 – I can speak (grade 1)

Level 2 – I can read (grade 2)

Level 3 – I can write (grade 3)

Level 4 – I can analyze (grade 4)

All stages are interconnected, and the I can speak stage is basic, since learning to speak has been and remains main goal.

The goal of the I can sing stage is to teach children to perceive English speech by ear, to create an image of the language in the child’s brain through repeated listening and then singing spoken phrases and grammatical structures. Lessons are conducted in the form of music and games. Here, a big role is given to parents who ensure daily listening to the recording. The text and songs on the cassette are sung by native speakers and presented in the form of entertaining illustrated stories.

At the initial stage, phonetic errors associated with the immaturity of the speech apparatus are ignored. You just need to increase the number of correct repetitions of these sounds in the lesson.

Children perceive language material differently. Some people begin to speak individual words after 2-3 auditions, while others do not say a word by the end of the course. This is very similar to how children begin to speak native language. If a child listens to the tape with pleasure, accompanies the listening with movements and gestures, i.e. understands the meaning of what is being heard, but nevertheless does not utter a word, this indicates that either the image of these words has not been formed clearly enough in his head, or his speech-forming mechanisms are not ready to reproduce English speech. The smartest thing to do is just wait for the child to speak on his own. After all, some people begin to speak their native language as early as 1.5 years old, while others are silent even at 2.5 years old.

Here are a few words about the I can sing stage.

Question: Is it possible to start the “speak” stage if there was no “sing”? Answer: yes, but at the same time and on the condition that parents ensure that their children listen to the audio course every day.

Distinctive feature This technique is that the child uses in his speech only those words and structures that he has already repeatedly heard in the teacher’s speech in class or on a tape. This, firstly, allows you to conduct a lesson in a playful way, and secondly, makes the use of language meaningful. Big role This is played by an audio complex, which is composed according to the following principles:

    Visual support.

The audio complex is accompanied by a coloring book, which serves as an illustration of the audio lesson and in which the child completes the tasks given on the cassette.

2. Repeated repetition of language blocks, which ensures involuntary memorization. The teacher creates a situation in the lesson in which this structure is necessary.

3.Ease of control - every fourth lesson is a “control”. On it, the teacher checks the quality of assignments and makes appropriate marks (+ -) for the answer. sheet of coloring book.

4. The child sees perspective. The child’s task is to make a book from separate sheets of paper. The teacher's marks give him a clear idea of ​​how far he has progressed in this area.

5. Minimum time with maximum success.

Each audio lesson lasts on average 10-12 minutes. During the week, the child simply listens to the same lesson every day (and listening does not require full concentration and can happen incidentally) and only on the eve of the “test lesson” does he complete tasks in a coloring book. On average, the task takes 15 minutes to complete.

To maintain the child’s motivation, Valentina Meshcheryakova and her school have developed a whole system of rewards - from hearts drawn by the teacher for correctly completing assignments and diplomas, to gifts from fairy-tale heroes, who were helped by children.

We bring to your attention a fragment of V. Meshcheryakova’s lesson at the “I can speak” stage.

View fragment.

Things to note:

    Mobile activities and frequent changes of games and tasks (a huge number of stages and substages) - a cheat sheet for the teacher, in which the entire lesson is presented in a schematic form and in different colors. For example, the teacher’s words are blue, the children’s expected answers are red, the lesson guest (and he is different for each lesson) is green.

    Vocabulary is semanticized not only with the help of pictures and toys, but also with the help of gestures.

    The teacher is bright, emotional personality. Do not belittle the importance of the teacher’s emotionality, accompanying songs with movements, gestures and facial expressions. No matter how wonderful the manuals and developments for teachers are, if you work on them without the above, it is unlikely that it will truly interest children.

So, we have seen the initial stage. At a later stage, we place maximum emphasis on speaking. Grammatical structures will be practiced always and in different speech situations.

In our work, we adhere to the basic principles of Valeria Meshcheryakova’s methodology. We started work from the “I can speak” stage and are currently using only some of its elements, but the result still exceeded expectations.

We would like to demonstrate a dialogue with a 5th grader who has passed the speak level. Those teachers who took part in the “Magic fairy land” competition probably remember our Alice, who felt completely at ease on stage, expressing herself in a foreign language. The children were not given a specific setting or topic of conversation. They were asked to talk about whatever they wanted.

As you watch, you will see that the methodology is slightly modified; we found it possible to adjust it and add our own 2 rules:

Rule 1 - ignoring errors, correction occurs by repeating the correct option by the teacher;

Rule 2 - in a live dialogue, mistakes are not corrected by the teacher, they are analyzed by the students themselves when listening or viewing the material, the dialogue itself follows the scooter principle.

These two rules are built on the minimax principle - ignoring errors in the flow of dialogic and monologue speech.

In conclusion, I would like to add that at the stages of education, methods and techniques for teaching reading are clearly visible. Even if you are not going to work according to Valeria Meshcheryakova’s program, the unique color reading technique developed by her center in collaboration with the Kitaygorodskaya school will certainly interest you. This technique allows you to learn to read without memorizing reading rules.

not only children, but also their parents. It is no secret that most children, and even us adults, do not read according to the rules, but read at the level of intuition.

I'm not a supporter early learning language, but could not resist the temptation to buy a manual Meshcheryakova for several reasons - your 3-year-old child, reviews on various forums, where almost everyone who bought it, like zombified conspirators, repeats about its miraculousness, the inability to familiarize themselves with Meshcheryakova’s manuals or methods online, and, of course, female curiosity. I haven’t worked with children of this age yet, but online, except this video, I didn’t find anything intelligible about the teaching methodology. Yes, there are seminars that are conducted using this technique, but they are, to put it mildly, not cheap.

I placed the order on the official website, where a book for a teacher + a book for a student + a CD with songs + delivery cost me 1400rub(!). I didn’t buy a visual aid for this level because I was strangled by a toad (another + 1000 rubles). The amount is not small, considering that there are only 5 such benefits (corresponding to steps 1 – 4, plus this one is zero).
Having opened the parcel, I saw two books in the format A5 and volume about 50 pages:

I can sing. A book for the student.

IN student book we find:
1) Author's message
2) Text of audio lessons
3) Lyrics of songs with pictures for children
4) Colored cards with toys and objects used in lessons
5) Song translation and dictionary

On the pages there are simply pictures and the lyrics of the song next to them. If you look at decor books, then the pictures seem to be funny, but from the point of view of a parent, I don’t like yellow hares, pink horses, blue bears and ugly drawn children. From an aesthetic point of view, courses from foreign publishers (for example, this one) are designed more pleasantly.

In addition, the sheets intended for the student - lessons with songs and lyrics - are made on glossy paper, but the material for parents is on regular paper, which a preschool child can easily tear if handled carelessly.

I can sing. Book for teachers.

IN teacher's book There is:
1) Description methodological principles
2) Inventory
3) Class structure
4) Lesson Plans
5) Additional games

Its undoubted advantage: all lessons are described in detail, methodological advice is given - how to seat children, how to introduce new toys to them, how to introduce material, reinforce it, how to sing songs, what games to use. There are also small cheat sheets for the teacher:

I can sing. Audio.

On disk V. Meshcheryakova's manual contains songs, backing tracks, and background music. The disc is voiced by native speakers (male and female), the pronunciation is good and clear, there are no complaints about this. It’s more pleasant for me to listen to a recording of children’s voices in a children’s textbook, but that’s my opinion.

I can sing. Results.

After reading the manual by V. Meshcheryakova “I can sing”, you can do several conclusions:

  • parents and teachers, who have not worked with this age group, and have little idea how to teach English for preschoolers– you can safely take it, because The manual provides a detailed algorithm for the behavior of classes
  • in kindergartens this textbook is more convenient to use than English-language ones - and all the lessons are written down, and the student’s parents will know what their children are being taught (all materials in the manual are translated).
  • If you tutor, who already has experience working with children from 3 to 6 years old, the manual can be used as additional material for classes. You most likely won’t learn anything new from it about the methods of teaching language to preschoolers

AND my 5 kopecks: taking into account the considerable price of the benefit, its small size, the active PR campaign of the entire methodology and the inability to somehow familiarize itself with it in online resources, all this seems to be another way to earn more money from children and parents who want to their child knew the language. I haven’t had time to try the technique yet, but when I try it, I might change my mind and definitely write about the results!

Review of V. Meshcheryakova’s manual “I can sing”


Working curriculum

"English for kids"

The program is designed for children 3-4 years old (junior preschool age). The duration of the program is 1 year.

Teacher: Tkachenko O.S.

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Program principles and methods
  3. Program Goals
  4. Program objectives
  5. Logistics support
  6. Expected results
  7. Methodological support of the program
  8. Appendix No. 1

Explanatory note

The educational complex “I can sing” by V.N. Meshcheryakova for teaching English to children 3-4 years old is the first step in the “I love English” educational set. The goal of the first stage is to teach children to perceive English speech by ear, to create an image of the language in the child’s brain by repeatedly listening and then singing spoken phrases and grammatical structures. Lessons are conducted in the form of music and games. The use of phonograms is of great importance. The text and songs on the cassette are sung by native speakers and presented in the form of entertaining illustrated stories. The audio course, entirely recorded in English by native speakers, takes on the function of immersion in the language environment.

This methodological manual consists of 3 parts, each of which is designed for classes for 2-3 months, i.e. It is advisable to complete the 1st part in the fall, the 2nd in the winter, and the 3rd in the spring.

Classes are held in a group of 10-12 people for 15 minutes, 2 times a week. Despite the fact that the material is intended primarily for listening, some children begin to speak already in the first lessons.

By creating a relaxed playful atmosphere in the classroom, the teacher awakens activity in children, which gradually turns from playful activity into educational activity. During classes, children do not seem to learn the language, but simply use what they have already heard in the teacher’s speech or on a tape in order to be able to participate in the general game. To effectively memorize the material, it is necessary to repeatedly listen to the structures, and to consolidate it, constant repetition is necessary, which is provided for by the structure of the manual.

Over the course of a year, children learn 20 songs and rhymes. Large object English material children speak receptively, i.e. perceive it by ear and respond appropriately.

As in life, in a group there are both “talkative” and “silent” ones. The teacher should encourage the speech activity of “talkers”, but pay special attention to phonetic errors and increase the number of correct repetitions of these sounds in the lesson.

When drawing up the program, methodological guidelines were followed principles:

  • The principle of comfort;
  • Immersion in the language environment;
  • The principle of the overall development of the child through foreign language, revealing his creative abilities;
  • The principle of the natural path of language acquisition;
  • The principle of activating the main channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

In order to get children to follow you closely throughout the entire learning cycle, you need to know what motives are the source activity and interest children:

  • The desire for objective manipulation (give children the opportunity to pet a guest coming to class, and then he will turn from an ordinary toy into a close friend);
  • Emotional motive (lessons must be structured so that all children play any game);
  • The motive of imitation of adults (manifests itself in the readiness of children to repeat after the teacher all his actions);
  • Moral motive (manifests itself in criticism of other people’s misdeeds and in the desire to do good deeds);
  • Cognitive motive (here we mean more common childhood curiosity).

In the process of learning English in early stage the following main ones are used methods : communicative, visual, gaming.

Communicative methodis supreme, dominant, most consistent with the specifics of a foreign language as academic subject. By using this method the primary task of mastering basic skills and abilities of oral foreign language communication at an early stage of learning English is being solved, creating a core oral speech and reading and initial formation children's ability to communicate at an intercultural level.

Visual methodprovides for the direct demonstration in classes of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, visual aids in order to facilitate understanding, memorization and use educational material in the practical activities of students.

Game The method is a practical consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills through the participation of students in games and skits.


The program promotes the formation and development of:

  1. Listening comprehension of English speech;
  2. Expands the general cultural level of students;
  3. Creates a basis for further teaching of English;


  1. Forming in students a desire to use English as a means of communication with native speakers;
  2. Formation of a lexical base to ensure understanding and speaking in English;
  3. Cultivating communication skills, a culture of communication, and the desire for further more in-depth study of a foreign language.

Logistics of the program

  • gaming teaching aids: a set of cubes, balls, toys.
  • audio materials by topic;
  • illustrative and didactic material by class topics;
  • visual aids.

Expected results:

Understanding English by ear

Formation of interest in learning;

Creation of a vocabulary database (at least 15 words and about 20 expressions)

Ability to work with handout materials.

Literature and teaching aids.

Appendix No. 1

Calendar and thematic planning.

Part no.




Let's count our fingers

What's this

Let's sing a song

Listen, someone is knocking at the door.

Let's ask: “Who are you?”

How are you?

What's your name?

Do you have a father? (mother, sister, brother)

Do you like...?

Why are you crying?


I'm good (big, clever, strong)

Good morning





This is a…







Who are you?

Are you a...?

Come in, please.

I'm fine, thank you.

My name is…




Stand up

Sit down

Hands up

Hands down

Hands on knees

Clap your hands

Stamp your feet


I have...

A father

A mother

A sister

A brother

Do you like...?

Yes, I do.

Happy birthday

“Good morning”

“One and two”

“One little, two little”

“This is a bear”

“Walking, walking”

“Hands up, hands down”

“I have a father...”

“Happy birthday”

Are you good or bad?

Who are you?

How old are you?

What do you like?

What does the cockerel say?

What is there in the bag?

That's a secret. Guess

What do you see?

Are you strong?

I am a boy

I am a girl

I am 3

How old are you?

A cat

A cockerel

I like...

I don't like...

A block

A clock

A horse

A tiger

I see...

A monkey

A tiger

A parrot

Yes, I am.


A pig

Why are you crying?

“What's your name?”

“I like the cat”

“I don't like the dog”

“I see a cockerel and a dog”

“This pig is strong”

“Why are you crying?”

What color is this fish?

Give me a red fish.

Can I have a…, please.

What do you have in the box?

Where is the cat?

Does it run (swim, fly, sleep, hop)?

What color is it?

How many cats are there on the mats?









A goose

Where is the cat?

It's on the mat.

It's on the chair.


In the house

In the box.

2 balls

3 dolls

4 dogs

5 frogs

The car is blue

A blue car

A mat

There are 4 cats on the mats.

“Sleep. Walk"

“Do you have a tiger?”

“Where is the cat?”

“I see a ball”

“The car is blue”

“There are 4 cats...”

Dear visitors! Below you will find teaching aids in English for children using the method of V.N. Meshcheryakova “I love English”. I work with these CDs and books in class.

The English language guide for children from 3 to 6 years old is the zero level in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk and a coloring book. At the end of the manual, methodological recommendations, translations of song lyrics (for parents) and a dictionary (also for parents) are given. At this level, children learn to perceive English speech by ear, follow the teacher’s commands, play and sing songs in English. Classes are conducted in the form of music and games.

The English language guide for children aged 4 to 7 years is a continuation of the zero level in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk and a colorful book for the child. At the beginning of the book there is a dictionary (for parents), and at the end there is the text of audio lessons in English. At the end of each academic semester, you can stage musicals with your children in English, the scripts of which are given in the teacher’s manual.

The English language manual for children from 5 to 7 years old is the 1st stage in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk, a book with audio lessons and a workbook. Children continue to develop their listening skills and begin to speak English, using approximately 250 words and 40 colloquial phrases. Over the course of a year, children learn 30 songs and rhymes. Children also develop communication skills, activity and independence.

The English language guide for children aged 6-10 years is the 2nd stage in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk, a book with audio lessons and a reading book. Children continue to improve their listening and communication skills in English and begin to learn to read using the original color reading technology on familiar language material studied at previous levels. Children learn to read English with ease.

The set consists of a reading book, a workbook with a board game and a CD with very beautiful songs and well-read fairy tales. The book was created on the lexical material acquired by children at the “I can speak” and “I can read” levels. This book develops the reader's curiosity, the ability to think, compare with personal experience and form your own opinion about what you read. At the end of the book there is a script for the musical.

The English language manual for children aged 7-11 years is the 3rd stage in the “I love English” educational set and consists of a disk, a textbook and a workbook. At this stage, children learn the basics of writing in English and, of course, continue to work with listening, speaking and reading. The audio lessons at this level contain a large number of new grammatical structures.

The set consists of a reading book and a disk. This book combines entertaining texts with interesting tasks where new vocabulary is presented using color reading techniques. The reading and writing in this book are aimed at developing critical thinking. At the end of the book you will find a dictionary and a script for a musical that you can stage with your children at the end of the school year.

For each stage of teaching children English there is methodological manuals for teachers and visibility.

You can get acquainted with the methodology, benefits, and also find out their cost in more detail.
