A commendation pat on the back. World Thank You Day. Only the best - for free

According to the main provisions of non-verbal communication, gestures and touch play an important role in communication: tactile contact allows people to better understand each other and makes the conversation more effective. However, as it turned out, not all touches during a conversation are equally useful - in some cases they can have a negative effect.

Researchers at the KU Leuven conducted research to identify the specific effects of touch in various circumstances and published their findings in an issue of the journal Social Influence.

During the experiment, the student participants had to perform various tasks, with some test subjects wishing the rest good luck and leaving the audience, while others expressed their wishes, then patted them on the back three times and only then left. In the second step, students were asked to share coupons with the rest of the volunteers that gave them the opportunity to win movie tickets, with the volunteers sharing more generously with those who did not resort to touching.

A curious pattern is explained by the fact that although a friendly pat on the shoulder or back most often means a willingness to help and location, in competitive situations it can be regarded as a manifestation of some condescension or an attempt to dominate. Such a non-verbal technique is often used by men when they want to show their participation and care, but this may not always be appropriate, especially if the interlocutor believes that he does not need help and care or feels threatened by the patting.

As Jeroen Camps, one of the leaders of the study, explained:

“While many people think otherwise, touching is not always positive. Even a simple pat on the back, if done at the wrong time and in the wrong place, can be harmful.”

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Gratitude is a debt to pay
but which no one has the right to expect.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

January 11 is the most "polite" date of the year. This day marks World Thank You Day.

Let it come from the soul
Constantly, hourly
She's like breathing air.
World Thank You Day
I especially want
Congratulate you politely
And pat on the back.
Well, if you let me
I can kiss
And of course very strong.
Hug you from the bottom of my heart.
And I hope you thank you
Important for all people
Don't forget to tell me
You don't get cold to me

author unknown

Everyone knows from childhood that "Thanks" - the word "magic". Along with the words " please", "give" and "mom" we pronounce it first and continue to pronounce it throughout our lives. The word "thank you" is a well-established abbreviation for the phrase "God save" - this phrase in Russia expressed gratitude. First time word "Thanks" recorded in 1586, in a phrase book published in Paris. We are well aware of the importance of good manners, their need for Everyday life, but most of the thanks we express, as if in passing, without thinking about their meaning. In the meantime, thank you "Thanks" and even "please" have magical properties, but they cannot be pronounced when a person is irritated. Some may say, "Well, thank you!" and so on, but no! This is not allowed, this is not an etiquette rule! Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention, they are oral “strokes” and are able to warm with their warmth.

When we hear "thank you"
It's like distant hills
Smiles give the whole neighborhood,
Barrier setting winter blizzard.

Thank you, dziakuju, dziekuje, thank you, danke, merci, toda, dank, grazie, arigato, xie xie, obrigado (a), gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim, ... - no matter how this word of gratitude sounds on different languages of the world, but, said sincerely, it will certainly endow the addressee with a single, understandable feeling of joy.

All of us today so lack these real feelings of gratitude and joy, so it is not surprising that in many countries of the world a World Thank You Day has appeared. AT different countries it may be named in different ways. For example, in the USA this holiday is called "National Thank You Day" some even devote the whole month of January to this holiday - National Thank You Month.

We are the magic word
We meet many times in life.
It is ready to help us
And it just sounds, without embellishment.
We celebrate the day of the word "Thank you"
Congratulations, as always.
Good luck and patience
We all carry through the years.
author unknown

The tradition of this holiday, in general, is one, but very deep in emotions and feelings. This day will become festive for you if you do not forget to say the magic " Thanks" to each. It is customary to exchange cute cards with the inscription "Thank you!" In which you can write what you are grateful for. And do not think that someone did not deserve this gratitude.

There is a fairly proven opinion that every person who appears in our lives either comes to give us something (more than material), or teach us something (sometimes not in a very positive situation and not always understood by us instantly). In some countries, there is even a tradition of giving thanks not only to personal life each other, but also in business. For example, in various ways (postcards, bonus services and programs, pleasant souvenirs), companies thank their customers and partners.

We talk to each other every day "Thanks" Therefore, it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart! Today thank everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: "thank you" is a firefly word, so warm the people close to you today!

Thank you, life, for the fact that I live!
For my days, wonderful moments!
For rain, for snow, for green grass...
For silence, for cheerful birds singing.
Thank you, life, for joy and sorrow.
For teaching me to forgive.
Thank you for being strict sometimes.
I've learned a lot from my mistakes.
Thank you life for a thousand minutes
Happy! I found them in everything.
For the clouds that float across the sky ...
For the joy that you brought me!
Thank you life, what a lot to start
I have to know and learn.
Because there is more to dream about!
For something to strive for
second unknown

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If you ask employees what motivates them the most, most of them will probably answer - "money". This is understandable, we know for ourselves. But everything is not so simple, and money alone is no longer enough for a modern person as an assessment of his talents and abilities. Managers, in turn, also experience discomfort in this situation: it seems that the salary is paid properly, as it should be, but on the other hand, I want to make it so that without money, and a person’s wings suddenly grow behind his back. How to encourage employees without money, and are there ways to do it right away, and for all occasions?

Although, we will not consider all cases in this article, but we will take our life at work from the 1st to the 30th of each month. Now imagine that month after month, year after year, we go to work only because it is necessary. Even those people who know how to motivate themselves on their own experience various periods of ups and downs in their professional activity. What to say about those for whom the recognition of his merits and results, or support at the right time, is a physiological need? Well, someone can’t charge on their own, you definitely need an external battery))

Non-material motivation

Non-material motivation acts as such recharging, it is it that involves encouraging, rewarding and stimulating employees in a non-monetary form of reward. Essentially, this motivation serves a dual purpose: it attracts so many people and stimulates them to improve the quality and productivity of work, and provides a very important thing - recognition, which is becoming increasingly important.

To be quite frank, at the time Soviet power, this form of motivation played almost a key role. Then, the years of perestroika, and a complete failure, it seemed that passing flags, cups, vouchers to a sanatorium, etc., went into the irrevocable past. But today we try to take the best that works effectively and is the engine of successful human performance. Why not?

I assume that many of the readers, one way or another, use various methods of mutual motivation in order to make working in a team interesting. I will write what methods I know about, and in the comments you can describe your experience.

personal communication

I once read a book about the founder of Amway, Rich de Vos, and was delighted to learn about how he manages the employees of his company. After he entered the building of his company, in the office, at his workplace, he could appear in about an hour. All this time he was walking, and on the way to his office, he greeted his employees, stopped, asked how they were doing, if everything was fine with them. He knew many of them by name, and not only them, but also their relatives. People remember that he helped them more than once in difficult times. life situations when their family members needed help. It is remembered that he helped one employee to deliver his sick wife to the hospital by helicopter.

This is very good way- personal communication. Try it, talk to your people, gentlemen leaders. Or at least ask how they are doing? Be involved not only managers, but also employees who are often callous to their superiors. I know it's not for nothing. But the feeling of comfort in the soul cannot be bought for any money, it can only be acquired through regular personal communication, gradually building a strong spiritual connection with each other at the level of common thinking.

Look for the good and praise

It is very easy to see mistakes, shortcomings, blunders ... They just climb into the eyes. But take it, and try to find only the good. What did this person, who somehow lost his activity, and his mood is not what he needed, did the right thing today? Difficult task. Did you find it? Now take and praise. Do not delay praise, but praise immediately. in plain language, and not face to face, but so that others can hear. You can even shake his hand, pat on the shoulder. Explain how important this is to the company and ask him to keep up the good work.

Don't believe it works? Check it out for yourself and then let me know. And we will continue to learn how to encourage employees without money.

Work is the center of profit. So, in the case of successful work, a large profit is beneficial to all participants in the process. To make work interesting, you need to maintain a spark of enthusiasm and inspiration, and try to make it an inexhaustible source of energy. There are good ways:

Competitive spirit

Introduce the spirit of competition into your enterprise or production. I think that even with a modest budget, there will be a little money for a piece of drawing paper and a couple of bright markers. Depending on the type of activity that you are engaged in, you can record the best indicators on this sheet. In my case, these were sales volumes and the number of contracts concluded. Someone may mark the cakes produced in pieces or kilograms, or the time spent on the production of one part. It is useful to add a pinch of inspiring morning parting words and wishes for a good working day to this card, and consider that the spirit of competition has already taken root in your work team. Such a panel, placed in front of everyone, will be an “irritating” source, motivating to achieve a better result.

Hall of Fame

On it, of course, photos of the best employees should be placed. As a rule, a rare and irregular update becomes a demotivating factor.


At the expense of the company. On the one hand, this can result in financial costs on the part of the company, and on the other hand, you can always work with barter partners and get mutual benefit from cooperation. Since many now understand that only through training can one improve their skills, most employees will treat training as an encouragement that still needs to be earned.

Attributes - Symbols

If your company has many departments, then competitions can be arranged between them. The challenge flag, cup, honorary plaques will symbolize the victory of the best and encourage others to become the best next month. Now many companies in in social networks have their own pages. Mark the best employees, give an opportunity to learn about them outside your company. Public achievement of the results of the best employee will have a positive impact on the image of your company in social networks. Invite community members to participate in the evaluation of the results and select the best employee.

We will deliver for free!

If you have a company car, then the best employee can be rewarded with free delivery to or from work at the expense of the company. A week, half a month, a month - you can choose these options in accordance with your capabilities.

Work when you want!

Flexible working hours - what could be better? If the employee is recognized as the best according to the results of the work, reward him with the opportunity to work with flexible hours, and let him do the work at his convenient time. You will see how his colleagues' eyes light up. I’ll tell you a secret that you don’t need to be afraid that an employee will stop working. The plan must be carried out this month as well! And the fact that he will come an hour later and leave an hour early is not important, and should not spoil the indicators of the month. Any of us would love this award.

Only the best - for free

Free lunches, free vouchers (tourist and sanatorium), certificates for the purchase of goods and services can also be a way of non-monetary motivation. Barter is what can provide you with this form of rewarding your employees if you are ready to appreciate their contribution to the development of the company.

Additional day off

Employees can be rewarded with a day off, or additional days for vacation. This is a good reward, but it must be applied carefully so as not to damage the overall performance.

Great way, don't you think? And you will agree that you can come up with a lot of variations on this theme. It remains to connect initiative, imagination and creativity, and uniting the people will no longer be as difficult as it seemed before.

The only problem that I see and know is that, as a rule, companies do not have a special position of an entertainer. And all the worries about creating an incentive system fall on the shoulders of immediate supervisors, who, as a rule, perform the duties of several more employees in one person. And they, poor things, can’t break in any way in order to provide regular incentives for their employees.

It only at first glance seems that everything is not difficult. But in fact, if anyone does not know, then in order to build a beautiful table with your own hands, even with the help of a computer, you need to spend more than one hour of working time. The same applies to other types of non-monetary motivation.

What to choose and what to do?

Therefore, to choose and decide, of course, you, dear leaders. Based on my practical experience, I can say that, understanding the importance and effectiveness of encouraging my employees, I spent a little more time ensuring the functionality of the motivation system than allotted in the working day, but the result was overall cohesion, directed actions of the team to achieve result, and a competitive spirit that has maintained a sporting and healthy competitive spirit for quite some time.
