Words that do not contain an unpronounceable consonant. Unpronounceable consonants. Spelling words with double consonants at the root of the word

Examples of words with unpronounceable consonants?

    I’ll try to come up with words with unpronounceable consonants: charming, famous, local, neighborhood, sad, bone, godfather, fast, oral, private, feeling, messenger, godson, participant, private.

    Unpronounceable consonants at the root can usually be checked: neighborhood, happy, oral, party, late, local, lovely, sun, sixteen.

    But there are times when an unpronounceable consonant is untestable. We remember these words: feel, staircase.

    I offer several examples with unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word:

    valiant, sad, locality, oral, honestly, late, hateful, feeling, charming, beautiful, wonderful, surroundings, heart.

    Words with unpronounceable consonants: sun, honest, agency, reed, godfather, crunch, rider, feeling, furious, ladder, selfish, giant, valiant, happy, envious, star, peer.

    Words with unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word can be checked with words in which this consonant is clearly audible in order to be written correctly.

    Examples of words with an unpronounceable consonant and a test word:

    heart - heart,

    gigantskiy - giant,

    fast - to fast,

    late - to be late,

    oral - mouth,

    bone - bone,

    hello - health,

    AGENCY - agent,

    sun - sunshine, etc.

    There are not very many such words, but there are a lot of mistakes made in them. You can always find test words for these words.

    Here are some examples of words with unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.

    SUN, stormy, heart, participant.

    In a number of words, in a cluster of difficult-to-pronounce consonants, one consonant drops out when pronounced, which is called unpronounceable.

    I will give examples of words with unpronounceable consonants in the following consonant clusters:

    vstv- hello vstv wow, wow vstv hoo, hoo vstv oh yeah vstv ren, I vstv enlarged;

    zdn- By zdn oh great zdn ik, right zdn ovate;

    stn- not on stn oh, okre stn awn, lovely stn oh, hate stn oh, woe stn oh, addict stn oh, hell stn ugh, meh stn oh, gru stn y;

    ntsk- giga ntsk yay, dileta ntsk y;

    stl- nacha stl willow

    Here some examples of words with unpronounceable consonants(some of them can be checked, and some you just need to remember or use a dictionary):

    • Sun
    • cane
    • rider
    • feeling
    • furious
    • selfish
    • giant
    • godfather
    • happy
    • honest
    • agency
    • crunch
    • envious
    • star
    • ladder
    • peer
    • valiant

    It’s better to immediately select test words in your mind, then you can hear the unpronounceable letter and write the word correctly.

    In the Russian language, words with unpronounceable consonants are divided into two groups, in some the unpronounceable consonant can be checked by selecting a single root word for verification, while in others you need to remember how they are written, since it is impossible to check the unpronounceable consonant.

    Words: sun, stormy, environs, feeling, staircase - we remember.

    Words: heart can be checked, cordial, participant - participation, late - late and others.

    Only one word immediately comes to mind - happiness :) Similar to your nickname :)

    HOLIDAY, sun, heart, sad, oral, staircase, late, hello, charming, cabbage, agency, crazy, joyful, locality, private, feeling, bone, reed, messenger, famous.

In the Russian language, there are words in which several consonant sounds are combined side by side in the root morpheme. At the same time, in oral conversation one of these letters drops out and is not pronounced. For example, famous (sound “t”), peer (sound “t”), joyful (sound “t”), heart (sound “d”), etc.

Philologists believe that the sound “t” is the absolute champion in its unpronounceability. There are a huge number of words with this letter, which is not heard during conversation, and most of them can be verified.

Unpronounceable consonants lost in certain combinations sound value, are often found in Russian, although this term is conditional. Any linguist will tell you that letters are not pronounced at all, and such sounds do not exist.

In addition to the letter “t”, there are other unpronounceable consonants: these are the sounds “d”, “v”, “l”.

The spelling of the Russian language, taking into account their specific features, determines the rules for spelling such sounds, based on the action morphological principles.

But how can one correctly write a word in which one of the sounds is not heard, while it is not known whether it exists at all or not?

The grammar of the Russian language presupposes a rule that determines the spelling of consonants.

In order to find out whether unpronounceable consonants are written at the root, you need to change the given word or select a cognate one for it, but so that the letter being tested is before

For example, messenger - news, neighborhood - crossroads, whistle - whistle, whistle, honest - with honor, furious - fury, etc.

As you can see, before a vowel, this unpronounceable consonant at the root is clearly heard: the sun is sunny, sad is sad.

The exception to this rule is: to shine, although it is checked - to shine, to splash - splash, ladder - ladder. These words just need to be remembered, since they have undergone a certain historical change.

At the same time, it is also necessary to distinguish between words in which unpronounceable consonants simply do not exist, they do not exist. For example: vowel, tasty, skillful, dangerous, inert, peer, terrible, literature, honor, participate, dishes, parade, etc.

The letter “t” in stairs, “d” in holiday and “v” in feeling just need to be remembered forever. For children at school, teachers usually offer the following tips for easy memorization:

The ladder is obtained from a step, a step, a step;

A holiday is a day of joy and gifts;


Spelling unpronounceable consonants

If a word contains several consonant sounds in a row (for example, in the word HONEST - STN, ENVIOUS - STL, AGENCY - NTSTV, etc.), then one of them may not be pronounced. This sound is called an UNPROUNDABLE CONSONANT. To find out whether a word has an unpronounceable consonant, you need to try to find a word with the same root in which this consonant is pronounced. Typically, this requires that the consonant being tested be before a vowel (HONEST - HONEST) or at the end of a word (CRUNCH - CRUNCH).

Let's consider as examples the words STAR(?)NYY, HONEST(?)NYY, TERRIBLE(?)NYY and DANGEROUS(?)NYY. You can make sure that in the word STAR you need the letter D between the letters Z and N using the test word STAR. In it, this consonant sound is heard very well, since it is followed by a vowel sound - A. The word CHES(?)NYY can be checked with the word HONOR, in which the consonant T appears at the end of the word.

The word DANGEROUS is checked using the word DANGEROUS: it turns out that there is no unpronounceable consonant in this word. For the adjective TERRIBLE, the word HORROR (the end of the word) or HORRIFY (position before the vowel) can serve as a test. Both test words indicate that this word does not contain an unpronounceable consonant and there is no need to write “extra” letters.

In addition, you need to remember a few words that cannot be verified. Their spelling should be learned.


1. Contrary to verification, without unpronounceable consonants the words SHINE (although SHINE), FLASK (although GLASS), ANGRY (although ANGRY), TABLECLOTH (although TABLECLOTH) are written.

2. Without unpronounceable consonants, the unverifiable words are written: PROGRESS, VAST, PEER, GLOSSY.

3. The word KOSNY is written without an unpronounceable consonant, meaning “backward, gravitating towards the old, familiar” (inert beliefs).


1. Contrary to verification, the word LADDER is written with an unpronounceable consonant (although LADDER).

2. The unverifiable words FEELING, PEER are written with an unpronounceable consonant.

3. The word BONE is written with an unpronounceable consonant, derived from the word BONE (bone marrow, bone tissue).


1. Every house here has its own father, terribly virtuous and unusually honest. (F. M. Dostoevsky, “The Player.”)

2. Even with Polina he is careless to the point of rudeness; however, he enjoys learning during general walks into the city. (F. M. Dostoevsky, “The Player.”)

3. The princess shuddered - she looks around in fright, horror freezes her heart: Not everything here was a dream! (N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women.”)

4. You are disgusting to me, disgusting, a stranger, yes, a stranger! – with pain and anger she said this terrible word “stranger” for herself. (L.N. Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina.”)

5. He only wanted what his peers were getting. (L.N. Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina.”)

6. Jorge Luis Borges is a living legend of the twentieth century. He was born in 1899 - almost the same age as the century - in Argentina.

7. There is somewhere a tree whose top makes noise in the sky itself, and God descends along it to earth at night before the bright holiday. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

8. Grandfather's brother Fr. Pavel said that in his youth he loved to use force. They are unloading the rye - he will move the worker aside, put his shoulder under a five-pound sack, the other under a second one of the same kind, and walk, without bending, to the barn. (A. Chudakov)

9. The sky, green and blue forests, people, carts with pots, mills - everything overturned, stood and walked upside down, without falling into the beautiful blue abyss. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

10. He ended up in a searchlight team and one night he mistakenly illuminated not the enemy’s plane, but his own. The Smershevites did not sleep - he was arrested right there, he spent the night in their imprisoned dugout, and in the morning he was shot, accusing him of deliberate subversive actions against the Red Army. (A. Chudakov.)

11. Devils with dog faces hovered around the witches, like guys around pretty girls. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

12. God has a long forest from the sky to the earth itself. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

13. The tired dream departed from the world, having calmly spent its afternoon and morning. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

14. They get up - I get up. Sit down - I'll sit down. I remember my hundred-digit number. I am loyally grateful to Hell for the heavenly roof over my head. (G. Ivanov)

15. I love you, even though I’m furious, Even though this is labor and shame in vain, And I confess to this unfortunate stupidity at your feet! (A.S. Pushkin)

16. But then she felt someone pulled her by the embroidered sleeve of her shirt. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

17. Grandfather, quietly taking her hand, woke her up: “Hello, wife! Are you healthy? (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

18. When Sukhov appeared, he came out and politely said: “Sorry, we’re busy today. With wolf meat Lately"It's a bit tight." (A. Chudakov)

19. Alas, fulfilling the earthly law, I too will go into weightless darkness, into nothingness, where I was nothing, not knowing neither tears nor the happiness of being. (J. N. G. Byron)

20. From the first days, the exiled settlers were literally shocked: they found themselves in a resort place; they were surrounded by the Kazakh folded country: a million hectares of forest, ten lakes, a wonderful climate. (A. Chudakov)

21. Idle spy, am I not strange to my dear fields and forests? (S. A. Yesenin)

22. Four villages, one after another, are monotonously stretched along the street. (A.I. Solzhenitsyn)

23. She shook out the blankets every day in the yard; this had to be done together, and the grandmother mercilessly tore anyone who happened to be at home from his activities. (A. Chudakov)

24. The first streams of fog were just beginning to seep through the fence bars, and visibility was excellent. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

25. And suddenly again, much more intensely than before, a human cry was heard - a command or, perhaps, a curse... (V. Bykov)

26. How rare, however, is true kinship of souls in our poor, sluggish, selfish age! (E.T.A. Hoffman)

27. “And then,” Kornilov answered with magnificent ease, “then, dear, that the Vetzooinstitut buys inert material from us.” (Yu. Dombrovsky)

28. For secret thoughts I neglected And the path of love and glory, the path, Everything that even a little in the world could Or distinguish, or shine... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

29. Often thick-fleeced sheep graze along the hillside, slowly walking to where they are looking for fat pasture. Fresh grass beckons, sparkling with diamond dew; The well-fed lambs jump and frolic there, butting heads. (Lucretius, “On the Nature of Things.”)

Voiceless and voiced consonants

Paired voiceless consonants p, f, t, s(and corresponding soft ones), k, w at the end of words and before voiceless consonants can be represented by letters, respectively P or b , f or V , T or d , With or h , To or G , w or and . The same letters can convey paired voiced consonants b, c, d, h(and corresponding soft ones), g, f before paired voiced consonants (except V). To correctly write a consonant letter in these cases, you need to choose another form of the same word or another word, where in the same significant part of the word (same root, prefix, suffix) The consonant being tested is located before a vowel or before the consonants r, l, m, n, v (and corresponding soft ones).

For example:

1) at the end of a word: du b (cf. oak, oak), glu P (stupid, stupid), gra be (rob), sy drink (sprinkle), But With (noses), in h (carts), th d (of the year), kro T (mole), wife T (married), hand V (sleeves), kro ve (blood, blood), shtra f (fines, fine, penalty), vymo To (get wet, wet, wet), blue To (bruises), mo G (maybe, could), small w (baby, baby), monta and (installation, installation), draw yeah (tremble, tremble); starved s (frost, frost, freeze) And starved s (drizzle, drizzle);

2) before consonants:

a) in front of the deaf: du b ki(cf. oaks, oak tree), shaking P ka(rag, rag, rag, rag), ku P tsa(merchant), O V tsa(sheep), lo V cue(dexterous), hand V chick(sleeves), shka f chick(cabinets), neither h cue(low), mi With ka(bowls), Va s ka(Vasya), Ku s ka(Kuzya, Kuzma), ka d ka(tub), meh T cue(marks), co G you(claw), lo To you(elbow), be G quality(running, fugitive), lo and ka(spoon, spoon), room w ka(little rooms), wings w co(wings); back and forth and ku(alternate) And back and forth w ku(mix), su P chick(soups) And su b chick(subject);

b) before paired voiced ones (except V): molo t ba(thresh), matchmaker yeah ba(weddings, bridal; don't check with words woo), xo yeah ba(walk), about s ba(ask), re s ba(cut), ox w ba(magic), bo and ba(swear), lies and Yes(hostile), and gu(burned, burn), and give(wait).

Exceptions: in words holed And gaping is written With , although there are verbs open (Xia), open (Xia) And open up (Xia), open up (Xia). In words abstraction, reaction, correction is written To (Although abstract, react, correct), in a word transcription is written P (Although transcribe); in these cases, the letter reflects the alternations of consonants in the source language (Latin).

In some words the letter G sound is transmitted X : God(gods, gods), light, lighter(easy), soft, softer(soft, soft). Words soft, softer, soften etc. should not be checked with words like pulp, soften, soften.

The spelling of unverified consonants in roots is determined in dictionary order , For example: A b Sep, a b salty, ane To DotA P theca, and P Sida, and With best, but f Ghanaians, V friend, in To hall, V second, G de, zi G zag, cosmona V That b oh P that, oh f set, ryu To zach, With Bruya, then G Yes, f thor, ugh T bol, uh To replacements .

Words with consonant combinations sk, st, zg, zd. In these combinations the first consonant is usually unverifiable. When writing words containing these very common groups of consonants, you need to be guided by the following patterns of letter combinations.

1. There are no stems in the Russian language that end in letter combinations sg, sd , but there are only basics on zg, zh (b ); are written: brain(brain), clang, squeal, small fry; thrush, gorazd, nail, nest, star, train, passage etc. At the beginning of the roots they write zg, zh : no way(can not see), here, health, building ; exception : muffin, rich .

2. Letter combinations predominate at the end of stems sk, st (b ); are written: start(launch), search, risk, melancholy, gloss, arabesque, Bryansk, Kursk. At the beginning of the bases and roots of letter combinations zk, zz are missing, but are written sk, st , eg: scratch, creak, cheekbone, wall, groan, step, country .

Letter combination zt occurs only at the junction of the root and the suffix indeterminate form(infinitive) verb: climb, gnaw, crawl, carry; letter combination zk – only at the junction of root and suffix ?To?, eg: close, vile, grease, cart, dragonfly.

Unpronounceable consonants

In consonant groups, one of the consonants may not be pronounced: in combinations stn, stl, zdn, rdc, rdch, stc, zdc, ntsk, ndsk, ndc, ntstv, stsk this is the middle consonant, in combinations lnc, vstv – initial consonant. The presence of an unpronounceable consonant is checked by selecting another form of the same word or another related word where this consonant is pronounced, eg: ches T ny(honest, honor), passion T ny(passionate, passion), rados T ny(joyful, joy), jointly T ny(together), cross T ny, chair T Nick(cross, baptize), around T ny(around), braid T ny(bone), pacos T Nick(mischief, mischief), bread T no(whip), crunch T no(crunch), unfortunately T ny And Wait a minute T lush(happiness), stuck T lush(envy), With T bark(stele), pos d ny(be late), praz d ny(idle), run over d Nick(ride), gray d tse, gray d tsevina, gray d chishko(hearts, heartfelt), chair T tsovy(sacrum), is T tsa(plaintiff), under bond d tsy(bridle), giant T skiy(giant), Gollan d skiy And Gollan d tsy(Holland, Dutchman), agent T quality(agent), marxis T skiy(Marxist); with l ntse(solar), hello V hello V blow(healthy, healthy), I V work(obvious).

Words without unpronounceable consonants , For example: horrible(terrible), dangerous, danger(dangerous), inert(oblique), skillful(skilled), dominate(power, domineering), participate(participation), send(send), scheming, intrigue(schemer).

Exceptions. Contrary to verification, according to tradition, the words are written: show off(Although shine), bottle‘glass vessel’ (although glass, glass), be angry(Although be angry), tablecloth(Although tablecloth; But tablecloth).

In some cases, a silent consonant cannot be verified, for example: V in a word feeling, T in a word ladder(in the latter case the consonant T written against word verification ladder). The spelling of such words should be memorized, as well as words where one might suspect an extra consonant, for example: parade(go), viands(food), peer.

Double consonants

Double consonants at the junction of significant parts of a word

Double consonants are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter, for example: lawless, heartless, introduce, restore, wither away, wear out, wipe out(but cf. wipe off, where is the prefix O- ), support, threshold, pre-diploma, pour, scatter, ring, intersedelnik, counter-revolution, post-totalitarian .

On the one hand, words with roots differ in spelling ?even?(calculation, calculated, calculating; calculate, pay off), and on the other – words with roots -cheat- (ra ss read, ra ss read).

Double consonants are written at the junction of the constituent parts of compound words , if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: chief physician, state property, Moscow City Council, pommyster .

Double n and double With are written at the junction of a generating stem and a suffix, if the stem ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant n or With :

In words with suffixes -n (oh, oh), e.g.: long(from length), old(old man), stone(stone), pocket(pocket), domain(blast furnace), law(law), living room(from n. living room: living room conversations, living room regular), embossed(mint), temporary And temporal(time, time), wall(wall); -n (th): autumn(autumn), outsider(side), early(early); -Nick: price tag(price); -prostrate (A): belfry(ringing); -nicha (t): ape(monkey);

In words with suffixes -sk (th), e.g.: sailor(from sailor), Russian(Rus), Arzamas(Arzamas), Circassian(Circassian); -stv (O): art(skillful).

Double n also written in numeral eleven(from one); double With - in male uniforms. past tense gender of verbs when combining the root with With with the final part (postfix) -xia , eg: rushed, escaped .

Double l written in the word boisterous(from walk, suffix -liv- ).

In words like young, pig, one thing is written n , since they do not contain the suffix -n- .

In words that are written together, no more than two identical consonants are written in a row , even if it is required by the composition of the word, for example: quarrel(race+quarrel), columnar(from column: column+ny), bathroom(from bath: bath+naya), five-ton(from ton: five+ton+), Odessa(from Odessa: Odessa+sky), Prussian(from Prussia: Prussian+skiy), Donbass(from Donbass: Donbass+sky). But cf. preserving three identical consonants in hyphenated words: press secretary, press service, mass start, gram-molecule, kilogram-meter .

Double consonants in Russian roots

Double consonants are written in the roots of Russian (not borrowed) words in the following cases.

· Double and written in words reins, yeast, buzz, juniper and their derivatives, for example: yeasty, buzz, juniper, as well as in some verb forms burn and words derived from it, for example: burn, burn, burned, scorched, scorched, burning, scorched(second and arises here as a result of alternation g–f: Wed I burn - it burns).

· However, in words where there is alternation zg – zzh , zh - zzh, written in place of a long consonant and not double and , A zzh , eg: splashes(spray), grumble(killjoy), scream(squeal), rattle(to pieces), I'll clutter up(clutter), cerebellum, crush(brain), Later(late), come(arrival); same in disdain(from obsolete disdain'dawn').

· Double With written in the word argument and its derivatives: quarrel, quarrel etc., as well as in words with the root ross- , For example: Russia, Russians, Russian, Great Russian, Little Russian .

Words with roots rus? are written with one With , eg: Russianist, Russification, Russified, Russophile, Russophobe, Russify, Belarusian; but if there is a suffix ?sk?– double With : Russian, Russian-speaking, Russian-speaking, Belarusian, Great Russian; with double With the word is written Belarus.

Double consonants in borrowed (foreign) roots

The spelling of double consonants in the roots of borrowed (foreign) words is determined in dictionary order , eg: abbreviation, acclimatization, accompaniment, accreditation, neat, alley, antenna, appeal, apparatus, association, attraction, bacillus, gross, Buddhism, bath, watt, gram, grammar, flu, group, illusion, illustration, immigration, irrigation, cash desk, cassette, killer, class, collection, column, comment, commune, compromise, correspondent, bullfight, corrosion, corruption, mass, metal, mission, novella, opposition, pizza, press, press, program, professor, rabbi, spinning, rack, Saturday, terrace, terror, ton, thriller, troupe, chlorophyll, hockey, excess, essence .

Foreign words with single consonants : aluminum, gallery, dessert, dealer, amateur, impresario, corridor, office, official, offshore, report, race, soffit, bullfighter, sidewalk, plug, emigration and many others.

Double consonants are also written in some proper names, eg: Haggai, Apollo, Vissarion, Gennady, Hippolytus, Cyril, Philip, Alla, Anna, Apollinaria, Bella, Henrietta, Inna, Rimma; Akkerman, Bessarabia, Bonn, Holland, Essentuki, Odessa .

In options diamond - diamond and derivative words ( brilliant - brilliant, brilliant - brilliant, brilliantine - brilliant) the second members of these pairs are written with the same letter l before b . The same applies to options like million - million, millionth - million, billion - billion(the second members of such pairs, limited in use, are found more often in poetry).

In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, group, group; program - program, software, program; point – five-point, Gauls – Gallic, metal – metallic, metallurgist; class - class, cool, classmate; compromise - compromise, kilowatt - kilowatt, libretto - librettist, Normans - Norman, antenna - antenna man, bath - bathtub, Dardanelles - dar?danelles, Calcutta - Calcutta, Cannes(And Cannes) – Cannes, Ravenna – Equals .

However, instead of a double consonant, a single consonant is written in the following cases:

1) in diminutive and familiar forms of personal names with a suffix -To (A), e.g.: Alla - Alka, Stella - Stelka, Emma - Emka, Zhanna - Zhanka, Inna - Inka, Rimma - Rimka, Vassa - Vaska, Mirra - Mirka, Marietta - Marietka, Savva - Savka, Kirill - Kirilka, Philip - Filipka(Also: Filipok, genus. P. Filipka? And Filipchik);

2) single letter n – in any words with a suffix -To (A), e.g.: Finnish(cf. Finn), five-ton, three-ton(ton), column(Column), antenna(antenna);

3) in the following words: crystal(crystal), Finnish(Finn), operetta(operetta).

When abbreviating words containing a double consonant, only one consonant is retained in compound abbreviated words, for example: record(gramophone recording), office(correspondent office), terrorist attack(terrorist attack), groupcom, grouporg, special correspondent.

In the first part of compound words written with a hyphen, double consonants are preserved, for example: mass indicator, mass culture, mold, press center, express analysis, watt-second; same in word wattmeter.

At the end of words Donbass, Kuzbass(-bass from pool) is written double With .

It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of complex abbreviated words and graphic abbreviations: the latter retain double consonants at the end before the period, for example: special correspondent, special correspondent, But: specialist. corr., personal corr.

In this article we will talk about how to check:

  • spelling of a voiceless or voiced consonant at the root of a word. For example, in the words: swamp, eye or gait.
  • spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word. In words like whistle, cane or shameless.
  • spelling words with double consonants. For example: collection, Russian or neat.

Spelling voiced and unvoiced consonants at the root of the word

In order to check the spelling of a voiceless or voiced consonant in the root of a word, you should change the word being checked or select a related word so that the consonant being checked is followed by a vowel or consonants l, r, m or n.

For example:

about sba - ask

neither Z cue - bottom ok

le d – ice

How can you change words?

In some cases, if the word being tested is a noun in singular, it is enough to change this word by presenting it in the plural:

gla h – eye a

tse n p – chain and

sose d – neighbor and

take g – shore a

Sometimes changing a noun makes it impossible to check the spelling of a consonant, then you can present the word in the plural, but in a different form:

blue zka – blouses ki – (many) blouses ok

shlya p ka – hats ki – (many) hats ok

Also, to check some nouns, you can present them in a diminutive form:

sha p ka – glasses cap

I'll think about it shka - pillow

take zka – birch onka

game shka - toy

Or vice versa:

blue d tse - dishes about

pogo dka - weather

tra in ka – herb a

There are words in which the spelling of consonants cannot be checked using the proposed method.

For example, words like station, football, wholesale .

The spelling of such words should be memorized, and if in doubt, use a spelling dictionary.

Spelling unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word

In order to check the spelling of an unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word, you need to choose a related word such that this consonant is clearly pronounced in it. In this word, the consonant sound being tested must appear before the vowel sound.

For example:

mustache tny - mouth

hello in stui - healthy

capus tny – cabbage

But if, when checking, the letter being checked is not found in the root of the word, then this letter is not inserted into the word.

For example:

miracle dream - miracles

oops dream - to be afraid

snake dream - horror

But there are words whose spelling cannot be checked using the proposed method; these words are dictionary words, their spelling should be remembered:

chu to work

forest tnitsa (but ladder)

sk lyanka (but glass)

bleh shine (shine)

word sleep

I stv a

row sn ir

naper sn ir

Spelling words with double consonants at the root of the word

Unfortunately, there is no rule that allows you to check the spelling of words with double consonants at the root of the word. You need to remember the spelling of such words. Words containing a long consonant sound are written with a double consonant:

saturday, collection, cash desk

The transfer of such words is carried out by syllables, like others, but double letters are divided:

Saturday, tele-gram-ma
