“So you can ban all Christians altogether. The Word of God and the government house: is it easy to be a priest in Knock prison as it reads

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  1. knock (pound, knock, knock)
  2. beat (hit, knock out, knock out, knock down)
  3. knock (knock)
  4. knock down (knock down)
  5. knock out
  6. get out
  7. kick out
  8. push
  9. crush
  10. bump into
  11. stun


  1. knock (blow, push)
  2. detonation
  3. knocking out

Plural number: knocks.

Verb forms


knock on wood
knock on wood

sharp knock
sharp blow

knock wood
knock on wood

knock the door
To knock on the door

knock the breath
take your breath away


Tom told me to knock three times.
Tom told me to knock three times.

I"ll knock your brains out!
I'll knock the brains out of you!

She"s going to ruin her life if she marries that good-for-nothing. Someone should knock some sense into her.
She will ruin her life if she marries this nonentity. Someone needs to talk some sense into her.

Please knock before entering.
Please knock before entering.

He tried to knock at the door.
He tried knocking on the door.

Tom told me to knock on the door.
Tom told me to knock on the door.

Please knock on the door.
Please knock on the door.

Could you knock down the price a couple of dollars?
Could you spare a few dollars?

There was a gentle knock on the door.
There was a soft knock on the door.

Could you knock down the price if I buy two?
Will you reduce the price if I buy two?

Opportunity rarely knocks twice.
Opportunity rarely presents itself twice.

Nobody knocks on my door.
Nobody knocks on my door.

She was almost knocked down by a car.
She was almost hit by a car.

Tom knocked again.
Tom knocked again.

Tom knocked on the door.
Tom knocked on the door.

He knocked on the door, then came in.
He knocked on the door, then entered.

He knocked his brother about.
He treated his brother rudely.

I saw the man knocked down and the driver driving away.
I saw a man hit and a driver driving away.

Tom knocked Mary to the ground.
Tom knocked Mary to the ground with a blow.

A truck knocked over a light pole and a traffic light.
The truck hit a lamp post and a traffic light.

He knocked on the door.
He knocked on the door.

Tom knocked Mary down.
Tom knocked Mary down.

  1. noun
    1. hit

      Examples of using

      1. “What! to get more knocks?”

        For what? After all, then they will offend me even more.

        Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, page 38
      2. What are pots and pans to us?” So saying, he began to knock over the pots and flasks, and to throw them about.

        What are these pots for? - Having said this, he began to beat and throw pots and flasks.

        Taras Bulba. Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich, p. 5
      3. "Put that thing away!" Mom shrieks and suddenly she knocks the spinner from Charlie's hand, and it crashes across the kitchen floor.

        Throw away this crap! - Mom screams and hits Charlie from her hand. The thread falls to the floor.

        Flowers for Algernon (novel). Daniel Keyes, page 62
    2. knock (esp. on the door);
      to give a knock

      Examples of using

      1. I discerned in the course of the morning that Thornfield Hall was a changed place: no longer silent as a church, it echoed every hour or two to a knock at the door, or a clang of the bell; steps, too, often traversed the hall, and new voices spoke in different keys below; a rill from the outer world was flowing through it; it had a master: for my part, I liked it better.

        That very morning I was convinced that Thornfield had become different. The house was no longer as quiet as the church: every hour or two there was a knock on the front door or the ringing of a bell, footsteps and various voices were heard in the hall - a trickle from the outside world flowed through our house, for this house had found an owner. As for me, I liked him better.

        Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte, page 128
      2. That the place could possibly be, without her, was something my mind seemed unable to compass; and whereas she had rarely or never been in my thoughts of late, I had now the strangest ideas that she was coming towards me in the street, or that she would presently knock at the door.

        The thought that her place in the kitchen was empty simply did not fit into her head; and although Lately I hardly thought about her, now it constantly seemed to me that she was walking towards me on the street or was about to knock on the door.

        Big hopes. Charles Dickens, page 293
      3. I read a lot of classical books, like The Return of the Native and all, and I like them, and I read a lot of war books and mysteries and all, but they don't knock me out too much.

        Of course, I read all sorts of classic books like Homecoming, and all sorts of books about war, and detective stories, but somehow they don’t really captivate me.

        Catcher in the rye. Jerome D. Salinger, page 18
    3. , colloquial - harsh criticism; plural nagging, attacks
    4. technique; technology— detonation;
      to get the knock a> fail; b> to be fired; c> theater to be poorly received by the public;
      to take the knock
  2. verb
    1. hit, hit; knock); pound;
      to knock to pieces;
      to knock at (or on ) the door

      Examples of using

      1. You made a dash for the water, knocked the pan over, and began to swim in the puddle.

        You rushed to the water, overturned the vessel and began to flounder in the puddle.

        The Teachings of Don Juan: The Yaqui Way of Knowledge (Chapter 1-5). Carlos Castaneda, page 32
      2. I would knock timidly and guiltily at her door and get no answer; I would knock again--still silence. . . .

        It happened that you knocked timidly and guiltily on her door - there was no answer; knock again - silence...

        A story from an unknown person. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich, p. 73
      3. While they were knocking and talking together, the idea several times occurred to him to end it all at once and shout to them through the door.

        When they were knocking and conspiring, the thought suddenly occurred to him several times to end it all at once and shout to them from behind the door.

        Crime and Punishment, Part One. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, page 96
    2. knock down;
      to knock the nuts

      Examples of using

      1. Oscar punches him in the nose, and Gus knocks him on the ground and kicks him in the side and then both of them kick him, one and then the other, and some of the other kids in the yard- Charlie's friends-come running screaming and clapping hands:

        Oscar punches him in the nose and Gus knocks him down. And both begin to kick him - first one, then the other. Children - Charlie's friends - come running from all over the yard, clapping their hands and shouting:

        Flowers for Algernon (novel). Daniel Keyes, page 47
      2. Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horse-power scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards.

        These were wonderful cheeses - aged, sharp, with a smell of two hundred horsepower. It spread at least three miles, and two hundred yards away knocked a man down.

        Three in one boat, not counting the dog. Jerome K. Jerome, page 26
    3. (against) stumble (on something); hit (something)
    4. colloquial - to amaze, stun
    5. American, used in the USA, colloquial - to criticize sharply; carp
    6. American, used in the USA- surpass;
      knock about a> beat, pound; b> wander, wander, scour (around the world); c> lead a dissolute life;
      knock against to come across, unexpectedly meet;
      knock down a> knock down, etc. shoot down; b> break; destroy, demolish (house); c> disassemble into parts (machine during transportation, etc.); r> overturn, break (argument, etc.); d> lower prices; e> sell at auction; w> American, used in the USA slang; jargon to live (money);
      knock in, knock into;
      to knock into one connect;
      knock off a> shake off, brush away; b> reduce, bring down (price); hold(amount); c> reduce speed; r> quickly make, cook; d> finish work;
      knock off work; e> slang; slang to steal, steal; w> slang; slang to die;
      knock out a> knock out, knock out;
      to knock the bottom out of someone's feet; completely refute (an argument); nullify; b> sports knockout; c> overcome, win; r> agree not to increase prices at auction (in order to resell what was purchased and share the profit); d> surprise, stun; e> sketch, hastily compose, concoct (plan, article, etc.);
      knock together a> collide; b> knock together;
      knock under to submit;
      knock up a> knock up; b> wake up, wake up with a knock; c> tire; loosen;
      to be knocked up to get tired; r> hastily, somehow arrange, put together; d> American, used in the USA slang; jargon to make pregnant; knock up; e> collide (against - with someone);
      to knock home; drive firmly; hammer home, bring to consciousness;
      to knock on the head a> stun; kill; b> put an end to;
      to knock smb. off his pins to stun someone;
      to knock one"s head against a brick wall; fight a futile fight;
      to knock (smb.) into a cocked hat a> to beat (someone); b> overcome (someone); defeat (someone); c> break (arguments, etc.); r> surpass, eclipse;
      to knock smb. into the middle of next week a> pour into smb. to the first number; b> to shock, stun someone;
      to knock the spots off a> win; destroy; b> beat up

MOSCOW, October 31 - RIA Novosti, Victoria Salnikova. October 31 is the day of employees of pre-trial detention centers and prisons in Russia. RIA Novosti spoke with an atypical employee of the pre-trial detention center, the senior priest of the church in Butyrskaya prison, Konstantin Kobelev, about the intricacies of his service and the repentance of prisoners.

How to reconcile a Christian and a Muslim

Father Konstantin has been serving in Butyrka prison for about 20 years. He also holds the post of assistant to the head of the Department for organizing work with believers of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This is a relatively new area of ​​activity Federal service execution of punishments, but such positions have appeared in almost all regions of Russia.

“Our task is to organize work with believers, and of different religions - Muslims, Jews, Orthodox Christians. There are human rights assistants in prisons, of these rights the right to religion is highlighted, but this is specific work that requires certain skills and knowledge, education. You need to know many details that only a believer can know,” said Father Konstantin.

Father Konstantin helps to establish relations between representatives of different faiths. There are many non-standard situations.

“There were moments when tension arose between Christians and Muslims. For example, during the procession of the Cross, someone shouted “Allahu Akbar”, or demonstratively performed namaz when Orthodox priests entered the cell. But competent actions of priests and representatives of the Muslim religion help in such situations," he said.

One day in the life of a prison priest

Each pre-trial detention center in Moscow has 10 priests assigned to it. They serve not only in prisons, but also in parish churches. At Butyrka, services are held two to three times a week. Their number depends on the number of prisoners.

“In the pre-trial detention center, lists are drawn up in advance. For example, it is impossible for people undergoing the same case to be together. In Matrosskaya Tishina there is a hospital church, there is a tuberculosis building. It is clear that people with tuberculosis cannot be brought to the church together with healthy people,” - said Father Konstantin.

In pre-trial detention centers, as a rule, there are more people who want to go to church than in colonies. In a pre-trial detention center, a person feels life more acutely - he is not sure of his future, therefore the need for faith is higher. In the colony, the tension level decreases.

"We walked around one of the buildings Butyrka prison, out of 250 people, only four turned out to be non-believers. Just like in war, there are no atheists in pre-trial detention centers. It happens that someone gets baptized. Recently, while touring the cells, one Chinese man expressed his desire. Weddings also take place. The bride comes from outside, brings clothes, the prisoner changes clothes. After the wedding, she immediately leaves,” said Father Konstantin.

Changes in consciousness

The church began ministering in prisons in 1992. Father Konstantin noted that over the years there have been many changes - both in everyday life and in the minds of employees.

“For example, the conditions of detention have changed. When we started, there were so-called “eyelashes” on the windows. These are steel blinds that are welded on top of the bars. Because of them, only narrow slits remained for the passage of air. The blinds heated up under the sun’s rays, accordingly, the air that passed through them entered the chamber already heated. Considering that in those years, instead of 25 people, a cell could contain a hundred, people even died,” said Father Konstantin.

Over the years, the “eyelashes” were removed, and by winter they began to repair the windows, plastered and painted the walls. But the main thing, according to Father Konstantin, is a change in attitude towards prisoners.

“At the beginning of the ministry they told us: “Father, you are asking for them, but look at the criminal case!” Once he’s in prison, then get to work, that was the attitude. But now the employees themselves tell about cases of wrongly convicting a person. They already understand that among those in prison are not all criminals,” he said.

The Nature of Repentance

Clergymen in prisons are not interested in what articles their parishioners are imprisoned under. Prisoners do not always repent of their actions; for example, they believe that they had no choice. But there is still a craving for the temple.

"We are not investigators. It is important to us what is in a person’s soul and heart, what oppresses him. Some themselves talk about their affairs. Others say that they feel guilty only before their mothers. Repentance varies, but, nevertheless, 75 percent of people in the pre-trial detention center they receive communion, and this is done after confession,” said Father Konstantin.

He noted that after visiting the temple, people change: they give up suicidal thoughts and become calmer. Father Konstantin does not know of a single case where a prisoner committed suicide after visiting church.

According to him, serving in prison is an important experience for a believer. “This is communication with prisoners, the understanding that we are all sinners and may end up in the dock. Not everyone agrees to go to serve in prison, this decision is not easy for everyone, but those who participate in the prison mission note a beneficial effect on themselves. We gain more than we lose,” said Father Konstantin.
