Theme of the lesson: “Skillful hands do not know boredom. Open lesson “Skilled hands do not know boredom Skilled hands know boredom proverb

Kirov regional state secondary school state-financed organization

“Boarding school for students with disabilities in the town of Oparino”

Methodological development

« Skillful hands don't know boredom"

Prepared by:

teacher of specialized labor (sewing)

Voronina Natalia Alexandrovna


develop interest in the subject being studied.


generalize knowledge about technology (design of tools, technology for manufacturing products);

develop an understanding that the knowledge gained in technology lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills;

expand and systematize students’ knowledge about professions;

instill interest in blue-collar professions and work.


1. Signs with team names,

2. 4 robes, 4 aprons, 4 headscarves, 4 pairs of gloves

3. Bobbin case, saw, rolling pin, wrench, hoop, plane, dummy, water tap


5. Finish the proverb

Measure seven times, and……………………………………………………………………….

Soon the fairy tale will tell, yes………………………………………………………..

It’s not enough to want,……………………………………………………………………………….

Small matter, better…………………………………………………………………………………

The eyes are afraid, and………………………………………………………………………

Patience and work, ………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Bag with various items

7. Buttons: 20 small black, 5 large, 10 white

8. 2 sewing machines, 2 spools of thread

9. Self-tapping screws, 2 screwdrivers, 2 bars


teacher: Hello, guys! Welcome to our competition!

Each of you knows that on Earth there is nothing more important and honorable than labor. To become a professional, a master of your craft, you need to think about choosing a profession while still at school and, whenever possible, prepare for this profession. There are no bad or good professions, there are bad and good workers. To become a good specialist, a person must know and be able to do a lot, and for this he needs to study. And for you and me now, studying is the main work.

First, let's decide on the name of the commands:

Professionals and

Competition "Work Uniform"

Assignment: Representatives (2 boys and 2 girls from each team) of which team will put on a work uniform for carpentry and sewing lessons faster (put on robes, gloves, headdress)


Guys! We have a lot of different things. We must find their owners; inform their profession.

Seamstress. (Bobbin case.)

A carpenter. (Saw.)

Baker. (Rolling pin.)

Locksmith. (Wrench.)

Embroiderer. (Hoop.)

Carpenter. (Plane.)

Tailor. (Dummy.)

Plumber. (Water tap.)

3. Competition "Anagrams"

Exercise: Make up the names of tools and devices from the given letters.

    PERSNATOK (thimble)

    TSYNIKNIFE (scissors)

    TOTARVEK (screwdriver)

    OOLMTKO (hammer)

4. Competition “Proverbs about Labor”

Task: complete the proverb. For example: Labor feeds a person, but ... (laziness spoils).

Each team has three proverbs.

1.Measure seven times and……..(cut one)

2. Soon the fairy tale will tell, yes……..(it won’t be done soon)

3. It’s not enough to want,….(you have to be able to)

4. A small thing is better.....(big idleness)

5. The eyes are afraid, but…..(hands do)

6. Patience and work, .... (everything will be crushed)


The humpback horse has wooden sides,

White shavings are flying from under his hooves. (Plane)

Covers everyone in the world,
What sews does not put on (needle).

I'm in the room, but my head is outside. (Nail.)

Experienced tool
Not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries:
He both cuts and shears (scissors).

The wood is eaten by an eater, a hundred teeth in one row. (Saw.)

Along the river back and forth
The steamer wanders and wanders.
Stop it - woe!
The sea will make a hole! (iron)

He's thin, but his head is big. (Hammer.)

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail (ball).
Steel horse, linen tail (needle)

Where the tail rests, there will be a hole later. (Drill.)

Paper, but you can't write on it. (Sandpaper)

She started dancing with the propeller,

And he, spinning around, got stuck in the board. (Screwdriver)

Wonderful buddy

Wooden hand

Yes, an iron butt

Yes, a red-hot comb

He is held in high esteem by the carpenter

Every day with him at work (Axe)

6 . Competition "Surprise Bag"

Exercise: The bag contains various items. Participants with their eyes closed must identify them and name them.

7. Competition

Exercise: Sort through the buttons.

8. Competition "Who is faster" for sewing students

Who can thread the top thread of a sewing machine faster?

9. Competition “Who is faster” for carpentry students

Tighten the screws (all team members who do carpentry take turns)

Leading. Our competition is coming to an end. The jury is given the floor to sum up the results. Summarizing.

Leading. Well done boys! Today you demonstrated your skills and knowledge of work and learned about different professions.

Leading. Thanks everyone for your attention!

OGKOU Ivanovskaya school VIII type No. 2
extracurricular activities,
held during Primary School Week
Lesson topic:
“Skillful hands know no boredom”
Compiled by: Alexandrova M.A.
Ivanovo, 2014
Goal: to activate and stimulate the creative activity of students.
Arouse interest in the topic of the lesson and a desire to communicate.
Develop memory, thinking, imagination.
Correct the emotional-volitional sphere, speech-motor apparatus, motor functions.
Form positive motivation in mastering various skills.
Enrich lexicon children.
To cultivate such qualities as camaraderie, friendliness, honesty, justice.
Contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships between children.
Arouse a positive emotional response and a desire to take part in educational games.
- a card with the title “Skillful hands know no boredom”;
- individual handout cards with letters;
- individual cut pictures;
- subject pictures: “butterfly”, “flower and grass”, “fish”;
- colored paper clips (clothespins);
- cardboard templates: circles, trapezoids;
- rebus card;
- counting sticks;
- a “fish” blank from strips of velvet paper on a stand;
- “Connect the dots” coloring cards;
- paper seas: blue and dark blue;
- boats made of colored paper;
- TV, DVD player.
Progress of the lesson
I. Organizing time.Somehow our hands got bored and cried from boredom: Without work we will be lost, Without work we will die! Help out your hands quickly, In case they die of boredom! Give them something to do quickly, Save the dying!
- Guys, let's start our lesson with a pleasant game. Exercise-game: “Give a compliment with your hands” (pass a touch, handshake, stroking, etc. in a circle) - What touches are best to give to each other?
II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
- Read the topic of our lesson from the board.
Skillful hands know no boredom
Then: we read in chorus, only girls read, only boys read.
- How do you explain the meaning of this expression? (This means that a hardworking person never sits idle, never gets bored and everything works out for him, everything succeeds).
- So today we won’t let our hands get bored, we will perform a lot of interesting tasks.
- Collect the expression “Skilled hands know no boredom” from cut letters (each student tries to assemble it independently).

-Well done, you all completed the task!
III. Main part.
1. Cut pictures.
- Put the mixed up letters in order.
4 3 7 5 2 6 1
What word did you come up with? (Butterfly)
- Collect a butterfly in your picture, each of you will get your own butterfly, not like the others.
The teacher provides the necessary assistance to students.
- Well done boys. What different and unusual butterflies you have created!
2. Games with paper clips.
The teacher shows a picture.
- What do you see on it? (Flower on the grass)
- Now we will collect flowers and grass from paper clips.
- You have been given paper clips of different colors, name them.
- Right. Now get to work.
The teacher provides the necessary assistance to students.
- Well done boys. What beautiful flowers you got!
Physical education session (musical warm-up “Road to the Sun”)
3. Working with counting sticks.
- Guess the riddle.
We live in water
We'll be lost without water.
- That's right, it's a fish.
The teacher shows a picture.
- We will collect fish, but tell us what from. What's in my hands? (Counting sticks)
- Yes. How many of them do we need to put the fish? (13)
The teacher shows a stand on which fish are folded from strips of velvet paper.
- Each of you has been given chopsticks, you can get to work.
The teacher provides the necessary assistance to students.
- Well done boys. What a wonderful fish you have!
IV. Reflection.
- Guys, look. Before you are “Sea of ​​Joy” and “Sea of ​​Sadness” (the teacher shows them), launch your boat into the sea according to your mood.
- If after class you are still in a good mood, then launch your boat on the blue sea, and if vice versa, then on the dark blue sea.
Music is playing.
Students come up to the board and “send their boat out on the sea.”
- Now take your seats.
V. Summary of the lesson. - What is the topic of our lesson?
- What exercises did we do in class?
- Which tasks did you like more than others?
- Look at how you rated your mood at the end of the lesson.
- You guys were great: very active, creative and skillful. Therefore, each of you receives a “Connect the dots” coloring card.
- Our lesson is over, always be the same active guys.

Alla Shubina
Open lesson“Skillful hands know no boredom”

Activity - game« Skillful hands know no boredom» Target: Contribute to the formation in students of a positive attitude towards work as a vital necessity.


Develop creativity and the desire to experiment.

Develop the ability to work in a group.

Develop the ability to highlight the main thing, summarize existing facts, logically express thoughts, and defend one’s own opinion.

Expand your horizons.

Learn to organize properly free time.

Develop attention, memory, intelligence, imagination.

Cultivate a love of work and kindness.

Convince students that they the main objective- studies.

Type classes: combined Form carrying out: activity - game. Time carrying out: 40 minutes. Place carrying out: class. Equipment: laptop, projector, colored paper, glue, sheets of white paper, plasticine, Whatman paper. Visual benefits: explanatory dictionary, cards with proverbs, cards with crossword puzzles for the game, map of the island, drawing of an index stone, subject pictures.

Move classes: 1. Organizational moment. Educator: Good afternoon! I welcome everyone to this class. Today we will hold a game class. You all love to play, solve riddles, and read fairy tales. Today we will test your knowledge.

Children, stand in a circle and show me your palms. Take each other by hands and feel the warmth of your hands. Together with the warmth of our hands, we convey to each other a good mood, wishes for health, and kindness. Smile at each other. Charge each other with positive energy that will be useful for us class. Thank you! Well done! Go to your seats.

2. Identification of students’ knowledge about work.

Educator: Guys, please tell me why a person needs hands? (Children's answers) Let's try to solve the riddle. Having guessed the riddle, you and I will find out the theme of our classes. Who can boldly turn a monkey into a Man? And what kind of wizard helped the children in this process? (Work)

Well done! The riddle was guessed correctly. Yes, hands Man is truly created by miracles. How do you understand proverb: « Skillful hands know no boredom» This is our topic that's what the classes are called« Skillful hands know no boredom» (The name is posted on the board)

Educator: As you may have guessed, today we will talk about the importance of work in a person’s life. Let the following be the epigraph to our conversation: words:

How much does everyone need to do for life that is important, perhaps unnoticed, but kind and bright.

3. Studying the material Let's look into "Dictionary" Ozhegova. What is the meaning of the word "work"? 1. Labor - work, class. 2. Labor is a skill aimed at achieving something. 3. Labor is purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values.

And according to Vladimir Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, Labor is work, class, exercise, business, anything that requires effort, effort, care.

Educator: The need for labor always exists. Work and life are inseparable concepts. Today, with the help of games, proverbs, and fairy tales, we will try to learn more about the meaning of labor.

A game "Say the word" Who is the most important in the world, the kindest, the most glorious? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, Children in unison: This is work!

Who is the smartest in the world, the oldest, the youngest? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, Children in unison: This is work!

Educator: Time flies quickly, No one can slow down this speed, Now it’s winter, now it’s spring, Now copper falls from the leaves. You need to hurry, leave something bright in your life, and choose this kind of work, to serve the people honestly.

There is a lot to do around you, you will find work everywhere, and you don’t need to look for any peace in the future. You need to live your life this way, To make someone happy, To give people joy through your work.

Educator: Guys, don't you hear anything? It seems like a fairy tale has come to visit us.

(Pinocchio appears. He brings a large envelope and says that he has brought a letter.)

Pinocchio: I was in such a hurry to bring you this envelope.

Educator: Pinocchio, what is in this envelope?

Pinocchio: Turns the envelope and speaks: “I didn’t go to school and I can’t read” Help me guys.

Educator: Guys! Let's help Pinocchio.

A game "Cryptographers" Since ancient times, people, if they did not want their letter or message to be read by anyone other than the addressee, used special codes. These ciphers could be simple or very complex, digital and alphabetic. Now we will try ourselves in the role of cryptographers and try to decipher what is written here. The children are given cards. They decipher proverbs.

1. Without labor there is no good.

2. Skillful hands know no boredom.

3. A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.

4. A small thing is better than a big idleness.

5. Get down to business - finish it to the end!

6. They did it hastily, but they did it for fun.

7. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

8. They praise - don’t be proud; they teach - don’t be angry.

9. Happiness does not float in the air, it comes from your hands.

Educator: What did you get? (Proverbs). Let's read them.

This is how the Russian people taught children to work from early childhood. Proverbs and sayings acted as rules of labor behavior. Do you know any proverbs and sayings about work? Now we’ll check them.

Contest "How do you understand the proverb" Educator: Our fairy tale continues. In front of you everyone knows "Flower - seven-flowered" Proverbs are written on the flower petals. You need to take a petal, read the proverb and explain its meaning.

1.“When you start something, think about the end.” (Think about the purpose and result of your work in advance.)

2.“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh” (Plan your work, calculating the strength and time to complete it.)

3.“Like the master, so is the work” (Accumulate knowledge and skills to successfully complete the job.)

4.“To whom work is a burden, joy is unknown” (Find things you like, don’t wait for persuasion or coercion.)

5.“If there was a desire, all work would work out” (Don't be afraid to start a new, unfamiliar business.)

6.“Good work lives for two centuries” (Do the work carefully, use your existing knowledge and skills.)

7.“If you have patience, there will be skill” (Be persistent and patient in achieving the goal and results of your work.)

8."What goes around comes around" (As you try to do the work, this is the result you will get.)

9."IN big deal and a little help goes a long way". (Take part in collective work as much as possible.)

10.“The ant is small, but it digs mountains” (Persistently finish what you start.)

Educator: Well done! Everyone did a good job with this task.

Being bored and doing nothing, people learn to do bad things. Labor frees us from three angry: boredom, vice and need. Thus we come to the conclusion, as they say in people: “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove”, that is, if you want to live beautifully and in abundance, you need to work hard. Only in work can you show all your best qualities.

Work is the basis of our life, It will brighten anyone’s day. There is no shame more than the reproach that you are too lazy to work.

Educator: Which word is opposite in meaning to the word labor. (Laziness.) Let's turn to « Explanatory dictionary» . According to to him: “Laziness is a lack of desire to work, a tendency to do nothing”

What do you call a person who doesn't want to work? (Lazy, lazy, malingerer, slacker, drone.)- Why do you think a person is lazy? - Who has a better life in the world - a lazy person or a hardworking person? Why?

Listen carefully to the fairy tale by V. Sukhomlinsky

"Lazy Man and the Sun"- Sunny, please move a little to the side, I’m hot. Sun laughed: - Is it conceivable for the Sun to move wherever the Lazy Man wants? The lazy man got angry and shouted: - So you don’t want to move? “I don’t want to,” answered the Sun. - Ah well! - said Lazy. “Then I’ll lie here to spite you.”

– What would you do in this situation? Find the proverb that best suits this tale.

1. “Laziness is the mother of all vices.” 2."Don't sit back hands - there will be no boredom»

3.“The sun doesn’t rise at the right time for a couch potato”

Whoever wants to become a fool, we will we offer: Let him neglect work and begin to live as a lazy person.

Pinocchio: I really regret that I sold my ABC and didn’t go to school.

Give me a cure for laziness "I can, but I do not want"

Doctor: There is a fragrant rub against mosquito bites, There is a potion for sneezing, Swallow and be healthy, There is a potion for migraines, But there is no medicine for laziness.

Pinocchio: It would be nice to invent this remedy as soon as possible, so that all lazy people from childhood could take it. If this medicine appeared, I would buy two packets. No, not two, but three. It is necessary, no matter what you say.

Doctor: He who knows how to live by the clock and appreciates every hour, does not need to be woken up ten times in the morning. And he won’t say that he’s too lazy to get up and do exercises, hands wash and make the bed. He will have time to get dressed on time, wash and eat, and before the bell rings, sit down at his desk at school.

Smells of the day If we plan and glue - The day smells like wood glue. If the day smells of forest - We are with a basket in our hands. If there is smoke from a fire - We've been fishing since the morning, And the day doesn't smell like anything - That means laziness has crept up on us.

A moment of rest Guys! Let's take a little rest. Sit more comfortably, relax. Put hands on the desk in front of you. put your head on hands. Close your eyes. Imagine that we are sailing on the ocean, the gentle sun is shining, you can hear the sound of the surf and the cry of seagulls. We are all in a good mood. We're all fine. And now open your eyes. You and I found ourselves on an island. Creative task Educator: A radiogram with an SOS signal was received from Lazy Island. – Do you know what the SOS signal means? (Children's answers) People living on this island are asking us for help. They are terribly unlucky. Children are unlucky in learning, adults are unlucky in work. We have the opportunity to help the residents of this island.

Come up with the name of the main city of this island. -What does he look like? - How do people live in this city? - What are they like - the people who inhabit Lazy Island? - How long can Lazy Island survive?

Creative task Work is carried out in pairs. Is it possible to get rid of laziness? How? Find a cure for laziness. Submit your recipes. Any real and fantastic recipes are welcome.

Pinocchio: Yes, I realized that I need to study too.

Poem The bed grabbed my shoulder - I won’t let you go, sleep some more! I pulled away, but the sheet grabbed my leg me: - Wait, my friend, you can’t run away! You'll have to lie down a little longer! “Getting up is an unpleasant thing,” the wadded blanket whispered. You can hear the pillows little voice: - Take your time, sleep for an hour! At least half an hour, at least half a minute, but I jumped up and shouted: - Pipes! I conquered laziness today! And this will happen every day!

Educator: Guys! Pinocchio managed to overcome his laziness. – Do you want to get rid of laziness? (Let's make laziness out of plasticine and hide it in a box.) But remember: if you repeat words often “I don’t want to, I won’t, then laziness will return to you”

4. Fixing the material

How much does everyone need to do for life that is important, perhaps unnoticeable, but kind and bright.

The one who plans his day acts wisely. Such a person manages to do everything, work and relax. To today lesson I asked you Guys, bring something that you can already do with your own hands. Judging by the exhibition, there are no lazy children in our group. Let's ask the guys to tell us about their crafts.

We are a talented people, masters of handicrafts. We love to sew, sculpt, knit, and play different games. My motto: “It’s not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is afraid”

We are talented children - friends of school competitions. We can’t sit idle, And we can’t be lazy. We sing, read poetry, and everyone is friendly with sports. And all together we dream of reaching the heights of knowledge. We well done craftsmen! For all hands of daredevils. My motto: « Skillful hands know no boredom»

Quilling is working with paper, it is creativity and beauty, come to us in the evenings, we will teach you without difficulty. My motto:

The matter is in dispute, there is no time for boredom. About this one They say: "Golden hands» We can make any item without any problems, Let such talent bloom, Give joy to everyone! My motto: “A man is glorious not in words, but in deeds.”

It’s very difficult to live, It’s just a disaster! After all, nothing comes without difficulty! We can’t even do some kind of nonsense, we can’t do it, we can’t do it without difficulty! It's terribly early to get up in the morning, It's hard to go to bed in the evening, It's hard to study - What's there to hide! It's hard not to poke your nose everywhere! Do you know what is most difficult? This is not doing anything at all!

5. Final word teacher Guys, each of you wants to do something good in life. Leave your mark on the earth. This desire is understandable. But do you always think about how you can achieve your goal? - Tell me, will there be a good worker from those who are not studying well now?

Right now you should study well. The better a student learns, the better he will perform. – And let the motto of your life be words: “The sun paints the earth, but man’s labor”.

6. Summing up. Life very often presents us with a choice, although we do not encounter a signpost on the road, but we have to make a choice. I will read to you what is written on the stone, and you try to choose the path along which you would go further. Give reasons for your choice.

If you go to the left, you will find wealth, but you will lose friends.

You will go to the right - to easy life you will come, but you will not achieve anything in life.

If you go straight, you will find yourself, you will be exhausted along the way, but you will achieve a lot.

During the discussion, the teacher also asks provocative questions. For example: - Is it bad to find wealth? - Don't you want to live easy? - Why do you need to look for yourself in life?

Game task Proverbs are posted on the board. – What life motto did each of you choose for yourself? Children take turns going to the board, take a proverb, read the motto, and hold it in front of them. 1. “It’s not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is afraid” 2. “If you learn it yourself, teach it to others” 3. « Skillful hands know no boredom» 4. “A man is not glorious in words, but in deeds” 5. “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” 6. “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him” 7. “Where there is work, there is happiness” 8. “I’ve finished the job, go for a walk safely” 9. “Will and labor give wonderful shoots” 10. "What goes around comes around"

Just take a look around: Our whole life is the work of our hands. Villages, bridges, cities, viaducts - All ours hands, all ours hands! Skillful hands are the basis of success, Hands- human skill! Hands– they talk about a lot. The eyes only see, but hands create.

7. Reflection. Ours has come to an end class. We did a lot of work today. And now, collectively, all together, let’s analyze our class. Let's put it all together "Bouquet of Mood"

Methodology "Bouquet of Mood"-If you think that our class turned out to be useful for you, then take it to hands flower, if not, then don't take anything. - If during classes If you felt comfortable working with each other, then glue green leaves to the flower; if not, do nothing. – If the acquired knowledge is class will be useful to you in the future, then go quietly to the board; if not, then stay where you are. - If you think that you worked actively in class, then put your flower in a vase.

Guys, thank you very much for your active participation in our class. And in order to prevent our flowers from wilting, I will add some water to them. (A watering can with water is hung up). You can see from our bouquet that everyone is in a good mood, that did you like the lesson. I hope that the knowledge you acquired today has enriched you and will help you in solving creative problems not only in classes, but also in life. And in conclusion I would like to say to you: “Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as lazy people. Thanks everyone for your attention!

Sushchenya Lyudmila Petrovna
Job title: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MBOU DOD DDT
Locality: Murmansk region Polar dawns
Name of material: Lesson notes
Subject: Skillful hands know no boredom
Publication date: 19.03.2017
Chapter: additional education


“Skillful hands know no boredom”





spend your free time, be useful and expand your horizons.

Equipment: handicrafts, illustrations.

Progress of the event.

Leisure p r o i s h o d i t

g l. d o s i g a t

achieve. AND

initially leisure means

i d os i g,

has reached" ,

Achievement (Ukrainian dostagnennya), result, not idleness.

achievement, his leisure. And now on these reserves - at his leisure - he is already



idle owner, i.e. skillful, successful, with achievements.

And the other one has not collected anything, he has no achievements, no leisure. AND

him lack of leisure


idle a person, that is, unlucky, unlucky.

what leisure


rather, not the idleness of a lazy person, but the rest of someone who has achieved, one who

I've already worked hard.

I would like to start the conversation with a parable... One wise man took an empty

jug and filled it to the top with small stones. Collected

his students and asked them the first question: “Tell me, dear ones,

Is my jug full? To which they replied: “Yes, it’s full.” Then

the sage took a full jar of peas and poured the contents into

jug with stones. The peas took up the free space between the stones.

The sage asked the second question: “Is my jug full now?”

The students again confirmed that it was full. Then the sage took a box with

sand and poured it into the jug too. Sand seeped through

peas and stones and took up all the free space and covered everything. Again

the sage asked his disciples if the jug was full and again

I heard an affirmative answer. Then the wise man took out

a mug full of water and poured it into the jar to the last drop.

The disciples laughed, seeing all this. The sage said: “I wanted

You realized that the jug is our life. Stones are the most

the main component of everyone’s life: children, family, friends,

health. Peas are things that are nice to have, but they are not

the most important things: house, work, car, valuables, etc. Sand

symbolizes the little things that are abundant in the life of any person.

If you first fill the jug with sand, there will be no room left for

peas and especially stones. It’s the same in life: if you waste time

on trifles, there will be no time for the most important thing. Pay attention

first time for your family and friends, yourself and friends, and

There will always be time to do cleaning and repairs. Should

first spend time on stones, everything else is sand. Sage

was about to leave when one of the students asked a question: “A

What was the water needed for? The teacher answered with a smile: “I

to show you that no matter how

Life is busy, there is always room for idleness"

(cheerful folk music sounds)

We are glad to see you, guests.

Our dears!

Russian thank you

We'll tell you from the heart!

On our native land

We magnify you!

Good health

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

We bow low,

If you don't know each other?!

As custom dictates:

Make yourself at home everyone!

Glad to see you in my room! In modern apartments it’s all the same

not that! Isn’t there some kind of lordship, sincerity... And in general, what

compare? Or a wooden tower house or a government-issued stone box,

where the neighbors don't even know each other...

I remember when the masters lived,

What did they have? Hands and axe.

The day started early in the morning,

Now it’s not the same, work is a disgrace.

There were towers all over Rus',

With its beauty, it delighted everyone.

Now there is trouble, boxes, not at home,

I look at them and laugh.

This could not have happened before,

They built housing next to the land,

She will feed you and help you live,

Only the old man remembers this...

It’s a pity he won’t come back, it’s a long time ago

A reproach from the past will not touch you.

What lived before, a miracle of the master,

What did they have? Hands and an ax...

Well, oh well, what can I say about it! We will tell our story about something else. ABOUT

simple hands that can work true miracles.

Seven walkers once light

Let's go look for earthly truth.

They only found an old man in the distance:

That old man was wise, what a blessing!

The walkers asked the sage:

"We all came here from afar,

To learn from the wise father,

The answer to the riddle is that it lives for centuries.

How do we distinguish a quitter from a creator?

Someone smart from an obvious fool?

A working craftsman from a merchant?"

The sage said: “The difference is the hand!

Listen carefully friends:

Today I will compose a hymn to the master’s hand.

We cannot live without her today.

She is in everything I don’t look at.

All monuments were created only to her -

With a calloused talented hand.

Any left-hander is not a plebeian at all.

Life would be nothing without him."

Let us bow to the master's hand,

In her masterpieces the memory of the world is preserved.

That memory of a distant distant memory,

Thank you friend from the bottom of my heart

Gavryushkin A.E.

Here in front of me is a simple chest.

There's an invisible cricket behind the stove,

And I’m already accustomed to the singing of crickets,

And there behind the stove is my mother’s chest...

A colorful sundress is stored in it

And for the braid there are some simple hairstyles...

After all, they have been given a special destiny:

Reminds me of girlhood.

(opens the chest, takes out painted wooden spoons)

Spoons? I don't understand why they are here? Or maybe this is why...

(sings accompanied by spoons)

Because of the forest because of the mountains

Grandfather Egor was driving

On a creaking draft,

Yes on a gray horse

Yes oho-ho!

There is goods on that cart,

What is he bringing to the market:

Lace towels,

Yes shirts with roosters

Yes oho-ho!

Everyone likes the job

She is famous everywhere.

Embroidered patch

Well, just like the picture

Yes oho-ho!

Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous for their hard work and strive to decorate

your life. Almost everything in the hut was done with their own hands: they cut dishes from

wood, sculpted from clay, wove baskets, bast shoes, felt felt boots, wove,

sewed clothes, embroidered products, sculpted and painted toys for

children. Everything was done carefully, with love, so everything was not only

useful, but also beautiful. Today the masters gathered in my upper room:

craftsmen and needlewomen.

and a smooth canvas of colors of various threads

The patterns are intricately intertwined.

By the rise of inspiration and inspiration

Foliage, flowers and grapes were born.

Here in every tablecloth, napkin, towel

Talent, soul and skill are visible,

And the warmth of women's hands, and the tenderness of the heart,

And the bright colors of life are a celebration.

The embroideries are seductive with their wonderful palette.

They shine, breathe and live.

Like the notes of music that are on the sheets of music stands,

They suffer, they bring joy, and they call the soul to heights.

I am amazed. I look at the handicrafts

And, numb, holding my breath.

No, this is not a lordly occupation of idleness,

And inspired work and joy of being.


(takes out a hoop and colored floss from the chest)

In the old days, women were very keen on handicrafts.

Peasant women thus made household items for the home,

clothes, beautiful pictures.

The aristocracy preferred cross stitch. It was considered

a very noble occupation and a mandatory skill for

every young girl.

Our ancestors depicted various phenomena in nature using

signs. The Slavs had many signs and symbols, almost all of them

acquired the meaning of “amulets”.

Amulets - symbols of protection, according to the ideas of that time, did

a thing impenetrable to the spirits of evil.

They were embroidered on clothes, believing that they protected against various

troubles and bring happiness to the house.

embroidery brightened up leisure time. And made with your own hands

products have always been a source of pride for them.

Each tried to do everything as best as possible, so that later they could show

girlfriends or give it to your fiance.

(shows men's belts)

Oh, what a colorful pattern! “There is no boredom when your hands are busy!” And they are busy

them with embroidery. Oh, embroidery! This is one of the ancient ones in our country

artistic crafts. What item do you embroider? How long have you been

do you do embroidery?

stitch to stitch, the needle draws

The most complex coloring of sewing.

And the embroiderer takes risks

Go beyond the boundaries of existence...

But the threads hold the heart tightly,

Creating harmony,

And like a lilac scherzo

Those threads sound joyful.

(takes out threads and knitting needles from the chest)

Nobody knows who and when invented the first loop, but for a long time

It is known that this miracle loop was born long before our era.

By creating something with her own hands, a woman seems to give the product

a piece of yourself, your soul. And receives from the process of his birth

children are great fun.

I will tie your life

From fluffy mohair threads,

I'll tie your life together

I won't lie a single loop.

I'll tie your life together

Where there is a pattern across the field of prayer

Wishes of happiness

In the rays of true love.

I will tie your life

From cheerful melange yarn,

I will tie your life

And then I will give it from my heart.

Where do I get threads?

I will never confess to anyone.

To connect your life

I'm secretly releasing my...

Did you know that knitting is also called “spice therapy”? Is this so?

I think that another craftswoman will better tell us about this, or how

they said among the people, weaving.

(story of a craftswoman knitting

What I see! What a wonder!

There is so much work around!

Is it really so beautiful?

It's breathtaking

Look! These things

Today they came to visit us,

To tell us secrets

Ancient Russian beauty.

To introduce us to the world of Russia,

Into the world of legends and goodness,

To say: there is in the country

Miracle - people are masters!

(takes out a crochet hook)

Would you like me to tell you an unusual fairy tale? Then, sit back and


Once upon a time, Veretyon’s grandmother lived in a forest village.

She knew how to create such products that they were not sewn, not woven, but

straight from... nothing woven. She conveyed her skill like this

I didn’t know who was weaving.

And first they started teaching the girl how to crochet lace from the age of five.

At first she wove a simple braid. Each new pattern became

more and more difficult. And she found samples for making patterns

in the nature around them - in the forest, in the field, on the river. And appeared on

lace “herringbone” and “fish”, “flowers” ​​and “cobwebs”. With diligence

skill also came.

The girl grew up and became a real craftswoman. I learned and

embroidery, but didn’t forget about the hook.

Don’t waste your life with idleness - Do handicrafts!

Shay, knit - don’t be discouraged,

Or embroider with satin stitch.

Here are the needles, threads, hoops

For our nimble fingers.

Fabrics, ribbons, borders -

Head is spinning!

We embroider what we love,

We arrange everything diligently.

The result is to our delight,

To our loved ones and friends.

And the work is finished,

This is a new concern

Choose stories again.

Embroider and knit them...

↓History of knitting

For a long time, trying to decorate their lives, people sought

use the simplest materials to combine simple

forms and means with unpretentious patterns, while achieving

high skill. Hand knitting originally appeared as

a simple utilitarian necessity, which later turned into

real art. Knitted products have always been highly valued

high. For example, in Europe, at first they could only be worn by very

wealthy people. Knitted silk stockings were a gift

even for kings! So, the Swedish king Eric IV ordered himself a pair

silk stockings. And they cost - an annual salary of the royal


It is very difficult to accurately establish the history of knitting, since the threads and

This art has come down to us in the form of images. In one of

Egyptian tombs (1900 BC) preserved image

woman putting on socks. A stocking print was found in

solidified lava of Pompeii in 79 AD. e. Children's stockings III-IV centuries. N. e.

found in Egypt. These stockings already took into account the shape of shoes, sandals

with a strap after the thumb. The ancient Egyptians

When making a sock, the thumb was knitted separately, as in

mittens. Later, somewhere in the 9th-11th centuries, some skilled

knitters even began to put texts on socks. In museums

Detroit and Badel contain such examples of ancient Egyptian

knitting from cotton threads with ancient Arabic text.

IN XV-XVI centuries knitting is spreading quite actively throughout

Europe and turns into homework and into the profitable industry:

they knit stockings, socks, gloves, hoods, sweaters and hats. At the same time

a headdress appeared and became traditional for the Scots -

knitted beret. Entire knitting workshops appeared. In 1589

Assistant Curate of Woolbridge William Lee

invented the knitting machine. But the more products were produced

mass machine production, the more valuable

handmade products became, and especially products

crocheted, because such products were impossible

repeat on the car. And there are still no knitting machines that

they could knit a fabric similar to a non-crocheted one.

Over time, the work of masters becomes art, knitted

products end up in museums. For example, two 17th century jackets

stored in Sweden - in the Nordic Museum in Stockholm and in

Historical Museum in Gothenburg. Usually in Europe, sweaters were knitted from

plain yarn, decorating the knit stitches with purl loops

canvas, but the Arabs a couple of thousand years ago could perform

multicolor complex patterns.

Nowadays, this art continues to develop, enriching itself

new motifs, compositional techniques, modern

materials. This class requires knowledge of cutting and sewing.

knitwear, and working with crochet has a lot in common with embroidery and

weaving. And all the same, hand knitting compares favorably with

other types of needlework. It is especially attractive that

the source material - yarn - can be used several times and

without much loss. Hand knitting allows you to make

unique, unique models. Hook capabilities

allow you to make various decorative things, for example,

lace, bedspreads, clothes, toys, jewelry. Indeed, in

Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine our wardrobe without

knitwear Knitted products are comfortable and durable, practical and

elegant, warm and cozy. Hand knitting allows

express your individuality, your intended image with the help of

choosing the texture and color of the yarn, its weave, design and

style of products.

A little history of crochet

Crocheting is the process of manually creating fabric, lace

or clothes made from threads using a crochet hook.

This has long been a well-known activity that continues to be

popular these days due to the ability to quickly and easily

create both complete clothing and elements of its decoration, as well as

napkins, tablecloths, decorations, toys and much more.

According to the world traveler and specialist in the field

crochet Annie Potter - the art of crochet was

created in the 16th century.




Europe, put forward 3 theories.

1) Crochet originated in Arabia, then moved to


trade routes to other Mediterranean countries.

2) We first learned about crochet from South America, Where





3) Crocheted dolls first appeared in China.

In conclusion, Lisa Paludan believed that there was no reliable evidence

how ancient the art of crochet is, and

where it originated from. There is no evidence that crochet

existed in Europe before 1800


appeared in the 19th century as a type of tambour embroidery, using

pulled onto the base. The working thread was held under the canvas. Thin



pulled them up through it. While the noose was still on


creating a chain.

In Europe, crochet began to develop in early XIX century.



Blanchardier, who was known for her ability to transform

old-fashioned lace needle in crocheted pattern. Riego

came up with it


called Irish lace. At that time a lot was published



Crochet in Russia spread from late XIX century.

Needlewomen mainly knitted lace using patterns

from weaving and cross stitch.


1. Introducing the younger generation to the great values ​​of Russian culture of the people through familiarization with the decorative and applied arts of Russia.

2. Teach children to compare products of folk craftsmen (of the same type) with each other, to find similarities and differences.

3. Activate children’s speech using new words: potter, peddler, craft, artisan. Learn to finish what you start.

4. To cultivate respect for work, pride in the skill of the Russian people, interest in folk crafts, and develop taste. Foster interest and respect for the culture of the Russian people;

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Children, stand in a circle and show me your palms. Take each other's hands and feel the warmth of your hands. Together with the warmth of our hands, we convey to each other a good mood and wishes for health.

Educator: Why does a person need hands? How do you understand the expression “golden hands”, “magic hands”, artisans?

Educator: Yes, the hands of the people truly create miracles. They say about such hands: golden, hardworking, skillful, magical, skilled. Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous throughout the world for their skillful hands; it is not for nothing that their products are referred to as “Russian miracles.”

Educator: How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Skillful hands know no boredom”? (children's answers)

Guys, to make sure of this we will go to the fair. What is a fair? (children's answers) A fair is a place where you can buy and sell a variety of goods. There are folk festivals, puppet shows, funny carousels, ditties. Craftsmen from different parts of the world bring their products to the fair. People walk along the aisles, and there is so much product that it makes your eyes wide open. (showing reproductions of "FAIR" by B. Kustodiev)

Educator: What kind of music is this playing? The fair begins! Let's hurry, guys!

At the Russian fair

1. Two children hold scarves in their hands and form a gate.

From all doors

From all gates

Come quickly.

Hurry up, people!

Peace be with you, dear people, you have come at a good hour.

We have prepared such a warm welcome for you.

The Ryazan region is famous for its hospitality and hospitality.

Here for you are Russian songs and a honey loaf.


Hello, guests, you are welcome!

We open the fair, let the fun begin

Fair, fair,

Fiery, bright, dancing, hot.

You look to the right - shops with goods,

If you look to the left, the fun is in vain.

The red sun is rising

People are rushing to the fair.

2. Educator: You could often meet peddlers at fairs. Peddlers are traders of various small goods: ribbons, scarves, toys, sweets - they do not stand behind counters, but peddle. They walk around the entire festival area and offer people their goods.

1 Child (with box)

Threads, needles,

Hair pins!

For a whole bunch

Pay a dime!

2 Child (with box)

But how many different ribbons there are

For beautiful girls.

1 Child:

And here is the blue handkerchief,

Like a delicate spring flower.

2 Child:

Get in line

Take everything!

3. Educator: Let's walk around the fair and look at the products of the craftsmen. (song "Golden Fair" sounds)

1st table “Dymkovo toy”

Educator: What kind of toy is it, where is it made? What is the toy made of? What is she like? What paints do craftsmen use? What elements are the product decorated with? What do they mean? (circle - sun, moon; point - stars; wavy line - water, river; straight line - road). What is the name of a craftsman who makes toys from clay? (potter)

2nd table "Gorodets painting"

Educator: Here are products from one ancient Russian city - Gorodets. Cheerful people live there. Craftsmen paint gates, furniture, shutters, and dishes with bright colors and fabulous birds. What are the names of the elements of Gorodets painting?

3rd table "Matryoshka"

Teacher: (makes a riddle)

These bright sisters

They hid their pigtails together

And they live as a family alone.

Just open the older one

Another sister sits in it,

That one also has a smaller sister.

You'll get to the crumbs

These girls are...(Matryoshka dolls)

Well done, guys! And now I will tell you a little about the history of the creation of the Russian nesting doll. The first nesting doll appeared in Russia a long time ago, more than 100 years ago. One day they brought a toy from Japan - a big-headed wooden Japanese. You open it, and there is another toy of the same kind; you open a second one, and there is a third one. Russian craftsmen really liked this toy. They dressed her in a Russian sundress with an apron, tied a bright scarf on her head, painted her beautiful eyes and put a bright blush on her cheeks. And they called her by the old Russian name - Matryosha.

Our nesting dolls are unusual. Each contains a part of a proverb about work.

1. There will be no boredom when your hands are full.

2. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

3. I did the job \walk boldly\.

4. Whoever is first in labor \to him glory is everywhere\.

5. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

6. Those who are used to working cannot sit idle.

Educator: Not a single fair was complete without songs, ditties, dances, and comic games. Let's play the game "Vanyushka has a Cossack" (children perform movements in accordance with the text, the game is repeated at a faster pace)

At Vanyushka's - Kazachenka

We lived in a small shed

Exactly 10 sons

And all 10 without eyebrows

With ears like these,

With eyes like these,

With noses like these,

With a head like this

With such a beard,

They didn't drink or eat

Everyone was looking at him,

And everyone did it like this...

4th table "Khokhloma"

Educator: What kind of painting are the products decorated with? What objects are painted with this painting? What do the craftsmen depict on their products? Why is Khokhloma called “golden”? What colors are found in the patterns? What material are the dishes and furniture made of?

In the old days, people ate from wooden utensils. In the village of Khokhloma, skilled craftsmen made wooden dishes and painted them with beautiful paintings, sending them to other cities. People liked this dishware for its brightness, festiveness, and patterns. Cups, spoons, and ladles were a great success. Later they began to make children's furniture.

4. Painting Khokhloma dishes

The teacher invites the children to help the master paint the dishes. The order of drawing the pattern elements is repeated.

1. Draw a slightly curved branch along the pattern. (curl)

2. Draw berries.

3. Draw 3 leaves each.

4. Use the end of the brush to draw grass (antennae)

While working, Raisa Markova's song "Gorodets and Khokhloma" is played.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Just take a look around:

Our whole life is the work of our hands.

Villages, bridges, cities, viaducts -

All our hands, all our hands!

Skillful hands are the basis of success,

Hands are human skill!

Hands - they say a lot.

The eyes only see, but the hands create.


Let's end the holiday with a Russian song,

We will all sing it together.

There is no more wonderful country on earth,

Than the one we live in!

Children sing a song about Russia.
