Gdz okr mir pleshakov novitskaya. Practical work “Study of the properties of water”

Explanatory note

The program was developed on the basis of the Federal State educational standard primary general education, Concepts of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a Russian citizen, planned results of primary general education.

Currently the main tasks Russian education in general and primary general education in particular can be defined as follows: formation general culture, spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development students, creating the basis for independent implementation educational activities, which can ensure social success, development creativity, self-development and self-improvement, maintaining and strengthening the health of students.

Closely related to this general goal setting are goals studying the subject “The World around us”V primary school:

  1. formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value understanding personal experience communication with people and nature;
  2. spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the context of the cultural and religious diversity of Russian society.

The specificity of the subject “The World around us” is that, having a pronounced integrative character, it equally combines knowledge about nature, society and history and introduces the student to the material of natural and social humanities, necessary for a holistic and systemic vision of the world in its most important relationships. The main task of implementing the content of the subject is to develop in the child:

  1. respectful attitude towards the family, towards the city or village, as well as towards the region in which the children live, towards Russia, its nature and culture, history;
  2. understanding the value, integrity and diversity of the surrounding world, understanding one’s place in it;
  3. models of safe behavior in conditions Everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;
  4. psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society.

The subject “The World around us” introduces a value scale necessary for the formation in the younger generation of positive goals, in-depth personal perception and an emotional, friendly attitude towards the world of nature and culture in their unity. This lays the foundation for the education of morally and spiritually mature, active citizens who are able to evaluate their place in the world around them and participate in creative activities for the benefit of their native country and the world around them.

The subject “The World around us” occupies an important place in the system of primary general education, since in the process of studying it, schoolchildren master the basics of practice-oriented knowledge about man, nature and society, learn to comprehend cause-and-effect relationships in the world around them, including using a variety of materials nature and culture of the native land. The subject has ample opportunities for forming in younger schoolchildren the foundation of environmental and cultural literacy and corresponding competencies - the ability to conduct observations of natural phenomena, conduct experiments, follow the rules of behavior in the world of nature and people, the rules of a healthy lifestyle. This will allow students to master the basics of nature- and culture-appropriate behavior. Therefore, the subject “The World around us”, along with other primary school subjects, plays a significant role in the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, and forms the vector of cultural and value orientations of the younger schoolchild in accordance with domestic traditions of spirituality and morality.

An essential feature of the subject is that it provides a substantive basis for the widespread implementation of interdisciplinary connections of all primary school disciplines. The subject “The World around us” uses and thereby consolidates the skills acquired in the lessons of reading, Russian language and mathematics, music and visual arts, technology and physical education, forming in children the ability to rationally-scientifically and emotionally-value comprehend the world around them.

Thematic planning

1st grade (66 hours)

We and our world (10 hours)

What's happened the world

The world is everything that surrounds us. And we ourselves are part of the world.

The educational kit (textbook, workbook, life safety notebook) is our assistant on the road to discovering the world around us.

Rules for pedestrian behavior on the road from home to school and back. Safe route from home to school. Home address and school address. Schedule

Tell about the world, based on textbook materials and your own ideas.

Get your bearingsin the design and navigation system of the textbook, workbook, notebooks on life safety for 1st grade.

Discuss rules for pedestrian behavior on the road from home to school and back. Model and depict safe route from home to school.

Remember home address and school address.

Create a daily routine, determine it includes the time of going to school and returning home

Inanimate and Live nature

The sun, stars, air, water, stones - inanimate nature. Plants, mushrooms, animals - living nature. The special place of man in the world of living nature. Connections between inanimate and living nature

Distinguish and name objects of inanimate and living nature. Drive examples of objects of inanimate and living nature (according to their observations).

Find connections between inanimate and living nature. Evaluate highlight in inanimate and living nature what you especially like, display your preferences in drawing


Cultural objects. Cultural objects created from natural materials, and cultural works that are created by man using voice and speech, body movements, and musical instruments.

Ancient methods of storing and transmitting cultural works in memory. Modern methods of recording cultural works on various media.

Ancient and modern objects and works of culture, including the peoples of their region

Distinguish objects of nature and culture. Define natural material from which cultural objects are made.

Distinguish cultural objects and works of culture.

Compare cultural objects and dispose them on the mental scale “before - now, long ago - recently”.

Compare ancient and modern methods of storing and transmitting cultural works, find general and special.

Compare and find distinctive features in ancient and modern objects and works of culture of the peoples of their region. Evaluate emotional and aesthetic impression from the perception of ancient and modern objects and cultural works of the peoples of their region

How we communicate with the world

A person’s perception of the beauty and originality of the world around him using the five senses. The role of the senses in the perception of the features and beauty of the surrounding world.

Signs that distinguish humans from other living beings (human speech, memory, thinking).

Works by domestic artists and A.S. Pushkin as a reflection of the beauty of the surrounding world

Define and name sense organs.

Pick up suitable words to convey the sensations perceived by one's own senses.

Characterizesensations from the perception of the surrounding world by characters in paintings by Russian artists.

Evaluate the skill of artists in conveying the features and beauty of the surrounding world.

Call characteristics that distinguish humans from other living beings.

Characterizesuggested paintings and poems, evaluate your impressions of their perception, determine in your own words, the most important thing in the paintings, control own speech, its clarity, correctness

People are creators of culture

Good deeds on common benefit and the joy of everyone: preparing gifts for children from kindergarten, orphanage, to my friends in the class. Rules for collaboration. The beauty of human labor.

The joy of creativity and communication with each other

Define in their own words, the beauty of human labor, the joy of creativity and communication with each other.

Work in a group, following the rules of teamwork, control yourself in the process of working together, evaluate labor results.

Fix with the help of photography, the most important moments of collaboration, the results of work

We are a friendly class

We are in the class - it's me, my classmates, our teacher. Relationships in the classroom between classmates, between students and the teacher. School is a community of children and adults; peace, harmony, friendship, mutual assistance in the classroom and school. Attention to peers and classmates who do not speak Russian well, helping them navigate the educational environment and surroundings

Characterizejoint and individual ways of working in previous lessons. Note vivid details of cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual understanding. Invent and do captions for photographs from the life of the class (from September 1 to the previous lesson). Compare these photographs, identify and describe changes in attitudes towards each other over the course of a month of school. Compose sentences with the words “we”, “I”, “friendly class”. Evaluate existing relationships in the class, identify positive ones, suggest changes in negative situations. Render all possible assistance to classmates who do not speak Russian well in academic and extracurricular activities

Nature in the classroom

Houseplants, their role in the classroom, school. Variety of indoor plants

reason about the purposes of growing indoor plants.

Define indoor plants of the class (2-3 names) using the atlas-identifier.

Learn in photographs, drawings and in natural form, familiar indoor plants and call them. Compare indoor plants similar in appearance, find features.

Draw and/or photographindoor plants of their class.

Apply knowledge and skills gained when studying the diversity of indoor plants in the school winter garden (together with adults)

What's growing near the school

Trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants (herbs). The most common representatives of these plant groups found near the school

Analyze and compare photograph and diagram, with their help make assumptions about distinctive features groups of plants (trees, shrubs and herbs), carry out self-checks.

Distinguish in the natural environment of the school there are trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, determine them using an atlas-identifier.

Classifyplants according to the studied characteristics. Depict using a diagram of a tree, shrub, herbaceous plant.

Evaluate emotional and aesthetic impression from the perception of nature, highlight in the natural environment of the school the most beautiful plant (according to subjective impressions), draw and/or photograph his

The world behind the glass shore

Aquarium and its role in the classroom, school. Conditions necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Methods and means of caring for an aquarium. Diversity of aquarium inhabitants (plants, fish, snails)

reason about the purposes of creating aquariums.

Reveal conditions necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Tell about methods and means of caring for an aquarium, master techniques care (during practical work).

Distinguish Among the inhabitants of the aquarium are plants, fish, and snails. Define inhabitants of the school aquarium using an atlas-identifier. Correlate images of aquarium fish and their names.

Observe for the life of the aquarium, fix

Explain Using the example of an aquarium, the connection between inanimate and living nature

Who else lives with us?

The living corner of the school and its inhabitants (birds, animals, etc.). Conditions necessary for the life of the inhabitants of a living area, care for them. Human responsibility for the life and well-being of the inhabitants of a living area

reason about the goals of creating living corners in schools. Identify conditions necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the living area. Explain the meaning of the statement “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

Learn in the drawings of famous inhabitants of the living area, carry out self-checks. Define animals of the living area using an atlas-identifier.

Observe behind the life of a living corner, fix observations in the form of drawings and (or) photographs.

Tell about known methods and means of caring for the inhabitants of a living area, master techniques care (during practical work). Select food for animals living area

It's time for business

The importance of organizing work in the classroom. The need for order in work, compliance with the rules of behavior in the classroom and school during lessons. Conducting a didactic game that simulates the unsuccessful and successful progress of the work of game characters

Analyze the meaning of the first part of the proverb “For business there is time, for fun there is an hour.” Giving characteristics of the school schedule.

Generalize knowledge of the already familiar rules for organizing a lesson and communicating in class with peers and the teacher. Pick up suitable proverbs for the pictures in the textbook. Explain their meaning. Simulate situation of unsuccessful work, correct its course. Drive examples of successful work in Russian language lessons, mathematics, technology, physical education, etc.

Fun time

Games are our cultural wealth; the role of play in maintaining health. Children's toys and children's folklore - a school of development and communication. Rules play behavior- the key to successful joint play, a way of friendly communication with each other, a method of physical, mental, aesthetic and ethical development.

Discuss the second part of the proverb “There is time for work, there is an hour for fun.” Explain the need for compliance rules of gaming behavior. Drive examples of educational games, including games of the peoples of their region. Participate in the game and control yourbehavior in game situations. Tell rules of games played by older family members. To complement an exhibition of antique toys from your region with toys from your parents and grandparents. Compare and arrange toys as cultural objects on the mental scale “before - now, long ago - recently”

Our home and family (14 h)

We are in the family

Terms of immediate kinship, including in the languages ​​of the peoples of their region (mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, daughter, son, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter). Magic words of family happiness (love, respect, sympathy, friendship, tenderness, etc.)

Call, terms of kinship based on one’s own experience. Define with their help, their relationships with each family member. Count the quantity terms of kinship as applied to oneself by relatives.Characterizeusing keywords emotional relationships between family members. List “magic words of family happiness,” including in the languages ​​of the peoples of their region. Evaluate with the help of these words your relationships in the family

My family is part of my people

Family tree diagram.

Proverbs and sayings about the family and its members, including from the creativity of the peoples of their region. Affectionate forms of kinship terms in family use (for example, mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, daughter, son, etc.). Ancient family traditions of the peoples of their region, household items, folk tales, epics, family legends

Fill modeled on a family pedigree tree diagram. Drive examples of proverbs and sayings about family, including from the creativity of the peoples of their region. Call affectionate forms of kinship terms, including in the languages ​​of the peoples of their region. Introduce (in any form) lullaby song of his people. Find and name affectionate words in the text of the lullaby. Illustrate the text. Call ancient household items in the language of their people. Call the names of the heroes of the family’s favorite folk tales, epics, and legends. Pick up proverbs that convey the meaning of this work

Nature in the house

Plants and animals in our home, their diversity and importance in our lives. Our attitude towards domestic plants and animals

Compare drawings in the textbook, evaluate the beauty and comfort of the depicted rooms, explain reasons for the differences.

Tell about natural objects in your home (apartment, room), discuss their role in their life, in the life of their family, evaluate your attitude towards them.

Learn in photographs of plants and animals, highlight those that are in the house.

Working with adults: determine plants and animals of your home using an atlas-identifier, draw and/or photograph their

Where does water, gas,


The importance of water, gas, electricity in our home. The path of water into the house from underground and surface sources. Extraction and delivery of gas to our home. The production of electricity at power plants and its path to the home. Basic safety rules when handling water, gas, electricity at home

Discuss the importance of water, gas, electricity in the house.

Install dependence of human life on inanimate nature.

Analyze textbook and workbook drawings, follow them and explain the path of water, gas and electricity to our home.

Reveal potential danger of water, gas, electricity in the house, offer and remember simple safety measures when handling them. Learn in the photographs there are electrical appliances, tell about safety measures when using them

Beautiful stones in our house

Stones are part of inanimate nature. The variety and beauty of stones and products made from them

Evaluate emotional and aesthetic impression from the perception of stone samples (in photographs in the textbook and in their natural form).

Define (with the help of a textbook and an atlas-identifier) ​​the names of beautiful stones, learn studied stones in illustrations and in natural form.

Tell about the importance of beautiful stones and products made from them in our home.

Correlate products and natural stones from which they are made, carry out self-checks.

Evaluate your attitude towards stone products; suggest own versions of similar products, draw their sketches

Indoor plants in our home

Variety of indoor plants. Indoor plants in our house, their names, features appearance. Helping adults care for indoor plants

Define (with the help of a textbook and atlas-identifier) ​​names of indoor plants, learn studied plants in illustrations and in natural form.

Learn indoor plants by characteristic features (for example, size, shape and color of leaves), carry out self-checks.

Tell about your actions to care for indoor plants in your home.

Working with adults: determine indoor plants at home (1-2 plants), draw and/or photograph their

Let's go out into the garden

Variety of garden plants. Garden trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants. Fruits and berries from our garden. Vegetables from our garden. How we help adults work in the garden (vegetable garden)

Learn garden plants in the illustrations in the textbook,classifythem (trees, shrubs, grasses), carry out self-checks.

Recognize and name according to illustrations and in natural form fruits, berries, vegetables.

Correlate fruits and plants on which they ripen.

Tell about your garden (vegetable garden), about helping adults with gardening (vegetable) work.

Paint fruits and vegetables from your garden

Vegetables and fruits on our table

Vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of vitamins. Variety of vegetables and fruits. Fruits from hot countries on our table and in our homeland

Distinguish vegetables and fruits.

Evaluate your attitude towards various vegetables and fruits, highlight favorite among them, explain what you especially like about them (taste, smell, color, etc.).

Disclose beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits.

Correlate fruits from hot countries with plants on which they ripen in their homeland.

Work with adults: learn to cookvegetable and (or) fruit salads, write down a recipe

About bread and porridge, about tea and coffee

The most important foods and plants that feed us. Folk tradition of a special relationship with bread

Listen and discuss story by V.I. Dalia, disclose the symbolic meaning of the panel presented in the textbook, do conclusion about folk tradition special attitude towards bread (work with a teacher).

Tell (from life experience) where bread, cereal, tea, coffee come from.

Correlate plants and food products obtained from them.

Practical work : determine cereals, coffee beans, tea from photographs in the textbook and natural samples, carry out self-checks.

Fantasize , inventing and drawing what can be baked from the dough.

Working with adults: recognize cereals, coffee and tea by touch and smell (with eyes closed), tell about the mastered recognition method

Wild and cultivated plants

What are wild plants and cultivated plants? How did cultivated plants appear?

Design definitions of the concepts “wild plants”, “cultivated plants”, compare your proposals with the standard given in the textbook.

Based on the textbook illustrations, explain How did cultivated plants appear?

Drive examples of wild and cultivated plants based on our own observations.

Classifyplants according to a known characteristic (wild - cultivated) using symbolic designations, carry out self-test

Dog in our house

The story of the appearance of a domestic dog next to a person. Dog breeds. Methods and means of caring for a dog. Our relationship with dogs

tell about the history of the appearance of a dog next to a person.

Describe dog show based on photographs in the textbook and my own impressions.

Define dog breeds (using an atlas-identifier), learn

Drive examples of dog breeds (on your own or using an atlas-identifier).

Call dog care items andcharacterizetheir purpose.

Tell about your dog, about your relationship with it, about caring for your dog.

Working with adults:write a story about your dog, draw or to photograph her

Cat in our house

The story of the appearance of a domestic cat next to a person. Cat breeds. Methods and means of caring for a cat. Our relationship with cats

Based on the textbook materials, tell about the history of the appearance of cats next to humans, about the relationship between people and cats in the past and now.

Get acquainted with cat breeds in a textbook, find out The pictures show the studied breeds.

Call cat care items andcharacterizetheir purpose.

Tell about your cat and caring for her.

Compose Based on photographs in the textbook, a story about the life of a cat.

story about your cat, draw or to photograph her.

Project assignment: compose photo story (or compose a fictional story, fairy tale) about your cat or other pet, design it on the pages of the workbook

Wild and domestic animals

What are wild animals and domestic animals? How did domestic animals appear? their role in our lives

Generalize existing ideas about wild and domestic animals, explain , which animals are called wild and which are domestic, how domestic animals appeared.

Classifyanimals based on a known trait (wild or domestic), carry out self-checks.

Drive examples of pets, tell about the purposes of their cultivation. Trace “history” of food and things obtained from domestic animals.

Tell about your family's pets and their care.

Meet with a “My Collection” spread in the textbook; compare real animals and their images in the form of figurines, toys, discuss , why do people collect such collections, tell about your collection (if you have one) and your animal toys.

Work with adults: draw or photographyour family's pets

From morning to evening

A stable routine of family activities throughout the day. Household duties. Ways of self-control over compliance with the daily routine for the sake of achieving personal and common good in the family. Personal hygiene, proper nutrition, rules for handling household utensils and household electrical appliances, safe behavior on the street

Tell about a stable routine throughout the day. Define your place in the circle of household responsibilities. Using symbols introduce the amount of household work each family member does. Introduce ways to self-monitor your daily home routine. Pick up proverbs about family, about the need to take care of time. Discuss rules for a healthy lifestyle, handling household utensils and household electrical appliances as a way of showing personal responsibility to yourself and your loved ones

We are in the city, village

A didactic game - a journey into the past of ancient Russian cities (villages), getting to know their inhabitants. Ancient and modern activities and affairs of townspeople and rural residents. Village residents are the guardians of the direct connection between man and nature, the earth-nurse.

Define the meaning of the words “countrymen”, “citizens” by comparing words with the same root as them. Define the meaning of the word “fellow villager”; compare him with the word “countryman”; find These words contain the general and the special. Compare ancient and modern urban (rural) activities and affairs necessary to maintain order, convenience, and beauty of people’s lives in the city (village). Find general and different. Form names of residents of certain cities (villages) from the name of the city (village), including from the name of their native or nearby city (village)

The beauty of your beloved city and native village

The appearance of Russian cities and villages, the meaning and origin of their names. Relationship between names and features surrounding nature, with the memory of compatriots. Landscape and sights of cities and villages, their architectural dominants. Excursion around your native (nearest) city (village), acquaintance with the features of the landscape, the meaning and origin of the name, with its architectural dominant

Distinguish names of cities (villages) associated with the features of the surrounding nature or with the memory of famous compatriots.Characterizeappearance of the city (village), call its attractions, correlate them with the features of nature and human activities. Fix using photography, beautiful landscapes of the city (village) for exhibition in the classroom

Nature in the city

How is nature represented in the city (square, boulevard, park, zoo, natural monument, botanical garden, zoo, etc.). Nature in the city is a source of beauty, health, good mood

Compare photographs in the textbook, evaluate emotional and aesthetic impressions from their perception, compare them with impressions from observations in their city.

Discuss , why we need nature in the city.

Define according to the illustration in the workbook, objects of nature in the city, carry out self-checks, correlate received information with observations in your city.

Tell about the nature of your city.

Fantasize drawing an unusual flower bed.

Project assignment: compose a selection of photographs or execute drawing on the theme “Nature in the city”, design them on the pages of the workbook

What grows in the city

Trees and shrubs in the green spaces of the city. Deciduous and coniferous trees

Meet based on materials from a textbook with the diversity of plants in the city,classifyplants based on known characteristics (trees or shrubs).

Distinguish deciduous and coniferous trees, compare them according to essential features, fix comparison results in the form of sketches in a workbook.

Drive examples of trees and shrubs in your city.

Define trees and shrubs of your city (2-3 representatives) using an atlas-identifier.

Learn familiar trees and shrubs in fragments, realize self-test using an atlas-identifier.

Work with adults: participate in the landscaping of his hometown, paint trees or shrubs planted with your own hands

Wonderful flower beds

The role of flower beds in the life of the city. Variety of flower garden plants. Flower beds of our city

Evaluate emotional and aesthetic impression from the perception of flower beds, flower beds, discuss the role of flower beds in the city.

Meet based on material from a textbook with flower garden plants.

Tell about the flower beds of your city.

Define flower garden plants (2-3 representatives) using an atlas-identifier.

Organize competition “Who can remember the most flower garden plants.”

Learn famous flower garden plants in drawings and in natural form, carry out self-checks.

Highlight among the plants in the flower garden are those that you especially like (favorite plants), display your preferences in drawing.

Working with adults: participate in the creation of flower beds, flower beds, paint flower garden plants planted with your own hands

In the botanical garden

The Botanical Garden is a living museum for anyone interested in plants. Diversity of plants in the botanical garden. Rules of conduct in the botanical garden

Meet based on materials from a textbook with a variety of plants in a botanical garden.

Tell about personal impressions of visiting the botanical garden.

Learn the picture shows famous plants of the botanical garden, color the picture and do a self-test.

Propose and justify rules of behavior in the botanical garden.

Fix your observations in the botanical garden in the form of drawings or photographs.

Fantasize drawing a sketch of the design of the entrance to the botanical garden

Who lives in the park

Variety of animals in the park. The role of park animals in our lives. How can we help the park's inhabitants?

Analyze textbook illustrations, call animals living in the park,classifythem according to known characteristics (insects - birds - animals), carry out self-checks.

Tell about my own encounters with animals in the park, evaluate discuss the role of park animals in people's lives.

Suggest ways to help park animals (installation of feeders, bird houses, etc.).

For the animals of the park, fix your observations in the form of drawings, photographs, stories

In zoo

The zoo is a living museum for everyone who loves animals and is interested in their lives. Variety of zoo animals. Rules of conduct for zoo visitors

Analyze textbook illustrations, call zoo animals,classifythem according to known characteristics (they live in our country - they live in other parts of the Earth), carry out self-checks.

Tell about my own encounters with animals at the zoo, evaluate emotional and aesthetic impression from these meetings, discuss the purpose of creating zoos.Tellabout your city's zoo.

SuggestAndjustifyrules of behavior in the zoo.

Fantasize, drawing a sketch of the design of the entrance to the zoo,comparedrawing with a sketch of the entrance to the botanical garden,explaindifferences.

Working with adults: observingfor zoo animals,fixyour observations in any form mastered by children

Let's enter the museum!

The role of museums and libraries in our lives. Museum exhibitions. Reading rooms and book storage in libraries. Rules of conduct in museums and libraries. Didactic games“We are in the museum, you are the guide”, “I am the reader”, etc.

Based on your own experienceorganize correspondence excursion to the museum, based on textbook materialsconductexcursion as a guide.Describethe appearance of objects presented in exhibitions for boys and girls.Reveal character traits items on display andexpressmotivatedjudgment about their characteristics.ControlAndevaluatebehavior of visitors in the museum. Togetherformulaterules of conduct in the museum and library.

In the school librarysetquestions to the librarian about how to select and obtain books,navigateV reading room with free access to bookshelves

All professions are important

Professions in town and village: common and different. The importance of the work of the grain grower. Hard work as a socially significant value. Personal responsibility of a person for the results of his work and professional excellence

Generalizeinformation about professions known from previous lessons.Installthe relationship between human qualities and the profession of a farmer. According to drawingsdescribeways andobservestages of growing bread in the old days.Callfavorite types of baked goods.Listfamous professions andcorrelatetheir characteristics with the character qualities necessary for them.Simulateinterview situation: choose future profession and correlate with an assessment of your character, abilities, interests.Formulatequestions to parents about the characteristics of their professions

Block of extracurricular, extracurricular activities: tour of hometown; visiting museums, libraries, and other cultural and educational institutions. “Master of his craft” - meeting with parents, representatives of urban and rural professionstransfersigns of the native land.Findon the map of the region the designation of your city (village, region, district). On the map of RussiafindAndshowyour region in correlation with the cities of Russia already known from the textbook. In the Internetconsidera photo of your place of residence from space.Simulateusing a globe, the situation of an astronaut’s flight over the Earth and his return from space:findRussia’s place on the globe, a meeting at the cosmodrome, the sound of the Russian National Anthem, the image of the coat of arms, the flag of Russia.Pick up keywords Andevaluatefeelings of an astronaut when the national anthem plays

Moscow is capital of Russia

Moscow on the map of Russia. Proverbs about Moscow: golden-domed, red-bellied, hospitable. The symbolic meaning of the image of bread and salt in Russian culture. The coat of arms of Moscow and its symbolic meaning: the image of a horseman, the main colors are white, red, blue, gold. Absentee trip to the city center: sights of Moscow in the past and present

Showlocation of Moscow on the map of Russia.Discussproverbs about Moscow andcorrelatethem with images of Red Square and the buildings of the Moscow Kremlin in ancient lithographs and modern photographs.Comparetheir appearance,correlateby silhouettes,findchanges.Pick upKey words to express the impression of listening to a recording of the bell ringing and the striking of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin.Definesymbolic meaning of the Moscow coat of arms.Callits main colors.Definetheir symbolic meaning

We are a family of peoples of Russia

Uniqueness of cultures different nations Russia. Ancient costumes and customs of different nations. Dolls of the peoples of Russia: what do they tell? Dishes of traditional cuisine of the peoples of Russia and the world: general and special. A reindeer team is a traditional means of transport for the peoples of the North. Proverbs of the peoples of Russia: what do they teach? (All nations value hard work, love for children, respect for elders, honesty, loyalty to friendship and one’s word, and a sense of duty.)

Generalizeethnographic material already studied over the year.Describetraditional costumes of different nations according to the pictures in the textbook.Highlighttheir individual characteristic details.Calldishes of traditional cuisine of the peoples of Russia and the world: Udmurt dumplings, Ukrainian dumplings, Dungan manti, Buryat poses, Tatar chebureks, etc.Comparetheir recipesfindgeneral and different.Installconnectionreindeer team with natural conditions North.ListenAndcomparedance music of different peoples of Russia,findgeneral and differentpick upKey words to express your impression of it.Findcommon and different in toys of different peoples of Russia.Compareproverbs of different peoples of Russia about human qualities,findgeneral and different.Manufacturehand-made toys of the peoples of their region,organizeexhibition

Nature of Russia

The diversity and beauty of Russian nature. The nature of our native country is the basis of our life, a great wealth that must be carefully preserved

commitan imaginary journey through your native country, based on textbook materials (analyze, compare, orallydescribeillustrations, generalizeinformation).Displaythe resulting representations in the form of a free drawing against the background of an outline map of Russia.

Tellabout your personal impressions from visiting certain parts of the country.

Comparethe nature of different regions of Russia with the nature of their own region.

Working with adults: write, which places in Russia you have already visited, and which places you would like to visit

Protection of Nature

Negative human impact on nature and its consequences. Nature conservation measures. How can we help nature

Analyzedrawing diagram,tellwith its help about the negative impact of man on nature.Installcause-and-effect relationships between human behavior and the state of nature.

Evaluatehuman actions in relation to nature,tellabout them based on my observations.

Discussnature conservation measures and the possibility of one’s participation in this activity.To expresstheir attitude towards environmental protection activities.

Working with adults:participatein feasible environmental activities,displayit in the form of drawings and (or) photographs

The Red Book of Russia

What is the Red Book. The Red Book of Russia. Plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia, reasons for the decline in their numbers and protection measures

ExplainWhat is the Red Book?

Meetbased on materials from a textbook with plants and animals listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Discussreasons for the decline in numbers and measures to protect plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia.To expresstheir attitude towards rare plants and animals.

Characterizeindividual representatives of the Red Book based on the information received.

Learnstudied representatives of the Red Book in the drawings,correlateimages and titles.

Working with adults:findinformation about other plants and animals listed in the Red Book of Russia,paintthem orpick upphotos

Reserved paths

Reserves are specially protected natural areas. The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve is one of the famous nature reserves in Russia. Nature reserves of the native land. Ancient folk rules of nature conservation, which have become the laws of modern nature reserves. Rules of conduct in the reserve

commitan imaginary excursion to the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve,meetwith him based on the textbook materials.

Discusswhat qualities should people working in nature reserves have?

Tellabout the nature reserve of our native land,to expressyour attitude towards him.

comprehendancient folk rules of nature conservation,explain, why they became the laws of modern nature reserves.

Analyzeworkbook illustrations,evaluatethe behavior of people shown on them,formulate

Look at the man!

Man is the whole world. The appearance of a person. Human inner world. Influence inner world on the external appearance, external appearance on the inner world

ParticipateVdidactic game using characteristic masks;distinguishconcepts: external appearance - the inner world of a person.Defineby facial expression, posture, gestures of people (onancient and modern photographs) their mood, desires, thoughts, interests in accordance with age.Pick upkey words for determining the inner world of a person, his state of mind (stern, dreamy, cheerful, sad, etc.).Pick upKey words to determine the character of peers (shy, mischievous, funny, attentive, restless, etc.).Analyzeby reflecting your internal state in the mirror, verballydescribeyourself in the third person

Each time has its own fruit

Comparison of the rhythm of human life with the rhythm of life of nature (childhood - youth - maturity - old age / morning - day - evening / spring - summer - autumn - winter) in the works of different peoples of the world

Callkey words common to the age stage of life (childhood, youth, maturity, old age) and certain periods of the day and seasons.Findin the works of the peoples of their region there are proverbs about father and mother, about the virtues of men and women of different ages.Defineperiod of day and time of year according to their age. Togethermake upan oral story about the life of a man or woman from childhood to old age, with the agreement that the portraits depict one person (man or woman) at different age stages

I am part of the world

Each of us is a whole and part of the world. The influence of each of us on the world around us. Peace is beauty and goodness in the life of nature and man

To expresspersonal perception of the world around us and our mood in emotional words, in musical sounds, in colors of appropriate colors.Definethe degree of compliance of one’s appearance and behavior with the national cultural norm (ideal)authors: A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya). The distribution of teaching time in thematic planning is approximate. The teacher can change the number of hours spent studying a particular topic using reserve time.

The peculiarity of the approach of the educational complex “The World Around us”, proposed by A. A. Pleshakov and M. Yu. Novitskaya, is the harmonious combination of natural scientific information and the experience of the humanities. The leading idea of ​​the course is the unification of the natural world and the cultural world. From this position, the surrounding world is considered as a natural-cultural whole, and man is considered as a part of nature, as the creator of culture and as its product. The inclusion of cultural components (norm, value, ideal) in the course content creates conditions for the formation of the child’s personality, helps to understand and accept the humanistic values ​​of society, and determine one’s place in the world of nature and human existence. The cultural component of the course makes it possible to actively use literary works, folklore, artistic and musical heritage in the textbook. Thus, “The World around us” as a subject can play an integrating role in the education system of a primary school student and create a holistic perception of the world around us.

The course content covers a wide range of issues, while nature, man and society are considered in their inextricable, organic unity. This ensures a holistic perception of the surrounding world, creates conditions for the appropriation of new knowledge, the formation and awareness of the rules, responsibilities and norms of interaction between man and nature, man and society. It is important to note that the authors create a system of perception of the surrounding world, the starting point of which is the child himself. This technique allows you to intensify the student’s activity in the lesson. Knowledge of the surrounding world is carried out through the prism of each child’s personal perception of the images, colors and sounds of nature and culture. By observing and exploring the world around us, the student makes discoveries about the multifaceted connections between man and nature, the natural connections between living and inanimate nature, and the connections between all living things on Earth. More profound than life experience The child gets to know the world of his immediate social environment: the role of the school, the intrinsic value of the family, family traditions and the cultural heritage of the people as constituting the spiritual wealth of a person.

The World Around us course uses a variety of teaching methods and forms. Students observe natural phenomena and public life with the help of a teacher, parents or an afterschool group teacher, perform practical work and simple experiments. Conversations, didactic and role-playing games. This activity is complemented by coloring, drawing, designing, viewing transparencies and video clips.

The world. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks of the “Perspective” system. 1-4 grades.

The work programs have been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO for the completed subject line of textbooks “The World Around us” of the “Perspective” textbook system. The work programs define the goals and objectives of teaching a course on the surrounding world in primary school, general characteristics course, place of course in curriculum, as well as personal, subject and meta-subject results mastering the course. In addition, the programs offer approaches to structuring educational material and to the organization of student activities, the main content of the course, thematic planning with characteristics of the main types of activities of students, a description of material and technical support.

Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world. Textbook. 1 class. In 2 parts (Part 1 – 96 pp., Part 2 – 96 pp.)

The textbook material allows students to comprehend the relationship and significance of nature and culture in human life and get acquainted with different areas of natural science and cultural knowledge. The textbook includes sections “We and our world”, “Our class”, “Our home and family”, “City and village”, “Native country” and “Man in the world around us”. The topics of the sections show the role and importance of man in the world, introduces the cultural heritage of different peoples of Russia, health issues, and environmental problems.

The textbook is supplemented with a workbook and lesson plans for the teacher.

Contents of the textbook and symbols:

Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world. Workbook. 1 class. In 2 parts (Part 1 – 80 pp., Part 2 – 64 pp.)

The notebook contains tasks that contribute to the development of children's memory, thinking, observation skills, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, independently drawing conclusions and generalizing the material. The manual will help teachers organize the educational process more effectively.

Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. and others. The world around us. Methodological manual with lesson developments. 1 class

The manual offers lesson notes for all topics of the textbook “The World around us. 1 class". Lesson notes are developed taking into account materials and assignments in workbooks on the surrounding world and on the basics of life safety. In addition, the methodological manual offers materials that facilitate the teacher’s preparation for the lesson, which indicate goals, planned results, types of work, physical education, and additional materials.

Anastasova L.P., Izhevsky P.V., Ivanova N.V. (Ed. Pleshakov A.A.) The world around us. Fundamentals of life safety. Workbook. 1st grade (80 pp.)

The notebook contains material on the basics of a healthy and safe lifestyle in accordance with the program of the textbook “The World around us. 1 class". Schoolchildren will learn about various dangerous and emergency situations, learn to act competently if such a situation occurs, learn to anticipate and avoid danger (when the child is alone at home, when he uses public transport, crosses the street, etc.)

Contents and symbols:

Izhevsky P.V. The world. Fundamentals of life safety. Toolkit. 1st grade (80 pp.)

Electronic application

Electronic application is an interactive multimedia component of the educational and methodological set “The World around us. 1st class” by A. A. Pleshakov and M. Yu. Novitskaya. The application can be used in different forms: for students to work in the classroom together with the teacher, and for children to work at home.

The manual includes more than 500 multimedia resources various types:

The electronic application significantly expands and complements the information and educational space of the educational complex. The application consists of 57 lessons corresponding to the topics of the textbook. All lessons are grouped into sections “We and our world”, “Our class”, “Our home and family”, “City and village”, “Native country”, “Man and the world around us”.

If you have already completed the first part,

By tradition, we continue to publish a series of high-quality ready-made homework assignments for the Perspective program. This time, the solution book on the subject of the world around us for 4th grade will be in view. Answers to the 5th edition. The authors of the textbook and workbook are Pleshakov and Novitskaya. Workbook for 2017.

The world around us is a lesson where there is a place for creativity, where a child needs to find a lot of material himself in books and other additional sources, and this usually takes a lot of time, and it takes the whole day to prepare for the lesson. That's why we prepared the homework for you. Now it will be much easier to do your homework, because all the answers on our 7guru website are collected on one page and you don’t need to go through a bunch of sites to find the right answers to the assignments.

Our GDZ are checked and approved by the teacher primary classes.

Answers to tasks The world around us, grade 4, part 1



1. My first society is my family.

Our common goals: to live in peace and harmony, to be together, to be friendly, to love each other.

Our common activities and interests: cleaning the house, going out into nature, receiving guests, playing sports in the gym or at the stadium, working in the garden, walking together, traveling.

2. We are already in 4th grade!

Our common goals are to study well, gain knowledge, and be friends.

Our common affairs and interests: school lessons, sport competitions, participation in holidays, matinees, school olympiads, competitions, trips to the theater, cinema, trips to nature.

3. In the red circles, write down the names of the communities to which you are a member by birth and place of residence; in the green circles, write down the names of the communities you chose yourself.

In red circles: family, school.

In green circles: handicrafts club, sports section, music school, chess club, etc.

4. Read the list of words. Use a green pencil to underline the words whose meanings you understand. Write down the words you don't understand.

An artel is an association of people to work together (team).
Brotherhood is a union of people by faith.
Fellowship is a society of fellow countrymen who were born or lived in the same city or village.
A circle is a community of people with interests or hobbies, for example, a handicrafts group or a literary group.
A coalition is a union of countries for the sake of some common goals.
A league is usually an association of sports teams.
The world is humanity, the global community, or a gathering, a meeting of fellow villagers...
A party is an association of people based on political interests, a political party.
Advice is a joint discussion between people about certain issues.
A meeting is the presence of people in one place to discuss certain topics, for example, a parent-teacher meeting.
A union is usually a community of states or organizations.
Pleiades is an association of outstanding people, for example, scientists.
A partnership is a society of friends or a form of enterprise.
Company - a group of friends, acquaintances.
Federation is a union of territories within a state.
A team is a group of people united by something.

Explain orally what the meanings of these words have in common. How are they different?

These are all communities. They differ in interests, size, and composition.


1. Look at the photographs. Using a textbook, formulate and write down what unites all citizens of our country into a single people.

History, art, culture, patriotism, labor.

2. Using drawings or photographs with captions, write a story on the theme: “We are different, we are together!” In the captions to the illustrations, reflect what events are the common property of the peoples of your region, what is being created now by common labor for the benefit of all.

Here you can place photographs of the following events: city (or school) cleanup, May 9 parade, city day, tree planting on city streets, sports competitions.

Pictures for printing:

3. "My project is for the benefit of Russia." Come up with and describe your project for the benefit of your native country. Complete the description with drawings and diagrams.

Project name: Free Library.

Goal: To help the residents of my neighborhood or city fall in love with reading books. Instill in children a love of reading.

Resources: A few old bookshelves or cabinets, books, a few like-minded people, tools for setting up “free libraries.”

I love to read, we have a lot of books at home. My neighbors have a lot of books that they no longer need and are ready to give them to someone for free. I propose to install “free libraries” in several places in my city (district, park). They can be made from old bookcases that people throw away.

Each such library cabinet must be installed in a public place (in a park, on the street, on a playground). Post an announcement: “Dear residents of our city! There is a free library for you. You can borrow books for free and, after reading, return them to their place or leave them at home. Please also fill this locker. Do not throw away literature! Bring your books here, and they will find their readers!

I am sure that my project will be of interest to many residents of our city. And perhaps many children will love to read and will watch less TV and play on the tablet. This will serve for the benefit of Russia!

Pictures for the project:

CONSTITUTION OF RUSSIA, GDZ website to pp. 10-11

1. Read the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Think and tell us what significance these articles of the Constitution have for you, your family and friends.

The Constitution is the fundamental law of our country. It guarantees my rights and talks about my responsibilities. For example, I can receive free education at school or medical care. My parents must pay taxes and obey the laws of our state.

2. From the given articles of the Constitution, write down examples of the rights and duties of a person and a citizen.

Rights: Everyone has the right to life. Everyone has the right to speak their native language. Everyone has the right to rest. Everyone has the right to medical care. Everyone has the right to education.

Responsibilities: Everyone is obliged to protect historical and cultural monuments. Everyone is required to pay taxes and fees. Everyone has a responsibility to preserve nature.

Page 12-13. CHILD'S RIGHTS

1. Using the textbook text on p. 16-17, write down what rights of the child are illustrated by these photographs.

Right to life, family; right to education; right to health; right to rest.

2. In additional literature or on the Internet, get acquainted with the ten principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Write down 2-3 principles that you consider the most important. You can express their meaning in your own words.

Principle 1: Children everywhere have the following rights.
Principle 2: Every child has the right to grow and develop normally.
Principle 3: Every child has the right to a name and a nationality.
Principle 4: Every child has the right to housing (house), food, and medical care.
Principle 5: If a child has a physical disability (disabled), he has the right to special care and attention.
Principle 6: Every child has the right to parental care, and if he does not have a family, then he has the right to care from the state.
Principle 7: Every child has the right to study and receive an education.
Principle 8: Child protection and assistance must come first (child protection before adult protection).
Principle 9: Every child should be protected from violence and cruelty.
Principle 10: Every child has the right to grow up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, the child must be protected from hatred and discrimination.


1. Copy from the text of the textbook words whose meaning you do not understand. Use a dictionary to write down the interpretations of words.

A democratic republic is a state where government is elected by the people.
A referendum is a popular vote on important issues.
Election is a procedure for electing someone through secret voting.

2. Find out from the photographs in the textbook and label these buildings. One of them is not presented in the textbook. Find out about it using other sources of information.

Imagine that you were elected President of our country. Describe your activities according to the points of the plan.

1. My goal: To make people in Russia live better, to revive State industry, to provide people with housing and to increase wages.

2. My first decree:

Add salaries to teachers and doctors at the expense of the salaries of deputies.
(or) Build new school in our area
(or) Increase pensions for all pensioners so that they have enough to live on

3. My helpers: Friends and a team of people I can trust.

4. My responsibility: I will be responsible to the people for my activities as president.

5. Russia will not depend on other countries and will be able to provide all the needs of its people, and the people will live better.

Page 16-19. RUSSIAN UNION OF Equals

1. Using illustrations from the textbook, label the flags and coats of arms of some Russian republics.
2. Cut out the flags from the Appendix and paste them into the appropriate windows.
3. Using the text of the textbook, match the names of some republics of Russia and their capitals. Connect with lines.

Republic of Adygea - Maykop
Republic of Khakassia - Abakan
Republic of Karelia - Petrozavodsk
Republic of Bashkortostan - Ufa
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Yakutsk

4. Using additional literature and the Internet, identify and sign the flags and coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. Project "Travel to one of the republics of the Russian Federation"
Find information and prepare a report about one of the republics of the Russian Federation (of your choice.)

Project "Travel to the Republic of Adygea"

1.) The capital of the republic is the city of Maykop with a population of 144 thousand people.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Adygea is a circle framed on top by a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Adyghe and Russian. In the middle of the ribbon there is a large star, on the sides there are oak and maple leaves (on the left), golden ears of wheat, and ears of corn (on the right). In the circle there is an inscription “ Russian Federation» in Russian and Adyghe languages. Below is the national table - ane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle - main character Nart epic Sauseryko on a fiery flying horse.

3.) Flag of Adygea.

The state flag of the Republic of Adygea is a rectangular green panel, which depicts twelve golden stars and three golden crossed arrows pointing upward. Twelve stars mean 12 Adyghe (Circassian) tribes, and 3 arrows mean 3 ancient Adyghe princely families. Three crossed arrows denote their unity. The green color of the cloth symbolizes the religion of Islam.

The national anthem of the Republic of Adygea is a musical and poetic work based on poems by I. Mashbash and music by U. Thabisimov.

Glory, live, Adygea,
A country dear to my heart.
Warmed our peoples
She kindly agrees.

Sunny land,
The Republic is our common home.
Take wings,
Republic, grow stronger by work,
Our bright dream.

The ancestors chose
A wonderful place for us
Courage, wisdom and strength
The Caucasus was given to us by our grandfathers.

Proudly with a free soul,
Go with Russia,
Your sun is above you,
The storms of adversity are behind us.

Native sky and fields
Will be forever in our hearts,
They will be for us while they are alive,
In our destiny and deeds.

5.) Official language Russian and Adyghe.

6.) The territory of the republic is surrounded on all sides by territory Krasnodar region.

7.) A significant part of the Caucasus State Nature Reserve is concentrated on the territory of the Republic, all the riches of which are included in the World Natural Heritage List. Adygea is home to famous thermal springs, the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, and the Mountain Adygea National Natural Park.

8.) Among the historical and cultural monuments, the Maikop mound “Oshad”, the monument to the cross to the executed Cossacks, and the memorial complex “Friendship Square” are known. In mountainous areas there are tombs of the Middle Bronze Age dolmen culture - dolmens. In the Maykop region, archaeologists find sites of ancient people.
The oldest cultural monument of the Adyghe ethnic group is the Nart epic, which is based on tales about the origin and adventures of heroic heroes (“Narts”).

9) Among the outstanding citizens of Adygea:
heroes Soviet Union(Andrukhaev Kh.B., Achmizov A.A., Bzhigakov K.B.) and heroes of Russia (Garmash A.V., Dolonin V.A., Klupov R.M., Gadagatl, Asker Magamudovich - Russian scientist-nartologist, People's poet of the Republic of Adygea.
People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of Adygea, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Teuchezh Kat and other citizens.

10.) Modern achievements of the Republic of Adygea.

The Republic of Adygea has its own food products, tourism, horse breeding, sports, and agriculture are developed. In modern Adygea there are about 90 large and medium-sized enterprises representing 11 industries. Food industry enterprises produce canned meat and fruit and vegetables, confectionery, pasta, wine and vodka products, beer and dairy products. Adygea has great forest resources, which are represented mainly by hard-leaved coniferous species.

Page 20-21. STATE BORDER OF RUSSIA. GDZ website

1. Copy from the lesson text words whose meanings you do not understand. Use a dictionary to write down the interpretation of these words.

A state border is a line that shows the boundaries of a country.
Sovereignty is independence.
A visa is a document that allows you to enter a foreign country.
Customs is a special government service that controls the entry and exit of citizens from the country.

2. Using the map on p. 21 determine which states Russia borders with. Write it down.

On land, Russia borders on the following countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea).

At sea, Russia borders with Japan and the USA.

Using a map, match the names of the countries and their capitals. Connect with lines.

Ukraine, Kyiv
China - Beijing
Kazakhstan, Astana
Finland - Helsinki
Belarus - Minsk

Answers website to pp. 22-23. TRAVEL ABROAD OF RUSSIA

1. Compare proverbs of different nations about good relations between neighbors. What do proverbs have in common? What's different about them? How do you explain the differences?

Choose one of the proverbs of the peoples of your region that are suitable in meaning. Write it down.

A close neighbor is better than distant relatives.
Living with neighbors means being in conversations.
As are the neighbors, so is the conversation.
Don't buy a yard, buy a neighbor.
The hostess didn’t provide lunch, so apparently they were pushing towards their neighbor.
There is no greater problem than bad neighbors.
It’s a bad life if you don’t make friends with your neighbors.
Let your neighbor into the house, and become a neighbor yourself.
Be friends with your neighbor, but hold on to your saber.
Be friends with your neighbor, but stay the city.
The neighbor doesn't want it, so the world won't.
Neighborhood is a mutual affair.
Then the neighbor is kind when the bag is full.
A good neighbor is the greatest relative.
It’s good when the neighbor is close and the fence is low.
It's a bad thing to offend a neighbor.
How can you annoy your neighbor more than with your tongue?
Thistles and thistles creep from neighbor to neighbor under the meadow.
Whatever you have at home, don’t go to your neighbor for.

Do you think these proverbs apply to relations between neighboring countries? Write down in your own words what relations between countries should be like.

These proverbs apply to relations between neighboring countries. Relations between countries should be friendly and respectful; countries should help each other in difficulties.

2. Read the description of the Belarusian game "Mayalka". Based on the description, make a diagram of it.

3. The Mongolians' favorite game is chess. Look at the photographs of Mongolian chess and determine what animals they depict. Write down the names of these animals.

Answer: from left to right: tiger (cat, or panther, or leopard), camel, dog, horse.


1. Using the model given in the textbook, fill out the table. Include natural features of your region. Use additional literature and the Internet.

Name - what language the name comes from, what it means according to the interpretations of some scientists.

Moscow region:

Oka River - translated from Gothic as “river”, in Old German as “water”, “river”.
Istra River - translated from Lithuanian as “stream”, “current”.
Volga River - the Russian name Volga (Old Slavic Vlga) comes from the Proto-Slavic Vьlga, cf. volgly - vologa - moisture.
Moskva River - from the Finno-Ugric group of languages ​​means “wet, marshy place”, in the Old Russian language “moskv” - “viscous, marshy” or “swamp, dampness, moisture, liquid”.

Leningrad region:

Neva River - from the Finnish word "neva" - swamp (deep), from the Swedish word "nu" - new.
the Narva River - translated from the Vepsian language - “threshold”.
Lake Ladoga - Ladoga translated from Finnish means “wave”.
Luga Canyon - from the name of the Luga River, translated from Estonian laugas - depression, pit, puddle, hole, or to tear, scatter.

Krasnodar region:

Tsemes Bay (Black Sea, Novorossiysk) - from the Circassians. "tsemeez" - insects and forest, mosquito place.
Markhotsky ridge is a mountain range along the Black Sea coast. In the Adyghe language - “Ozhin’s ridge”. Ozhina (azhina) - blackberry, wild berry.
Gelendzhik Bay received its name from the city of Gelendzhik (a city on the Black Sea coast), “Gelendzhik” in Arabic means “poplar”, in the Adyghe language it means “small pasture”.
Anapa Bay - from the name of the city of Anapa. "Anapa" - translated from Adyghe means " round table" - the semicircular shape of the bay resembles the traditional round table of the Circassians. "Anapa" from ancient Greek means "high cape".
Abrau (lake) - translated from Circassian means “cliff”.

2. Read Chuvash proverbs. Match them with proverbs from the peoples of your region that are suitable in meaning.

In days of happiness, be pure in heart, in days of sorrow, be strong in heart.

In times of misfortune, do not be discouraged, but overcome sadness. (Russian)
Curls curl from joy, and split from sadness. (Russian)
Sadness is visible in the clear eyes, and sadness is visible in the white face. (Russian)
Moths eat clothes, grief eats people. (Ukr.)

The water of wisdom does not rest on the mountain peaks of pride.

I'm proud to be stupid. (Russian)
You can't jump higher than yourself. (Russian)
You can't jump above your head. (Russian)
You can't jump higher than yourself. (Russian)
Poverty humbles even the wise. (Russian)

If you have friends, you are as deep as the Volga; if you don’t, they are as shallow as a puddle.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. (Russian)
A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends. (Russian)
If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. (Russian)
A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend. (Russian)
Holding on to each other means not being afraid of anything. (Russian)

3. Find out in additional sources who was the first to create the alphabet for your native language. Write down information about this person. If possible, include his portrait.

How the Slavic and Russian alphabet was created.

In the 9th century in Byzantium, in the city of Thessaloniki (now the city of Thessaloniki in Greece), two brothers lived - Constantine and Methodius. Constantine, having become a monk, received a new name - Cyril. The brothers were wise and very educated people. The Greek king Michael sent these brothers to the Slavs in response to the request of the Slavic prince Rostislav.

Cyril and Methodius took the Greek alphabet and adapted it for sounds Slavic language. Thus was created Slavic alphabet, called "Cyrillic" - after the name of one of the brothers. Subsequently, the Slavic alphabet served as the basis for the Russian alphabet.


1. Compare the description of frosty weather in the poem by K.L. Khetagurova and in an excerpt from the prose of Yu.S. Rytkheu on page 46 of the textbook. Draw an illustration for one of these texts.

Oral response: Both authors describe the harsh winter of their homeland. If in Khetagurov’s poem we read about the nature of the Caucasus Mountains, then the Chukotka writer Rytkheu recalls the nature of Chukotka. In the Caucasus mountains a wild sheep rises on a cliff, while in Chukotka a local boy surveys the sky to understand what the weather will be like today.

You can draw the following illustrations: a mountain sheep on the slope of a steep mountain or a boy standing by a yuranga.

2. Draw an illustration for one of the works of writers from your region (optional), where the beauty of your native nature is glorified. You can paste photos.

You can draw the following pictures:

to Prishvin's story "Golden Meadow"
to Bianchi's story "Forest Houses"
to Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow"

3. Yu.S. compared it to a magic mountain. Rytkheu Russian culture, which he knew well and with which he sought to introduce his people. Try to briefly explain the meaning of this comparison. Write down your thought.

Russian culture seemed to the Chukchi writer like a mountain, because it is just as huge, great, maybe even incomprehensible. The mountain can be seen from afar; you cannot pass by and not notice the mountain, just as you cannot pass by Russian culture. The Magic Mountain is fraught with many riches and mysteries, just like Russian culture. That's why Y.S. Rytkheu compared Russian culture to a magic mountain.


Pages 28-31. MAP - OUR TOUR GUIDE

1. In front of you is an outline map of Russia. Compare it with the map in the textbook. What are the similarities and differences?

The map in the workbook is newer and more modern. On it, the Crimean peninsula is designated as part of Russian territory. In the figure, the Crimea peninsula is highlighted in red.
IN contour map no city names settlements, regions and territories.
The contour map does not have territories coloured; only land and sea can be seen on it.

2. Using the map in the textbook, circle the state border of Russia on the contour map. Write the name of the capital of Russia.

3. Write the name of your city...

4. Redraw the symbols.

5. From the textbook text (p. 52), write out the digital data characterizing the territory of Russia.

Russia occupies more than 1/9 of the Earth's landmass. The length of Russian territory from north to south is over 4 thousand kilometers. The length of Russian territory from west to east is about 9 thousand kilometers.

6. If you have visited any parts of Russia, place your photographs or make drawings here.

If you are so lazy that you are too lazy to draw where you have personally visited or print and paste a personal photo, even on the Black Sea, photos of places can be taken from us in the State House of Culture on tab 68-72.


2. Label the hill and mountain on the diagram. Finish drawing up the diagram: indicate with arrows the parts of the hill and mountain.

On the left is a hill, on the right is a mountain. At the very bottom is the foot, the very peak is the top, and between them is the slope.

3. Using the textbook map, fill in the table.

Name of the mountain - height of the mountain

Elbrus - 5642
Klyuchevskaya Sopka 4688
Belukha 4506
People's 1895

4. Make drawings showing the shapes of the earth's surface of your region, or place a photograph.

If you live on a plain, draw a plain with grass, small hills and holes. If in the mountains, draw mountains. If there are hills around you, draw hills and springs. Each edge has its own pattern.
An example of a drawing with hills and mountains:

5. Using additional literature and the Internet, prepare a report about any plains or mountains in Russia or your region. Write down the basic information for your message. Please indicate the source of information.

The Caucasus Mountains are a mountain system between the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. Divided into two mountain systems: Greater Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus. The Greater Caucasus extends over more than 1,100 km. The most famous peaks - Mount Elbrus (5642 m) and Mount Kazbek (5033 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers. The mountains near Sochi - Aishkho, Aibga, Chigush, Pseashkho - hosted winter Olympic Games 2014.

The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, separated by deep river valleys and vast intramountain and intermountain basins. Altai is located where the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan meet. The most high peak Altai - Mount Belukha (4506 m).

The West Siberian Plain is a plain in northern Asia that occupies the entire western part Siberia from the Ural Mountains in the west to the Central Siberian Plateau in the east. In the north it is limited by the coast of the Kara Sea, in the south it extends to the Kazakh small hills, in the southeast the West Siberian Plain, gradually rising, gives way to the foothills of Altai, Salair, Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria. The plain has the shape of a trapezoid tapering to the north: the distance from its southern border to the northern reaches almost 2500 km, the width is from 800 to 1900 km, and the area is only slightly less than 3 million km².


Practical work "Study of minerals".

1. Examine a sample of a mineral. Using the illustrations in the textbook or the identification atlas, find out its name.

Write down: coal.

2. Establish the properties of the mineral. Write down:

Coal is a solid mineral, the color is black, opaque, dense, has a shine and a slight odor. Coal is a combustible mineral.

3. Using your textbook, fill out the table.

Comparison of oil and natural gas

Features for comparison - Oil - Natural gas

Origin - Formed from the remains of plants and animals - Formed from the remains of plants and animals

Properties - Thick, oily, liquid, dark in color, with a pungent odor - Colorless, light, flammable, odorless.

Application - Fuel, oils, plastics, fibers for textiles - Fuel, plastics, fibers of valuable materials

Extraction methods - Drilling wells - Wells

Transportation methods - Oil pipeline, railway tanks, oil tankers - Gas pipeline, gas tankers

Careful attitude - Oil spills must not be allowed during production and transportation - Gas must be saved, leaks must not be allowed in everyday life.

pp. 36-37. OUR RIVERS

3. Using the map and text from the textbook, connect the names of rivers and the cities that are built on them with lilies.

Volga - Kazan
Kama - Perm
Oka - Kolomna
Moscow River - Moscow
Neva - St. Petersburg
Don - Rostov-on-Don
Ob - Novosibirsk
Yenisei - Krasnoyarsk
Lena - Yakutsk
Amur - Khabarovsk

5. Using additional literature, prepare a report about any river in Russia, in your region (optional). Write down the basic information for your message. Please indicate the source of information.

The Volga is a river in the European part of Russia. It is one of the largest rivers on Earth and the longest in Europe. The part of Russian territory adjacent to the Volga is called the Volga region. The length of the river is 3530 km, and the area of ​​its drainage basin is 1.361 million km². There are four millionaire cities on the Volga: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd. 8 hydroelectric power stations were built on the Volga. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

Kuban is a river in Russia in the North Caucasus, originating in the mountains of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Elbrus). The name of the river, translated from the Karachay-Balkar language, means “rising, overflowing river” or “stream”. Length 870 km, basin area 58 thousand km². It flows through the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. Kuban flows into the Sea of ​​Azov.

Yenisei is a river in Siberia, one of the greatest rivers in the world and Russia. It flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. Length - 3487 km. Yenisei is a natural border between Western and Eastern Siberia. From the Sayan Mountains to the Arctic Ocean, the Yenisei passes through everything climatic zones Siberia. Camels live in its upper reaches, and polar bears live in its lower reaches. The name comes from the Evenk “Yoandesi” - big water.


2. What lakes are we talking about?

The largest lake in our country is the Caspian Sea.
The deepest lake in Russia and the whole world is Lake Baikal.
The largest lake in the European part of Russia and all of Europe is Lake Ladoga.
The second largest lake in the European part of Russia is Lake Onega.
One of the most beautiful lakes of the East European Plain is Lake Seliger.
One of the most beautiful lakes in Altai is Lake Teletskoye.

3. On what lakes are these attractions located?

Valaam Monastery - on Lake Ladoga.
Wooden churches of Kizhi Island - on Lake Onega.

pp. 40-41. BY THE SEA

3. Using information from the textbook text, fill out the table.

Features of the White and Black Seas

Features of the seas - White Sea - Black Sea

Depth - 350 m - 2210 m

Water temperature in summer - from + 6 to + 15 - above +25

Sea conditions in winter - Covered with ice - Does not freeze

4. Look at the photo at the Solovetsky Monastery - one of the shrines of Russia. Write the name of the sea on which it is located.

Answer: White Sea.

Tell us what you know about this monastery.

Solovetsky Monastery - Russian monastery Orthodox Church, located on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea. It arose in 1429–1430, built from St. stone. Philip (Kolychev). At Soviet power The country's first special purpose camp (prison) operated on the territory of the monastery. Monastic life was resumed in 1990. In 1992, the complex of monuments of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


1. Here is a contour map of the natural zones of Russia. Compare it with the map of natural areas in the textbook. What are the similarities and differences?

Similarities: the border of Russia is marked, the names of rivers, lakes, and seas are indicated.
Differences: on the outline map of Russia, the Crimea Peninsula is already Russian territory, on the map in the textbook it is not.
On the map in the textbook, natural areas are indicated in different colors. The names of cities are shown on the map in the textbook.

4. Using the map in the textbook, fill in the rectangles according to the color designation on the map of natural areas...

See textbook, pp. 74-75.

5. Number the main natural zones in the order of their change from north to south:

1 arctic desert
2 tundra
3 taiga
4 mixed and deciduous forests
5 steppes
6 deserts
7 subtropics

7. Think about what you would like to know about the natural areas of Russia. Write down your questions. As you explore natural areas, try to find answers to these questions.

Are there animals in the Arctic desert?
Is there summer in the Arctic desert? Does the snow ever melt there?
What plants grow in the tundra?
Why do the Northern Lights only happen in the North?
What grows in the desert?
What do animals eat in the desert? Where do they find water?

pp. 46-47. IN THE ICY DESERT

2. Read the textbook text on pp. 78-79. Write down the supporting words and use them to talk about the Arctic desert zone.

Answer: Ice zone, Arctic islands, polar night, polar day, Polar Lights, snow, ice, wind, low temperature (up to 60)

3. Do you know the fauna of the Arctic deserts? Cut out the pictures from the application and arrange them correctly. After checking, paste the pictures.

4. Imagine that you are in the Arctic desert zone on a scientific expedition. Draw yourself and what you see around you.

5. Draw a diagram of the food chain characteristic of Arctic deserts.

Fish-seals-polar bears

For those who are interested in this topic, we have prepared a report (presentation) about the polar bear >>


2. Read the text of the textbook on pp. 82-83. Write down the supporting words and use them to talk about the tundra zone.

Key words: cold treeless plain, long winter, polar night, polar day, cold winds, permafrost, swamps, lakes.

4. Do you know the living world of the tundra? Cut out the pictures and arrange them correctly.

5. Draw a diagram of the food chain characteristic of the tundra.

Plants-lemmings-owls and arctic foxes.
Moss reindeer-wolf.

6. In additional literature, on the Internet, find information about any plant or animal of the tundra, prepare a message. Write down basic information. Indicate the source of information

Lemmings are rodents that live in the tundra. They are very similar to mice, but slightly larger (10-15 cm). Lemmings have a dense build, short legs and a tail. The color is one-color, grayish-brown or variegated. Lemmings change their fur coat in winter to a light, white one, and the claws on their front paws grow, taking on the shape of hoof-flippers. Lemmings make their nests right on the ground. They feed on shrubs and mosses, eating twice their body weight in a day.

The reindeer living in the tundra is exactly the deer from the fairy tale" The Snow Queen", who carried Gerda to North Pole. Reindeer is a cloven-hoofed mammal. Constantly migrates, feeds mainly on lichens. The main one is moss. Nine months of the year quench your thirst with snow. Reindeer are domesticated and are an important source of food and materials for many polar peoples.


2. Look at the picture. Mark taiga trees in green (fill in the circle), deciduous forest trees in yellow.

3. Come up with and draw diagrams showing the differences between taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests. Draw trees in diagrams as conventional silhouettes.

4. Create a nutrition plan typical for the taiga.

Elk and brown bear deer plants.
Plants - vole, chipmunk, birds, hares - lynx

5. In the book "Green Pages" read about some plant or animal of the forest zones. Write down 1-2 interesting facts.

Squirrel. The squirrel lives in a hollow or builds a nest from branches and moss. The walls of the nest are thick - up to 50 cm. When the frost is 10 degrees, the temperature inside the nest can be more than 10 degrees. The main food of squirrels is seeds coniferous trees. In winter, this animal can empty 300 pine cones in a day.

Fox. Although the fox is considered the hare's main enemy, its main food is mice and voles. A fox can hear the squeak of a mouse 100 meters away. Fox hunting for rodents is called mouse hunting.


2. Read the text of the textbook on p. 90-91. write down the supporting words and use them to talk about the steppe zone.

Answer: steppe, dry summer, dry hot winds, dust storms, heavy rains, black soil, plowed fields.

3. Do you know the living world of the steppes? Cut out the pictures from the application and arrange them correctly.

4. The guys were tasked with giving examples of steppe animals. Which of the guys answered without errors?

Answer: Taras.

5. Make a nutrition plan typical for the steppe.

plant seeds - hamster - kestrel

pp. 54-55. IN THE HOT DESERT

2. Read the text of the textbook on p. 94-95. Write down the supporting words and use them to talk about the desert zone.

Answer: hot sun, few plants, bare earth, desert, sandy and clayey deserts, dunes, takyr, poor soil, lack of water, little precipitation.

4. Imagine that you are in the desert on a scientific expedition. Draw yourself and what you see around you.

5. Draw a diagram of the food chain characteristic of the desert.

camel thorn - camel - scarab beetle - eared hedgehog

pp. 56-57. BY THE WARM SEA

2. Read the text of the textbook on p. 98-99. Find in the text an explanation of the reasons for warm winters on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the southern coast of Crimea. Write this explanation in your own words.

Answer: The Black Sea heats up in summer and releases heat in winter. And high mountains protect from cold winds, so winters here are warm.

3. Using the textbook, start filling out the table.

Animals of the Black Sea and its coast
Inhabitants of the land: Roe deer Cicada Caucasian lizard Podaryr butterfly Mediterranean turtle.
Land dwellers that forage for food in the sea: Seagull Cormorant Diving duck Petrel Sea crab.
Sea inhabitants: Dolphin Jellyfish Mussel Fish: mullet, horse mackerel, sea bass, goby, sea ruffe, oleander hawk moth.

4. Draw up a nutritional plan typical for the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the southern coast of Crimea.

Butterflies, cicadas-mantis-lizard
Cormorant fish and seagulls.

5. Find it on the Internet Additional information about plants or animals of the Black Sea coast. Write down 2-3 interesting facts.

Black Sea bottlenose dolphin

Dolphins are not fish, but mammals! There are 3 species of dolphins in the Black Sea, the largest are bottlenose dolphins, they are also the most common inhabitants of dolphinariums.
Scientists have been studying dolphins for a long time, some believe that they have intelligence. Experiments and observations show that dolphins have their own language; they call each other by name.
The bottlenose dolphin lives up to 30 years, the weight of the animal reaches 300 kilograms. Body length is up to two and a half meters.
Dolphins feed mainly on fish and also shellfish. They dive to a depth of 200 meters.
The body temperature of the Black Sea dolphin is 36.6 degrees, like that of a human.


1. Based on the description of the Karelian game “Gurizekh” (“Batters”), draw its diagram.

2. Read the proverbs of the Komi and Udmurts. Match them with proverbs of the peoples of your region that are suitable in meaning. Write them down.

Help yourself first, and then accept help from a friend.

Get lost yourself, and help your comrade.
To save a friend is to save yourself.
Rely on your friend and help him out yourself.
Whoever faces everyone, to him good people not with your back.
He who helps each other overcomes the enemy.

Personal benefit is like dew on the grass, brotherly benefit is like the sky high.

Proverbs that fit the meaning:
The happiness of the Motherland is more valuable than life.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
Unity and brotherhood are great strength. (ukr)

In a beautiful forest the pine trees are beautiful

Proverbs that fit the meaning:
It is not the place that makes the person, but the person that makes the place.
The place is famous for its people. (Azerb.)
Every pine tree makes noise in its own forest.
Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.
There are many different lands, but the native one is the most distant.

What do these proverbs teach?

Proverbs teach to love people, to help them, to put common interests first and then your own, to love your homeland.

3. Write down on a separate sheet of paper a fairy tale about animals, plants or a folk legend about the origin of the name of a natural object.

Here you need either simply folk tales about animals and plants (turnip, tower, crane and heron, etc.), or better yet, legends that explain the origin of the name of a plant, animal or place in your area.

For example, where did the name daisy flower come from? There lived a girl in the world and she had a loved one - Roman. He made gifts for her with his own hands, turning every day of the girl’s life into a holiday! Once in a dream, Roman dreamed of a simple but very delicate flower - a yellow center and white rays radiating to the sides from it. When he woke up, he made such a flower and gave it to his girlfriend. And the girl wanted the flower to be alive, real. Roman went in search of this flower and found it in the land of Eternal Dreams. But the king of this country did not give the flower away just like that. The ruler told Roman that people would receive a whole field of chamomile if the young man remained in his country. The girl waited for her beloved for a very long time, but one morning she woke up and saw a huge white and yellow field outside the window. Then the girl realized that her Roman would not return and named the flower in honor of her beloved - Chamomile! Now girls tell fortunes using a daisy - “Loves - doesn’t love!”


1. Read the game description Siberian peoples"Deer". Play this game with your friends.

Draw an illustration for the game or download a photo of the game, print and stick it.

3. Fishing is a traditional occupation of many peoples of Siberia and Far East. Using the identification atlas, find out the names of these fish and sign them. What does chum salmon look like?

The pictures show pink salmon and taimen. And here is the chum salmon:

GDZ website to pages 62-63. HOW TO SAVE THE NATURE OF RUSSIA

1. 1. Think and write down what ecological problems, which arose in the Arctic deserts and tundra, are expressed by these signs.

Pollution of seas and islands with harmful substances from passing ships (fuel oil, various garbage). Solution to the problem: Compliance with special rules by ship crews and tourists.

Pollution of tundra soil with oil during its extraction. Solution to the problem: apply environmentally friendly methods of oil production.

Damage and destruction of soil and vegetation cover of the tundra by heavy transport equipment. Solution to the problem: use of vehicles on special ultra-low pressure tires.

2. Think and write down what environmental problems that have arisen in forests, steppes and deserts are expressed by these signs.

Excessive deforestation, littering of forests after deforestation. Solution to the problem: Treat forests with care and plant new trees where they are cut down. Using waste paper instead of wood.

Overgrazing of livestock in the steppe zone leads to the disappearance of plants and soil destruction, leading to desertification. Solution to the problem: follow the rules of grazing livestock, do not graze livestock for a long time in one place.

Due to the disappearance of plants in the steppe, the soil is destroyed, and there is more shifting sand, which covers houses and roads. Solution to the problem: prevent overgrazing of livestock and the disappearance of plants.

3. Think and write down what environmental problems that have arisen in the subtropical zone are expressed by these signs.

Pollution of the sea and shores wastewater and debris from passing ships. Solution to the problem: construction of treatment facilities, compliance with sanitary rules by ship crews.

Illegal deforestation of mountain forests, destruction of trees by tourists. Solution to the problem: a ban on deforestation, authorities must strictly enforce laws on forest protection.

Destruction of the animal and flora vacationers. Solution to the problem: All people should treat nature with care: do not catch insects, do not write on tree trunks, do not break branches, do not pick flowers.


1. Label the drawings of animals of the Arctic deserts and tundra listed in the Red Book of Russia. If necessary, consult your textbook for help.

2. Sign the drawings of plants and animals of forest zones listed in the Red Book of Russia. If necessary, consult your textbook for help.

3. Label the drawings of plants and animals of the steppes and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, included in the Red Book of Russia. If necessary, consult your textbook for help.

3. Get acquainted with the Red Book of your region. Write down basic information about her.

Title of the red book: “Red Book of the Amur Region” (or Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory, etc.)

How many species of organisms of different groups are included in the Red Book of your region.


1. Using the textbook, fill out the table.

Reserves and national parks of Russia

Natural areas - Examples of nature reserves and national parks

Arctic desert zone - Wrangel Island Nature Reserve, Great Arctic Nature Reserve

Tundra zone - Taimyr Nature Reserve, Kandalaksha Nature Reserve

Forest zones - Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, Oksky Reserve, Losiny Ostrov National Park, Meshchera National Park

Steppe zone - Rostov Nature Reserve, Orenburg Nature Reserve, Daursky Nature Reserve

Semi-deserts and deserts - Astrakhan Nature Reserve, Black Lands Nature Reserve

Subtropical zone - Sochi National Park, Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve

2. Write down a summary of your report on the assignments on p. 119 textbook.

Nature reserves and national parks are specially protected natural areas. In our country they have been created in every natural area in order to preserve rare plants and animals.

In the Arctic zone there is the Wrangel Island nature reserve. Its inhabitants: polar bears, walruses, musk oxen.

In the tundra there is the Taimyr Nature Reserve. Its inhabitants: wild reindeer, musk oxen.

Many reserves are located in the forest zone (see table above). Rare animals of this zone: bison, moose, wild boars, beavers and other animals and birds.

In the zone of steppes and forest-steppes there are nature reserves: Central Black Earth, Rostov, Orenburg, Daur.

In the zone of semi-deserts and deserts there are nature reserves: "Black Lands", "Astrakhan Reserve". Rare animals and birds: saiga, belladonna, bustard.

In the subtropical zone there is the Sochi National Park and the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

3. If possible, do it via the Internet virtual trip in a nature reserve (national park). Prepare a message about him. Write down the basic information for your message.

Barguzinsky Reserve

Barguzinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in Buryatia, on the territory of the North-Baikal region. It is the oldest nature reserve in Russia. It was created in 1917 as a sable reserve to preserve and increase the number of sables. This is the country's only state reserve established before the October Revolution of 1917.

Located on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky ridge (2840 m), including the northeastern coast and part of the waters of Lake Baikal. The area of ​​the reserve is 374,322 hectares, including 15,000 hectares of the protected water area of ​​Lake Baikal.

The reserve preserves all natural complexes where elk, musk deer, mountain hare, brown bear, shrews, black-capped marmot live - a total of 41 species of mammals. Baikal omul, whitefish, sturgeon, grayling, taimen, lenok and other species of fish are found in the waters of the reserve.

If you are already studying the second one, go here >>

On this page are the answers to the first part of the notebook. If you are already studying the second one, go here >>

Ready-made answers from a solution book on the subject “The World Around You” for grade 2 will help parents navigate and help their child prepare homework. We provide a workbook for part 1 of the workbook for the Perspective program. All answers to the assignments were written by 2nd grade student Maxim Egorov with the help of his parents, checked and approved by the primary school teacher. We will explain tasks that may cause difficulties to you. As answers, we also provide extended information on relevant topics, which can be read in the articles of our encyclopedia and used if the teacher asks you to prepare a report or presentation at home.

GDZ for part 1 of the workbook the world around us, grade 2

Photos for the story:

By following the link you can select other signs: all signs of living and inanimate nature about the weather >>

Photos for photo story:

Page 36. Autumn.

Autumn months.

1. In the first column, read aloud the names of the autumn months in the ancient Roman calendar. Compare their sound with the sound of modern Russian names for the autumn months. Write Russian names in the second column. Orally make a conclusion about their origin.

In the 2nd column we write from top to bottom: September October November

Find out from your elders and write down in the third column the names of the autumn months in the languages ​​of the people of your region.

In the 3rd column we write from top to bottom: howler monkey

2. Write down the names of the autumn months in the language of the peoples of your region that are connected:

a) with the phenomena of inanimate nature: rain bell, howler, mudbird, gloomy, howler.

b) with the phenomena of living nature: deciduous, leaf fall.

c) with the difficulty of people: the bread-grower, the wedding-gardener, the skit-maker, the leaf-cutter.

3. Russia is great. Therefore, summer is said goodbye and autumn is greeted at different times and more than once. Write down the dates of the arrival of autumn according to the ancient calendars of the peoples of your region.

Answer: summer in Russia comes on September 1 (the modern date of the arrival of autumn), September 14 (the arrival of autumn according to the old style), September 23 (the day of the autumnal equinox in the Moscow state was considered the day of the onset of autumn).

4. Captions for the drawing to choose from: golden autumn; sad time- charm of the eyes; autumn in the village; autumn Moscow; waiting for winter.

pp. 38-39. Autumn in inanimate nature.

1. Mark a diagram that shows the position of the sun in autumn. Explain (orally) your choice.

Let's mark the second diagram. There are signs of autumn on it (rain, leaves falling, the Sun is low above the ground).

To understand: The Earth rotates around the Sun, while the Earth's axis is always inclined the same way. When the axis is tilted towards the sun, it appears high relative to the ground, is “directly overhead”, its rays fall “vertically”, this time of year is called summer. When the Earth rotates around the Sun, the axis shifts relative to it and the Sun seems to descend relative to the Earth. Its rays fall obliquely on the Earth. Autumn is coming.

2. Make a list of autumn phenomena in inanimate nature using the textbook text.

Answer: frost, frost, rain, fog, autumn equinox, freeze-up.

3. Write down the date.

pp. 40-41. Folk holidays at the time of the autumn equinox.

Traditional costumes of Nanai hunters of the Amur region are a combination of brown, red, pink and blue colors in patterns. The dishes are golden and painted.

Kamchatka's reindeer herders dress in clothes and shoes made from reindeer skins, usually in all shades of brown or gray, with light fur.

P.42-43. Starry sky in autumn.

1. Using the illustrations in the textbook, connect the stars so that you get the shapes of a bear and a swan. In the left picture, highlight the Big Dipper's bucket.

For the answer, see the picture.

2. Draw a picture for your fairy-tale story about how a big bear appeared in the starry sky.

Fairytale story: One day a bear cub wanted to feast on honey and climbed up a tree to destroy the hive. And the forest bees are angry, they attacked the bear cub and began to sting. The little bear began to climb higher and higher up the tree. The mother bear saw this, rushed to save the bear cub, also climbed the tree, and followed him to the very top of the tree. She covers her son with herself, and the bees sting more and more. I had to climb even higher, to the very sky, so that the bees wouldn’t reach me. They are still there: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Or write a story about how bears hid in a tree from a hunter, and then climbed into the sky and escaped the chase.

We draw bears climbing into the sky from the top of a tree.

3. Observe the starry sky. Find familiar and new constellations and stars. Note the location of the Ursa Major's scoop. Write down the names of the constellations and stars that you were able to see:

Constellations: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pisces, Aries, Andromeda.

Stars: Venus, Sirius, Polaris.

4. Write a story about one of the constellations of the autumn sky. For this purpose, use information from the atlas-identifier, other books, the Internet (at your discretion).

Story: Bootes or Shepherd is a constellation in the sky of the northern hemisphere. It is observed both in summer and autumn. It looks like a man guarding a herd. The imagination of ancient people depicted him with a staff and two dogs. There are several myths about this constellation, but the most interesting one says that the first plowman on earth was turned into this constellation, who taught people to cultivate the land. The constellation Bootes includes the very bright star Arcturus next to Ursa Major, and it itself resembles a fan.

If you want, come up with a fairy tale about the constellations of the autumn sky. Write it down on a separate sheet of paper and arrange it beautifully.

First you need to find out which constellations are visible in the sky of the northern hemisphere in the fall. They are shown and labeled in the figure:

We come up with a fairy tale about any of them or all of them at once.

Fairy tale: People lived in the same city. They were kind and honest, they achieved everything through their hard work. Among them was a shepherd who tended cattle, a charioteer, twin children, an Aquarius who carried water from a well, a beautiful maiden and Cassiopeia and many others. They also had pets: Taurus, Aries, horse, hounds. And when the boy Perseus began to play the flute, all the animals from the nearby forest came to listen to him: the cunning fox, the lynx, the lion, the mother bear and her cub. Fish, a whale and a dolphin swam to the shore. Even the fairy-tale unicorn and dragon listened to the gentle melody. But then one autumn a volcanic eruption began near the town. He burned forests and fields, knocked down houses and was ready to burn the city and all its inhabitants. But the huge dragon told the people: you have never done harm to anyone, you are all very good and I will save you. He gathered everyone who could fit onto his back and carried him to heaven. So the constellation Perseus and the dragon still shine from the sky to this day; there was a place for everyone in the autumn night sky.

Page 44-45. Grass near our house.

1. Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and place each plant in its own window.

3. Consider the herbaceous plants around your home. Using an atlas-identifier, find out the names of several herbs and write them down.

Answer: clover, bluegrass, foxtail, yarrow, knotweed (bird buckwheat), plantain, dandelion, mint, burdock.

4. Write a story about one of the herbs growing near your house. Use information from the Green Pages book or other sources (at your discretion).

There is mint growing near our house. This plant has a very pleasant smell. We often collect mint, dry its green leaves and add it to tea. I like to drink mint tea. There are several types of mint, including medicinal mint.

Plantain grows along roads, which is where it got its name. It has wide leaves and a long stem on which small flowers bloom and seeds ripen. This plant is medicinal. If you cut yourself, apply plantain and the wound will heal faster.

Photos for pasting:

pp. 46-47. Ancient women's work.

1. Find flax among these plants.

Answer: second from the left.

3. You are in the museum of flax and birch bark in the city of Kostroma. Look at photographs of tools for processing flax, making linen threads and fabric. Write the numbers of their names in the circles. 1. Spinning wheel. 2. Weaving mill. 3. Spinning wheel. 4. Ruffled. 5. Mortar and pestle. 6. Flax mill.

The answer is in the picture.

It will be very useful to show your child a training video on processing flax >> This way the student will clearly see the whole process and will better remember the purpose of objects for processing flax.

Page 48-49. Trees and shrubs in autumn.

1. Identify trees and shrubs by their leaves and write the numbers of their names in the circles.

The answer is in the picture. The leaves of linden, birch and hazel turn yellow in autumn. Euonymus can be either yellow or purple in the fall. Oak leaves turn orange. Rowan, maple and aspen are yellow-red. Viburnum leaves in autumn are green or yellow at the stem and red at the edges.

A story about trees and shrubs in autumn with photographs will help with tasks from this topic >>

2. Find a shrub among these plants and underline its name.

Answer: juniper.

Find a tree whose needles turn yellow and fall off in the fall.

Answer: larch.

3. Visit a forest, park or square. Admire the trees and shrubs in their autumn attire. Using the identification atlas, find out the names of several trees and shrubs. Write them down.

Answer: Birch, poplar, thuja, maple, rowan, linden, spruce, pine, aspen.

4. Observe and write down when the leaf fall ends: for birches - in October; for linden trees - in September; for maples - in September; for poplar - in November; for aspen - in September; at viburnum - in October.

pp. 50-51. Wonderful flower beds in autumn

3. Identify a few fall flower garden plants. Write down their names.

Answer: chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias, rudbeckia, helenium, ornamental cabbage.

Photo for pasting:

4. Write a story about one of the plants in the autumn flower garden.


1. The legend tells how the dahlia flower appeared on earth. The dahlia appeared on the site of the last fire, which died out with the onset of the Ice Age. This flower was the first to sprouted from the ground after the arrival of warmth on the earth and with its flowering marked the victory of life over death, warmth over cold.

2. In ancient times, the dahlia was not as common as it is now. Then it was only the property of the royal gardens. No one had the right to remove or remove the dahlia from the palace garden. A young gardener named George worked in that garden. And he had a beloved, to whom he once gave a beautiful flower - a dahlia. He secretly took a dahlia sprout from the royal palace and planted it near his bride's house in the spring. This could not remain a secret, and rumors reached the king that the flower from his garden was now growing outside his palace. The king's anger knew no bounds. By his decree, the gardener Georg was captured by guards and put in prison, from which he was never destined to leave. And the dahlia has since become the property of everyone who liked this flower. This flower, the dahlia, was named after the gardener.

pp. 52-53. Mushrooms

2. Draw a diagram of the structure of a mushroom and label its parts. Test yourself using the diagram in the textbook.

The main parts of the mushroom: mycelium, stem, cap.

4. Give other examples of edible and inedible mushrooms using the atlas-identifier From Earth to Sky (Pleshakov) >>.

Edible mushrooms: butterfly, boletus, milk mushroom, saffron milk cap, russula.

Inedible mushrooms: fly agaric, galerina, svinushka.

Page 54-55. Six-legged and eight-legged.

1. What are these insects called? Write the numbers of their names in the circles.

2. Cut out the pictures from the application and make diagrams of the transformation of insects. Finish the signatures.

Diagram of insect transformation.

Eggs - larva - dragonfly. Eggs - caterpillar - pupa - butterfly.

3. Find an extra picture in this row and circle it. Explain (verbally) your decision.

Answer: Extra spider. It has 8 legs and is classified as an arachnid, while the others in the picture have 6 legs and are insects.

4. Write a story about insects that interest you or about spiders. Use information from the atlas-identifier, the book “Green Pages!” or “The Giant in the Clearing” (of your choice).

Near our dacha, in the forest, there are several large anthills. Ants work all day, collecting seeds and dead animals. Ants also graze aphids. They slap the aphid on the back, and it secretes a drop of sweet liquid. This liquid attracts ants. They love sweets.

Page 56-57. Bird secrets

1. What are these birds called? Write the numbers of their names in the circles.

Migratory birds: swallow, swift, starling, duck, heron, rook.

Wintering birds: jay, woodpecker, nuthatch, tit, crow, sparrow.

2. Give other examples of migratory and wintering birds. You can use information from the book "Green Pages".

Migratory birds: crane, redstart, sandpiper, thrush, wagtail, wild geese.

Wintering birds: jackdaw, pigeon, bullfinch, magpie.

3. Watch the birds of your city (village). Find out their names using the identification atlas. Pay attention to the behavior of the birds. Does every bird have its own character? Based on the results of your observation, write your story. Make a drawing and paste a photo.

The jay is a forest bird, but in Lately it can be increasingly found in the city: parks and squares. This is a very beautiful bird. On her wings she has multi-colored feathers with a blue tint. The jay screams sharply, piercingly. This forest beauty loves to eat acorns, also picks up leftover food, sometimes destroys bird nests and even attacks small birds.

Page 58-59. How different animals prepare for winter.

1. Recognize animals by description. Write the names.


2. Color the squirrel and hare in summer and winter outfits. Draw each animal its natural environment. Explain (orally) why these animals change coat color.

The hare is gray in summer, slightly reddish, and by winter it changes its skin to white.

Squirrels come in a variety of colors, from light tan to black. In the fall, they also molt, changing their coat to a thicker and warmer one, but their color does not change significantly.

3. Sign who made these supplies for the winter.

Answer: 1. Squirrel. 2. Mouse.

4. Write the names of the animals in the text.

On the ground in a hole, the hedgehog makes a small nest from dry leaves, grass, and moss. In it he hibernates until spring. And in late autumn, a bear makes a den for itself under a fallen tree and sleeps in it all winter.

pp. 60-61. Invisible threads in the autumn forest.

1. How are the oak and forest animals related to each other? Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and paste them into the windows of diagram No. 1, and write the names of the animals in diagram No. 2.

Answer: squirrel, jay, mouse. They feed on oak fruits and live here.

2. Cut out the pictures from the application and paste them into the windows of the diagrams. Make diagrams with names within the framework.

Answer: Squirrels and mice feed on nuts. Rowan - thrush.

3. Give your example of invisible threads in the autumn forest and depict it in the form of a diagram.

Example: a squirrel (eats the seeds of cones) and a woodpecker (eats insects living in the bark, thereby healing the tree) feed on a pine tree.

4. Look at the photographs. Tell us (orally) what invisible threads in the autumn forest they remind you of.

Nuts are reminiscent of squirrels and mice. Acorns - squirrel, jay, mouse. Rowan - thrush.

pp. 62-63. Autumn work.

1. List what people do in the fall in the house, garden, or vegetable garden.

In the house: they insulate the windows, store firewood and coal for the winter, prepare stoves and heating boilers, make seams for the winter.

In the garden: harvesting from trees, protecting tree trunks from rodents and frost, burning fallen leaves

In the garden: vegetables are collected, sent to the cellar for storage, and the beds are dug up.

2. Select and paste a photo of autumn work in your family.

Photo for pasting:

Think and write down what qualities are needed to do such a job.

Answer: love of the land, hard work, ability to work with a shovel, hoe, rake, patience, strength.

Page 64-65. Be healthy.

1. Draw what games you like to play in summer and autumn. Instead of drawings, you can paste photographs.

Summer and autumn games: catch-up, tag, hide-and-seek, football, dodgeball, kondal, badminton, for girls - rubber band, hopscotch.

2. Think and write down what qualities are developed in the games you like to play in the summer and autumn.

Answer: agility, strength, ingenuity, courage, attentiveness, perseverance.

3. Ask the elders in the family to tell about one of the backgammon games in your region. Describe the game together. Give it a name...

GAME "Tall Oak"

Our grandparents played this game in Rus'; its name has been preserved since the 50s of the last century. To play you need one ball. From 4 to 30 (or more) children play.

Everyone stands in a circle. There is one person with a ball inside the circle. He throws the ball high above himself and shouts the name of one of the players, for example: “Lyuba!” All the children (including the one who threw the ball) scatter in all directions. Lyuba must pick up the ball and throw it at one of the guys. Whoever gets hit throws the ball next.

They play until they get bored.

What qualities does this game develop: reaction speed, accuracy, running speed, agility.

pp. 66-69. Nature conservation in autumn.

3. We met these plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia in 1st grade. Remember their names. Write the numbers in the circles.

4. And here are a few more representatives of the Red Book of Russia. Use your textbook to color them and label them.

Ram mushroom, water chestnut, tangerine.

5. Write a story about one of the representatives of the Red Book of Russia, living in your region.

Example: Atlantic walrus. The habitat of this rare species is the Barents and Kara Seas. An adult walrus can reach a length of 4 meters, and the weight of an Atlantic walrus can be about one and a half tons. This species of walrus was almost completely exterminated. Today, thanks to the efforts of specialists, a slight increase in the population is recorded, although their exact number is still impossible to determine, since without special equipment it is extremely difficult to get to the rookery of these animals.

Or we take the story from the page: Reports on animals of the Red Book >>

Page 70. Autumn walk.

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