Assembling a Kirlian device with your own hands. What is the Kirlian Effect, and how does it manifest itself after death? Photos using the Kirlian method

The essence of the Kirlian effect (aka Kirlian effect, Kirlian aura, etc.) comes down to a corona discharge halo around various objects, live and not so alive (as long as they conduct current), placed in an alternating electric field of high amplitude and frequency. Some people believe that from the picture of this discharge it is possible, for example, to make a diagnosis about the condition of the body (if a person is exposed). We don’t believe in these witchcraft things, and we use the effect to get spectacular pictures.

To eliminate fussing with photographic paper and other prehistoric accessories, I stole the design principle transparent electrode for the Kirlian effect and someone on the first pages of Google, I don’t even remember exactly who. The essence is this: we use two glasses as a conducting plate, between which salted water is poured, which is a good conductor. Water creates an electric field, and glass serves as an insulator, preventing breakdown and creating a corona discharge. Aluminum tape was glued along the edge of the glass (taken from an ordinary Soviet mezzanine) for a more uniform discharge pattern - in photographs taken without it, a distinct skew of the “aura” towards the connection of the power source was observed. By the way, this power source is.

It does not allow you to adjust either the frequency or the power; by the way, its power is excessive - for example, you won’t be able to remove your hand, since the glass shocks strongly. But we don’t really need this, since we don’t need anything from the Kirlian effect other than beautiful pictures.

The glass is placed on a stand (I took a plastic container, but it would be much, much more convenient to use a couple of stools so that you don’t have to move the glass plates every time to take pictures), and a camera is placed under the glass, filming the aura of the corona discharge from below, that is, Kirlian itself -Effect.

It is best to use objects with complex edges or relief for photography. Maple/oak leaves, metal chains and the like are ideal. On them the effect is most impressive and best visible.

Photographing leaves using the Kirlian method

When photographing using the Kirlian method, the object is placed between the capacitor plates, which are made of plexiglass. In a high-frequency field, the object between the plates acquires a special type of electrical conductivity, the so-called capacitive conductivity. appears in it electric charge, which does not move, as in metals, but, on the contrary, is held at the same points where it appears, causing a glow of varying brightness, corresponding to the conductivity of the placed object. The glow is visible visually. A photographic plate is placed at the back using a contact method. The image in the photographs is life-size. In other words, photography of sedentary biological objects is carried out “in the lightning environment.” External view of the Kirlian installation. Since the photographed object must be placed in the gap between the plates, and this is a gap of less than 0.5 mm, then from this fact we can conclude that there are no photographs of a person obtained by the Kirlian method, and all drawings of the “aura” around the human body are published on the Internet - nothing more than speculation by programmers developing software to the gas-discharge visualization method.

Photograph of a finger in a high frequency electric field

Photograph of a finger in a high frequency field

The photography process takes place in a dark room or under red light. Undeveloped photographic paper is placed on a device that creates a high-frequency field. The object of interest is placed on top. It could be a tree leaf. When high voltage is applied, a gas discharge occurs, which manifests itself in the form of a glow around the object - corona discharge, which illuminates black and white or color photographic paper or film. After developing black and white photographic paper, the brightest parts become dark, as can be seen in the photograph. Since the finger of the hand touched the photo paper (circle in the center), this area remains unexposed.

History of discovery

The electrography effect (as the inventor called it) was discovered in 1891 by the Belarusian scientist Ya. O. Narkevich-Yodko. However, his invention did not become widely known and was undeservedly forgotten for 30-40 years.

“The famous scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla found himself in a slightly better position. He designed his own device - the now well-known Tesla transformer. Using a transformer, Tesla demonstrated in his lectures the glow in high-frequency currents of his body.” At the beginning of the 20th century, these experiments of Tesla gained fame in scientific circles. “And the matter was simple - photographs of discharges taken by Tesla were obtained not by direct exposure of the photographic emulsion to these discharges, as in the experiments of Ya. O. Narkevich-Yodko, but by ordinary photography.”

In 1949, the Soviet inventor S. D. Kirlian received an author's certificate for the method of “high-frequency photography” using the Tesla resonance transformer he improved. As a result of many years of experiments by S. D. Kirlian and his wife V. Kh. Kirlian, a large scientific material and a whole range of devices for “high-frequency” photography has been created.

The discoverer of electrography was, undoubtedly, Ya. O. Narkevich-Yodko. But the contribution to its development made by S. D. Kirlian and V. H. Kirlian was quite significant, and therefore “high-frequency” images are now called Kirlian images all over the world."

Using an effect

The Kirlian effect is used to find hidden defects in metals. According to Kirlian, in agriculture, using the effect, it is possible to check the germination of seeds and distinguish disease-affected plants from healthy ones, but there is no information about the actual use of the effect for these purposes.

The Kirlian effect has been successfully used for rapid analysis of ore samples in geology.

Kirlian effect and “biofield”


see also


  • Shustov M.A. History of the development of gas-discharge photography // Biomedical technologies and radio electronics. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 64-71; Shustov M. A. The History of a Gas-Discharge Photography Development // Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. - 2003. - V. 6. - No. 1

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Kirlian Effect” is in other dictionaries:

    Kirlian effect- glow (halo) that appears around living objects, organisms under the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic field high power (tension) and recorded by photography. Discovered by Russian engineers and spouses Semyon and Valentina Kirlian... The beginnings of modern natural science

    Kirlian effect, Kirlian effect, Kirlian glow plasma glow of an electric discharge on the surface of objects that are previously placed in an alternating electric field of high frequency 10-100 kHz, in which ... ... Wikipedia

    In early parapsychological studies, in order to experimentally confirm the possibility of telepathic communication, Zener cards were used Parapsychology (ancient Greek ... Wikipedia

    The direction of cosmoenergetics, the basic principles of which have remained unchanged since its inception. Classical cosmoenergetics differs from second generation cosmoenergetics in the way of attunement with cosmoenergetic frequencies and methods... Wikipedia

    Russian surname. Kirlian, Semyon Davidovich, (1898 1978) Soviet physiotherapist, inventor and researcher Kirlian, Valentina Khrisanovna (d. 1972) Soviet inventor and researcher Kirlian effect plasma glow of electric discharge ... Wikipedia

    Semyon Davidovich Kirlian Date of birth: February 20, 1898 (1898 02 20) Place of birth: Ekaterinodar, Russian empire Date of death: April 4, 1978(... Wikipedia

    Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (February 20, 1898 April 4, 1978) Soviet physiotherapist, inventor and researcher. Together with his wife Valentina Khrisanfovna he developed new way photographing objects of various natures using gas... ... Wikipedia

    Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (February 20, 1898 April 4, 1978) Soviet physiotherapist, inventor and researcher. Together with his wife Valentina Khrisanfovna, he developed a new way of photographing objects of various natures using gas... ... Wikipedia

Material prepared by Tatyana Stupnikova (Kyiv)

Glowing phantoms

The Moscow publishing house “Znanie” published a small book “In the World of Wonderful Discharges.” Its authors, Krasnodar mechanic Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (now an honored inventor of the RSFSR) and his wife Valentina Khrisanfovna Kirlian, described an original method of photographing objects in a high-frequency electric discharge, which they patented back in 1949.
At that time, few could imagine what significant consequences the appearance of this brochure would lead to; hardly anyone would have guessed that the “Kirlian effect” would become truly world famous. The article by senior researcher Viktor Adamenko “Rays of Life” talked about the history of the discovery of the Kirlian couple, about “electrographic” photography, which preceded “high-frequency”, about the work on the development of the latter, carried out both in our country and abroad - in Bulgaria, Romania , GDR, Czechoslovakia, Brazil, Germany, England, USA... In the USSR alone, dozens of scientific and popular science articles have been published about “high-frequency” photography, several dissertations are devoted to it, its technical improvements are protected by 20 copyright certificates. Nowadays the “Kirlian effect” is used in the most various areas science and technology: in geology, and in psychology, and in chemistry, and in biology. Even “space” specialists from NASA became interested in him.
However, many scientists believe that the main area of ​​application of “high-frequency” photography is medicine. In January 1974, the journal “News of Clinical Psychiatry” published an article by Dr. David Sheinkin from the Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis (USA) about the use of the “Kirlian effect” for diagnosing a number of diseases (this possibility was first pointed out by Kirlian themselves). He discovered that in persons suffering from one or another disease, a strictly defined change in the structure of the luminous corona was observed. It is curious that in some cases this change was possible to detect even before the first symptoms of the disease appeared. And what has been said is quite enough to understand: the “Kirlian effect” is gradually turning from an exotic phenomenon into convenient method solving many practical problems. Of course, it is premature to say that “high-frequency” photography will no longer bring surprises. Strong evidence of this is very mysterious phenomena, discovered as the “Kirlian effect” was applied. Some of them could not be explained. It is these mysterious facts (although there are only five - the volume of material simply does not allow us to give more examples) and the notes of engineer Larisa VILENSKAYA are devoted

An animated leaf

A freshly picked plant leaf is placed in the discharge device. The current turns on, and a bluish glow appears on the surface of the sheet (Fig. 1a). Then the leaf is injected several times with a needle. And it instantly reacts to mechanical stress - a reddish glow appears in places of damage (Fig. 1b). After some time, the leaf begins to wither, and its glow gradually fades (Fig. 1c). But then a person comes up and stretches out his hands at a distance of 15-20 cm from the sheet. The “healer” seems to infuse fresh strength into dying cells: after a few minutes, the glow of the leaf resumes (Fig. 1d). This is how the leaf reacts to bioenergetic influence...
This experiment was conducted in 1972 by University of California professor Thelma Moss. Having started studying the “Kirlian effect”, she decided first of all to apply it to study the remote interaction of living systems. In particular, she was very interested in the work experience of the Tbilisi healer Alexei Krivoe OTOVR (see the article by L. Kharkovsky “A “magician” comes to the laboratory” in “Technique of Youth” No. 3 for 1969). Moss managed to find people who claimed, like Krivorotov, that they could heal by “laying on of hands.” How can such a bold statement be verified? Let’s say the patient says that he feels better, but “better” or “worse” is a purely subjective assessment. As for traditional clinical research methods, although they are objective, they are quite complex and time-consuming. This is where high-frequency photography came to the rescue. It turned out that during a session of bioenergetic influence there is a clear change in the color and intensity of the glow of the skin of both the “healer” and the patient. These results were obtained in the laboratory of the Newark College of Engineering by Dr. D. Dean.
However, one ambiguity remains: after all, the patient knows that they are trying to help him in some way. Maybe “high-frequency” photographs simply reflect a change in a person’s state as a result of suggestion and self-hypnosis? It was then that an experiment was conceived on the influence of a person on a withering leaf of a plant. According to Moss, the experiment confirmed that the “healer” emits some kind of energy that affects living objects.
“Kirlian photography may be an indicator of human interaction in a wordless, invisible, perhaps electrical way,” Moss wrote in her article published in the collection Galaxies of Life. It was published in the USA under the editorship of psychologist Stanley Krippner. The collection contains materials from the first conference in the West on the “Kirlian effect”.
So, there is a reliably established fact for which there is no explanation yet. What is this “certain energy”, and does it really have a beneficial effect?

The riddle of the mumiyo

As has been repeatedly noted in the literature, the Kirlian method is an indispensable indicator of psychophysiological processes occurring in the human body. In this way you can fix the slightest hesitation state and even mood of the individual. For example, as soon as a person gets a little worried or scared, the glow of his skin instantly changes its color and intensity, the shape and structure of the crown becomes completely different (see the article by V. Adamenko “Rays of Life” in “Technique of Youth” No. 7, 1973 ). A group of students from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute recently also confirmed that when a person is emotionally excited, a shift in the spectral characteristics of the glow is observed.
By the way, research in this direction promises big trouble for lovers of all kinds of stimulants. Thus, the magazine has already talked about how, using the “Kirlian effect,” it is possible to accurately determine whether a driver has been drinking or not. The halo of the finger changes dramatically immediately after “taking” even a glass of beer. And at the International Conference on Psychotronics, held in Prague last year, Professor Moss spoke about an equally interesting experiment. 65 volunteer subjects were divided into two groups: members of one took a small dose of marijuana, and the other took an indifferent substance. Then everyone had Kirlian photographs taken of the glow of the skin of their fingertips. And what? From the photographs it was possible to accurately determine which of the subjects had been exposed to the drug. Note that neither the experimenter who evaluated the photographs nor the subjects themselves knew which group they were assigned to - this could only be found out through protocols that were kept secret until the end of the experiment.

Senior researcher Viktor Adamenko conducted a similar experiment. The “doping” being studied was mysterious substance- mumiyo. In Figure 2, on the left you see the glow of a person’s finger in a normal state, and on the right - after taking mumiyo. The difference is obvious. Will the Kirlian method help reveal the secret of the effects of an ancient medicinal drug? Scientists have been struggling with this problem for many years (see the article by A. Grechikhin “Tears of stone giants, mumiyo: legends and reality” in “Technology of Youth” No. 11, 1971). Or maybe, thanks to “high-frequency” photography, the key to unraveling the influence of other traditional medicine will be found? What components of them affect the human body, changing the glow? What exactly characterize variations in the color, shape and structure of the crown? These questions remain unanswered for now.

About the effectBaxter

Let us turn to another experiment related to the plant world. This image was taken in 1972 by English researchers D. Milner and E. Smart. On the left is a living, freshly picked leaf, on the right is a withering leaf that has lain for a day. The energy field of the first is, as it were, “transferred” to the second, the green “healer” seems to be trying to “revive” his fellow. This phenomenon, very strange and surprising, makes us recall again the “living detectors” that the magazine reported at one time (see the article by V. Adamenko “Living Detectors” in Tekhnika Molodezhi No. 8, 1970).
Several years ago, an American specialist, director of the Research Committee of the Academy of Forensic Sciences, Cleve Baxter, noticed that fluctuations in a person’s emotional state cause changes in the electrical potential of plant leaves. Later he showed that this kind of remote interaction is also inherent in other biological objects.
“Communication” of living cells over distances was also discovered in experiments by a group of Novosibirsk scientists led by Doctor of Biological Sciences Vlail Kaznacheev (see the magazine “Knowledge is Power” No. 3, 1973). The experience itself is simple. Tissue cultures are placed in two adjacent quartz flasks. Then one of the crops is infected with viruses or killed with poison, and then the most amazing thing begins: after the death of the first crop, the second comes, although the possibility of a virus entering it was excluded. Moreover, if the first culture dies, for example, from poisoning with sublimate, which blocks respiratory enzymes, then the second one dies precisely from “suffocation.” This phenomenon, called the “mirror cytopathic effect” by researchers, is officially recognized scientific discovery and is included in the register of discoveries under No. 122. Why does this happen? Kaznacheev believes: dying cells emit ultraviolet rays that have a fatal effect on healthy ones. The assumption is based, in particular, on the fact that when replacing quartz flasks with glass flasks, the indicated effect was not observed. However, in Baxter's experiments, humans and plants, as well as various colonies of bacteria, interacted with each other beyond the line of sight. It is possible that the described experiments are a consequence of more complex deep processes occurring in living nature. Unfortunately, we still know very little about sensitivity biological systems to external influences, their ability to respond to different kinds physical fields and radiation. All these questions are still waiting for their researchers.

Energy footprint

In the early 60s, reports appeared in our press about Rosa Kuleshova from Nizhny Tagil, who had the ability of “skin vision.” She could read text by letter blindfolded, determine by touch the colors of objects, the subjects of drawings and photographs. These reports aroused great interest from both scientists and the general public (see the selection of materials “From Sensational Hype to Serious Research” in TM No. 2, 1965). Later it turned out that Kuleshova’s abilities were by no means unique. A. Novomeysky in Sverdlovsk, N. Sudakov in Magnitogorsk, A. Shevelev in Odessa and other researchers found people who successfully demonstrated “skin vision.”
Some of them received good results not only “under normal conditions (when touching a recognized object), but also in cases where this object was in a black envelope or in a metal cassette.
Researchers have put forward numerous hypotheses trying to explain such a strange phenomenon, but none of them has received final experimental confirmation. And here the “Kirlian effect” comes to the rescue again. Let's photograph some object, for example an inscription, in a high-frequency discharge (Fig. 4a), then cover it with a sheet of black paper and take the picture again (Fig. 4b). In this photograph, taken by V. Adamenko in 1968, a slightly faded luminous inscription clearly appears, although it is hidden from our eyes. Who knows whether such an “electrical trace” of an object will lead to a solution to the problem of “skin vision”?

Ghost Leaf

Adamenko asked another riddle. In 1966, he accidentally discovered the following phenomenon: if the edge of a plant leaf is cut off by a few millimeters, the glow will cover the missing part, and the leaf in the Kirlian photograph will remain intact (Fig. 5a). Everything was so unusual that it naturally caused mistrust. Moss repeated this experiment and became convinced of the reality of the strange phenomenon (Fig. 5c). And the Brazilian researcher, director of the Institute of Psychobiophysics Hernani Andrade, slightly modified the experiment. He did not cut off, but killed part of the leaf and got the same result (Fig. 5b).

What are “luminous phantoms”? Don't they indicate: a living organism is penetrated by a certain energy “framework”, which disappears only after its complete death?

From Kirlian's diary:

“Observation is the cornerstone that forms the basis of everything new in science, including the production of electrical radiation from living and inanimate nature. Working as a physical mechanic in physiotherapy rooms in hospitals, I noticed that diathermic discharges between the patient’s body and the electrode seemed to begin to “live.” During the procedure, they change color and dynamics... It seemed that their behavior was controlled by the patient's body. Thoughts and ideas appeared...” “What will happen if you put photographic film between the electrodes and the skin? But in the bluish glow of a full glass electrode, it will glow. Then it was decided to replace the glass with metal, however, the discharges became painful. Nothing! Science requires sacrifice. When isolated from the ground, the unpleasant tingling sensation softened. »
This is how the first unique photographs of inanimate and living nature objects were obtained using “high frequency currents.”

From Kirlian's diary:

For ten years, the Kirlian couple in their home laboratory created and improved a device that allows them to study the glow of objects in an electromagnetic field (a modified Tesla resonance transformer operating in a pulse mode was used as a source of high-voltage high-frequency voltage), took thousands of high-frequency photographs, studying the mechanisms and capabilities of the previously unknown phenomena.
One day, workers at one of the institutes brought the Kirlian couple two outwardly identical plant leaves. Having placed them in a high voltage field, the inventors, to the bewilderment of many, received different images in the picture. The employees admitted that one of the leaves was taken from a diseased plant. Later they came to the conclusion that new method research recognizes diseases at an early stage of their development, not only in plants, but also in humans. Using the images, early diagnosis can be made, relapse of the disease can be detected, and the therapeutic effect of chemicals can be objectively assessed.

S.D., V.Kh. Kirlian, In the world of wonderful discharges:

“To carry out our plans, new knowledge was required. I had to study electronic optics, get acquainted with optical photography, and draw up diagram after diagram. Unfortunately, the first experiments did not produce a “scattering of stars,” but a skeleton of fingers. Crazy thoughts appeared: is it the “X-ray”? But the experiments continued. The path to the “placers” was thorny; it went through a jungle of schemes, burns, unforeseen results, and despair. This was not His Majesty's chance, but long and hard work. The work of penetrating into the unknown world, where precious formulas for human health and longevity are buried.”
In the process of research, scientists discovered another interesting fact: the discharge process depends not only on the painful, but also on the emotional state of the object.
Thus, the Kirlian couple opened a window into an unknown world. Their developments were protected by twenty-one copyright certificates. But few scientists managed to look into this world, since “Gostekhnika”, with the stroke of a pen, slammed this window tightly and placed the work of the Kirlian spouses in the category of top secret, closed topics.

Gr.A.Y. 09/29/1965:

“The question of human radiation is unusually important. The invention of the Kirlian couple is greatest discovery century. That is why darkness rises up against it and prevents its use. It is precisely by this silencing of an invention that is clearly necessary and useful for the widest areas of life that one can judge its great significance. Not to mention technology or agriculture, in medicine it can be used with great benefit. Diagnosis of diseases at the very initial stages of diseases will be unmistakable, especially cancer. This discovery was given to people for the benefit of all humanity. It is criminal and absurd to keep silent about what is scientifically irrefutable. The undoubted will overturn all the opposition of darkness, and in this process the leading role belongs to science.”
Only 25 years after receiving the first results, the couple were able to publish detailed story about the essence of his invention (visual or instrumental observation of the glow of a gas discharge that occurs near the surface of the object under study when the latter is placed in an electric field of high intensity) and the results of the research. The brochure “In the World of Wonderful Discharges” published by the publishing house “Znanie” became a real sensation.
After the publication of the brochure, a real pilgrimage to inventors began. Hundreds of people from many cities across the country visited Kirlian’s apartment. A “seismic wave” of articles about the discovery swept through the press. However, then, in the mid-60s, we were talking about the ceremonial side of the matter; the stunning discovery was intended to confirm the “success of construction.”

From Kirlian's diary:

“We are no less bogged down in work than you are in the quagmire in the summer... I think that nothing could have made us work the way we are working now, like the letters we receive. “You have raised an issue of enormous importance... All laboratories in the world are involved in this work... And you will increase the glory of Our Country with your undertaking.” And now we have “taken the breath away”, and we, of course, will work and work, conduct a series of experiments in order to penetrate deeper into this unknown world for the benefit of the Country and people. The unknown is just one step ahead.
...For 17 years, official correspondence has been ongoing between ministries, committees, and research institutes about the opening of a special laboratory to develop our research methodology for obtaining images using high-frequency currents. And to this day, since 1949, the question of this laboratory hangs in the air, no one undertakes to head it, while in France (what we accidentally learned) a method has already been developed and is practically used in biology... I wonder if there will be There’s no point in this writing, it’s already sitting in our livers...”
Although many of Kirlian's inventions were widely used in practice, including in industry, there were no rewards and Kirlian lived poorly. The family budget, consisting of two modest pensions, was barely enough for them, but they managed to receive and treat those who came to them from afar, interested in the discovery.

From the diary of V.H. Kirlian

“So, it’s done! The hope for a republican pension has failed! Refusal!... This means there is need again! Again, no trousers, no suit, no shirts. But everything is tattered. A velvet jacket with fringed sleeves, the sleeves have already been shorted from repairs. The only gray trousers from stains and time can, and then, oh, with what shame, be worn under a coat. And the coat has been turned over, burnt from the sun, wind and rain, without a specific color. It would all be nonsense, since Sena is already in her eighth decade of life, but we must have decency in front of honorable people who travel and come to us for consultations on the method of obtaining images using high-frequency currents. And I?! I can’t put on one, not one dress, so as not to blush - everything is old, old! Make new ones or buy, there is not a penny to spare... A disaster! There is no light. But there is no way to stop experimenting. There is little life left, oh, so little! But you won’t run out of ideas. We must hurry to turn them into applications. It will be too late, we will take it to the grave. Although, it’s true, not everyone is interested in this. We were thrown overboard like ballast; there is no organization in the state to replace us, to take over our mission of polarization and implementation, to improve methods and develop equipment. So, it's all over! Hopes dashed! Now, until we die, we will not get out of our material difficulties in the future. creative works. Hopeless! Hopelessly!"
There were no funds for patenting the “Kirlian effect” abroad, and after some time the discovery began to be widely used in other countries just like that. The country lost priority and currency, but the explorers gained fame. Foreign scientists, having tested the method and made sure that this is a fundamentally new key to the secrets of nature, called the flickering radiation of living and inanimate objects the KIRLIAN EFFECT, forever inscribing the name of the researchers in the history of science.

Gr.A.Y., November 6, 1960

“It is difficult to foresee exactly where and how it (the Kirlian effect) can be applied in life, but the ways of application are already outlined immediately. For example, in the area Agriculture When selecting seeds and determining their germination capacity, dead seeds can be quickly and accurately separated from living ones, because dead ones will not give off radiation. It will also be possible to determine the degree of plant viability or the degree of their disease. It will be possible to establish the suitability of eggs for incubators. In the field of medicine, this device will literally work wonders. In case of partial paralysis of fingers, arms or legs or atrophy of any organs of the body, the device will be able to indicate which nerve centers that control the functions of a given organ or muscle movement are affected, and the cells of these nerve nodes are dead. It will be possible to accurately trace the degree of tissue disease from the periphery and in depth. You can determine the electrical voltage of working fingers and fingers at rest. Particularly interesting may be pictures of the hard working brain and its various parts. What unheard-of possibilities are given to science by this invention!”
The German scientist and doctor P. Mandel considers Kirlian images as photographs of the energy flow that determines human life. He suggested that the characteristics of the gas-discharge glow of the fingers and toes are related to the state of the acupuncture points located on them, which are the starting or ending points of all energy channels. Using Kirlianography, he analyzed images of the glow of the fingers and toes of hundreds of thousands of patients and developed tables that make it possible to determine the condition of a particular organ based on the characteristics of the “glow” of individual zones of the fingers and toes. In the development of the disease, he distinguishes three main stages that appear on the images. “During the information stage, symptoms appear rarely, mainly as occasional vegetative signs. In the second stage of development, symptoms appear that do not yet have a clear clinical correspondence. In the third, symptomatic stage, topographic projections correspond to the symptoms. This third stage is characterized by many phenomena... Clinical test data may differ from Kirlian diagnostics, because they may reflect different facets of deep processes in the body.

The first physicist in our country to defend his dissertation using the Kirlian method is Viktor Adamenko. He believed that the main carrier of information about the biological and psychophysiological state of living organisms are electrons and considered Kirlian photographs to be intravital electronic images obtained, unlike an electron microscope, not in a vacuum, but at atmospheric pressure or in a low-pressure gas. He managed to obtain Kirlian images not only on photographic film, but also on a luminescent screen, on electrostatic paper, even on thermographic plates.
Also one of the followers of the Kirlian couple, their student was Stanislav Filippovich Romaniy (Dnepropetrovsk). He developed and put into practice a whole range of devices (based on the Kirlian effect) for non-destructive testing of materials and structures that cannot be controlled by traditional methods. These techniques have been successfully used by rocket industry enterprises.
He also created a gas-discharge imaging device (AGRD), which made it possible to obtain important information about the vital functions of the body, carry out early express diagnostics and determine the effectiveness of the therapy. The novelty of this development is confirmed by copyright certificates.
In Russia, Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov became one of the leading experts in Kirlianography. He created a set of equipment for studying biological objects using the gas-discharge visualization method with direct input of gas-discharge images into a computer. This system allows you to observe the development of Kirlian images in real time, in an ordinary, not darkened room, record them, convert them, print them and store them in computer memory. And the developed software makes it possible to construct a human field, observe its changes, and also quantify image parameters for a clearer assessment of the dynamics of processes occurring in the body.
During the examination, a very important aspect is the psycho-emotional state of the operator. The Kirlians have repeatedly pointed this out.

From Kirlian's diary:

“Many institutes would like us to take photographs according to their assignments. The delegation has arrived. They need to see the effect of the electrical state of roots of different ages. We agreed to show it to them “visually”. Senya went to the laboratory to prepare the equipment... Senya’s setup lasted longer than the allotted time. We sat in another room in anticipation of a vision of the “extraordinary.” As time went. I got worried and went to the Seine. “Nothing, nothing, I’ll show you now,” he confidently convinced himself, but all his actions indicated that he wouldn’t show anything. The device sounded loudly and sharply, the sound of the discharge indicated that the voltage was outside the norm. The guests also entered the room. Here everything just went to pieces, everything was upset... Senya began to show, so that they could see what he had difficulty setting up, but it was far from what was needed. He asked for water and was feeling sick. When he sat down, I realized that it was not the apparatus that had been knocked out, but the inventor himself. He felt ill... When he began to come to his senses a little, I went to the laboratory, set up the device, put two objects (a young and an old root), turned it on and quietly demonstrated the effect to the guests. I didn’t care what impression our guests had from the demonstration, all I wanted was for them to leave as soon as possible and give the Seine a rest. What they will think and what they will do is still unknown to us, but whatever they do, it does not concern us. One case does not decide the “battle” “...We must learn to be calm, without this the experiments will not work”
Semyon Davidovich and Valentina Khrisanfovna Kirlian opened the gates to a new level of Knowledge, which helps, as the ancient sages advised, to know oneself.

Gr.A.Y., November 6, 1960:

“... Great is the merit of our inventors, the Kirlian spouses, to science and humanity, for their discovery is great and it is still impossible to take into account the full depth of its significance. ...The works of the Kirlian spouses will find due appreciation and recognition. After all, the center of all achievements and all progress is still man, and understanding the entire complexity of the apparatus of the human body and all its functions can only move science forward.”

When creating this article, materials were used from the site

One of the main differences between alternative and traditional medicine is the belief of those who practice alternative medicine that the body has a system of energy flows, reminiscent of an arterial or peripheral blood supply. nervous system.

The Kirlian Photography diagnostic method is based on the belief that the body has a system of energy flows that is somewhat reminiscent of the blood supply system through the arteries or the peripheral nervous system.

It is believed that Kirlian photography can detect this flow of energy, which exists as a very thin layer circulating through the body (a bit like the halo depicted in icons around saints).

This technique was accidentally discovered by husband and wife Russian radiological scientists, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian. By passing a high-voltage, high-frequency electrical discharge through a very sensitive photographic plate and placing first a hand and then plant material on the plate, the Kirlians were able to demonstrate, after developing photographs, images of what appeared to be “electrical emissions” surrounding the photographed substance. By experimenting first on themselves, the Kirlians thought they might be able to detect changes in photographs taken before, for example, one of them caught a cold, thereby confirming the belief of many Chinese doctors that physical illness resulted from disturbances in the flow of energy.

For ten years, the Kirlian couple created and improved a device that made it possible to study the glow of objects in an electromagnetic field (a modified Tesla resonance transformer operating in a pulse mode was used as a source of high-voltage high-frequency voltage), took thousands of high-frequency photographs, studying the mechanisms and possibilities of a previously unknown phenomenon. The image quality was much higher than its predecessors.

One day, workers at one of the institutes brought the Kirlian couple two outwardly identical plant leaves. Having placed them in a high voltage field, the inventors, to the bewilderment of many, received different images in the picture. The employees admitted that one of the leaves was taken from a diseased plant. Later they came to the conclusion that the new research method recognizes diseases at an early stage of their development and not only in plants, but also in humans. Using the images, early diagnosis can be made, relapse of the disease can be detected, and the therapeutic effect of chemicals can be objectively assessed.

In the process of research, scientists discovered another interesting fact: the discharge process depends not only on the painful, but also on the emotional state of the object.

Thus, the Kirlian couple opened a window into an unknown world. Their developments were protected by twenty-one copyright certificates.

There were no funds for patenting the “Kirlian effect” abroad, and after some time the discovery began to be widely used in other countries just like that. Foreign scientists, having tested the method and made sure that this is a fundamentally new key to the secrets of nature, called the flickering radiation of living and inanimate objects the Kirlian effect, forever inscribing the name of the researchers in the history of science. The main thing about the Kirlian effect is the ability to help people. And today this opportunity is realized in energy diagnostics of a person’s physical and psycho-emotional state using terminal points.

The German scientist and doctor P. Mandel considers Kirlian images as photographs of the energy flow that determines human life. Using Kirlianography, he analyzed images of the glow of the fingers and toes of hundreds of thousands of patients and developed tables that make it possible to determine the condition of a particular organ based on the characteristics of the “glow” of individual zones of the fingers and toes.

“The main goal of diagnosis is to identify, if possible, the hidden cause of the disease in order to get to its source. Another goal is to suppress negatively developing processes through optimal therapy before the manifestation of clearly defined clinical symptoms. Medical ethics dictates the way to prevent diseases” (P. Mandel).

Currently, under his leadership, there are research institutes and clinics in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Holland, where further human bioenergetic research is conducted, methods of energy correction and treatment are developed and tested.

A World Association for the study of this physical effect, named after the Kirlian couple, was created. Methods were improved, instruments were invented that made it possible to expand the possibilities of scientific research in order to answer some more questions from an endless series.

In Russia, Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov became one of the leading experts in Kirlianography. He created a set of equipment for studying biological objects using the gas-discharge visualization method with direct input of gas-discharge images into a computer. This system allows you to observe the development of Kirlian images in real time, record them, convert them, print them and store them in computer memory. And the developed software makes it possible to observe changes in a person’s emission structure in real time, quantitatively measure the level of health and stress index, detect imbalances in a person’s energy, which makes it possible to diagnose functional deviations long before their manifestation, and analyze the psycho-emotional state of the patient. The gas discharge visualization method allows you to examine the state of individual organs and systems of the body and find the most effective methods therapy.

Currently, the method of gas discharge visualization (Kirlian effect) is one of the few methods that allows you to quickly, reliably and safely examine the physical, psycho-emotional and energetic state of a person, identify the disease long before its clinical manifestation and find its root cause, as well as select individual treatment methods and recovery, monitor their effectiveness over time.

Practical results of using the Kirlian method

Experience confirms that in any age group, from small children to the elderly, there are both powerful, intense auras, as well as non-intense auras and auras with gaps. And now scientists are faced with new riddle- how can children 10-12 years old have a powerful aura?! It is difficult to answer this question if one does not recognize the law of reincarnation, according to which each person comes to Earth with his own accumulations and a supply of psychic energy of a certain quality. Another thing is how we will use our energy reserve in the future - increase or decrease it.

It should be noted that young people show great interest in human energy, are not afraid to film with a Kirlian device and love to experiment. We consider it important that the younger generation realizes, first of all, that in every person there is energy potential and that he himself can change his energy by the power of thought and will.

Irritation and despondency are one of our main enemies, extinguishers of aura radiation. “...Every irritation, every despondency will already absorb valuable energy.” Analyzing the radiation in a calm state and in a state of irritation, we see that this state violated the young man’s aura; he himself, as it were, “weakened” his energy protection. In this state, the body can be susceptible not only to various infections, but also to the influence of other people.

It is no coincidence that despondency in all Teachings is considered a state, not worthy of a person. The Kirlian method made it possible for the first time to see how detrimental this condition is to human health. The flow of energy is interrupted, many places remain unprotected, we ourselves reduce, “extinguish” the potential of psychic energy. The body in this state is weakened both physically and emotionally. Seeing the results of the experiment, young people think seriously and realize the need to control their feelings.

Often, unfortunately, many people forget about the beauty of the Russian language and use obscene language. Swear words have become the scourge of our time. Using the Kirlian method, the initial state was filmed, then the subject uttered swear words for a minute (the operator left at this moment), after which his radiation was recorded. The image shows how the energy is “broken” throughout the spine, that is, the flow of energy is interrupted, the total area of ​​luminescence decreases, especially in the area of ​​the chest and genitourinary system, and blood circulation worsens.

Smoking also negatively affects the state of mental energy, especially the throat area (shown by the arrow), head and spine. Let's hope that those who witnessed the experiment will be able to overcome the bad habit that has become widespread. After all, everyone cares about their own health, and this is a great incentive for improvement.

Anxiety, especially strong, also suppresses mental energy, and this prevents young people from realizing themselves during tests and exams. The ability to control your energy, your feelings and thoughts is one of the most pressing tasks for young people. We took photographs of students' auras before and after the test. Before the test, many of the emissions are weak, recorded by individual streamers, and for some they are practically absent. After the test, two factors immediately enhance and restore the radiation: joy that you passed the test, and the absence of a reason to worry.

Experiments have also been carried out with cell phones. The results showed that for those who use cell phones, the glow area is reduced or completely disappears in the throat and head area. And this is not surprising. Now there are many scientific works, which consider the negative impact on a person, first of all, on his cardiovascular system, electromagnetic fields, especially from household appliances. It should be noted here that the stronger the aura (in terms of voltage and area), the less any negative impact, including from cell phones, affects.

Music, especially classical music, has a beneficial effect on young people. In 2002, research was carried out in the Ural state university them. M. Gorky, and the Kirlian method was one of the methods that confirmed that music has healing properties. In ancient times they gave great importance sound, and currently music therapy is widely used. Experiments have shown that listening to your favorite music for one minute not only restores your aura, but also makes it more powerful.

Essential oils also have a positive effect. It is enough to inhale the smell of the oil several times, and certain energy centers are activated. Interestingly, during experiments with essential oils, incense activated the exchange with the subtle world in a 12-year-old child. The device recorded energy clusters going to the heart, hypothalamus and pineal gland (pineal gland).

People and Since ancient times, it has been believed that every person is surrounded by an etheric energy field that serves him as a certain protection. Professor Lichtenberg in 1777, while studying electrical discharges on the powder-coated surface of an insulator, observed a characteristic glow. A hundred years later, this glow was recorded on a photographic plate and received the name “Lichtenberg Figures.”

In the middle of the last century, the Russian scientist Narkevich-Iodko, believing a peasant who saw multi-colored colors around people, invented a very simple electrical device that made it possible to capture this glow on a photographic plate.

A leaf that had just been plucked from a branch glowed, slowly losing its glow as it faded. The hand of the local clergyman shone with a pleasant, even light after the prayer service, but for some reason the circle of light broke and faded when he came home to the family. The thread connecting the lover with his beloved glowed with bright sparks. The sick person’s glow quickly changed: dark dots and spots appeared, the once flat field narrowed and turned into torn pieces.

The scientist himself adhered to scientific views on the nature of the emerging pictures: “ Human body constantly produces electricity nerve tissues and is a kind of electric battery, constantly exchanging charges with the surrounding space.”

For the scientist, 1882 was the year his discovery was recognized. Narkevich-Iodko called his method of photography electrography. They wrote about Yakov Ottonovich as a scientist who was ahead of his time. He also managed to find a very specific application for his discovery. Conducting numerous experiments, he noticed a difference in the electrographic pattern of identical parts of the body of sick and healthy, tired and excited, sleeping and awake people. Predicted the possibility of using the method to determine psychological compatibility.

Nikola Tesla's experiments in 1891-1900 showed the possibility of gas-discharge visualization of living organisms. Tesla obtained photographs of discharges using ordinary photography. The camera photographed objects and bodies in high-frequency currents.

Only in the 30s was Tesla's work continued. His followers, the Kirlian spouses, in their home laboratory created and improved a device that allows them to study the glow of objects in an electromagnetic field (a modified Tesla resonance transformer operating in a pulsed mode was used as a source of high-voltage high-frequency voltage).

The Kirlian effect is a plasma glow of an electric discharge on the surface of objects that are previously placed in an alternating electric field of high frequency 10-100 kHz. In this case, a surface voltage arises between the electrode and the object under study from 5 to 30 kV. The effect, like a statistical discharge or lightning, is observed on any biological objects, as well as on inorganic samples of various types.

Using the images, it is possible to carry out early diagnosis, identify relapse of the disease, and evaluate the therapeutic effect of chemicals.

“The skin contains unique biomechanisms that perform important functions and connected through the nervous system with internal organs... We assume that if there are comparative tables of pictures of the electrical state of the skin in normal and pathological states, it will be possible to use our method as a means of early diagnosis in medicine, in animal husbandry ... The world of wonderful discharges will serve a person well” (S.D., V. H. Kirlian, “In the world of wonderful discharges”).

Teeth experiments

The German scientist and doctor P. Mandel suggested that the characteristics of the gas-discharge glow of the fingers and toes are related to the state of the acupuncture points located on them, which are the starting or ending points of all energy channels. Using Kirlianography, he carried out thousands of experiments, photographing people’s limbs, and compiled tables that made it possible to determine the state of a particular organ based on the characteristics of the “glow” of individual zones of the fingers and toes. In the development of the disease, he identified three main stages that appear on the images.

“During the information stage, symptoms appear rarely, mainly as occasional vegetative signs. In the second stage of development, symptoms appear that do not yet have a clear clinical correspondence. In the third, symptomatic stage, topographic projections correspond to the symptoms. This third stage is characterized by many phenomena...

The main goal of diagnosis is to identify, if possible, the hidden cause of the disease. Another goal is to suppress negatively developing processes through optimal therapy before the manifestation of clearly defined clinical symptoms."

Our state of affairs

The Kirlian effect after the 40s for a long time studied only abroad. A World Association for the study of this physical effect was created, which received the name of our talented scientists.

In the USSR, only in the late 70s did the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences pay attention to an interesting and promising topic and decided to continue its study.

The first scientist to closely study the Kirlian effect was Viktor Adamenko. He believed that the main carrier of information about the biological and psychophysiological state of living organisms are electrons. He managed to obtain Kirlian images not only on photographic film, but also on a fluorescent screen, electrostatic paper, and thermographic plates.

One of the leading Russian specialists in Kirlianography was Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov. In 1989, the scientist headed the Engineering Medical and Biological Center, where he actively developed his scientific views in the field of bioenergy.

In 1995, K.G. Korotkov applied a new scientific approach based on digital video technology, modern electronics and quantitative computer data processing. In 1996, a group of scientists led by Professor K.G. Korotkov developed the first sample of the Korona-TV apparatus. The device made it possible to record the glow in real time in an ordinary darkened room and to observe changes in a person’s aura on a computer screen. The main source of image formation was a gas discharge near the surface of the object under study.

Soon K.G. Korotkov becomes vice-president of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography. In 2000, the scientist was elected at an international congress in Brazil to the post of president of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, which he still holds. He created a set of equipment for studying biological objects using the gas-discharge visualization method with direct input of gas-discharge images into a computer. The developed software makes it possible to construct a human field, observe its changes, and also quantify image parameters for a clearer assessment of the dynamics of processes occurring in the body.

Kirlian effect effect

The Kirlian effect today is the only way that allows us to assess the state of the entire organism as a whole at the physical and energy-information levels. In the future, it will be a tool in the hands of an ordinary doctor.

Data were obtained indicating a connection between the characteristics of the glow and the psychological type of personality. The Kirlian effect will allow you to assess a specific personality and obtain a portrait of a person. It is possible to use this technique to study the compatibility of people - in space, at work and in personal relationships.
