Fucked up with lack of money. Latest requests for help. Stories of ordinary people emerging from poverty

The question of how to get out of poverty worries a huge number of people. Are you one of them? Do you also want to know how to get out of poverty and become rich without much effort? In this case, realize immediately: NO WAY. Are you not going to immediately fall into hysterics, are you ready to really work? If so, find out what to do to get out of poverty now!

How to start making money: the main reasons for failure

1. This is a poor country where there are no opportunities.
2. Only those with rich “dads” achieve something.
3. It is impossible to earn good money honestly.
4. I don't have the capabilities.

As a result, the real question of how to start making money doesn’t even arise. These and thousands of other stereotypes and myths for a long time guide the minds of humanity. Some people use such arguments because of the convenience of being unhappy and not trying to change everything. Although it is much more effective to learn how to set them and start achieving them.

So, have you asked yourself this question? When talking about how to start earning money from scratch, the main thing is to be prepared ACT. Hard work is the way people earn their wealth. Are you ready for this?

How to start making money online and offline

The main and most reliable way to earn money without investments is hired labor. If you don't earn enough, change your job. No vacancies? Change your qualifications! After all, nowadays there are many types of activities without the need for education that allow everyone to make good money.

Another variant - own business. Here you will need to think about how to find a partner or investor, depending on the area. The business can be almost anything: from selling pink hairpins for girls on the Internet to a large multi-profile offline market.

Do not know, ? Well, the Internet space is of course much more accessible. When talking about what kind of business to open, you shouldn’t limit yourself to boundaries. Reselling goods from other sites, own home-based production, provision of services - everything is in demand.

How to start your own business: 5 basic principles

1. Scope of activity.

Analyze the market, look for your niche.

2. Finance.

Whether you work with or without investments, all finances must be strictly controlled. After some time, you will understand how to make money and at the same time develop your business.

3. Advertising.

When thinking about how to actually make money, don’t forget: the more clients you have (no matter what you do), the greater the profit.

4. Improve yourself.

Progress is in motion, and everything that stands still actually rolls back. Improve the range, service, quality, everything, everything, everything.

5. Work!

There is no need to talk much about why it is important to act rather than talk. Very few people get paid to talk, and if you are not one of them, finally start doing something!

Now you know how you can earn money and increase your income. Apply this knowledge! How do you think the average person in your country can get out of poverty? We are interested in your opinion! Share it, and don’t forget to send this material to your friends - after all, such information is relevant for everyone! If you want to work at home, you can try your hand at writing texts and then this article will definitely help you!

As they say: “Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.” After all, poverty deprives not only the opportunity to buy the most necessary things, but also to take care of the most important thing - health.

The problem with a miserable existence may lie in your worldview. Negative experiences from childhood sometimes prevent you from starting a full life. Lack of self-confidence, accumulated grievances and humiliation are not so easy to get out of your head. Our habits play a decisive role in material well-being.

  • Lack of money plunges many families into a state of hopelessness and despair. The daily struggle for survival deprives all hope for a better future.
  • Poverty speaks of human weakness. You need to fight for your place in the sun, strive for a better life.
  • Not everyone manages to find a high-paying job. Lack of financial resources inevitably leads to debt. You can’t take material problems as a death sentence. Anyone can find themselves in such a situation. The most important thing is not to lose the desire to live better.

Let's look at a few good habits that will help you get out of poverty and debt:

  • Monthly budget planning. To learn how to save and save money, you need to systematize your expenses. Budget planning allows you to avoid unexpected expenses and save money for necessary things. Having a reserve of money gives you confidence in the future and is a safety net in unforeseen situations. Recording expenses allows you to track purchases that do not bring value. You can redirect funds in the right direction.
  • Greater source of income. If your monthly salary does not cover your expenses and there is no money left to save, then you should think about changing jobs. If you can't find a better job in the near future, you should still continue your search. For a while you can find a part-time job. It's never too late to learn new knowledge or take advanced training courses. New knowledge allows you to get a higher paying position. Don't be afraid of change. New job, new profession always open up new perspectives. Informed decisions and changes change life for the better.
  • Justified savings. In times of shortage material resources It is very important to learn to save. Most of the money is spent on groceries. In several supermarkets, prices for the same products can vary significantly. Don’t rush to part with your money, take time to analyze the market. You can purchase clothes online. The money saved can be put aside for a deposit.

  • Closed credit cards. Constantly using a credit card makes you a perpetual debtor. Stop counting on money that doesn't belong to you. Before you withdraw another amount from your credit card, first think about when you can pay it back. Set yourself a goal to accumulate funds that you can independently manage at the right time. Systematic debts to creditors are a serious obstacle to a better life.
  • Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A needy person very often blames the reasons for his failures on others. I was born into the wrong family, I live in the wrong city, no one needs me without an education. Pity has never brought anyone well-being. Set yourself a goal and move in that direction. Take your failures as another step towards your cherished dream. Don't live in the past. Strive for successful and goal-oriented people.
  • Favorite work. Many people go to work they don’t like every day. At the same time, they constantly express their dissatisfaction with their superiors and working conditions. We find many excuses why we cannot influence the situation, but the main reason lies in our own weakness. Have the courage to change your life to get out of poverty and debt. The work must have a future perspective. If your work schedule requires several hours of free time, then you must make the most of this time. Don't waste your time wiping your pants in the office.
  • The right investment. To have more, you need to change something, improve it. If you want to extend your life, take care of your health, maintain your youth, take care of your appearance, if you want to earn more, invest money in your education. As an employee, you still need to continue to develop and increase your level of knowledge. Do not spare money on yourself, even if the result is not immediate, the desired result will definitely appear in the future.

  • Distinguishing between needs and desires. To improve your financial situation, you need to temporarily give up your desires. It is much more difficult to save on needs. Buying food, paying utility bills, wearing everyday clothes - these are things without which we cannot be in society. But Italian furniture, holidays abroad, branded clothing are among our desires, but are not primary goals.

How to get out of poverty and debt: stories of famous people who overcame poverty on the path to success

Stories of people who escaped poverty:

  • Jim carrey was born into a poor family. Due to his parents' financial difficulties, Jim did not have the opportunity to receive a quality education. The insolvency of the parents left the entire family without housing, they were forced to move into a van. Even before finishing his studies, Jim had to work, doing far from the most pleasant work.
  • From early childhood, the young man had a clear idea of ​​what he wanted. His main priority was to do what he loved, which he would never trade for a boring, well-paid job. Jim's first parody performance ended in complete failure, but this did not become an obstacle to further success.
  • Kerry continued to develop his skills and strives for his cherished dream. Already the second performance led Jim to success. We conclude that material well-being does not come instantly. It is important to have the desire and desire to change.

  • Oprah Unfrey born in poverty dysfunctional family. Her grandmother raised her. Little Oprah did not have the most necessary clothes and shoes. Thanks to her grandmother, Oprah learned to read and write very early, which later helped her develop public speaking skills. She enjoyed speaking in public and preaching the Bible.
  • Even then, the girl knew who she wanted to be in the future. Due to her mother's negligence, Oprah was bullied by her relatives. Having been raped, the girl could not stand it and ran away, after which she ended up in a shelter. Her father became the girl's salvation. It was he who instilled in her a love of learning and instilled in her a desire to grow and develop.
  • Oprah's first job was on radio. I had to combine study and work. Later she worked as a reporter and finally came to the profession of TV presenter. The ratings for her program went through the roof. She was able to change the lives of many people. One of Oprah's quotes: « We are all responsible for ourselves, for our victories and our defeats» .

  • Sarah Jessica Parker born in large family. To get out of poverty and debt, parents had to work hard. For failure to pay utility bills, the family was repeatedly left without electricity. Each family member had a minimum set of clothes, which instilled in Jessica a desire to save money throughout her life.
  • Her parents noticed Jessica's talent and encouraged her endeavors. Popularity did not come to Sarah immediately. Before becoming famous, she had to play many minor roles. Sarah did not stop at her acting career. She released a series of her perfumes, a line of clothing and accessories. Using Jessica's example, it is obvious that you need to have patience and not stop there.

  • Vera Brezhneva was born into a low-income family. The girl had to look for sources of income to help feed her family. Vera combined work and study. She agreed to work as a waitress and dishwasher. Brezhneva's modest clothes became a reason for ridicule from her classmates.
  • On the way to their dream, the girls used every opportunity, participated in free clubs, and spoke at public events. A happy accident played a decisive role in the girl’s fate. The girls succeeded not only as a singer, but also tried themselves as an actress. Desire and work on herself helped the girl say goodbye to poverty.

How to get out of poverty and debt: stories of ordinary people

Stories ordinary people out of poverty:

  • Vladimir, 42 years old: My childhood was spent in a large family with a small income. Our family moved to new town created many new difficulties. Our parents did not have enough money to feed us. The father was the only breadwinner in the family and when he broke his leg, the mother had to collect bottles on the street.
  • The desire to help my family motivated me to action. The most important thing was to provide for my family. I went to Moscow to work so that get out of poverty and debt. Before I found a good job, I had to spend the night at the station. Today I have my own home and a good job. I provide for myself and help my family. I'm not ashamed of my childhood. Thanks to difficulties, I became stronger every day. We build our own future!

  • Tatyana, 36 years old: When I was a child, I had a beloved friend. We spent a lot of time at her house. Our families did not have extra money, so we were not spoiled. Sometimes it was embarrassing to go to school in old clothes.
  • Today we have both matured and achieved some success, created our own families. Having recently visited my friend’s parents, I was unpleasantly surprised. Nothing has changed in their apartment, the same old furniture and a very modest lifestyle. Once again I was convinced that everything is in the hands of man. Poverty is the choice of weak people. You cannot be idle, you must always strive for a better life.

Video: Getting out of debt

When we talk about money, a lot of indignation is awakened. Like sex, this topic is taboo. We have many fears and complexes, experiences and beliefs...

When I talk to people, I overtly or covertly hear:

  • Money is evil
  • Money is dirt
  • Asking for money is bad
  • You can only earn money through hard work
  • Only thieves get rich easily
  • The rich are angry and unhappy
  • Rich families are fragile

And all this makes their life very difficult. Because then life turns into running away from money. And it seems like I want my own home, something to eat, beautiful dresses. But I consider the way they will come to me dirty and unworthy. What will happen then? We all know this from our own experience. Money will become less and less. The salary will be meager, it will barely be enough.

Because the Lord protects us and fulfills all our desires. If we always tell him that money is terrible dirt, he will help us keep it clean. True, this is unlikely to make us happy. And we will even consider that God is unfair - everything for someone, but nothing for me...

I once had the same beliefs about money. I always thought it was dirt. That rich people are evil, their families are falling apart. When I was a child, money was scarce; I still remember how we bought vegetables individually. I didn’t have a large closet with clothes, an abundance of toys or sweets. But there were friends who had it all.

Their parents worked in more honorable positions, they grew up in two-parent families. There are many other reasons why they had many things in their lives that I did not have. True, my mother and I often discussed the fact that the relationships in their families were not ideal. And it’s better without money, but with fewer problems.

This is how my adult life unfolded. From the very beginning family life We were short of funds. We often lived in debt. There was never enough money. And the most promising projects failed miserably. Each time, hope turned into disappointment. And in the end we lost all our property.

The very first steps to prosperity that we took

Stop stealing

This may come as a surprise to you, but we all steal. When we take stationery from work or print things we personally need on the office printer. When we find something, we don’t return it to the owner. When we use someone else’s intellectual property, we download movies from torrents or music from different sites. When we download free books or trainings that the author usually sells. In Russia, everyone steals - why am I worse? I used to think so too - and it was a period of constant black holes.

Theft comes from ignorance and scarcity. I don't have money to buy what I need - so I will steal. This is the fastest way to ruin.
For example, we began to buy computer programs at one time and pay for them as much as they cost. Now we have licensed software on all computers. We respect those who create programs and help us in our work.

While in Russia, we buy films on DVD and music on CD. And even with the teachers’ lectures they did it in a new way for us. We bought the maximum number of disks with lectures - so that Teachers could expand their zone of influence. After all, with this money they will be able to give even more lectures!

Look for opportunities, not freebies

Freebies will make you poorer. Free - The demon pays. All those situations where the law of balance “Take” and “Give” is violated lead to complications throughout life. Anything you take for free and without any effort is worth nothing. Such knowledge is not valued. Such things break quickly and do not bring joy.

Sometimes we spend a lot of time trying to get something for free. The same efforts could be directed towards earning the required amount. When we have some kind of training that we want to attend, we look for opportunities. Not a problem - why is it unrealistic. This happened in 2009 with. 1000 dollars ticket plus travel and accommodation. But we took the plunge and said yes to it. A week before departure, the full amount arrived (we just made an effort to right side). The same thing happened with the Psychology 3000 festival and other events. Everything lines up when the vector is directed in the right direction.

Free things are not valued. You won't apply what you learn for free. There is no motivation from the outside, all that remains is willpower - and in our case it is usually weak.

Change your attitude towards money

Easier said than done. After all, you need to start not with meditation on a piece of paper - imagining how they fall from the sky. And with respect to those who already have money and wealth. Are you sure that all millionaires steal? That they are all dirty and terrible people? Unhappy and angry? This means you don’t know anything and don’t want to know about this side of life. Read the book “My Millionaire Neighbor” and you will find out that most millionaires are modest and family people. They work hard and help others, and do not boast about their millions. There is something to respect them for.

Money and wealth are not the goal human life. This is a tool that will help a person make more transformations in this world. In order to build a hospital or a temple, you need money. In order to feed the hungry, you need money. In order to educate children or even adopt them, you need money.

In our world, this is the tool with which you can change life around. And in which direction - this is decided by the person who uses them. Like electricity, you can kill a person, but you can provide light to thousands of homes. Like the Internet - you can surf porn sites, or you can listen to Torsunov’s lectures. Money has no color; we ourselves give it meaning by how we spend it.

How more the people you help with money, the more money you will have. Verified.

Change your attitude towards paying for services, including your own

IN Lately I often meet people who, citing Eastern philosophy, say that a psychologist should work for donations. That asking for payment for your services is a sin. But this leaves out another, more important part. All scriptures say - Thou shalt not steal! However, nowhere is it written: “Work for free.” And the sin is not in asking for payment, but in not paying for the services of others.

Knowing this, a psychologist, teacher or doctor simply does not have the right to allow such a sin in his patient and client. And given our dissolved Kali-Yuga mind, we ourselves must set a price for our services. I just have to. So that it helps a person. And so that later Negative consequences didn't catch up.

If you provide services to others, feel free to set a price. One that will be comfortable for you.

Realize that money is the energy of God

When I fully understood and felt this, I felt better. They don't belong to me or anyone else. This is God's energy - and he distributes it. Based on past merits or sins. According to today's desires and aspirations. In the Vedic tradition, money is called "lakshmi". Named after the Goddess of Prosperity, the wife of the Lord. Because this is her energy – and therefore the energy of God.

When we understand this, it is easier to understand how and where to spend them. For the common good. To do this, for example, a woman needs to eat deliciously and dress beautifully. Because in this way she becomes joyful - and can share this joy. A hungry woman in burlap will no longer bring so much happiness and pleasure to those around her.

A family home is needed not only for simple living and enjoyment. But also to receive and feed guests there. Learn to serve other people.

A car is not only a way to move from point A to point B, but also an opportunity to help friends and family.

Of course, here you also need to know when to stop - and be able to refuse so that calluses do not appear on your neck. This is already about talking about self-esteem and personal boundaries.

With the help of money, start changing the world for the better.

Then it turns out that vice is not wealth, but vice versa. A poor person cannot change anything in this world; he would have to survive on his own. And even his own survival rests on the shoulders of someone else. After all, the unemployed are paid benefits from the taxes that come to the treasury from those who work. Poor people need help and support - and it comes precisely from those who have money.

The question is where we distribute them. Why do we earn them? How fair. And where do we spend it? If we do what we love with our souls and help people, there will be more money. I know carpenters, plumbers, bakers, seamstresses, doctors, psychologists, teachers who have queues. They earn enough. And their products and work delight all clients - because they contain a piece of the soul.

Businessmen who engage in charity will definitely increase their wealth. After all, they are building a business not only for themselves!

Work through your ancestral relationship with money

In my life, debts ended after a discussion on this topic - where there were quarrels over inheritance and housing, dispossession and much more. And the debt, the amount of which had not changed for five years, evaporated in 3 months. This is a very big topic - how the fears of our ancestors set limits for us. We talked a little about this on the course about

In their times, people were killed, exiled, and imprisoned for wealth. Therefore, it was profitable to keep a low profile, work like everyone else and get the same amount. Many years have passed - and we continue to do the same - although in our time the principles are different. And past installations are already doing a lot of harm.

Remove excessive preoccupation and obsession with money

This is the other extreme - when we strive for them, we want to enjoy them. We see in every person only his wallet. We evaluate our victories by the size of our salary... It’s as if we are appropriating the energy of God. We say that this is our money. My. I need. I want. I, me, mine!

With this approach, money becomes even less, and along with this, relationships collapse. We went through this stage when we were developing an Internet portal. Over time, the motivation for helping people changed to “pay for the apartment and buy food.” Clearly realizing this, we decided to withdraw from this project - and thereby preserve our values. After this difficult decision, our income only increased, although nothing foreshadowed this.

Help people

Let this be your main driver. Your main motivator. Then making money will not contradict spirituality. On the contrary, they will finally come together and stop disturbing the mind with eternal conflict.

I wish you to get out of the vicious circle of the constant race for money! Better let them chase you (and this is inevitable when you help people!)

I stutter, stuttering can probably be said to have ruined the life I had at that moment.
There was no girl, and in principle, I never really wanted one. I have friends who are obsessed with girls, I don’t understand it.
I had a girlfriend 1-2 but there was no serious relationship.
At school no one teased me because I was athletic, and no one insulted me or made jokes.
In college, I endured for 1 month, after that I lashed out at one guy who was yelling at me, beat him up in front of my classmates and my supervisor, after that no one made any noise in my direction.
The problem is that I'm tired of living in poverty.
I live in a dormitory, not in a classroom, as everyone is used to thinking. that there are only dormitories for students, there are also family-type dormitories.
Where out of 10 rooms on the floor, families live, in each room there are 3-4 people. On the floor there is 1 bathroom, shared toilet and kitchen.
Not only are the conditions brutal, but there is also poverty. We live in 4 rooms in one dorm room of 15 sq. m. for 20,000 rubles per month.
I eat for about 4,000 rubles a month, maybe even less.
My mother is depressed. a very closed person, like a pillar, you can’t talk to her about anything.
She doesn’t want to work because she says:
I have 8 years left until retirement.
We are supported by our drunken stepfather, who got drunk a hundred times and her salary was taken by men from his work, then they borrowed money from his parents.
plus a son was born from him. At 4, we live in one room, and it is filled with closets, which narrows the space to 10 sq. m.
They wouldn’t hire me wherever I went, I think they didn’t like my stutter.
That is, I had no money at all. I recently worked part-time, 10,000 rubles, I want to extend it for 3 months.
No friends, no girlfriend, no job, just intrusive thoughts and obsessive feelings.
In principle, I think so, I don’t need a girl, and I don’t need friends. But extremely rarely, maybe once every 2-3 months, I get the feeling that I really want to be with someone, but it is so insignificant that the next day I already forget about it.
I'm tired of loneliness, but even more tired of hating people.
when I see their distorted faces looking in my direction I want to puke.
I thought about suicide in January 2011, but the thought of my parents stopped me, how would they live after this?
so this is not my first day.
For 5 years already, during this path, I was going crazy, there were isolated cases when I couldn’t control myself, and I hated everyone and everything.
But then it passed.
I took a test for schizophrenia, the norm was from 15 to 65, I scored 49.
They wrote to me that this is the norm, but also that I am stressed and very tired from everything.
If I could, I would leave everyone I know for 2-3 months to rest.
I'm tired of poverty and loneliness, but at the same time I don't care, what should I do?
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Jisny cook, age: 21 / 04/27/2016


It seems to me that you should not give up and continue looking for work. At first, even as a cleaner. Stuttering is actually very cute. As a person who himself lived in poverty, I understand you, once upon a time I did. how you wanted to just evaporate. But I didn’t give up and continued to look for work, it was hard. I started as a cleaner. While working as a cleaner, she continued to look for a better job. Your loneliness is temporary, find friends on social media. Networks, even from another country. Mom is depressed because she feels bad too. Go with her to a psychologist, and it will help you and your mother. You can handle it, I'm sure.
I keep my fingers crossed for you. You can and will overcome anything. I will pray for you

Julia, age: 16 / 04/27/2016

Hello. External living conditions play a huge role in our state, but in addition to this, our internal state also plays an important role. And this very internal state can have a decisive impact on external factors. So in your case, a very effective way to restore order within yourself will be. If this is hatred, then you need to get rid of it, say in the gym or on the street doing shadow boxing or punching a punching bag in the gym, if you hate someone specific or a number of people, you can write letters of gratitude - how to do it. Thank you letters are best written by hand. Those. Write an example: part 1 - you are so and so, you bastard, I am suffering so much because of you. Part 2 - but still, I’m grateful to you, I’ve grown stronger, I’ve become more confident thanks to you. Part 3 - conclusion, even though you messed me up, our relationship still had some important meaning for both of us. So, part 1 - what you hate, don’t like, part 2 - what you are grateful for. Part 3 - conclusion. When freeing yourself from hatred and negativity, you always need to form an alternative to it within yourself. An alternative could be gratitude, kindness to people, some favorite activity, i.e. something that will create such a state of mind in your life that you will not only not want to die, but will deeply love your life. To do this, develop gratitude, hope, love, faith, and calmness within yourself. Look for different new ways to develop them, but of course everything is good in moderation. Music has a very healing power in our lives, think about what you are listening to, maybe it’s worth replacing some heavy rock or rap with versions of calmer classical music or energizing chanson. The music we listen to is not only able to reflect our attitude towards the world, it is also capable of adjusting, changing our mood, it is capable of creating some new signals in our soul, music is the greatest source of energy, you just need to know how to use it correctly. All the best!

den777, age: 25 / 04/27/2016

Hello! There are now medications for stuttering. Consult a doctor, chat on forums about this problem, maybe they will give you good advice. And of course, look for a job, if they took your drunken stepfather, then you good chances.

Irina, age: 28 / 04/27/2016

Hello! Reading your post, I didn’t see either a schizophrenic or a psychopath, but I saw a fighter! Despite your stuttering, which I consider your feature and not a defect, you graduated from school, went in for sports, graduated from college, go out and look for work, and don’t sit at home... Yes, of course, you live in cramped conditions with your parents and brother and you’re tired of everything, but you don’t drink with your stepfather, you haven’t sunk to the bottom (after all, this is the very last thing), you are patient - these are all very valuable qualities in a person! I don’t know your attitude towards the Church, but try to look for communication with believers... True believers bring warmth, support, help, God’s love, the church helps many people in need, there are youth communication, try to find such communication, I hope it will be for you a way out of your hopelessness and loneliness! And remember: we are never alone, because our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ is with us and He takes care of us every moment, we just don’t realize it... I wish you to find a way out and true happiness! God's blessings, N.

natagabriel, age: 35 / 04/27/2016

We definitely need to move! Then it will be easier to restore peace of mind. Rent a room in an apartment without owners. Mostly young people and students shoot this way. But to do this, of course, first find a more or less stable job. Set a goal for yourself and take action. Don't think about people, about hatred, about past problems. Think about how well and calmly you will live alone.

Svetlana, age: 30 / 04/27/2016

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If you grew up in a low-income family, you immediately inherit several habits that will be very difficult for you to get rid of. Even if you improve your financial situation, these habits will bring you unnecessary stress, nerves, and will even “steal” your money. If you have not yet achieved wealth, but are working hard in this direction, then you should also think about how to get rid of thinking. Because thinking determines our material condition, and not vice versa, and by learning to think differently, we will create a favorable atmosphere for achieving success.

« Until recently I was very poor. In the first 18 years of my life I was a child and simply could not do anything about it, for the next 17 years I was still a child and no longer wanted to do anything about it. I'm not complaining and I don't want to blame anyone, I chose my own path.

But a few things happened amazing events, one of which was getting a great job, and one day I found myself living the life that I thought a “normal” person should live. My bills were paid, the refrigerator was full of food, and in the courtyard there were two gilded statues of me naked.

But, like anyone who has lived in poverty, I can tell you, it changes a person. And these habits remain with you even when you no longer need to fight for your place in the sun.”

Bad food habit

When you're poor

You buy food based on two principles:

1. How long does it last?

2. How cheap is it?

This way you can only buy bad food. To save time and money, you go to the store once a month or a week.

Vegetables are taken frozen, since they can be thrown into the freezer and not worry about their safety. Fruits in syrup are much cheaper than fresh ones. Children don't know the taste of real food because they eat canned food too often.

In fact, half of all this food can be burned without regret.

But then one day you got rich

We have already said that children raised on canned foods will not be able to understand the taste of real food. It will seem wrong. These are completely different beans, different milk, and a completely different cheese. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Some people like to point at overweight, low-income citizens and exclaim: “Ha! It doesn’t look like they’re starving at all!” And they are unaware that it is poor quality food that provokes problems with excess weight.

Once you have money, you can afford to buy fresh food regularly and you even have time to cook it, your taste buds They just won’t accept this food. You'll have to get used to it.

At first you will look at, say, asparagus in bewilderment: what is it? Is it to cook? Is this even edible? Or is this for external use?

There is a temptation to continue eating like this, it’s more convenient and easier.

The habit of immediately spending “extra” money

When you're poor

Let's say you received some kind of bonus, or someone sent you a fairly large amount as a gift, or you worked part-time somewhere, in general, you had a fairly large amount of money in your hands. And you want to spend everything immediately. Let's update the kitchen set, or maybe buy a new TV, or finally replace the sofa...

But if you leave this money, you can pay for the apartment for several months. However, you will fall into a panic state: no, now, immediately, immediately! You have denied yourself everything for so long that you want to get everything at once, and not think about the future.

But then one day you got rich

Have you heard the story about someone who became a millionaire by unexpectedly winning money in the lottery, and then went bankrupt within a very short time? This is because they cannot get rid of this habit of poverty, the idea that money is a perishable product and they need to spend it all urgently.

Of course, impulsive spending still occurs, but when you have enough money, you can manage it wisely and leave some for unexpected expenses. Let's say your car breaks down, and you can have it repaired without borrowing money from friends.

Those who have achieved financial well-being have to learn to get rid of “money panic” and manage money in a new way.

This is an interesting story: if you have been a fairly wealthy person since your youth, then you and your capital are only growing, and if you are always at zero, then it would seem that you should be able to manage money, but in reality it turns out that this is not So.

The habit of compensating for savings with gifts

When you're poor

You are unlikely to receive many gifts, and the ones you receive are rather mediocre, just like those you give yourself. And you don’t even care about all these “wonderful and magical holidays”, and you don’t need any gifts. It's another matter with a child. Children love gifts, and they are not materialistic, no, it is normal for a child to love gifts.

Dear parents, under no circumstances discuss financial problems in front of your children. Especially in the spirit: “Let’s buy him this expensive car now, and then he won’t have anything to eat!” Children worry, they begin to make sacrifices in the name of the well-being of the family and feel guilty for those small material joys that sometimes fall to them.

When our financial situation improved a little, the children and I went to the store, and I invited them to choose new bedspreads for their beds. Their old ones were already very shabby and ugly. My oldest son looked around for a few seconds and then said, “Thanks, Dad! But I don't really need it." At that moment, it became obvious to me how sensitively children feel the financial problems of the family. They are nervous. Although in reality, they shouldn’t worry about money, because they won’t be able to help you anyway!

When you have to deny something to your children, you already feel terribly guilty, and as soon as you have extra money, you try to compensate for this.

But then one day you got rich

When you go shopping for holiday gifts, you will buy twice what a normal person would buy. And then you go out into the street, look at the packages, but this will not seem enough to you, and you will also pop into the next store to buy something else.

And then, having arrived home and laid out the gifts, you will think that this is it, and the next day you will go shopping again.

You are trying to make up for the days when you had to save. If you're not buying gifts, then perhaps you replaced all the furniture in the house, or bought designer clothes, or bought a car that you couldn't really afford on your current income. It’s like you’re laughing in the face of former poverty: “Hey! I saw it! You are no more!

But, be careful, it’s easy to forget yourself and end up back at the edge.

The habit of behaving like an obsessed accountant

When you're poor

You always know exactly how much money you have in your wallet or bank account. You cannot say: “I have about 3 thousand rubles on my card.” You know that you have 2860 rubles on your card.

You need to know the exact numbers so that you can constantly calculate in your head whether you can buy this thing now and not fall behind on your rent payments, and make it to your next paycheck without debt.

When paying bills for water and electricity, you calculate everything thoroughly. This is similar to an algebraic balancing act: “So, now I will pay 3540 rubles, then next month I can pay 2350...”

But then one day you got rich

The wonderful time has come when you don’t have to calculate everything to the nearest ruble. You find yourself in a magical land where you can easily round up the amount in your account, but you will still frequently check your bank card to find out EXACTLY how much money is on it.

You will not be able to get rid of this habit for a very long time and will check your card with the tenacity of a maniac. You are constantly under stress and it wears you out.

The habit of buying only what you need right now

When you're poor

You buy only what you really need, no more. If you buy 8 rolls of toilet paper instead of one, then in the end you will win in price, but one roll will only last you for a week. You seem to understand that by buying 8 rolls you will save, but on the other hand, you see two prices, one of which is 4 times more, and you don’t dare make such expenses at this particular moment.

Same with clothes. Let's say in the summer you saw a wonderful winter jacket. You really like it, and your last year’s one is already pretty worn out. In addition, due to seasonal changes, the jacket costs twice as much as its original price. You understand perfectly well that by winter the same model will increase in price again, and it is much more profitable to buy it right now. However, even if you have a little “extra” money, you won’t be able to spend it right now. Winter is far away, why buy a warm jacket in summer?..

If your family has always been poor, then as a child you most likely wore clothes for older brothers and sisters, or other relatives. Rarely did you go to the store to buy new things. And it became a holiday! But, of course, only what was absolutely necessary was bought. Most likely you were unfamiliar with the concept: “I want to buy these jeans simply because I like them. Despite the fact that I already have 2 pairs.”

But then one day you got rich

There is money, but the habit remains again. No, your children are dressed to their best, and you, of course, will not refuse them if they just ask for something. But for yourself you will always feel sorry: these trousers seem okay, why buy another one?

If you nevertheless came to the store with the purpose of making a purchase, then the annoying mosquito will squeak in your head: “Hey! Well, why do you need this thing? Do you have enough of them? Why these extra expenses?..” It’s safe to say that you will leave the store without purchasing anything and in a disgusting mood. When your trousers become unusable, you will buy the first thing that comes to hand, and not at the best price.

And by the way, you will continue to buy 1 bottle of shampoo instead of a pack of 3.

Start challenging some of these habits now. It is clear that you will not be able to change everything at once due to both moral and material factors, but try to at least plan your expenses based on the principles of saving, which is typical for wealthier people. You may soon find that you spend less money and become a more successful and confident person. Such people always attract success. And when prosperity comes to you, it will be easier for you to learn how to manage your well-being and you will not return again to where you started your journey.
