How to find out the schedule of the exam, oge and gve. How to find out the schedule of the exam, oge and gve What is the exam and gia

Who takes the GIA

All schoolchildren who have completed 9 grades must take the State Final Certification. Based on passing the GIA, a ninth-grader can move to 10th grade or enter a secondary school vocational education(college or technical school).

Students whose annual grades in all subjects are not lower than three are allowed to take the State Exam. Schoolchildren who have a grade of “2” in one (but not more) subject can take the GIA, provided that one of the exams is the subject in which the student received a D in the year.

Those students who have not received a certificate for one reason or another can also take the GIA.

How to pass State Examination Test

The format of the State Exam is very similar to the format of the Unified State Exam. Schoolchildren take 2 compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) and 2 elective subjects. In addition, regional education authorities may introduce a mandatory fifth exam in a school-related subject. For example, for a school with in-depth study of the English language, a mandatory English exam may be introduced.

There are two ways to take the GIA:

With tickets in the traditional way;

According to the GIA-9 form.

At the same time, mandatory exams can only be taken using the GIA-9 form, which implies the use of CIMs (control measuring materials), usually called tests. The exact method in which schoolchildren will take the exam is determined by the regional education authority independently. In addition, the regions themselves prepare forms for passing the State Examination Test - universal forms, as in passing the Unified State Exam, in this case does not happen.

If a student receives a bad mark in one or two GIA subjects, he will be able to retake the subjects in additional terms. If the student fails to pass the exam even within the additional time frame, then he has two options for the development of events: either instead of a certificate, he will be issued a certificate of completion indicating those subjects in which he has bad marks, or he will be sent to the second year.

If a student is not satisfied with the exam grade, he has the right to review his work, which was checked by members of the examination committee, and file an appeal within three days. In this case, a conflict commission is created, the terms and procedure of which are established in each region differently. The education management body discloses information about the work of the conflict commission no later than 2 weeks before the start of the State Examination.

State Examination Certificate

Those who successfully pass the exams receive a certificate of basic higher education. “Fivers” (those who have all exam and final grades of “5”) can receive a certificate of a special type.

If a student has passed the GIA in the GIA-9 form, he can receive an addition to the certificate - a certificate or certificate confirming the results of the exams.

Dates of the State Examination in 2013

In 2013, Rosobrnadzor established the following State Examination deadlines :

May 31 - history of Russia, social studies, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), literature, computer science and information and communication technologies;

June 7 - Russian history, social studies, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), literature, computer science and information and communication technologies;

June 11 - reserve day: mathematics, Russian history, geography, biology, physics, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish);

June 4 (Friday) - reserve day: Russian language, social studies, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies, literature.

The education system does not stand still, which leads to certain reforms. Every year, parents of graduates grab their heads and try to understand the abbreviations OGE, Unified State Exam, GVE, GIA. And the most important question for them is what does this all mean, how is it different, who gives it and where? And of course how all this will affect the child himself. According to observations recent years, parents are more panicked than the child himself, who needs to pass the exam. Let's talk more about these types of exams.

What is OGE

The abbreviation OGE itself appeared in 2014, it stands for “ Mandatory state exam" Previously, these exams were called GIA (State Final Certification). This exam is taken at the end of 9th grade. The OGE requires passing two mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics, and two additional ones that students can choose on their own. When issuing a certificate, the results of all four exams are taken into account; at a minimum, they must be passed satisfactorily.

What score do you need to score to pass the exam?

Depending on the chosen discipline, there is a passing score. Maximum number of points for the OGE in Russian language 39 . To pass the exam you must score a minimum 15 points. And for the math exam 8 points. If we convert points into grades we get:

Russian language 0-14 points is two; from 15 to 24 points equals a score of 3; from 25 to 33 this is 4 (provided that the student scored at least 4 points on questions GK1-GK4); from 34 to 39 points – score 5 (provided that the student scored at least 6 points on questions GK1-GK4).

Maximum score in mathematics 32 , accordingly, if a student scores from 0 to 7 points on the exam - score 2; from 8 to 14 points – that’s already three; from 15 to 21 – equals 4; from 22 to 32 points – is estimated at 5 points.
Who is allowed to take the OGE

Students are allowed to attend educational organizations(gymnasiums, lyceums, schools), including self-study, having mastered general education program full-time, part-time or part-time. Foreign citizens and refugees who have completed the general education program, including compatriots abroad.

What is the Unified State Exam

The Unified State Exam was first introduced in the territory Russian Federation in 2001. He means a unified objective test of students’ knowledge, control measuring materials are used to check them. Based on the results of this exam, a certificate is issued. When passing the Unified State Exam, there are two mandatory exams - Russian and mathematics (basic). Additionally, students take three optional exams, depending on the university they plan to enroll in.

Who is allowed to take the Unified State Exam?

Students who have completed the general education program of eleven grades are allowed to take the exam. This exam is taken by students of schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums. It is worth noting that the examinee should not have debt in other subjects (i.e. the final grade in the subjects should not be lower than 3). A student is allowed to take exams with a grade below 3 only if he passes the Unified State Examination in this subject.

What score do you need to score to pass the exam?

To successfully pass the exam you must score at least 36 points in Russian language, And at least 27 points in mathematics. For more successful completion The exam requires the following indicators: - Russian language for 4 from to 71, and for 5 from 72 to 100 points. In mathematics you need to score 4 from 47 to 64 points, and for 5 your result must be above 65 points.

Differences between the OGE and the Unified State Exam

The similarity of these exams is that they imply independent assessment of examinees' knowledge. These two exams differ in that the OGE is taken after the 9th grade on the territory of the general education institution in which the student studied. But the Unified State Exam is taken after 11th grade in an area that is unusual for the student, it is called PPE. For the Unified State Exam, the commission consists of school teachers, and for the Unified State Exam, there is an independent commission. The OGE exam is given an hour more time than the Unified State Exam.

What innovations are expected in the next 5 years?

Dmitry Livanov confirmed the information that a mandatory unified history exam will be introduced, but specific dates have not been announced. The ministry is discussing such subjects as physics and geography and the possibility of adding them to the list of mandatory exams. Accordingly, there is a risk of increasing mandatory state exams from two to five.

By 2022, a unified exam will be introduced English language. It is planned to relax the Unified State Exam retake; accordingly, the number of retake attempts will be increased to three. Should I be worried about my child's exams? - No, there is no escape from him. It is worth paying more attention to your child's education.

The final exam is an important part educational process and allows you to check the student’s preparedness for further education. After 9th grade, students take the OGE, which consists of 5 exams - 2 mandatory and 3 optional. To achieve best result, you should carefully consider the choice of items.

Receiving almost any education is accompanied by testing of acquired knowledge or an exam. This is especially important for schoolchildren: right choice Sciences a large number of points obtained can guarantee admission to the chosen university. The most important is the Unified State Exam for 11th grade and the Unified State Exam for 9th grade.

What are we talking about?

For schoolchildren, the most important thing is 11th grade and the final exam (USE). They prepare for it several months in advance and carefully select items: they must match the requirements. The second most important is the OGE - the Main State Exam. It is taken by 9th grade graduates, after which they either remain in school or can transfer to a college or technical school.

Attention! The abbreviation “GIA” (State Final Attestation) is sometimes considered synonymous with OGE, but in fact GIA combines OGE and Unified State Exam.

The OGE is a mandatory exam for all schoolchildren. Since 2014, it consists of 4 exams (since 2017 - 5), of which 2 sciences (Russian language and mathematics) are mandatory for everyone, the rest are optional. The Ministry of Education plans to gradually increase the number of optional exams (one every 2 years) in order to improve the level of education of schoolchildren.

Each OGE exam must be passed with no worse than a “C”, otherwise some time is given to retake it. If a student does not correct his grade or does not appear for the exam, then instead of a certificate he will receive a certificate of completion of training. It is possible to retake the OGE only next year.

How to choose

Since almost all students continue to study after finishing 9th grade, the OGE is not considered an important or decisive test. Its results only affect admission to a college or technical school; otherwise, it is enough for a student not to get a bad grade.

Attention! Colleges and technical schools can put forward their own requirements for the OGE, usually this applies to the subjects taken for the OGE.

In addition to the compulsory subjects for the OGE, graduates choose additional ones at their own discretion. They are guided by different motives:

  1. Simplicity: Since the main goal of most schoolchildren is to enter the 10th grade, they do not want to waste time and effort choosing the easiest sciences;
  2. Necessary for the Unified State Exam: in this way, students begin preparing for the final certification in advance. This helps to better understand the program and prepare for graduation;
  3. Degree of preparedness: the better a student does in the program, the easier it will be to pass the exam. This will help to score a high number of points. This option is preferable for those leaving school;
  4. Options you need to get into college.

In each situation, the choice of motive will be different. Typically, students try to choose subjects for the Unified State Examination, which they will then take for the Unified State Examination. If they have not yet decided on a university, it is worth focusing on the simplest ones: this will help them gain a large number of points without overexerting themselves.

A number of features

In 2018, schoolchildren will be able to take a choice of:

  1. Biology;
  2. Geography;
  3. Physics;
  4. Chemistry;
  5. Computer Science;
  6. History;
  7. Social science;
  8. Literature;
  9. Foreign language(English, French, German or Spanish).

Each option has advantages and disadvantages. Before making your final choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with each item separately. Below are some pitfalls:

Attention! The first thing you need to do is choose at least a direction (humanitarian, natural science or technical) - this will make it easier to choose subjects for the OGE.

What to choose

First of all, it is important to decide on the goal: if a student is going to go to college, he should choose the subjects that are required for admission. If the task is only to move to 10th grade, you can stop at a simpler one.

Secondly, you will need to realize your capabilities: taking social studies just because the majority chose it, if the student himself has little understanding of the discipline, is not worth it.

Thirdly, you should try to at least roughly imagine what exams will be required at the university and focus on them.

However, the student himself still has to choose. For example, he can choose a story for the Unified State Exam to check whether he has enough strength for the Unified State Exam in this science.

The OGE is a mandatory main state exam that schoolchildren must take after 9th grade. The OGE is also called the Unified State Exam for 9th grade: a similar exam structure allows examinees to better understand what awaits them at the very end.

Today it is difficult to find at least one student who would not be affected in one way or another by reforms in the educational sphere. Having gotten a little used to such terms as GIA and Unified State Examination, I very quickly had to get used to the new Unified State Examination and State Examination. However, changing the abbreviations did not add clarity to the essence of these concepts.

Exam in 9th grade - GIA, OGE or GVE, what is the difference?

What is OGE?

First of all, the OGE and GVE are parts of an integral system (State Final Certification) in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 and are carried out in the 9th graduating class. That is, the State Examination, as defined by law, can take place in two forms − GVE And OGE:

1) The OGE is carried out using CMM (control measuring materials) for all students in secondary educational institutions of the country and persons with foreign citizenship, stateless people, refugees, migrants who have independently mastered the entire required volume educational program and having access to the State Inspectorate.

2) GVE is carried out through a written and oral examination - texts, topics, assignments, tickets, tests - for all students of closed special secondary educational institutions, including those serving a sentence of imprisonment, and people with disabilities.

As for the definitions themselves, then transcript of the OGE consists of the following - “Main State Exam”. Accordingly, the GVE is the “State Final Exam”. They are mandatory for all students completing 9th grade and consist of two compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian language) and two elective disciplines.

What is GVE?

This format of the unified state exam is taken by all ninth and eleventh graders who have any limitations due to their health or are studying in specialized closed institutions. The rest, who do not have health problems, undergo GIA in the form of OGE according to standard tests (KIMam).

However, in the coming year The education department has already provided for some changes in the state examination system. For example, GIA (OGE) 2015 will begin no earlier than May 25 for all compulsory subjects and no earlier than April 20 for the rest. All information regarding the OGE will be published in the media and on the official websites of educational authorities until April 1.

Changes in State Examination 2015 (OGE)

In the OGE 2015, changes will also affect the issuance of a matriculation certificate. Now, to obtain it, you must pass at least four exams (two mandatory and two optional) with a grade of at least “satisfactory.” In addition, mathematics and Russian language, as before, remain unchanged for the test. The remaining academic subjects are individually selective for each student and make up a list of twelve disciplines, including the OGE in English: physics, chemistry, computer science, geography, social studies, literature, history, biology, German, Spanish and French. As for the content and procedure for conducting the State Examination, the structure of the measuring materials and the duration of the exam itself remain unchanged.

Thus, OGE and GVE are, in essence, two names for one general process of passing final exams, the difference of which lies only in minor positions.

The OGE and GVE schedule for 9th grade graduates for 2020 has been published

The USE and GVE schedule for 11th grade graduates for 2020 was published on the official website of the regional information processing center of the city of Moscow.

Examinations are held in early, main and additional periods, each of which has reserve periods.

Early period

IN early period exams are held optionally for all categories of participants in the Unified State Examination and the State Examination, but not earlier than March 1. For participants in the OGE and GVE, exams are held no earlier than April 20 if the participants have valid reasons, supported by documents.

In 2020, the early period for graduates of the 11th grade will take place from March 20 to April 13, for graduates of the 9th grade - from April 21 to May 16.

Main period

During the main period, all categories of participants in the OGE, Unified State Exam and State State Examination can take exams. For graduates of previous years, the Unified State Exam and State Examination are held during the reserve periods of the main period.

In 2020, the main period for 11th grade graduates will be from May 25 to June 29, for 9th grade graduates - from May 22 to June 30.

Additional period (September terms)

At this stage, current year graduates are given the right to take the Unified State Examination in basic-level mathematics and the Russian language or the State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language if they received unsatisfactory results in these subjects, or received a repeated unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects during the reserve periods of the main period.

The OGE and GVE-9 are taken in the additional period by ninth-graders who received unsatisfactory results in more than two academic subjects, or who failed one or two subjects again in the reserve period of the main period.

In 2020, the additional period for graduates of the 11th grade will take place from September 4 to 22, for graduates of the 9th grade - from September 4 to 18.

2. What is the difference between the Unified State Exam, OGE and GVE?

State final certification (FSA) is carried out in the form of the main state examination (OSE), the unified state examination (USE) and the state final examination (GVE).

GIA in the form of OGE(main state exam) is conducted for ninth-graders in two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) and two elective subjects: physics, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), biology, history, geography, English, German language, French, Spanish, literature, social science. The results of the OGE, GVE-9 are assessed on a five-point scale. Successful completion of the OGE gives the right to receive a certificate of basic general education and continuing education at school or secondary vocational education organization.

Participants with

">disabled health conditions are granted the right to take the OGE only in Russian language and mathematics.

GIA in the form of the Unified State Exam(unified state exam) in compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics - basic or specialized level) and elective subjects: physics, chemistry, computer science and ICT, biology, history, geography, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese language, literature, social science.

Graduates of 11 (12) grades, graduates of previous years, students in secondary vocational education programs (SVE), students of foreign educational organizations, students who have not passed the State Examination, students of 10 grades in individual subjects whose study has been completed can take the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam results are assessed on a 100-point scale (basic level mathematics - on a five-point scale). To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, it is enough to obtain a minimum number of points in Russian language and mathematics (basic or specialized level).

Unified State Exam results are taken into account by higher education institutions educational institutions as results entrance examinations(except basic level mathematics).

GIA in the form of GVE(state final exam) participants with Persons with disabilities, disabled children, people with disabilities, as well as those studying at home due to health reasons, take the GIA in special conditions.

Based on the conclusion of the medical organization and on the recommendation of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the exam can be organized at home or in a medical organization.

">disabled health capabilities (HHI). At the request of the participants, GVE in all subjects can be carried out in written or oral form. To receive a certificate for grade 9 or 11, a participant with HHI only needs to obtain positive exam results in the Russian language and mathematics.

Winners or runners-up of the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren of the current academic year, as well as members of national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international olympiads, are exempt from passing the GIA according to academic subject, corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

3. How to get admission to the State Inspectorate?

5. How to sign up to participate in the GIA?
