“About the world of the dead” - T. Tikhoplav. Vitaly and Tatyana Tikhoplav What happened to Tatyana Tikhoplav

Tatyana Tikhoplav - THE OTHER WORLD!!! Parts 1 - 2. Vitaly Yurevich Tikhoplav died on October 2, 2015. Tatyana Tikhoplav Jan 12 at 10:17 am I received an amazing message about Vitaly. This message was given to me by Vadim Svitnev, a man who managed to establish a computer connection with his son, who died several years ago. Vadim told me: “Dear Tatyana! Vitaly Yuryevich is alive, he just woke up from hypnosis in the TV of the soul, was cured and works great, rests and much more. 01/07/16 Master transcommunication and new horizons of reality will open for you.” I am so grateful to him, this message is a balm! Tatyana Tikhoplav 21 Jan at 11:52 Speak words of love to your loved ones, say so that later, alone, you don’t have to understand that with a lot of things to do, with work, worrying about everyday life, you didn’t have time to tell him about the most important thing. Tatyana Tikhoplav March 11 at 10:50 Vitaly Yuryevich got in touch and gives amazing information. I’m happy. .Tatyana Tikhoplav May 31 at 15:55 He will return in October My husband, Tikhoplav Vitaly Yurievich, doctor technical sciences, died October 2, 2015. Since January 2016, I have been in constant contact with him. During this time he conveyed a large number of information confirming the continuation of life after death. Vitaly Yuryevich reported that he underwent resurrection and in October 2016 will return to our physical world in a dense body. The purpose of his return is to convey to people scientific information about the absence of death with demonstration of proof: dying and a new resurrection. PART 2 Tatyana Tikhoplav June 3 at 12:24 THE OTHER WORLD. First-hand information. Dear visitors of my page! I am starting a series of conversations in which I will present information conveyed to me by my husband Tikhoplav Vitaly Yuryevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of 27 published books about the subtle world, information interactions, about consciousness, written in strict scientific basis. My husband Vitaly Yuryevich died on October 2, 2015. Since the circumstances of his illness played a certain role in what happened to him, I will hold your attention to them for a while. In the summer of 2015, there were no signs of trouble. On September 3rd, we had a 2-hour contact with Astrus, a high spiritual entity. Astrus first contacted us in July 2012 and, introducing himself as the celestial curator of Russia (and the celestial curator of America is Kryon), began to transmit to us information about the subtle world using scientific concepts. The information was transmitted through Yuri Vasilyevich Kretov, a folk healer, a person with unusual abilities who can communicate with the dead and with entities. During these years, contacts with Astrus took place regularly every two weeks. To date, 91 contacts have been made. During this time, we have written 5 books, three of which have already been published. This is Astrus. New physics", "ASTRUS. Forerunner or new data about the Universe" and "Walking in the Desert". Two more books are in publishing. And we expect that they will come out of print in the fall. So, I return to the beginning of September. On the morning of September 7, my husband Vitaly suddenly felt very bad. Doctors who arrived on call diagnosed him with bilateral pneumonia and took him to the intensive care unit of St. George's Hospital. On September 9, he suffered cardiac arrest and was in clinical death 12 minutes. Doctors brought him back to life, but he fell into a coma, from which he emerged on September 11th. It is no coincidence that I dwell on this moment, because, as it turned out later, in a state of clinical death, Astrus literally pulled my husband’s hand out of his body. I will tell you later about what happened between Vitaly and Astrus. On September 11, when Vitaly came out of his coma, the doctor on duty in the evening allowed me to see him. He would be joyful. His eyes literally shone. But he could not tell me anything, because he was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, and there was a tube from this apparatus in his mouth. I must say that all my subsequent visits to him in the intensive care unit were more and more sad. A few days later, the tube was replaced with an incision in the throat, a stoma was installed, and when he tried to say something, not a single word could be heard. On October 2 at 7 p.m., they called me from the intensive care unit and said that my husband had died. Tatyana Tikhoplav4 Jun at 20:22 The first three months after he left were simply terrible, because I did not feel his presence in the house. Since contacts with Astrus continued regularly, he constantly said that Vitaly was here, that we would definitely establish contact with him, that he would give and explain completely new information that would make scientists’ brains swell. That’s exactly what he said, “swollen.” Of course, at the first contact with Astrus after Vitaly’s death, I asked him a question: “Why didn’t they save my husband? Was it worth meeting with us every two weeks for three years? Was it worth it for another spiritual entity, Kors, to work with us? Was it worth it for the five hierarchs and Lisa and the baby to come to us, if after all this we let the person die?” About Korsa, about the hierarchs and about Lisa with the baby, it is written in our already published books. Astrus’s answer simply discouraged me. I didn’t understand him then. He answered the following: “We suggested that he ask us to help him die.” Looking ahead, I will explain what happened. Vitaly said that Astrus literally pulled his hand out of his body during clinical death. An offer was made to him. Either they help him recover, and he returns to life as an old man, 82 years old, or he agrees to die, and they carry out his resurrection and in a year he will return home as a 30-year-old man with a mission. Vitaly agreed when he found out my fate. He will be the first resurrected scientist to return to Earth on a mission. Until now, only religious figures have been resurrected. From contact with Astrus on 01/28/16: -Vitaly said that when he was sick, he asked you to help him die. Astrus: We asked him to. -You asked him to ask you... How did you ask him? Astrus: It’s a paradox, but it’s true. We suggested to him that he ask us to help him die. - When he was suffering, lying in a serious condition, did you help him die? Now he says that thanks to Astrus's help, he will live. How to understand this? Astrus: When he was sick, we held his brain*. He has retained the entire sum of his understanding, and he understands what is happening to him like no one else. And his brain is fully functioning. * On September 17, I called Yuri Vasilyevich Kretov and invited him to conduct contact, fortunately it was just Thursday, and we always carried out all contacts on Thursdays. Yuri Vasilyevich agreed. At about 5 p.m., Igor brought Yuri Vasilyevich to us. We sat down at the table with tea and cookies and I, as always, asked: “Is Astrus here?”, to which Yuri Vasilyevich suddenly replied: “No, he is now with Vitaly Yuryevich. He holds his brain.” – “Brain? Why the brain?” “I don’t know. I myself don’t understand why?” And then Yuri Vasilyevich suddenly said: “And Vitaly Yuryevich’s brain is here with us. He observes everything, hears everything and even remembers everything. We’ll have to ask him later.” -But this is a tragedy. Astrus: No, this is not a tragedy. This is his wish. The tragedy you are talking about does not exist for him. -And the fact that he constantly tells me “I want to live. I'm alive. I want to live in physical world" The desire to live is inherent only to the living. Does this mean he is alive? Astrus: So. Vitaly Yuryevich is in such an interesting state that it is simply impossible to describe with the help of some kind of similarity. He recognized what Grabovoi said. But he knew it from a side that Grabovoi would never know. - But the desire to live in the physical world is his unfulfilled desire, because he wants to return to the physical world? That is, he is here, but he wants to have a body. Astrus: You are telling the truth, he will return. It is worth noting that when this contact with Astrus took place, I still knew nothing about the resurrection of my husband. Only in March did Vitaly inform me that he would return resurrected in October of this year, with a huge supply of knowledge that he would have to pass on to scientists. And to prove that he is resurrected, he will demonstrate dying and resurrection to the scientific commission. That is, he will die before everyone’s eyes, and when scientists record his death, he will be resurrected. Astrus is leading his mission and preparing it for execution. Vitaly's mission will be to awaken people sleeping on Earth, scientifically proving that there is no death. 1.8% of the Earth's population will perceive this information and influence the psychosphere of the Earth, which will instantly affect everyone. This will cause an evolutionary leap human society which develops too slowly. Astrus: He is coming to organize the restructuring of consciousness. And do you know how many people on the planet need this? This is 1.8%. This is very necessary in order to raise the level of density of interest in life to absolutely extraordinary heights. For everyone else, it turns out 98.2%, this is not necessary. - Why do it then if 98% of it is not necessary? Astrus: But that’s why this is being done, because 98.2% will not know about it. His task will be to launch the mechanism of interaction with the entire surrounding mass, namely the mechanism of interaction. That is, an evolutionary leap, which in the shortest possible time It will not just increase tenfold, but increase exponentially. - Considering that only 1.8% of the population will be interested in this, will such an evolutionary leap still occur? Astrus: An evolutionary leap of colossal power - Is this evolutionary leap needed in order to increase the vibration frequency of our planet? Astrus: Absolutely right. - Is she far behind? Astrus: No, you do not correspond to interaction with certain structures. As soon as this begins to happen, then interactions with other civilizational cycles will begin. - If a person on Earth becomes acquainted with this knowledge, engages in study, then he involuntarily prepares himself for this... Astrus: It forces a certain kind of knowledge to resonate in the consciousness, which makes it possible to jump to the other side in a rather specific way, preserving the personality. But while preserving personality, it was necessary to preserve the specificity of thinking. This is why they kept the brain. And therefore Vitaly Yuryevich will be able to explain something to you in your language that will make you all on the verge of fainting.

« On the morning of 04/23/16, a satellite from NASA’s Space Weather Prediction Center discovered a complete collapse of the Earth’s magnetosphere! She simply disappeared and was absent for a little over two hours and then resumed normal operation. During these two hours, magnetic energy solar wind, reversed direction. She was moving towards the Sun. Just over two hours later, the magnetosphere has returned and all of the solar wind's magnetic energy is once again moving away from the Sun.».

We were able to ask questions Astrus through Tikhoplav T.S. . And Kretova Yu.V.

Question 1:
What changed the Sun's gravitational force during those 2 hours?
Perhaps this is the work of a UFO armada near the Sun, or is Jupiter “to blame”?

There really was an Armada, but in this case they interacted with Jupiter.

Question 2.
What else happened during these 2 hours?

Your colleague Kretov has already said that the end of the world will begin in 2009 and will end happily in 2016. solar system has changed.

I can not understand. In 2018... white fog, will it be filled with this energy?

Just a minute. There will be white fog in 2018, where?

Over the entire planet... not consciousness will be changed, but understanding, devices... (of our space of reality?)

Will this white fog just pass and go away?

Yes, but in principle no one will understand where they are.
White fog is not condensed vapor. You will all feel the changes with a white tint. You will perceive it and that’s it.



Question 3.
Has there really been a change? state of aggregation water inside the Earth?


Question 4.
Will the structure of water completely change on Earth?
How will this affect a person?

There will indeed be changes, but not to the extent that is being said.

Will this affect the person?

WILL BE REFLECTED. A large movement of masses of peoples will begin to move.

those. will the nations search for where there is water?

Yes. There will be a great migration.

And then this issue will be resolved and there will be enough water?


Those. Will everyone rush to Russia no matter what?

This will be associated with the activation of all thinking beings, whose goal will be to achieve the detection of structural changes in water.

Will this movement of masses of people be associated with white fog?


Question 5.
If the water inside the planet became without poles, then...
It turns out that planet Earth is now losing its usual poles?
Or is it becoming multipolar?

She becomes both one and the other and the third at the same time.

Question 6.
Did the tilt of the earth's axis change on April 23?
What is the current tilt of the earth's axis?

CHANGED. In this case, it reaches almost 15 degrees. Then it will be 17 and until 23.


This will lead to a change in the flow of rivers and a change in structure. To change the movement of ocean currents. And there will also be a jump of 32 degrees. This will be a temporary leap, another leap. But this will not have the expected consequences. 72 degrees. This is a 72 degree turn.

Won't it shake us out of here?

No, it won’t shake off, because these are jumps in impulse expression. And they will even record up to 93, but this will be for a short moment. This will not have time for anything to react. But at the same time a certain kind electric charges will still accumulate. There was a flood of this kind. These properties are when the structure of water acquired other properties and it began to come out and rise. But there is no wave that washes everything away, there is nothing like it.”

White fog... it would be more correct to say - a white veil...
It turns out that we will feel that everything has changed, as if we were in another space, but we will not understand which one.
It turns out that we will begin to perceive ANOTHER level of reality? Will the current level of perception go away forever, or will it be possible to switch back and forth?
Or maybe this is also the moment when the resurrected will stand alongside the living? And everyone will perceive this as the norm.

We have personally known the scientists and writers Tikhoplav for a long time. In October last year, Vitaly Yuryevich unexpectedly “left”. It was so incomprehensible and unnatural for him - full of creative forces and ideas - that we couldn’t wrap our heads around it. But what about the books that turned out to be unfinished?! There was some kind of subtext to what was happening...
And now, when six months have passed, Tatyana Serafimovna asks us to put the following message on the Internet on her behalf:

He'll be back in October

My husband, Tikhoplav Vitaly Yurievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, died on October 2, 2015. Since January 2016, I have been in constant contact with him. During this time, he conveyed a large amount of information confirming the continuation of life after death. Vitaly Yuryevich reported that he underwent resurrection and in October 2016 will return to our physical world in a dense body. The purpose of his return is to convey to people scientific information about the absence of death with demonstration of proof: dying and a new resurrection.

OTHERWORLD. First-hand information.
Part one

Dear visitors of my page ( link)! I am starting a series of conversations in which I will present the information conveyed to me by my husband Tikhoplav Vitaly Yuryevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of 27 published books about the subtle world, information interactions, and consciousness, written on a strict scientific basis. My husband Vitaly Yurievich died on October 2, 2015.
Since the circumstances of his illness played a certain role in what happened to him, I will keep your attention on them for a moment. In the summer of 2015, there were no signs of trouble. On September 3rd we had a 2-hour contact with Astrus, a high spiritual entity.
Astrus first contacted us in July 2012 and, introducing himself as the celestial curator of Russia (and Kryon is the celestial curator of America), began to convey to us information about the subtle world, using scientific concepts. The information was transmitted through Yuri Vasilyevich Kretov, a folk healer, a person with unusual abilities who can communicate with the dead and with entities. During these years, contacts with Astrus took place regularly every two weeks. To date, 91 contacts have been made.
During this time, we wrote 5 books, three of which have already been published. This is Astrus. New physics", "ASTRUS. Forerunner or new data about the Universe" and "Walking in the Desert". Two more books are in publishing. And we expect them to be published in the fall.
So, back to the beginning of September. On the morning of September 7, my husband Vitaly suddenly felt very bad. Doctors who arrived on call diagnosed him with bilateral pneumonia and took him to the intensive care unit of St. George's Hospital.
On September 9 he had a cardiac arrest and was in clinical death for 12 minutes. Doctors brought him back to life, but he fell into a coma, from which he emerged on September 11th. It is no coincidence that I dwell on this moment, because, as it turned out later, in a state of clinical death, Astrus literally pulled my husband’s hand out of his body. I will talk about what happened between Vitaly and Astrus later.
On September 11, when Vitaly came out of a coma, the doctor on duty in the evening allowed me to see him. He would be joyful. His eyes literally shone. But he couldn’t tell me anything because he was connected to an artificial respiration machine, and he had a tube from this machine in his mouth.
I must say that all my subsequent visits to him in intensive care were more and more sad. A few days later the tube was replaced with an incision in his throat, a stoma was installed, and when he tried to say something, not a single word could be heard.
On October 2 at 7 p.m. I received a call from the intensive care unit and was told that my husband had died.

The first three months after he left were simply terrible because I did not feel his presence in the house. Since contacts with Astrus continued regularly, he constantly said that Vitaly was here, that we would definitely establish contact with him, that he would give and explain completely new information that would make scientists’ brains swell. That’s exactly what he said, “swollen.”
Of course, at the first contact with Astrus after Vitaly’s death, I asked him a question: “Why didn’t they save my husband? Was it worth meeting with us every two weeks for three years? Was it worth it for another spiritual entity, Kors, to work with us? Was it worth it for the five hierarchs and Lisa and the baby to come to us, if after all this we let the person die? About Korsa, about the hierarchs and about Lisa with the baby, it is written in our already published books.
Astrus's answer simply discouraged me. I didn’t understand him then. He replied as follows: “We suggested that he ask us to help him die.”
Looking ahead, I’ll explain what happened. Vitaly said that Astrus literally pulled his hand out of his body during clinical death. An offer was made to him. Either they help him recover, and he returns to life as an old man, 82 years old, or he agrees to die, and they carry out his resurrection and in a year he will return home as a 30-year-old man with a mission. Vitaly agreed when he found out my fate. He will be the first resurrected scientist to return to Earth on a mission. Until now, only religious figures have been resurrected.

From contact with Astrus 01/28/16:

Vitaly said that when he was sick, he asked you to help him die.

This is what we asked him to do.

You asked him to ask you... How did you ask him?

It's a paradox, but it's true. We suggested to him that he ask us to help him die.

When he was suffering, lying in a serious condition, did you help him die?
Now he says that thanks to Astrus's help, he will live.
How to understand this?

When he was sick, we held his brain*. He has retained the entire sum of his understanding, and he understands what is happening to him like no one else. And his brain is fully functioning.
* On September 17, I called Yuri Vasilyevich Kretov and invited him to conduct contact, fortunately it was just Thursday, and we always carried out all contacts on Thursdays. Yuri Vasilievich agreed.
At about 5 p.m., Igor brought Yuri Vasilyevich to us. We sat down at the table with tea and cookies and I, as always, asked: “ Is Astrus here?", to which Yuri Vasilyevich suddenly replied: " No, he is now with Vitaly Yuryevich. He holds his brain». –« Brain? Why brain?», — « I don't know. I myself don’t understand why?" And then Yuri Vasilyevich suddenly said: “And Vitaly Yuryevich’s brain is here with us. He observes everything, hears everything and even remembers everything. We’ll have to ask him later.”

But this is a tragedy.

No, this is not a tragedy. This is his wish. The tragedy you are talking about does not exist for him.

And what he constantly tells me is “ I want to live. I'm alive. I want to live in the physical world».
The desire to live is inherent only to the living. Does this mean he is alive?

Means. Vitaly Yuryevich is in such an interesting state that it is simply impossible to describe with the help of some kind of similarity. He recognized what Grabovoi said. But he knew it from a side that Grabovoi would never know.

But the desire to live in the physical world is his unfulfilled desire, because he wants to return to the physical world?
That is, he is here, but he wants to have a body.

You are telling the truth, he will return.

It is worth noting that when this contact with Astrus took place, I still knew nothing about the resurrection of my husband.
Only in March did Vitaly inform me that he would return resurrected in October of this year, with a huge supply of knowledge that he would have to pass on to scientists. And to prove that he is resurrected, he will demonstrate dying and resurrection to the scientific commission. That is, he will die in front of everyone, and when scientists record his death, he will be resurrected.
Astrus leads his mission and prepares him for execution. Vitaly's mission will be to awaken people sleeping on Earth, scientifically proving that there is no death. 1.8% of the Earth's population will perceive this information and influence the psychosphere of the Earth, which will instantly affect everyone. This will cause an evolutionary leap in human society, which is developing too slowly.

He goes to organize a restructuring of consciousness. And do you know how many people on the planet need this? This is 1.8%. This is very necessary in order to raise the level of density of interest in life to absolutely extraordinary heights. For everyone else, it turns out 98.2%, this is not necessary.

Why do it then if 98% of it is not necessary?

But the reason this is being done is that 98.2% will not know about it. His task will be to launch the mechanism of interaction with the entire surrounding mass, namely the mechanism of interaction. That is, an evolutionary leap that in the shortest possible time will not only increase tenfold, but exponentially increase

Considering that only 1.8% of the population will be interested in this, will such an evolutionary leap still occur?

An evolutionary leap of colossal power

Is this evolutionary leap needed to raise the vibrational frequency of our planet?

Absolutely right

Is she far behind?

No, you are NOT qualified to interact with certain structures. As soon as this begins to happen, then interactions with other civilizational cycles will begin.

If a person on Earth becomes acquainted with this knowledge and studies it, then he involuntarily prepares himself for this...

It causes a certain kind of knowledge to resonate in the consciousness, which makes it possible to jump to the other side in a rather specific way, preserving the personality.
But while preserving personality, it was necessary to preserve the specificity of thinking. This is why they kept the brain. And therefore Vitaly Yuryevich will be able to explain something to you in your language that will make you all on the verge of fainting.”

Concluding this sensational information, I would like to recall the brilliant cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog”... Mikhail Zadornov once said that in Venice a Russian tourist went out onto the hotel balcony - there was fog all around, nothing was visible - he shouted “horse!”, and in response from the fog - "Hedgehog!".
Hope, WE WILL NOT GET LOST IN THIS WHITE FOG. Let's shout and they will answer us!

Terekhova Nina and Bublik Sergey.
St. Petersburg Center for Spiritual Technologies " Creation».
Source of material website

Presentation to Tikhoplav Vitaly Yurievich and Tikhoplav Tatyana Serafimovna for awarding the prize “Golden Pelican, for mercy and spiritual generosity.” They are laureates of 2006. Nominated by residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

     Tikhoplav Vitaly Yurievich. He graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute in 1958 and was invited to work at the Central Research Institute navy. In 1963 he entered graduate school at the Polytechnic Institute. After defending his PhD thesis on gas turbines, he was invited to teach at the branch of the shipbuilding institute in Severodvinsk. In 1986 he transferred to Leningrad to the position of head of department at the Institute of Power Engineering. He has three monographs, about 300 published scientific works, 13 copyright certificates and 16 patents.
     With the beginning of perestroika, the activities of this institute almost ceased, hard times came, because the work of Doctor of Sciences Tikhoplav turned out to be of no use to anyone. From 1992 to 1995, his salary was one minimum wage! 17 years of work at the nuclear shipbuilding center in Severodvinsk (from 1969 to 1986), direct exposure to nuclear facilities led to thyroid disease. By the time of the collapse of the country and lack of work, the impaired function of the thyroid gland manifested itself, causing arrhythmia, disrupting the functioning of the entire body. Diseases began.
     Tikhoplav Tatyana Serafimovna. In 1965 she graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. She was sent to work at the Central Research Institute named after. Academician Krylov.
     In 1969, together with her husband and two children, she left for Severodvinsk. While working as a teacher, she entered the correspondence graduate school of the shipbuilding institute. In 1981 she defended her PhD thesis on gas turbines. After returning to Leningrad in 1986, she worked as a teacher at a marine engineering college. Has 24 published scientific works.
      The time of perestroika was as difficult for the Tikhoplavs as it was for the fate of the overwhelming majority of people in our country. They shared the fate of the generation through which the skating rink of destruction passed. It was by this time that age-related diseases began to appear, there was no work and, accordingly, wages, pensions turned out to be miserable.
     All factors acting simultaneously did their job. During 1991-92, Vitaly Yuryevich was hospitalized four times in the therapeutic department of the First Medical Institute named after. Pavlova. However, no treatment results were observed. IN last time he was openly told that they did not know how to treat him and could do nothing more. But they didn’t transfer me to the endocrinology department, since there were no free places there.
     A chance came to the rescue! On April 30, 1992, feeling very bad, Vitaly Yuryevich, who was not allowed to get out of bed, suddenly got up and walked somewhere along the corridor. He still cannot explain why this happened. He says that he felt that something was forcing him to get up and walk. This "something" led him to the library door. He entered, the librarian filled out a form for him, and making a gesture with her hand, said: “Choose a book.” Shelves filled with books lined three sides.
     Vitaly Yuryevich for some reason turned 180 degrees, walked up to the shelf, and, putting his right hand with the edge of his palm between the books, pushed the stack of books to the left. The book "Life After Death" by Arthur Ford opened on the right. According to Vitaly Yuryevich, goosebumps ran down his spine. He took the book and went into the room. By morning he had already formed his first impression of the book. This morning Tatyana Serafimovna took this book. The book did its job. She made such an impression that Vitaly Yuryevich’s health began to improve, and a week later he was discharged in good condition. In any case, he did not see a doctor for 7 years afterwards.
     Spiritual healing occurred, and from that moment the Tikhoplav couple began intensively collecting and studying knowledge about the Subtle World, information interaction, and consciousness. And as a result, they came to the Creator.
     Being scientists, they could not be satisfied with esoteric and even philosophical literature. They, like the vast majority Soviet people- materialists, proof was required. Only science could provide such evidence. The thought involuntarily arose: does science really know nothing and does nothing in this direction? In order to find evidence, scientists began to visit the Public Library and the Library of the Academy of Sciences. We began to study scientific works. In each scientific work(article or book) must have links to primary sources. This made it possible to discover such a layer scientific research that my head was spinning.
     It turned out that science has already done a lot in the direction of researching information interactions and consciousness. Unfortunately, the research results were published, as a rule, in the form of preprints, in small editions, and, moreover, they were presented in a rather complicated manner.
     It took several years to understand and put into the system the received scientific knowledge. And when scientists realized that the physical world around us is a small, fairly simple piece of the universe, that life is governed by energy-informational laws, that morality and spirituality as information interactions have a decisive impact on people, that people should live differently, an insatiable desire arose to talk about this people. Because people who have such knowledge will live differently. It will be easier for them to live.
      After all, they themselves were helped at one time by a book that appeared in the right place and at the right time. They began to write books that could help people.
     To date, 12 books by Tikhoplav have been published and all of them are imbued with spirituality, morality and kindness. Books bring people scientific knowledge about God, consciousness, soul, spirit, and the Subtle World. The scientific information in the books is presented in a very accessible way.
     Tikhoplavov’s books help you understand that the main thing in life is love for your neighbor, that with kindness and love you can create miracles. Once upon a time, Mark Bernes sang the wonderful song “I Work as a Magician.” Anyone can be such a wizard by showing attention and care to the people around him.
     In conclusion, let me remind you of the wonderful words of W. Craig: “If there is no God, life can be considered absurd. It has no meaning, no value, no purpose.” This is what all Tikhoplavov’s books are about.

Submission prepared by Deputy
Chairman of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena Russian Geographical Society RAS,
Candidate of Technical Sciences S.P. Kuzionov. 12.12. 06. St. Petersburg

In 2004, R. Svetlov wrote a book about us “Physics of Life or the World through the Eyes of Tikhoplavov”

     The annotation of this book says:
      "The creative union of the spouses Tatyana Serafimovna and Vitaly Yuryevich Tikhoplav is a unique phenomenon in modern popular science literature. Each of their eight books became a bestseller. A huge number of people around the world changed their worldview thanks to them.
     This book was written by R. Svetlov, a person who knows the work of the Tikhoplavs and them personally well. But the book is not an official biography or biography. The narrative about the lives of the authors is inseparable from the narrative about the basic scientific principles that the Tikhoplavs consistently defend in their work. This is, rather, an attempt to creatively comprehend the ideas of the Tikhoplavs through the prism of their personalities."

Seeker/ 04/2/2018 Maxim Vyacheslavovich, doesn’t it bother you as an argument to snag a video from Ren-TV?) You’ll also add about reptilians))

Hope/ 08/16/2016 In 2004, I saw the book “The Physics of Faith” on the counter. I thought - physics and faith,
and here one goes to the other. Perhaps I would never have bought it (you never know
discoveries have been made in physics), if there had not been a note about Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi. She shocked me. I started looking for people
who would know at least something about him. Found it. And since then his Teaching has become
a guiding link in my life. And when I saw the guest’s message:
Guest / 11/14/2012
To Alexey:

Tatiana Tikhoplav
And I immediately remember: “But the gallbladder has grown!” Or something like that. The book “Time of God” contains Grigory Petrovich’s methods for raising the level of consciousness. So who are you? And why "under no circumstances"? I think that the popularity of the book has increased many times thanks to the note about G.P. Grabovoi.

Maxim Vyacheslavovich/ 12/31/2015 The authors, while claiming some originality of views, still often refer to well-worn stereotypical sources, in particular, the fraud that has been stereotypically reproduced within physics for several generations in a row (I mean the obscurantism of A. Einstein, the ins and outs of which are now for A lot of materials have been revealed to a wide audience; in particular here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX1xB8pcDAk)

Happy New Year everyone! Goodness, Light, Warmth and Love!

Skeptic/ 08/25/2015 And isn’t it a shame to call such obscurantists “scientists”?

Andrey T/ 06/09/2015 It was with great pleasure that I became acquainted with Tatyana’s books
and Vitaly Tikhoplav. My sincere respect and admiration for the authors and, at the same time, deep disappointment that people of such intelligence were unable to discern in Grabovoy the product of the KGB psychological laboratories, but crowned this “product” with the title of academician. It’s sad and so typical... for the Russian intelligentsia.

ELENA DE BOVE/ 11/27/2014 I have read only one book - “The Physics of Faith”. I am a humanist and therefore it was difficult for me to understand physics, but, nevertheless, I read the book 5 times and constantly turn to it again and again. Wonderful book.

Nina Tsvetanova/ 11/25/2014 y PEOPLE.
With love, respect, and wishes for creative success, strength and health. Nina Tsvetanova.

Today/ 05.22.2014 Why are there no books?

Lisa/ 05/22/2014 the idea is correct but the hornbeam ruined everything, but mainly thanks to the slow-moving people for food for thought, they are smart

Going/ 04/22/2014 Dear author, don’t you think that real knowledge should be available to everyone and not for money?

Natalia/ 11/30/2012 I am immensely grateful to you for your books, I always looked for them in all the cities I visited. They completely changed my worldview and led me to the Movement created by our Creator and L.I. Maslov.

Lex/ 11/20/2012 You are not clairvoyant, you are a talker! Clairvoyants, magicians, sorcerers, prophets, saints, enlightened ones, Buddhas and other evil spirits have never existed in nature! In the history of mankind, there have been smarter people and dumber people, like yourself, idle talkers. Those smarter people were called by people like you: Buddhas, saints and prophets.

Alexei/ 11/19/2012 we know each other. I'm Alexey Lileev from Volosovo. I came to St. Petersburg once and didn’t get to meet you. And then I found your website and we met through contact. I am 26 years old. I'm clairvoyant.

Guest/ 11/14/2012 to Alexey:
"They are from Grabovoi's students..."
Well, my dear, you are greatly exaggerating!
Yes, we know Grigory Petrovich. But there is no question of a “teacher-student” relationship!
By the way, who are you and when did we meet?
Tatiana Tikhoplav

Tatiana Tikhoplav
30 Jun at 21:56
Part 11. Continuation

There are a huge number of messages about the world of the dead received through mediums at different times. In our book “God's Time. A Voice from Far Away" provides a lot of information about this unusual world. And there is quite detailed information about the world of the dead, obtained by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Zaporozhets as a result of many years of spiritualistic contacts with his deceased ballerina wife Bolshoi Theater Valentina Lopukhina. [Professor VEMZ (Zaporozhets V.M.) Contours of the Universe. The beginnings of natural science. (Rotaprint) M.: 1999]
She told her husband that she constantly dances ballet there, that she is a huge success, that she loves him very much and is waiting for him.
Having received information about the other world from Astrus, which we published in the book “Astrus. Walking in the Desert,” we came to a conclusion that changed our understanding of the world of the dead. And the stay of Vitaly Yuryevich Tikhoplav in that world confirmed the correctness of our new ideas.

Vitaly: You, Tanechka, know a lot about the world of the dead. You're great, but you don't understand what the world of the dead is. He's just terrible. I was there, I saw everything with my own eyes. He's terrible. They simply remain there after death. They know nothing, are not interested in anything, they are just sleeping. They just died. You can’t even imagine what a difficult impression the world of the dead makes.
- Yes? And Astrus said that the conditions there are better than on Earth.
Vitaly: There are simply no survivors there. There are only dead people there. They don't know anything. They don't understand that they are dead.
- That is, they seem to continue their sleeping life, like on Earth, right?
Vitaly: They continue to live the same way as on Earth.
- In fact, a huge number of people on Earth also sleep. They know nothing, are not interested in anything. The main thing is to eat and drink. Can you compare the life of such a sleeper on Earth with what is there?
Vitaly: You're right, it's the same thing
-That is, they continue there the same life that they lived on Earth. So?
Vitaly: I understand that you are right. They continue the same life that was on Earth.
- Vitalik, that world seemed terrible to you, because you looked at it from the outside, through the eyes of a living, awakened person. And for each of those who are there, this is probably a blessing. They don't know that they are dead. They don't have to work to earn money for themselves. House, food and clothing are created by thought. Everything is. Straight up communism. Each of them is in a state of bliss. In my opinion, many on Earth would consider such an existence to be happiness.
Vitaly: I think so too.
-And if we consider the world of the dead from the point of view of the dead themselves, what it represents. Just tell me what you saw there. Please tell me where you first found yourself there, in the world of the dead: in the desert, in the forest, in an unspecified place. Where? What did you see there for the first time: a clearing, a forest, a city, a house?
Vitaly: I found myself in a city by the sea. All the houses in this city were yellowish in color. For some reason, the first impression was that it was spring there.
- So there is a sea there. What a beauty.
Vitaly: Tanya, there’s a dead sea there. It doesn't splash. It's just a device to help them visualize the sea better.
-But is this water? Can you swim there?
Vitaly: Yes, but this is stagnant water.
-And when you swim in this sea, do waves appear?
Vitaly: Because you swim, waves appear.
-Tell me, who was the very first person you met there? Who was the very first person you met?
Vitaly: I met Kolya Volkov* on the seashore.
(*Kolya Volkov is our daughter’s husband, who died in a car accident in 2006. In May 2016, he was invited by Vitaly to my home and gave detailed information about the world of the dead, about the plasmoid world and about the new high-frequency physical world. Contact with him will be provided below.)
-Were there people there?
Vitaly: A lot. They were swimming.
-How did you meet? So you were walking along the seashore and suddenly saw Familiar face. It turned out to be Kolya, right?
Vitaly: I was swimming and saw Kolya, who was also swimming.
-Did he recognize you?
Vitaly: I found out. We rushed towards each other. Both were very happy.
-He introduced you to the rules, how are they? Did he tell you?
Vitaly: Yes, he introduced me. He has a house. I was with him.
- He lives alone?
Vitaly: Alone and really misses Olya.
-He didn’t come to her? Didn't he go to Earth? Has he ever been here at her house?
Vitaly: It was, but she didn’t feel it.
-Vitalik, have you seen Astrus?
Vitaly: Yes, of course, he is a god there. It looks like the portrait that we have on our piano.
-Does he look human? Does he have arms, legs? How is he dressed?
Vitaly: Yes, as a person. And arms and legs. Dressed normally: trousers and short-sleeved shirt. He is a very good man. We became friends with him. He is in charge of my mission and in general this whole situation with me.
-What about the guy? He is the essence.
Vitaly: Yes, he is a male entity. But a very good man.
-Have you met your parents?
Vitaly: Yes, I met both your and my parents
-Where did you meet your father?
Vitaly: I was walking along Lenin Street...
-Is there Lenin Street there? My God! Lenin Street in the other world! So what: you walked and...
Vitaly: And my father was walking towards me. Young and healthy.
-Where did you meet your mother?
Vitaly: I met my mother at home. My father and I went to their house.
-Do they have a house or an apartment?
Vitaly: They have a large apartment. But they are sleeping. They don’t understand that they are dead, they are not interested in anything. Mom is simply impossible. She cooks food all day long. I couldn't manage it wake up, but she is happy with everything there.
