Detailed Venus-Jupiter aspects. Why are Jupiter and Venus at odds in the astro chart and everyday life? Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

A significant event has occurred in the astronomical world, which can be seen with the naked eye in the night sky. The celestial phenomenon took place on the night of June 30 to July 1. The essence of the event was the maximum approach of two planets - Venus and Jupiter. The astronomical bodies came so close to each other that from the outside it might seem that a new type of stars consisting of two parts had appeared in the solar system.

The process of rapprochement continued throughout June and reached its crown on the night of July 1. Residents of many countries are able to observe this without using a telescope. People perceived the unusual phenomenon with interest, and someone will even try to photograph it to later show it to their friends and relatives.

IN scientific world this event is called a “connection”. It is a phenomenon where two planets, or a moon and a planet and a star, appear very close to each other in the night sky. The connection is not of astronomical value, but it looks very impressive.

So far, the connection is not as rare as one might think. However, the convergence of Venus and Jupiter will be more impressive than most. The “heavenly kiss” of the planets is a very beautiful sight, many media outlets are already talking about it.

The casual observer may have noticed that these two planets have been consistently approaching each other over the past few weeks. On June 30, they were so close to each other that one could place a finger between them. In reality, the planets are located millions of kilometers apart. If you look at the sky, Venus appears much brighter than Jupiter. This is due to the fact that Venus is much closer to Earth. Jupiter is the most big planet in the solar system. It is 11 times larger than Venus. It emits a dim light when viewed in the sky due to its great distance from Earth.

Suitable conditions for observing the approach of two planets are to move away from the city to an open area. The best hours for viewing celestial objects are in the evening twilight, when the planets move beyond the western horizon. Strive for light and don’t forget to press the buttons and

02.07.2015 14:44

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There is a small chance that Mars will collide with Earth in 3.34 billion years. There is also a possibility of a collision between Earth and Venus or Mercury and Venus. Mercury can generally fall into the Sun or fly into interstellar space. These are the quirks of our system, the new secrets of which scientists have revealed.

The most detailed numerical modeling of the evolution of orbits in the Solar System was carried out by Professor Jacques Laskar and Mickael Gastineau from the Observatoire de Paris.

For a long time, astronomers believed that the orbits of the planets in the solar system were stable and unchanging.

In theory, even one approach of Mars will cause catastrophic processes on Earth due to the action of gravity. But this will be only a short “preamble” before the real catastrophe (illustration by IMCCE-CNRS).

Then information began to appear that at the dawn of the system, the orbits of a number of planets were very different from the current ones and underwent great changes before everything “settled down.”

And for many years, scientists have known that even now the orbits of planets experience tiny fluctuations, in particular, their eccentricity changes by a small fraction.

Laskar decided to find out what could happen to these same oscillations in the distant future, when they begin to accumulate, and what would be the consequences of destabilization of orbits due to the gravitational interaction of the planets with each other (and especially with Jupiter).

Earth and Venus before impact. Who can observe such a picture? Interest Ask. After all, the Sun itself will undergo changes in billions of years and will begin to “fry” our world well (illustration by IMCCE-CNRS).

Astronomers have run more than 2,500 simulations of our system's evolution over 5 billion years using a teraflop-class computer and found that catastrophic collisions of worlds occur in many cases.

So, there is a one percent chance that in a billion years (or a little later) Mercury will destabilize so much that it will crash into Venus. Then in a bright flash it will be born new planet, somewhat larger than the Morning Star, but such a catastrophe will not affect the Earth.

Collision of Earth and Venus. Its probability is extremely low, but the consequences are the most enchanting (illustration by IMCCE-CNRS).

French researchers say that there is a tiny chance of a collision with our home world of Mars, Venus and the same Mercury.

In all cases, this means the destruction of the two colliding planets as we know them. The impact of such massive bodies at a speed of 10 kilometers per second speaks for itself.

(The possibility of such a development of events is indirectly indicated by the example of another mature planetary system, in which, by cosmic standards, a collision of planets recently occurred.)

According to the most likely version, the birth of the Moon occurred as a result of a collision between the young Earth and a large cosmic body the size of Mars. This hammer planet is sometimes called Theia. We

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child has charm, generosity, and a strong need to connect and be helpful to others. His problems may be caused by unfulfilled expectations from communicating with others.
He enjoys reading and traveling. He knows how to speak in public and may have great ability in literature. For his creative self-expression, he can often resort to the help of others. Perhaps his source of inspiration is a teacher or other authority figure. For the parents of this child, the only problem may be his excessive carelessness or laziness.

No Monster. Aspects

Generosity, optimism. If there are no strong contradictions in the horoscope - a cheerful, friendly character, sociability, readiness to help. They donate money to the disadvantaged. In the negative version - laziness, carelessness. A strong Saturn prevents this danger. In the 5th house - numerous offspring; in the 7th house - happiness in family life.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Conjunction: in love - the tendency to enjoy pleasures that come easily and to see the positive side of things and people. A person who has such an aspect in the horoscope is characterized by optimism and tolerance, he is not used to unnecessarily complicating everything and is content with what he has; This is why people with this aspect are usually considered to be “lucky in love.” He loves convenience in everything. He is often distinguished by conformism in love relationships.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Generosity and optimism. If there are no strong contradictions in the horoscope - a cheerful, friendly character, sociability, readiness to help. They donate money for religious purposes, for the disadvantaged. They know how to make others happy, they have talents in art, often in connection with religious ideas. Highly developed types know how to be peacemakers. In the negative version - excessive carelessness, laziness, tolerance. A strong Saturn prevents this danger by helping the positive side.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Happiness, material wealth, love, success; kindness, tenderness, gentleness, generosity, petition, mercy, generosity, humanity, artistry, talent, cuteness, charm, joy; aspect of talent and creativity.
The negative side is idealism; they look at the world through rose-colored glasses; dislike of disharmony, reluctance and inability to sort things out.

The Moscow Planetarium informs: Jupiter is a gas giant, the largest planet solar system- went out into the morning sky. Already from November 11 it could be observed on the southeastern horizon. Jupiter rises as a bright luminary immediately after Venus.

On the morning of November 13, Jupiter and Venus approached each other by less than half a degree. It seemed as if two planets had merged into one. The next time they will find themselves in such close proximity only after 100 years.

On the morning of November 14, Jupiter will rise before Venus - at approximately 6:40 am Moscow time. The planets will still be nearby, and then they will begin to move away. A little higher will be Mars, Spica, and the crescent of the aging Moon.

From November 15, Jupiter will begin to rise higher. Venus, on the contrary, will descend closer to the horizon. At 6 am, the crescent Moon will be above the pair of Venus and Jupiter - 3 degrees north of Mars, and on November 16 - north of Spica.

On November 17 at 7 am, the morning trio of bright luminaries will form: the Moon will pass 4 degrees north of Jupiter and Venus.


Guard! The sun will go out!

The Moscow Planetarium emphasizes: Jupiter and Venus will not come closer physically, but only visually - on the celestial sphere.

The rapprochement does not promise any troubles, nor can it promise them. But it still contributes to the spread of mild panic.

On numerous crazy websites specializing in all kinds of “blizzards,” “news” appear one after another, the authors of which do not hesitate to refer to NASA. And they promise: as a result of the rapprochement of Venus and Jupiter, the Earth will plunge into darkness - specifically from November 15 to 27. Charles Bolden, the director of NASA, allegedly announced the coming cataclysm. And he even explained why. Allegedly, Venus, baking close to Jupiter, will evaporate hydrogen from it. It will hit the Sun, causing explosions that will turn the star dark blue and practically stop shining.

Refutations appear on sites in solidarity with the crazy: They say NASA commented on the news about the “darkness of the sun.” And they refuted it.

In fact, NASA did not say anything about the consequences of the rapprochement of Jupiter and Venus and did not comment on anything in this sense - they did not say a word. After all, any sane person understands: Venus and Jupiter are located - in outer space - so far from each other that they cannot have any noticeable influence on each other.

By the way, to believe all the fake news, the plunge of the Earth into darkness from November 15 to 27 will coincide with another end of the world - from the rapprochement with the planet Nibiru. Conspiracy theorists scheduled this apocalypse for November 19, 2017.

“How scary it is to live,” one famous actress said in such cases.

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