The last battle of the cruiser “Varyag.” The last battle of the cruiser "Varyag" Ships of the Varangians

On February 9, Varyag and Koreets accomplished their feat. How it was

Up, comrades, everything is in place!
The last parade is coming!
Our proud “Varyag” does not surrender to the enemy,
Nobody wants mercy!

IN That day, "Varyag" and "Koreets" had an unequal battle with the Japanese squadron.
It became known to the whole world as the battle with the Japanese squadron near the port of Chemulpo, after which Russian sailors sank their ship, but did not surrender to the enemy. The feat was accomplished in front of the eyes of sailors from all over the world. It is in this case that you understand the truth of our saying, “In peace and death is red.” It was thanks to these numerous witnesses and the press of their countries that this battle became known.

The feat of the Russian cruiser Varyag and its commander V.F. will forever go down in the history of the Russo-Japanese War. Rudneva. Having withstood an unequal battle with the Japanese squadron and not lowering the flag in front of the enemy, the Russian sailors themselves sank their ship, deprived of the opportunity to continue the battle, but did not surrender to the enemy.

The cruiser "Varyag" was considered one of the best ships of the Russian fleet. In 1902, "Varyag" became part of the Port Arthur squadron.

It was a four-pipe, two-masted, armored cruiser of the 1st rank with a displacement of 6,500 tons. The cruiser's main caliber artillery consisted of twelve 152-mm (six-inch) guns. In addition, the ship had twelve 75 mm guns, eight 47 mm rapid-fire cannons and two 37 mm cannons. The cruiser had six torpedo tubes. It could reach speeds of up to 23 knots.

The ship's crew consisted of 550 sailors, non-commissioned officers, conductors and 20 officers.

Captain 1st rank Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev, a native of the nobility of the Tula province, experienced Marine officer, took command of the cruiser on March 1, 1903. It was a difficult and tense time. Japan was intensively preparing for war with Russia, creating a significant superiority in forces here.

A month before the start of the war, the Tsar's governor in the Far East, Admiral E.I. Alekseev sent the cruiser "Varyag" from Port Arthur to the neutral Korean port of Chemulpo (now Incheon).

On January 26, 1904, a Japanese squadron of six cruisers and eight destroyers approached Chemulpo Bay and stopped at the outer roadstead in a neutral port: In the inner roadstead at that time there were Russian ships - the cruiser "Varyag" and the seaworthy gunboat "Koreets", as well as cargo and passenger ship "Sungari". There were also foreign warships.

On February 8, 1904, the Japanese squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Uriu (2 armored cruisers Asama and Chiyoda, 4 armored cruisers Naniwa, Niitaka, Takachiho, Akashi; 8 destroyers) blocked Chemulpo, having the goal was to cover the landing (about 2 thousand people) and prevent the intervention of the Varyag. On the same day, the “Korean” went to Port Arthur, but upon leaving the port it was attacked by destroyers (two fired torpedoes missed the target), after which it returned to the roadstead.

Early in the morning of January 27, 1904, V.F. Rudnev received an ultimatum from Japanese Rear Admiral S. Uriu demanding that he leave Chemulpo before 12 noon, otherwise the Japanese threatened to open fire on Russian ships in a neutral port, which was a gross violation of international law.
V.F. Rudnev announced to the crew that Japan had begun military operations against Russia and announced the decision to fight their way to Port Arthur, and in case of failure, blow up the ships.

Varyag's command room.

"Varyag" weighed anchor and headed towards the exit from the bay. In the wake was the gunboat "Koreets" (commanded by Captain 2nd Rank G.P. Belyaev). The ships sounded the combat alarm.

At the exit from the bay there is a Japanese squadron, superior to the Varyag in artillery weapons by more than five times, and torpedoes by seven times. She reliably blocked Russian ships from entering the open sea.

Japanese plans and their squadron

Japanese ships: Asama in 1898

Akashi on the roadstead in Kobe, 1899

Naniwa in 1898

The Japanese side had a detailed battle plan, communicated by order from Uriu to the ship commanders at 9:00 on February 9. It provided for two scenarios for the development of events - in the event of an attempt to break through by Russian ships and in the event of their refusal to break through. In the first case, given the tightness of the fairway, Uriu identified three lines for intercepting Russian ships, each of which had its own tactical group to operate:

Asama was appointed to the first group
second - Naniwa (flagship Uriu) and Niitaka
in the third - Chiyoda, Takachiho and Akashi.

Asama, as the most powerful ship of the squad, played a major role. If the Russian ships refused to break through, Uriu planned to attack them in the port with torpedoes by the forces of the 9th destroyer detachment (if the neutral ships had not left their anchorages), or with artillery and torpedoes by the forces of the entire squadron.

If Russian ships do not leave the anchorage before 13:00 on February 9, then all ships will take up positions next to the flagship.
- if the ships of neutral powers remain at anchor, a torpedo attack is carried out in the evening;
- in case there are only Russian ships at the anchorage and not a large number of foreign ships and vessels, then an artillery attack is carried out by the forces of the entire squadron.

Progress of the battle

Six Japanese cruisers - Asama, Naniwa, Takachiho, Niitaka, Akashi and Chiyoda - took their starting positions in the bearing formation. Eight destroyers loomed behind the cruisers. The Japanese invited the Russian ships to surrender. V.F. Rudnev ordered that this signal be left unanswered.

The first shot was fired from the armored cruiser Asama, and after it the entire enemy squadron opened fire. "Varyag" did not answer, he was moving closer. And only when the distance was reduced to a sure shot, V.F. Rudnev ordered to open fire.

Varyag and Korean go to the last battle. Rare photo.

The fight was brutal. The Japanese concentrated all the force of their fire on the Varyag. The sea boiled with explosions, showering the deck with shell fragments and cascades of water. Every now and then fires broke out and holes opened. Under hurricane fire from the enemy, sailors and officers fired at the enemy, applied plaster, sealed holes, and put out fires. V.F. Rudnev, wounded in the head and shell-shocked, continued to lead the battle. Many sailors fought heroically in this battle, among whom were our fellow countrymen A.I. Kuznetsov, P.E. Polikov, T.P. Chibisov and others, as well as the ship’s priest M.I. Rudnev.

Accurate fire from the Varyag brought results: the Japanese cruisers Asama, Chiyoda, and Takachiho received serious damage. When the Japanese destroyers rushed towards the Varyag, the Russian cruiser concentrated its fire on them and sank one destroyer.

6-inch guns - XII and IX - knocked out; 75 mm - No. 21; 47 mm - No. 27 and 28. The battle main top was almost demolished, the rangefinder station No. 2 was destroyed, guns No. 31 and No. 32 were knocked out, and a fire was started in the lockers and in the armored deck, which was soon extinguished. While passing abeam the island of Iodolmi, one of the shells broke the pipe in which all the steering gears pass, and at the same time, fragments of another shell that flew into the conning tower, the cruiser commander was shell-shocked in the head, and the bugler and drummer standing on both sides of him were killed outright, the steering sergeant major standing nearby was wounded in the back (he did not report his wound and remained at his post throughout the battle); At the same time, the commander's orderly was wounded in the arm. Control was immediately transferred to the tiller compartment on the hand wheel. With the thunder of shots, orders to the tiller compartment were hard to hear, and it was necessary to control the vehicles mainly, despite this, the cruiser still did not obey well.

At 12:15, wanting to get out of the sphere of fire for a while in order to correct the steering drive and put out the fires if possible, they began to turn their cars around, and since the cruiser did not obey the steering wheel well and due to the proximity of the island of Iodolmi, they reversed both cars (the cruiser set into this position at a time when the steering drive was interrupted with the steering wheel in the left-hand position). At this time, the Japanese fire intensified and the hits increased, since the cruiser, turning around, turned its left side towards the enemy and did not have much speed.

At the same time, one of the serious underwater holes was received in the left side, and the third stoker began to quickly fill with water, the level of which approached the fireboxes; they applied the plaster and began to pump out the water; then the water level subsided somewhat, but nevertheless the cruiser continued to list rapidly. A shell that passed through the officers' cabins, destroyed them and pierced the deck, ignited flour in the provision department (the fire was extinguished by midshipman Chernilovsky-Sokol and senior boatswain Kharkovsky), and another shell smashed the bed nets on the waistcoat above the infirmary, and fragments fell into the infirmary, and the grid caught fire, but was soon extinguished. Serious damage forced us to leave the sphere of fire for a longer time, which is why we went at full speed, continuing to fire back with the left side and stern guns. One of the shots from the 6-inch gun No. XII destroyed the aft bridge of the cruiser Asama and started a fire, and the Asama stopped firing for a while, but soon opened again.

Its rear turret was apparently damaged, since it was no longer operational until the end of the battle. Only when the cruiser was passing to the anchorage and when the Japanese fire could be dangerous for foreign ships, they stopped it, and one of the cruisers pursuing us returned to the squadron, which remained in the fairway behind Iodolmi Island. The distance increased so much that it was useless for us to continue the fire, and therefore the fire was stopped at 12 hours 45 minutes day.

Results of the battle

During the battle, which lasted for one hour, the Varyag fired 1,105 shells at the enemy, and the Koreets - 52 shells. After the battle, the losses were counted. On the Varyag, out of a crew of 570 people, there were 122 killed and wounded (1 officer and 30 sailors were killed, 6 officers and 85 sailors were wounded). In addition, more than 100 people were slightly injured.

The wounded but not defeated "Varyag" (above in the photo "Varyag" after the battle) returned to the port to make the necessary repairs and again go for a breakthrough.

According to the report of the commander of the Varyag, one Japanese destroyer was sunk by the cruiser’s fire and the cruiser Asama was damaged, and the cruiser Takachiho sank after the battle; the enemy supposedly lost at least 30 people killed.

In this battle, it is common to forget about “Korean”. I read some interesting information in one of the documents. Before the battle, the commander of the ship, captain 2nd rank G.P. Belyaev ordered the ship's masts to be shortened. It was a military stratagem. He knew that the Japanese knew the detailed characteristics of our ships and understood that rangefinders would measure the distance to the Korean by the height of the masts. Thus, all the shells of the Japanese ships flew safely through the Russian ship.

Korean with masts before and after the battle.

Meanwhile, during the battle, “Korean” fired 52 shells at the enemy, and the only damage was the ram compartment, pierced by a fragment of a Japanese shell. There were no losses at all.

The "Varyag" tilted to the side, the vehicles were out of order, most of the guns were broken. V.F. Rudnev made a decision: remove the crews from the ships, sink the cruiser, and blow up the gunboat so that they do not fall to the enemy. The council of officers supported their commander.

After the crew was transported to neutral ships, the “Varyag” was sunk by opening the kingstons, and the “Korean” was blown up (the explosion of the Korean is shown above in the photo). The Russian steamship Sungari was also sunk.

"Varyag" after flooding, during low tide.

Russian heroes were placed on foreign ships. The English Talbot took 242 people on board, the Italian ship took 179 Russian sailors, and the French Pascal placed the rest on board.

The commander of the American cruiser Vicksburg behaved absolutely disgustingly in this situation, flatly refusing to place Russian sailors on his ship without official permission from Washington.

Without taking a single person on board, the “American” limited himself to only sending a doctor to the cruiser.

French newspapers wrote about this: " Obviously, the American Navy is too young to have those high traditions that inspire all the navies of other nations."

After the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government created a museum in Seoul in memory of the heroes of the Varyag and awarded Rudnev the Order of the Rising Sun.

The sailors of the "Varyag" and "Koreyets" returned to their homeland in several echelons, where they were enthusiastically greeted by the Russian people.

General Baron Kaulbars greets the sailors of the Varyag and the Korean upon their arrival in Odessa.

The sailors were warmly greeted by the residents of Tula, who filled the station square late at night. Large celebrations in honor of the sailor heroes took place in St. Petersburg.

The crews of "Varyag" and "Korean" were awarded high awards: sailors were awarded St. George's crosses, and officers were awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree. Captain 1st Rank V.F. Rudnev was awarded the order St. George, 4th degree, with the rank of aide-de-camp and appointed commander of the 14th naval crew and the squadron battleship "Andrei Pervozvanny" being built in St. Petersburg. A medal was established “For the battle of “Varyag” and “Korean””, which awarded all participants in the battle.

In November 1905, for refusing to take disciplinary measures against the revolutionary-minded sailors of his crew, V.F. Rudnev was dismissed and promoted to rear admiral.

He went to the Tula province, where he settled in a small estate near the village of Myshenki, three miles from Tarusskaya station.

July 7, 1913 V.F. Rudnev died and was buried in the village of Savina (now Zaoksky district of the Tula region).

The further fate of the cruiser "Varyag"

In 1905, the cruiser was raised by the Japanese, repaired and commissioned on August 22 as a 2nd class cruiser called Soya (Japanese: 宗谷).

During World War I, the Russian Empire and Japan became allies. In 1916, the cruiser Soya (together with the battleships Sagami and Tango) was bought by Russia.

April, 4 japanese flag was launched and on April 5, 1916, the cruiser was transferred to Vladivostok, after which, under the former name “Varyag”, she was included in the Arctic Ocean flotilla (made the transition from Vladivostok to Romanov-on-Murman) as part of a detachment of special purpose vessels under the command of counter- Admiral Bestuzhev-Ryumin.

In February 1917, it went to Great Britain for repairs, where it was confiscated by the British because the Soviet government refused to pay the debts of the Russian Empire.

In 1920 it was resold to German companies for scrapping. In 1925, while being towed, the ship encountered a storm and sank offshore in the Irish Sea. Some of the metal structures were then removed by local residents. Was subsequently blown up.

In 2003, the first Russian expedition took place to dive into the wreckage area, and some small parts were recovered. The grandson of Captain Rudnev, who lives in France, took part in the dive...

After the feat of the crew of the cruiser "Varyag", the Austrian writer and poet Rudolf Greinz wrote the poem "Der "Warjag"" dedicated to this event. You can read the full story of the song and the original test

“Song about the exploit of the Varyag” (translated by Greinz) became the anthem of Russian sailors

On October 29, 1955, the battleship Novorossiysk exploded and capsized in Sevastopol Bay, burying hundreds of sailors. Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces, retired officer M. Pashkin recalls: “ Below, in the armored belly of the battleship, the walled up and doomed sailors sang, they sang “Varyag”. This was not audible at the bottom, but when approaching the speaker, one could make out the barely audible sounds of a song. It was a stunning experience; I had never experienced such a state. No one noticed the tears, everyone looked down at the bottom, as if trying to see the sailors singing below. Everyone stood without hats, there were no words».

On April 7, 1989, the K-278 Komsomolets submarine sank due to a fire on board after a 6-hour struggle by the crew for the buoyancy of the vessel. Sailors in the icy waters of the Norwegian Sea said goodbye to their commander and ship by singing the song “Varyag”...

Info and photos (C) different places on the Internet... I added new photos and corrected my post from last year.

February 9, 1904 is the day of the heroic deed and death of the cruiser "Varyag". This day became the starting point for Russia's immersion in a series of revolutions and wars. But in this century it also became the first day of unfading Russian military glory.
The cruiser "Varyag" entered service in 1902. In its class, it was the strongest and fastest ship in the world: with a displacement of 6,500 tons, it had a speed of 23 knots (44 km/h), carried 36 guns, of which 24 were large-caliber, as well as 6 torpedo tubes. The crew consisted of 18 officers and 535 sailors. The cruiser was commanded by Captain 1st Rank Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev, a hereditary sailor. By the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, the Varyag was carrying out a mission to protect the Russian embassy in Seoul.
On the night of February 8-9, 1904, one Japanese officer left the following entry in his diary: “We will not declare war in advance, since this is a completely incomprehensible, stupid European custom” (compare the Russian prince Svyatoslav, who lived a whole thousand years before this, before the war he sent messengers to his opponents with a short message"I'm coming at you").
On the night of January 27 (old style), Rudnev was given an ultimatum from the Japanese Rear Admiral Uriu: “Varyag” and “Korean” must leave the port before noon, otherwise they will be attacked in the roadstead. The commanders of the French cruiser "Pascal", the English "Talbot", the Italian "Elbe" and the American gunboat "Vicksburg" located in Chemulpo received a Japanese notification the day before about the upcoming attack of its squadron on Russian ships.
To the credit of the commanders of three foreign cruisers - the French Pascal, the English Talbot and the Italian Elba, they expressed a written protest to the commander of the Japanese squadron: “... since, on the basis of generally accepted provisions of international law, the port of Chemulpo is neutral, then no nation has no right to attack the ships of other nations in this port, and the power which transgresses this law is fully responsible for any injury done to life or property in this port. Therefore, we hereby vigorously protest against such violation of neutrality and will be glad to hear Your opinion on this subject."
The only thing missing from this letter was the signature of the commander of the American Vicksburg, Captain 2nd Rank Marshall. As you can see, the practice of remembering international law only depending on one’s own benefit has a long tradition among Americans.
Meanwhile, Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev announced an ultimatum to the crew with the words: “The challenge is more than daring, but I accept it. I do not shy away from battle, although I do not have an official message about the war from my government. I am sure of one thing: the crews of the Varyag and “The Koreans will fight to the last drop of blood, showing everyone an example of fearlessness in battle and contempt for death.”
Midshipman Padalko answered for the entire team: “All of us, both “Varyag” and “Korean”, will defend our native St. Andrew’s flag, its glory, honor and dignity, realizing that the whole world is looking at us.”

At 11:10 a.m. on the Russian ships the command was heard: “Everyone up, weigh anchor!” - and ten minutes later “Varyag” and “Koreets” weighed anchor and set sail. As the English, French and Italian cruisers slowly passed by, the musicians of the Varyag performed the corresponding national anthems. In response, the sounds of the Russian anthem echoed from the foreign ships, on whose decks the teams were lined up.
“We saluted these heroes who walked so proudly to certain death!” - the commander of the Pascal, Captain 1st Rank Senes, later wrote.
The excitement was indescribable, some of the sailors were crying. Never had they seen a more sublime and tragic scene. On the bridge of the Varyag stood its commander, leading the ship to the last parade.
It was impossible to doubt the outcome of this battle. The Japanese opposed the Russian armored cruiser and the outdated gunboat with six armored cruisers and eight destroyers. Four 203 mm, thirty-eight 152 mm guns and forty-three torpedo tubes were preparing to fire against the Russians with two 203 mm, thirteen 152 mm guns and seven torpedo tubes. The superiority was more than triple, despite the fact that the Varyag had no side armor at all and even armored shields on its guns.
When the enemy ships saw each other on the open sea, the Japanese issued the signal “surrender to the mercy of the winner,” hoping that the Russian cruiser, in the face of their overwhelming superiority, would surrender without a fight and become the first trophy in this war. In response to this, the commander of the Varyag gave the order to raise battle flags. At 11:45 a.m. The first shot rang out from the cruiser Asama, after which in just one minute the Japanese guns fired 200 shells - about seven tons of deadly metal. The Japanese squadron concentrated all its fire on the Varyag, initially ignoring the Korean. On the Varyag, broken boats were burning, the water around it was boiling from explosions, the remains of the ship's superstructures fell with a roar onto the deck, burying Russian sailors. The knocked out guns fell silent one after another, with the dead lying around them. Japanese grapeshot rained down, the deck of the Varyag turned into a vegetable grater. But, despite the heavy fire and enormous destruction, the Varyag still fired accurately at the Japanese ships from its remaining guns. “Korean” didn’t lag behind him either.

Even the wounded did not leave their combat posts. The roar was such that the sailors' eardrums literally burst. The commander's namesake, the ship's priest, Fr. Mikhail Rudnev, despite the constant threat of death, walked along the blood-stained deck of the Varyag and inspired the officers and sailors.
"Varyag" concentrated fire on "Asama". Within an hour, he fired 1,105 shells at the Japanese, as a result of which a fire started on the Asama, the captain's bridge collapsed and the ship's commander was killed. The cruiser "Akashi" received such heavy damage that its subsequent repairs took more than a year. Two other cruisers received equally heavy damage. One of the destroyers sank during the battle, and the other on the way to the port of Sasebo. In total, the Japanese brought ashore 30 dead and 200 wounded, not counting those who perished along with their ships. The enemy was unable to either sink or capture the Russian ships - when the forces of the Russian sailors were running out, Rudnev decided to return to the port to save the surviving sailors.
This was a victory for the Russian fleet. The moral superiority of the Russians over any enemy forces was proven at a terrible price - but this price was paid easily.
When the mutilated Russian ships reached the port, the captain of the French cruiser Sanes climbed onto the deck of the Varyag: “I will never forget the stunning sight that presented itself to me. The deck is covered in blood, corpses and body parts are lying everywhere. Nothing escaped destruction.”
Of the 36 guns, only 7 remained more or less intact. Four huge holes were discovered in the hull. Of the crew on the upper deck, 33 sailors were killed and 120 were wounded. Captain Rudnev was seriously wounded in the head. In order to prevent the capture of unarmed ships by the Japanese, it was decided to blow up the gunboat "Koreets", and the kingstons were opened on the "Varyag".
The surviving Russian heroes were placed on foreign ships. The English Talbot took 242 people on board, the Italian ship took 179 Russian sailors, and the French Pascal placed the rest on board.
Admired by the valor of the Russians, the German Rudolf Greinz composed a poem, to the words of which (translated by E. Studenskaya) the musician of the 12th Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment A. S. Turishchev, who took part in the solemn meeting of the heroes “Varyag” and “Korean”, wrote a well-known song - “Our proud “Varyag” does not surrender to the enemy.
On April 29, 1904, in the Winter Palace, Nicholas II honored the sailors of the Varyag. On this day, for the first time, a song more like a hymn was sung:

Up, you, comrades, with God, hurray!
The last parade is coming.
Our proud "Varyag" does not surrender to the enemy
Nobody wants mercy!
All the pennants are waving and the chains are rattling,
Raising the anchors up,
The guns are preparing for battle in a row,
Sparkling ominously in the sun!
It whistles and thunders and rumbles all around.
The thunder of guns, the hiss of shells,
And our immortal and proud “Varyag” became
Like absolute hell.
Bodies tremble in their death throes,
The thunder of guns, and smoke, and groans,
And the ship is engulfed in a sea of ​​fire,
The moment of farewell has arrived.
Farewell, comrades! With God, hurray!
The boiling sea is below us!
Brothers, you and I didn’t think yesterday,
That today we will die under the waves.
Neither the stone nor the cross will tell where they lay down
For the glory of the Russian flag,
Only the waves of the sea will glorify alone
Heroic death of the "Varyag"!

After some time, the Japanese raised the Varyag, repaired it and introduced it into their fleet under the name Soya. On March 22, 1916, the ship was bought by the Russian Tsar and enlisted in the Baltic Fleet under the same name - "Varyag".
A year later, the worn-out cruiser was sent to allied England for repairs. The Russian fleet was waiting for the glorious cruiser to return to participate in the war with Germany, but the October coup occurred, and the British military authorities disarmed the Varyag and sent the crew home, and the ship itself was sold in 1918 to a private entrepreneur. When they tried to tow the Varyag to its future anchorage, near the town of Lendalfoot, a storm broke out and the cruiser was thrown onto the rocks. In 1925, the British dismantled the remains of the Varyag for metal. This is how the most famous cruiser of the Russian fleet ended its existence.
Captain Rudnev died in Tula in 1913. In 1956, a monument was erected to him in his small homeland. Monuments to the heroes of the Varyag were erected in the port of Chemulpo and at the Marine Cemetery of Vladivostok.

Glory to Russian heroes! Eternal memory to them!

November 1 marked 110 years since the legendary cruiser Varyag was launched.

The cruiser "Varyag" was built by order of the Russian Empire at the William Crump and Sons shipyard in Philadelphia (USA). It left the Philadelphia docks on November 1 (October 19, O.S.), 1899.

In terms of technical characteristics, the Varyag had no equal: equipped with powerful cannon and torpedo weapons, it was also the fastest cruiser in Russia. In addition, the Varyag was equipped with telephones, electrification, and a radio station and steam boilers of the latest modification.

After testing in 1901, the ship was presented to St. Petersburg residents.

In May 1901, the cruiser was sent to Far East to strengthen the Pacific squadron. In February 1902, the cruiser, having sailed halfway around the world, dropped anchor in the Port Arthur roadstead. From that moment his service began as part of the squadron. In December 1903, the cruiser was sent to the neutral Korean port of Chemulpo to serve as a stationary vessel. In addition to the Varyag, there were ships of the international squadron on the roadstead. On January 5, 1904, the Russian gunboat "Koreets" arrived at the roadstead.

On the night of January 27 (February 9, new style), 1904, Japanese warships opened fire on the Russian squadron, which was stationed in the Port Arthur roadstead. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) began, lasting 588 days.

The cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets", located in the Korean Bay of Chemulpo, were blocked by a Japanese squadron on the night of February 9, 1904. The crews of Russian ships, trying to break through from Chemulpo to Port Arthur, entered into an unequal battle with a Japanese squadron, which included 14 destroyers.

During the first hour of the battle in the Tsushima Strait, the crew of the Russian cruiser fired more than 1.1 thousand shells. "Varyag" and "Koreets" disabled three cruisers and a destroyer, but they themselves received heavy damage. The ships returned to the port of Chemulpo, where they received an ultimatum from the Japanese to surrender. Russian sailors rejected him. By decision of the officers' council, the Varyag was sunk and the Koreets was blown up. This feat became a symbol of the courage and bravery of Russian sailors.

For the first time in Russian history all participants in the battle (about 500 people) were awarded the highest military award - the Cross of St. George. After the celebrations, the Varyag crew was disbanded, the sailors entered service on other ships, and commander Vsevolod Rudnev was awarded, promoted, and retired.

The actions of the "Varyag" during the battle delighted even the enemy - after the Russian-Japanese War, the Japanese government created a museum in Seoul in memory of the heroes of the "Varyag" and awarded its commander Vsevolod Rudnev the Order of the Rising Sun.

After the legendary battle in Chemulpo Bay, the Varyag lay at the bottom of the Yellow Sea for more than a year. It was not until 1905 that the wreck was raised, repaired, and commissioned into the Imperial Japanese Navy under the name Soya. For more than 10 years, the legendary ship served as a training vessel for Japanese sailors, but out of respect for its heroic past, the Japanese kept the inscription on the stern - “Varyag”.

In 1916, Russia acquired former Russian warships Peresvet, Poltava and Varyag from its now ally Japan. After paying 4 million yen, the Varyag was enthusiastically received in Vladivostok and on March 27, 1916, the St. Andrew's flag was raised again on the cruiser. The ship was enlisted in the Guards crew and sent to reinforce the Kola detachment of the Arctic Fleet. On November 18, 1916, the cruiser Varyag was solemnly welcomed in Murmansk. Here she was appointed the flagship of the Kola Bay Naval Defense Forces.

However, the cruiser's engines and boilers required immediate overhaul, and the artillery required rearmament. Just a few days before February Revolution"Varyag" went to England, to the ship repair docks of Liverpool. The Varyag remained in the Liverpool dock from 1917 to 1920. The necessary funds for its repair (300 thousand pounds) were never allocated. After 1917, the Bolsheviks permanently erased the Varyag as a hero of the “tsarist” fleet from the history of the country.

In February 1920, while being towed through the Irish Sea to Glasgow (Scotland), where it was sold for scrap, the cruiser was caught in a strong storm and sat on rocks. All attempts to save the ship were unsuccessful. In 1925, the cruiser was partially dismantled on site, and the 127-meter hull was blown up.

It was withdrawn in 1947 Feature Film“The cruiser “Varyag”, and on February 8, 1954, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the “Varyag” feat, a gala evening was held in Moscow with the participation of veterans of the Battle of Chemulpo, where on behalf of the Soviet government the “Varangian” heroes were awarded medals “For Courage”. Anniversary celebrations took place in many cities across the country.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the heroic battle in 2004, the Russian delegation erected a monument to the Russian sailors "Varyag" and "Koreyts" in Chemulpo Bay. At the opening of the memorial in the port of Incheon ( former city Chemulpo) the flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag", was present.

The current Varyag, the successor to the legendary first-generation ship of the same name, is armed with a powerful multi-purpose strike missile system that allows it to hit surface and ground targets at a considerable distance. Also in its arsenal are rocket launchers, torpedo tubes and several artillery installations of various calibers and purposes. Therefore in NATO Russian ships This class is figuratively called “aircraft carrier killers.”

In 2007 in Scotland, where he found his last refuge legendary "Varyag", a memorial complex was opened, which was attended by a large anti-submarine ship(BPK) Russian Navy "Severomorsk". These monuments, made in Russian maritime traditions, became the first memorials to the Russian military spirit outside Russia and an eternal symbol of gratitude and pride for descendants.

In 2009, on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the legendary battle with the Japanese squadron, a unique international exhibition project “Cruiser “Varyag” was created. The discovery of relics, including genuine rarities from the legendary ship and gunboat “Koreets” from the collections of Russian and Korean museums. A similar exhibition , demonstrating relics of the Russian fleet has never been seen in Russian history.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Battle at Chemulpo


Commanders of the forces of the parties

Strengths of the parties

Last Stand cruiser "Varyag"- took place at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, near the city of Chemulpo in Korea between the Russian cruiser "Varyag", the gunboat "Koreets" under the overall command of Captain 1st Rank Vsevolod Rudnev and the Japanese squadron of Rear Admiral Sotokichi Uriu. During the battle, the Varyag received a number of damage and, together with the Korean, returned to the port, where the Russian ships were subsequently destroyed by their teams, who switched to neutral ships.

Position of forces before the battle

Chemulpo, view of the bay

Coast map

Chemulpo (an outdated name for the city of Incheon) is a strategically important port in Korea; warships of the world's leading powers were constantly stationed here. The political situation in Korea was extremely unstable, and the military presence was a necessary condition different states defending their interests in this region. In preparation for the war with Russia, the Japanese command developed several variants of attack plans. All of them assumed the capture of Korea as a springboard for a further offensive. Under pressure ground forces The Japanese landing was to take place in Chemulpo Bay, as the most convenient and closest harbor to Seoul.

Preparing for war

In a future war, Japan relied on surprise and speed of deployment of troops. Japanese troops were stationed in Korea both openly (security forces based on international agreements) and secretly, living under the guise of civilians. They prepared the infrastructure for a future landing operation in advance, built food warehouses, communication points and barracks, and from those arriving at the port transport ships coal, boxes and bales with various cargoes were unloaded onto the shore. All this was done with the tacit consent of the Korean authorities, who believed that all these were peaceful concerns of the local Japanese residents, of whom there were more than 4,500 people in Chemulpo.

Cap. 1 rub. Rudnev reported in Port Arthur about the establishment of food warehouses by the Japanese in Chemulpo and Seoul. According to reports, the total amount of all Japanese provisions had already reached 1,000,000 poods, and 100 boxes of ammunition had been delivered. At the same time, the Japanese openly delivered scows, tugboats and steam boats to Chemulpo, which, as reported by the commander of the territory. "Varyag" clearly indicated extensive preparations for landing operations. Along railway Seoul-Fuzan, the Japanese set up officer stages connected by separate telegraph and telephone lines to a common telegraph line. All these preparations clearly pointed to the imminent occupation of Korea by the Japanese.

In January, Japan completed preparations for the formation of an amphibious corps, transport ships, landing craft and logistics support. The Japanese fleet prepared the ships assigned to participate in the operation. This did not go unnoticed by Russia.

But no measures were taken by the Russian command. Underestimation and neglect of intelligence data had a serious impact on the course of hostilities at the beginning of the war. On the contrary, in order not to provoke the Japanese, St. Petersburg forbade the command and commanders of the ships any manifestation of initiative.

On February 7, ships carrying the Japanese expeditionary force began to drift off the coast of Korea in Asanman Bay. Having received fresh intelligence, Rear Admiral Uriu adjusted the landing plans.

The "Korean" incident

On January 26, the gunboat Koreets, having received mail, weighed anchor, but at the exit from the roadstead it was blocked by a squadron of Rear Admiral S. Uriu consisting of the armored cruisers Asama and Chiyoda, the cruisers Naniwa, Takachiho, Niitaka and Akashi, as well as three transports and four destroyers. The destroyers attacked the gunboat with two (according to another version, three) torpedoes, but were unsuccessful. Having no order to open fire and not knowing about the start of hostilities, the commander of the “Korean”, Captain 2nd Rank G.P. Belyaev, ordered to turn back.

Our squad, like a giant snake, crawled along the fairway towards Incheon and, when half of its body had already circled Hachibito, the “Korean” appeared towards us. We were supposed to maintain a peaceful appearance until the end of the landing of troops, but when we saw the enemy, the thought flashed through everyone’s minds: “shouldn’t we capture him here, next to the island, since nothing will be visible from Inchon?” But we continued moving, and a few minutes later a small skirmish broke out between the “Korean” and two of the four destroyers. Uriu, of course, was somewhat concerned about this, but at the same time, being on the bridge and observing the skirmish, he noted with feigned indifference: “I don’t see any point in this.”

During the trial, Commander Takachiho denied a mine attack on the Russian boat, and the actions of the destroyers, according to him, were dictated by the protection of transports from the attack of the “Korean”. As a result, the incident was presented as a misunderstanding. All night the Japanese landed troops. And in the morning, Russian sailors learned that the war between Russia and Japan had begun.


Rear Admiral Uriu sent messages to the commanders of the warships of neutral countries located in Chemulpo (the English cruiser Talbot, the French Pascal, the Italian Elba and the American gunboat Vicksburg) with a request to leave the raid in connection with possible actions against the Varyag and the Korean. After a meeting on the English cruiser, the station commanders agreed to leave the harbor if the Russian ships did not leave it.

At a meeting of commanders, various combinations were discussed, then, in a meeting secret from me, they decided: if I stay in the roadstead, they will leave, leaving me with the “Korean” and the steamship “Sungari”. Together with this, they decided to send a protest to the admiral against carrying out an attack on the roadstead. When asked by the commanders for my opinion, I replied that I would make an attempt to break through and accept battle with the squadron, no matter how large it was, but I would never surrender, and also fight in a neutral roadstead

V.F. Rudnev, who was the commander of a detachment of Russian ships, decided to go to sea and try to fight his way to Port Arthur. The officers of “Varyag” and “Koreyets” unanimously supported this proposal at the military councils.

Characteristics of the parties involved

Takachiho with flags at half-mast to mark the death of Empress Mother Eisho, 1897

"Varyag" in 1901

“Korean” before the last battle, the masts were cut down to make it more difficult for the enemy to aim


On the Japanese side, the armored cruisers Asama and Chiyoda, armored cruisers Naniwa, Takachiho, Niitaka, Akashi and three destroyers of the 14th detachment (Hayabusa, Chidori and Manazuru) took part in the battle. The detachment was diverse; the ranks included both veterans of the Sino-Japanese War with extensive combat experience and untrained newcomers.

IJN Asama

After this, the Russian cruiser, unexpectedly for the Japanese, slowed down and began to circulate to the right, turning to the opposite course (according to Russian data, the turn began at 12:15/12:50, according to Japanese - 10 minutes earlier). According to Rudnev’s report, one of the Japanese shells broke the communication pipe with the drives to the steering gear, but an examination of the Varyag after lifting traces of hits in the area of ​​the pipe and combat damage to the steering gear did not reveal. The turn of the cruiser was motivated by its commander’s desire to temporarily get out of the enemy’s sphere of fire, put out the fires and correct the steering.

While passing abeam Iodolmi Island, one shell broke the pipe in which all the steering gears pass, and at the same time, the cruiser commander was concussed in the head by fragments of another shell (exploded at the foremast), which flew into the passage near the conning tower...

Control of the cruiser was immediately transferred to the manual steering wheel in the tiller compartment, since the steam pipe to the steering engine was also broken. With the thunder of shots, orders to the tiller compartment were hard to hear, it was necessary to control the machines, and the cruiser did not obey well, being, moreover, in a strong current.

At 12 o'clock 15 m., wanting to temporarily leave the sphere of fire in order to correct, if possible, the steering gear and extinguish the fires that arose in different places, they began to turn the vehicles around and, since the cruiser did not obey the steering wheel well and due to the proximity of the island of Iodolmi, they reversed (the cruiser was parked in unfavorable position relative to the island at a time when the steering gear was broken with the steering wheel in the left position).

The distance to the enemy decreased, his fire intensified and the hits increased; Around this time, a large-caliber shell pierced the left side under the water, water poured into the huge hole and the third firebox began to quickly fill with water, the level of which approached the fireboxes. Stoker quartermasters Zhigarev and Zhuravlev battened down the coal pits, which filled with water.

According to Japanese data, in a short period from 12:05/12:40 to 12:06/12:41, the Varyag received a large number of hits - one 203-mm projectile between the bow bridge and the pipe, and five or six 152-mm shells into the bow and center of the ship. The last hit was recorded at 12:10/12:45 - a 203-mm shell exploded in the stern of the Russian cruiser.

There was a very fast current in the battle area, which made it difficult to control the ship, and it was impossible to maintain a constant course.
At 12:35, at a distance of 6800 m, an 8-inch shell hit the enemy in the area of ​​the aft bridge, where a strong fire immediately broke out.
At 12:41, at a distance of 6300 m, an 8-inch shell hit between the bow bridge and the funnel, and 3-4 6-inch shells hit the central part of the Varyag's hull.
At 12:45 an 8-inch shell hit the deck behind the aft bridge. A strong fire broke out and the topmast of the foremast hung over to the starboard side. “Varyag” immediately turned, increased speed and took cover behind the island of Phalmido to get out of the fire, and began to extinguish the fires. At this time, the “Korean” came out north of Phalmido Island and continued to fire.
At 13:06, the Varyag turned left, opened fire again, then changed course and began to retreat to the anchorage. The "Korean" followed him. At that moment I received a signal from the flagship - “Pursue!”

Until 11:59/12:34, only Asama fired at the Varyag, then until 12:13/12:48, all Japanese cruisers fired with varying intensity. Afterwards, Asama and Niitaka fired until the end of the battle. According to Rudnev’s report, during the period of circulation, the “Varyag” experienced difficulties in steering, as a result of which, in order to prevent a collision with the island of Yodolmi (Phalmido), it was necessary to briefly reverse; some sources claim that the “Varyag” still ran aground, but got off it in reverse.

At 12:13/12:48, the Varyag completed its circulation and, together with the Korean, moved back to the anchorage, pursued by the Japanese cruisers Asama and Niitaka. At 12:40/13:15, due to the approach of Russian ships to the anchorage, which, if the battle continued, created a threat to neutral ships, the Japanese cruisers ceased fire and retreated. Five minutes later, due to the increased distance to the enemy, the Russian ships also completed firing, and at 13:00/13:35 they anchored in their anchorages.

Results of the battle

The Japanese cruisers fought in three battle groups: Asama and Chiyoda, Naniwa and Niitaka, Takachiho and Akashi. The destroyers were located 500-600 m from the non-firing side of Naniwa and did not actually take part in the battle. The battle was complicated by the narrowness of the fairway, which made it difficult for the Japanese to bring all ships into battle at the same time, a strong current, which made it difficult to maintain course, as well as the Varyag’s periodic hits on target with the island of Phalmido, which forced individual Japanese ships to temporarily cease fire. Japanese ships actively maneuvered during the battle, developing speeds of up to 18 knots. The battle took place at a distance of 4800 to 8000 m.

The most active participants in the battle were Asama, Chiyoda and Niitaka. The remaining Japanese cruisers fired a small number of shells.

Japanese cruiser shell consumption
Asama Chiyoda Niitaka Naniwa Takachiho Akashi Total
203 mm 27 27
152 mm 103 53 14 10 2 182
120 mm 71 71
76 mm 9 130 139

The consumption of shells in battle by Russian ships remains a subject of debate. According to Rudnev's report, the Varyag fired 425 152-mm shells, 470 - 75-mm, 210 - 47-mm, that is, significantly more than all Japanese ships combined. However, the calculation of the shells remaining on it, carried out by the Japanese after the cruiser was raised, does not confirm this information and gives significantly lower figures for the Varyag’s ammunition consumption in battle. According to calculations, the cruiser fired no more than 160 shells of 152 mm caliber and about 50 shells of 75 mm caliber. The consumption of shells by the “Korean”, according to the report of its commander, was: 203 mm - 22, 152 mm - 27, 107 mm - 3.

During the battle, the following shells were recorded hitting the Varyag on Japanese ships: 203 mm from Asama - 3, 152 mm - 6 or 7 (4-5 from Asama and one each from Naniwa and Takachiho). Chiyoda also reported an alleged single hit on the Koreets that caused a fire, which is not confirmed by Russian data.

The Varyag's logbook and Rudnev's reports record a number of hits, including one in the underwater part of the ship, which caused the flooding of part of the coal pits and a noticeable list of the ship to the left side. Two hits were noted in the stern of the cruiser, which caused fires, and in one case, artillery powder charges, the deck and the whaleboat burned, and in the second, the officer's cabins were destroyed and the flour in the provision department was set on fire (this fire was never completely extinguished). Other hits destroyed rangefinder station No. 2, damaged the main top and chimney No. 3, and knocked out a number of guns. The explosion of one of the shells, fragments of which flew into the conning tower, concussed the cruiser commander, killing and wounding several more people. An inspection carried out after the battle revealed damage to: five 152 mm, seven 75 mm and all 47 mm guns.

From the Varyag team, 1 officer and 22 lower ranks died directly during the battle (after the battle, 10 more people died within a few days). During the short battle, the cruiser lost about a quarter of its entire crew killed and wounded; the exact number of wounded remains debatable, since different figures appear in the sources. The cruiser's logbook indicates that one officer and 26 lower ranks were seriously wounded, "less seriously wounded" - the cruiser commander, two officers and 55 lower ranks, all wounded are indicated by name. Rudnev’s report to the head of the Naval Ministry indicated that one officer and 85 lower ranks were seriously and moderately wounded, two officers and more than a hundred lower ranks were lightly wounded, the report to Governor Rudnev gives other figures - one officer and 70 lower ranks were seriously wounded, lightly - two officers, as well as many lower ranks, received minor wounds from shell fragments. The official sanitary report on the results of the Russo-Japanese War gives a figure of 97 wounded; finally, according to the historical journal HMS Talbot, a total of 68 wounded were taken onto neutral ships (four officers and 64 lower ranks), several of whom subsequently died. The gunboat "Koreets" had no crew losses, and damage was limited to one fragmentation hole in the ram compartment.

Damage diagram of the Varyag (from the report of Rear Admiral Arai Yukan)

During the recovery of the Varyag, the Japanese examined the cruiser and described in detail the damage found. In total, traces of 9 battle damage were found in the hull and superstructures (masts and pipes were dismantled during lifting), as well as one damage that occurred after the ship was sunk:

  1. A hole measuring 0.6 × 0.15 m on the forward bridge on the starboard side and next to it several small holes
  2. A hole measuring 3.96 × 1.21 m and next to it there are 10 small holes on the deck on the starboard side in the area of ​​the forward bridge
  3. A hole measuring 0.75 × 0.6 m and next to it three small holes in the bulwark on the starboard side, between the first and second chimney
  4. A hole measuring 1.97 × 1.01 m in the left side at the waterline (the lower edge of the hole went 0.8 m below the waterline), between the second and third chimney
  5. An underwater hole measuring 1.99 × 0.15 m in the left side, behind the fourth chimney, caused by pushing through the side with stones after the ship was flooded
  6. 12 small holes in the central part of the upper deck, near the mainmast
  7. A hole measuring 0.72 × 0.6 m in the left side, 1.62 m above the waterline, under the 152 mm gun No. 10
  8. A very large (3.96 × 6.4 m in size) hole on the upper deck on the port side, in the area of ​​152 mm guns No. 11 and 12, where a large fire occurred
  9. Six small holes on the starboard side at the aft end behind the 152 mm guns
  10. A hole measuring 0.75 × 0.67 m on the upper deck at the aft end

Taking into account the hits in the dismantled structures, A. Polutov comes to the conclusion that there were 11 hits in the Varyag. According to V. Kataev, damage No. 5 occurred as a result of the cruiser landing on rocks near the island of Phalmido, and damage No. 8, 9 and 10 are not of a combat nature and are the result of a fire and explosion of ammunition that occurred in Chemulpo on a ship abandoned after the evacuation of the crew.

As a result of the Japanese examination of the ship, it was also found that 1⁄6th of the ship was damaged by fires, the deck in the aft part was especially damaged. The power plant and mechanisms of the propeller-rudder group did not have any combat damage and were in good condition. After inspection, the Japanese declared all 152-mm guns, as well as at least six 75-mm and two 47-mm Varyag guns, suitable for use.

According to Russian sources (reports by Rudnev and Belyaev, ship logs), it was observed that Asama hit the aft bridge with a fire and sunk one of the destroyers. According to information received by Rudnev from various sources (including rumors), the cruiser Takachiho sank after the battle while moving to Sasebo, the cruisers Asama and Naniwa were docked to repair the damage, the Japanese brought 30 dead ashore. However, Japanese historical and archival sources claim that there were no hits on the ships of the Japanese squadron, as well as any damage or losses. The fate of the ships is now well known Japanese fleet; in particular, the cruiser Takachiho was lost during the First World War during the siege of Qingdao, the destroyers of the 9th and 14th detachments were excluded from the lists of the fleet in 1919-1923 and scrapped.

The firing of Russian ships was assessed by Uriu as “indiscriminate” and having “extremely low accuracy.” The ineffectiveness of the firing of Russian ships is explained by the poor training of the gunners (for example, during training firing at the shield on December 16, 1903, out of 145 shells fired by the Varyag, only three hit the target), errors in determining the distance to enemy ships (associated, among other things, with the failure of in the battle of rangefinder stations), destruction of the fire control system.

Destruction of Russian ships

Explosion of the gunboat "Korean"

"Varyag" after flooding, at low tide

After anchoring, the officers and crew of the Varyag began inspecting the ship and repairing the damage. At 13:35, Rudnev went to the Talbot, where he announced to its commander his intention to destroy the Varyag and transport the crew to neutral ships. Having received Bailey's consent, Rudnev returned to the cruiser at 13:50 and reported his decision to the officers, who supported the commander at the general council (it should be noted that the officers' decision was not unanimous, in particular, the senior officer of the Varyag, V. Stepanov, was not invited to the council, and Rudnev’s order to leave the ship came as a complete surprise to him).

I voted for a breakthrough from Chemulpo to the sea, and this opinion was supported by all the officers in the control room. Damage to the steering gear apparently forced the proposed plan to be changed, and the commander, I believe, to correct the damage, went on a raid in order to get out of the enemy’s sphere of fire. Captain 1st Rank V.F. Rudnev, after the battle with the Japanese to anchor the cruiser in the Chemulpo roadstead, having informed of all the damage to the cruiser received during the battle, went on a French boat with the commander of the cruiser Talbot, Captain Belly, as the senior officer on the roadstead. Upon returning from the cruiser Talbot, the commander made known his decision to sink the cruiser and transport people to foreign ships anchored in the roadstead. Before the trip to the cruiser Talbot, the commander did not gather a council and did not express a definite decision. I cannot say how and in what form Captain 1st Rank V.F. Rudnev announced the decision to the officers. I was not invited to the council. From the moment the cruiser left the enemy's sphere of fire, he was busy with orders to prepare the ship for a new meeting with the enemy. I didn’t expect at all that we had to leave our cruiser.

Boats from foreign ships with doctors began to arrive at the Varyag, who began transporting first the wounded, and then the rest of the ship’s crew to the English, French and Italian cruisers. The commander of the American gunboat, having no instructions from the leadership, refused to accept Russian sailors, and therefore Rudnev sent her boat with a doctor. By 15:50, the transportation of the cruiser’s crew was completed; at the request of the commanders of foreign ships, who feared damage to their ships in the explosion (which took place according to Rudnev’s message), it was decided to limit the sinking of the Varyag by opening the valves and seacocks, while no measures were taken to to render the cruiser's weapons and equipment unusable. The team took a minimum of things; the bodies of the dead were not evacuated and were left on the ship. At 18:10, the Varyag, with an ongoing fire at the stern, capsized on the left side and lay on the ground.

At 15:30, the commander of the “Korean” gathered the officers, informed them about the decision made by Rudnev and proposed to discuss future fate gunboat. All officers, starting with the youngest, spoke out about the pointlessness of a new battle due to the overwhelming superiority of the enemy and the impossibility of causing any damage to him. In this regard, it was decided to blow up the “Korean” and take the crew to neutral ships. Due to the haste of the evacuation, the team did not take things, and secret documents were burned in the presence of a special commission. The last lifeboat left the boat at 15:51, and at 16:05 the gunboat was blown up and sank. At the same time, the Sungari steamer was set on fire, and after some time it landed on the ground.

Fate of the teams

The officers and crews of the Russian ships were stationed on the French cruiser Pascal (216 people), the English cruiser Talbot (273 people) and the Italian cruiser Elba (176 people). Considering the high overcrowding and the lack of conditions for caring for the wounded (8 of whom soon died), a decision was made to transport 24 seriously wounded ashore to the Japanese Red Cross hospital. At the same time, negotiations were held through diplomatic channels about the status of the Russian sailors; the Japanese agreed to return them to their homeland, subject to their commitment not to participate in the war anymore, for which the highest permission was required.

On February 27, Nicholas II gave his consent to the Japanese conditions, but the removal of the crews of Russian ships began earlier, under the obligations of foreign governments. On February 16, Pascal left for Shanghai and then to Saigon, where he landed Russian sailors. The English and Italian cruisers went to Hong Kong, where the crews of the Russian ships on the Talbot were transported via Colombo to Odessa (where they arrived on April 1), and the sailors from Elba to Saigon. From Saigon via Crete and Odessa, the sailors arrived in Sevastopol on April 23. After the ceremonial meeting in St. Petersburg, the ships' crews were disbanded and distributed among different fleets, except for the Pacific (in accordance with the agreement with the Japanese on the non-participation of the crews in hostilities).

The remains of the dead sailors were transferred to Vladivostok in 1911 and buried in mass grave at the city's Marine Cemetery. An obelisk made of gray granite is installed above the grave.

"Varyag", raised by the Japanese from the bottom of the bay

The Japanese army was given the opportunity for strategic deployment in the north of the Korean Peninsula, and not in the south, as previously determined. The rapid occupation of Seoul was important both militarily and politically. On February 12, the Russian envoy left Seoul, thereby Russia lost its last opportunity to influence the policy of the Korean imperial court and governments.

The landing of the 12th Division, called the “Operation to Pacify Korea,” brought Japan in two weeks what it had long and unsuccessfully sought during diplomatic negotiations with Russia - complete control over Korea. On February 23, 1904, a Japanese-Korean agreement was signed in Seoul, establishing a Japanese protectorate over Korea, which allowed Japan, during the war with Russia, to operate unhindered throughout Korea, to use its ports, land communications, administrative, human and material resources.

In 1905, Varyag was raised by the Japanese, repaired and commissioned on August 22 as the 2nd class cruiser IJN Soya (after the Japanese name for the La Perouse Strait). It was used by the Japanese for training purposes for more than seven years. It is widely believed that as a sign of respect for Russian sailors, the Japanese left the old name of the ship on the stern. However, according to the testimony of the former sailor “Varyag” Snegirev, who served in the First world war helmsman and met at Japanese port The Japanese were forced to leave their former cruiser, the Russian state emblem - a double-headed eagle - and the name “Varyag”, since they were structurally embedded in the aft balcony. The Japanese attached the hieroglyphs of the new name to the grille of the balcony.

Assessment by contemporaries

The actions of the Japanese side in modern sources are assessed as competent and professional. They made it possible to complete all the assigned tasks - to ensure a landing and neutralize Russian ships without suffering losses. It is noted that the victory was achieved by the Japanese primarily due to the overwhelming superiority in forces and the characteristics of the battle area, which deprived the Russian ships of freedom of maneuver. The decision to enter Russian ships into battle against significantly superior enemy forces is assessed as heroic, including from the Japanese side.

The reaction to the death of the Varyag was not clear. Some naval officers did not approve of the actions of the Varyag commander, considering them illiterate both from a tactical and technical point of view. At the same time, it is noted that the provisions of the “Naval Charter” left no other option for Rudnev than to accept a fight - surrendering the ship to the Japanese or sinking it without a fight would be classified as a malfeasance. According to a number of authors (in particular, V.D. Dotsenko, as well as Major General A.I. Sorokin), the commander of the Varyag made a number of serious mistakes:

  • was not used for a breakthrough the night before the battle;
  • going for a breakthrough, the “Varyag” tied itself down to the slow-moving “Korean”, without using its advantage in speed (this mistake was also noted by the naval historian and theorist V.A. Belli);
  • After the battle, the Varyag was not blown up, but scuttled in shallow water, which allowed the Japanese to raise it and put it into operation.

Rudnev's decision to return to Chemulpo instead of continuing the battle, as well as the ineffective use of artillery by Russian ships, as a result of which the Japanese ships did not suffer any damage, is criticized.

Considering the unsuccessful start of the war, the tsarist government decided to widely use the battle for propaganda purposes, which came as a surprise to some participants in the battle (according to the memoirs of the Varyag navigator E. Behrens, returning to Russia, they believed that they would be put on trial).

In Odessa, Sevastopol and St. Petersburg, ceremonial meetings of the participants in the battle were organized, and in the capital - with the participation of Emperor Nicholas II. Without exception, all participants in the battle were awarded - officers, as well as civilian ranks (including officials and doctors) of both ships received the Order of St. George, 4th degree or other orders, lower ranks received insignia of the Military Order of the 4th degree. Two sailors received insignia of the Military Order of the 3rd degree, since they already had a 4th degree award. Moreover, the officers of the “Korean” were even awarded twice - in addition to the Order of St. George, they also received regular orders with swords. All participants in the battle were awarded a specially established medal “For the battle of “Varyag” and “Korean””.

Such a massive awarding of high awards was an unprecedented event for the Russian fleet. Already in Soviet times, in 1954, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the battle, its surviving participants by that time were awarded medals “For Courage”. It is noteworthy that for the first time doctors and mechanics were awarded the Cross of St. George along with combat officers. The unprecedented awarding of the highest military awards to all ship crew members was met with ambiguity among officers:

The Cross of St. George... gives great service advantages and is awarded only for outstanding military exploits, moreover, by the verdict of the Duma, composed of gentlemen of this order...

However, they also managed to discredit the St. George Cross. At the very beginning of the war, under the first impression of the “feat” of the “Varyag” and “Korean”, all the officers, doctors and mechanics on board were awarded, by special order of the Highest, in addition to the Duma, the Cross of St. George.

Such a massive award, in connection with the unheard-of honors rendered to the crews of these ships in Russia, made a very unfavorable impression on the army. It was clear to everyone that if some determination was required from the commander of the ship in order to meet an enemy superior in strength, then on the part of the other ranks, mere presence on the ship (maybe involuntary) in itself did not constitute a merit worthy of being awarded the highest military order .

The dissatisfaction among the officers became even stronger when it later became clear that in general in this battle the crew of the Varyag did not accomplish any feat, and there were even almost no losses on the Koreyets...

Image in art

As a result of the patriotic upsurge caused by the feat of Russian sailors, several works were born: the march “Varyag”, written by A. Reiderman, the song “Varyag is going to accomplish his glorious feat”, written by Caesar Cui, “Heroic Feat” by A. Taskin, the poem “ Varyag" by the Riga amateur poet Yakov Repninsky (which was later set to music by Yuryev University student Fyodor Bogoroditsky, resulting in the song "Cold Waves Splashing"). But the song “Varyag” became the most popular.

The author of the poems was the Austrian writer and poet Rudolf Greinz, who wrote about the life and traditional way of life in Tyrol. He often collaborated with the Munich magazine Jugend, where his satirical notes on the topic of the day were published. On the pages of the 10th issue of the magazine “Jugend” dated February 25, 1904, the poem “Der “Warjag”” was published. The magazine clearly adhered to the anti-militaristic and anti-imperial position, which Greinz shared, which, along with the fact that the poem is placed in the vicinity of humorous and satirical materials, without any introductory words, according to some historians, indicates that the poem was originally a pamphlet in verse - " The text, decorated with expressive adjectives, was quite naturalistic in nature, in order, perhaps, to show the absurdity of the act of those who went to real death for the sake of some abstract ideas."

The poem was translated into Russian by N.K. Melnikov and Evgenia Mikhailovna Studenskaya (née Shershevskaya), who published her translation in the April “New Journal of Foreign Literature, Art and Science” for April 1904. According to one version, on the wave of patriotism that swept everything Russian society, musician and graduate of the 12th Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment, Alexey Sergeevich Turishchev, wrote music for Studenskaya’s translation.

The song “Our proud “Varyag” does not surrender to the enemy”, sounded for the first time at the imperial reception on the occasion of awarding the sailors from the “Varyag” and “Korean”, became especially beloved among naval employees, however, among civilian population There were also many of her fans.

In 1946, the Soviet film studio “Soyuzdetfilm” shot the feature film “Cruiser “Varyag””, where the “made-up” cruiser “Aurora”, directed by Viktor Eisymont, starred in the role of “Varyag”.

Cruiser "Varyag". - 2nd ed., revised. and additional . - L.: Shipbuilding, 1983. - 288 p.

  • Dotsenko V. D. Myths and legends of the Russian fleet. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional. - St. Petersburg: Polygon, 2002. - 352 p. -
  • The cruiser "Varyag" was built in 1899. The ship became part of the Pacific Flotilla. On the eve of the Russo-Japanese War, the Varyag set sail for the neutral Korean port of Chemulpo (modern Incheon). Here he found himself at the disposal of the Russian embassy. The second such vessel was the gunboat “Koreets”.

    On the eve of the battle

    On New Year's Eve 1904, Captain Vsevolod Rudnev received a secret encryption. It reported that the Korean emperor learned about the movement of ten Japanese ships towards Chemulpo (the sinking of the cruiser “Varyag” occurred at one time in the bay of this port). So far there has been no war, although both countries were actively preparing for it. Japan was looked down upon in Russia, which left the army and navy in a difficult position when the conflict really broke out.

    The Japanese flotilla was commanded by Admiral Sotokichi Uriu. His ships arrived off the Korean coast to cover the landing. The flotilla was supposed to stop the Varyag if it decided to leave the bay and interfere with the transfer of the ground army. On January 27 (old style), enemy ships appeared in the coastal waters. It was the first day of the Russo-Japanese War.

    The situation in the port of Chemulpo was complicated by the fact that ships from other countries were there: Great Britain, France, Italy and the USA. On the morning of January 27, Japanese Admiral Uriu sent a message to their representatives that he was going to attack Russian ships. In this regard, neutral ships were asked to leave the roadstead before 16:00 so that they would not come under fire. The Europeans notified Captain Rudnev about the Japanese warning. It became clear that a battle was inevitable, despite the obvious violation of international law (the drama took place in the port of a third country).

    The approach of the Japanese flotilla

    By morning, the landing of the three thousand-strong ground contingent had already been completed. Now the transport ships had left the battle area, and the warships could begin preparing for the upcoming attack. In the port, a fire was visible at the Japanese landing site. The enemy deliberately put psychological pressure on the Russian sailors. The heroic death of the cruiser "Varyag" showed that all these attempts were doomed to failure. The Russian sailors and their officers were ready for anything, although they had to humiliatingly wait for the enemy to attack and helplessly watch the landing.

    Meanwhile, the commanders of the foreign ships sent a written protest to the Japanese. This paper had no effect. The foreigners did not dare to take any other steps. Their ships retired to the port and did not show themselves in any way during the battle. and the gunboat were blocked in the bay. They could not go out to the open sea, since the road was blocked by a Japanese flotilla of ten ships. The subsequent death of the cruiser "Varyag" was largely due to paralysis and inept actions of the command in Port Arthur. The fleet commanders behaved irresponsibly. They made no attempt to prevent the disaster, although reports of the approaching Japanese squadron had been received for months.

    "Varyag" leaves Chemulpo

    Captain Vsevolod Rudnev, realizing that it was pointless to wait for help from foreigners or his own superiors, decided to break out of the bay and take the fight. There was simply no talk of capitulation. At 10 o'clock in the morning the captain arrived at the cruiser and informed the officers of his decision. The general opinion was unanimous - to try to break through, and if the attempt fails, then to sink the ships.

    The doctors were the first to prepare for battle. Doctors, nurses and paramedics set up dressing stations. For the next few days they forgot about what sleep was - they had too much work. At 11 o'clock Rudnev gave a speech to the whole team. The sailors supported the captain with a loud “Hurray!” No one was afraid of the death of the cruiser "Varyag", no one wanted to give up, folding their hands in advance. The reaction to “Korean” was similar. Even the cook, who was a civilian worker, refused to leave the ship and take refuge in the consulate. When the Varyag left the port, foreign crews lined up on the decks of their ships. So the French, Italians and British paid tribute to the courage of the crew, who had an unequal battle ahead. In response, the national anthems of these countries were played on the Varyag.

    The balance of forces between the parties

    Which squadron was the cruiser Varyag supposed to resist? The story of the ship's death might not have happened at all if it had fought under different combat conditions. Every Japanese ship was within his power. The exception was Asama, one of the best armored cruisers in the whole world. "Varyag" was the embodiment of the idea of ​​a strong and fast reconnaissance aircraft. His main advantage in the battle was a swift attack and a short but deafening blow to the enemy.

    The Varyag could best demonstrate all these qualities on the open sea, where it would have room to maneuver. But its location, and subsequently the place of death of the cruiser “Varyag”, was in a narrow fairway full of shallows and stones. Under such conditions, the ship could not accelerate and effectively hit the enemy. Due to the narrow course, the cruiser had to fly at gunpoint from the Japanese. Therefore, the outcome of the battle was determined only by the ratio of the number of guns. A dozen ships had many more of them than a cruiser and gunboat.

    The situation became especially hopeless due to the presence of Asama. The guns of this cruiser were practically invulnerable, as they were hidden behind thick turret armor. For comparison: on Russian ships the artillery was open and deck-based. In addition, half of the Korean guns were simply outdated. During the battle they were completely inactive.

    Start of the battle

    The Japanese ships predetermined the place of death of the cruiser "Varyag", standing ten miles from the Korean Chemulpo. When the squadrons met, a signal followed asking for surrender. “Varyag” proudly remained silent to this proposal. The first shots from the Asama were fired around 12 o'clock. They were produced at a time when the ships were at a distance of about 8 kilometers from each other.

    Everyone understood that the death of the cruiser Varyag was inevitable. The fight, however, was accepted. Two minutes after the first Japanese shots, shooting began on the starboard side of the Varyag. It was led by Kuzma Khvatkov, the senior gunner. On the eve of the battle, he was lying in the hospital after an operation. Having learned about the upcoming battle, the gunner demanded to be discharged and soon arrived on board the Varyag. Khvatkov, with rare courage, continued to fire continuously throughout the entire battle, even after all his assistants were killed and wounded.

    The first hit of a Japanese shell destroyed the upper bow bridge and broke the fore shrouds. Because of this, a fire started in the chart room. An explosion followed, killing junior navigator Alexei Nirod and signalman Gavriil Mironov. Timofey Shlykov, a brave and determined boatswain, began to lead the fire extinguishing efforts.

    Fire on board

    Columns of black smoke were the first signs that marked the death of the cruiser Varyag. The date January 27, 1905 became the day of courage and persistence of the Russian crew. The fire allowed the Japanese to easily adjust fire on the enemy. The Varyag's guns were aimed mainly at Asama. The fire was carried out with armor-piercing shells, which actually tore through the thick armor and exploded inside the ship. Therefore, the damage caused to the Japanese was not as obvious as the fire on the Russian cruiser.

    The cruiser "Asama" fired diversionary fire. It distracted the attention of the Varyag's guns, thanks to which other ships of the Japanese flotilla could shoot the enemy with impunity. The shells began to hit the target more and more often. Thus, the death of the cruiser “Varyag” was gradually approaching. Photos of the heroic crew and their ship soon appeared in all the world's newspapers.

    But on the afternoon of January 27, the sailors and officers clearly had no time for the future. After another hit, the deck flooring caught fire. The fire became extremely dangerous, because there was a signal system nearby, as well as elevators. They tried to put out the flames with powerful jets of water supplied from hoses. Meanwhile, the gunners standing at the open guns fell dead due to the deadly whirlwind of fragments raised by enemy shells.

    The doctors worked intently and silently. The flow of wounded increased. People who were seriously injured found the strength to get to the hospital on their own. The lightly wounded did not pay any attention to the damage and remained at their posts. The death of the cruiser “Varyag” was so heroic and unprecedented. And the main ship also happened to find itself under heavy fire from the enemy, who reveled in their numerical superiority.


    When the Varyag moved eight miles away from Chemulpo, the captain decided to turn to the right in order to get out of the fire and bring the guns on the left side into battle. The ship began to maneuver, and at that moment the ship was hit by two large shells. The heroic death of the cruiser "Varyag" has become even closer. Due to the explosion, the ship lost steering control. Some of the fragments went straight into the control room, where, in addition to the captain, there were some officers and musicians. The drummer and staff bugler died, many were wounded, but no one wanted to go to the hospital and leave Rudnev.

    Due to the loss of the steering wheel, the order was given to switch to manual control. No one wanted the enemy to have the sinking of the cruiser Varyag easily. The Russo-Japanese War had just begun, and there were many more similar battles ahead, when Russian ships found themselves outnumbered. Their crews, following the crew of the Varyag, showed miracles of courage and devotion to duty.

    The cruiser got within five miles of the enemy flotilla. The Japanese fire intensified. It was at this time that the Varyag received the most severe and fatal damage. A large-caliber shell pierced the stern on the left side. Water poured into the holes and began to flood the coal stokers. Quartermasters Zhigarev and Zhuravlev rushed into the room. They prevented the further spread of water and flooding of other stokers. The death of the cruiser Varyag was postponed over and over again. In short, the Russian crew fought with that stubbornness that only happens to doomed people driven into a corner.


    Meanwhile, the “Korean” began to cover the “Varyag”, which was making an important maneuver. His small projectiles were finally able to reach enemy ships. Return shooting began. Soon a fire broke out on one of the Japanese cruisers, and another destroyer began to sink. When the turn was completed, the guns on the left side joined the battle. The gunners, the main heroes of the battle, enraged by the death of their comrades, fired without stopping. The result was not long in coming. One of the shells destroyed the stern bridge of the Asama, the best Japanese cruiser. The author of the successful shot was gunner Fedor Elizarov, who stood behind the six-inch gun No. 12.

    After the turn, the captain directed the ship back to the roadstead, trying to delay the death of the cruiser Varyag. The date of this event became one of the most striking and tragic in the history of the Russian fleet. By 13 o'clock the battle had stopped, as the Varyag was finally back in the roadstead.

    During the battle they fired more than 1,100 shells. The crew lost half of the team on the upper deck. Fans and boats were turned into sieve. The deck and sides received numerous holes, which is why the Varyag appeared to list to the left side.

    Sinking of the cruiser

    Foreign ships, which had previously been in the roadstead, prepared to leave for the port so as not to interfere with the Japanese to finish off the Russians. Rudnev, assessing the situation, realized that the cruiser had lost most of its combat power. It was impossible to fight in such conditions. At a short military council, the captain decided to open the seams and scuttle the ship.

    The evacuation of the team began. The wounded sailors and officers were passed on to each other in their arms. The death of the cruiser "Varyag" and the boat "Koreets" was approaching. Most of the Russians moved to neutral ships. The last crew members left on the ship to scuttle it remained in the water. Someone got to the ships by swimming, but Vasily Belousov remained holding on to the ice floe waiting for the arrival of the French boat.

    "Korean" was blown up. Foreigners asked to do without such a measure in relation to the cruiser. The fact was that the wreckage of the gunboat collided at great speed with the water surface next to the neutral ships. The roll of the "Varyag" became stronger and stronger. From a distance, new explosions were periodically heard on it - this fire consumed the surviving cartridges and shells. Finally the ship sank. At 18 o'clock the final death of the cruiser "Varyag" was noted. The image of a ship that entered battle against unequal forces and its heroic crew remained forever in the memory of the Russian fleet.

    Return of the crew to their homeland

    23 people died in the battle, another 10 seriously wounded died in hospitals after evacuation. The remaining crew left for their homeland in mid-February. The heroic death of the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets" has already become known to the whole world. Sailors and officers in every country where they stopped were greeted with cordiality and undisguised admiration. Telegrams and letters were sent to them from all over.

    A large delegation of compatriots met the crew in Shanghai, where the gunboat Manjur was then located. The Consul General and Ambassador of Russia in Constantinople hurried to meet the heroes, despite their very short stop in this city. Glory was ahead of the sailors. The crew had to return to their homeland, landing in Odessa. In this city, preparations for his meeting took place for several weeks.

    The heroes were awarded right on board the arriving ship. It should be said that all crew members were awarded, regardless of rank. A fireworks display was given in honor of those who arrived. The whole city was choked with festive rejoicing. The picture was similar in Sevastopol, where he was based Black Sea Fleet. On April 10, 1904, 600 sailors and 30 officers of the Varyag and Koreyets left for St. Petersburg in a special train. Along the way, the train stopped in Moscow and at several other stations. Everywhere, townspeople and top officials of the cities were invariably waiting for the train.

    On the 16th the crew finally arrived in St. Petersburg. On the platform of the Nikolaevsky station he was met by relatives, representatives of the city duma, the army, the nobility and, of course, all the highest ranks of the Russian fleet. At the head of this crowd stood Admiral General Grand Duke Aleksey Aleksandrovich.

    The sailors marched solemnly along the festively decorated Nevsky Prospect. The street was packed to capacity with citizens. Soldiers from the capital's garrison were lined up along the entire avenue to hold back the crowd. The ceremonial orchestra was inaudible amid the incessant shouts and applause. The culmination was the meeting of the crew and Tsar Nicholas II.

    The further fate of the ship

    The Japanese were amazed by the behavior and courage of the Russians. It is significant that Emperor Mutsuito in 1907 sent Captain Vsevolod Rudnev the Order of the Rising Sun, II degree. The death of the cruiser "Varyag" was remembered year after year not only in Russia, but also in Japan. In Tokyo they decided to raise and repair the cruiser. It was incorporated into the Imperial Navy and given the name "Soya". For seven years she was used as a training ship. The name "Varyag" on the stern of the ship was retained by the Japanese as a sign of respect for the courage of Russian sailors and officers. Once the cruiser even went on a trip to

    Russia and Japan became allies. The tsarist government bought Varyag back. In 1916, he returned to Vladivostok under the Russian flag. The ship was transferred to the Arctic Ocean flotilla. On the eve of the February Revolution, the cruiser went to Great Britain for repairs. The authorities of this country confiscated the Varyag when the Bolsheviks refused to pay the debts of the tsarist government. In 1920, the ship was sold to the Germans for scrap metal. In 1925, the cruiser was caught in a storm while being towed and finally sank in the Irish Sea.
