The timing is. “The idea of ​​immortality in culture is to constantly suppress entropy”: Vadim Rudnev on time models. Rules for the formation of Present Perfect Tense


The union that in such sentences can be omitted.

If in the main sentence the verb-predicate is in one of the past tenses, then in the additional subordinate clause there is a shift of times, i.e., the coordination of times, which is as follows.

  • 1. If the action of the verb of the subordinate clause refers to the present tense, that is, it expresses the simultaneity of the action with the verb-predicate of the main clause, then the verb of the subordinate clause is used in Simple Past / Past Indefinite or Past Continuous (depending on what action takes place : action-fact, action-statement of fact - used simple past, action in development - Past Continuous).

Not said(that) he worked(was working) in Minsk.
He said that works In Minsk.

[Works refers to the present, that is, to the time when he spoke. The shift of times, i.e., the coordination of times, lies in the fact that the verb that refers to the present tense ( works), expressed through Simple Past or Past Continuous - (worked or was working).]


  • 1. The modal verb must in the meaning of command in the subordinate clause remains unchanged, but in the meaning of necessity, the turnover have to is used in the past tense - had to.

Not said that I must study English well. He said that I must good to teach English language.
Not said that I had to see doctor. He said that I must(I need to) go to the doctor.

2. The modal verb can obeys the rules of tense agreement, since it has the past tense form could.

I knew that he could speak English well. I knew that he could speak English well.
I didn't know that he could play chess. I didn't know he could play chess.

  • 2. If the action of the verb of the subordinate clause refers to the past tense, that is, it precedes the action expressed by the verb-predicate of the main clause, then the verb-predicate of the subordinate clause is used in Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

He said(that) he had worked in Minsk.
He said, What have worked In Minsk.

(Worked refers to the past tense and precedes the time when he said. He could say, for example, yesterday, but he worked in Minsk last year. Therefore, the verb worked is an action that precedes
the action of the main verb (said - said), and is expressed through the Past Perfect - had worked - according to the tense agreement rule).

Not said(that) he had been working in Minsk for 10 years.
He said that (he) had been working in Minsk for ten years already (prior action in progress).

  • 3. If the action expressed by the verb of the subordinate clause refers to the future tense, then this verb is used in one of the Future-in-the-Past forms (future in the past).

Not said(that) he would work in Minsk.
He said that (he) will work In Minsk.

(Will work- an action that refers to the future tense in relation to the verb-predicate of the main clause - said. He could say yesterday, but he will work in Minsk next year. According to the tense convention, Future-in-the-past is used.)

Didn't say (that) he would be offered this job.
He said that he would be offered the job.

  • 4. If the additional subordinate clause is complex sentence, then all the verbs included in it obey the rule of tense coordination.

I thought(that) she knew(that) he had graduated from the college.
I thought she knew that he graduated from the institute.

  • 5. If a series of successive actions in the past tense is transmitted in an additional subordinate clause, then the first action is expressed through Past Perfect, the rest through Past Indefinite.

Did not tell me that in July he had written an application, then he passed his entrance exams and he was admitted to the college on the 1st of August.
He told me that in July he wrote an application, then passed the entrance exams and on August 1st (he) was admitted to the institute.

Table of tenses in English:

The predicate of the main clause is expressed

The predicate of the subordinate clause is expressed

Translation of a predicate clause

simple past
(Past Indefinite)
Past Indefinite
Past Continuous
translation is expressed present tense
past perfect
translation is expressed past tense
Future in the Past
translation is expressed future tense

This table will help you translate sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

  1. Suppose we need to translate the sentence into English He said he received a letter. We look: the predicate of the main clause in the past tense (= Simple Past), the predicate of the subordinate clause also expresses the action in the past tense, which took place before the action expressed in the main clause. So, we look in the table column with the designation (precedence) = Past Perfect. We translate: Not said (that) he…, then we use the verb receive- to receive in Past Perfect: had received and end the sentence: had received a letter. Bee sentence: He said (that) he had received a letter.
  2. Suppose we need to translate into Russian the sentence She said that she had written a letter. We determine that in the main clause the verb-predicate is in Past Indefinite, therefore, in the subordinate clause the rule of tense matching is observed: the verb had written is in Past Perfect. We look at the table: the arrow points to the "past tense". We translate: She said she wrote a letter.

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The mistake of most employers is that they confuse two concepts - “summated accounting” and “working hours”. Although summarized accounting is not a mode of working time, but a way of keeping records of working hours, a way to fulfill the requirement contained in (“The concept of working time. Normal working hours”) that the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.

The concept of working hours is defined in , where you should especially pay attention to the norm, which sounds in an imperative order: "working hours must provide for ...". The following lists everything that should be prescribed by the employer in the Internal Labor Regulations or, if the working hours for the employee differ from the established rules (for example, this is a part-time job or an employee with whom they agreed on part-time work), in the employment contract:

  • duration of the working week (five-day with two days off, six-day with one day off, working week with staggered days off, part-time work week);
  • work with irregular working hours certain categories workers;
  • duration of daily work (shift), including part-time work (shift);
  • start and end time of work;
  • time of breaks in work;
  • number of shifts per day;
  • alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by the internal labor regulations, the employment contract.

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours are the only working hours that allow you to get away from prescribing the duration of daily work and the start and end times of the working day. Accordingly, when working in flexible working hours, the beginning, end or total duration of the working day (shift) is determined by agreement of the parties. The employer ensures that the employee works out the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods (working day, week, month, and others).

The alternation of days off and working days, the length of the week will be determined in the Labor Regulations. It is not possible to change the schedule unilaterally in this case. To change the schedule, you must either ask the consent of the employee, or justify this by changes in organizational or technological working conditions.

Clarifications on the flexible working hours are given (“On the approval of the Recommendations on the use of flexible working hours at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the sectors of the national economy”): “GDV mode is a form of organizing working hours, in which for individual employees or teams of enterprise allowed (within certain limits) self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day. At the same time, full working out of the total number of working hours established by law during the accepted accounting period (working day, week, month, etc.) is required.

Despite the fact that the Labor Code does not say a word about the fact that with a flexible working time schedule it is necessary to keep a summary record, the concept of a flexible working time in itself implies the introduction by the employer of a summarized record of working time, since he will not be able to ensure working norms for a certain day and will set the accounting period - a week, a month, or others.

Shift work

In a situation with a summarized accounting of working time, such concepts as “shift work” and “working week with the provision of days off on a rolling schedule” are often confused. It is worth bearing in mind that these are two different working hours.

Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines shift work as work in two, three or four shifts, which “is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds the permissible duration of daily work, as well as in order to more efficiently use equipment, increase the volume of products or services provided” .

The most important condition for shift work is the turnover of workers (one shift / team replaces another). In case of a shift regime, the employer is obliged to acquaint the employee with the shift schedule no later than one month before its entry into force. Working two shifts in a row is prohibited.

Summary accounting: basic rules

Non-standard working hours, flexible working hours, sliding days off, shift work require the maintenance of a summarized accounting of working hours.

The main document on which it is necessary to rely in this case is. It gives an answer to the question - in what cases is the introduction of summarized accounting allowed? When the daily or weekly duration established for this category of workers (including workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions) cannot be observed.

The meaning of the summarized accounting of working hours is to choose a certain accounting period so that, according to the results of this accounting period, the duration of working hours does not exceed the normal number of working hours.

To record the working time of employees employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, Labor Code establishes an accounting period of three months, however, there is a reservation: for workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, due to the characteristics of the technological process or for seasonal reasons, such an accounting period can be increased for a period of more than three months, but if there is an industry agreement and collective agreement and not more than up to one year.

The normal number of working hours for the accounting period is determined on the basis of the weekly working hours established for this category of employees. For employees working part-time (shift) and (or) part-time working week, the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is reduced accordingly.

What will be the working hours for an employee working on a “day after three” schedule? In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the generally accepted norm: the normal duration of working time does not exceed 40 hours per week. The employer sets a certain accounting period, within which these hours are distributed as you like, the main thing is to reach the norm by hours at the end of the accounting period. At the same time, if the employer does not take the generally accepted working hours - 40 hours a week, but, for example, a 39-hour work week, then he will have to create his own production calendar.

The rules are announced, according to which the norm of working time is determined: “the duration of the working week (40, 39, 36, 30, 24, etc. hours) is divided by 5, multiplied by the number of working days according to the calendar of the five-day working week of a particular month and from of the received number of hours, the number of hours in the given month is subtracted by which the working time is reduced on the eve of non-working holidays.

Judicial practice shows that the essence of the summarized accounting of working hours is to adjust the length of hours worked within the accounting period (month, quarter or year), if it deviates from the established norm, that is, processing on one day is compensated by a shortfall on others (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Central District dated 07/03/2006 in case N A62-5389 / 2005).

Summarized accounting of working time, according to Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the established Rules of the internal labor schedule.

Thus, for the introduction of summarized accounting, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm:

  • determine the length of the accounting period;
  • determine the norm of hours for the accounting period based on the weekly working hours established for this category of workers;
  • make a schedule;
  • establish the procedure for determining overtime hours;
  • establish the procedure for payment of overtime work and work on weekends/non-working holidays.

Summarized Accounting: Overtime Pay

Evgenia Konyukhova, a leading expert consultant in labor law and HR, explains in a video how overtime is paid.

Summarized accounting: payment for holidays or weekends

If the employee’s working day falls on a non-working holiday, then the “PB” code is entered in the time sheet, despite the fact that this working day is provided for by the employee’s schedule. In this case, the employee is also subject to the provision for increased pay for work.

If the employee was involved in work on his day off or on a non-working holiday in excess of the monthly norm established for him or in excess of the norm in accordance with the accounting period, then such work will be payable in accordance with. Also, the employee can take another day of rest.

If within the accounting period the employer has already paid non-working holidays, then at the end of the accounting period he does not need to pay them as overtime. An explanation is given on this case: “Since the legal nature of overtime work and work on weekends and non-working holidays is the same, payment in an increased amount is simultaneously based on both Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be unreasonable and excessive.

There are many definitions of time management. Each author who tries to reveal the specified topic brings something new to the definition of the specified concept. However, the semantic load of this concept still remains the same. "Time management" as a process aimed at the conscious and responsible use of one's time (business, personal, etc.), which allows one to set meaningful goals and achieve them in the shortest possible time.

Time management can be defined as planning, organizing the distribution and control over the use of working time in the organization and the manager's own time in order to improve the efficiency of individual departments and the organization as a whole.

Due to the fact that the market economy began to develop in Russia not so long ago, and also taking into account the mentality of Russian people in Russia, time management has its own characteristics. Plans have to be constantly reviewed, the goals facing the manager are not always clear and consistent. The plurality of goals, combined with the existence of different groups and interests, often leads to contradictions. The impossibility of setting clear and consistent goals leads to a violation at the very first stage of self-management. Consequently, the processes of planning and decision-making become more difficult (unexpected tasks arise, it is impossible to clearly prioritize).

In our country, the proportion of time spent on routine work in the time budget of managers is large. This indicates problems with the delegation of Russian managers. Many of them do not delegate routine work, either because subordinates are already loaded with work, or because they believe that they themselves will do this work better. As a result, the manager does not have enough time for really important, promising tasks. Another feature in the use of working time is that friendly relations between colleagues are more common in Russian companies. Many people prefer to start their working day with informal communication with colleagues, and not with the most important things; discussion of the terms of the contract can smoothly turn into a friendly conversation. In Russia, the image of a leader has developed as a person who constantly does not have time, and the more he lacks time, the more significant he seems. Some executives enthusiastically declare that they work 12-13 hour days as a sign of dedication to their work. Objectively, this only means that a person cannot prioritize and properly organize his time. Basically, how effectively a leader manages his time depends on his personality, on whether he wants to streamline his activities, consistently introducing the rules and principles of self-management into his work, because. this does not require any supernatural efforts either for the Russian leader, or for a person in any other country.

Time management includes the following elements:

1. Setting goals: the ability to single out the most important from many, the skill of turning problems into realistic work tasks with the subordination of secondary goals to the main one, using responsible wording, creating adequate motivation and setting clear criteria for achieving the goal.

2. Orientation to the result: "Who wants to achieve, looking for opportunities, who does not want - talks about the circumstances." The focus on results includes reasonable flexibility, which allows you to adapt to changes in the situation, nevertheless maintaining the course for the tasks set, worldly ingenuity, which allows you to overcome various obstacles and adequately use even small periods of working time for productive activities, and the ability to deal with traditional absorbers working time.

3. Methods and techniques of timekeeping - knowledge of the basic methods of effective accounting of one's own working time: selection of the optimal details of timekeeping, a convenient recording form, the ability to withdraw a protest against self-control, the optimal frequency of analysis and analysis schemes of one's own working time.

4. Ways and techniques of planning - the ability to prioritize, understanding the Pareto principle and familiarity with the system of setting life goals of B. Franklin, the Alpa method, the Eisenhower matrix and ABC analysis, knowledge of the rules for compiling a to-do list, the use of small and medium time.

5. Techniques of self-organization in work - tactics of using external support and negative stimulation, organization of the environment: "reminders", fines and positive reinforcement, ways of forming a positive emotional mood.

6. Working with information - the skill of address search, the ability to work with text, highlighting the main theses from secondary information, knowledge of the features of search engines on the Internet, presenting information in a form acceptable to the customer.

7. Organization of the workplace - spatial organization of the workplace, operational work with papers, ways of convenient storage of correspondence, elimination of interference in work.

8. Working with the organizer - knowledge of the features of paper and electronic organizers, the choice of the optimal model, the rules for keeping records in the organizer, mastering the work with the organizer.

9. Distribution of time and responsibilities: the ability to say “No”, the feeling of the right to give tasks and ask for help, taking care of timely rest, careful use of other people’s time and understanding the appropriateness of delegation, the ability to negotiate with employees and superiors.

10. Ability to organize people and situations: understanding the appropriateness of a formal and "human" approach, the habit of understanding before responding, the tactics of using requests and requirements, the ability to play on interests and build one's own tasks into the goals of other people.

11. Effective leadership: the ability to establish contact with employees, the use of an individual approach, the skill of a positive approach, targeting and thoughtfulness of instructions, the ability to set specific and feasible tasks, exacting performance discipline, the use of samples and other methods of background training for employees.

12. Organization of meetings and group work - the skill of setting a clear goal for the meeting and formulating the agenda, knowledge of typical obstacles in the effective organization of meetings and the ability to overcome them, the ability to work with the personal ambitions of the participants.

Many researchers who study the problems of organizing working time identify the following reasons for the shortage of working time:

1. Constant haste. In a state of constant haste, the leader does not have time to focus on the task that he is performing at the moment. He follows the path that first came to mind, instead of thinking about other, perhaps more rational ways of solving this problem.

2. Lack of a clear distribution of work according to their degree of importance. At the same time, the leader begins to engage in the most easy and pleasant, not so important things. As a result, he does not have enough time to solve key, promising tasks.

3. Constant improvements at home. The work of a manager is related to some extent to intellectual activity, therefore it is difficult to divide the mental processes associated with this activity into those carried out during working and free time. This leads to the penetration of working time into free time. At the same time, the employee does not have time to rest, which affects his performance and health.

4. A large stream of routine cases, often urgent, which take a lot of time to work on.

5. "Thieves of time" - unforeseen and due to insufficient planning. The biggest time thieves are phone calls, uninvited visitors, cases that the manager takes on because he cannot refuse a request.

6. Fussiness. This is the result of poor organization of the day, and also sometimes depends on the impulsiveness and characteristics of the person.

7. Weak labor motivation. The result is low productivity, which creates a chronic lack of time.

Time use analysis will help identify temporary losses, show the strengths and weaknesses of the practiced working style. Such an analysis is simply necessary if it is not known what time is spent on at all, it is not known how much time it takes to complete certain tasks, it is not known what factors stimulate or limit performance. To analyze the problem, you need a reliable time record. Most effective method timekeeping is record keeping. It is most advisable to keep records in the process of work, because. doing it in the evening, you can miss something. The level of detail of the records should be such that it is possible to judge the importance and necessity of each type of work. To get the most objective picture, you need to take notes within a week (or longer if necessary). In the leaflet ... it is necessary to record not only external interference, but also cases when the head himself was the initiator of the violation of the course of the working day. The strengths of the use of working time need to be identified and applied in everyday work. For weaknesses, it is necessary to develop a strategy to overcome them. First of all, each work should be analyzed using the following questions:

Was the job necessary? (if more than 10% of working time was spent on unnecessary work, this indicates problems with delegation and prioritization);

Were the time justified? (if more than 10% of the working time consisted of cases for which the time spent was not justified, it is necessary to analyze the reasons why the time was spent too much and try to take them into account in future work);

Was the work worth doing? (if more than 10% of working time was spent on tasks that were inappropriate, then you need to pay attention to planning, organization, self-realization);

Has a time frame been deliberately set for the work to be done? (if more than 10% of working time was spent on tasks, the time interval for which was determined spontaneously, then there are problems with planning working time).

The more mobile and changeable the external environment, the greater the need for planning as a means of developing a certain line of behavior in this environment. American researchers have established a high positive correlation between planning and success in human life. Indeed, a person who clearly understands what and when he needs to do has obvious advantages over someone who is forced to randomly move from one issue to another, not noticing that the lion's share of time is spent on solving secondary tasks that could be delegated to subordinates. .

Planning is carried out in stages, first for a long period of time (several years), then this period is divided into smaller time intervals. The shorter the period of time, the more detailed the plan should be. After the plan for the next few years is drawn up, a plan is drawn up for the year, and then a quarterly plan, which serves as a tool for controlling the annual budget. Based on the quarterly plan indicators, a monthly plan and ten-day plans are drawn up, including specific quantitative indicators that need to be achieved in the coming period. The last stage in the planning of working time is the daily plan, which is the most important stage of planning. It is a list of specific tasks that need to be completed during the day, and also involves breaking down cases into groups according to their importance and highlighting tasks that need to be delegated.

Principles and rules for planning your working time:

1. Ratio (60:40).

Experience shows that it is best to plan only for a certain part of the working time (60%).

Events that are difficult to foresee, distractions ("sinks" of time) cannot be planned entirely without a trace.

2. Bringing the tasks together - an action plan.

To make a good time plan, it is important to always have an idea of ​​​​the upcoming business. It is advisable to divide them into long-, medium- and short-term tasks, set their priority and act in accordance with it.

3. Regularity - consistency - consistency. You need to work on time plans regularly and systematically, consistently bringing the work you have started to the end.

4. Realistic planning. Those. you need to plan only such a volume of tasks that the manager can realistically cope with.

5. Compensation for lost time. It is better to make up for lost time as soon as possible, for example, it is better to work longer once in the evening than to catch up on what was lost the day before during the next whole day.

6. Fixing results instead of actions.

It is necessary to fix results or goals in plans, and not just any actions, so that efforts are initially directed directly to achieving the goal. This will help to avoid unplanned activities.

7. Establishment of temporary norms.

Experience shows that as a rule, as much time is spent on work as is available. Therefore, it is necessary to set precise time standards, to provide in the plan exactly as much time for this or that business as it really requires.

8. Deadline.

To avoid procrastination and postponing cases, it is necessary to establish exact deadlines for all activities.

9. Recycling - double-checking.

The plan needs to be constantly revised and rechecked in terms of whether certain tasks can be fully completed.

10. Coordination of temporary plans. In order to successfully implement their plans, the leader needs to coordinate them with the plans of other people (secretary, boss, subordinates, colleagues).

goal setting- the most important stage in planning, since a clearly formulated goal serves to concentrate efforts on important areas. Goal setting requires expressing our explicit and hidden needs, interests, desires or tasks in the form of clear intentions and precise formulations, as well as orienting our actions and actions towards these goals, and their implementation.

Goal setting means looking to the future. Orientation and concentration of our forces and activity on what must be achieved. Thus, the goal describes the end result. It's about not about what a person is doing, but about why he does it. Goals are a challenge and motivate a person to take action. Without goals, there is no Evaluation criterion against which to measure work. Goals, in addition, are also a scale for assessing what has been achieved. Even the best method of work is worthless if it is not clearly and unambiguously defined in advance what a person wants to achieve.

Goals are the "instigators" of action, the motives that determine human activity. If any individual has set a goal for himself, then a state of tension arises as a result of this, which acts as driving force and which disappears only when the goal is achieved.

To set goals, you need to think about the future. Traditional thinking within the framework of particular tasks is fraught with the fact that a person can get lost in trifles. Thinking in terms of goals promotes the subordination of the particular to the whole. It becomes clear in which direction to move, and what should be the end result.

Goal setting is an ongoing process because goals are not set once and for all. They may change over time, for example, if it turns out during the follow-up process that previous perceptions were fundamentally wrong, or that requests were over or under.

Goal setting means the conscious implementation of one's actions in accordance with a guiding line or benchmark. Of fundamental importance here is the awareness of where a person wants to go and where he does not want to go (i.e., self-determination), so as not to end up where others want to take him. Goals serve to concentrate forces on really key areas.

Knowing your goals and consistently striving for them means focusing your energy on things that really matter, instead of wasting your energy in vain.

Knowing your goals can mean significant self-motivation to work. Random successes are good, but rare. Planned successes are better because they are manageable and happen more often.

The prerequisite for planning - and hence for success - is to know exactly what, when, and on what scale to achieve. Goal setting is an absolute prerequisite for planning, decision-making and daily work.

Many researchers in the field of "time management" distinguish the following rules for setting goals:

1. The scale of the goals.

Goals in management are determined by the planning period. If a plan is drawn up for the future, then the most general, strategic goals are set here. They reflect the most important, global results that a person must achieve in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to him.

When drawing up a plan for a period of 3-5 years, the goals are formulated more specifically and many of them have very specific quantitative characteristics. These goals may relate to improving the well-being of the person himself, for example, acquiring an apartment, a car, placing a child in a prestigious educational institution.

The most specific are the goals that need to be achieved within the execution of a shorter period of time. In this case, quite specific tasks are developed and indicators are set that must be achieved.

As the planning horizon approaches a specific day, the scope of goals narrows. Dealing with the definition of goals for a particular period, a person is simultaneously engaged in time planning, establishing at what time intervals each specific result should be achieved.

2. Clarity, specificity and measurability of goals.

The easiest way to ensure that a goal is effectively achieved is to present it in a way that is quantifiable. Finding personal life goals and defining them means giving direction to your life. This will create conditions for an objective assessment of the progress of work, as well as those measures that are taken by a person to achieve this goal. One of the methods for concretizing goals is their written registration, which contributes to the fact that more or less bold ideas and desires are often recorded. Thus, a person learns to constantly engage in their goals and refine them. In writing, the goals are also visually imprinted and less prone to forgetting. If the goals are clearly defined, then they automatically become binding: fixed on paper, they encourage permanent analysis, re-checking and revision.

3. Attainable goals.

The goals that management sets for the organization and its employees should be consistent with the financial, production and other resources available. Otherwise, an organization that raises the bar too high could end up in a catastrophic situation.

4. Mutually supportive goals.

Goals should not contradict each other, but on the contrary, they should support each other so that the achievement of one goal does not interfere with the achievement of others. This allows you to more effectively control the process of performing the assigned tasks in case of any problems, quickly find and eliminate the cause.

In order to succeed, you need to learn how to choose the right goals. Every person has one main the most important goal, which is broken down into many small intermediate lower-level goals, the achievement of which ensures the achievement of the higher-level goal and, ultimately, the highest goal. It is necessary to set clear, mutually agreed goals that can be turned into direct actions so that they can be directly planned. Clearly defined goals fixed on paper automatically become mandatory, prompting constant analysis, re-checking and revision.

To achieve something and be successful, you need to spend time and money. Certain methods and careful disposition are necessary in order to achieve the goal as well as possible and in a reasonable time:

    What goals do you want to achieve?

    Do they agree with each other?

    Are there a so-called higher goal and certain intermediate goals on the way to the main one?

    Do you know what you yourself can do for this (strengths) and what you still need to work on (weaknesses)?

Finding personal goals can be accomplished through the following four steps.

(1) Development of general ideas about life aspirations.

(2) Differentiation in time of life goals.

(3) Development of guiding ideas in the professional field.

(4) Inventory goals.

There are rules for organizing the working day, which can be divided into 3 groups:

rules for the beginning of the day, the main part of the day and the end of the day.

Rules for starting the day

1. Start the day with a positive attitude. Try to find some positive start to each day, as the mindset with which you begin to tackle the challenges ahead is essential to your success. Ask yourself three questions every morning:

1. How can this day bring me closer to achieving my goals?

2. What should I do to get as much joy out of him as possible?

3. What can I do today to maintain my lifestyle (to support my health)?

Creating a positive attitude usually does not take more than two minutes. Give yourself those two minutes before starting your "standard morning routine."

2. Have a good breakfast and without haste - to work. Without sleep, without breakfast, as soon as possible to work - such a start can just ruin the day! Don't say you don't have time for a leisurely breakfast, it's a matter of prioritizing (you just need to go to bed early to get enough sleep and eat a hearty breakfast).

3. Start work at the same time. This is an element of self-discipline, contributing to the mobilization of forces.

4. Check your plans for the day. Use the ABC analysis method or the Eisenhower principle. It has been established that a ten-minute preparation for a working day saves up to two hours of working time. So win these two hours! In addition, when planning a working day, consider the following rule: you need to plan no more than 60% of your time, and 40% is a reserve fund for unexpected and urgent matters.

5. Get down to business without buildup. You should categorically refuse such a "morning ritual" as reusable greetings, lengthy discussions of the latest news, etc. (Think of time wasters). Of course, social contacts are needed, and you are not a robot. However, they can be moved to less stressful times, such as lunch and afternoon.

6. First - the key tasks. You should start the working day with the tasks of group A, all other tasks can wait. Don't look through correspondence first - incoming business mail rarely deals with cases that have the highest priority and must be completed immediately.

7. Coordinate the plan of the day with the secretary. The secretary, if you have one, is your most important partner when it comes to creating optimal conditions for activities. You should devote the first time of the working day to him, even if it is a couple of minutes. The secretary should be aware of your affairs. Coordinate with him all the dates, priorities and plans for the day. A good secretary doubles the efficiency of his boss, and a bad secretary reduces it by half.

Mid-day scheduling rules.

1. Prepare your desk for work. Remove from the table all unnecessary papers for solving problems of group A. There should be no more than six documents on the desktop at the same time. This is psychologically justified: firstly, extra papers absorb time, and secondly, order on the table stimulates order in thoughts.

2. Set deadlines. Sometimes tasks are assigned to you, because you are also someone's subordinate. So, the deadlines set for solving a problem are very often accepted unconditionally, even if they do not fit well into your plans. And we must try to adapt them to our interests and "bargain time." In short, ask for twice as much time as it takes to complete a given task; this is often easier than you think. As for assigning tasks to subordinates, I advise you to give them about a third less time than, in your opinion, is necessary for solving the problem. If that's enough, you'll save time, if not, you still won't lose.

3. Avoid actions that cause backlash. Many leaders tend to engage in more and more new cases, problems and ideas, and in doing so, they cause an appropriate reaction to their actions, which can affect the time schedule. For example, very often, having participated once (out of pure interest) in a meeting, the manager receives additional duties that are not provided for by his plan. He can be entrusted with something, included in the working group, etc. Therefore, it is best to double-check all actions (letters, telephone conversations, agreeing on deadlines, etc.) from the point of view of their necessity and the danger of a response.

4. Reject additional pressing issues that arise. In every enterprise, in every department, various kinds of urgent circumstances or unforeseen situations arise. It should be remembered that distraction by the so-called urgent circumstances leads to forgetting the planned important things for a while. Whether it is worth doing this - decide on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances.
