The most characteristic forms of human activity are. Human activity - what is it in psychology. Types of activities and their characteristics. Conscious and unconscious

Activity a person’s way of relating to the outside world, consisting in its transformation and subordination to the person’s goals.

Human activity has a certain similarity to the activity of an animal, but differs in its creative and transformative attitude to the surrounding world.

Motive a set of external and internal conditions, causing the activity of the subject and determining the direction of activity. Motives can include: needs; social attitudes; beliefs; interests; attractions and emotions; ideals.

Purpose of activity this is a conscious image of the result towards which a person’s action is aimed. An activity consists of a chain of actions. Action is a process aimed at achieving a set goal.

People's activities unfold in various spheres of social life; their direction, content, and means are infinitely diverse.

Types of activities in which each person inevitably becomes involved in the process of his individual development: play, communication, learning, work.

A game this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation.

Character traits games: occurs in a conditional situation, which, as a rule, changes quickly; in its process, so-called substitute objects are used; is aimed at satisfying the interests of its participants; promotes personality development, enriches it, equips it with the necessary skills.

Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. It is often expanded to include exchange and material objects. This broader exchange represents communication [material or spiritual (informational)].

There are several classifications of communication.

IN modern science There are several approaches to the relationship between activity and communication:

– communication is an element of any activity, and activity is necessary condition communication, you can put an equal sign between them;

– communication is one of the types of human activity along with play, work, etc.;

– communication and activity are different categories, two sides of a person’s social existence: work activity can occur without communication, and communication can exist without activity.

Teaching This is a type of activity whose purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities by a person.

The teaching may be organized(carried out in educational institutions) And unorganized(carried out in other types of activities as their by-product, additional result).

Teaching can take on a character self-education.

There are several points of view on the question of what labor is:

– labor is any conscious human activity. Where there is human interaction with the outside world, we can talk about work;

– labor is one type of activity, but far from the only one.

Work This is a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Characteristic features of work: expediency; focus on achieving programmed, expected results; presence of skill, skills, knowledge; practical usefulness; obtaining a result; personal development; transformation external environment human habitation.

In each type of activity, specific goals and objectives are set, and a special arsenal of means, operations and methods is used to achieve the goals. At the same time, none of the activities exists outside of interaction with each other, which determines the systemic nature of all spheres public life.

Basic classifications of activities

By objects and results (products) activities - the creation of material wealth or cultural values.

Creation this is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before(for example, a new goal, a new result or new means, new ways to achieve them).

Creativity is a component of any human activity and independent activity(for example, the activities of scientists, inventors, writers, etc.).

Modern science recognizes that any person, to one degree or another, has the ability to be creative. However, abilities can develop or disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to master culture, language, knowledge, to master the methods of creative activity, its most important mechanisms.

The most important mechanisms of creative activity

Combining, varying existing knowledge.

Imagination– the ability to create new sensory or mental images in the mind.

Fantasy(gr. phantasia - mental image, figment of the imagination) - is characterized by special strength, brightness and unusualness of the created ideas and images.

Intuition(Latin intueri – to look closely) – knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized.

Thus, activity is a way of existence of people and is characterized by the following features:

conscious character – a person consciously sets goals for an activity and anticipates its results;

productive nature– aimed at obtaining a result (product);

– transformative character– a person cheats the world and yourself;

public character– a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.

Sample assignment

B3. Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their manifestations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces or any symbols).

Answer: 22121.

In human activity, his needs are completed. It is activated by them. That is, in the process of activity, current needs are satisfied and new ones are formed. However, this involves not only a change in needs, but also a change in a person’s individuality. What other influence does activity have on human development? Let's figure it out.

Activity is a form of human activity aimed at cognition, transformation of the surrounding world, oneself and the conditions of one’s existence. This is what distinguishes man from animals and emphasizes the social in human nature.

  • Activities are not limited to meeting needs.
  • It is determined by the goals and requirements of society.
  • Actions are associated with the development of personality and human consciousness (including self-awareness).
  • This is a consciously regulated process of human interaction with the world.

In activity, a person acts as a creator, creator. In its process, the following develop:

  • intellectual abilities of the individual;
  • creative imagination;
  • worldview;
  • system of ideals and values;
  • emotional and aesthetic attitude to the world.

As a member of society, a person is valuable when he leads an active working and social life, commits actions and bears responsibility for them.

Subject of activity

Activity is always objectified. The subject is what it is aimed at. It can exist independently or be created in the process of the activity itself.

Operating principles

The activity is based on the principle of functionality and the principle of consistency.

  • The first involves relying on already developed mental elements that are mobilized to achieve a goal.
  • The principle of systematicity presupposes the inclusion of individual personality traits, on the basis of which several blocks in the structure can be identified.

Activity structure

Six blocks can be distinguished. Each of the elements is interconnected with others, interpenetrating.

This is where they get to work. A motive is an objectified need. The desire to satisfy a need, that is, to obtain a specific item, encourages activity. Activity is impossible without motive.


Main element. It has two forms of manifestation:

  • as a result represented by a person;
  • as the desired level of achievement.


A person decides what and how he should do, that is, it is a choice of methods and means, an assessment of his own resources. The work includes the cognitive, motivational, and executive spheres.

Information base

Its effectiveness depends on the adequacy and completeness of information about the conditions of activity.

Making decisions

One is selected from the alternative options, mastered, and rules and criteria for achieving the goal are developed.

Personal qualities that are significant for activities

These are character traits, inclinations and others individual characteristics that will help you achieve your goal.

Activity Components

Activity always has an internal plan and an external manifestation, between which there is an inextricable connection. From external operations with objects (objective thinking), information, transformed by the psyche, turns into internal images, ideals (imaginative thinking). The process of such a transition is called internalization.

Reverse action (creating something materially through internal representations) – exteriorization.

Action is a tool to achieve a goal

Action is a part of an activity aimed at achieving an intermediate result in specific conditions. Consists of operations - methods of execution according to conditions.

Physical actions

These are external, motor actions with objects that consist of movements.

Intelligent Actions

Internal mental actions with images and concepts based on external actions with objects.

Psyche – regulator of activity

The reflection of the world by the psyche occurs consciously, that is, in the process of actions a person:

  • is aware (partially or fully) of the purpose of his actions;
  • represents the result;
  • perceives and evaluates the conditions in which one has to act;
  • builds step by step plan,operations algorithm;
  • makes volitional efforts;
  • observes the process;
  • experiences successes and failures.

Knowledge, abilities, skills, habits

Knowledge, abilities, skills, or KUN – the basis responsible for organizing and managing practical activities.


These are images of sensations and perceptions, later processed into ideas and concepts. Without them, conscious, purposeful activity is impossible. Knowledge increases the effectiveness of actions.


This is mastery of a method of performing an action that does not require reinforcement with exercises. Conscious individual control is the main difference between skills. They are closely related to thinking and are impossible without active intellectual activity. Skills allow you to find a way out of non-standard situations and respond to changes in external conditions.


Skills are actions brought to automaticity. The success of an activity depends on skills. Skills are formed through exercise - repeated repetition of a specific action (actions). The skill is based on a dynamic stereotype, that is, a neural connection between the elements of the action. This happens uncontrollably, but if any inaccuracy occurs, the person immediately notices it. The stronger the nerve connection, the faster and better the action.

Skills can be motor, thinking, sensory, behavioral. The skill is formed in several stages:

  • introductory (comprehension of actions, familiarization with implementation techniques);
  • preparatory (conscious but inept execution of an action);
  • standardizing (unity and automaticity of actions);
  • situational (mastery of arbitrariness of action).

Learning new skills is always influenced by old ones. Sometimes this helps, and sometimes it hinders. In the first case we are talking about coordination of skills, in the second – about interference (contradiction). Skills are aligned when:

  • the movement system of one skill coincides with the movement system of another;
  • one skill is a means of better mastering another;
  • the end of one skill is the beginning of another and vice versa.

Accordingly, interference occurs under the opposite conditions.


A habit is an action that has become a need. There are also habits. Habits, like skills, are based on dynamic stereotypes. Habits are formed through:

  • imitation;
  • multiple random repetitions;
  • conscious, goal-directed learning.

They can be a driving force or a braking factor when performing an activity.


There are many types of activities, but in psychology it is customary to distinguish 4 main ones.

Communication is the first activity in which a person participates (intimate-personal communication with the mother). In this form of activity the first development of personality occurs.

The purpose of communication is to establish mutual understanding, personal and business relationships, provide mutual assistance, and the educational influence of people on each other.

It is worth noting that some researchers do not consider communication to be an independent activity, but rather call it a means for implementing other activities, achieving the goals of other activities. However, in infancy this species is the leading one.

A game

Play is the main activity of childhood, but it continues at subsequent age stages. Allows you to absorb social experience human activity And human relations. For adults, play is relaxation and stress relief.

Play activities prepare a person for further education and work. She develops:

  • thinking,
  • memory,
  • imagination,
  • attention,
  • capabilities,
  • will.

It also determines the formation of character.


Educational activities were separated from work activities. Assumes:

  • assimilation of information about the properties of the surrounding world (knowledge), techniques, operations (skills);
  • development of the ability to choose techniques and operations in accordance with goals and conditions (skills).

IN educational activities knowledge is acquired, skills and abilities are developed, and abilities are developed.


Labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially significant product. Labor is the basis of human existence, his mental and personal development.

There are other types of activities, but they are all built within the framework of one of the four named or at the junction of several types. The choice depends on the strength, quantity, and uniqueness of the needs of a particular person.

However, at every age, a person performs several types of activities at once, and only one remains the leader. For example, for an adult it is work.

Individual style of activity

This is a device nervous system person and the characteristics of the body to the activity performed. The basis of individual style is:

  • skills;
  • skills;
  • experience.

The purpose of such a device is to achieve best result at the lowest cost. Temperament determines the success and failure of a person in a specific activity.


Conscious purposeful activity is the difference between people and animals. In its process, a person creates objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms his abilities, ensures progress (although sometimes regression) of society, influences nature (preserves or destroys).

Any activity is a creative way beyond the natural, work on oneself and the world. Man not only consumes, but also creates. With her help he influences his life.

Thanks to her, it is possible mental development personality. However, at the same time, mental processes (attention, imagination, memory, speech) act as components and even separate types of activity.

Social studies lesson in 10th grade

KOU teachers " high school No. 2 "(internal-correspondence)"

Kosenok Irina Vasilievna

Lesson topic : “Human activity and its diversity”

Goals and objectives: explain the concepts and terms: “activity”, “motives of activity”, “needs”, “interests”, “creativity”, “goal”, “means of achieving the goal”, “actions”, “unconscious”; to acquaint with the social essence of human activity, with the typology of activity, to find out the nature and characteristics of creative activity; develop in students the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematize social information on a topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problem tasks; contribute to the development of students' civic position.

Lesson type: research lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

One day Khoja Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night, went out into the street and began to crow. The neighbors heard this and asked: “What are you doing, Khoja?” “I have a lot to do today,” he replied, “I want the day to come early.”

What is this parable about? - What does it have to do with the topic of our lesson?

What is "activity"? How do animal activities differ from human activities? What role does activity play in our lives?

We will answer these questions in our lessons. We will consider the following questions:

1. Essence and structure of activity.

2. Needs and interests.

3. Variety of activities.

4. Creative activity.

All living things interact with environment. Outwardly this manifests itself in movements - motor activity. But animals are characterized by adaptation to their environment. They only use what nature has given them.

A person has such a specific form of interaction with the environment as activity.

Activity - a form of activity aimed not only at adapting to the surrounding world, but also at changing, transforming the external environment; to obtain a new product or result.

Thus, both animal behavior and human activity are appropriate, butgoal setting is inherent only to humans.

In the course of such activity, human powers and abilities are realized, which are then embodied in the products of activity. It is in this chain that it manifests itself social essence activities.

Let's check the progress of our reasoning using the diagram:

1. Essence and structure of activity

Let's get acquainted with the essence and structure of activity. Read in § 5 and find:

What is a “subject” of activity? - What is the “object” of activity?

Where does a person begin any activity? - What is a “goal”?

How do people usually achieve their goals? - What are “actions”? Give examples - What determines the success or failure of an activity?

What does the expression “The means must correspond to the end” mean?

Is it possible, having set a noble goal, to use dishonest means?

What do you think about the expression “The end justifies the means”? Give reasons for your answer.

(As students answer, a diagram is built on the board.)

Activity structure

2. Needs and interest

Now we must determine what motivates a person to act. For what? Yes, at least in order not to become the hero of the next parable, which was called “The Diligent Woodcutter.”

A diligent woodcutter honestly collected firewood, he was paid well and praised for his hard work. Only one thing was hidden from him: the brushwood went to the fires of the Inquisition, where people were burned. What is the parable about?It says that a person must always comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, know what will happen as a result - good or evil.

Read in § 5 of the textbook: - What is a “motive”? - What role do motives play in human activity?

What can act as motives? - What are “needs”?

What three large groups did the textbook authors divide the needs into?

Characterize and analyze them. - Which of them do you think are the most important? Explain your choice.

Remember and characterize the needs scale developed by A. Maslow.

What are “social attitudes”? Give examples.

What are “beliefs”? What role do they play in human activity?

Why do “interests” play a special role in the formation of motives?

How are they formed? What do they depend on? - What is “ideal”? "Social ideal"?

What does “moral ideal” mean to you? - What do we mean by the concept of “conscious activity”?

Do we always act consciously? What is the “unconscious”?

What drives human activity

3. Variety of activities

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in his fairy tale “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals,” places two honored officials on a desert island, accustomed to living on everything ready-made. Here they suddenly discover that “human food, in its original form, flies, swims and grows on trees.” “Consequently, if, for example, someone wants to eat a partridge, he must first catch it, kill it, pluck it, fry it...”

About what activity we're talking about in the above fragment? What types of activities are there? Try to list them.

In order not to get lost in the variety of activities, scientists have created certain models for classifying human activity. Let's get to know them. Read in § 5:

Characterize and analyze the first model of classification of activities: practical, spiritual.

Characterize and analyze the second model for classifying activities: creative, destructive.

Give examples of specific types of activities.

How do you feel about the glory of Herostratus? Why?

(As the answers progress, a diagram is built on the board.)

4. Creative activity

What is “creative activity”? How is it different from other activities?

What associations do you have when you hear the word “creativity”? (After the students’ answers, as the teacher explains, a diagram is built.)

Creative activity

Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before

The source of activity can be imagination, fantasy

Fantasy is a necessary component of creative activity

Intuition is the most important component of creativity. Unconscious

The unconscious is associated with creative efforts

Lesson summary

What is the social essence of activity?

What is the structure of the activity?

How are the goals, means and results of activities related to each other?

What are the motives for the activity?

How are needs and interests related?

What are the features of creative activity?


Activity- a person’s way of relating to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the person’s goals.
Human activity has a certain similarity to the activity of an animal, but differs in its creative and transformative attitude to the surrounding world.
Characteristic features of human activity:

  • Conscious character : a person consciously puts forward the goals of an activity and anticipates its results, thinks through the most appropriate ways to achieve them.
  • Productive character : aimed at obtaining a result (product).
  • Transformative character : a person changes the world around him (he influences the environment with specially created means of labor that enhance the physical capabilities of a person) and himself (a person maintains his natural organization unchanged, while at the same time changing his way of life).
  • Social character : a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.


Motive(from Latin movere - set in motion, push) - a set of internal and external conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity (for example, needs, interests, social attitudes, beliefs, drives, emotions, ideals).
Purpose of activity- this is a conscious image of the result towards which a person’s action is aimed.

GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF ANY ACTIVITY. Find in it the subject and object, motive, goal, select methods and means, describe the process and result.


Material activity- is the creation of material values ​​and things that are necessary to satisfy human needs. It includes material and production activities related to the transformation of nature, and socially transformative activities related to the transformation of society.
Spiritual activity associated with changing the consciousness of people, the creation of scientific, artistic, moral values ​​and ideas. It includes cognitive, value-oriented and prognostic activities.
Cognitive activity reflects reality in scientific and artistic form, as well as in myths, legends, and religious teachings.
Value-oriented activities- this is the formation of a person’s worldview and his relationship to the world around him.
Prognostic activity represents foresight and conscious planning of changes in existing reality.

There are various criteria activity classifications:

  • by objects and results of activities — creation of material goods or cultural values;
  • by subject of activity - individual and collective;
  • by the nature of the activity itself - for example, reproductive or creative;
  • according to legal compliance - legal and illegal;
  • according to moral standards - moral and immoral;
  • in relation to social progress - progressive and reactionary;
  • by spheres of public life - economic, social, political, spiritual.



Basic forms of human activity:

  1. A game- this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, relaxation. A game, like art, offers a certain solution in a conditional sphere, which can be used in the future as a kind of model of the situation. The game makes it possible to simulate specific life situations.
  2. Teaching- a type of activity whose purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. The peculiarities of the teaching are that it serves as a means of human psychological development. The teaching may be organized and unorganized (self-education).
  3. Communication is a type of activity in which ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.) are exchanged. Based on the means used, the following types of communication are distinguished: direct and indirect, direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal .
  4. Work- a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Characteristic features of work: expediency, focus on achieving a specific result, practical usefulness, transformation of the external environment.

Creation- this is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, never existing before. The most important mechanisms of creative activity are:

1) combining existing knowledge;

2) imagination, i.e. the ability to create new sensory or mental images;

3) fantasy, which is characterized by the brightness and unusualness of the created ideas and images;

4) intuition - knowledge, the methods of obtaining which are not realized.

Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




SUBJECT: " Human activity, its main forms»

Developed by:

Gorokhovtseva N.E.

Winter, 2013

Lesson topic: Human activity, its main forms.


Educational: students should knowconcepts and terms: activity, motives for activity, needs, purpose.

Developmental: to promote the development in students of the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematize social information on a topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problem tasks.

Educational: contribute to the development of students' civic position.

Lesson type: learning new material

Basic concepts:activity, motive, purpose of activity, communication, creativity, self-realization, need.

Lesson plan:

  1. Classification of activities.
  2. Communication. Types of communication.
  3. Creative activity

During the classes:

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  1. Activity. Activities.

Teacher: Human activity is purposeful. In other words, it is not limited to adaptation to existing conditions. Shepurposefullytransforms certain forms of existence. Goal setting is a condition of human activity that significantly activates its character.

Entry in notebooks:

Activity -

Teacher: Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in its creative and transformative attitude to the surrounding world.

Entry in notebooks:Let's write it down in the table comparative characteristics human activity and animal activity.

Table 1

Human activity

Animal activity

Adaptation to the natural environment through its large-scale transformation, leading to the creation of an artificial environment for human existence. A person maintains his natural organization unchanged, while at the same time changing his lifestyle.

Adaptation to environmental conditions primarily through the restructuring of one’s own body, the mechanism of which is mutational changes fixed by the environment.

Goal setting in activity.

Expediency in behavior.

Conscious setting of goals related to the ability to analyze the situation (reveal cause and effect relationships, think through the most appropriate ways to achieve them)

Submission to instinct, actions are initially programmed.

Impact on the environment with specially manufactured means of labor, the creation of artificial objects that enhance human physical capabilities.

The impact on the environment is carried out, as a rule, by the organs of the body given by nature. Lack of ability to make tools using previously created means.

Productive, creative, constructive character.

Consumer nature: does not create anything new compared to what is given by nature.

Teacher: The activity has its own structure, consisting of a subject - a tool - an object.

Entry in notebooks:

Activity structure.

  1. subject - is the one who carries out the activity.
  2. weapon - an object or phenomenon adapted to a specific functional activity.
  3. an object – this is what the activity is aimed at.

Teacher: The subject of activity and the object of activity are interconnected. The subject of activity generates motive that turns into goal, methods and means, process, and to the final result (product).

Entry in notebooks:

Motive – a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity.

Teacher: Motives can include: needs, social attitudes, beliefs, interests, drives, emotions and ideals.

Entry in notebooks:

The purpose of the activity is

Teacher: An activity consists of a chain of actions.

Entry in notebooks:

Action - This is a process aimed at achieving a set goal.

Teacher: There are two types of activities.

Entry in notebooks:


  1. practical – those. materially - transformative, aimed at changing the nature and existence of a person, and socially - transformative, changing social reality, including the person himself;
  2. spiritual – the content of which is a change in people's consciousness.

Teacher: Depending on the direction of human activity, activity can be:

  1. creative (i.e. aimed at the formation of a “second nature”: human habitat, tools, etc.)
  2. destructive (associated with various wars, revolutions, destruction of nature, etc.)

Any activity has a certain motivation, those. internal motivator to action. The main motive that stimulates a person to action is his desire to satisfy his needs.

Entry in notebooks:

Need –

Teacher: There are four types of needs - biological, social, spiritual and false.

Entry in notebooks:

Types of needs

  1. biological –this is the need for food, water, warmth, reproduction, etc.
  2. social – self-realization, self-affirmation, public recognition of the individual, fulfillment of his duties, communication with his own kind
  3. spiritual – use of cultural goods, reflections on the meaning and purpose of human existence, etc.
  4. false – artificially created (need for alcohol, smoking).
  1. Classification of activities.

Teacher: The classification of activities can be determined as follows.

Entry in notebooks:

table 2.

Basis of classification


The nature of a person’s relationship to the world around him

Practical (material) – the creation of things and material values ​​necessary to meet people’s needs; spiritual – creation of ideas, images, scientific, artistic and moral values.

Public spheres in which activities take place

Economic, social, political, etc.

Correlation with the course of history

Progressive, reactionary.

Existing values, social norms

Moral, immoral; legal, illegal

Social forms of activity

Mass, collective, individual

Potential for new activities

Innovative, inventive, creative, routine

Teacher: Self-realization of the individual occurs in activity.

Entry in notebooks:

Self-realization –

  1. Communication. Types of communication.

Teacher: People's activities unfold in various spheres of social life; their focus, content, and means are infinitely diverse.

Types of activities in which each person inevitably becomes involved in the process of his individual development: play, communication, learning, work.

Entry in notebooks:

Communication -

Teacher: Let's look at the structure of communication, what it includes, what it consists of.

Entry in notebooks:

Communication structure

  1. subject - the one who initiates communication (individuals, groups, communities, humanity as a whole)
  2. a goal is something for which a person needs to communicate
  3. content is the information that is transmitted in interpersonal contacts from one to another
  4. means are ways transmission, processing and decoding of information transmitted in the process of communication (using the senses, texts, drawings, diagrams, radio-video equipment, the Internet, etc.).

Teacher: In science The following types of communication are distinguished.

Entry in notebooks:

Types of communication

  1. verbal communication- involves conveying thoughts through words.
  2. interactive communication– involves the interaction of people and their adaptation to each other in the process of working together, studying, and relaxing. In the process of such communication, people develop sympathies and mutual understanding. This type of communication includes cooperation and competition between people. When communicating with each other, people often enter into conflict situations.
  3. Perceptual communication –This is the ability to feel another person, to grasp his mental state. In the process of such communication, the motives of people’s behavior are taken into account.

Teacher: Let's look at and write down the functions of communication in notebooks.

Entry in notebooks:

table 3.

Function name


Formation and development of interpersonal relationships as a condition for the formation of a person as an individual


People getting to know each other


Carrying out a certain impact on a person’s mental state

Identifications (oppositions)

An expression of a person’s involvement in a group: “I am one of my own” or “I am a stranger”


Organization of joint activities of people

  1. Creative activity.

Teacher: Modern science recognizes that any person, to one degree or another, has the ability to be creative. Creativity is a component of any human activity and an independent activity (for example, the activity of scientists, inventors, writers, etc.).

Entry in notebooks:

Creation - This is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before.

Teacher: A person’s abilities can develop or disappear completely. Therefore, it is necessary to master culture, language, knowledge, to master methods of creative activity, its most important mechanisms.

Entry in notebooks:

The most important mechanisms of creative activity

  1. Combining, varying existing knowledge.
  2. Imagination – the ability to create new sensory or mental images in the mind.
  3. Fantasy – characterized by special strength, brightness and unusualness of the created ideas and images.
  4. Intuition – knowledge, conditions, the receipt of which is not realized.

Teacher: Thus, activity is a way of existence of people and is characterized by the following features:

Entry in notebooks:

Characteristic features of the activity

  1. Conscious character -a person consciously sets goals for an activity and anticipates its results
  2. Productive character –aimed at obtaining a result (product)
  3. Transformative character –a person changes the world around him and himself.
  4. Social character –In the process of activity, a person, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.
  1. Lesson summary

Formulation of conclusions:

  1. Activity - a person’s way of relating to the outside world, consisting in its transformation and subordination to the person’s goals.
  2. The purpose of the activity isThis is a conscious image of the result towards which a person’s action is aimed.
  3. Need – This is the connection between a person and the environment, which is based on the requirements and needs of a person in relation to this environment.
  4. Self-realization –the process of identifying and realizing by an individual his capabilities, achieving goals in personal decision significant problems, allowing the creative potential of the individual to be realized to the fullest.
  5. Communication - It is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged.
  6. What is the social essence of activity?
  7. What is the structure of the activity?
  8. What are the motives for the activity?
  9. What are the features of creative activity?
  10. Draw a conclusion: what role does communication play in a person’s life?
  11. Reinforcement tasks:
  1. Sergei shares his impressions of the movie he watched with Alexander over the phone. That's an example
  1. Games 2. Communication 3. Exercises 4. Labor

Answer: 2

  1. Establish a correspondence between examples of activities and their types; for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.

Answer: 23313


Learn paragraph 17 (Bogolyubov’s textbook), questions and assignments after the paragraph.

Write an essay: Human essence is evident only in communication, the unity of man with man. (L. Feuerbach)


  1. Barabanov V.V., Nasonova I.P. Social science. 10-11 grades. School dictionary - reference book. M.: Astrel: Transit - book, 2004.
  2. Baranov P.A. social studies in tables: grades 10-11: reference materials/ P.A. Baranov - Moscow: Astrel, 2013.- 187, p. - (school program).
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  6. Social studies: 10th grade: a basic level of: method. Recommendations: a manual for teachers / [L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others]; edited by L.N. Bogolyubov.- 2nd ed.- M.: Education, 2008.- 237 p. –ISBN 978-5-09-018903-3.
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