Research work. Topic: “I am left-handed. What does it mean? Research work on the surrounding world "Why am I left-handed?" Left-handed right-handed study in elementary school

“Research work of LEFT-HANDED AND RIGHT-HANDED people. TRUTH AND FICTION. Completed by: Kuznetsova Alexandra Sergeevna, student 3 “B” of class BOU “Lyceum No. 74” ... "

Research work




Kuznetsova Alexandra Sergeevna

student of grade 3 "B"

BOU "Lyceum No. 74"


Pyzhova Olga Nikolaevna

teacher primary classes

BOU "Lyceum No. 74"

OMSK – 2016


1 Left-handedness and right-handedness in humans and animals……………………… 4

1.1 Physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness…………. 4

1.2 Causes of right-handedness and left-handedness…………………………… 6

1.3 Fauna of left-handed and right-handed people…………………………………………………… 6 2 Talent of left-handed and right-handed people…………………………………………... 7

2.1 Are left-handers more talented than right-handers?

2.2 My observations and experiments……………………………………………………… 8 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………. 12 Appendix 1 – Questionnaire……………………………………………………... 13 INTRODUCTION I have a cousin, from early childhood I noticed that he was not like me. The fact is that he does everything with his left hand, and I do everything with my right.

I became interested: why some people use their right hand more and it is better developed, and some people use their left hand. What is it like for a left-handed person in a right-handed world? And in general, are there left-handed and right-handed animals? I believe that the topic I have chosen is quite relevant, since there are not so few left-handed people, but they have to live in a “right-handed” world.

establish what causes left-handedness and

Purpose of the study:

right-handedness of people, as well as animals, get acquainted with the characteristics of left-handers and right-handers and prove what is true and what is fiction.

So, the object of my research is a person, the subject of research is left-handedness and right-handedness.


1. Study the physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness.

2. Find out the reasons for left-handedness and society’s attitude towards left-handed people.

3. Find out whether left-handers and right-handers exist in the animal world.

4. Conduct tests to identify left-handedness and right-handedness.

5. Prove that left-handedness is not a defect, but a human characteristic.

Research methods: study of literature and other information sources; testing; conversation and survey; experimental method.

My hypotheses (assumptions):

1. Left-handedness is associated with a more developed left, and right-handedness – with the right hemisphere of the brain.

2. Most people are right-handed; society treats right-handed people better.

3. Right-handers and left-handers exist in the animal world in the same proportions as in humans.

4. Left-handed people are more capable and talented than right-handed people.

5. It is very difficult for a left-handed person in a right-handed world, because all tools are designed for right-handed people.


1.1 Physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness

A person who uses his right hand more is called right-handed, and someone who uses his left hand more often is called a left-hander. Some people can use both hands equally - they are called ambidextrous.

According to statistics, on planet Earth from 85 to 90% are right-handed, which defines them as the predominant population. There are only 10-15% left-handed people on the planet. .

Scientists have long known that initially primitive people were equally good with both hands. Then, for unknown reasons, a shift occurred to one side (right). However, it is believed that ambidextrous skill in to the same degree can be specially developed.

It has been established that all properties of the hand are determined by the complex physiological structure of the distribution of functions between the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. The actions of each hand are regulated mainly by the opposite hemisphere: in right-handed people - the left, and in left-handed people - the right.

During the development of the human brain, a division of functions occurs between the left and right hemispheres. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for concrete figurative activity (recognition of objects by smell, color and visual perception). And the left hemisphere is responsible for speech functions, reading, writing, as well as mathematical, logical and analytical thinking. That is why the left hemisphere is called dominant or predominant.

Attitudes towards left-handers at different times and among different peoples were different. In the Middle Ages, the ability to use the left hand instead of the right was considered a sign of the devil.

In many countries, the word “right” means correctness, and in some places also power and justice, but with the word “left” the opposite is true. In Ireland, for example, the left hand is associated with the meaning clumsy, clumsy. In English version

- unsuccessful, unhappy. The Italian word "left" means sinister, German meaning- cunning, crafty. .

But even after many centuries, the position of left-handers did not change. IN Soviet school No one thought about how to seat students at their desks and adapt not only the workplace, but also the entire learning process to the needs of left-handed children. On the contrary, the student’s desire to hold a pen in his left hand was perceived as a whim or a bad habit. At best, left-handers were retrained, or even punished. In 1985, the ban on retraining was lifted. In Germany, retraining left-handers was prohibited a little earlier, in the 70s. And at the beginning of the last century, quite harsh measures were applied to them; their left hand was tied behind their back. The Zulus used absolutely brutal methods for retraining - they dipped the left hand of a left-handed child into boiling water.

Perhaps this is why some left-handers themselves consider themselves oppressed, defective, even on the verge of prejudice.

In our time, when the causes and physiological basis of left-handedness have already been studied, there is no such attitude towards left-handed people. Left-handedness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is a variant of the norm. People who use their left hands were even credited with giftedness and talent.

Vivid examples of left-handers are many famous people.

Left-handers have their own holiday - World Left-Handed Day. It was established on the initiative of the British Left-Handed Club in 1992 and is celebrated on August 13th. .

Thus, during the study of this material, my first hypothesis was refuted. In right-handed people, it turns out that it is not the right hemisphere, as I assumed, that is more developed, but the left hemisphere, which is responsible for processing verbal information. Left-handers have a more developed right hemisphere, which is responsible for processing images, emotions, and feelings.

As for the second hypothesis, it has been partially proven. The majority always has a negative attitude towards the minority.

1.2 Causes of right-handedness and left-handedness Scientists have identified several causes of left-handedness in children (although they are not completely proven and controversial):

1. Birth stress (the presence of at least 2 unfavorable factors, including low weight of the newborn, birth trauma, too fast or prolonged labor, etc.).

2. Peculiarities of upbringing (when adults put the spoon in the “correct” hand, they punish for manifestations of left-handedness).

3. It is transmitted genetically by inheritance, and this can happen through generations.

4. Influence of environment, culture. The higher the level of development of a people, the fewer left-handed people there are. For example, among Eskimos, Papuans and other peoples close to nature, 25-30% are left-handed!

5. Injury or illness. This is the so-called forced right- or left-handedness associated with diseases of the brain, arms, legs, etc. .

1.3 Fauna of left-handers and right-handers While studying the literature, I found interesting information: the terms “left-handed” and “right-handed” apply not only to people, but also to animals.

So, among cats the majority are right-handed, among mice 44% are right-handed, 28% are left-handed, and the rest are ambidextrous, but all polar bears are left-handed.

It is noteworthy that even among human “relatives”, chimpanzees, the relationship between left-handedness and right-handedness differs from that existing among humans.

For example, in wildlife about two-thirds of chimpanzees are left-handed.

In captivity, most primates are right-handed; perhaps this is due to forced communication with people who are mostly right-handed.

Another interesting fact: A group of ethologists at the University of Vienna came to the conclusion that, although nature gave the octopus eight arms, it always prefers to act with only one of them.

Until now, ethologists only suspected that these cephalopods use the hand that is most convenient in a certain situation. However, observations have shown that as soon as octopuses begin to explore a cavity or find themselves in front of an unfamiliar object, they always use the same hand (although the hands are different for each individual): it is always extended forward and is in front of one of the octopus’s two eyes. Answering the question of who among octopuses is more right-handed or left-handed, scientists believe that it is 50 to 50.

Thus, the third hypothesis is refuted - right-handers and left-handers actually exist in the animal world, but in completely different proportions than in humans. In the animal world, most individuals are left-handed.


2. 1 Are left-handers more talented than right-handers?

There is an opinion that there are more gifted people among left-handers than among right-handers. We decided to see what they write about this in scientific papers.

Since the late 1970s, researchers have published quite a lot of work on the connection between left-handedness and giftedness. Various studies were carried out: they tested the hypothesis that left-handers are more common among gifted artists, architects, musicians, and mathematicians.

Experiments were carried out with the participation of children and adolescents.

Thus, the National Bureau of Economic Research conducted a study and found that graduates of higher education educational institutions Those who have a more developed left hand earn 13-21% more than their right-handed classmates.

Also, left-handed people have a more creative approach to any task and tend to show originality in solving assigned problems. .

Published studies do not allow us to say with certainty that left-handers are in any way more talented than right-handers. Research is highly contradictory. In 2009, Australian scientists published a paper that used information on five thousand children aged 4–5 years. The information was not collected for work on left-handedness, but as part of another study, during which in-depth interviews were conducted with children, they were asked to read, write, and perform various tasks. creative tasks. It turned out that left-handed children, in general, cope slightly worse with tasks related to motor skills (writing, drawing). At the same time, there are an equal number of brightly gifted children among left-handers and right-handers. All children coped equally successfully with tasks not related to motor skills.

But, despite the fact that left-handers have problems with motor skills, is it better not to retrain children to use their right hand? First, studies have shown only very small differences between left-handers and right-handers on motor tasks. Secondly, scientists have long ago come to the conclusion that relearning does more harm than good. When a right-handed person performs, for example, a written task, he mainly uses parts of the left hemisphere of the brain. For left-handed people, on the contrary, for right-handed people. Retraining the functioning of the brain will not change much. Methods like tying your hand or beating your fingers with a ruler should definitely not be used.

Thus, the fourth hypothesis, that left-handed people are more capable and talented than right-handed people, is refuted, since it turned out that there are equal numbers of gifted people among left-handers and right-handers.

2.2. My observations and experiments From the literature I read, I learned that there are actually very few pure left-handers. Research shows that people who are left-dominant are not necessarily “left-handed” in other parts of the body; some left-handed people tend to be “right-handed.” It is also established that humans have dominant body organs such as the eye, leg and ear.

Experiment No. 1 I decided to determine the leading arm, leg, eye and ear in myself and my brother.

To do this, I conducted the following experiments:

1. Interlace your fingers. The finger of which hand was on top?

2. Interlace your hands over your chest. Which hand is on top?

3. Applaud. Which hand is on top?

4. Shake off any specks and dust. Which hand?

5. Ask your neighbor to whisper something in your ear. Which ear will you turn to?

6. Which ear do you put the phone receiver to?

7. Roll a piece of paper into a tube and look into it. To which eye was the tube placed?

8. Cross your legs. Which leg is on top?

9. If you stand, which foot do you usually start walking on?

Here are the results I got:

Experience No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sasha L L P L P P P P L Zhenya L P P L L L L L P L Thus, I am not a “pure” right-hander, as I thought. Of the 9 studied signs, the signs are right-sided and left-sided.

5 – 4 – Consequently, the right side predominates, but only slightly. As for my brother Zhenya, he also did not confirm the fact that he is “clean”

left-handed As it turned out during a conversation with his mother, Zhenya’s left-handedness is “forced”, since at birth he received an injury to his right hand.

Experiment No. 2 My next experiment was a voluntary refusal to use my right hand for a day in order to experience the sensations and emotions of a left-handed person in a right-handed world.

It turns out that everything that is so familiar and convenient for a right-handed person is very difficult for a left-handed person. Writing, cutting, drawing, cutting bread, sewing is very difficult!

In general, all actions that are performed clockwise are inconvenient for left-handed people. It feels like the whole world is against you.

So, this experiment showed that it is much more difficult for a left-handed person to perform the most common actions, since almost everything in the human world is oriented towards right-handers. Thus, the fifth hypothesis is proven.

Experiment No. 3 I interviewed 57 people, third-grade students of the Lyceum No. 74 of different genders. The purpose of the survey was to identify left-handed children, determine their academic performance, preferences, hobbies and talents. The questionnaire is attached in Appendix 2.

The results of the test showed that only 6 of the respondents were left-handed, i.e. 11%.

I also analyzed the performance of all the children to find out which brain resources the children use more.

Of the left-handed guys, half, that is, 3 people are C graders and 3 people are drummers.

As for the performance of right-handed children, most of them are excellent students and shock students, only 16% are C students, that is, 8 people.

After conducting a survey, I also found out that almost all left-handed children are capable of: playing sports - 72%; draw – 14%; 14% are involved in music.

Right-handed children are mainly involved in sports and learning English.

Thus, the majority of third-graders at our lyceum use the resources of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the logical aspects of mental operations.

CONCLUSION Summing up the work, I can conclude: the goal that I set at the beginning of the study has been achieved. Left-handed people are undoubtedly different from right-handed people. This difference lies in the predominance of the function of the cerebral hemispheres. I established what causes left-handedness and right-handedness in people, as well as animals, got acquainted with the characteristics of left-handers and right-handers and proved what is true and what is fiction.

A number of my hypotheses were confirmed, for example the fact that

Most people are right-handed; society treats right-handers better because they are the majority;

Right-handers and left-handers exist in the animal kingdom;

It is very difficult for a left-handed person in a right-handed world, because all tools are designed for right-handed people.

However, some assumptions during the study were refuted:

I thought that left-handedness was associated with a more developed left hemisphere of the brain, and right-handedness with the right hemisphere of the brain. It's the other way around! The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right;

the ratio between right-footed and left-footed animals is approximately equal, and not the same as the ratio between right-handed and left-handed people;

There are equal numbers of capable people among left-handers and right-handers.

It was found that the hemispheres of the brain need to be trained so that they work by interacting with each other. Are given practical advice to train brain activity.

Having posed the problem of left-handedness and right-handedness for myself at the beginning of the project, I had no idea that all processes occur in the human brain. By the end of the work, I realized that I wanted to study more deeply the features of the brain. Perhaps my next work will be in this area.


1. Bezrukikh M.M. If your child is “left-handed” / Bezrukikh M.M., Knyazeva M.G. – Tula: Aktous, 1996. – 78 p.

2. Interesting facts about left-handed people [Electronic resource] – Access mode:

Left-handed resource] Access mode:

3. [Electronic –

4. Lefties in a right-handed world [Electronic resource] – Access mode:

5. Markina N. The brain of right-handers and left-handers - what is the difference? [Electronic resource] – Access mode:

6. Right-handed or left-handed? // In the world of science. – 2006, - No. 7

7. Chuprikov A.P. The world of left-handed people / A.P. Chuprikov, E.A. Volkov. - Kyiv.

2008. – 124 p.

8. What is the difference between a left-hander and a right-hander? [Electronic resource] – Access mode: APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire Last name, first name, class ________________________________________________

When answering questions, you must write the letters L, P or A in the empty column.

Place the letter L if the action was performed with your left hand, left foot, left eye or left ear.

Place the letter P if the action was performed with your right hand, right foot, right eye or right ear.

Place the letter A if you can perform the action with both hands, feet and both ears and eyes. Questions for the subject No. Interlace your fingers. The finger of which hand was on top?

Interlace your hands on your chest. Which hand is on top?

Applaud. Which hand is on top?

Shake off any specks and dust. Which hand do you do this with?

Ask your neighbor to whisper something in your ear. Which ear will you turn to?

Which ear do you put the phone receiver to?

Roll a piece of paper into a tube and look into it. Which eye did you put the tube in?

Cross your legs. Which leg is on top? Once you have read the manual, keep it in a safe place for reference. Settings for the device and installation of software about...” manual on Apologetics for theological schools. The path of reason in search of truth “I believe that everyone who has intelligence recognizes first for...”

"national economy and civil service under the President Russian Federation"Theoretical and applied aspects of the formation..."

“CONTENTS Introduction 4 Legal aspects of the planned economic activity Requirements in the field of environmental protection 1.1 5 Procedure for assessing the impact on environment 1.2 6 general characteristics planned activities Alternative technology options...”

“Lada Kurovskaya Rodolad. The world of the Slavic woman Series "Secret knowledge of the Slavs" Text provided by the copyright holder Rodolad. The world of the Slavic woman / Lada Kurovskaya.: AST; Moscow; 2015 ISBN 978-5-17-087600-6 Abstract This book will reveal the basics and secrets...”, we will delete it within 1-2 business days.

Salova Arina



Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 34"


on this topic:

“Right-handed and left-handed: two sides of the same coin or two different worlds?”


Student of 4th "B" class

Salova Arina

Scientific adviser:

Radaeva Ch.F.


  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………….3
  2. Literature research…………………………….4
  3. Experimental part…………………………….7
  4. Conclusion……………………………………………………..10
  5. Literature…………………………………………..10
  6. Applications……………………………………..11-13


Rationale for choosing the topic:

I love my brother Andrey very much and we often play together. He is 3 years younger than me. When he was little, he used his right and left hands equally often, but as he got older he began to use his left more often. I myself am right-handed, and I became interested: why some people use their right hand more and it is better developed, and some use their left. What is it like for a left-handed person in a right-handed world? And in general, are there left-handed and right-handed animals? These questions interested me so much that I decided to research this topic.

So, object of my research- Human.

Subject of study- right-sided and left-sided signs of people.

Purpose of the study: expand knowledge about left-handedness and right-handedness of people, as well as animals.


1. Study the physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness, find out what influences the choice of the dominant hand..

2. Find out why the majority of humanity is right-handed, as well as how right-handers and left-handers were treated in the history of mankind and the reasons for this attitude.

3. Learn ways to determine the leading hand, leg, eye, ear, nostril.

3. Conduct experiments to determine your dominant hand, leg, eye, ear, nostril and to use only your left (non-dominant) hand in order to feel what a left-handed person feels in a right-handed world.

5. Find out whether right-footedness and left-footedness exist in animals and how to identify it.

6. Conduct an experiment to determine the leading paw of my cat Ryzhik.

7 Collect applications: proverbs and sayings with the words right, left, right-handed, left-handed, etc. ; make a list of famous and brilliant people who are left-handed and a list of actions that are more difficult for a left-handed person to do than for a right-handed person.

My hypotheses (assumptions):

  1. Left-handedness is associated with a more developed left hemisphere of the brain, and right-handedness is associated with a more developed right hemisphere of the brain. These characteristics are inherited.
  2. Most people are right-handed; society treats right-handers better because they are the majority.
  3. I am not a “pure” right-hander.
  4. It is very difficult for a left-handed person in a right-handed world, because all tools are designed for right-handed people.
  5. Right-footedness and left-footedness in animals exist in the same proportions as in humans.
  6. My cat Ryzhik is right-footed

Literature research.

Physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness.

All paired human organs have one degree or another of functional asymmetry (i.e., unequal development). In the motor sphere: this is the allocation of the leading (i.e., more developed) arm, leg, in the sensory area - the leading eye, ear, nostril. Each person may have their own combination of right- and left-sided signs. There are very few “pure” left-handers (i.e. people with the dominant left ear, eye, nostril, hand, foot)! And “pure” right-handers too! Basically, people live on Earth with predominant left-sided or right-sided leading organs.

About 10-15% of people are left-handed. The remaining 85-90% are right-handed. What determines whether a person is right-handed or left-handed? This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres.In right-handed people, it turns out that not the right hemisphere, as I assumed, is more developed, but the LEFT hemisphere, which is responsible for processing verbal information. Left-handers have a more developed RIGHT hemisphere, which is responsible for processing images, emotions, and feelings.However, there are people with equally developed right and left hemispheres. These are the so-called ambidextrous. They are equally good at using their right and left arms, legs, etc. They do not have leading paired organs.

But why did right-handedness defeat left-handedness in the course of human development?

Today there is no single theory explaining the reasons for the predominance of right-handedness. For example, the French physiologist Xavier Bichat associates right-handedness with combat methods. Based on the fact that a person’s heart is located in the left side of the chest, the warrior tried to cover the left (more vulnerable) part of the chest with a shield, and strike with a spear or sword with his right hand.

A number of researchers are inclined to see the reasons for right-handedness in the fact that the right hand played a certain role in ancient cults.

The version of the Armenian scientist Geodakyan is interesting. Based on his theory, Geodakyan made many interesting predictions. He guessed that the baby in the womb sucks its right thumb. Ultrasound studies have confirmed: 92% of thumb-sucking children find the thumb of their right hand more tasty! Why? Mammals are one of the later conquests of evolution, therefore the left hemisphere and the right hand are responsible for the sucking reflex, respectively! Thus, it turns out that humans, as a representative of mammals, are more predisposed to right-handedness.

Causes of right-handedness or left-handedness:

Several factors influence the choice of leading hand:

  1. Heredity – a left-handed parent is more likely to have left-handed children. By the way, my brother’s dad is left-handed, maybe that’s why he uses his left hand more?
  2. Influence of environment, culture. The higher the level of development of a people, the fewer left-handed people there are.

For example, among Eskimos, Papuans and other peoples close to nature, 25-30% are left-handed!

  1. Injury or illness. This is the so-called forced right- or left-handedness associated with diseases of the brain, arms, legs, etc.

Attitudes towards right-handedness and left-handedness in the history of mankind.

Throughout human history, people who differ from the majority in some way, such as left-handed people, have aroused interest and surprise. Attitudes towards left-handers varied across different countries and at different times.

In many languages, there is a negative attitude towards everything left-handed, including left-handers. For example, in English language the word "left-handed" has additional meaning- clumsy, hypocritical, sinister, illegal. Similar connections can be traced in French, Italian, Spanish, German languages.

The Russian language also provides many examples of this kind:

“illegal goods” are goods sold illegally, counterfeit, counterfeit.

You can also consider the negative meanings of the phrases “left income”, “in the left way”, “went to the left”, “got up with the left foot”, “as the left eye saw”, etc.

Considering the connection between language and thinking, it is hardly surprisingnegative perception of left-handed people by right-handed people.The majority always has a negative attitude towards the minority and tries to suppress it, such is human nature. Hence the retraining of left-handers, which has many negative consequences on the body and psyche.


And the picture is to blame for this Last Judgment in the Gospel of Matthew.

“.. Then the King will say to those on His right hand: “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you.” Then he will say to those on the left side: “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.”

Since the Bible is a very revered book, the basis of religion, a model of morality and ideals for a huge part of humanity, the negative attitude of society towards left-handers becomes understandable.

In our time, when the causes and physiological basis of left-handedness have already been studied, there is no such attitude towards left-handed people. Left-handedness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is a variant of the norm.

Does left-footedness and right-footedness exist in animals?

In the 60s of the 20th century, a careful study of animal behavior revealed many interesting facts. It turned out that animals have a stable “paw” - i.e. rats, dogs, cats, and monkeys prefer to manipulate one of the front paws, and this preference persists throughout life.The terms “left-handed” and “right-handed” apply not only to humans, but also to animals, where they refer to individuals who prefer to use their left (front) or right (front) paw, respectively.In different living beings, the percentage of right-handers and left-handers among individuals of the same species can vary greatly. So, among cats the majority are right-handed, among mice 44% are right-handed, 28% are left-handed, and the rest are ambidextrous, but all polar bears are left-handed. It is noteworthy that even among human “relatives”, chimpanzees, the relationship between left-handedness and right-handedness differs from that existing among humans. For example, in the wild about ²/ 3 chimpanzees are left-handed. In captivity, most primates are right-handed; perhaps this is due to forced communication with people who are mostly right-handed.

Thus, if we consider animal world in general, unlike people, the number of right-footed animals is approximately equal to the number of left-footed ones.

So, to summarize: left-handers are people (or animals) with a predominance of left-sided leading organs, associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres. Left-handedness and right-handedness are associated with heredity and environmental influence at the same time. Right-footedness and left-footedness exist in animals.

In the next chapter, I will try to identify the leading right-sided and left-sided signs in myself and my cat, and also try to feel like a “left-hander.”

Experimental part.

Having studied the literature, I was already ready for experimental work, which was supposed to help me finally understand the simplest methods for determining right- and left-sided preferences in humans and animals.


I decided identify your dominant hand, foot, eye, ear and nostril.

To do this, I conducted the following experiments:

  1. Crossing fingers. Which hand's finger is on top?
  2. Napoleon pose. Which hand is on top?
  3. Applause. Which hand hits the other from above?
  4. Crossing your legs over your legs. Which leg is on top?
  5. Looking through a spyglass. Which eye is more familiar and comfortable?
  6. Peeking through the keyhole. Which eye?
  7. Eavesdropping on what's being said in the next room. Which ear is more comfortable?
  8. Whisper in your ear. Which ear do you listen with?
  9. Sniffing perfume from a bottle with a narrow neck. Which nostril is more familiar and comfortable?

10.Plugging the nostril with cotton wool. Which nostril is missing the most?

Thus, I am not a “pure” right-hander, as I thought. Of the 10 studied signs, 6 are right-sided, and 4 are left-sided. Consequently, the right side predominates, but only slightly.


My next experimentbecame a voluntary refusal to use the right hand for a day in order to experience the sensations and emotions of a left-handed person in a right-handed world.

The day, I will say right away, was not an easy one! It turns out that everything that is so familiar and convenient for a right-hander is for a left-hander big difficulty. Writing while looking under your arm is INCONVENIENT. Not only that: cut, draw, cut bread, use a screwdriver, sew on a manual sewing machine, seal lids, preserving for the winter, use many tools (screwdriver, wire cutters, pliers, hand drill and meat grinder, saw and knife, etc.) so HARD that I couldn’t even imagine! Even opening a window is more difficult for a left-handed person than for a right-handed one. In general, all actions that are performed clockwise are inconvenient for left-handed people. It feels like the whole world is against you.

Left-handedness researcher M. Gardner notes: “Many little things constantly irritate a left-hander in a right-handed world. It enters the metro; the coin slot in the access machine is located on the RIGHT. He wants to call from a machine - the door to the booth is inconvenient to open with his left hand. Have you realized (if you are not left-handed) that all wristwatches are designed for right-handed people! Put your watch on your right hand and try to wind it, then you will understand how inconvenient it is for a left-handed person to have the crown placed on the right. All manuals for learning any manual labor are invariably designed for right-handed people. A left-handed girl who wants to learn how to knit, or a left-handed boy who wants to master card tricks, must translate the relevant manuals into their language».

Try using such a familiar tool as scissors with your left hand - they don’t cut, they tear the paper and crumple it. I learned from my mother that there are special scissors, knives and other tools for left-handers, but they are difficult to buy and they are not cheap.

So, this experiment showed that it is much more difficult for a left-handed person to perform the most common actions, since almost everything in the human world is oriented towards right-handers.


My third experiment was to determine the leading paw of my cat Ryzhik.

I thought for a long time, how can I find out which paw is more convenient for an animal to use? Watching Ryzhik while he was playing with my parrot Klyusha in a cage, I noticed: the cat was more often swinging at Klyusha with his right paw. What if it's an accident? How to reliably know whether he is right-handed or left-handed? After reading the relevant literature and thinking for myself, I chose 4 ways to determine a cat’s leading paw:

1. I place a tasty treat in a jar with a narrow neck. Which paw will Ryzhik try to get food with?

2. I hang a bow on a string at a distance of 45 cm from the floor. Which paw will Ryzhik play with the bow more?

3. I will carry the same bow on a string across the floor. Which paw will the cat hunt for the bow more often?

4. Which paw does Ryzhik dig up sand with most often?

Here are the results I got:

Of the 4 signs, 3 are left-sided.

Thus, my assumption that Ryzhik is right-footed has been REFUTED. My cat is left-handed.


Sociological survey.

I interviewed 120 people of different ages and genders. The same provocative question was asked:

Who is better to be: right-handed or left-handed?

Survey results:

Right-handed – 45%

Left-handed – 20%

Same, no difference – 25%

Don't know – 10%


1) This is what those who are right-handed themselves think.

2) This is the opinion of those left-handers who experience inconvenience in a right-handed world.

Right-handers were asked:How do you feel about left-handed people?

Survey results:

It’s normal, they are no worse than us – 60%

I don’t understand them, they are different – ​​25%

I feel sorry for them, it’s harder for them than for us – 15%


Left-handed people were asked:How do you feel about the fact that you are left-handed?

Survey results:

I’m proud that I’m not like everyone else – 25%

Quite normal – 25%

It’s more difficult for me than for right-handed people, I experience discomfort – 30%

I would like to be right-handed – 20%



During the research, I learned a lot of new information. Except scientific facts, I collected a lot of proverbs and sayings about the left and right hand, and compiled a list of brilliant and famous left-handers. It turns out that there is evenWorld Left-Handers Day, which has been celebrated annually since 1992 and is celebrated on August 13th!

A number of my hypotheses were confirmed, for example the fact that

Left-handedness is inherited;

Society treats right-handed people better because they are the majority;

It is very difficult for a left-handed person in a right-handed world, because all tools are designed for right-handed people, moreover, he needs

“translate” many instructions in your own way;

I am not a “pure” right-hander: I have left-sided leading organs;

There is right-footedness and left-footedness in animals.

However, some of my assumptions were refuted during the research:

I thought that left-handedness was associated with a more developed left, and right-handedness - with the right hemisphere of the brain, but it turned out that it was the other way around! The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right.

The ratio between right-footed and left-footed animals is approximately equal, and not the same as the ratio between right-handed and left-handed people;

My cat Ryzhik is not right-footed, but left-footed.

Now I can answer the main question: are right-handers and left-handers two sides of the same coin or two different worlds?

I realized that both versions of the answer to this difficult question are correct. Right-handers and left-handers are two sides of the same coin, since almost every person has both left- and left-sided characteristics. But still, it is very difficult for left-handed people to live in a right-handed world, because this world is hostile to them. This is expressed in everything: from instructions for handicrafts to zippers on clothes, which are designed to be comfortable for right-handed people. This is why many left-handed people create their own societies and websites on the Internet, where they communicate and exchange advice. It's like they're creating their own small world, where there is no place for right-handers.

The topic of right-handers and left-handers has not yet been fully studied by me. I would like to continue research in this direction. I was interested in how left-handedness and right-handedness affect a person’s creative abilities and character, academic success and choice of profession in the future, so my research will continue in the next work.


1M. M. Bezrukikh “If your child is left-handed.”

2. Bragina N. N. “Left-handed.”

3. Deitch G. “Left brain, right brain.”

4. Capport K. D. “Determination of the leading paired organ in humans.”

5.L. Zhavoronkova “Right-handed and left-handed”

6. Markina N. The brain of right-handers and left-handers - what is the difference?


Proverbs and sayings with the words “LEFT” and “RIGHT”:

  1. Right hand, left heart.
  2. At the judgment of God, the right will go to the right, and the crooked will go to the left.
  3. You go left, you come right.
  4. Every one of us has a brother-in-law to the right.
  5. The one on the right has laughing ears, but the one on the left has a dull tongue.
  6. Whoever blames the right is sarcastic at himself.
  7. The tyrant does whatever his left leg wants.
  8. The right hand is the one with the thumb on the left.
  9. A master of language, but left-handed in deed.
  10. The guilty one blames himself, but the right one fears nothing.
  11. A smart son is his father's right eye.
  12. The right one rejoices all day.
  13. He speaks to the right, but looks to the left.
  14. There is a ringing in the right ear - they remember it well, in the left ear - it is bad.
  15. The word is truly great.
  16. The right hand lives in truth.
  17. A leftist sees a leftist from afar.
  18. The left-hander takes away the right-hander.
  19. The right one sees even without an eye.
  20. He builds with his right hand and breaks with his left.
  21. Stand on your left foot.
  22. They hit him on his right cheek, but he turns his left one on.
  23. How it was done with the left hand.
  24. Some have the right, and some have the left.


List of famous and brilliant people who are left-handed.

Leonardo da Vinci

Objectives: 1. Study the literature on the problem of left-handedness. 2. Identify whether left-handed people have their own characteristics. 3. Find out the reasons for my left-handedness. 4. Find out whether there are left-handed people in our school, and if so, what are their abilities. 5. Using an experimental method, establish the presence of hidden left-handedness in my cousin. 6. Provide recommendations to adults on how to deal with left-handed children.

The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body. In right-handed and left-handed people, it is responsible for intuition, abstract imaginative thinking, musical rhythm, intonation of feeling. But for left-handers, the “center of speech and writing” is also formed here. The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body. In right-handed people, it is responsible for logic, speech, writing, reading. Non-rigid interhemispheric connections in left-handed people contribute to non-standard solutions. In left-handed people, the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed than the left.

3. Features of left-handed children: Artistically gifted and very emotional. Good musical abilities. They often start speaking late and sometimes have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. It happens that they have difficulty reading, writing, and mathematics. A left-handed child is trusting and prone to rapid mood changes. Left-handers tend to fantasize and have a good memory. They are sensitive and original. Left-handedness is a sign of a strong character and great creative abilities.

Questioning Questions for the subject Left hand Right hand 1. Interlace your fingers. Which hand's finger is on top? + 2. Give the subject 2 pencils, blindfold him and ask him to draw 2 circles. The drawing made with the dominant hand is more accurate. + 3.Interlace your hands on your chest. Which hand is on top?+ 4.Cut with scissors. It is more accurate with your leading hand. + 5.Applaud. Which hand is on top?+ 6. Wind the thread onto the spool.+ 7. Insert the thread into the needle.+ 8. Insert the rod into the button and lift it.+ 9. Hit the needle into a small point.+ If more than 6 tasks were completed with the left hand, then a left-handed person, if less than 5, then right-handed.

7. Advice for adults 1. Adults should never show a child a negative attitude towards left-handedness. 2. It should be remembered that left-handedness is an individual variant of the norm, therefore the difficulties that arise in left-handed children are most often not associated with this phenomenon. Any other child can have the same problems. 3. You shouldn’t even try to teach a left-handed child to work with his right hand, much less insist on it. Overtraining can lead to serious health problems. 4. It is necessary to determine the leading hand at 4-5 years old. 5. A left-handed child needs special attention and approach, but not because he is left-handed, but because every child is unique and inimitable. 6. When a left-handed child works at a table, the light should fall from the right side. When placing children in the classroom, it is advisable for the teacher to seat the left-handed person so that the board is to his right, this will reduce the likelihood of mistakes. The writing position is standard, but the left shoulder is pushed slightly forward, not the right one. You can recommend positioning a notebook or sheet of paper so that the upper right corner is tilted to the right, and the upper left corner is located opposite the chest.

Municipal government educational institution
"Novogandichevo Secondary School"
Ubinsky district, Novosibirsk region

Lefty - is that me?


Completed by: Belyaeva Dasha, 4th grade student
Head: Yakubenko Elena Fedorovna, primary school teacher

With. Novogandichevo, 2017Contents


Physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness...

Attitudes towards right-handedness and left-handedness in the history of mankind and in my family...

Does left-footedness and right-footedness exist in animals...........

experimental part




Everyone tells me that I am left-handed! I really do everything with my left hand. This year, first grade children are studying with us in our class.
Once, after watching them, I noticed that they all write, draw, and carve with their right hand. I wondered why am I not like most people? Why are some people more comfortable using their left hand? How many of us are left-handed? Can left-handedness affect my academic success, my creative abilities, and my life in general? Are there left-handed or right-handed animals? These questions interested me so much that I decided to research this topic.
I think this topic is very interesting and relevant not only for myself, since I am left-handed, but also for many other people. After all, almost everyone has at least one relative or acquaintance who is left-handed!
The purpose of my research: to find out why I am left-handed, does this affect my performance at school, and are there any left-handed animals among animals?
To do this I must:
collect material for your work;
find out how right-handers and left-handers were treated in human history;
conduct a study to identify left-handers among students, teachers of our school and residents of my village;
conduct an analysis of student performance;
find out whether right-footedness and left-footedness exist in animals.

Physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness
I started my research with the characteristics physiological basis right-handedness and left-handedness. Here's what I found out.
One of the mysteries human brain is its asymmetry: the right and left hemispheres of the brain, although externally similar, differ in structure and function.
Scientists have accumulated a huge amount of facts and observations, but for just a few decades in science, different views have been replacing each other on which of the brain hemispheres is “main” - the left or the right. Today it is believed that most people are right-handed because most people's brains function in a certain direction. About 10-15% of people are left-handed. The remaining 85-90% are right-handed. What determines whether a person is right-handed or left-handed? This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres. In right-handed people, it turns out that not the right hemisphere, as I assumed, is more developed, but the LEFT hemisphere, which is responsible for processing verbal information. Left-handers have a more developed RIGHT hemisphere, which is responsible for processing images, emotions, and feelings. However, there are people with equally developed right and left hemispheres. These are the so-called ambidextrous people. They are equally good at using their right and left arms, legs, etc. They do not have leading paired organs.
From an article on the Internet, I learned that the choice of a leading hand is influenced by several reasons:
Heredity – a left-handed parent is more likely to have left-handed children.
Influence of environment, culture. The higher the level of development of a people, the fewer left-handed people there are. (For example, among Eskimos, Papuans and other peoples close to nature, 25-30% are left-handed).
Injury or illness. This is the so-called forced right- or left-handedness associated with diseases of the brain, arms, legs, etc.

Attitudes towards right-handedness and left-handedness in the history of mankind and in my family
Throughout the history of mankind, there are people who differ from the majority in some ways, for example, left-handers, aroused interest and surprise. Attitudes towards left-handers varied in different countries and at different times. In many languages, there is a negative attitude towards everything left-handed, including left-handers. For example, in English the word "left-handed" has the additional meaning of clumsy, hypocritical, sinister, illegal. Similar connections can be traced in French, Italian, Spanish, and German. The Russian language also provides many examples of this kind: “left goods” - goods sold illegally, counterfeit, counterfeit. You can also consider the negative meanings of the phrases “left income”, “in the left way”, “got up with your left foot”, “as the left eye saw”, etc. The majority always has a negative attitude towards the minority. Hence the retraining of left-handers, which has many negative consequences on the body and psyche. For a long time the main reason for the pressure on left-handers was concern for their social adaptation in a right-handed world. Many parents re-educated their children because they were afraid that “leftism” would bring their children many problems. Left-handers got it both from educators and from school teachers, who strictly followed the policy - everyone should write only with their right hand, and left-handers should be retrained... There were times that left-handed children even had their left hand tied to their body so that they learned to use their right hand, as they could do everything left hand was considered bad manners and almost a deformity! . Often, left-handed children who have been persistently retrained develop neurotic reactions and neuroses. I have a dad, a mom, a sister and a brother. But in our family I am the only one who writes, draws, and holds a spoon with my left hand. But my mother said that when she was little, she also did everything with her left hand. And it was easy and convenient for her. But my mother's grandmother said it was very bad. She said: “This is not the point!” It will be very difficult: holding scissors in your hands, turning the meat grinder, writing, cutting with a knife, because all this is inconvenient. And she decided to retrain my mother. And she succeeded. Now my mother does everything with her right hand, but she can also do something with her left hand. And on my father’s side I have two brothers and a sister who, like me, are left-handed. Nowadays, when the causes of left-handedness have already been studied, there is no such attitude towards left-handed people. Left-handedness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is a variant of the norm. Among left-handed people there are talented people and geniuses:
Leonardo da Vinci (artist);
Julia Roberts (actress);
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (writer);
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (poet). Annex 1
Conclusion: perhaps left-handedness is not a punishment, but a gift!
Is there left-footedness and right-footedness in animals?
Our friends live next to us - these are animals. And I wanted to know, can they be left-footed or right-footed? For an answer to this question, I turned to the biologist at our school, Marina Viktorovna Sabayeva.
Having studied the scientific literature with her, I learned that in the 60s of the 20th century, a careful study of animal behavior revealed many interesting facts. It turned out that animals have a stable “paw” - i.e. rat, dog, cat, monkey prefer to manipulate one of the front paws. The terms “left-handed” and “right-handed” apply not only to people, but also to animals.
In different living beings, the percentage of right-handers and left-handers among individuals of the same species can vary greatly. So, among cats the majority are right-handed, among mice 44% are right-handed, 28% are left-handed, and the rest are ambidextrous, but all are polar bears
· left-handed. Even among human relatives, chimpanzees, the relationship between left-handedness and right-handedness differs from that of humans. For example, in the wild, more than half of chimpanzees are left-handed. In captivity, most primates are right-handed; perhaps this is due to forced communication with people who are mostly right-handed. Thus, if we consider the animal world as a whole, then, unlike people, the number of right-footed animals is approximately equal to the number of left-footed ones.

Conclusion:. Right-footedness and left-footedness exist in animals.
experimental part
After studying the literature on my research work, I realized that my right hemisphere of the brain is dominant. But what is the reason for this I want to know? Why did my hemispheres “switch roles”? To do this, I had to analyze the reasons that influence the choice of the leading hand.
1. The influence of the environment, culture. (I do not live among the Eskimos, Papuans and other peoples close to nature). This reason does not apply to me.
2.Injury or illness. (Marina Ivanovna, our paramedic, helped me figure this issue out. Marina Ivanovna and I studied my medical record. It turned out that I did not have any birth injuries or illnesses). So this reason doesn’t apply to me either.
3. Heredity. (My mother is left-handed, but she was retrained as a child).
Conclusion: I am left-handed! This is the result of heredity.
After that, I wanted to know if there were any left-handers in our school and in my village? To do this, I conducted the following experiments:
Applause. Which hand hits the other from above?
Take the item from me.
Draw the sun in the air.
Here's what I got.

Table 1. Are there any left-handers in our school and among the residents of my village?




Residents of my village

Conclusion: There are left-handed people, but they are few.
My next research was to find out whether my academic and creative successes depended on the fact that I was left-handed. To answer this question, Elena Fedorovna and I conducted comparative analysis performance of students in grades 3-5 for the first and second quarter.
Appendix 2
Having studied academic performance, we found out that all students show different abilities, some have problems with mathematics and the Russian language. More than half have grades “4” and “5”, some have “3”. Among the students, I am the only left-hander. My academic success is good. There are only three “4s” and the rest are “5s”.
Conclusion: from this study it turns out that a student’s mental abilities do not depend on whether he is left-handed or right-handed. I think that academic performance is influenced by many other things (parental help, child’s mentality, etc.)
Having looked through and analyzed your achievements for grades 1-4 in the “portfolio” creative works and the results of participating in competitions, I came to the conclusion that I am a creative child. Because I like to draw, sculpt, and make crafts.
I often participate in creative competitions and I achieve certain results. Appendix 3 Appendix 4
Conclusion: a child’s creative abilities also do not depend on the fact that he is left-handed or right-handed.
My next research was to find out what is easy and what is difficult for me to do with my left hand? I tried different kinds actions that she came up with for herself.
Table 2. What can I do and what can’t I do?

twist the meat grinder


peel potatoes

to crochet

Conclusion: It is more difficult for a left-handed person to perform some actions, but everything can be learned.
And my final experiment was to determine the leading paw in my cats. I have two of them. This is Beauty and Yulka. After reading the relevant literature and thinking for myself, I chose three ways to determine a cat’s leading paw:
I place a tasty treat in a jar with a narrow neck. With which paw will Yulka and Krasotka try to get food?
I hang a bow on a string. Which paw will cats play with the bow the most?
I will carry the same bow on a string across the floor. Which paw will cats most often hunt for a bow?
Here are the results I got.
Table 3. Determination of the leading paw in my cats.
No. of experience

Beauty Result

Yulka's result

Conclusion: my Beauty is right-footed, and Yulka is left-footed.
During the research, I learned a lot of new information. In addition to scientific facts, I have compiled a list of brilliant and famous left-handers. It turns out that there is even a World Left-Handers Day, which has been celebrated annually since 1992 and is celebrated on August 13th!
And for myself I made the following conclusions:
I'm left-handed. This is the result of heredity:
left-handedness cannot be the cause of a decrease in mental abilities, unless left-handedness is retrained;
Left-handedness does not affect a child’s creative abilities:
There is right-footedness and left-footedness in animals.
The topic of right-handers and left-handers has not yet been fully studied by me. I would like to continue research in this direction. I want to find out how left-handedness and right-handedness affect a person’s character and choice of profession in the future.
In conclusion, I would like to add: The world would not be interesting if everyone were the same. For example, everyone is fair-haired and blue-eyed, everyone is very beautiful and very smart. If it were so, then there would be neither the smartest, nor the most beautiful, nor the most beloved, but everyone would be simply the same. Therefore, every person has the right to exist - red-haired, black-eyed, and left-handed. Nature created us this way. We are different and that's great! Every left-handed person is special. However, like any right-handed person.

1. Airapetyants V.A. Left-handed child // Education and training of children with developmental disorders. - 2003 - No. 3.
2..M. M. Bezrukikh “If your child is left-handed.”3. Bragina N. N. “Left-handed.”4.. Deitch G. “Left brain, right brain.”5. Kapport K.D. “Determination of the leading paired organ in humans.”6.L. Zhavoronkov “Right-handed and left-handed”7. Markina N. The brain of right-handers and left-handers - what is the difference?

Annex 1
List of famous and brilliant left-handed people



Ancient Greek scientist

Julius Caesar

Roman Emperor

Alexander the Great


Napoleon Bonaparte


Leonardo da Vinci




Nikolai Rachmaninov


Vladimir Mayakovsky

Julia Roberts

Paul McCartney

Singer, composer

Barack Obama

President of the U.S.A

Mark Twain


Hans Christian Andersen


Lev Tolstoy


A.S. Pushkin

Fryderyk Chopin


Appendix 2 Analysis of the performance of students in grades 3-5

Appendix 3 My results in competitions
Competition name

“Family for a safe childhood”

"Elections through the eyes of children"

“Mom is the main word in every destiny”
1 place

"Easter Bell"

"Green planet through the eyes of children"

“I love you, my native land”

"Elections through the eyes of children"

"Maslenitsa tricks"

Appendix 4 My awards

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 86" of the urban district of Ufa

Republic of Bashkortostan

Section " The world»


student of class 3A

Head: Gavrilova S.V.,

primary school teacher

gymnasium No. 86




Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

1.1. Who are lefties?

1.2. Left-handedness is forever.

1.3. Famous lefties.


Chapter 2. Practical part.

2.1 Organization and analysis of a survey of 3rd grade students at gymnasium No. 86

2.2. Organization and analysis of experimental work among 3rd grade students of gymnasium No. 86


You're left-handed, and that's cool! You're left-handed, and that's cool!

They say that the mindset

Left-handers have such an unusual

My head is spinning.

You are a feature of nature

Accept it with honor and pride.

And the talent that is given from God,

You will carry it with dignity.


I'm left-handed! I realized that something was wrong with me back in kindergarten, when in class or during meals the teacher kept correcting me, offering to take a pencil or spoon in the other hand. And when I did this, I became uncomfortable and nothing worked. Then my mother went to the teacher and talked to her about something. And they didn’t make such comments to me again. Then it was time to go to school. And my mother warned the teacher from the first day that I was left-handed. At school, the teacher always tries to seat me on the left side. I began to notice that almost all children do everything with their right hand. That’s when I decided to find out from my mother what was wrong with me, why I’m not like everyone else?! Mom explained to me that a left-handed person is the same person as everyone else, there are simply much fewer people who use their left hand than people who use their right hand. And that when my mother was little, left-handers were retrained, and therefore there were even fewer of them. I then asked my mother - why didn’t she retrain me? To which she answered me, that she didn’t want to cause me any inconvenience and that she didn’t see the need for it. She said that it was more important for her that I be healthy and happy and that it doesn’t matter which hand I hold the spoon with. But this is my mother’s opinion, and for a mother it really doesn’t matter whether a child is right-handed or left-handed. But my mother herself is right-handed. And I wondered if she was right that she did not retrain me from the point of view of scientists.

Relevance of the topic. But I am not at all alone in this peculiarity of mine. Only in my class there were 3 left-handed people. I can eat normally, I have learned to write well, but, for example, I am not very dexterous with scissors. After all, everything in our country is made for the right hand, which creates certain inconveniences for us left-handed people. So maybe lefties need to be retrained? Or not?

Purpose of the study: find out how many of us are left-handed, and whether we need to be retrained.

In my work I plan to solve the following tasks :

    Study literature on a given topic;

    Find out who left-handers really are;

    Find out what is the reason for “left-handedness”;

    Find out the developmental features of left-handed people;

    Find out how to determine whether you are left-handed or right-handed;

    Conduct a survey of 3rd grade students;

    Conduct experiments in class;

    Draw conclusions.

Object of study: left-handedness.

Subject of study: the influence of left-handedness on the learning process.

Work hypothesis: There is no need to retrain a left-handed person, because... this does not affect the level of knowledge.

Research methods:

    Analysis of literature on a given topic.



    Analysis of the results obtained.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

    1. Who are lefties?

Left-handed people are usually called people who, to perform certain actions, prefer to use their left hand rather than their right hand, like most people. There is an opinion that people whose left hand is more developed than their right have a significant advantage over right-handers. According to this theory, left-handed people process information more easily, are able to analyze a situation faster, and, in general, are more likely to achieve success in life, becoming major managers and earning larger sums than right-handed people. Is it really?

Some scientists believe that the ratio of left-handers to right-handers has remained approximately the same at all times. Interestingly, cave paintings depict people doing something with their right hand. On the walls of caves and Egyptian pyramids There are plenty of such images. Moreover, the tools and products of ancient gunsmiths that survived from the Paleolithic era were clearly intended for the right hand.

But there are works proving that in the Stone Age there were an equal number of right-handed and left-handed people, and in the Bronze Age two-thirds were already right-handed. It is curious that in this sense equality reigns in the animal world. Although a number of studies convincingly prove that monkeys prefer to reach for food with their left hand and perform various manipulations with their right. That is, old functions are controlled by the right hemisphere, and new ones by the left.

Have you ever wondered why it is customary for us to offer our right hand when greeting, why on wristwatches the crown is on the right, handsets in telephone booths hang on the right, the slot for a travel card in metro turnstiles is on the right, working tools are for the right hand, the release button is on the right cameras on the right, door handles, and they are placed in such a way that it is convenient for right-handers, but not for left-handers? Scientists believe that in ancient times humanity was left-handed. The reasons for the prevailing right-handedness exist at the level of hypotheses. One of them says that in turbulent times, which were a series of endless hand-to-hand wars, where the shield and sword were the main ones, left-handed people were simply exterminated because they held the sword in their left hand and the shield in their right, unable to protect the left half of their chest. where the heart is located. However, the most likely reason for the decrease in the number of left-handers is the gradual activation of the role of the left hemisphere.

A person is designed in such a way that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left. Moreover, although the hemispheres are similar in appearance and work together, they think and live differently. This is called interhemispheric asymmetry.

An ancient left-handed person had a more active right hemisphere, which was characterized by unconscious instinctive actions, flair and intuition, imaginative memory, a deep sense of rhythm, colors, sounds, smells, touches, and good orientation in space. With the advent of signs of civilization, many of the above human properties remained unclaimed and they began to be replaced by more necessary functions of the left hemisphere, which controls the right hand, such as conscious concrete thinking, mathematical and analytical abilities, speech, reading and writing, and the ability for purposeful and differentiated actions. Having imperceptibly lost his sixth sense, the child of nature gradually turned into a child of progress with an active left hemisphere and an active right hand. Right-handedness, reinforced by religious and cultural traditions, began to dominate, and left-handers, awkward and unadapted, were driven into a corner.

Does everyone know that people who use their left hand as their leading hand have their own holiday? And he is! International Left-Handed Day is celebrated on August 13th. This holiday was first celebrated in 1992 on the initiative of the British Left-Handers Club, created in 1990. All over the world on this day, left-handers strive to draw the attention of manufacturers of goods (both household and special) to the need to take into account the ease of use of left-handed people. For this purpose, left-handers organize various events and competitions. But the main concern of left-handers is the fact that in many schools around the world they are still trying to retrain left-handed children to use their right hand when writing, but it has long been known that such retraining provokes psychological stress and lowers student performance.

    1. Left-handedness is forever.

According to scientists, left-handed children should not be retrained. Left-handedness is forever! Even retrained left-handers prefer to use their left hand at critical moments. No one has yet discovered the reason why some people are left-handed, but about 13% of the population worldwide is left-handed. One of the reasons for left-handedness is considered to be heredity, since there is a family predisposition to left-handedness. Researchers have recently discovered a gene that they believe is responsible for a child's left-handedness, so that if this gene is present, one or even more children in a family may be left-handed, and if this gene is absent, everyone in the family will only be right-handed.

It has already been proven that there is still a special variant of left-handedness - compensatory, in which this phenomenon is compensation for disorders of brain development due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, traumatic brain injuries or serious diseases of early age.

The way the brain works is incredibly complex, but a somewhat simplified explanation will give some insight into where left-hand dominance develops. The brain works in a cross pattern - the left hemisphere controls the right hand and right side body, and, conversely, the left side of the body and the left hand are controlled by the right hemisphere.

The left hemisphere controls speech, language, writing, logic, mathematics, natural Sciences- This is a mode of linear thinking. The right hemisphere controls musical abilities, art, creativity, perception, emotions, genius - this is the mode of holistic thinking.

However, this trend appears only in relation to men; left-handed and right-handed women show the same results here. It also turned out that left-handers are more likely than right-handers to become highly qualified specialists (53% versus 38%). Left-handers are also disproportionately found among artists, musicians, and some categories of athletes (for example, baseball players, golfers, and boxers).

Many people are constantly wondering why there are right-handers and left-handers. This is indeed an extremely interesting fact! I tried to analyze what differences exist between a right-hander and a left-hander and why you should not retrain if you are left-handed.

There is no generally accepted and clear explanation why some people are right-handed and others are left-handed. However, there are several theories about this. One of them, the leading theory today, is that our body is asymmetrical (the right half is not identical to the left). Therefore, both the right and left hemispheres of the human brain also function differently. Also, nerves connect each hemisphere with the opposite side of the body: the right hemisphere with the left and vice versa.

It follows that if the left side of the brain has an advantage, then the right side of the body is more advanced and better adaptable. Everything we do in life (read, cook, write) - all this happens thanks to the left hemisphere of the brain. For a left-handed person, it’s the other way around: a reshuffle occurs, the right side of the brain dominates the left, so such people have better control of the left side of the body. This trait is often inherited, so left-handed parents are more likely to have a left-handed child, while right-handed parents are more likely to have a right-handed child.

Approximately every tenth person is left-handed. According to observations, there are two times fewer left-handers among girls than among boys. This difference is explained by the fact that both hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different aspects of life. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the perception of information and emotionality, so left-handers perceive everything in a generalized and intuitive way. The left hemisphere, in turn, is responsible for details and analysis, so right-handed people are more prone to logic and rationality.

As a rule, at the age of 5 it becomes completely clear whether you are left-handed or right-handed. And since they are born with them, there is no need to relearn them. The reason here is hidden in the work of the brain, which in any case will not work differently because of this. Therefore, it can be even more difficult for retrained left-handers to write and learn in general.

According to sociological theory, due to their exceptionalism, left-handers show top scores in certain types of activities. The left hand often predominates among composers, artists, athletes, and executives; right - for linguists, engineers, mathematicians.

Let’s better understand what kind of people they are and what their role is in the life of humanity (perhaps not yet played). And having thrown away the wary and negative attitude, we will understand that they are not wrong, but simply not right.

    1. Famous lefties .

Leonardo Da Vinci, an outstanding Italian scientist, explorer, inventor and artist, architect, anatomist and engineer, an outstanding figure of the Italian Renaissance. He was ambidexterous. This is a special type of people who are equally good with both their right and left hands. Every fifth of us is like that.

Charlie Chaplin, English and American film actor and film director. Recognized as one of the best comedians in the history of world cinema, he was awarded the Oscar three times. He also played the violin with his left hand.

Julius Caesar, in addition to being able to do three things at once, was also an ancient Roman statesman and politician, commander, and writer.

The following were also left-handed: Aristotle, Tiberius, Caesar, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Newton, I.P. Pavlov, N.S. Leskov, D.C. Maxwell, Ch .Chaplin, L.Carroll, P.Picasso. Among today's notable left-handers, let's name Ronald Reagan, Paul McCartney, Bruce Willis, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, David Duchovny. Comments are unnecessary here. Left-handers have more than proven their usefulness.

Among them there are many architects, artists and musicians. Left-handed boxers are known for their advantages, as are fencers and tennis players. In the emotional sphere, left-handers have their own characteristics: they are unrestrained, often timid, impressionable, conscientious, sensual and much more pessimistic than right-handers and ambidextrous people.


Nature has endowed left-handers with unusual (in the opinion of right-handers) properties.


    are able to perceive sounds and intonations differently, subtly identifying what right-handed people are not able to hear. They listen to music better, or rather, they hear it better.

    They have figurative memory, the ability to retain impressions for a long time and reproduce vivid memories. They can see the invisible, discerning multifaceted subtext in a simple image. They have a craving for paradoxes, their own look and special color perception.

    easily navigate in space, remembering all the moves and exits, remember the details and sequence of actions. In addition, they freely handle time, recording in memory the sequence of experienced events and easily returning to them, as if using invisible markers.

    are connected with the unconscious, even if this does not sound like something from the field of kitchen psychology. Lefties see the world differently, discovering and experiencing its other facets and qualities. This explains the phenomenal properties of some left-handers: the ability to live one step ahead and predict the future. Insight is a natural ability for them.

Compared to these amazing left-handers, right-handers who can handle numbers, think logically and speak well, we look very down-to-earth. Left-handedness is not pronounced, but hidden, manifested in more active use of the left ear, left eye or left leg.

If you have a left-handed child, then do not put pressure on him, but consult with a psychologist who can adapt and teach him to live fully in our “right-wing”, too rational world. If a left-hander is left alone without trying to retrain him, he will respond with high performance mental development, creative thinking, extraordinary abilities and achievements in architecture, music, artistic creativity. Lefties should be protected; perhaps they have not yet fully revealed their potential. They also see colorful dreams and are able to see the future.

Having learned all these facts, I can now proudly say: “I am left-handed!”

1.5. Tests to determine the leading hemisphere

First, it is known that the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right.

Therefore, people with a leading left hand (left-handed people) are right-hemisphere people, and right-handers are left-hemisphere people, but this division is conditional.

You can do several exercises and find out which hemisphere is dominant and what types of reactions predominate in each of you. Prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil. After each task, you will record on a piece of paper which type of reaction - RIGHT or LEFT - manifested itself in you. They can be marked, for example, with the letters “P” and “l”.

Let's start the first task. Place your hands in front of you and interlace your fingers. Look which of the two thumbs is on top - the right or the left. If the right finger is on top, then this is the right type of reaction (the leading hemisphere is the left), mark this on your sheet. If the left finger is on top, then your reaction type is left, and the leading hemisphere is right (and in the following tasks, respectively, as well).

Let's move on to the second task. Your eyes are open. Place your index fingers in front of your eyes as if you were aiming a gun, while catching and fixing with your eyes the point at which you are shooting (don’t close your eyes!).

Now close first one and then the other eye. See which of these two cases causes the aiming point to move. If the point moves when your right eye is closed, then your reaction type is right, if the point moves when your left eye is closed, then your reaction type is left.

Let's move on to the third task. This is the so-called Napoleon pose. Cross your arms over your chest and see which hand is on top, right or left. Record the result.

Finally, the fourth task. First, applaud a little. Now pay attention to which hand is on top - right or left. Now record this result on your piece of paper.

All tasks have been completed. By the number of right and left types of reaction, you can, to a first approximation, determine your type of interhemispheric asymmetry.

First task allows you to judge the general nature of your psychological makeup, whether it is logical (left-brain) or emotional (right-brain)

Second task can talk about character traits such as firmness and aggressiveness.

Third - indicate a tendency towards simplicity or coquetry.

Fourth - on decisiveness or indecisiveness of character.

But more detailed description types based on testing results:

PPPP – orientation towards generally accepted opinion (stereotypes), conservative type of character, the most stable (correct) behavior.

PPpl – uncertain conservatism, weak temperament. Indecisiveness.

PPlP – ability to coquetry, determination, sense of humor, activity, energy, temperament, artistry. When communicating with him, humor and determination are necessary, since this strong character does not accept weak types.

PPll – a rare and independent type of character. Coquetry, sense of humor, gentleness, artistry. Some contradiction between indecision and strength of character. High contact, but slow addiction.

PlPP – a business type of character, combining an analytical mind and gentleness. More common in women. The generally accepted type of "business woman".

Slow addiction, caution. Such people never go into conflict head-on; they are dominated by calculation, tolerance, “viscosity,” slowness in the development of relationships, and a certain coldness.

PlPl – the weakest type of character, very rare. Defenselessness and weakness. Exposure to various influences. Occurs only in women.

PllP – a tendency to new experiences and the ability not to create conflicts. Some inconstancy, the ability to flirt in an analytical manner, special gentleness. Emotional slowness, languor. Simplicity and rare courage in communication, the ability to switch to a new type of behavior. More common in women.

Pllll – fickle and independent character, the main feature is analyticalness. Rarely seen.

lSTI – a frequently encountered character type with very good adaptation to different conditions.Emotionality combined with insufficient persistence, which primarily manifests itself in basic strategic issues (marriage, education, etc.). High susceptibility to other people's influence. Easily communicates with all other character types. In men, emotionality is reduced and there is a tendency to be phlegmatic.

lPPl – weak persistence, gentleness, yielding to cautious influence, naivety.Requires a particularly careful attitude towards oneself - more often in women, the “little queen” type.

lPlP – the strongest type of character, difficult to convince. Able to show persistence, but sometimes it turns into “obsession” with secondary goals.Strong personality, energy, ability to overcome difficulties. Some conservatism due to insufficient attention to someone else's point of view.

Such people do not like immaturity.

lPll – Strong and unobtrusive character. Almost impossible to convince.

The main feature is internal aggressiveness, covered with external softness and emotionality. Fast interaction, but slow mutual understanding.

llPP – friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests.

llpl – main features: simplicity, gentleness, gullibility. This is a very rare type (1% of women, almost never found in men).

lllP – emotionality combined with decisiveness (the main feature), energy, and some scatteredness lead to the fact that such characters are capable of emotional, quickly made, ill-considered decisions. Therefore, additional “braking mechanisms” are important when communicating with them.

lllll – the ability to take a fresh look at things (anti-conservatism), the greatest emotionality, individuality, selfishness, stubbornness, security, sometimes turning into isolation.

The ability to smile dazzlingly.

Have you determined? Does it match your character?

Chapter 2. Practical part

Having studied all the materials about left-handers, I came to the conclusion that under no circumstances should we be retrained! This is interference with the functioning of brain structures.

For many years in a row, kindergarten teachers, teachers, and pediatricians stubbornly struggled with left-handedness. All educational programs were designed for right-handed people, and everyday life was tailored only for them. Even parents did not always support left-handers, because they did not want their children to stand out from others, fearing that this would affect their relationships with the environment. And although society ignored left-handedness in every possible way, progressive doctors have always stated: left-handed people are special. After all, important neurophysiological reactions in them proceed differently than in right-handed people. And it was scientists who were the first to raise their voices in defense of left-handers, because they knew: every violent psychological effect on the human body, a ban on using what is convenient, negatively affects the individual.

Now I would like to prove all this in practice!

2.1. Organization and analysis of a survey of 3rd grade students at gymnasium No. 86

I decided to conduct my research, which took place in two stages:

1. Questioning of 3rd grade students.

2. Experiment in the lesson.

The purpose of the survey: find out how many left-handers study in our school in the third grade. And is it really true that there are half as many left-handed girls as boys? How many of them are left-handed “by heredity”, and how many are not? And does this affect their hobbies and performance at school?

To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was compiled, which was filled out by schoolchildren of the 3rd grade of gymnasium No. 86 in Ufa, a total of 83 people, among them 45 girls (54%) and 38 boys (46%).

Questions asked:

    Who are you - a girl or a boy?

    Which hand do you write - right or left?

    Do you have a left-handed person in your family?

    Who do you want to become in the future?

It turned out that among our third-graders, 7 people are left-handed, and this is only 8%. It's really not enough. But are there really fewer left-handed girls than boys? In our case, this was not confirmed: there were 4 girls (57%) and 3 boys (43%). And what’s noteworthy is that among right-handers, the number of girls and boys was also divided almost equally: 54% and 46%, respectively.

When answering the second question, I wanted to find out whether all left-handers are left-handed by heredity. It turned out that there are 3 people (43%) who are “hereditary” left-handed. And 20% of right-handers had a very high chance of being born left-handed.

When answering the fourth question, 6 left-handers or 86% chose professions of a creative or sports orientation, and among right-handers the majority - 52% - chose professions where more is required logical thinking. At the same time, 10% of right-handers do not know what they want to be, and 38% have chosen professions of a creative or sports orientation.

In addition, I conducted a survey of class teachers to find out whether left-handedness affects children’s academic performance and handwriting. All 7 left-handed people study at 4 and 5. Almost all of them also have smooth and neat handwriting. Several people graduated from the second grade with honors.

2.2. Organization and analysis of experimental work among 2nd grade students of gymnasium No. 86

Purpose of the experiment: find out whether the thinking and perception of the surrounding reality differs between left-handers and right-handers.

The experiment consisted of:

    The children were asked to divide nine words into groups according to any criterion:

fish, feathers, run, dog, scales, fly, wool, swim, bird.

As a result of the first experiment, 86% of left-handers and 20% of right-handers have imaginative thinking, i.e. they divided the words this way: fish+scales+swim, etc. And 14% of left-handers (1 person out of 7) and 80% of right-handers divided words according to logical chains: animal - action - covers or noun - verb.

As a result of the second experiment, 100% of left-handers chose the circle and zigzag shapes. These figures, according to psychological assessment, mean: a symbol of harmony (circle) and a symbol of creativity (zigzag), inherent in people with a right-hemisphere type of thinking, imaginative. The same figures were chosen by 60% of right-handers. The square and triangle shapes were chosen only by right-handed people - 40%; these shapes are characteristic of people with a left-hemisphere, logical type of thinking.

And as a result of the third experiment, I concluded that the drawings of left-handers are radically different from each other. Here there is an exact execution of what was seen and some kind of personal perception of reality, and its own figurative “geometry” taking into account additional details.

The drawings of right-handers were made in accordance with the assignment: a house and a tree. They are definitely all similar to each other, which suggests that the authors performed the task following logic.

From the survey and experiment I conducted, we can conclude that in right-handed people the left hemisphere is indeed more dominant. boolean type thinking, and for left-handed people - right-hemisphere imaginative. But this does not in any way affect the learning process and handwriting of left-handers. Just like the fact that a right-handed person can be a creative and imaginative person. Those. There is absolutely no need to retrain a left-handed person, thereby causing him physical inconvenience and, possibly, psychological suffering.

Maybe you just need to accept the fact that the world is not completely “right, right-handed.” Make it more convenient for left-handed people by creating more things for them. For example, here are some left-handed items that are already available for purchase and that were not available before:

And much more.

Thus, the set goals and objectives have been achieved:

    Literature on a given topic was studied;

    The cause of “left-handedness” and the peculiarities of the development of left-handers have been studied;

    A survey of 3rd grade students and experiments in the classroom were conducted;

    Conclusions have been drawn.

The materials in this work are for informational purposes only and can be used as an additional aid in lessons or classroom hours, as a work containing quite interesting facts.


In the world, 20-25% of babies are born left-handed, and there are twice as many left-handed men as women. It has been proven that left-handed people are extraordinary, talented, creative, smart, and skillful. And, at first glance, the only thing that distinguishes them from most people is that when greeting them they offer their left hand...

But science still cannot give an exact answer to the question of why the same parents give birth to left-handed and right-handed children, why nature has divided us, like one image in a mirror.

It is known for sure that left-handedness is inherited. It has been proven that 50% of children become so if their father and mother are left-handed. And at the same time, more than 6% of left-handed people are children of right-handed parents. Perhaps this mystery will not be solved until one of the biggest secrets of the human brain is revealed - its asymmetry. And our “main computer” is designed in such a way that the right and left hemispheres, although outwardly similar, differ in both structure and function.

We cannot yet unravel the phenomenon of left-handedness, but we must evaluate it as a variant of the norm and as a clear evidence of the versatility of human nature. So if your baby is left-handed, welcome! Who knows, maybe you have a little Leonardo growing up...


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