Part-time training in technical areas at state universities. Second higher education Second higher technical education

The need for education is undeniable. It is the key to success and career growth. High competition in the labor market forces young specialists (and not only) to acquire additional knowledge in related professional fields. Yesterday's graduates educational institutions and experienced specialists want to get a second higher education. “How long to study?” - a question that worries each of them.

Who gets a second higher education and why?

There are many reasons why people pursue a second degree. This is either a banal habit of studying, or a necessity of life, or simply because there is nothing to do (“let it be”). If we look at the statistics, 61% of students receiving a second higher education are working specialists. What prompted them to do this was the desire to climb the career ladder. Indeed, often to build a successful career you need to have knowledge in related areas of work. The remaining 39% include those who do not like their first profession, who work outside their specialty, who hope for a salary increase, etc. For example, an accountant can get a second degree Teacher Education, realizing that numbers are not his calling, or wanting to make a childhood dream come true. People strive to radically change their lives thanks to a second diploma.

Which form of training is best to choose?

You can choose any: full-time, part-time, evening or part-time. It all depends on the intended goals and capabilities of the person. Most often, full-time students are those who do not yet have any work experience. Evening uniform involves studying three to four days a week. Class times are usually from six to nine. During combined training, classes are held both during the day and in the evening. The most attractive form of obtaining a higher education diploma is by correspondence.

Many people who want to get a diploma cannot attend classes for various reasons: for health reasons, because of the territorial location of the university, etc. This problem can be solved by receiving a second higher education remotely.

Requirements of higher educational institutions

There are no age restrictions for applicants to study. At any age you can get a second higher education. How much to study will depend on many criteria, including how much the first specialty and the second, desired, differ from each other.

The basis for enrollment is a diploma of first higher education. It is worth noting that some universities set restrictions. They only accept students who have graduated from state or accredited commercial universities.

As for the training period, with complete re-profiling due to the large number special items it can be increased.

Upon admission, an agreement is concluded with the educational institution, which specifies the terms, conditions of study, a list of subjects studied and payment terms.

The main difficulty is the training schedule, because most often people receiving a second higher education already work somewhere. For such students, sometimes there is an opportunity to study individual plans. But most often educational institutions adhere to standard programs.

Second higher education: how long to study?

Citizens who already have one diploma can be enrolled in both the first and subsequent courses. At the same time, the university independently decides how many tests and in what form an applicant who wants to receive a second higher education will take.

How much to study mainly depends on the specialty obtained during the first training. If the content academic disciplines is radically different, the training period can reach five years.

Also, training at a university can be carried out on a reduced basis. educational programs. This decision is made educational part and depends on what subjects and to what extent the person has previously completed. In this case, the duration of the program cannot be less than 1.5 years.

In what cases does the period of obtaining education increase?

The duration of study can be extended by a year in two cases. Firstly, when developing an individual curriculum for combined and correspondence forms.

Secondly, by provision It can be provided in the presence of medical indications or in other exceptional cases.

How can you reduce the training period?

When calculating the duration of training, the disciplines already studied and passed during the first education are taken into account. This process is called re-offset. It includes the recognition and inclusion in the new academic list of previously obtained grades.

In addition, the possibility of reducing the duration of study depends on the student’s abilities. There is a possibility early delivery exams. According to the rules, such consent can be given by specific educational institution. To do this, you need to write an application addressed to the rector, after which the individual curriculum will be changed.

Distance higher education

A second higher education, distance education, implies a traditional form of education, but at a distance. That is, as when entering a regular institute, you can choose both full-time, correspondence, and combined forms of study.

It runs throughout the semester. Most often, enrollment is carried out twice a year: before the start of the next semester. But there are also universities that are not tied to the semester.

The most popular directions for obtaining a second higher education

Currently, among many areas, the most popular are law, pedagogy and economics. According to demand there are quite a large number of proposals.

For example, most applicants strive to obtain a second degree. This is due to the fact that everyday life confronts us with problems in which knowledge of rights and laws would simplify their solution. Therefore, the number of institutions producing certified lawyers is increasing every year.

The second higher education has never lost its popularity, and against the backdrop of emerging prospects it has become even more in demand. Everyone can choose a different profile at their own discretion.

A second higher education in Moscow was rare even less than ten years ago. Today, according to statistics, 20% of specialists have already received a second diploma, and 6% are on the way to defending it. This once again speaks of the desire of our citizens to develop and move forward.

Since 2010, in accordance with the Bologna Convention, a Western system of higher education has been introduced in Russia, according to which master's programs replace graduate programs.

If you do not change the direction of your training, then a master's degree is an opportunity for you to get a second higher education and study your chosen field of knowledge in more depth.

If, in addition to the previously received technical, humanitarian, legal, medical or other higher education, you also want to obtain a higher education in the field of finance and credit, economics or management, then the master's program gives you the opportunity to do this not in 3 or 3.5 years, as in the system second higher education for specialists, and for 2 years of full-time or 2.5 years of full-time and part-time education.

In the structure of modern Russian higher education, a master's degree (2 years) follows a bachelor's degree (4 years of study) and precedes a candidate of sciences degree. This degree reflects educational level graduate high school and indicates that he has the skills and abilities inherent in a researcher, analyst or novice scientist.

Our department's master's programs have a strong research component and are aimed at developing students' skills in collecting, analyzing and using information to make decisions. management decisions. Highly qualified personnel with a master's level of education are required both in commercial structures ( large companies, medium and small enterprises), and in state and municipal management structures.

A master's degree is a widely erudite specialist who masters the methodology of scientific creativity, modern information technologies, and is prepared for research, consulting, and analytical activities. The programs provide an opportunity not only to deepen knowledge in the field of economics, commerce or management, but also to obtain economic and management education for university graduates who have completed certified specialist programs in any specialty.

For graduates of non-core specialties, there are preparatory courses at the Faculty of Finance. Completing the courses will help students pass entrance exams for master's programs, increasing their chances of taking one of the extra-budgetary places (with tuition fees), admission to which is subject to competition.

You can choose any of the master's programs we offer in the areas of "Finance and Credit", "Economics" and "Management" and after 2 years (full-time) or 2.5 years (part-time) receive a state diploma from REU . G.V. Plekhanov on higher education with a master's degree in the relevant field. The diploma supplement indicates your chosen specialization with all grades.

The Faculty of Finance has two forms of study: full-time and part-time.

Due to the fact that over 90% of our students work, classes are held from 19:00 to 22:00 for the convenience of combining work and study.

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me during admission to study programs of the Educational Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Higher Education "Moscow open institute", legal address: 105318, Moscow, st. Izmailovsky Val, 2 (hereinafter referred to as the Institute).

2. I confirm that the number I provided is mobile phone, is my personal phone number assigned to me by my mobile operator, and is willing to be responsible for Negative consequences caused by me indicating a mobile phone number belonging to another person.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means: Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training on the Institute’s Website, namely on the Website page http: // (namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, chosen training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, address Email).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is the legal representative of an individual under 18 years of age, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who filled out an Application for training on the Institute’s Website, thus expressing his intention to use the educational services of the Institute.

5. The Institute generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Institute assumes that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on issues proposed in the registration form (Application form), and keeps this information up to date.

6. The Institute collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary to conduct admission to study at the Institute and organize the provision of educational services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The collected information allows you to send information in the form of emails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS mailing) to the email address and mobile phone number specified by the Client for the purpose of admission to the Institute, organizations educational process, sending important notices such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Institute. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the Client about all changes in the conditions and organization of the educational and admission process to the Institute, inform the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Institute by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying a party within agreements and contracts with the Institute, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the Client’s personal data, the Institute is guided by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. “About personal data.”

9. I am informed that I can unsubscribe from receiving information via email at any time by sending an email to: [email protected]. You can also unsubscribe from receiving information via email at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the letter.

10. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive SMS messages to my specified mobile phone number by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]

11. The Institute takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Client’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.

12. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Institute arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years of age and accept the conditions indicated in the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing the relationship between the Client and the Institute is valid throughout the entire period of provision of the Services and the Client’s access to the personalized services of the Institute’s website.

Educational autonomous non-profit organization of higher education
"Moscow Open Institute"
Legal address: Russian Federation, 105318, Moscow, st. Izmailovsky Val, 2
