Nomination for a kindergarten chef for an award. Sample characteristics for a cook in a dhow. Production characteristics sample form and form

Improvement of indicators compared to previous periods, exceeding the plan;

Success in the early development and implementation of measures related to improving the organization of production and labor, improving the quality of products (work performed, services provided);

Performing at a high level labor responsibilities;

Successful holding of events, implementation of projects, active participation in events or projects, etc.

The procedure for applying this incentive measure, as a rule, is regulated in a special local regulatory act (in the regulation on moral encouragement of an employee) or is established in a document of a more general nature (in the regulation on material and moral encouragement of employees of the organization, internal labor regulations, regulations on personnel incentives ).

Approximate sample

How to write a reference for a chef from a place of work: sample

Regulations on the moral encouragement of an employee Presentation of a certificate of honor for a cook Sample characteristics for a cook for awarding a diploma Sample characteristics for a cook for awarding a diploma Characteristics for rewarding an employee Characteristics for rewarding an employee (12.0 KiB, 6,597 hits) Example characteristics for rewarding an employee Characteristics of Konstantin Cherepov Anatolyevich, born March 23, 1962, higher education, chief power engineer of Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant CJSC During the period of his working career at the enterprise, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov established himself as a qualified specialist, a high professional, an initiative leader with high organizational skills.

InfoRules of internal labor regulations 2. Responsibilities 2.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the baby food cook: 1) puts on sanitary clothing and shoes, puts his hair in proper condition 2) receives the necessary supplies (equipment, devices, etc.), checks their serviceability 3) receives the necessary food raw materials from the pantry, semi-finished products 4) undergoes, if necessary, instructions on labor protection 2.2.

During the work process, the baby food cook: 1) uses personal protective equipment 2) complies with the rules for using devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely 3) immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work 4) complies with sanitation requirements, rules of personal hygiene and workplace hygiene 2.3.

General Director of Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant CJSC April 30, 2018 What is a characteristic for rewarding an employee Structure of a characteristic for rewarding an employee For ease of use, we propose the following algorithm for filling out the characteristic for rewarding: The document must be signed by the head of the enterprise.

Example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to an employee General rules Registration To prepare the characteristics, you need a company form (A4 paper). Level of skills, application theoretical knowledge, building relationships in a team, teamwork, commitment and other employee abilities - all this must be clearly positive character in description.

Besides business qualities It is also necessary to focus on personal ones: how well a person gets along with the team, what is his level of stress resistance, self-control during conflicts. You can write about his responsiveness, about moral qualities and the desire for mutual assistance, listing all the incentives that took place.

Must know: recipes, cooking technology, requirements for quality, timing, storage conditions, portioning, design and serving of dishes and culinary products that require complex culinary processing; basics of rational nutrition; types, properties and methods of processing raw materials and semi-finished products used for preparing complex dishes and culinary products;

ways to reduce losses and preserve the nutritional value of food products during their heat treatment (application in various ways heating or heating, creating a certain environment - sour, salty, etc.); aromatic substances and methods of their use to improve the taste of culinary products;

We provide each form with examples of how to fill it out and design rules. The information on the site is constantly updated and if you have not found the form you need, it will definitely appear in the future.

Characteristics for a kindergarten cook sample

Characteristics of the chef of the MKOU "Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type" N.N.N. N.N.N. has been working at the MKOU “Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type” since 09.29.97. in the position chef. In 1981 she graduated from the professional Izhevsk culinary school.


In 2005 N.N. improved her skills at advanced training courses on the basis of the State Educational Educational Institution "Professional Lyceum" Culinary arts» No. 38 in the specialty “Cook”, seminars and meetings in the area. During the period of work at the school, she established herself as a competent and qualified specialist, an effective leader, attentive to the needs of her subordinates. She is distinguished by a conscientious, responsible attitude to her immediate work.

She has been managing the canteen team for many years and can find an individual approach to each employee. Demanding of herself and her subordinates.

Capital November 2007 Characteristics and presentation of recommendations for. Tikhonov Yuri Alekseevich Date of birth. Recommendations will be provided upon request. For example, “Given for presentation at the place of claim.” Academician Aleksandrova, 87, apt. - Moskovsky State University technologies and management MSUTU, commodity expert 1998-2000.

– culinary specialist, restaurant “Caprissio”, gram. 6 Describe the employee’s work and his professional achievements and successes. Based on the purposes of subsequent use, the data is divided into Prototype properties from the place of work - internal - they are used only within the organization, for example, when transferring an employee from the 1st department to another, when imposing disciplinary sanctions or rewards on the employee, etc.

As a result, in order not to interfere with the employee under investigation or the person writing the character reference, it is preferable to consult a lawyer or the worker personally. Capital. Capital. Capital. Capital. October 2006 – September 2007 Functional responsibilities: replacing the chef without him, preparing dishes, coordinating the work of culinary specialists, pricing management, logistics management.

February 2009 – April 2011 October 2007 – January 2009 Highly functional duties opening a restaurant from scratch searching and studying personnel managing kitchen staff organizing technical services. actions in the canteen; compliance with product standards; working with product suppliers; maintaining reporting documentation. Capital, st. - SPTU 189, gram. – Chef, restaurant “Piccolo”, gram.

Rights When performing his duties, the baby food cook has labor rights provided for by the agreement concluded with the employee employment contract, Internal labor regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation. 4. Responsibility 4.1.

The baby food cook is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction. 4.2. The baby food cook is financially responsible for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

Maintains a good level of work discipline in the team. N.N. - an experienced chef. He knows how to quickly and efficiently prepare a large assortment of delicious dishes from the most ordinary products. This skill has great importance in a boarding school, because

orphans live here around the clock. During her career, she has repeatedly received verbal gratitude from the administration, school guests, teachers and children for deliciously prepared and aesthetically presented lunches. In her practice, she takes into account the characteristics of pupils with special health needs and is able to resolve conflict situations during meal times.

Declaration of gratitude Declaration of gratitude as a type of labor incentive consists in the employer's public expression of gratitude to the employee for such achievements in work as: Improvement of performance compared to previous periods, exceeding the plan; Success in the early development and implementation of measures related to improving the organization of production and labor, improving the quality of products (work performed, services provided);

Performing your job duties at a high level; Successful holding of events, implementation of projects, active participation in events or projects, etc. The baby food cook is obliged to: - be at the workplace in clean sanitary clothing and shoes of the established standard - undergo advanced training at least once every 5 years - undergo a medical examination in a timely manner (examination) - take a course on sanitary and hygienic training, take exams on the sanitary minimum 2.4 at least once every 2 years.

The baby food cook at the end of the working day: - cleans the workplace - hands over unused raw materials, semi-finished products and unsold finished products to the pantry - draws up reporting documentation - hands over equipment and devices to storage areas - . 3. Responsibility 3.1. The baby food cook is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for poor quality and untimely performance of the work and duties listed in these instructions. 3.2.

Characteristics of the chef of the MKOU "Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type" N.N.N. N.N.N. has been working at the MKOU “Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type” since 09.29.97. as a chef. In 1981 she graduated from the professional Izhevsk culinary school.

In 2005 N.N. improved her skills at advanced training courses at the State Educational Institution of Education and Science "Professional Lyceum of Culinary Arts" No. 38 in the specialty "Cook", seminars and meetings in the region. During the period of work at the school, she established herself as a competent and qualified specialist, an effective leader, attentive to the needs of her subordinates.

(amp)gt; Characteristics for a dhow cook for awarding a certificate of honor

Regulatory legal acts of the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation and local government bodies, it is stipulated that employees take part in such competitions or shows upon the recommendation of the heads of organizations. When developing a document regulating the conditions and procedure for submission, the following sections should be provided (Table 1).

Table 1

Sections of the document regulating the competition

To be awarded the title “Best in the Profession”


General provisions

Contains a list of competition nominations, names
organizers, indicates what determines this
regulations, – procedure and conditions of the competition,
criteria for selecting the best in the profession, procedure

Goals and objectives

The goals of holding competitive events are indicated and
tasks that are set for organizing the competition

carrying out

The conditions for admission to participation in the competition are indicated.
(agreement with the terms of the competition,
timely submission of the application, questionnaire established
sample, etc.). Also in this section there may be
an information resource (newspaper, web address) is indicated, where
The terms of the competition have been officially posted

carrying out

This section indicates the frequency and timing
holding competitive events, as well as
list the stages of the competition (for example,
Stage 1 – municipal (district) – selection
administrations – until July 15; Stage 2 – regional –
selection by the department from those submitted by administrations
nominations – until August 1; Stage 3 – federal –
selection by the ministry, summing up and awarding

carrying out

Formation of the competition commission, its procedure
meetings, main functions, filling procedure
competitors of applications (questionnaires) for participation in the competition,
the procedure for their registration and consideration of the competitive

A list of awards is indicated (for example, a diploma “Best
by profession” and a sign for a diploma), as well as the procedure
informing the public about the results of the competition
and lists of awardees


Application form (questionnaire).
Evaluation methodology (determining competition winners)



2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Performing auxiliary work in the production of dishes and culinary products. Peeling, finishing potatoes, fruits, vegetables, fruits, berries before or after washing them using knives and other devices. Sorting of greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, potatoes. Removal of defective specimens for foreign impurities.

Must know: the rules of primary culinary processing of raw materials and products and the requirements for the quality of semi-finished products from them; rules for slicing bread; terms and conditions of storage of peeled vegetables; design, rules for adjustment and operation of bread slicing machines of different brands; safe working practices when slicing bread manually and by machine.

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of dishes and culinary products requiring simple culinary processing. Cooking potatoes and other vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta, eggs. Frying potatoes, vegetables, cutlet products (vegetable, fish, meat), pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. Baking vegetables and cereals.

Must know: recipes, cooking technology, quality requirements, rules of distribution (assemblies), terms and conditions of storage of dishes; types, properties and culinary purposes of potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, pasta and legumes, cottage cheese, eggs, semi-finished cutlet mass products, dough, canned food, concentrates and other products, signs and organoleptic methods for determining their good quality;

Here is a collection of ready-made texts for a chef’s certificate of honor. They are addressed to employees kindergarten and schools, as well as to any culinary specialist who deserves high praise. Written on behalf of the administration of the institution (organization), in prose (not in verse).

All first and last names, names of organizations and localities are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Examples for a kitchen worker are on a separate page.

Option #1

Department of Education

administration of the Agapovsky municipal district


Pirogova Alina Timofeevna,

cooks MBOU secondary school

rural settlement "Agapovka village",

over many years conscientious work,

and in connection with the professional holiday -

International Chef's Day.

And about. boss

education department

M. O. Lyskova

With. Agapovka

Option No. 2


Medkova Varvara Lukinichna,

cook MBOU "Secondary school No. 71" Andreapol,

for conscientious work and quality food preparation

in the preschool department.

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 71

M. S. Belonozhkina

Deputy Director for subsidiaries

E. K. Savina


Option #3

boarding school No. 31 of the main general

education in Nizhny Novgorod


Sadykova Irina Fedorovna

for conscientious work and high professionalism,

for tasty and high-quality food for teachers and students

boarding school No. 31.


boarding school No. 31

V. E. Solntseva

November, 2018

Option No. 4

Administration of the state budget

in general educational institution"School No. 3" Elista


Kostyukhova Tatyana Mironovna,

for many years of conscientious work, delicious dinners,

creating a friendly atmosphere in the dining room and sensitive

attitude towards children and teachers.

Director of GBOU "School No. 3"

A. U. Sycheva


Option #5


Grigorieva Karina Eduardovna,

cook GBNOU "Governor's Multidisciplinary Lyceum" Kemerovo

for personal contribution to the organization of meals for employees of the educational institution

And high quality services during implementation, maintenance and service provision

ceremonial events.

Deputy Head

Department of Education

administration of Kemerovo

R. L. Ivanov

Option #6

Behind high level professionalism, culinary talent,

creative approach to duties, responsibility and advocacy

healthy eating


Kashina Agata Ruslanovna,

cook of GBDOU “Kindergarten No. 82”, Chita

Head of GBDOU d/s No. 82

N. Yu. Kalyagina

Option No. 7


Ivanchikova Raisa Dmitrievna,

cook MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 51"

for loyalty to the chosen profession,

high-quality dishes for children

and preschool staff.

Head of d/s No. 51

I. Sh. Kamushkina


Option No. 8


Koreshkova Larisa Nikolaevna,

cook of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 11, Chebarkul

for active participation in organizing and conducting

annual city professional skills competition

"Chebarkul culinary specialists"

by profession "Cook"

high professionalism, creative thinking

and popularization of labor

catering workers.

Deputy Chairman of Chebarkul

city ​​administration,

Chairman of the competition organizing committee

V. G. Lobushkin

Option No. 9


Preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 14 “Planet of Fairy Tales”

for excellent quality of cooking,

aesthetic presentation of dishes,

high professional skill,

and sensitivity to the individual needs of pupils.

And about. Head of Preschool Educational Institution No. 14

P. D. Zaitseva

Option No. 10


Tushentsova Olga Varlamovna,

cook GBOU "Lyceum No. 18" Tuapse

for professionalism, high service culture,

active participation in the introduction of modern working methods

in organizing the activities of the institution’s canteen.

Director of State Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum No. 18"

A. N. Kiseleva

Option No. 11


Belyaeva Valentina Stepanovna

cook MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8"

for a responsible approach to catering

at the summer children's camp "Lesnoy".

Head of the camp

E. O. Rybakov


Option No. 12

Administration of the municipal

educational institution

“Koltush secondary school named after ak. I. P. Pavlova"

Vsevolozhsk district


Bulochkina Yulia Yakovlevna

for conscientious work,

caring attitude towards work,

punctuality and initiative

when organizing meals for schoolchildren.


I. B. Likhanova

Option No. 13


MBOU "Secondary school No. 870", St. Petersburg

Gornostaeva Lyudmila Borisovna,

for his great personal contribution to the development

healthy generation of students.

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 870

V. T. Zhitukhina

Saint Petersburg

Option No. 14


Gushchina Daria Vladimirovna

1st place winner

among the chefs

at the XIII regional

professional competition

"The best representative of the profession

catering industry"

in the “Hot Food” category.

Chairman of the organizing committee

T. Zh. Shmelev


Option No. 15


Dragunova Ulyana Olegovna

cook 4th category MBOU secondary school No. 89,

employee of School Nutrition Plant LLC,

for winning the competition

"Best School Canteen Chef 2018"

among municipal educational institutions

Manturovo municipal district in 2018.

Order of the Education Department

Administration of Manturovsky

Municipal district

No. 539-l dated December 19, 2018


education department

T. E. Dubentsova


Option No. 16


Koltsova Svetlana Savelyevna

GBOU "Secondary school No. 53",

for a high service culture,

for the development of original methods and projects,

familiarizing students with the basics of proper nutrition,

desire and ability to actively transfer knowledge and experience of culinary art,

participation in the education of a new generation of literate and food-conscious citizens,

for a creative approach to work and the introduction of new forms and methods of work to study the relationships between nutrition and human health.

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 53

M. I. Davydova


Option No. 17


Karavaeva Marina Petrovna

cook MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2",

took 2nd place

in the regional competition

professional excellence

"Best Kindergarten Chef"

Chairman of the Committee on

education in Aleysk

B. D. Zhuchkina

Order No. 1603-AR dated December 17, 2018

Option No. 18

Administration of the city of Mendeleevsk


Prokofiev Anton Petrovich

chef of the restaurant "Nestor"

LLC "TorgInterCenter"

in the category “For professional excellence”

in the competition program

"Exotic dish"

city ​​culinary marathon.

Head of Administration

city ​​of Mendeleevsk

T. K. Petrov

Option No. 19

Administration of Pavlogradsky district


school canteen staff

Pavlograd Municipal Secondary School No. 9,

for active participation in school and district

events with the best performance

in organizing catering, providing services to students

with the title “Best school canteen of the Pavlograd region”

in a regional competition among enterprises


and in honor of the 93rd anniversary of the formation of the Pavlograd region.

Head of Administration

H. E. Sidorov

Option No. 20

Mikhailova Sofya Kharitonovna

GBOUSPO "Food College No. 33" Moscow

took 2nd place

in the interregional Olympiad

"Professional path"

in the direction of 01/21/02. Industrial ecology and biotechnology,

03/52/04. Service and tourism

in nomination

"Organization of the cooking process

and preparation of semi-finished products for complex culinary products"

Chairman of the organizing committee

interregional Olympiads

"Professional path"

Y. S. Razumova


Option No. 21


Chef at Bob's Restaurant

LLC "Kitchen-Star"

Ignatov Oleg Lukich

for active participation

as a member of the jury

in qualifying competitions

International Championship

in cooking and service

"Golden Plate - 2018"

Head of Administration

Trusovsky district

city ​​of Astrakhan

T. V. Toporkov

Option No. 22


Khleborobova Nina Ignatovna

for culinary art brought to perfection,

and also, for the ability to cook porridge from an axe,

julienne of one champignon,

foie gras from chicken giblets.

Conferred the title of “Genius Culinary Artist and Culinary Art Expert”!

Parent team of preschool educational institution No. 4

represented by the Chairman

M. Ya. Klyushkina


  • The main text is placed under the header (the top of the sheet), and it is laid out in the center of the page.
  • It is permissible to highlight individual words in the main text in bold and/or in capital letters(usually the word “awarded” is highlighted in capital letters, and the first and last name of the recipient, the place taken (if he participated in the competition), and other fragments of text at the discretion of the author can also be highlighted in bold letters).
  • At the end of the main text, in the center or on the left edge, indicate the number (series) and date of the order, if any.
  • After the main text (and order number), on the left edge of the page, the position of the responsible person is placed.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge of the page, indicate the surname (the initial letters of the name are indicated before the surname, and not after it).
  • Between the position and surname, in the center of the page, place the seal of the organization and a personal signature.
  • The name is indicated at the bottom of the sheet settlement and date. The date can be shortened, leaving only the month and year, or only the year of award.
  • If the text has already mentioned the name of the locality (for example, in the case where the name of the organization in which the awarded employee works was indicated in full, along with the name of the city), it is allowed not to repeat it at the end of the page. See how in the samples (sometimes indicated, sometimes not. Both options are acceptable).
  • If the required text is not found on the page, use the universal text of the certificate for or for.
  • For your own words, use a special selection.
  • Texts on behalf of parents or the parent committee (in kindergarten and school) can be written in a less formal style. An example of such text is sample No. 22.

In contact with


Hello, in this article we will try to answer the question “Characteristics for a chef, sample for an award.” You can also consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

During Olga Dmitrievna Sergeeva’s work as a senior cook, all audits and inspections carried out, including by supervisory authorities, did not reveal any violations.
In 2011, at the All-Russian practical seminar for students of the agro-industrial complex and PPRO on the topic “Communicative orientation of teaching in educational process secondary school» was carried out by her Classroom hour–discussion “A friend is someone who is nearby.” All events were highly appreciated by colleagues.

Example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to an employee

In the educational team, Anastasia Vladimirovna developed friendly relations; no conflict situations arose. She is independent, sociable, and has her own opinion on many issues, which she knows how to defend. On the DOCUMENT EXCHANGE service, you can find or select a suitable document for yourself or your situation, or post your own, independently compiled document, taking care of compatriots who find themselves in a situation similar to yours. If you think that you spent a lot of time, effort, intellectual, and other material and intangible resources on drawing up a document, then you can determine the price of the document for the subsequent user and receive income from your intellectual work, thereby compensating for the costs incurred or losses . Or you can present the result of your work as a gift to people who can download the document for free, without registration.

A chef's job description may be required for completely different purposes. For example, for employment at another place of work, when going to the military registration and enlistment office or for obtaining a visa, etc.
All about how to correctly write a characteristic (sample). Characteristics of Petr Vasilyevich Ivanov, born in 1986, student of class 10-A at secondary school No. 1 in the city. awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal). June 9, 2010. The following competitions are especially useful for beginners: game uniform will help. the winning dish (with the chef's name) on the cafe menu. less than a year, reviews from heads of departments in which. sales representative of the year" and is awarded a certificate and valuable prizes. Somewhat earlier, a Decree was adopted to award them with the Certificate of the Presidium. cook corporal Parkhomchuk, manual escort operators Loboda, Melnichuk. It was possible to take out samples of equipment for study, and as for people, even Soviet ones.

During the period of work at the school, she established herself as a competent and qualified specialist, an effective leader, attentive to the needs of her subordinates. She is distinguished by a conscientious, responsible attitude to her immediate work.

During the period of work at the school, she established herself as a competent and qualified specialist, an effective leader, attentive to the needs of her subordinates. She is distinguished by a conscientious, responsible attitude to her immediate work. She has been managing the canteen team for many years and can find an individual approach to each employee. Demanding of herself and her subordinates.

A chef's job description is an official document that can provide an objective assessment of his work activity, as well as describe and evaluate the employee's personal qualities.
Describe the employee's work history and professional achievements and success. Do not forget that the cook must know the technology for preparing various culinary products, the requirements for the quality of dishes and products, the terms and conditions of their storage. He must also be familiar with the purpose of various products (meat, poultry, seafood, etc.), with the rules for operating technological equipment and with their design.

Presentation for a chef's certificate of honor

Issued to Olga Dmitrievna Sergeeva, born February 20, 1988, who has been working as a senior cook at the Royal restaurant since May 1, 2010.

General characteristics of categories of public law disputes. awarding a valuable gift awarding a diploma of honor inclusion in... for outstanding services in the state, production, public, scientific. and an award sheet of the established form, approved by the Commission. How to write a characteristic for. even for certificates of honor. for rewarding.

For his services, Alexander Kalyuta was awarded the Order of the Red Star. There is also a letter personally signed by Yuri Andropov. February 28, 2014. and the coming years. An awards ceremony also took place during the meeting. The certificate was received by the team of the central department. February 13, 2014. The commander was served tea by cook Matka. Suvorov loved black tea. Here is an exact description of the actions of the troops under the command of the same. Speaking about his other, much less rich awards, he, as a rule. Unfortunately, these examples of award-winning edged weapons from the 18th century are before ours. of the Council, Ivan Aleksandrovich Kiselev was awarded the medal “For Defense. certificates for rationalization proposals. Long lasting.

She is able to work well in any environment, while always maintaining optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards her work, towards her children and towards her colleagues. In unexpected situations, he remains cool and calm.

Maintains a good level of work discipline in the team. N.N. - an experienced chef. He knows how to quickly and efficiently prepare a large assortment of delicious dishes from the most ordinary products. This skill is of great importance in a boarding school environment, because... orphans live here around the clock.
She has accumulated a huge distribution and didactic material on a subject that is systematized, carefully preserved, and regularly updated.

All materials posted on the site were created by the authors of the site or posted by users of the site and are presented on the site for informational purposes only. Copyrights for materials belong to their legal authors. Partial or complete copying of site materials without written permission from the site administration is prohibited! Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors.

On the 1st cover page: The last award on behalf of Soviet Union: Moscow. Let us briefly describe the characteristics of these restrictions and barriers. On February 9, 1879, the Kharkov governor D. Kropotkin was killed. We were talking about the children of “coachmen, footmen, cooks, laundresses, small shopkeepers, etc. The governor began a long, very careful search for relatives. his wife Maria Ivanovna - then the reviews about them are unanimous and monotonous. Simon did not know how to read and write and therefore could not be assigned to any service. with Princess Elizabeth and sister, visits the chamberlain, pages, cooks, etc. 11 Jul 2014.

Details You cannot abbreviate words in an official document. Here the free way of writing predominates, taking into account, however, specific requirements for the language, the order of presentation and the structure of the text. For example: higher education, graduated with honors from Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1978 with a degree in physics with the qualification of a secondary school teacher.

They are probably all listed in the personal file materials and work book, which must be carefully, by date, transferred to the appropriate column: teacher-methodologist, assigned highest category, certificates, gratitude, diplomas and the like.

In 1981 she graduated from the professional Izhevsk culinary school. In 2005 N.N. improved her skills at advanced training courses at the State Educational Institution of Education and Science "Professional Lyceum of Culinary Arts" No. 38 in the specialty "Cook", seminars and meetings in the region.

Olga Dmitrievna Sergeeva went to work at the Royal restaurant as an assistant cook. Three years later she already held the position of senior chef. During her work, Olga Dmitrievna Sergeeva has established herself as a neat and responsible worker who strives for order. He knows very well the technology of preparing various dishes and follows it, and also takes into account in his work the requirements for the quality of culinary products, the terms and conditions of their storage.

Characteristics for a dhow cook for awarding a certificate of honor, sample

Civil Defense Day at the Lyceum and presented a certificate to group 211 “Cook” for. Lubentsov Alexander Grigorievich awarded the Order Red Star. The guys plunged into history and carefully studied antique samples. July 11, 2014. The Ukrainian army is fleeing from Prigozhin’s cook, oligarch Malofeev. There is no doubt that the young people who received awards and certificates from. And here is the description of the main positive characters: “The owners. what types of gas turbine technology we will develop, produce, etc. To award the winners in the category “Best Turner of 2013” ​​at. In the nomination “Best Chef of 2013”, third place was shared by chefs 4. Basic and welding materials (classification, characteristics, etc. February 8, 2012. The state needed samples of instruments, electronic equipment, etc. at any cost.
Has... qualification category. Total teaching experience… years. The teacher is fluent in modern psychological and pedagogical concepts of teaching and upbringing, follows new developments methodological literature and, most importantly, uses them as a basis in his pedagogical activity, which allows us to successfully solve the problems of teaching and educating schoolchildren. Teaching style. are distinguished by a scientific and practical orientation, dedication and perseverance in the formation of deep and lasting knowledge of the subject, sustainable skills and abilities in students. The teacher's lessons are always thoughtful, carefully planned, and emotionally charged.

Login to the site By the meeting of the labor collective of the PDP “Design Institute” of the RUE “Vitebsk DSK”, protocol No. 1 of 01/08/2008 for submission to the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus. Description: On awarding the Certificate of Honor of the State Duma. Apr 2013 “The material contains a sample of writing a characteristic. April 1, 2013 Certificate of Honor from the Governor of the Murmansk Region. 16. 1. reference for the recipient in the form (text volume - at least 1 page) 2. petition for an award addressed to the head of the Education Department. Certificate of honor, Letter of thanks Governor of Moscow. funds for a savings book in accordance with the sample (represents a special form, fixed in a frame with a glass award. Characteristics of the director of a municipal educational institution (hereinafter. The Certificate of Honor of the Governor of the region is awarded to citizens who have. Gratitude. Anna Alexandrovna, cook.

Sample characteristics for awarding

Login to the site By the meeting of the labor collective of the PDP “Design Institute” of the RUE “Vitebsk DSK”, protocol No. 1 of 01/08/2008 for submission to the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus. Beltransstroy" where he was sent after graduating from the Belarusian Institute of Railway Transport.
License to exercise educational activities: No. 5201 dated 04/02/2018.

Ministry of Trade and Consumer Services of the Udmurt Republic. These funds were used to purchase dishes and equipment for the canteen.
The following are listed scientific works And methodological developments, which were created by Petr Sidorovich Ivanov over many years of work. It is advisable to indicate them by publication date. CHARACTERISTICS Shpinkov Viktor Nikolaevich, born in 1939, Russian higher education Shpinkov V.N. That is why the school staff recommends Ivanova P.S. to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science.

An employee often participates in advanced training seminars, as well as professional competitions, where he confirms his level of professionalism with diplomas and awards.

He knows how to quickly and efficiently prepare a large assortment of delicious dishes from the most ordinary products. This skill is of great importance in a boarding school environment, because... orphans live here around the clock. During her career, she has repeatedly received verbal gratitude from the administration, school guests, teachers and children for deliciously prepared and aesthetically presented lunches. In her practice, she takes into account the characteristics of pupils with special health needs and knows how to resolve conflict situations during meal times.

Every year he shares his experience of working with colleagues at regional seminars and workshops for mathematics teachers: “Application innovative technologies in the structure modern lesson"(2008), "Formation of key competencies of students in mathematics lessons as a condition for ensuring a new quality of education" (2010), "Formation of the creative potential of teachers and students in the context of developmental education as a way to improve the quality of education" (2011) . She conducted a workshop lesson “Actions with ordinary fractions"(2008), workshop lesson on the topic "Parallelogram" (2010), generalizing lesson

Chef characteristics

Maintains a good level of work discipline in the team. N.N. - an experienced chef. He knows how to quickly and efficiently prepare a large assortment of delicious dishes from the most ordinary products. This skill is of great importance in a boarding school environment, because... orphans live here around the clock.

During her career, she has repeatedly received verbal gratitude from the administration, school guests, teachers and children for deliciously prepared and aesthetically presented lunches.

In her practice, she takes into account the characteristics of pupils with special health needs and knows how to resolve conflict situations during meal times.

He often conducts explanatory conversations about the profession of a cook, its requirements and the importance of good nutrition for a person.

N.N.N. energetic, sociable, professionally competent in her work. She is able to work well in any environment, while always maintaining optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards her work, towards her children and towards her colleagues.

Characteristics for awarding a diploma of honor: sample and procedure for drawing up

Current labor legislation encourages the use by employers of various methods of rewarding the labor achievements of employees. There are two types of incentives - financial and non-material incentives.

In special cases, a positively distinguished employee may receive a certificate of honor along with a monetary payment for his labor merits. Each enterprise must have local documents regulating the process of stimulating employees to improve the productivity of the labor process.

In the case where the award ceremony is held to motivate staff, the employer needs to prepare a number of additional acts that will reflect the essence of this process.

In this article, we propose to consider an example of characteristics for awarding a diploma of honor from the ministry and other cases of rewarding labor merits.

The procedure for awarding an employee with any distinction requires the preparation of certain documents.

The employee profile belongs to the category of local documents, which contains information about the personal and personal qualities of the employee. Many employers, when hiring a new employee, often ask to present this document issued at the last workplace.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in some cases this document reveals not only the positive, but also the negative sides of a person.

In the work of the personnel department, similar papers are often used. Drawing up a character reference for an employee may be required when awarding an incentive award to the latter. The award may take the form of either a financial reward or a certificate of honor.

The characteristic required for awarding a certificate of honor contains information about the employee’s labor achievements and merits and is the basis for encouragement.

In addition to the above information, the form in question must contain information about the person’s personal and professional qualities.

Incentives from company management are one of the best incentives for employees to increase their productivity at work. Each employer is given the right to independently choose methods of staff remuneration. The following types of incentives can be used for this purpose:

  1. Public recognition of the labor achievements of a particular employee.
  2. Informing staff about the performance of a particular employee by posting a photograph on an information board (honor board).
  3. Providing the best working conditions for distinguished employees.
  4. Providing an extraordinary day off.
  5. Financial reward or valuable gift.
  6. Awarding a certificate of honor.

The regulations established within the enterprise regulate the process of rewarding personnel.

In some organizations, the company administration uses a combination of several of the above promotion methods.

The employee with the highest performance indicators may be awarded a certificate of honor and a cash bonus, and his photograph will be placed on the honor board.


Chef of MKOU "Zavyalovskaya special (correctional)

boarding school of the VIII type"


N.N.N. works at MKOU "Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school VIII type" from 09.29.97 as a chef. In 1981 she graduated from the professional Izhevsk culinary school.

In 2005 N.N. improved her skills at advanced training courses at the State Educational Institution of Education and Science "Professional Lyceum of Culinary Arts" No. 38 in the specialty "Cook", seminars and meetings in the region.

During the period of work at the school, she established herself as a competent and qualified specialist, an effective leader, attentive to the needs of her subordinates. She is distinguished by a conscientious, responsible attitude to her immediate work. She has been managing the canteen team for many years and can find an individual approach to each employee. Demanding of herself and her subordinates. Maintains a good level of work discipline in the team.

N.N.- an experienced chef. He knows how to quickly and efficiently prepare a large assortment of delicious dishes from the most ordinary products. This skill is of great importance in a boarding school environment, because... orphans live here around the clock. During her career, she has repeatedly received verbal gratitude from the administration, school guests, teachers and children for deliciously prepared and aesthetically presented lunches. In her practice, she takes into account the characteristics of pupils with special health needs and knows how to resolve conflict situations during meal times. He often conducts explanatory conversations about the profession of a cook, its requirements and the importance of good nutrition for a person.

N.N.N. energetic, sociable, professionally competent in her work. She is able to work well in any environment, while always maintaining optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards her work, towards her children and towards her colleagues. In unexpected situations, he remains cool and calm. Her maturity and ability to control emotions, analyze the situation and accept correct solution- do not alienate colleagues, but evoke sincere respect for the leader.

N.N. shows a desire to improve the level of his professional knowledge and education. In May 2011, the school canteen team, led byN.N.N. took part in the Republican competition “Best catering organization in educational institutions– 2011" in the category "Best catering in educational institutions of the municipal district", received a Diploma II degrees, cup and Certificate for 8,000 rubles. Ministry of Trade and Consumer Services of the Udmurt Republic. These funds were used to purchase dishes and equipment for the canteen. In the regional competition, in the same nomination, a diploma was awarded to the Administration of the municipal formation “Zavyalovsky District” - for 1st place.

N.N. She is always friendly in communication and enjoys undeniable respect among the students and staff of the school. For many years of work, she was repeatedly awarded with diplomas from the administration and trade union committee of the school, in 2007 with a Certificate of Honor from the municipal formation “Zavyalovsky District”, in 2011 with a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Trade and Consumer Services of the Udmurt Republic.

Head teacher:
