The iq test is non-standard. The shortest intelligence test, it has only three questions. How to find out your IQ for free

IN Lately Various tests for determining intelligence quotient or IQ tests (IQ - intelligence quotient, read IQ) are becoming increasingly popular. They are carried out not only for entertainment. Some employers and educational institutions have included such tests in their admissions programs. What does this give and how to check your IQ (IQ)?


The abbreviation IQ denotes a quantitative assessment of the intellectual abilities of the person being tested in relation to the level mental development the average person of this age.

This abbreviation was first used at the beginning of the last century in the Stanford-Binet scale.

What is intelligence? Translated from Latin, intellectus means understanding, perception, sensation. This is the quality of our psyche that helps us adapt to new circumstances. Thanks to mental abilities, we can adapt faster, learn new things and apply knowledge in practice. Mental abilities are divided into innate and acquired.

Innate abilities play big role in our life. They are formed under the influence of genetics and begin to appear in childhood. Primary intuition is not related to mental functions and does not depend on our skills. It is believed that it is formed on the basis of the architectonics of the cerebral cortex. Acquired abilities are what we will achieve throughout our lives.

IQ is influenced by:

  • individual genes;
  • heredity;
  • external factors.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then the last point raises many questions.

Scientists have found that mental abilities can be affected by: environment, food, race and even country of residence. The highest rate is among Jews, followed by Asians, and then only people of the white race. Therefore, some are considered smarter simply by nature, because they were born “in the right place.”

Nutrition is also a very important component of the full and comprehensive development of an individual. It has been proven that a lack of iodine in a teenager’s body reduces intelligence by almost 10 points, but breastfeeding helps increase the score by 7 points. True, disputes on this issue still do not subside, since every scientist has his own opinion.

But don’t despair, there are exceptions to every rule.

It’s not difficult to check your IQ, the main thing is to know how.


You can test your mental abilities on your own or under the supervision of a psychologist. For this purpose, various tests have long been developed that allow you to identify the hidden resources of your mind and show everyone what you are capable of. Each of them has tasks of varying complexity.

They are usually arranged in ascending order, from easy to more complex. Points are awarded for each answer option. The maximum number is 180. Tests are divided by age, each category has its own scale of results.

The most common questionnaire is the Eysenck test. In addition, the methods of R. Amthauer, D. Wexler, R. Cattell and J. Raven are often used. They are more accurate. You don't have to choose just one option. To test your mental abilities, you can take all the proposed tests. The average result will most objectively show your IQ.

Tests can be found on the Internet and taken online. However, before starting the inspection, it is better to carefully read the conditions. Some resources offer to take the test for free, but to get results you will have to pay money. There are options without paying, you just need to search online.

Unfortunately, all these developments will not show 100% reliable results. A lot during the test depends on the level of reading and outlook of the person being tested. Negative influence the quality of the test can be affected by poor health or fatigue, so taking the test twice, you can get completely different results.

Intelligence level is a sensitive parameter. People tend to consider themselves smarter than others, and yet they want to test their level of intelligence to make sure and be rightfully proud. On the other hand, there is always a risk that the IQ test will show a less than pleasant result. How to be? How to check your IQ without harming your self-esteem? Try to do this anonymously so you don't have to tell anyone your IQ test result. The Internet allows you to check your iq online without registration. But be careful and do not agree to pay for testing: look for free IQ tests, of which there are also enough.

Modern technologies have made the work of psychologists, teachers, and human resources workers much easier, who use intelligence tests in their professional activity. Experts use methods to check the IQ of children and adults, taking into account the level of education and other social characteristics. The average person doesn't need to go into such detail. Popular intelligence tests allow you to both test your IQ and compare it with average values ​​and indicators of other people to get an idea of ​​your level of intelligence.

What is IQ? How is intelligence measured?
To assess the level of intelligence, it is customary to use the so-called IQ. IQ, or, in Russian transcription, aikyu, is its abbreviation, introduced into use for convenience. The popularization of the concept of IQ has reached the point where many people misunderstand this characteristic and believe that they can simply check their IQ once and for all. In fact, intelligence tests are designed differently. To use them and interpret the results, you need to take into account certain features:

  • The IQ test was originally developed for medical purposes. With its help, the IQ of children was checked to determine mental retardation. Today, more than a century later, a low intelligence level is considered to be below 70 points.
  • An IQ below 70 is considered an indicator of mental retardation, but test results should not be taken as a definitive assessment of intellectual ability. The results of an IQ test are affected by fatigue, health status and other temporary factors.
  • Objectively, the level of intelligence is influenced by health status, heredity, the environment (political situation in the country, standard of living, etc.), as well as the presence of some specific genes, race and even gender.
The IQ indicator is relative, not absolute. It is necessary to perceive the level of intelligence in conjunction with the age of the person being tested, otherwise the results will be inadequate. For example, checking the IQ of a child and an adult may ultimately give the same number of points. This does not mean that a 5-year-old and a 25-year-old are at the same level of development and/or have the same knowledge. IQ does not show erudition, but intellectual potential and compliance normal level development in their age category. This means that to check your IQ and your child’s IQ, you will have to take different tests.

High and low level of intelligence. Types of IQ tests
There is no single universal test for iq. But there are several test options that allow you to test your IQ. They contain quite standard tasks to test the level of intelligence. The tests are aimed at logical thinking and contain simple questions from different areas of knowledge: arithmetic examples alternate with letter puzzles and combinations of geometric shapes. Today in open access There are different tests to test intelligence:

  • Eysenck tests are the most popular. They include 8 verification options at once. All 8 Eysenck tests are designed for adults (18-50 years old) who have received at least secondary education. Eysenck tests can be considered universal because they create equal conditions for people with a mathematical and humanitarian mindset. Despite the fact that Eysenck intelligence tests are often criticized for their simplicity and bias, IQ testing usually means these tests.
  • Intelligence tests developed by D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer are newer, more accurate and more complex. For example, the Wechsler test contains 11 specialized subsections. They examine the general stock of knowledge, the ability for analytical thinking, concentration and abstraction, memorization, synthesis and other characteristics mental activity. The Wechsler test is known worldwide by the acronyms WAIS and WISC.
  • Child intelligence tests are designed in the form of fascinating puzzles and bright pictures. Child psychologists use them as a professional tool, but every parent can find a children's IQ test online or in the media to entertain their child. Testing your child's intelligence at home should not be taken seriously. Just let your child have fun solving riddles and encourage his interest in such mental simulators.
It doesn't matter what grade you got in math or grammar on your school report card. Each test is designed in such a way that all skills are balanced. But for greater objectivity, it is advisable to take not one, but several IQ tests. Then their average result can be considered more or less reliable.

How to test your intelligence level? How to pass the IQ test?
It is better to check your IQ alone, in a calm environment and in a good mood. There is no need to prepare specially for the IQ test; on the contrary, try to relax and not give too much attention to what is happening. of great importance. Select free time, when no one will distract you, sit comfortably at your computer and start checking. Using the Eysenck test as an example, we will show you how to effectively pass the IQ test:

  1. Start your iq test rested and healthy. At the end of the day, after hard work or early in the morning, half asleep, the test results will be lower than actual ones.
  2. The Eysenck test consists of 40 questions, the complexity of which gradually increases. You cannot skip questions; you will have to answer each one. If you are not sure of the correct answer, choose the most likely option in your opinion.
  3. You have exactly half an hour to complete the Eysenck test. You have the right to complete the test faster, but you cannot spend more than 30 minutes on an intelligence test using the Eysenck method.
Despite the apparent simplicity, some questions can cause difficulties. If you are taking the test online, then the temptation to find ready-made IQ test answers will be very great. Of course, no one will catch your hand and prevent you from using the tips. But in this case, the test results will only show your level of cunning, but not intelligence.

How to find out your intelligence level using a test? IQ test results
Intelligence test results will be shown as a two or three digit number. Most likely, an explanatory comment will appear next to them. And if not, be guided by this interpretation:

  • The normal IQ value is about 100 points. On average, most people (about half of all test takers) score between 90 and 110.
  • An IQ score of less than 90 points occurs in approximately 25% of test takers. If we consider the sample representative, then we can say that a quarter of people have a level of intelligence below average. However, do not forget about possible errors and interference that distort the results of iq tests.
  • High level of intelligence – iq110 and above. Few outstanding personalities could boast of such a result. In particular, Stephen Hawking's IQ is 160, Einstein's IQ is 175, Garry Kasparov's IQ is 180. Try it, maybe you can surpass their results?
Be aware that many available online intelligence tests inflate scores slightly to flatter users. In addition, Eysenck tests and similar questionnaires for self-testing IQ are often criticized by scientists: they say that not all questions are formulated correctly, and some tasks do not have a correct answer at all. Well, maybe that's the point of testing. While taking the test, you find yourself in non-standard conditions where you have to use intuition, ingenuity and deductive method, which best characterizes not erudition, but precisely logical thinking. Good luck to you, extraordinary decisions and high test results!

IQ test

The IQ test uses exercises on arithmetic calculation, handling logical series, ability to complete geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorize facts, manipulate letters in words, memorize technical drawings. After passing the test, you will see a graph with average values ​​for different ages and a mark about your IQ value, and you will also be able to find out the correct answers.

General Verbal Test

Verbal giftedness - mastery of lexicographic skills - understanding the meaning of words and the ability to use them effectively. People with high level Those with verbal skills often achieve success in professional fields related to the written word (writer, journalist, editor, critic), in teaching, in the legal industry, and this also includes actors, psychologists, translators and interviewers.

Eysenck test No. 1

Dr. Eysenck developed an intelligence quotient (IQ) test in the mid-20th century. His tests provide the most accurate IQ measurement. When tested based on typical modern intelligence test about 50% of the population has an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% is below 90. (A score of 100 is the average for the sample). And only 14.5% of people have an IQ from 110 to 120, 7% - from 120 to 130, 3% - from 130 to 140. And no more than 0.5% of the population have an IQ of more than 140.

Think logically! Can you?

The concept of “logical”, i.e. analytical, or deductive, can be used in relation to a person who is characterized by the ability to make inferences or the ability to build an orderly and convincing argument.

IQ test No. 1 (brain explosion)

IQ (translation from English intelligence quotient) - amount of intelligence (CI), intellectual art, mental alertness, work of thought. In Russia, the term IQ has taken root - a quantitative assessment of a person’s level of intelligence relative to the average person of the same age. IQ tests measure thinking ability, not knowledge (“sophistication”). The IQ test uses exercises on arithmetic calculation, handling logical series, the ability to complete a geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorizing facts, manipulating letters in words, memorizing technical drawings. Tests not only show your CI, but also reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the greater the reserves hidden in you. By identifying gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and increase your CI.

IQ test No. 5 (the simplest)

IQ test assesses the level of mental development. The tasks are distributed according to difficulty level, each of which is standardized. Tests not only show your IQ, but also reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, imaginative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the greater the reserves hidden in you. By identifying gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and raise your IQ.

Spatial perception

Spatial awareness refers to the perceptual and cognitive ability that enables activities involving three-dimensional space. People who score high on the spatial awareness test often excel in professional fields such as architecture, photography, technical design and decoration; In addition, such people can be good artists, carpenters, landscape designers, animators, tour guides, fashion designers and engineers.

Erudition is self-education and regular assimilation of information. Higher education does not provide the knowledge of an erudite. People who independently engage in their education have extraordinary intelligence and almost always understand exact sciences and speak foreign languages.

IQ level is not the only indicator of a person's intelligence. A person’s mental abilities must be judged by a combination of parameters. One of the most important components is verbal intelligence, which denotes the ability to speak, semantic, and pragmatic components.

People love riddles and answers too. Observing the movements and flow of thoughts at the gaming table “What? Where? When?" on TV, viewers also wiggle their brains, trying to get ahead of the experts. Useful gymnastics, but it’s difficult to surpass pro-erudites.

Your dog can be a genius or lazy and slow-witted - that won't make you love him any less. When completing tasks, do not even think about getting angry and punishing the dog - according to intellectual development it is equal to a child aged 2-2.5 years. Try to remember yourself at this age.

Can you exchange knowing glances with your cat? How often do you talk? What, you think there’s nothing to talk about with a cat?! Yes, you are simply not able to understand her language and say thank you that they continue to love you! After all, cats have an angelic character.

Erudition is knowledge in various fields, a voluntary and conscious desire to receive and assimilate new information. Even training in the best educational institutions does not make a person erudite, it gives professional knowledge and fundamentals of science.

Solving problems with digital sequences requires logical thinking. The relationship between numbers must be analyzed and applied to determine the algorithm. Such puzzles seem childishly simple to some, but become unsolvable to others.

The imagery of the Russian language is amazing - words in it often express more than they directly mean. With such wealth, many suffer from tongue-tiedness, cannot put their thoughts into a worthy form and fill in the gaps, at best, with gestures.

Logic is a capricious and confusing science, but this does not apply to basic knowledge. To master the basics, you don’t need to cram textbooks and experiment, just take note, for example, that a cause is always followed by an effect, a larger one will interfere with a smaller one, etc.

Testing to determine IQ level helps identify people who require special conditions for learning. For example, for children with an above-average level, it makes sense to teach them a more complex program, but for children with a low level, it is worth paying more attention to the child so that he learns the program material.

Proverbs usually have no authors; even if the phrase belongs to some author, it flows so organically into the general consciousness that it becomes popular. Sometimes, over time, part of a phrase “dries up,” but it can change the meaning of what was said.

Smartness tests are loved by those who can quickly find solutions. Slow-witted people may be more educated and smarter, but they lose in such competitions, so they pretend that they have no time to worry about trifles. The test can be taken without anyone noticing.

Intelligence can be expressed in the ability to abstract thinking or have a practical orientation - it depends on the personality type. It hardly makes sense to compare these methods of perception, but they are united by a tendency towards cognition and the ability to systematize and apply information.

In the process of thinking, we process information coming from the outside world, and thanks to logic we can find a reasonable explanation of phenomena, consciously make decisions and clearly express our thoughts. Develop boolean type thinking is helped by specially designed puzzles and tasks.

It is unlikely that you will guess who the black ezdin is who rides on the stove, because it is a stove grip, which can only be seen in films about Russian antiquity. But many Russian riddles are still understandable, although they contain outdated words.

Each language reflects its own picture of the world - this is what linguists believe. Funny foreign words cannot prevent us from communicating, but they create the impression of gaiety, which is not there at all. Do you know what these words mean?

After numerous studies, experts received the following results:

  • 50% of people showed an IQ level of 90 to 110;
  • 25% - above 110;
  • 25% - below 90;
  • The most common score is 100 points;
  • 14.5% of those tested had an IQ ranging from 110 to 120;
  • 7% of those tested scored 120-130 points;
  • 3% - 130-140;
  • Only 0.5% of people were able to demonstrate a level above 140 points;
  • An IQ level below 70 can be considered mental retardation;
  • Most American high school students score 115, with honors students having the most common score of 135–140;
  • The lowest results are among young people under 19 years of age and older people over 60 years of age.

Since one of the main conditions for passing the test is a time limit, we can say that the IQ level does not indicate the ability to think original or logically, but the speed of thought processes.

The career guidance test is a set of questions, answering which as honestly as possible, a person undergoes objective testing of emotional and professional preferences, which allows you to make a choice future profession. Career guidance helps to identify a person’s interests and inclination towards a certain field of activity.

Career guidance tests broaden a person’s horizons in the world of professions and determine his possible place in it.

Career guidance allows you to:

  • determine your professional inclinations and abilities;
  • identify character traits and personal qualities;
  • clarify the level of development of your abilities;
  • choose a field of professional activity.

Choosing a profession is the most important stage in the life of any person. From the right choice Your future profession depends on your entire future life. And the first step in this matter is testing. Many organizations charge a lot of money for this. But we offer you a career guidance test for free. Schoolchildren are recommended to determine their future profession in high school, starting in the 8th grade and every year, in order to observe a change in preferences or, conversely, confirmation of a confident choice. Testing should take place in a calm environment. You should not start testing after excursions to enterprises, meetings with representatives of professions or trips to the cinema, which can impress the student and push him to an unconscious choice of profession. In this case, the teenager can receive only positive emotions without a full understanding of the profession.

Career guidance test

Career guidance takes into account the age characteristics of people. It is very important for schoolchildren when choosing a profession. However, it will also make it clear to adults during the period of changing profession or position. It is very important to select up-to-date tests that are suitable for specific situation. For example, before starting a job, you can choose and independently take a test to determine personal qualities requirements that the position requires: this is not only professional suitability, attentiveness, memory, but also the ability to make responsible decisions, manage people, the ability to work in a team or alone. Don’t be afraid to act and change your profession, despite your age, place of residence, social status, family. After all, life provides many opportunities!

We offer career guidance tests that will help you choose your future profession. You can take them online absolutely free.
