Which military unit has the most Caucasians? North Caucasus through the centuries. Naima Neflyasheva. Which nations are not conscripted into the army?

You can't make a dog out of a wolf (words from a Caucasian song)

The well-known and very respected publicist Pyotr Akopov wrote an article entitled "The Russian army is capable of raising a new elite of the Caucasian republics". Here is the original address: http://vz.ru/politics/2016/4/12/805011.html. This is the only time so far that I disagree with him, at least with the title.

My opinion on this matter is this.

The Russian army will not be able to make the elite of the Caucasian republics something fundamentally different, more correct or “bigger better,” just as neither the Soviet nor the imperial armies succeeded. It's one thing when we're talking about about certain responsibilities in terms of being called up for active service, it’s another matter when someone hopes for something in connection with this. It’s absolutely not worth inventing the hope that after serving in the army, “Caucasians” will become more pro-Russian or begin to respect Russia and Russians a little more. This is due to the fact that the methods of secular nation state do not work in a tribal society of Islamic persuasion.

Methods from the nation state do not work in a tribal society

My personal experience being in the Caucasian information environment confirmed me in the idea that the Islamic peoples of the North Caucasus are not going to abandon the archaic structure of their society, they are not going to change in any way “in the Russian manner” (they prefer the “Arab style”). They are satisfied with their current special position in the Russian state and this psycho-ideological state is beneficial to them, both mentally and financially. Special status“those who cannot be touched because they will kill or maim” and “the diaspora will smear me anyway” - this is what the “Caucasian” majority needs.

If anything can seriously influence Caucasian societies, it is long-term work in agriculture or in industrial production.

The less half-robber, half-bandit, half-warrior, half-athlete in a “Caucasian”, the better.

"Caucasian" - worker - good, "Caucasian" - warrior - bad

Proximity to weapons, life according to the military model, the halo of a warrior - all this panders to the very same situation that developed among mountain peoples at the end of the 19th century, and this complicates integration processes, changes the course of social trends and affects the vector of the formation of meanings. Only cohabitation and joint peaceful, everyday work with Russians can seriously influence today’s “Caucasians” for the better, but this is precisely what is not being done today, and one or two years of service in the army does not change anything.

On this moment, “Caucasians” are very well aware that they are an annoying social problem in Russia, that the state follows their whims and horror stories and is trying to squeeze dividends out of this to the maximum. Being, in essence, hooligans on a national scale, they have learned to squeeze out “goodies” through intimidation tactics and a strategy of eternal discontent. This works out especially well in Chechnya, which is the leader of public opinion in the North Caucasus, which is secretly envied by the mountainous national republics surrounding Chechnya, and whose deliberately demonstrative “swimming in gold” and “boyish foiling of the Kremlin” inspires hope that it will be so freely and - Gorski will be able to live with any “Caucasian”.

“Caucasians” in Russia owe everything, everyone owes it

Dissatisfaction and resentment are regularly and very competently maintained in the Caucasian blogging community through LiveJournal and Facebook. Among “Caucasian” bloggers, there is a special breed of writers who keep their society in a tense state. There are people who daily, methodically and purposefully “spud” this topic, create fake accounts, form an imaginary public opinion, and engage in collective processing of the minds of those “who have strayed from the path of a true Caucasian.”

Specific public opinion and religion
many times stronger than an abstract state or national idea

Any “Caucasian” who has served in the army, has become a little Russified, will almost instantly be reforged back into a “proper Caucasian” under the influence of the mood in his information environment. Therefore, one should not hope that the new Russian army will create new “Caucasians” or, finally, make image mountaineers out of “Caucasians”.

Many soldiers and officers testify: it is very difficult to serve together with Caucasians. Highlanders, as a rule, do not obey orders and mock anyone who cannot stand up for themselves. The military department prefers to remain silent about the “Caucasian yoke” in the Russian Armed Forces until the next emergency.

The Chelyabinsk court recently sentenced private Zainalabid Gimbatov, a serviceman of military unit 69806 (Ural Military District). The private is accused of hazing with fellow soldiers. In addition, the native of the Caucasus is charged with Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 2, paragraph “a” (“Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity, committed with the use of violence”).

The military investigation department for the Chelyabinsk garrison established the following. In February 2011, Gimbatov arrived at the medical isolation ward of his unit. At the checkpoint, Gimbatov said that he was going to visit his colleagues. Several soldiers from his company were indeed being treated in the medical battalion. The serviceman named their names and ranks and was allowed into the detention center.

Gimbatov went into the isolation ward where the sick soldiers were lying. The private immediately felt superior to them. Firstly, because he was absolutely healthy, and secondly, because he was from Dagestan. Gimbatov guessed that the “Dags” in his unit were secretly disliked, and decided to get even for it. Gimbatov's gaze scanned the beds and settled on three soldiers of Slavic appearance.

The private ordered the sick soldiers to stand up. They initially refused, but the Dagestani used force. The soldiers reluctantly obeyed. Then Gimbatov took out mobile phone and turned on one of the melodies, a fighting lezginka. On the recording, the melody of a Caucasian dance alternated with machine gun shots, the howling of wolves and the roar of cannonade. Perhaps the hot-blooded Caucasian felt proud while listening to her, but a Russian person will not listen to such things. Moreover, the entry began with the words: “In the name of Allah! Dedicated to the warriors of jihad in the Caucasus.”

Gimbatov ordered the sick soldiers to dance. The soldiers refused. Then the Dagestani began to beat them. The sick servicemen obeyed and began to clumsily imitate a Caucasian dance. Gimbatov, sitting on a stool, watched the soldiers. He insulted them in every possible way, and if the soldiers lost their rhythm or moved incorrectly, he beat them.

The mockery of their colleagues was silently observed by the other soldiers undergoing treatment in the medical battalion. It seemed that the actions of the arrogant Caucasian and the suffering of their comrades did not concern them.

Gimbatov received a year for abusing sick soldiers disciplinary battalion. Disbat in the army is a cruel thing, but it is unknown whether it will “cure” Gimbatov. Such measures certainly cannot correct the situation as a whole. Because in the Russian armed forces there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such unpunished gimbatas. Against the backdrop of arrogant Caucasians, the universally reviled “hazing” seems like an innocent prank.

The author of one of the online books, who served as a conscript in the mid-90s, wrote about military personnel from the Caucasus as a “problem for the army.” According to the author, Caucasians, in particular natives of Dagestan, join the army in order to integrate into the army hierarchy in any way and establish military units their own rules:

“It all starts with “warming up” the “grandfathers”: vodka, a guitar, a promise to identify informers, keep order. They approach officers in the same way. The Dagestanis quickly manage to understand that it’s a waste to wash floors in the army, and they try in this regard take on the role of commanders in cleaning the barracks, so as not to wash themselves.They also argue for refusing to wash floors in the army by saying that their faith does not allow it, they must perform namaz (prayer) five times a day, this can only be done with clean hands, I never noticed them praying in the army.

If Dagestanis are hampered by officers and regulations, then they try to get to the part where the power of the officers is not very strong. And here they immediately take everything into their own hands. Dagestanis often try to become sergeants and take control of such vitally important facilities in the army as the quarters and canteen. They usually manage to establish their own rules in military units where there is no clear authority of officers."

According to the author, gangster chaos begins here. When the unit commander had a summer vacation, the servicemen from the Caucasus felt like they were the only authorities. Some of the “Dags” were commissioned, having agreed in advance with the medical unit, others simply went on an indefinite “AWOL.” Those who remained immediately got used to the situation and realized that anarchy was to their advantage: “Some were destroyed and plundered, there was no bathhouse for three weeks, unauthorized absence was the norm. (...) The Dagestanis got so comfortable that they used the soldiers for their own purposes, forced work in dachas, steal. The officers gave up command of some, and also recklessly used soldiers in construction work."

When the ill-fated unit 52386 was finally disbanded, many soldiers were transferred to military unit 41692. This unit was already “half under the control of the Dagestanis.” Despite the fact that there were at most 15 highlanders. The Dagestanis managed to “build” a unit due to the weakness of the officer’s power: “The Dagestanis imposed a tribute on everyone they could: for example, from every four people ten dollars a day. Whether they steal from objects or go shooting money is their business. The command was unable to take any measures against them. It is worth noting that everyone used this type of extortion, only the Dagestanis knew how to do it in a more organized manner."

Where the entire personnel was staffed by Caucasians, the officers also began to suffer: “Starley Budko said that when he served in a military unit, the entire personnel of which consisted of Dagestanis, the first thing he saw in the morning, opening the door from the office, - this is a mop flying at him."

This was in the 1990s. But this is what is happening in our time.

Not so long ago, the Chelyabinsk military commissar (when he was there) Nikolai Zakharov announced that there would no longer be conscription of Caucasians in his garrison. The military commissar said that this was not his personal decision, but an order of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces concerning all military districts of the country. Colonel Zakharov then said that the Ministry of Defense was concerned about the dominance of national gangs that terrorize military units. Therefore, in the spring of 2011, all natives of the Caucasus and Transcaucasian republics will not join the Russian army. In the Central Military District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk journalists received the following comment: “There are no oral orders from the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces regarding whether or not to conscript a certain contingent of persons, and there cannot be. Perhaps the military commissar at the meeting in Moscow misunderstood something, with an appropriate conversation will be held with him." Subsequently, Colonel Zakharov was relieved of his post as military commissar. And in means mass media news appeared that was exactly the opposite of the words of the Chelyabinsk colonel. According to a number of media outlets, the Russian military department has decided to sharply increase the recruitment of Dagestanis into the army. The media believed that this decision was caused by a shortage of conscripts from other regions and the Ministry of Defense decided to plug the gap in the last mass recruitment into the army with Dagestanis.

Pravda.Ru has repeatedly written about how natives of the Caucasus behave in military units. Let us recall only the most high-profile incidents that have occurred in recent years.

In the Baltic Fleet, Dagestani conscripts bullied their colleagues in every possible way. According to the case file, in August 2009, sailors Vitaly Shah, Gadzhibakhmud Kurbanov, Arag Eminov, Sirazhutdin Cheriev, Naib Taigibov, Islam Khamurzov, Jamal Temirbulatov beat about 15 fellow soldiers, and then forced them to lie on the ground so that the word KAVKAZ came out of their bodies . Before this crime, the “grandfathers” repeatedly robbed and beat conscripts.

The fraternities among immigrants from the Caucasus – “Caucasians” in terminology – stand apart Soviet army. Nowadays, in the army they are usually united under the common name “Dagestans” or “Dags”. It is fundamentally important that people from the Caucasus unite under any conditions and can even organize resistance to their grandfathers, as well as to the actual and official leaders of the unit. Moreover, Caucasians unite not only within one unit, but throughout the unit as a whole. At the same time, in any conditions, they rush to help their own, which is a manifestation of the national mentality (you can read more about it in the chapter “Army in the Caucasus”).

With a small number, Caucasians are relatively harmless, at least they do not violate the unity of the team, do not destroy the existing hierarchy of hazing or regulations. Their grandfathers are afraid of them and keep them at some distance, or include them among the privileged members of the unit. In any case, whether they are among the chosen ones or simply left to their own devices, Caucasians are distinguished by excessive and often senseless cruelty towards others. They have only two psychological models of behavior: they either recognize others as higher than themselves in status, or lower; In principle, they do not consider representatives of other nationalities as equals.

When there are too many Caucasians in a unit, the situation gets completely out of control. Caucasians completely crush hazing under themselves, ceasing to maintain relative neutrality with grandfathers, and deal a serious blow to the regulations, introducing their excessive cruelty into relations in the unit. Needless to say, they completely replace their grandfathers in the worst sense of the word and turn young people into personal slaves. And if with hazing such slavery is based to a large extent on a voluntary basis, on the understanding that the oppression will pass with service, then with the dominance of Caucasians, all representatives of other nationalities are doomed to a subordinate position until the very end of their service. Inequality thus takes on especially striking forms, without any admixture of social justice, when respect comes with service.

It gets to the point that the officers themselves treat Caucasians with fear, avoid them and do not take any measures to restore order. There is a strong belief in the army that a Caucasian is capable of any extreme, including simply stabbing an offender with a knife, regardless of his status. This belief did not arise out of nowhere; it is connected with the general “recklessness” in the extreme situation of the Caucasians, especially the Chechens. They are simply blown away, and they stop being guided by reason, completely surrendering to the instincts of a fighter. So, in principle, Slavic patience is not characteristic of the Caucasians, and they turn out to be foreign inclusions in the basically Slavic army.

The only control over Caucasians can be found only if the unit has a Caucasian grandfather, a contract soldier or an officer, who will immediately build a strict hierarchy among his own. Also, among Caucasians, a strong de facto leader may stand out, who will also build a rigid hierarchy, but it will be even more difficult to introduce him into the official hierarchy than grandfathers.

Nowadays they say a lot of flattering words about the white movement and the officers of the times Russian Empire However, they forget one interesting point in the social practice of our feudal ancestors: balanced nationalism. The overwhelming majority of officers of the Russian Empire were of Slavic nationality; the inclusion of Jews among them was an exceptional phenomenon. There were special qualifications for educational institutions on a national basis, moreover, these qualifications were aimed at limiting penetration into Slavic educational establishments foreigners, while the Soviet qualification, on the contrary, aimed to place immigrants from national republics in a privileged position.

But another aspect of imperial national policy is important for us. Indigenous peoples (including Samoyeds) of the Urals and Siberia, residents of Turkestan, foreigners of the Trans-Caspian region, Muslim peoples of the North Caucasus (paid a tax instead of service), residents of Finland (the state itself paid for them there is a fixed contribution to the treasury of the Russian Empire). Cossacks, close in spirit to the Caucasians, served only in special Cossack troops. And this is not the whole list. Here we can say that the Russian top leadership did not trust some of the conquered and constantly rebellious Caucasian peoples, but how then can we explain the exemption from conscription of a number of foreigners and Samoyeds? It can only be explained by a historically developed clear understanding that people who undermine the combat effectiveness of the Russian army have no place here. Too much at that time depended on the army (see the chapter “Some interesting features of the organization of the army of the Russian Empire”).

Thus, in the policy of the Russian Empire, which did not accept representatives of a number of Caucasian, Asian and Trans-Ural nationalities into the army, even in the conditions of universal conscription, there was a sober calculation and balanced national policy. Now all this is gone, and army personnel officers are forced to proceed from the officially accepted ideological postulate about the need to create all conditions for national republics to the detriment of national Russian interests. According to the official position of those in power, a people like the Russians with a special mentality does not exist in our country. In this regard, the government continues the policies of the USSR, which partly led to its defeat in the Cold War.

12/12/2012 /12:35/ This question is increasingly being discussed on the Internet. It is discussed by politicians, political scientists, experts, analysts, etc. etc.. Opinions vary extremely. Some believe that Caucasians, like all Russian citizens, should be drafted into the army. Others, apparently based on their personal hostility towards Caucasians, are categorically against their service in the ranks of the Russian armed forces.

In a situation where the issue of conscription into the army is acute in the country, the number of draft evaders is growing, the desire to serve in the army of healthy and strong guys, according to the logic of things, should be welcomed in every possible way, and not discourage them from serving the Motherland.

The Russian Ministry of Defense does not have a clear answer to this question either. And the policy of forming armed forces along ethnic lines borders on discrimination and can be extremely Negative consequences for the state.

If some “statesmen” had been given free rein, they would not only have banned Caucasians from joining the army, but would have driven them all into the ghetto.

There are a lot of so-called Russian patriots among these.

A considerable part of these “patriots” for the state have villas behind the “hillock”, a well-functioning business and accounts with funds stolen from the people with many zeros in offshore companies. Of course, they don’t need the Russian army to protect them...

What kind of “dogs” have not been broadcast to the Caucasians. Although it has long been obvious to a sensible person that all of Russia is sick and what we have in the regions are metastases of a nationwide disease. The entire Russian society needs to be treated.

And in such a sick society, a priori there cannot be a healthy army.

Some “experts” say that mass conscription of Caucasians into the army will lead to hazing in its worst form - on an ethnic basis. This is despite the fact that humiliating drills, executions and violence against soldiers in the Russian army are its birth defect and Caucasians have nothing to do with it.

All this is said as if in military units where there are no Caucasians, there is no hazing and violence.

In general, a strange situation is developing around the conscription of Caucasians into the army. When in the North Caucasian republics conscription into the army is limited or it is suspended in the media, a fuss begins - so, they say, “everyone serves, and these are special.” The call for military service begins, heated discussions begin again on the topic of whether they are needed there or not.

Conscripts from the Caucasus are accused of illiteracy, unwillingness to obey military regulations, and the fact that they refuse to perform household work unworthy of men; They are accused of establishing their own rules and even of lacking the concepts of military discipline, honor and duty.

Thus, according to some “experts” and “analysts”, an increase in the number of Caucasian conscripts will undermine the combat effectiveness of the Russian army. In this way they talk about everything, but not about the real reasons for the lack of order in the army.

By the way, I note that conscripts from the Caucasus have nothing to do with the emergency situation in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation...

Unlike many of their more “literate and advanced” compatriots, Caucasians did not sell their homeland for yachts and imported sausage. And the concepts of duty, honor and manhood in the Caucasus do not require artificial instillation; they are absorbed here with mother’s milk. The army is demoralized not by the Caucasians, but by the corruption that has permeated the Ministry of Defense, the negligence and carelessness of a certain part of the officer corps, aimed at extracting personal gain rather than serving the Fatherland. What are the efforts of officials from “Oboronservis” or designers from “Yudashkin” alone worth, due to whose fault the entire army has been freezing for many years now...

The army is a place where a man should learn the art of war, and not polish the staff corridors to a shine. After all, it’s no secret that a soldier for a certain category of senior management is free labor. And it is not surprising that, due to their religious and mental characteristics, Caucasians refuse to clean out pigsties or rebuild generals’ dachas.

Where service is properly established, there are no problems with Caucasians. On the contrary, officers give them excellent performance characteristics. This means that the problem is not with the Caucasians, but with the army itself.

Problems arise where they are accustomed to treating a soldier as a silent “creature”, where soldiers are left to their own devices and are busy with anything but combat training.

It is not young conscripts who set the rules in military units; they find themselves in an environment that already has its own long-established “traditions” that determine the behavior of the new arrivals.

Speaking about the mental characteristics of Caucasians, for some reason they lose sight of the fact that other peoples also have their own characteristics, which are not entirely pleasant to representatives of the Caucasian peoples. If for some, for example, swearing is the norm, then for a Caucasian it is wild and, naturally, in such an environment a conflict situation develops.

And here again the issue is not the Caucasians, but the inability of some commanders to work with personnel. After all, the whole world knows that Caucasians make excellent warriors. And to say the opposite is to make the world laugh.

There is another important reason for the difficult adaptation of Caucasians not only in the army, but also in ordinary civilian environments - this is an off-scale level of xenophobia or, more precisely, Caucasophobia in Russian society. In isolated groups this disease manifests itself especially acutely. In particular, many military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took part in hostilities in the North Caucasus and this, naturally, leaves a certain imprint on their attitude towards conscripts from the North Caucasus republics.

To solve the problems of the Russian army, in particular, the problem of conscripting young people from the republics of the North Caucasus into the army, it is necessary to have in the army a sergeant and command staff corresponding to the time.

A clear example of such organization of service and work with conscripts are the “North” and “South” battalions of the Russian Ministry of Defense stationed on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Today, all hope is that the new Minister of Defense, as a person who has extensive experience working with people, who knows how to identify problems and quickly solve them, will create the necessary prerequisites for solving the problems of the modern Russian army.

Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chechen Republic,

Chairman of the Human Rights Commission

Public Council of the North Caucasus Federal District N.S. Nukhazhiev

The almost total sanding of Russians, which began after the death of Stalin in 1953 and sharply accelerated after Khrushchev’s “exposure of the cult of personality” in 1956, led to their demoralization and depassionarization and ultimately culminated in the self-treacherous Russian Holocaust of 1991. All these processes took place before my eyes; I was especially impressed by the mass intercourse of Russian girls with dark-skinned southerners at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow in 1957, and as a reaction to the spreading epidemic of selfishness, my text “Charter of Morality” (1965) should be considered, because for which they began to consider me a “fascist” and expelled me from the ranks of the CPSU and from politics. But I just see further than others and sound the alarm. At one time, the ancient Jews, led by Moses from Egyptian captivity, also, after the departure of their stern Leader, gave in to the selfish temptation of the Golden Calf of consumerism and would also have perished, like the Russians now, if Moses had not returned and carried out the Great Purge in the Jewish camp and returned would the people take the true path of God's chosenness (Exodus 32). It’s bitter to admit, but today’s rare Russian youths are able to stand up for themselves. But the Caucasians and partly the Mongols (Kalmyks, Buryats) have retained their readiness for self-sacrifice, without which the people are generally unviable, and cannot help but dominate the sanded and therefore scattered Russian soldiers in the Russian army. Therefore, many Caucasian young men perceive conscription as a gift - they go into the army with the confidence that they will not disappear, but will experience the joys of domination (not to mention good allowances and tributes from their Russian colleagues). It is not officers or priests who will save Russian youth from their current pitiful fate, but only (as has always been the case everywhere in history) a few united organizational members of the “long will”, aimed at establishing order in the country and at global expansion (analogous to the “New Moses”). - The original was taken from pohabij_oplueff to the army - for a bribe

Bribes in military registration and enlistment offices are commonplace. But there is a nuance: if throughout Russia the families of conscripts collect money to make an offering to the military commissar in order to “excuse” their child from military service, then in the Caucasus it’s the other way around. Relatives take the bribe to the military registration and enlistment office to send the conscript to the army. But they don’t hire them to serve! This is not the first year. No, at home, in the Caucasus, some young people still do military service. And they remain for the emergency - remember, during the Five-Day War with Georgia there were such battalions “East” and “West”? Worthy warriors served in them. But Caucasians are not invited to serve in the units stationed throughout Russia. Why? Reading the news: Recruits from the regions of the North Caucasus will not be drafted into Russian army in 2012 due to the fight against hazing and fraternity, a senior representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense told reporters on Monday (from here). Yes, I served in the army in the late eighties, and I can confirm that a few Chechens or Dagestanis in a unit is a headache for officers and physical pain - from regular beatings - for a significant part of the soldiers. “Countrymen” behave more often recklessly than loyally. If a highlander respects his officer, there will be order. But if not, they can break him so hard that the stars fly out of his shoulder straps. I know what I’m talking about, I’ve seen this more than once in a construction battalion near Moscow. It is very difficult to serve with the Chechens and Dagestanis. But even those Caucasians who are not taken into the army to pay their debt to their Motherland are our. Citizens of Russia. But defending the Fatherland is not a citizen’s privilege. This is his sacred duty. In fact, there are a lot of options. If you want to be guaranteed to avoid hazing, you can create special units highlanders with highlander officers at their head - and send them either to Siberia or to Far East. The guys will go and won’t refuse. You can... yes, you can come up with a lot more using Russian historical experience. It’s just that the Ministry of Defense either can’t do this or doesn’t want to. They say that the recruitment of recruits from the Caucasus will be resumed next year. This is not the first time they have been saying something like this. They promise. But they won’t resume it. Forgetting at the same time that the habit of paying military duty to their Motherland - Russia among the mountain peoples may atrophy as unnecessary. I don't want to croak about possible consequences such atrophy...
