The fourth stage of personality development. History of the development of natural science (4 stages of development of natural science) What Piaget found out

Each of us develops in our own rhythm, consciously or unconsciously - the law of evolution. Some people get stuck at the first stage, others have already moved on to the second or third since childhood...

Stage No. 1 – consume, enjoy

In a broad sense - to use the world to satisfy all your desires. And make this the sole purpose of existence.


  • buy a new expensive car,
  • go on an all-inclusive tour to a tropical island,
  • buy a cottage in the countryside, etc.
  • go to restaurants, cinemas and boutiques after work

Desires: be cooler than others, dress fashionably, visit expensive restaurants, have fun, have fun.

Actions: working and building a career just for money or fulfilling desires at the expense of others.

Problems: boredom, even depression, a feeling of “running in circles”, the emptiness of life and unfulfillment, the search for more and more new pleasures, a stronger “dose” of pleasures.

How to pass the stage? Dose out the pleasures. Realize that besides consumption there are other, more noble goals in life. That they will bring real joy, give a feeling of fullness and happiness.

Stage No. 2 – search, think

At some point, a person realizes that in pursuit of his consumer desires he has never found happiness. And he begins to look for meaning in something else.


  • find your life's work,
  • self-realization,
  • understand who I am and what the meaning is.

Desires: gain an understanding of why you were born and what benefit you can bring to the world, find your personal formula of happiness.

Actions: go on a trip (but not for pleasure, as in the previous stage, but in search of your true self), study different philosophies and religions, read books, meditate, play sports, try yourself in new things.

Problems: fanaticism, excessive admiration for any theory, blindly following someone else’s path, the inability to hear one’s own inner voice, chaotic rushing from one “meaning” to another.

How to pass the stage? Listen to your heart and intuition. Study other people's theories, philosophies and discoveries, but remember that everyone has their own path. It's important to find it and not copy someone else's. Don't rush from one to another. Consistently study the world and listen to your feelings.

Stage No. 3 – give, share

Finally, a person finds: a favorite thing, work or hobby, a way to be happy, harmony with the world and mutual understanding with himself.


Desires: to see people around you also joyful and happy, to make the world more beautiful.

Problems: excessive categoricalness, an attempt to impose your way of life and thoughts on others, misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, lack of understanding in which direction to develop further.

How to pass the stage? Don’t be proud of yourself, don’t think that you’ve already reached the pinnacle of development, don’t tell others how to live, but gently and quietly inspire them to move forward and achieve new achievements.

Stage No. 4 – create, create

The realization that the highest joy of life is in creation. And creation must be based on personal experience and the discoveries that we received in the second and third stages.


  • to write a book,
  • to draw a picture,
  • build a house,
  • record a music album,
  • create a business useful for people (developmental/creative courses, sports section, kindergarten, medical Center etc.)

Desires: create something that will help other people, that will give them something good: inspiration, motivation, knowledge, beauty, health, comfort, joyful mood, etc.

Actions: choosing a specific goal and working on it until the desired result is created.

Problems: self-doubt, excuses, compromises, procrastination, disappointment at the first difficulties, inability to complete what was started, return to the second stage and search for new goals.

How to pass the stage? Don’t stop, don’t doubt the chosen path, don’t wait for inspiration and an opportunity, go to the end, believe in yourself and your dream, act, act, act.

All nature is in perfect condition, condition internal balance. And only the person was thrown out of balance - that was how it was set. The additional desire for food and for women, which once went out of this balance, now drives the development of humanity. Development is doubling...

Fragment of the Second Level lecture notes on the topic “Development of humanity through 8 measures of the universe”:

All nature is in an ideal state, a state of internal balance. And only the person was thrown out of balance - that was how it was set. The additional desire for food and for women, which once went out of this balance, now drives the development of humanity. Development is doubling. We got what we wanted - the desire doubled, we got a mammoth - next time we need two mammoths, we bought a "nine" - next time we wanted a Mercedes.

This is a swing, this is a pendulum, this is a vibration to increase desire, fill and double. The doubling will continue to occur and continues endlessly. And everything would be fine, but there is not one force, there are two of them - libido and mortido. They live by us and die by us, interact, vibrate, even our senses are built on these vibrations, sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden: the eardrum vibrates, the pupil constantly changes its viewing angle - this is a given duality.

From one phase of development to another, our desires constantly double.

Muscular phase of development. In it we have a feeling of our neighbor, and at the same time a primary feeling of hostility. Thus, we immediately received a threat to our existence. Outside there was an enemy - a predator, and inside - hostility, the threat of collapse.

We then limited hostility by creating ritual cannibalism, an act of sacrifice. By making a sacrifice, we accumulated general hostility on it, thereby preserving society from collapse. But not for long - until a new victim was again required. Mentally, to this day we NEED sacrifice; this desire sits in us on an unconscious level.

The next step to limit hostility was the creation, and this began with the renunciation of cannibalism.

Anal phase of development. The pack broke away from the animal world as an entity. Each person in the flock feels like a part of the whole, completely dependent on it. This keeps hostility at bay well. But at one point the anal sound guys said: “Stop sitting among these freaks... We’re leaving in our group and our flock to that clearing over there and we’ll live there according to our own rules.”

The pack was divided into families and prides. They dealt with the predators, but they became their own enemies within the pack. Families dispersed, laid the foundation for the founding of races and peoples. But hostility remained as a factor in the death drive, and it also required restrictions, since it was an internal threat to the existence of the species.

Any insider threat requires limitation by its very nature. This is how Christianity arose. For the last 2000 years, the locomotive of culture has been Christianity, which limited our hostility.

The last resistance to leaving the anal phase of development was anal Nazism: my people are pure, the rest are stupid and dirty! If you look seriously, it is not clear how the Germans could lose the war. Already at that time they had a V-2 and a nuclear project. And in 1945, the bomb could not have been dropped on Hiroshima...

There can only be one explanation here. It only seems to us that we are the masters of our destiny. In fact, we live according to the laws of nature, the collective unconscious lives by us. It lives and controls us unmistakably. A boy who has to be in kindergarten at eight in the morning may have the IDEA to play with a car at home and not go to kindergarten. But this idea will never be implemented - they’ll kick you on the butt, pull you by the arm, and you’ll be in kindergarten at eight in the morning, as expected!

Anything could seem, they could nurture the idea of ​​a great pure race as much as they wanted. But the time for the anal phase of development and division according to the principle of blood is irrevocably gone. And humanity had to enter the skin phase of development - for good or bad.

Skin phase of development. The skin phase separated us even more than the anal phase. If earlier society was divided into clans, now it has become divided into individuals. Anal values ​​such as marriage, traditions, obedience to elders are disappearing.

For us, Russians, the process of marriage breakdown is perceived as catastrophic, but for the West – as natural. In a marriage, everyone is on their own - husband and wife, parents and children - everyone keeps their distance, which is complementary to the values Western society. Everyone lives for himself, not because he is bad - people are quite good, and successful, and have a career and earn a lot. But they live alone: ​​he is alone and she is alone. The complete disintegration of not only families, but also nations is a phenomenon of the skin phase.

For modern world there is nothing more stupid than a national idea. The world today is migration, globalization, a colossal mixing of peoples and the erasing of borders. People no longer have the idea of ​​preserving their blood in their heads, people want to eat a lot and tasty, sleep sweetly and safely, drink good wine, choose partners according to their attraction, and not as mom and dad said, and so on.

Standardization is taking place in everything, including between men and women. A woman today has received freedom of choice according to the male type: she gets an education, demands an orgasm for herself, makes a career, not yet on an equal footing with a man, but the process is underway. The Internet contributes enormously to standardization, integration and globalization. And along with this, interdependence grows proportionally: no matter where in the world something happens, we are already shaking from the news we receive in the media.

Singles, absolutely interconnected. The paradox is that the more alone we are, the more connected we are to each other, the more responsible we are for our actions to other people.

Our civilization is incredibly fragile. Previously, if one wire was connected in the wrong place, that’s it, there was no light in the entire entrance for 2 hours. Now one wire is connected in the wrong place, what will happen?.. A man-made disaster.

And further the degree of our interdependence will only grow. A person may be mentally ill, but we will depend on him and will not escape. Someone was offended by the mother, and the parents of the children did not wait for school... A skin-standardized civilization is advancing and makes it possible for one person to influence entire masses of people, and the further, the more...

Continuation of the summary on the forum:

Recorded by Yulia Chernaya. March 28, 2014

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is developed during a full oral training in system-vector psychology

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

All stages of development of personality and consciousness, as we have already said, are divided into spiritual stages located above them. The boundary between the social and the spiritual is different interesting feature. If we have to sacrifice something for the sake of others, it is uncomfortable and unpleasant for us, but if someone does something significant for us, it brings us satisfaction and happiness. This is ordinary human egoism. Social stages of development are characterized by the fact that our ego acquires clearly defined features, crystallizes and gradually develops. For people on them, the need to assert themselves at the expense of others is dominant. A person lives only for himself, his beloved, often shows aggression, greed, is irritable, often takes offense, worries, and sometimes humiliates others. From the outside it seems that he is really missing something, but he cannot even consciously give himself an account of what exactly. As soon as the line between social and spiritual levels is crossed, inevitable relief occurs associated with a restructuring of the ego and a radical change in worldview. According to the famous Don Juan, a person already moves through life, only slightly interested in the manifestations of the external world around him. How this happens is described below. Let us consider the three subsequent stages of personality development: blessed, sage and enlightened.

The fourth stage of personality development

People who have reached this stage are blessed ones. They stop cherishing their own ego and almost completely get rid of feelings of self-importance. This stage is often associated with true spiritual maturation, when a person emerges from a childish state of mind and is able to truly care for others. He does not need any patrons, while members of society from the three previous stages of development are not interested in living their lives completely independently and the way they strive. Even talking or reading about this can plunge such a person into depression. However, on the other hand, interest in this topic suggests that a person is already ready to cross the line between the social and the spiritual. However, the transition can take years or even decades or not happen at all if you do not practice conscious wisdom.

Not everyone understands why one should live for the sake of others and what changes at this stage in the mind and soul compared to previous stages. To get answers to these questions, you should ask yourself: what is the meaning of a life aimed at satisfying only your selfish needs and whether it can truly make you happy? A person who thinks only about himself subconsciously wants the whole world to revolve around his personality. However, even if such a wish came true, he would experience endless loneliness, not happiness. To find kindred spirits, you must be able to open up for complete and harmonious communication. If your soul is burned by the fire of greed, cruelty and lust for power, being yourself is dangerous, uncomfortable and scary. Before splashing out from the cup of your inner self, the icy flame of pride and the desire for power will burn you with its icy stream.

At this stage of development, perception acquires greater sensitivity, and the person begins to be even more attentive and sensitive to what is happening. He realizes that wisdom does not tolerate selfishness and the desire to benefit only for oneself, becomes more far-sighted and understands that laziness, lies, rudeness, self-interest, and greed only move away from true happiness. Even if our desires are constantly fulfilled, this gives us only the illusion of satisfaction, after which the frantic race for an illusory future begins again.

At this stage, a person is aware of the fears and false goals that those around him who are at the first three levels of development set for themselves, but doesn't judge them for this, exalting their person. On the contrary, he is filled with compassion for those who are still in ignorance and in a rudimentary state of consciousness. If analyzed carefully, most people who remain in the social stages of development waste their time and material wealth in vain, and sometimes cause irreparable harm to themselves. A well-developed third stage of development gives a person maximum power, concentrated at the social level, but only at the fourth stage does he learn to use it correctly.

Blessed One, who is on the fourth level, truly happy, because he cares least of all about his own self. He loves life and does not waste his energy and time on reflections and fruitless thoughts, like 90% of the inhabitants of our world. The meaning of his existence is creative creation, a positive action that brings benefit to everyone who is near him. If concerns about one's own ego begin to prevail, self-giving becomes impossible, and suffering and soul emptiness gain complete power over you.

Fifth stage of personality development

This is the stage at which a person can already bear the proud title sage. As a rule, the transition from the third stage of development to the fourth is the most difficult, both in terms of feelings and in terms of the intensity of events occurring in life. Therefore, we often meet people who have worked through the final stages well, but at the same time cherish a sense of self-importance. In fact, the stages of development should ideally be completed in strict sequence.

If at the third level we learn to manage situations and events at the level of society, then at the fifth level we are given the opportunity to control our own consciousness, and therefore correct what is happening in our lives at the metaphysical level.

When a person has worked the fourth level with full dedication, at the fifth his wisdom becomes truly deep. It is now that wisdom reaches a milestone, after which comes an intuitive understanding of why wars arise in the world, people get sick and suffer. The meaning of life is understood much deeper than the standard view of what is fair and what is not. The sage easily distinguishes between cause and effect. Everything that happens around is no coincidence, every life lesson- it's a gem, which is an integral element of the world around us. It is at this stage that a holistic perception of reality is possible.

All hidden processes at the fifth stage of development become obvious, and their underlying prerequisites become clear. If, when moving from the third level to the fourth, the sense of self-importance disappears, and overcoming guilt, shame and fear leads to a complete change in thinking and feelings, then at the fifth stage worldly ideals turn into nothing for a true sage.

If the fourth stage has not been sufficiently worked out, the transition of an unprepared soul to the fifth stage causes a feeling of despair. However knowledge, foresight and sensitivity of perception here they are at a fairly high stage of development, so spiritual illusions are gradually exposed in the same way as worldly ones. Doom, meaninglessness, lack of faith in one’s own strength are exactly the same illusions as everything that happens at the social level.

At this stage, a person understands the full significance of the lessons of higher powers that are provided to him for further spiritual evolution. Guilt, envy, greed, selfishness, melancholy, anger, thirst for animal pleasures are given to him to gain inner strength and self-knowledge. They contribute to the expansion and stimulation of consciousness and, therefore, lead to a complete farewell to the gross illusions of the sensory world. Difficult experiences are a kind of whip, with the help of which we, willy-nilly, begin to develop and increase the power of discrimination and perception. A mature consciousness endowed with these wonderful qualities can easily remove and dissolve negative emotions. If the previous stages of development have been fully developed, at the fifth stage a person learns to balance in any situation, at any moment of life, and his reaction will be the most adequate and prudent. At the same time, a person is able to balance the events occurring in this moment on a very subtle spiritual level.

Sixth stage of personality development

At this stage, it descends on a person, and a cognitive “explosion” occurs in the mind. The state in this case cannot be described as simple surprise or even great amazement. Enlightened man- this is a person who has forever left ignorance and come to the truth. In the ordinary world, in the standard course of events, we can participate in conversations with people, engage in joint activities, but your soul has already changed forever. Distinctive feature The transition from the third stage to the fourth is an emotional revolution; upon reaching the sixth stage, it is replaced by a complete revolution of consciousness.

This stage means that a person reaches the pinnacle of perception possible in this world and sees all things as they are. He knows that life happens only in this place and at this moment, past and future are just illusions, owning the majority of the inhabitants of the planet. All events seem enlightened only by the sleep of reason, which so sweetly lulls ordinary people. At this stage, the personality experiences complete catharsis, perception in a circle closes in on itself, resulting in deep self-awareness. The personality itself turns into an object of study with something intimate, deep, which is above human life and evaluates it from the outside. The human soul and consciousness are seen in their true light, because they are nothing more than plexuses of ever-changing mental energy concentrated in the head, heart and throat. Everything a person knew about life before turns out to be self-deception. His world becomes the thought of thought itself.

At this stage, relief from severe suffering, ease of existence and the complete absence of “earthly” desires is a reality. Existence is recognized as an absolutely spontaneous phenomenon. An enlightened person perceives himself as a real feeling of existence in this world, participation in everything that happens in it, and therefore devotes himself entirely to developing the ability to perceive and contemplate. The role of the spectator means non-interference in the process, and life flows by itself, according to the laws of its internal energy.

Enlightenment- this is the awareness of what is present here and at the moment. At the same time, the person himself is perceived as just one of the large quantity phenomena spontaneously produced by existence. Such understanding is inaccessible to a person remaining in the first three stages of development. When studying this theory, sometimes estimates appear, but these are nothing more than thoughts that can evaluate the same phenomenon at different points of the time continuum in different ways.

If a person from a different stage of development at some point joins freedom of spontaneous being characteristic of enlightenment, his life will gain meaning.

At different periods of our lives, we find ourselves at higher levels of development for some time, then regression occurs and this understanding goes away. The reason for this is missed lessons at previous stages of development. It is the process of development and improvement of the human personality that is the cornerstone of our existence, which cannot be compared with any wealth in the world.

You can read about the first stages of personality development on the website

Question: How to characterize the inanimate, plant and animal levels of human development?

Answer: The inanimate level is a period when a person has very little energy, which still does not in any way encourage him to connect with others. He exists passively in the world, without changing practically anything around him, but only cultivating the land a little with his own hands or with primitive tools (practically not even this yet) and getting his own food.

This is a non-living level of development, i.e. not improving, always at the same level, not yet growing like the next level.

The plant level is characterized by the fact that a person is already “growing”, but, as we say: “Still a plant.” That is, he still does not have enough movement - he is not capable of great conquests, of all kinds of transformations. He transforms the space around him, but like a plant that takes root and little by little takes from everything: he conquers something, but in a very limited form, since his egoism, his capabilities do not allow him to “swallow” what he has conquered. Therefore, there is no point in taking risks, investing effort, suffering.

The animal stage is, first of all, the development of technology: that which is outside of man. We are beginning to develop tools with which we can conquer the world all the way to outer space. This phase began in the Middle Ages with the invention of printing presses and other innovations.

In fact, the Middle Ages is a difficult level of development, a rather turbulent period that arose in a certain internal view. But today, studying the process of evolution, we understand that at that time very interesting, powerful, although hidden, processes of the birth of the next stage were taking place.

It should be emphasized that this was not observed at the previous stages, because there is very little difference and too much connection between the earth and the plant - they contain each other, turn into each other, etc.

And there is a huge difference between the plant and animal states: in movement, in one’s own space, in conquering space, etc.

In accordance with this, the internal development of man took place - people literally rushed to conquer nature, space, and discover new lands. Plowing of the land, agriculture, crafts, cities, the division of people into groups, into clans - in general, everything changed. Then the movement for parliament, for freedom, etc. began.

Humanity has become more active on all levels compared to the previous state, and this activity has grown and grown.

In the last 20th century, it reached unification: we came to, to egoistic interaction. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a new level, which began to appear in the middle of the 20th century. The Club of Rome, Academician Vernadsky in Russia, various international organizations began to notice that the holistic level of nature was emerging, which accordingly had an impact on society. If we do not follow it, we will suffer from imbalance with nature.

Many then already began to write and talk about this - each at their own level: at the level of biology, sociology, political science, mineralogy, social development, or even economic and financial (economics and finance are two different human functions).

All this gradually accumulated and led to the emergence of prerequisites for moving to the next level. But the manifestation of these prerequisites, like any movement in development, begins with small disturbances, which increasingly increase until they reach states where it is no longer possible to stop, to remain in the previous state, and then a birth at a new level occurs with a jerk.

It can be conditionally divided into social (the first three stages), and the spiritual stages of development that follow them. This boundary between the social and the spiritual has one characteristic. Most people suffer when they have to do something for others, and enjoy it when others try for them - this is typical everyday selfishness. At the social stages of development, crystallization and development of the ego occurs, so the main need of the individual here is self-affirmation. A person lives for himself, is constantly tense, puts others down, gets irritated, worries, is greedy - lives as if he is constantly missing something. Beyond this point, there is a real revolution in worldview, a breaking of the ego and subsequent relief. A person, as Don Juan said, goes through life “touching everything lightly.” This part of the article describes the next three stages of development: blissful, sage and enlightened.

The fourth stage of personality development

This is the stage of the blessed. A person at this stage lets go of his grip on the ego and... I would call this stage true maturation, because now a person is able to truly care for others, as if he himself had finally ceased to be a child, always in need of patrons. A person from the first three stages is not interested in this. Even reading these lines can make him despondent. And, on the contrary, interest in this topic suggests that a person is ready, he is already at the bridge from the social to the spiritual. The transition itself can be lengthy, and unless conscious steps are taken to manifest, the path to the fourth stage takes decades, and may never happen.

What is the meaning and joy of living for others? What is meant by development at this level in comparison with the third stage? To understand this, you can ask yourself a different question. What is the meaning and joy of living for yourself? Are people truly happy in the early stages of development? To exaggerate it a little, a person who lives for himself wants to subordinate the world to his personality. Will he be happy if his wishes come true? He will be endlessly lonely. To have heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones, you need to be able to open up. When the soul is burned by the fire of greed, being yourself is painful and scary. Before pouring out of the vessel of the soul, the lava of lust for power burns the body with its cold fire.

At the fourth stage of development, perception acquires a new depth, and the person becomes even more sensitive and attentive to what is happening. He sees that wisdom does not know selfishness and constant pulling of the blanket to its side. In his foresight, he knows that hatred, lies, greed and self-interest do not lead to happiness. If we're talking about about the fulfillment of desires, this gives only a brief moment of satisfaction, then the endless race for an illusory future continues.

At the fourth stage of development, a person feels the fears and false incentives of other people (from the first to the third stage), but this does not cause exalted condemnation in him. Rather, on the contrary, he has compassion for those who are in ignorance. If you analyze, most people in the first stages of development waste most of their time and money in vain, or even to their detriment. A well-developed third stage of development gives a person strength at a social level. At the fourth stage, a person gains a certain kind of wisdom in how to manage this power.

I spoke in sufficient detail about this stage of development in the article “”. Here are a few quotes from there: “A saint is happy because he is not obsessed with worrying about himself. He loves life, does not waste time on endless thinking and reflection, which consumes 90% of the average person’s energy. We can say that the meaning of his life is in creation, in action, which turns out to be a benefit for those around him. It is impossible to escape suffering and emptiness when the ego asserts its positions and no self-giving occurs.”

Fifth stage of development

This is the stage of the sage. The transition from the third stage to the fourth is one of the most difficult, both in terms of experiences and, often, in terms of events. Therefore, in our time, there are people with good achievements in the last stages, while inflating their sense of self-importance to the limit. Ideally, the stages of development are worked through one after another.

If at the third stage a person learned to manage events at the social level, then at the fifth stage, he learns to manage his own consciousness, which leads to a certain kind of control of events at the metaphysical level.

If a person has worked well at the fourth stage, at the fifth his wisdom gains even greater depth. Why do wars happen? Why do diseases exist? Why do people suffer? It is at the fifth stage of development that wisdom reaches the limit when it contains a deep understanding of these things. The essence of life as it happens is not limited by the typical view of what is fair and what is not. The sage is aware of cause and effect. Each phenomenon does not happen by chance, but is a precious lesson that introduces a new element into the puzzle of life, complementing the perception of a holistic picture of the world.

The vision of hidden processes at the fifth level of personality development occurs from deep angles. All the mechanisms of life begin to reveal themselves at this level. If the transition from the third stage of development to the fourth was characterized by overcoming a sense of self-importance, going through shame, guilt and a turning point in feelings, at the fifth level a person goes through disappointment in worldly ideals.

If the fourth level has not been worked out and a person has not learned to love, what happens at the fifth stage of development causes a feeling of doom. However, now the power of discrimination, sensitivity and foresight are at an extreme high level. Therefore, after the exposure of worldly illusions, there follows the exposure of spiritual illusions. Disappointment, doom, meaninglessness are illusions just like everything else.

At this stage, the individual clearly understands the wisdom of the evolutionary lessons through which he is destined to pass. Lust, irritation, greed, envy, guilt, doom and other experiences are given in order to become stronger. They stimulate consciousness, force it to expand, so that a person does not dissolve in gross illusions. Difficult experiences encourage, on a subconscious level, to develop the power of perception and discrimination, so that through these strong qualities mature consciousness to gain the ability to digest and dissolve negative experiences. If the previous stages of development were well worked out, at the fifth stage of development a person is able to find the finest balance in all phenomena, at every moment of life. At this level, a person reacts to life according to the situation. It balances what is happening here and now on a very subtle level.

Sixth stage of development

This is an enlightened person. During the transition to this stage, a cognitive shock is experienced. To say that a person is surprised, or even amazed, is to say nothing. is the exposure of ignorance and the coming to truth. At the level of events, a person can live a completely ordinary life, without standing out in a crowd or in a conversation, but in his soul everything is completely different. If the transition from the third stage of development to the fourth was a revolution in feelings, the transition to the sixth stage is characterized by a revolution of consciousness.

At this stage, perception reaches its peak, and a person sees everything as it is. He sees that life exists right now. He is aware of the past and future as illusions in the mind. He sees that all so-called events are just thoughts in which the average person sleeps. At this stage, the personality experiences total catharsis, perception closes in on itself and deep self-awareness occurs. The personality begins to be perceived as an object by something even deeper, perceiving the personality from the outside, standing on top of human life. The personality is felt in its true light - bundles of transient mental energy that are centered and intertwined in the head, throat and heart areas. At this stage of development, everything that a person knew about life is perceived as an illusion. The human world is a thought about a thought.

The main characteristic features of this stage of development are the cessation of suffering, relief and the absence of any personal desires. Another characteristic feature is the awareness of life as a completely spontaneous phenomenon. An enlightened person is aware of himself as a sense of being, of presence, the only quality of which is contemplation, perception. The viewer does not interfere with the process. Life happens spontaneously, by itself due to its internal energy. .

Enlightenment is the awareness of what is here and now. In this awareness, man himself is perceived as one of many phenomena that spontaneously arise in the presence of being. Understand what it is like for a person with more early stages development is impossible. When considering this as a theory, judgments may arise. However, all this is nothing more than thoughts that evaluate the same phenomenon differently at different times.

If a person from a different stage of development experiences the freedom of spontaneous existence characteristic of an enlightened person, he will understand what he lives for.

At different times, we sometimes jump to advanced levels and understand everything, then we descend and lose this understanding. This happens due to undeveloped programs from previous stages of development. The process of development itself is the central, most important aspect of human life. Therefore, the transition from one stage to another is an “event” of the greatest importance, an event that cannot be compared with any material benefits.
