Numbers in English 1 20. How to write numbers in English. Writing numbers in digits

When we teach English to children, we certainly have to study numbers. To know how to read and write numbers in English, you have to spend a lot of time with your children. Coloring books and exciting videos with correct pronunciation and translation in Russian.

How to learn effectively and quickly English numbers?

Coloring pages

Here is a coloring book - numbers on English language. Print and color it with your child, and then hang it, for example, on the wall and from time to time come up and list the numbers in English or ask the child to show where this or that number is.

Numbers in English can be used both for studying at home and for studying in groups early development or kindergarten. Kids love to color everything, give them this opportunity, and at the same time learn numbers in English. This section contains numbers in English up to 10.


Numbers from 1 to 20 with English and Russian pronunciation.


Video tutorials

To develop the correct pronunciation of numbers, sometimes cards with transcription are not enough. To read numbers correctly, use cartoons and other video aids in your classes that involve dialogue or a song. Thanks to the speaker, you will practice pronunciation as close as possible to the original.

The big numbers song

This cartoon will be useful to reinforce the pronunciation of numbers up to 10 in English, as well as to learn tens. Throughout the video, the numbers are sung in a pleasant melodic voice of the announcer. Repeating after him is a pleasure, since all the words are pronounced clearly and understandably, and the meaning of the number is presented in the form of a picture or number. Can be recommended for children aged 4-5 years. You can watch the cartoon here:

Numbers Song

This cartoon in English is much more interesting. Children will be able not only to practice the pronunciation of numbers they already know, but also to enjoy a colorful video. There are not only numbers here: simple stories are told, songs are sung, etc. The child will not necessarily understand everything right away: it is better to watch the cartoon several times to understand its content. In addition, it does not just list numbers, but literally shows how, for example, 4 turns into 5, etc., i.e. children are led to perform mathematical operations. The cartoon can be recommended for children aged 3 years and older. You can watch it here:

Let's Count to 20 Songs For Kids

This video can rather be called author's, and the performer is present on the screen. In this regard, the cartoon can be recommended for children aged 4-5 years. Here we teach the pronunciation of counting from 1 to 20 in the form of a song to a smooth melody. Unfortunately, the cartoon is quite monotonous and is more suitable for group listening in classes than for home viewing. You can download or watch it here:

Learn Numbers Song 1 to 100 Counting

This tutorial for children school age. Here the count goes up to a hundred, but there are very few spectacular elements. Numbers alternate on the screen, made in the form of 3D animation. The counting goes like a song to a melody, so it will be easy to remember. You can download the video here:

So, videos and coloring pages with transcription will help you teach your child to read and pronounce numbers correctly, as well as write them in cursive. Do not neglect such valuable benefits and a great opportunity to be useful to your children.

Learn how to write English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100, 1000, 1000000 in words and learn how to count in English.

The VoxBook audio course has many examples of using numbers and numerals. So in the novel “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson from the famous song:

Fifteen men on the dead man's chest [fifteen men on a dead man's chest]
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum [yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum]!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest [drink and the devil will bring you to the end]
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Below are the numbers in English with transcription and translation. Next, we discuss in detail the methods of forming cardinal numerals (Cardinal Numerals) and English counting.

Table: Numbers in English with transcription from 1 to 1000,000,000.
Number Name in Russian Title in English Transcription
1 one one
2 two two [ˈtuː]
3 three three [θriː]
4 four four
5 five five
6 six six
7 seven seven [ˈsevn]
8 eight eight
9 nine nine
10 ten ten
11 eleven eleven [ɪˈlevn̩]
12 twelve twelve
20 twenty twenty [ˈtwenti]
30 thirty thirty thirty [ˈθɜːti]
40 fourty forty [ˈfɔːti]
50 fifty fifty [ˈfɪfti]
60 sixty sixty [ˈsɪksti]
70 seventy seventy [ˈsevnti]
80 eighty eighty [ˈeɪti]
90 ninety ninety [ˈnaɪnti]
100 one hundred a (one) hundred [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]
1000 thousand a (one) thousand [ə wʌn ˈθaʊzn̩d]
1000000 million million / a (one) million [ə (wʌn) ˈmɪlɪən]
1000000000 billion milliard / a (one) milliard (BrE)
billion / a (one) billion (AmE)
[ə (wʌn) ˈmɪlɪɑːd]
[ə (wʌn) ˈbɪlɪəŋ]
BrE-British English, AmE-American English

Numbers in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

The numbers in English from 1 to 12 are i.e. indicate the number of objects and consist of one word (see table). The spelling of English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 must be memorized. Based on their first ten, all other English numbers are formed.

Numbers in English from 13 to 19.

In English the numbers are 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19.
To form them, the suffix -teen is added to the English number from 1 to 10 from the third column of the table. The result is the figure needed to count from 13 to 19:

13 thirteen - thir teen[ˌθɜːˈtiːn]
14 fourteen - four teen[ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
15 fifteen - fif teen[ˌfɪfˈtiːn]
16 sixteen teen
17 seventeen - seven teen[ˌsevnˈtiːn]
18 eighteen - eigh teen[ˌeɪˈtiːn]
19 nineteen - nine teen[ˌnaɪnˈtiːn]

Please note that in English numerals 13 and 15, the root 3 three and 5 five are modified:
3 - 13 teen
5 - 15 teen

Stress on numerals with the suffix -teen.
In English, numerals ending in the suffix -teen have two stresses, on the first and second syllables (ˌ weak secondary stress and ˈ primary stress). Look at the transcription so as not to make mistakes in pronunciation:
13 - thirteen [ˌθɜːˈtiːn]
14 - fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
15 - fifteen [ˌfɪfˈtiːn]

If a numeral with the suffix -teen is not followed by a noun, then during pronunciation the main emphasis falls on the suffix -teen:

When a numeral with the suffix -teen is a modifier of a noun (i.e. it is followed by a noun), then the stress does not fall on the suffix, but only on its first syllable:
fifteen pencils [ˈfɪftiːn ˈpensl̩z]
sixteen boxes [ˈsɪkstiːn ˈbɒksɪz]

In the VoxBook audio course in the fairy tale “The Fish and the Ring” from the collection English Fairy Tales, in which you can hear a similar emphasis (to do this, install the audio course on your computer and listen for yourself):

English numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.

English numbers denoting whole tens 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are derived cardinal numerals. To form them, the suffix -ty is added to the tens digit from the third column of the table. The result is the required number of tens:

20 twenty - twen ty[ˈtwenti]
30 thirty - thir ty[ˈθɜːti]
40 forty - for ty[ˈfɔːti]
50 fifty - fif ty[ˈfɪfti]
60 sixty - six ty[ˈsɪksti]
70 seventy - seven ty[ˈsevnti]
80 eighty - eigh ty[ˈeɪti]
90 ninety - nine ty[ˈnaɪnti]

Please note that in the English numbers 20, 30, 40 and 50, the root of 2 two, 3 three, 4 four and 5 five are modified, and in the number 80 the repetition of the letter t disappears:

2 two - 20 ty [ˈtwenti]
3 three - 30 ty [ˈθɜːti]
4 four - 40 ty [ˈfɔːti]
5 five - 50 ty [ˈfɪfti]
8 eight - 80 ty [ˈeɪti]

Stress of numerals with the suffix -ty.
In English numerals ending in the suffix -ty, the stress falls only on the first syllable. Check out the transcription and pronunciation:
40 - forty [ˈfɔːti]
50 - fifty [ˈfɪfti]
60 - sixty [ˈsɪksti]

English numbers 100, 1000, 1000000.

English numbers from 100 to 1000 and 1000000 are presented at the end of the table (see above).

In English, before 100 hundred, 1000 thousand, 1000000 million, either the indefinite article a (which has the meaning one) or the word one is placed:

100 hundred - a(one) hundred [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd] (i.e. a hundred or one hundred)
1000 thousand - a(one) thousand

Please note that the article is not used with other cardinal numbers:
Three pencils.
Three pencils.

Two girls.

Two girls.
100 hundred, 1000 thousand and 1000000 million do not have the ending -s, including when they are preceded by another number other than one, for example:
100 hundred (one hundred) - one hundred or a hundred
200 two hundred - two hundred
300 three hundred - three hundred
400 four hundred - four hundred
500 five hundred - five hundred
600 six hundred - six hundred
700 seven hundred - seven hundred
800 eight hundred - eight hundred
900 nine hundred - nine hundred
1000 thousand (one thousand) - one thousand or a thousand
2000 two thousand - two thousand
3000 three thousand - three thousand
4000 four thousand - four thousand
1000000 million (one million) - one million or a million
2000000 two million - two million
3000000 three million - three million
4000000 four million - four million
5000000 five million - five million
6000000 six million - six million
4000 four thousand - four thousand

Thus, the numeral is never given the ending -s, however...

However: the word meaning number can refer not only to a numeral (which does not need to end with -s), but also to a noun, which may already have an ending -s. For example, 100 hundred, 1000 thousand and 1000000 million end with -s when they express an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands or millions. In this case, they are nouns, and the noun that follows them (if there is one) is used with the preposition of:
Three millions of tons of coal. Three million tons of coal.
Hundred ideas for learning.
Hundreds of teaching ideas. Some birds can fly thousand kilometers.
Some birds fly thousands of kilometers. Four or five millions of specie had been lately thrown into circulation. Four, five million specie (for) Lately

were put into circulation.
Everything said above also applies to other English numbers from 2 and above, which act as a noun:
Magnificent seven.

The Magnificent Seven. (singular)

How many seven do you have? How many sevens do you have? (plural) In the VoxBook audio course on Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island, with this example: Here it is about gentlemen of fortune[this is always the case with gentlemen of fortune = pirates] . They lives rough and they risk swinging[they live without comforts and risk the gallows] , but they eat and drink like fighting cocks[but they eat and drink like kings: “fighting cocks” = show off] , and when a cruise is done, why, it’s hundreds of pounds instead of.

hundreds of farthings

in their pockets[and when the voyage is over = after sailing, well, they have hundreds of pounds in their pockets instead of hundreds of farthings = pennies]
(R.L. Stevenson - "TREASURE ISLAND")


When counting in English in composite numbers from 20 to 99 (i.e., consisting of two numbers - tenths and units), a hyphen (dash) is placed between the tens and the following units:
20 - twenty [ˈtwenti]
21 - twenty-one [ˈtwenti wʌn]
22 - twenty-two [ˈtwenti ˈtuː]
4000 four thousand - four thousand
30 - thirty [ˈθɜːti]
31 - thirty-one [ˈθɜːti wʌn]
32 - thirty-two [ˈθɜːti ˈtuː]
4000 four thousand - four thousand

In English account with composite numbers over 100, within every three digits, the conjunction and is placed before the tens (and if there are none, then before the units):
235 - two hundred thirty-five
407 - four hundred seven
2034 - two thousand thirty-four
2004 - two thousand four
5236 - five thousand two hundred thirty-six
250129 - two hundred fifty thousand, one hundred twenty-nine
4221589 - four million two hundred twenty-one thousand five hundred eighty-nine
203000000 - two hundred three million

In American English, the conjunction and is omitted, for example: 235 - two hundred hidden-five.

Some rules for translating numerals into English:

1. Russian Genitive nouns after cardinal numbers do not do it translate into English with a noun with the preposition of (a common mistake):

In the VoxBook audio course in the fairy tale "JACK THE GIANT-KILLER" from the collection English Fairy Tales, in which this exact incident occurs:

...he is a huge and monstrous giant [he is a huge and monstrous giant] with three heads [with three heads]; he"ll fight five hundred men in armor [he will defeat/fight five hundred people in armor], and make them fly before him [and “will”= make them run away in front of him]."

(English Fairy Tales - "JACK THE GIANT-KILLER")

2. Russian noun V singular after compound numerals ending in one (one, one), it should be translated into English with a plural noun:
twenty one day - twenty one day
three hundred fifty-one books - three hundred and fifty-one book

3. Cardinal numbers can appear as a definition after the word being defined. This especially applies to cases of designating page numbers, paragraphs, chapters and parts of books, house numbers, rooms, clothing and shoe sizes, bus numbers and has the meaning of an ordinal number, although it is replaced by a cardinal number:
part two - second part
chapter seven - chapter seven
Read lesson three.
- Read the third lesson. Open your book on page nineteen.
- Open your books to page nineteen. He lives in apartment 12 (twelve).

4. Combinations of two of my sisters, five of your books, two of his friends, etc. two of my sisters, five of your books, two of his friends are translated into English (and not: two my brothers, five your books, two his friends - a common mistake).

For example, in the VoxBook audio course in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, with exactly this example:

There were six of the Buccaneers, all told [there were six pirates there, "all counted" = in total]; not another man was left alive [no one else survived]. Five of them were on their feet, flushed and swollen [five of them were on their feet, with red and swollen /faces/],

hundreds of farthings

Children first begin to learn a foreign language when they are still kindergarten. Study simple words, which are found in Everyday life. Every first grader should know how to count within ten in English. This is a basic program that a child must master when entering school. Numbers in English can be learned not only easily, but also in a fun way. Today, many interesting ways and methods have been invented for this.

Learning numbers from 1 to 19

English numbers from 1 to 100 are easy to count and learn if you approach the learning process with ingenuity. To learn faster new language, you need to understand the invoice generation process. At the initial stage, it is worth learning only 12 numbers, which will help you master the entire grammatical series. Every schoolchild and adult knows them. Therefore, any parent can teach their child with ease.

First, you need to memorize the numbers from 1 to 12. A special table will help you do this.

NumberName in RussianName in English + how to spell the word
1 OneoneOne
2 TwotwuThat
3 ThreethreeFries
4 FourFourFo
5 FivefiveFife
6 SixsixSyks
7 SevensevenSevn
8 EighteightEyt
9 NinenineNine
10 TentenTen
11 ElevenelevenElevn
12 Twelvetwelvetuelv

Presented English number series, as a rule, is taught in poetic form, so it is easy to remember.

Counting from 13 to 19, knowing the previous numbers by heart will be easy. To do this, you need to learn how to compose a number series yourself using learned numbers.

To get 13, you need to add the suffix teen (teen) to the number 3, you get three (free) + teen (teen) = thirteen (fetin). The same rule applies to the numbers five and four:

  • four (fo) + teen (tin) = fourteen (photin) - 14;
  • five (fife) + teen (tin) = fifteen (fiftin) - 15.

This series can be continued until 19: 16 - sixteen, 17 - seventeen, 18 - eighteen, 19 - nineteen. If a child understands the process of forming numbers from 1 to 20, English will become the child’s favorite language, which is not at all difficult to learn on your own or with the help of your parents.

Making tens

Tens in English are just as interesting to learn as other numbers in counting. Because they are formed according to the same pattern as the previous numbers. Round numbers are obtained by adding the suffix ty. For example, to understand how to pronounce and write 20, 30, 40, 50, you need:

  • twu (tu) + ty (ti) = twenty (twenty) - 20;
  • three (free) + ty (ti) = thirty (hundreds) – 30;
  • four (fo) + ty (ti) = forty (foti) – 40;
  • five (fife) + ty (ti) = fifty (fifty) – 50.
  • This creates a table of round tens.

    NumberName in RussianApproximate pronunciation in RussianTitle in English
    20 TwentyTwentyTwenty
    30 ThirtySotiThirty
    40 FourtyFotiForty
    50 FiftyFiftyFifty
    60 SixtySixtySixty
    70 SeventySeventySeventy
    80 EightyAytiEighty
    90 NinetyNinetyNinety

    It is worth remembering how the numbers 50, 40, 30, 20 are written and pronounced. These are exception words. During their formation, the root is modified.

    Getting the rest of the numbers from one to one hundred is also not difficult. Any schoolchild can do this if he understands the technology of their education. An example can be given using numbers 54 and 45:

    • 54 is made up of fifty and four, so in English language it will sound like fifty (50) + four (4) = fifty-four (fifty-fo);
    • 45 consists of forty (forty) and five (five), resulting in forty-five (forty five).

    As shown above, the number is made up of tens and ones, which is closely related to the Russian language - 20 (twenty) + 5 (five) = 25 (twenty-five). In your native language, numbers are readable. This makes the learning process easier.

    Any kid will be able to understand the pattern of creating the numbers four, five, ten, twenty-four, etc. up to 100 if his parents help him and guide him. Already in primary school he will have extensive acquaintance with English and British pronunciation and their differences. In the first grades, children are already learning how to write and pronounce numbers up to 100. Therefore, it is extremely important to help the child master before entering school. foreign language excellently.

    0 zero zero [‘zɪərəu] z'irow
    1 one one u'an
    2 two two that:
    3 three three [θri:] sri:
    4 four four fo:
    5 five five five
    6 six six six
    7 seven seven [‘sevn] sevn
    8 eight eight eith
    9 nine nine nain
    10 ten ten heating element
    11 eleven eleven il'evn
    12 twelve twelve fuel rods

    Examples of use:

    1. He knows one girl who can help me. “He knows a girl who can help me.”
    2. She has only two options. - She has only two options.
    3. "Seven Psychopaths" is the best movie I have ever seen.– “Seven Psychopaths” is the best film I have ever seen.
    4. You need another eight dollars to buy that necklace. “You need eight more dollars to buy that necklace.”
    5. He called me eleven times in six minutes!“In eight minutes he called me eleven times!”
    6. My wife paid twelve dollars for a souvenir. “My wife paid twelve dollars for the souvenir.”

    Numbers in English from 13 to 19

    The name of the numbers from 13 to 19 in English is quite simple - add the suffix –teen to one:

    Six (6) + teen = sixteen (16)

    Four (4) + teen = fourteen (14)

    13 thirteen thirteen [θɜː’tiːn] syo:t'i:n
    14 fourteen fourteen fo:t'i:n
    15 fifteen fifteen fift'i:n
    16 sixteen sixteen sixty:n
    17 seventeen seventeen sevnt'i:n
    18 eighteen eighteen (one t!) eit'i:n
    19 nineteen nineteen naint'i:n

    Examples of use:

    1. Justin Bieber started his career in fourteen.– Justin Bieber began his career at the age of fourteen.
    2. Our journey lasted sixteen days. “Our journey lasted sixteen days.
    3. I wish I could be seventeen forever. “I wish I could always be seventeen!”
    4. She just turned eighteen.– She recently turned eighteen.


    Sometimes there are small changes in the figure, i.e. Simply adding the suffix –teen is not enough. In numbers 13 and 15 a different root word will be written.

    He doesn't believe that number thirteen brings bad luck. “He believes that the number thirteen brings bad luck.”

    I spent fifteen days trying to find him in Miami. “I spent fifteen days trying to find him in Miami.”

    Features of forming tens in English

    To get ten, you need to add the suffix –ty to one. Thus: seven (7) + ty = seventy (70).

    20 twenty twenty [‘twenɪ] tv'enti
    30 thirty thirty thirty [‘θɜːtɪ] s'yo:ti
    40 fourty forty [‘fɔːtɪ] f'o:ti
    50 fifty fifty [‘fɪftɪ] f'ifti
    60 sixty sixty [‘sɪkstɪ] s'iksti
    70 seventy seventy [‘sev(ə)ntɪ] s'evnti
    80 eighty eighty (one t!) [‘eɪtɪ] ‘hey
    90 ninety ninety [‘naɪntɪ] n'ainti

    Examples of use:

    1. This mobile costs only sixty dollars. – This mobile phone costs only sixty dollars.
    2. My grandmother died at the age of seventy.– My grandmother died at the age of seventy.
    3. I should be there in about eighty minutes. “I should be there in about eighty minutes.”


    In some cases, the spelling of tens changes. The numbers 30 and 50 change in much the same way as the numbers 13 and 15, and at 40 the letter "u" appears. The number 20 also changes, it is a bit like 12.

    She asked twenty friends to her birthday party. She invited twenty friends to her birthday party.

    Anna lost more than thirty thirty kilograms. – Anna lost more than thirty kilograms.

    Michael was forty, but he appeared older. – Michael was forty, but he looked older.

    There are fifty states in the USA. – The USA has fifty states.

    How are compound numerals formed in English?

    Two-digit numbers, as in Russian, are formed by adding one to ten. Please note that when writing between units and tens, you must add a hyphen.

    For example:


    1. Professor Jones has been studying linguistics for forty-five years.– Professor Jones has been studying linguistics for forty-five years.
    2. Open your books at page fifty-nine. – Open the books to page fifty-nine.
    3. Will you still need me when I’m sixty-four?“Will you still need me when I’m sixty-four?”
    4. The man drove the taxi at eighty-seven kilometers an hour. The man was driving a taxi at a speed of eighty-seven kilometers per hour.
    5. I’m ninety-nine percent sure about it.“I’m ninety-nine percent sure of this.”

    Numbers in English up to 100: how to pronounce correctly?

    If you look at the table, namely at the column where it is indicated how to pronounce numbers in Russian, you will notice two features:

    1. The ":" sign is called a long read. It means that the vowel before this sign must be drawn out with the voice. For example, the number two. It should be read as “tu-u”, extending the “u” sound a little.
    2. The second feature is the “’” sign, it means emphasis. , which follows after this sign should be emphasized. For example, the number eleven. It should be pronounced “ilEvn”, the word should sound with an emphasis on the sound “e”.
    17 seventeen seventeen sevnt'i:n
    18 eighteen eighteen (one t!) eit'i:n

    Speaking about numbers from 13 to 19, it is important to put the right emphasis here. If you look at the pronunciation table, you can see that the emphasis in a number always falls on the derived suffix –teen. What’s also important is that the “i” sound in the suffix should also be drawn out.

    40 fourty forty [‘fɔːtɪ] f'o:ti
    50 fifty fifty [‘fɪftɪ] f'ifti

    To pronounce tens correctly, it is enough to know units. The emphasis falls on the root of the word, as in units. Derivative suffix –ty does not stand out at all when speaking.


    Particularly difficult for English language learners is the pronunciation of the letter combination “th”, which begins the numbers 3, 13, 30. The truth is that the sound should not be pronounced as “f” or “s”, it is something in between. When pronouncing this sound, the tip of the tongue must be inserted between the teeth. Be sure to listen to how these numbers are pronounced.

    What is the difference between a hundred, a thousand, a million and a billion?

    100 one hundred one hundred u'an x'andred
    1.000 thousand one thousand u'an s'ausand
    1.000.000 million one million u'an m'ilien billion one billion u'an b'ilien

    Hundreds, thousands, millions and billions can be counted. In order to get such a figure, you need to add a hundred, a thousand, etc. to one. If we're talking about about hundreds of millions, the pattern remains the same.

    For example:

    1. Two (2) + one hundred (100)= two hundred (200)
    2. Seventy-five (75) + one thousand (1.000)= Seventy-five thousand (75.000)
    3. One hundred (100) + one million (1.000.000)= One hundred million (100.000.000)
    4. Five hundred (500) + one billion ( Five hundred billion (

    note that in such cases the plural ending is not added to hundreds, thousands, millions and billions in English. One billion or ten, it will still be “billion”.

    Three-digit numbers are formed according to the scheme: hundred + ten + one.

    There is a slight difference in the formation of three-digit numbers between British (Br.E.) and American English (Am.E.). The British put “and” between a hundred and ten, but Americans do not use this conjunction in three-digit numbers.

    For example:

    • One hundred (100) + eight (8)= One hundred and eight (Br.E.) or one hundred two (Am.E.) (102)
    • Two hundred (200) + forty-three (43)= Two hundred and forty-three (Br.E.) or Two hundred forty-three (Am.E.) (243)
    • Conclusion

      Now we can say with confidence that you know the order of formation of numbers in English up to 100. To consolidate your learning, you can count the counters or listen to the correct pronunciation of numbers in English up to 100.

      After several trainings, it will not be difficult for you to learn, be able to write and name any number. We also advise you to perform various exercises or free ones, of which there are many on the Internet, as well as watch video tutorials online.

    Not a day goes by without using numbers. Find out what time it is; write down the phone number of a business partner or a girl you like; dictate the delivery address for sushi or pizza—everywhere you will need to know the number in English. As in the Russian language, British vocabulary has its own characteristics depending on the area of ​​use. Let's look at them.

    Writing numbers in words

    Many remember with pain their school Russian language lessons on the topic “Numerals”. There were so many rules, exceptions and caveats! How difficult were the numerals to decline? But English numbers, like many other aspects, are much simpler.

    Initially, you will need to remember 13 basic numerals:

    zero - zero or thought
    one - one
    two - two
    three - three
    four - four
    five - five
    six - six
    seven - seven
    eight - eight
    nine - nine
    ten - ten
    eleven - eleven
    twelve - twelve

    Most likely, these words are familiar to everyone, since they are often used in popular songs, and are also part of school curriculum in English.

    To continue counting in English, you only need two suffixes: - teen And - ty, which are attached to the root of one of the 13 basic numerals. Teen used for numbers from 13 before 19 . For education ten(twenty, thirty, forty, etc.) the suffix is ​​used - ty.

    For example, to write the number 13 we take the root of the number three - thir and add the suffix to it - teenthirteen. And for 30 in English you need the same root thir, but already the suffix ten - tythirty thirty.

    The suffixes -teen and -ty sound very similar, so confusion arises. But there is a tricky hint that will help put everything in its place once and for all. Remember who they are teenagers? Once again, simple English provides a clue for all times. age- age, teen- numeral suffix " transitional» ages - from 13 to 19. For other numbers in English you will need the suffix -ty. We hope this trick will forever help clear up the confusion between whether 17 is seventeen or seventy in English. We remember about teenagers - and voila!

    To use in any area of ​​linguistic communication, you will need to remember only 2 points: there are two types or classes of numerals in English speech- ordinal and quantitative.

    Ordinal, based on the name, indicates what the subject is in order. For example, first in line or forty-ninth on the list.

    Quantitative, therefore, answers the question “how much?” and indicate the total quantity. For example: one house, three horses, a thousand things to do.

    Numbers in English, as in Russian, have the same root. All except the first three. But if in our grammar there are several suffixes for forming an ordinal number from a cardinal number, but in English there is only one - th.

    The table below shows how easy it is to form an ordinal number from a cardinal number. The only thing you shouldn’t forget about is the definite article “ the”, which must be placed before ordinal numbers.

    1 one the first
    2 two the second
    3 three the third
    4 four the forth
    5 five the fifth
    6 six the sixth
    7 seven the seventh
    8 eight the eighth
    9 nine the ninth
    10 ten the tenth
    11 eleven the eleventh
    12 twelve the twelfth
    13 thirteen the thirteenth
    14 fourteen the fourteenth
    15 fifteen the fifteenth
    16 sixteen the sixteenth
    17 seventeen the seventeenth
    18 eighteen the eighteenth
    19 nineteen the nineteenth
    20 twenty the twentieth
    21 twenty one the twenty first
    22 twenty two the twenty second
    23 twenty three the twenty third
    30 thirty thirty the thirtieth
    40 forty the fortieth
    50 fifty the fiftieth
    60 sixty the sixtieth
    70 seventy the seventies
    80 eighty the eightieth
    90 ninety the ninetieth
    100 one hundred the one hundredth
    1000 one thousand the one thousandth
    101 one hundred and one the one hundred and first
    1001 one thousand and one the one thousand and first
    1035 one thousand and thirty five the one thousand and thirty fifth
    10463 ten thousand four hundred and sixty three the ten thousand four hundred and sixty third

    Writing numbers in digits

    The English-speaking population uses the same number system as we do - Arabic, so there should not be any difficulties with writing cardinal numbers. It is worth paying attention to the use of ordinal numbers, where the following abbreviations are used:

    the first-1st
    the second-2nd
    the third-3rd
    the fourth-4th
    the eleventh-11th
    the twenty first-21st

    As seen, general principle abbreviations - we drop the article and add the last two letters of the ordinal number written in words to the number. Despite the fact that in writing the article is dropped, when reading a number in English it is still necessary to add an article.

    1st prize -the first prize

    Numbers in addresses

    The numbers in English as part of the address, in general, are no different from the writing of our addresses. Cardiac numbers are used to indicate the number of a house, building, apartment or office. If the name of a street or business contains an ordinal number, then the abbreviation from the previous section should be used:

    1st Avenue - 1st Avenue

    To save space on the envelope, numbers are written digitally rather than in capital letters. But it is worth noting that the building number in the English version is indicated before the street name, and not after, as in our case. You can read more about writing an address in English.

    Numbers in years and months

    A common mistake when writing the day of the month in English is to use a cardinal number instead of an ordinal number. That is, not 21 -e(what?) March, and 21 (How many?) March. Rely on native language when converting dates:
    22 -e April(which order is the cardinal number) - 22nd April.

    Twenty second of April - the twenty second of April

    Please note: when writing abbreviated date, article omitted the and pretext of, indicating the genitive case. When reading abbreviated dates must be added article And pretext. Otherwise, it will turn out not “April 22nd”, but “April twenty-second”. Alternatively, the date can be written like this:

    April 22, 2017 - the twenty second of April twenty seventeen

    When reading the year, it is customary to divide a four-digit number in English into two pairs. In the case of the beginning of the two thousandths, from 2001 to 2009, they use the Russian analogue - two thousand and one, two thousand and nine. But not everything is analogous to Russian speech in the language of Shakespeare. The word “year” is not added at the end of the phrase:

    March 8, 2029 - the eighth of March twenty twenty nine.

    If it is necessary to indicate the period BC or, conversely, after the birth of Christ, the following abbreviations are used: B.C. - before Christ - before the birth of Christ (BC); A.D. - Anno Domini (lat.) - from the birth of Christ (AD).

    Numbers in hours and minutes

    The British use the European time system, consisting of 24 hours, but Americans prefer two by twelve - before noon and after noon. Before noon, that is, starting With 00:00 And until 12:00, denoted by letters a.m. (ANTE MERIDIEM - from Latin until noon). Beginning from lunch And until midnight numbers are used p.m. (POST MERIDIEM - from Latin after noon).

    Most often, making life easier for ourselves and for us, the English-speaking population first names the hours, then the minutes, using cardinal numerals:

    It's 5:15 - it's five fifteen.

    But true gentlemen, like the Russian intelligentsia, can use the following phrases in their speech:

    It's quarter to ten. - A quarter to ten.
    It's half past nine. - Half past nine.
    It's ten past eleven. - Ten past eleven.

    To easily navigate such phrases, you need to remember just three words:

    quarter- quarter
    past- after
    to- before

    We have already studied the remaining numbers in English above.

    Thus, any similar expression can be constructed. A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes. Hence, a quarter to two(that is, 15 minutes left until two) will sound in English it's quarter to two. If now quarter past seven(that is, 15 minutes have passed after six in the evening), then in English we will say it's quarter past six.

    Often confusion is caused by the indication of half an hour. In Russian we use half of the next hour - half past nine - 8:30. The British rely on facts - what has already happened: 8:30 - thirty minutes after eight - It's half past eight.

    ID numbers

    Identification numbers include any numbering of objects, phenomena and even people. It would seem that numbering implies the use of ordinal numbers, but in reality this does not always happen.

    When we are talking about people, it is customary to use ordinal numbers with articles:

    Peter I - Peter the First

    When talking about events, we use cardinal numbers:

    Second World War - World War Two

    In other cases, cardinal numbers are most often used:

    Channel Nine - Channel Nine, platform 9 3/4 - Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

    A similar principle should be used when identifying buildings and structures, car numbers, and so on. It is allowed to add the word “ number» when numbering objects: car No. 13 - carriage number thirteen/carriage thirteen.

    Numbers in fractions and percentages

    We use numbers in English in fractions and percentages in the same way as in Russian:

    1/2 - one second part. This phrase uses a cardinal number (one), an ordinal number (second).

    1/2 - one second part - one second

    One part is often called another numeral. 1/2 is half, 1/3 is a third, 1/3 is a quarter, etc. In English, for this, the number “one” is replaced by the article “a”:

    1/2 - half - a half
    1/3 - third - a third
    1/4 - quarter - a forth

    If there are parts two, then it will sound in Russian already in plural number, which means we also use the plural in a foreign language:

    2/9 - two ninths - two ninths

    Interest is transferred using decimals, and here the British implement what Russian mathematics teachers everywhere prohibit - they simply name the numbers before and after the dot! Moreover, the word itself “ dot" sounds like " point».

    1.11 - one point one one
    12.842 - one two point eight four two
    999.209 - nine nine nine point two night nine/ nine nine nine point two o nine

    Zero in mathematics most often sounds like “ thought", but in everyday life it is acceptable to use " zero" And " o" If there is a zero before the point, it can be omitted:

    0.4 - thought point four/point four
    0.02 - nought point nought two / point nought two / point o two
    0.34 -thought point three four/point three four

    Chapter and page numbering

    In books, numbers in English are used according to the principle of identifying objects - the cardinal number is placed after the name of the object:

    Chapter I (Chapter One) - Chapter I (Chapter One)

    Page 487 (page four hundred eighty seven) - page 487 (page four hundred and eighty seven)

    Spelling large numbers

    Large numbers in English are written similarly to our numerals:

    two thousand four hundred seventy two - two thousand four hundred and seventy two
    Three million fifteen thousand two hundred two - three million fifteen thousand two hundred and two

    If the number can be reduced to half, then the word “ half»:

    Seven and a half billion people live on earth. - There are seven and a half billion people on earth.

    Important: indicating the exact quantity, ending with " s" For plural not added to the words hundred, thousand,million, billion billion etc. Plural used only when it is necessary to emphasize the mass character without indicating the exact number in English:

    There were hundreds of people there. - There were hundreds of people there.

    Remember: between hundreds and tens in large numbers It is customary to add the conjunction " and».

    Numbers in business documents

    English numbers in documents are used according to general rules, but require mandatory duplication in written and numerical equivalent:

    17,200 (seventeen thousand two hundred) inconsistencies were identified. - There were 17,200 (seventeen thousand and two hundred) discrepancies found.

    Numbers in statistics

    Similar to official papers, numbers in English are used in statistics. It is allowed not to use duplication here, but it is required maintaining uniformity: either all data is indicated in numbers, or everything is written in words.

    Numbers at the beginning of sentences

    It is not customary to use English numbers at the beginning of a sentence; they should be replaced with capital numerals:

    10 little black kids went to dinner. - Ten piccaninnies went out to dine.

    Combined numbers

    Combined numbers include the use of both alphabetic and digital equivalents of numerals. According to writing ethics, it is preferable to use only one of the options throughout the text. But in cases where the abundance of numbers may interfere with the perception of information, the use of words and numbers is allowed:

    In West Virginia, 15 two-story buildings burned to the ground last night. - Last night fifteen 2-storied buildings burnt down to ashes in West Virginia.


    Despite the vastness of the topic “Numbers in English,” remembering the basic rules is not difficult. The key to success in using a language is constant practice. Take your old ones school notebooks in mathematics and try to translate examples and problems into English. Read newspapers and periodicals with statistical data. And best of all, go to the “Series” section and watch Sillicon Valley, where you are guaranteed to encounter large sums and abundant statistical data, which will help you remember numbers in English forever! Well, or sign up for our individual lessons via Skype!

    Big and friendly EnglishDom family
