Formation of cognitive abilities of children of primary school age. Development of cognitive abilities of children of primary school age. The essence of cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren

Systematized exercises for the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren

(from the experience of a teacher primary classes MBOU "South Secondary School" Faust I.V.)

A major role in a person’s life and activity is played by his cognitive sphere, which includes a set of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination. These processes act as original tools for cognitive, as well as other types of activity, serving them and ensuring their effectiveness.

By developing cognitive abilities and cultivating the desire for knowledge, teachers develop the personality of a little person who knows how to think, empathize, and create. The issues of developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren are relevant and important for every teacher who is not indifferent to the fate of their students.

One of the possibilities of forming creative thinking students – the development of their cognitive abilities. An essential pedagogical tool aimed at developing the internal need for intellectual growth is the use of cognitive tasks.

2.Exercises and tasks to develop cognitive abilities.

I plan lessons taking into account the development of the student’s creative personality.

These tasks in lessons are performed by students in a playful way, which children really like. Interesting in content, they create a positive emotional background: relaxedness, interest, desire to learn how to perform the proposed tasks. Thanks to this, students' attention increases. I rely on the child’s personality, taking into account his individuality. I include each student in active educational and cognitive activities based on a combination of individual, pair, and group work.

“Thinking in the classroom begins where the student shows the need to answer a question. To evoke this need is to set the goal of mental work. This is the most difficult task and the surest indicator of a teacher’s skill,”- noted V.A. Sukhomlinsky. That's what I'm striving for.

Training attention


Exercise to develop visual attention. This game reveals the connections between attention and visual memory.

Children are asked to describe in detail from memory the school yard, the path from home to school - something they have seen hundreds of times. Junior schoolchildren make such descriptions orally, and their classmates fill in the missing details.

"It flies - it doesn't fly"

An exercise to develop attention switching and the ability to perform movements.

Children sit down or stand in a semicircle. The presenter names the items. If an object flies, children raise their hands. If it doesn’t fly, the children’s hands are down. The presenter may deliberately make mistakes; many children’s hands will rise involuntarily, due to imitation. It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.


Exercise to develop stability of attention.

Participants sit in a circle and place their palms on the knees of their neighbors: the right palm on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left palm on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The point of the game is to raise your palms one by one, i.e. a “wave” of rising palms ran through. After preliminary training, palms raised at the wrong time or not raised at the right time are eliminated from the game.

Find two identical objects.

A card is offered with the image of five or more objects, two of which are the same. You need to find identical objects and explain your choice.

Find differences.

A card is offered showing two pictures that have several differences. It is necessary to find these differences as quickly as possible.

Laying out a mosaic or stick pattern.

The child is asked to lay out a letter, number, pattern, silhouette, etc. from a mosaic (or sticks) according to a pattern.

Game "Do it according to instructions."

The teacher calls the children various words: table, cup, banana, snake, pen, etc. Children must, by agreement, respond to certain words. For example, clap when you see a word for plant.

"Fun account."

Name and show all the numbers from 1 to 10 in order.

Name all the single-digit (two-digit) numbers that appear here.

How are two-digit numbers different from single-digit numbers?


In the same city there lived inseparable friends: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Seryozha. Kolya is the tallest, Tolya is the fattest, Misha is the thinnest, Seryozha is the shortest.

Now tell me, who is the fattest? Lowest? Highest? The thinnest?

"Talking on the phone".

In one city there were two large houses on the same site. A fox, a wolf, and a goat lived in the same house. In another house there lived a squirrel, a ram, and a horse. One evening the fox, wolf and goat decided to call their neighbors. Find out who called whom.

Train your imagination

Unfinished figures

Children are given sheets of paper with figures drawn on them (circles, squares, triangles, various broken lines, etc.). Each child's set of figures should be the same. In 5 - 10 minutes, children must draw whatever they want to the figures so that they get object images. When the child hands in a piece of paper, the experimenter always asks what each of the eight pictures can be called and signs its name under each picture.

"Magic Blots"

Before the game starts, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper, and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet unfolds and the game can begin. The players take turns saying what kind of object images they see in the blot or in its individual parts.

Completing the story

Children are offered the beginning of a story. For example: “It was a clear sunny day. A girl was walking down the street and leading a funny puppy on a leash. Suddenly, out of nowhere...”

It is necessary to come up with a continuation and ending to the story. Operating time - 10 minutes.

"Who is better?"

3-4 students, with their eyes closed, draw the same thing on the board at the same time geometric figure:

The one who drew the worst drawing is eliminated from the game. (similarly with increasingly complex figures).

"Cheerful little man."

Draw a cheerful little man using the following shapes:


Draw a cockerel from the same circles of different sizes.


At the beginning of the row, a paper napkin is drawn, folded in four. After the napkin was folded, a figured cut was made in it. It is necessary to determine what the napkin will look like when unfolded. Choose from four ready-made answers correct solution and write down the solution number.

Tasks for completing drawings

Training your thinking

"Find a pattern."

a) The exercise is aimed at developing the ability to understand and establish patterns in a linear series.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the pictures and fill in the empty cell without breaking the pattern.”

B) The second version of the task is aimed at developing the ability to establish patterns in the table.

Instructions: “Look at the snowflakes. Draw the missing ones so that all types of snowflakes are represented in each row.”

"What does it look like"?

Assignment: you need to come up with as many associations as possible for each picture. The quantity and quality (originality) of images is assessed. The exercise is good to do with a group of children in the form of a competition.

"Make a figure."

This exercise, just like the previous one, is aimed at developing imaginative thinking, geometric concepts, constructive spatial practical abilities plan.
“On each strip, mark with a cross (x) two such parts from which you can make a circle.”

This type of task can be developed for any shapes - triangles, rectangles, hexagons, etc.

"Choose your words."

1) "Pick up as many as possible more words, which can be classified as wild animals (domestic animals, fish, flowers, weather phenomena, seasons, tools, etc.)."

2) Another version of the same task.
"Connect with arrows the words that match the meaning:

ball furniture
poplar flower
closet insects
plate wood
coat clothing
ant dishes
pike toy
rose fish"

Such tasks develop the child’s ability to identify generic and specific concepts and form inductive verbal thinking.

Who loves what?

Pictures with images of animals and food for these animals are selected. Pictures of animals and separate pictures of food are laid out in front of the child, and they are offered to “feed” everyone.

Name it in one word.

The words are read to the child and asked to name them in one word. For example: fox, hare, bear, wolf - wild animals; lemon, apple, banana, plum - fruits. You can modify the game by giving a generalizing word and asking them to name specific objects related to the generalizing word. Transport - ..., birds - ...

Didactic task"History in pictures".

When playing the game for the first time, each child is given 3-4 pictures, and he must arrange them so that a coherent story is obtained.


Each child is given a set of pictures depicting flowers (3), vegetables (3), fruits (3). You need to break them down into three parts and explain why you laid them out that way.

"Think and make up."

With the numbers 15 and 4, make two tasks so that one of them is a task and the other is not.

“Put the mugs away.”

We need to remove the white ones from all the circles. How can this be depicted in a picture? I did it like this:

Draw your own way.

“Make up a problem.”

Make up a problem to solve it: 32 – 20. If you can, then write down all possible questions to the problem’s conditions so that the solution does not change.


Help the artist complete the pictures. For example, there was an oval - it became a bunny, there was an oval - it became a spoon, etc.

Training your memory

What's missing?

Several objects or pictures are laid out on the table. The child looks at them, then turns away. An adult removes one item. The child looks at the remaining objects and names what has disappeared.

What changed?

Several toys are laid out on the table. The child is asked to look at them and remember them. The child turns away, one toy is added, or the toys are swapped. The child answers that it has changed.

The child plays the role of an artist. He carefully examines who he will draw. Then he turns away and gives it verbal portrait. You can use toys.

Chain of actions
The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: “Go to the closet, take a book to read, put it in the middle of the table.”

"How many?"

The teacher shows triangles and circles, without adhering to any order; students must remember how many triangles and how many circles they saw. Those who remember correctly are considered winners. Now the teacher introduces squares into the game (then similarly). Then rectangles (more similarly).

"Memory for figures."

Remember as many figures as possible and sketch them.

“Memorize instantly.”

Let's play. I will put dots in the figures, and you must remember how I do it and repeat after me.

"Awareness of visual material."

For this exercise you will need a piece of paper, pencils and a stopwatch. The figure below contains 12 images. Children are invited to look at the drawings of the first line, covering the rest with a sheet of paper so that they do not distract attention. After 30 seconds, ask them to cover the entire page and draw the objects in the first line from memory. Then ask them to compare how their drawings match those of the sample. Next, move to the next line. Work on the last two lines at the same time.

Awakening the "sense of detail".

Move from concrete images to abstract ones. Give the children four abstract shapes to start with.

They should look at each of them for a minute, while covering the others so as not to distract attention. Then ask the children to mentally imagine these figures in all details and draw each one on paper from memory.

“Awareness of verbal material” (used to train both visual and auditory memory).

The purpose of this activity is to get children thinking about words. The presenter says: “Now I will read (show) (depending on the type of memory being trained) words, after hearing (seeing) each word, imagine appearance of a given item, its taste, smell, sounds it can make, etc.

For example, toothpaste looks white and shiny, has a minty smell and tastes both spicy and sweet."

As a preliminary training, you can ask children to first describe out loud the images evoked with the help of their senses and only after that move on to working “only in their minds.”

Game “Describe from memory”

The presenter shows the doll to the children for a short time, and then they must answer questions from memory: what kind of hair the doll has, what kind of dress, what kind of eyes, whether there were bows, shoes, socks, whether she is standing or sitting, etc.

A game. "Find the picture"

The presenter shows the children a picture for a short time (counting to five), and then asks them to choose the one they were shown from a set of similar pictures.

Memory for numbers

How to remember number symbols from 1 to 10

These drawings are directly related to the corresponding numbers. Look carefully at the individual symbols and work through each correspondence in your imagination as intensely as possible.

1. The picture next to the number 1 corresponds to both the shape of the depicted object and the numerical indicator: one candle is taken for one

2. In the same way, the swan’s neck immediately resembles the number 2

3. The three-pronged trident is self-explanatory

4. The four-leaf clover also speaks for itself.

5. Number 5 – five fingers on the hand

6. An elephant's trunk forms a clearly recognizable number 6.

7. Adding a little imagination, you will see a seven in the waving flag

8. Hourglasses are shaped like a figure eight.

9. The snake curls into the number 9

10. The golf club and golf ball complement each other in the number 10.


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Prepared by: Faust I.V. primary school teacher MBOU "South Secondary School" Implementation period: 2013-2017

Relevance of the project When entering school, children have poorly developed cognitive abilities (memory, thinking, attention, imagination), which often affects the effectiveness of the educational process. Therefore, there is a need to develop these qualities in a child in more depth. To do this, I use various exercises and tasks to develop cognitive abilities. Project participants: primary school children, parents. Estimated results of the project: 1.Development of mental abilities, formation of sustainable interest and positive motivation for learning among schoolchildren. 2. Reducing the problem of overload of children through health-saving technologies. 3. Involvement of parents as participants in this project.

Cognitive abilities Memory Attention Thinking Imagination

Goal: Systematization of exercises for the development of children’s cognitive abilities. Objectives: study scientific and methodological literature on this topic; set specific tasks for the development of cognitive abilities in educational activities

Training auditory memory class assignments questions 1 There were 5 rolls, 10 sweets and 3 pies on the plate. How many items were on the plate? How many of them were flour products? How many items are left on the plate after the boy takes 1 pie, 5 candies and 3 rolls? How many chocolates must be placed on the plate to make 25 items. 2 Identify by ear the same sounds in each row: WEDNESDAY HOUSE RAIN CAT HACK DOOR CAR DOG TIGER PERCH CAKE BRIEFCASE WINDOW NEWSPAPER FLOWER SALT

class assignments questions 3 Listen once to the condition expressed in only one sentence and answer the questions. In the courtyard, on a bench, Marya Ivanovna and her granddaughter Tanya, Sasha and her grandmother Vera, Pyotr Dmitrievich and their childhood friend Mikhail Semyonovich were sitting and playing lotto. How many people were sitting on the bench? How many children were there among them? Who were there more - female or male? Name people's names starting with the letter "M". What male names can be found in the story? 4 Read the series of numbers below three times. Remember in the same order and then answer the questions. 100 9 24 6 4 What is the sum of the second and last numbers in the series? Which number was odd? How many single-digit and double-digit numbers are there in the series? What number, if divided by two, corresponds to the number of months in a year? Is it true that the second number from the end corresponds to the number of letters in the name of the deepest lake in the world? What number comes before nine when counting? Should it come after four?

We develop visual memory. CLASS TASK QUESTIONS 1 You have a series of numbers in front of you. Look at them carefully, try to remember them in the order given, and then answer the questions. 5 2 3 10 15 4 6 Which of the given numbers add up to five? 2 Which numbers are larger – single-digit or double-digit? Is the penultimate number the left neighbor of five? 3 How many are in front of you even numbers? 4 How many numbers are divisible only by themselves?

class assignments questions 3 Read the text once and then answer the question. The boy went to the store and bought 100 grams of OIL, 2 liters of JUICE, one and a half kilograms of SUGAR, 600 grams of CANDY. How much RICE should a boy buy so that the total weight of the food is 5 kilograms? Take a close look at the left tables. Try to remember all the elements depicted in each. After 20 seconds, close the pictures on the left and try to restore the same pictures in the empty tables on the right.

Look at the left tables for 15 seconds, close them and try to restore in the right tables.(Grade 4)

assignment class 1 Development of concentration. Find and cross out certain letters in printed text. The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street. (Delete letters a, i) 2 Training of attention distribution. Completing two diverse tasks (reading a story and counting the strokes of a pencil on the table). 3 Development of the skill of switching attention. Working with printed text. Alternating rules for underlining and crossing out certain letters. (Underline the letter o, and cross out the letter n) One day, near the lake, my father discovered a huge and lonely deer. Development of voluntary attention. Rewrite the encrypted words without errors and then decipher them. AVOROK, ALOKSH, KINECHU, ADOGOP, ALKUK, TELOMAS, ANISHAM. 4 Bourdon table (proofreading test). Cross out the letters A, M, K, Z in the table.

9 5 11 23 20 14 25 17 19 13 16 21 7 3 1 18 12 6 24 4 22 15 10 2 8 4th grade Development of attention span. Schulte tables. Point with a pointer and name numbers from 1 to 25. As quickly as possible, without making mistakes. (30 – 50 s per table) 14 18 7 24 21 22 1 10 9 6 16 5 8 20 11 23 4 25 3 15 19 13 17 12 2

task class 1 You have a series of numbers in front of you. Under each of them, as quickly as possible, write how much it lacks to 10. For example, under the eight you need to write 2, etc. 8 3 5 2 4 1 9 7 6 2 Connect with lines the words in which the number of letters coincides with the calculation results: Porridge 9 - 5 Pie 4 - 1 Streams 5 - 2 Place 3 + 2 Mushroom 10 - 5 Paradise 3 + 1 Cat 2 + 3 3 Separate the “glued” words. SHARKORZINBOOTBINOCLEDAMONKEYBOOKHANDWATCHTRAMVAISAMOVARRAYSGRAWINDOW 4 Development of selectivity of attention. (Munstenberg Method) Among the alphabetic text there are words. The task is to find and underline these words as quickly as possible while looking through the text. Form. Sun

class Exercises for developing imagination 1 What are they like: Clouds, sun, apple, curved line, window, triangle. 2 Find similarities and differences between objects: - boy and man; - flower and berry; - dress and suit; 3 Reading the story with an interruption, after a few minutes. Children come up with the ending of the story. Then compare your story with what you read. Draw a pattern on the towel. 4 Pairs of words that are in a certain relationship to each other are named. Then another word is called, to which you need to select another word that is in the same relationship to the given word as the first words. Egg - shell, potato - ? Ear - to hear, teeth - ? Tea - sugar, soup - ? Come up with sentences with words that have awkward semantic connections. For example, a beetle is a chair, a fish is a fire, a whale is a cigarette, a fly agaric is a sofa. Imagination is a mental cognitive process of creating new ideas based on existing experience, that is, the process of transformative projection of reality

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Development of cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren in mathematics lessons






The famous physicist Albert Einstein was once asked: “How are discoveries made?” Einstein replied: “And so: everyone knows that this is impossible. And suddenly a person appears who does not know that this is not possible. He makes the discovery.” Of course, it was just a joke. But still, Einstein probably put deep meaning into it. Perhaps he was also hinting at his own discovery of a more correct and accurate picture of the universe, which he outlined in the famous theory of relativity. Perhaps, out of the mischief of a genius, he expressed a serious thought in a humorous form. It's not a matter of “not knowing.” You need to know! But the point is to “doubt”, not to take on faith everything that our grandfathers taught. And suddenly a person appears who is not stopped by the inertia of habitual ideas. So he makes a discovery.

Currently, research by scientists has convincingly shown that the capabilities of people who are usually called talented and brilliant are not an anomaly, but the norm. The task is only to liberate a person’s thinking, increase his efficiency, and finally, use the rich opportunities that nature has given him, and the existence of which many are sometimes unaware of. Therefore, it is especially acute in last years the question arose about the formation of general techniques cognitive activity.

Cognitive interest is the selective focus of the individual on objects and phenomena surrounding reality. This orientation is characterized by a constant desire for knowledge, for new, more complete and profound knowledge.

Systematically strengthening and developing cognitive interest becomes the basis for a positive attitude towards learning. Cognitive interest is (searching in nature). Under its influence, a person constantly has questions, the answers to which he himself is constantly and actively looking for. At the same time, the student’s search activity is carried out with enthusiasm, he experiences an emotional uplift and joy from success. Cognitive interest has a positive effect not only on the process and result of activity, but also on the course of mental processes - thinking, imagination, memory, attention, which, under the influence of cognitive interest, acquire special activity and direction.

Cognitive interest is one of the most important motives for us to teach schoolchildren. Its effect is very strong. Under the influence of the cognitive, educational work even among weak students is more productive.

Cognitive interest is aimed not only at the process of cognition, but also at its result, and this is always associated with the pursuit of a goal, with its implementation, overcoming difficulties, with volitional tension and effort.

Cognitive interest is not the enemy of volitional effort, but its faithful ally. Interest, therefore, also includes volitional processes that contribute to the organization, flow and completion of activities.

The facts stated above determined the chosen topic: “Development of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren in mathematics lessons.”

The purpose of this work is to identify methods for developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren in mathematics lessons.

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Determine the level of development of cognitive abilities in primary schoolchildren.

3. Develop didactic games, promoting the development of cognitive abilities

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical research development of cognitive abilities in children

cognitive ability didactic game

1.1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of cognitive abilities

By the beginning of primary school age, the child’s mental development reaches a fairly high level. All mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech - have already gone through quite a long path of development.

Let us recall that the various cognitive processes that provide the child’s diverse activities do not function in isolation from each other, but represent a complex system, each of them is connected with all the others. This connection does not remain unchanged throughout childhood: at different periods leading value for general mental development acquires any one of the processes.

Psychological research shows that during this period it is thinking that largely influences the development of all mental processes.

Depending on the extent to which the thought process is based on perception, idea or concept, three main types of thinking are distinguished:

1. Subject-effective (visual-effective).

2. Visual-figurative.

3. Abstract (verbal-logical).

Subject-active thinking is thinking associated with practical, direct actions with the subject; visual-figurative thinking - thinking that is based on perception or representation (typical for young children). Visual-figurative thinking makes it possible to solve problems in a directly given, visual field. The further path of development of thinking is the transition to verbal-logical thinking - this is thinking in terms of concepts devoid of direct clarity inherent in perception and representation. The transition to this new form of thinking is associated with a change

having a visual basis and reflecting the external characteristics of objects, and concepts reflecting the most essential properties of objects and phenomena and the relationships between them.

Verbal-logical, conceptual thinking is formed gradually throughout primary school age. At the beginning of this age period, visual-figurative thinking is dominant, therefore, if in the first two years of schooling children work a lot with visual examples, then in the following grades the volume of this type of activity is reduced. As you master learning activities and master the basics scientific knowledge, the student gradually becomes familiar with the system of scientific concepts, his mental operations become less connected with specific practical activities or visual support.

Verbal-logical thinking allows the student to solve problems and draw conclusions, focusing not on visual signs of objects, but on internal, essential properties and relationships. During training, children master the techniques of mental activity, acquire the ability to act “in their minds” and analyze the process of their own reasoning. The child develops logically correct reasoning: when reasoning, he uses the operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and generalization.

Younger schoolchildren, as a result of studying at school, when it is necessary to regularly perform tasks without fail, learn to control their thinking, to think when necessary.

In many ways, the formation of such voluntary, controlled thinking is facilitated by the teacher’s assignments in class, which encourage children to think.

When communicating in primary school children develop a conscious critical thinking. This happens due to the fact that in the class, ways to solve problems are discussed, various solution options are considered, the teacher constantly asks students to justify, tell, and prove the correctness of their judgment. A junior schoolchild regularly logs into the system when he needs to reason, compare different judgments, and make inferences.

Let us recall that analysis as a mental action involves decomposing the whole into parts, identifying by comparing the general and the particular,

distinguishing between the essential and the inessential in objects and phenomena.

Mastery of analysis begins with the child’s ability to identify various properties and characteristics in objects and phenomena. As you know, any subject can be viewed from different points of view. Depending on this, one or another feature or properties of the object come to the fore. The ability to identify properties is given to younger schoolchildren with great difficulty. And this is understandable, because the child’s concrete thinking must do the complex work of abstracting a property from an object. As a rule, out of an infinite number of properties of any object, first-graders can identify only two or three. As children develop, their horizons expand and they become familiar with various aspects of reality, this ability certainly improves. However, this does not exclude the need to specifically teach younger schoolchildren to see their different sides in objects and phenomena and to identify many properties.

In parallel with mastering the technique of identifying properties by comparison various items(phenomena) it is necessary to derive the concept of general and distinctive (particular), essential and non-essential features, using such thinking operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization.

During the learning process, tasks become more complex: as a result of identifying the distinctive and common features of several objects, children try to divide them into groups. Here, such a thinking operation as classification is necessary. In elementary school, the need to classify is used in most lessons, both when introducing a new concept and at the consolidation stage.

In the process of classification, children analyze the proposed situation, identify the most significant components in it, using the operations of analysis and synthesis, and make a generalization for each group of objects included in the class. As a result, objects are classified according to essential characteristics.

The relationship between the learning process and the development of thinking and changes in the analytical and synthetic composition of mental activity is considered by L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and others.

Analysis scientific research indicates that the problem of mental activity in the modern educational space remains poorly studied. In this regard, the definition of its essence, formation and development at different stages educational process It seems to us quite relevant.

Research conducted by P.P. Blonsky showed that the development of thinking is connected with the general development of man: actions turn into thought, thought gives birth to action - this is the dialectic of the relationship between will and thinking.

V.V. Davydov reduces the development of thinking to the ability to act without visual support, “in the mind.”

L.V. Zankov - to the development of analytical observation and success in the formation of concepts.

N.A. Menchinskaya - to change the level of analysis and synthesis when solving mental problems.

1.2 Features of the development of cognitive abilities in children of primary school age

Primary school students, that is, children of primary school age, differ greatly from each other in their academic success - focused and distracted, quick-learners and slow-witted. They came from a variety of families - more developed and less developed, well-mannered and wild, affectionate and those who do not receive affection. They are all related by the same age, some general features reacting to the environment.

As you know, in the lower grades, all academic subjects (sometimes with the exception of drawing, singing and physical education) are taught by one teacher, most often a teacher. Every day she teaches and educates her pets, disciplining and developing them. The attitude of primary school students towards the teacher is obviously both strong and weaknesses and expresses a certain stage of age development.

Such psychological characteristics, as faith in the truth of everything that is taught, imitation, trusting diligence, are an important prerequisite primary education at school, represents, as it were, a guarantee of learning and education. The noted features are closely related to other features of age. According to N.S. Leites knows the freshness, brightness, children's perception and extreme responsiveness of children to their surroundings. Primary school students respond with their whole being to individual moments of the teacher’s statements: they react very vividly to what is somewhat new to them, to every joke. For some example from life. For the most seemingly insignificant reason, they develop a state of complete interest and mental activity. Not a single episode of the lesson leaves them indifferent. The impulsiveness of children and their tendency to react immediately add impetus and tension to classes and determine their intensity. Younger schoolchildren especially react to direct impressions delivered by their senses. Sensitivity to imaginative thinking and content is noticeable especially in arithmetic classes. The spontaneity of children's reactions and insatiable impressionability can be very noticeable in an out-of-school environment. Along with the immediacy of reactions, there is a passing awareness of one’s impressions. The imitation of many children's actions and statements is an important source of success in primary learning. In children of this age, it manifests itself primarily in external copying, repetition of what is perceived. Primary school students willingly transfer into their games what they themselves have just learned. Therefore, educational material is mastered and consolidated not only in the hours allotted for it.

Junior school age, early years The teaching itself is a period of absorption and accumulation of knowledge.

The profound changes occurring in the psychological appearance of a primary school student indicate the wide possibilities for the child’s individual development at this age stage. During this period, the potential of the child’s development as an active subject is realized at a qualitatively new level. Cognizer the world and himself, gaining his own experience of acting in this world.

Junior school age is sensitive for:

formation of learning motives, development of sustainable cognitive needs and interests; development of productive techniques and skills academic work, learning skills; disclosure of cognitive abilities.

It is also necessary to include cognitive processes among the age-related characteristics of a primary school student. According to Alferov A.D. , the perception of children of this age is marked by acuteness, a kind of curiosity, which is associated with the predominance of the first signaling system. Little differentiation: at the beginning of their studies, schoolchildren may write letters with similar styles inaccurately or erroneously. They do not recognize the same geometric figure. Otherwise located on a plane. Capable of perceiving the subject not in detail, but in general. Everything bright, lively, and visual is perceived better.

There is a weakness of voluntary attention, so stimulation of their activities is required with encouragement and praise. And involuntary attention develops intensively, the stability of attention is small. The pace of work is often lost, and letters are skipped. The tendency to rote memorization is well developed in children of primary school age. Development is proceeding in two directions:

the mental role of verbal-logical memory;

The ability to manage your memory develops.

Typically, children of this age think in specific categories, but gradually there is a transition from knowledge of the external side of objects to their essence.

As the child develops, thinking is freed from ideas and moves on to analysis at the conceptual level. But still, it is easier for a student to go from cause to effect than from effect to cause. During this same period, the reconstructive and creative imagination develops. Children tend to fantasize, which is why younger schoolchildren are often considered liars.

R.S. Nemov believes that for the formation and development of each psychological and behavioral property of an individual there is a specific period when it is most reasonable to begin and actively conduct the training and education of children. But one should not think that these periods are uniquely determined for all children and times and cannot be changed as a result of improving methods of teaching and raising children. In psychology theory child development are of great importance driving forces development. The process of individual development of each child occurs in certain conditions, surrounded by specific objects of material and spiritual culture, people and relationships between them. These conditions depend individual characteristics, the use and transformation into appropriate abilities of certain inclinations available from birth, qualitative originality and combination of psychological and behavioral properties acquired in the process of development.

Teaching plays a leading role in the development of children of primary school age. In the process of learning, intellectual and cognitive abilities are formed. Children’s abilities do not necessarily have to be developed by the time they start school, especially those who continue to actively develop during the learning process.

Abilities are those psychological characteristics of a person on which the success of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities depends. But which themselves do not come down to the presence of this knowledge, skills, and abilities. Otherwise, the answer on the board, a successful or unsuccessful test, would allow us to make a final conclusion about the child’s abilities. Abilities are revealed only in activities that cannot be carried out without the presence of these abilities. From the perspective of considering this problem A.V. Petrovsky, one cannot talk about a child’s ability to draw if they have not tried to teach him to draw, if he has not acquired any skills necessary for visual activity. A serious psychological mistake of a teacher is making hasty statements without seriously checking them. That the child has not yet mastered the necessary skills, solid knowledge, or established work techniques. Abilities are revealed not in knowledge, skills and abilities, as such, but in the dynamics of their acquisition, that is, in how quickly, deeply, and easily the process of mastering knowledge and skills that are essential for a given activity is carried out, other things being equal. .

The development of cognitive abilities is associated with the fact that each child goes through his own developmental path, acquiring various typological features of higher education. nervous activity. An individual approach creates the most favorable opportunities for the development of cognitive strength, activity, inclinations and abilities of each student.

Thus, in younger schoolchildren, when the content and conditions of learning are changed, as well as the introduction of a new type of activity in the classroom (game), it is possible to develop a fairly high level of ability for generalizations and abstractions.

CHAPTER 2. Methods and techniques for developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren

2.1 Diagnosis of the level of development of cognitive abilities in primary schoolchildren

At the first stage of the study, we carried out diagnostic procedures, using the Munstenberg method to assess the level of development of attention in second-graders, and the “What’s extra?” test to assess the level of development of thinking.

The Munstenberg technique is aimed at determining the selectivity of attention, as well as for diagnosing concentration and noise immunity. Students were offered a form with alphabetic text containing words; the test subjects’ task was to look through the text as quickly as possible to find and underline these words, example:

Table 1. Initial diagnostic data (Munstenberg technique).

F.I. students

Highlighted words

Missing words

3. Serezha S.

5. Nikita V.

10. Lesha Ch.

12. Lena P.

13. Sasha K.

14. Andrey I.

15. Natasha P.

16. Kolya K.

17. Dima K.

18. Matvey L.

Graph 1. The number of errors made by students when performing the Munstenberg technique.

According to the diagnostic results, it was found that the majority of students made from 7 to 12 mistakes (61.1%), a small proportion of children made from 13 to 17 mistakes (39.9%). Therefore, we can conclude that attention is unstable and its level of concentration is low.

Test "What's extra?" allows us to judge the degree of formation of thinking, the ability to find essential features objects, the ability to compare and generalize. The result is assessed in points:

9 - 10 points - high level (the child solved all the tasks correctly in less than 1.5 minutes).

7 - 8 points - above average (the child completed the task in 2 minutes).

5 - 6 points - average level (the child completes the task in 3 minutes; perhaps does not complete one of the tasks).

3 - 4 points - below average (the child does not complete 2 - 3 tasks in 3 minutes).

0 - 2 points - low level (the child fails to complete the task in 3 minutes or completes only one of the tasks).

Table 2. Initial diagnostic data ("What's extra?" test)

State of the art

below the average

below the average

3. Serezha S.

below the average

5. Nikita V.

10. Lesha Ch.

below the average

12. Lena P.

13. Sasha K.

14. Andrey I.

below the average

15. Natasha P.

16. Kolya K.

17. Dima K.

below the average

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the level of development of thinking among students in this class is low and below average.

And only 44% of children have an average level of thinking development.

Thus, based on the diagnostic results, we can say that students need classes aimed at developing cognitive abilities.

Graph 2. Level of development of thinking in second-graders based on the results of the initial diagnosis

Therefore, at the second stage of our research, we consider it advisable to conduct intellectual games outside of school hours.

Over the course of 5 weeks, various games were played with primary schoolchildren to develop cognitive abilities, namely thinking and attention.

After that, repeated diagnostic procedures were carried out with the children - the “What’s extra?” test. and the Munstenberg technique.

The following results were obtained:

Table 3. Repeated diagnostic data (Munstenberg technique)

F.I. students

Highlighted words

Missing words

3. Serezha S.

5. Nikita V.

10. Lesha Ch.

12. Lena P.

13. Sasha K.

14. Andrey I.

15. Natasha P.

16. Kolya K.

17. Dima K.

18. Matvey L.

Graph 3. Number of errors made by students when performing the Munstenberg technique (repeated diagnosis)

Graph 4. Comparative control data of results using the Munstenberg method

Based on the data obtained, after conducting didactic games with children, we see that the result is significantly different from the original; namely, the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, as evidenced by the increase in the number of correctly highlighted words.

And in identifying changes in the level of development of students’ thinking, the following results were obtained:

Table 4. Repeated diagnostic data ("What's extra?" test)

State of the art

3. Serezha S.

above average

5. Nikita V.

below the average

above average

above average

10. Lesha Ch.

below the average

12. Lena P.

13. Sasha K.

above average

14. Andrey I.

15. Natasha P.

below the average

16. Kolya K.

below the average

17. Dima K.

18. Matvey L.

above average

As a result of the final diagnostics, we can conclude that the results shown by the children generally increased, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize was formed. After conducting didactic games, we see that the majority of children have an average level of thinking development, even 27.7% of students have an above average level of thinking development, which was not observed during the initial diagnosis.

Graph 5. Comparative control data of results ("What's extra?" test)

Conclusions and recommendations: by analyzing the study, we can judge the effectiveness of using didactic games for the development of cognitive abilities, namely attention and thinking in primary schoolchildren. The diagnostic results we received confirm the above - the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize have been developed. Students develop forms of consciousness and self-control, and the fear of making mistakes disappears.

2.2 Didactic games in mathematics lessons as the basis for the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren

IN Lately Teachers and parents often face the difficulty of introducing children to active recreation. One of the most accessible forms of active leisure is gaming.

Intellectual and creative games for younger schoolchildren are very popular. The following types of such games can be distinguished:

Literary games: create interest in reading among students. Having become acquainted with any book, the children as a whole prepare homework and come to the game, which includes intellectual, creative, outdoor tasks and competitions. The purpose of such games is to develop cognitive interest among students, develop individual abilities, and master the skills of collective activity.

Combination games: these are games such as tangram, games with matches, logic problems, checkers, chess, puzzles and others - they involve the ability to create new combinations from existing elements, parts, objects.

Planning games: mazes, puzzles, magic squares, games with matches - aimed at developing the ability to plan a sequence of actions for any goal. The ability to plan is manifested in the fact that students can determine which actions are performed earlier and which later.

Games to develop the ability to analyze: find a pair, find the odd one out, riddles, continue the series, entertaining tables - provide the ability to combine individual objects.

Intelligence in a broad sense is all cognitive activity; in a narrower sense, it is the most general concept that characterizes the sphere of human mental abilities. These kinds of qualities include the ability to analyze, synthesize and abstract, the presence of which means that the intellect has sufficient flexibility of thinking and creative potential; the ability for logical thinking, manifested in the ability to see cause and effect relationships between events and phenomena of the real world, to establish their sequence in time and space; as well as the child’s attention, memory, and speech.

From the point of view of N.S. Leites, the most essential for human intelligence lies in the fact that it allows one to reveal regular connections and relationships in the surrounding world. Anticipating upcoming changes makes it possible to transform reality, as well as to understand one’s mental processes and influence them (reflection and self-regulation). The need-personal side of the signs of intelligence is of primary importance.

Mental activity is the most characteristic feature of childhood. It appears not only in external manifestations, but also in the form internal processes. Psychology has long noted the importance of activity for the success of mental development.

The uniqueness of didactic games lies in the fact that at the same time it is a form of learning that contains all structural elements(parts) characteristic of children’s play activities: design (task), content, play actions, rules, result. But they manifest themselves in a slightly different form and are determined by the special role of didactic games in the upbringing and teaching of preschool children.

The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game and the focus of its content on the development of children’s cognitive activity.

In contrast to the direct setting of a task in the classroom, in a didactic game it also arises as a game task for the child himself. The importance of didactic play is that it develops independence and active thinking and speech in children.

Children need to be taught play actions. Only under this condition does the game acquire an educational character and become meaningful. Teaching game actions is carried out through a trial move in the game, showing the action itself.

One of the elements of a didactic game is the rules. They are determined by the task of learning and the content of the game and, in turn, determine the nature and method of game actions, organize and direct the behavior of children, the relationship between them and the teacher. With the help of rules, he develops in children the ability to navigate in changing circumstances, the ability to restrain immediate desires, and demonstrate emotional and volitional effort.

As a result of this, the ability to control one’s actions and correlate them with the actions of other players develops.

The rules of the game are educational, organizing and disciplinary in nature.

Teaching rules help to reveal to children what and how to do: they relate to game actions, strengthen their role, and clarify the method of execution;

organizing - determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game;

disciplining - warn about what and why not to do.

The rules of the game, established by the teacher, are gradually absorbed by the children. Focusing on them, they evaluate the correctness of their actions and the actions of their comrades, the relationships in the game.

The result of a didactic game is an indicator of the level of children’s achievement in mastering knowledge, in the development of mental activity, relationships, and not just a gain obtained in any way.

Game tasks, actions, rules, and the result of the game are interconnected, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity and reduces the educational and training impact.

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge.

These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developing role.

It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.

The didactic game helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher puts children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Successful management of didactic games, first of all, involves selecting and thinking through their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining their place and role in the holistic educational process, and interaction with other games and forms of education. It should be aimed at developing and encouraging children’s cognitive activity, independence and initiative, their use of different ways to solve game problems, and should ensure friendly relations between participants and a willingness to help their comrades.

The teacher outlines a sequence of games that become more complex in content, didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Individual, isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system cannot achieve an overall educational and developmental result. Therefore, the interaction of learning in the classroom and in the didactic game should be clearly defined.

The development of the game is largely determined by the pace of children’s mental activity, the greater or lesser success of performing game actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, and the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game, its pace is naturally slower. Later, when the game unfolds and the children get carried away, its pace quickens. By the end of the game, the emotional upsurge seems to subside and the pace slows down again. Avoid excessive slowness and unnecessary acceleration of the pace of the game. The fast pace sometimes causes confusion in children, uncertainty, untimely completion of game actions, and violation of rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get involved in the game and become overexcited. The slow pace of the game occurs when overly detailed explanations are given and many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that game actions seem to move away, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, commit violations, and make mistakes. They get tired faster, monotony reduces emotional uplift.

A didactic game as one of the forms of learning is carried out during the time allocated for classes. It is important to establish the correct relationship between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process.

Didactic games sometimes precede classes; in such cases, their goal is to attract children's interest in what will be the content of the lesson. The game can alternate with classes when it is necessary to strengthen the independent activity of children, organize the application of what has been learned in play activities, summarize, and generalize the material studied in class.


Today, more than ever, society's responsibility for educating the younger generation is widely recognized. Transformation of general education and vocational school aims to use all opportunities and resources to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Not all pedagogical resources are used in the field of child upbringing and development. One of these little-used means of education is play.

Meanwhile, pedagogy and psychology see such important features in the game as:

multifunctionality - the ability to provide the individual with the position of a subject of activity instead of a passive “consumer” of information, which is extremely important for the effectiveness of the educational process.

The didactic game is the basis for the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren.

When organizing didactic games, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students, since primary school age is a period of positive changes and transformations. That is why the level of achievement achieved by each child at a given age stage is so important. If at this age a child does not feel the joy of learning and does not acquire the ability to learn, doing so in the future will be much more difficult and will require immeasurably higher mental and physical costs.

In the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for studying at school are formed, which determine readiness for learning.

At different stages of development, children are characterized by different games in natural accordance with the general nature of this stage. By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops.

In order for the game to be effective means development and upbringing of the child, when organizing and conducting games, the following conditions must be met:

emotional (to attract the child, give him pleasure, joy);

cognitive, educational (the child must learn something new, recognize something, decide, think);

games should be socially oriented.

The main goal of the teacher is to consistently guide the process of developing independent play for each child and the team as a whole, because Only play in the form of children's independence has the greatest influence on the child's mental development. This is its pedagogical value. It is necessary that the game does not lose its value, freedom and ease.

It is necessary to take into account individual and age characteristics.

Subject to these conditions, the game will serve the development and education of the child.

Analyzing the study, we can judge the effectiveness of using didactic games for the development of cognitive abilities, namely attention and thinking in primary schoolchildren. The diagnostic results we received confirm the above - the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize have been developed.

Therefore, we believe it is advisable to conduct didactic games and actively involve students in this process.


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Annex 1

Questionnaire No. 1

Conducted to identify the teacher’s attitude towards the game

1. What place, in your opinion, does play occupy in the development of a child’s personality in modern conditions?


Not the most important thing


Doesn't take up any space

I didn't think about it

Don't know.

2. How much time do you devote to didactic games in the educational process in your teaching activities?

So many,

Not much,

Only in math lessons

Today it's not necessary

I didn't think about it

Don't know.

3. What difficulties in conducting didactic games bother you the most?

Lack of necessary conditions,

Indifference of children

I didn't think about it

Don't know,

Appendix 2

Questionnaire No. 2

Conducted to identify children’s attitude towards play in the classroom

1. What lessons do you enjoy most?

Using tables, diagrams, drawings,

The main thing is to make it interesting

Using the game,

A lesson is a lesson, no matter what, it’s still boring,

I don't like any lessons

I don't know, I don't care.

2. If you were a teacher, what would you have more of in your lesson?

Tables, diagrams, drawings,

Various games

Independent work,

Working with a textbook

Individual work using cards.

3. How often do you have games during lessons in your class?


Not very often,



4. How do you feel about playing in class?

I really want to participate

There is no great desire to support the game,

Playing in class is a waste of time.

5. What do you think is the benefit of playing in the classroom?

Very big,


Not very big,


No benefit

Don't know.

Appendix 3

Notes of mathematics lessons in 1st grade

Topic: “Numbers from 21 to 100 (consolidation).”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to count in tens, to continue developing the concept of the place value of a number, to consolidate the ability to count within 100; develop the ability to analyze, competent mathematical speech; maintain children's interest in mathematics lessons.

Equipment: cards with numbers (for each student), table of numbers.

1. Organizational moment

2. Oral counting

Let's start the lesson with mental calculation. Our first game is “Find the extra number”.

Guys, in each row of 5 consecutively written numbers there is one extra. Find this number and explain why you decided this.

5, 10, 15, 16, 20 (16 is extra)

8, 11, 13, 15, 17 (8)

10, 17, 16, 15, 14 (10)

12, 15, 18, 21, 43 (43)

For the next task we will need your number cards. Have them ready and raise them when answering a question.

Increase 10 by 3, decrease 10 by 3;

Find the sum of numbers 3 and 8;

Find the difference between the numbers 8 and 3;

How much is 8 less than 14?

How much more is 14 than 10?

Compare the numbers: 41 and 14, 26 and 62, 43 and 43.

Now we will play an interesting game “Clapping”. I will need two assistants - one will clap for tens, and the second - for units in the number I named. So, pay attention, and you in class also count carefully.

Now let’s count forward and backward in tens from 10 to 100 along the chain.

Well done, no one lost their way.

4. Setting the lesson goal

Today we will continue to study the topic “Numbers from 21 to 100”.

Look at the typesetting canvas.

How many squares are there? (23) How many tens and ones are there in this number?

How many circles are there? (32) How many tens and ones are there in this number?

Let's compare this pair of numbers 32 and 23. How are they similar? ( same numbers) What is written first on the right? In second place? What sign was placed between them?

Guys, now I will name the digit composition of the numbers, and you write down the numbers corresponding to these digits in your notebooks: 2 des. 8 units, 9 dec. 9 units, 5 units 3 des., 9 units, 1 des., 5 units, 1 des. 8 units

So, let's check what numbers you wrote down: 28, 92, 99, 35, 19, 5, 18.

Look carefully at the numbers and tell me which one is the odd one out? (5) Why?

What numbers are called two-digit? unambiguous? Underline with two lines the numbers that show the number of tens in numbers. How many tens are in each number?

Underline the numbers that indicate the number of units with one line.

5. Analysis of the problem

Reading a problem from the board.

The guys prepared 6 kg of rowan berries and 4 kg of watermelon seeds for the birds. Over the winter they fed the birds 7 kg of feed. How many kilograms of feed are left?

What does the problem say? What words will we use to briefly write the condition?

What do you need to find? Can we find the answer right away? What should you know first?

How do we know how many seeds have been prepared?

What do you need to know for this?

How many steps will the task take?

What will we find as the first action? second?

We write down the solution and answer.

Now you will test each other how well you can count to 100 and let’s play the game “Who can count the fastest?”

Look at the blackboard. There is a table hanging there with numbers written in the wrong order. Your task is to name all the numbers in order, as they follow in order of counting from 61 to 90 and show them on the table.

Two players can go through the table: One calls numbers from 61 to 74, the other from 75 to 90.

Now you need to name the numbers in reverse order from 90 to 61 and also show them on the table.

The work proceeds in the same order. You can divide respondents into 3 groups: 90-80, 79-69, 68-61).

7. Summing up the lesson

Well done, everyone coped with such a difficult task.

So, tell me, what did we do in class today? What games did we play? What helped us repeat the games?

The lesson is over.

Topic: Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers within 100.

Goals: 1. Strengthen the skills of adding and subtracting two-digit numbers without passing through a ten within 100. 2. Develop the ability to solve problems of the types studied, skills logical thinking. 3. Arouse interest in the subject through didactic games and logical tasks.

Equipment: drawings depicting Ivan Tsarevich, Zmey Gorynych, Koshchei; cards with numbers and letters, a pattern of numbers for a calligraphy minute, sheets with examples for group work.

Org moment.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

A calligraphic moment.

What number is hidden in the ornament?

Let's write it down. 2 2 2 2.

Verbal counting.

In a certain kingdom, in the Far Far Away State, there lived Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. One day Vasilisa disappeared. Ivan Tsarevich grieved, grieved and went in search. But where to go, where to look? Who kidnapped Vasilisa? We will find out by completing the first task.

1) Find the “extra” number; arrange the numbers in descending order. Now let's turn the cards over. What happened? 35, 73, 33, 40, 13, 23.

Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey. But the Serpent Gorynych, sent by Koshchei, is already waiting for him. Who will fight the Serpent? You need to defeat all three heads of the Serpent.

2) Individual task at the board (3 people).

46+40 87+10 39+30

100-20 50+30 90-40

59-3 36-20 49-30

A magic ball will guide Ivan Tsarevich, but you need to get to it through a maze of numbers (in ascending order).

3) “Labyrinth”.

4) The magic ball brought Ivan Tsarevich to a crossroads. There is an inscription on a roadside stone: “The right road is the one where the answer is neither the biggest nor the smallest.” Which road should Ivan take?

a) And on the road the numbers are written in rows. Find a pattern, continue the series of numbers:

20, 17, 14, …, …, …, …

2, 4, 7, 11, …, …, …, …

b) Checking the individual assignment.

The guys defeated Zmey Gorynych. He guarded the chest, which contained a sword for Ivan Tsarevich. But the chest is tightly locked with three locks. But locks are not simple - there is an example for each. What do you think?

The locks will open if we correct the mistakes, make them invisible. Nothing can be erased; you can add numbers and action signs.

46=50 28+1=30 64>70

4+46=50 1+28+1=30 64>70-7 and other numbers up to 70

46=50-4 28+1=30-1 any number >6+64>70

So, the sword is in Ivan’s hands, the path to Koshchei’s kingdom is free!

Solving examples on addition and subtraction. Work in pairs.

Koshcheya Castle is located on a huge high rock. Let's help Ivan Tsarevich overcome the rock by solving examples.

We work in pairs and help each other. We write the results one by one with pencils of different colors.

The solution of the problem.

Well, we got to Koshchei. He met Ivan Tsarevich with these words: “Since you were able to get to me, complete my tasks, and Vasilisa is yours! If you don't do it, head off your shoulders! Here's the first task.

In my garden there is a magical apple tree with golden and silver apples. There were 12 golden apples, 8 silver ones. I picked 9 apples. How many apples are left?”

a) Write down a brief condition, analyze the problem, draw up a graphic diagram.

There were 12 apples and 8 apples.

Picked - 9 apples.

Left - ?.

b) Independent solution tasks

c) Checking, entering numbers into the diagram.

7. Independent work.

1) Solving examples.

60 - 5 30 - 8 33 + 7 58 + 2 - 4

40 - 7 52 - 30 80 - 5 78 + 20 - 6

2) Frontal check.

In which example is the answer a round number?

Which answers have the same number of tens and ones?

What answers were not mentioned?

“Well, Ivan, take Vasilisa,” said Koschey. - Just guess where she is first. I have four towers. The first tower is empty. Vasilisa is not in the highest tower. Where is she?"

9. Lesson summary.

Topic: Written techniques for subtracting two-digit numbers of the form 50-32.

Goal: To consolidate...

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    Didactic principles and rules of the game. Characteristics of the development of creative abilities in children of primary school age. Methodology for studying levels of cognitive activity. Results of the study before and after the use of didactic games.

    thesis, added 05/14/2015

    Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the formation of cognitive abilities in the course of teaching literacy to primary schoolchildren through didactic games. Formation of cognitive universal educational actions of junior schoolchildren in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    thesis, added 03/06/2015

    Studying the features of the development of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren. Analysis of the experience of using historical material in mathematics classes in primary school. Development of a fragment of a mathematics lesson using historical material.

    thesis, added 09/07/2017

    Peculiarities of cognitive abilities of children with disabilities as a pedagogical problem. Research and cognitive interests of students in history lessons. Ways to form cognitive abilities in the learning process.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education of the Vologda Region

State educational institution

Secondary vocational education

"Totemsky Pedagogical College"

Course work

in pedagogy

specialty 050709 "Teaching in primary school"


Totma 2008


1.4 Games for primary school children




State modern society posed a number of acute problems for education, including a sharp deterioration in the physical, mental, neurological and moral health of children. But all this, of course, affects the development of children, their interests and abilities, primarily intellectual. The development of intellectual abilities is based on the development of attention, thinking, and memory. The development of intellectual abilities and the development of independent thinking are especially important. There is a shortage of high-level specialists in society who are capable of deep and independent thinking. Only such people can make a breakthrough in economics, ecology, science and, finally, move society forward. According to psychologists, if by the age of 4 the intelligence is formed by 50%, then in the elementary grades - by 80 - 90%. Primary school age is one of the main periods of a child’s life, since it is at this stage that the child begins to acquire the main stock of knowledge about the surrounding reality for his further development. Also acquires fundamental skills and abilities. It is from this period of life that the further development of the child depends. The most important task - to outline an educational route for your student - lies on the shoulders of the teacher. It is on the rational actions of the teacher that the identification of the intellectual abilities of a primary school student depends. And the intellectual characteristics of a person are understood as the characteristics of the development of the psyche of a given child, the characteristics of his thinking, memory, and attention. In parallel with the development of independent thinking, the child develops speech, which organizes and clarifies the thought, allows it to be expressed in a generalized way, separating the important from the unimportant. The development of thinking also affects a person’s upbringing. The child develops positive features character and the need to develop good qualities in oneself: efficiency, the ability to think and reach the truth independently, plan activities, as well as self-control and conviction, love and interest in the subject, the desire to learn and know a lot. All this is extremely necessary for the child’s future life. The development of intellectual abilities relieves psychological stress in learning, prevents academic failure, and preserves health. It is equally important to note that the ideas of developing independent thinking are included in the concept of humaneness of the educational process of school, because the implementation of these ideas is nothing more than a truly humane attitude towards the child, which allows timely help in the formation of an independent personality, creating conditions for its self-expression.

When implementing the learning process, the teacher must naturally take into account the age characteristics of the students. As is known, in preschool age The child's leading activity is play. But time passes and the child grows up and becomes a schoolchild. And at primary school age, the leading activity is study. Therefore, in order for a child to successfully adapt to school life, it is necessary to make a smooth transition from one type of activity to another. To do this, in lessons the teacher uses various types of gaming techniques - educational games. He can include them both in class activities and in extracurricular activities. Games should be educational or educational in nature. Their goal is to broaden their horizons, form their own worldview, and interest in the knowledge of younger schoolchildren. And here games of an intellectual nature come first.

Games vary in content, characteristic features, by the place they occupy in the lives of children, in their upbringing and education. Plot- role-playing games created by the children themselves with some guidance from the teacher. They are based on children's amateur activities. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing games, emphasizing that children do not simply copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend them and reproduce them in created images and play actions. Construction games are a type of role-playing games.

In the practice of education, games with rules created for children by adults are also used. Games with rules include didactic, active, and fun games. They are based on clearly defined program content, didactic tasks, and focused learning. In this case, children’s independent activities are not excluded, but they are more closely combined with the guidance of the teacher. As children master the experience of play and develop the ability to self-organize, they also play these games independently.

This topic is very relevant at the present time, since independence of mind and intelligence are the main criterion for assessing a person in society. The satisfaction, joy and happiness of a person in life depends on this. In turn, society requires activity and a high level of knowledge from students. This will facilitate a painless entry of the younger student into the process of social relations. Because through games that promote intellectual development, vocabulary expands and the individual potential of a junior schoolchild is revealed. What a wonderful thing - discoveries! Different feelings manifest themselves when comprehending something previously completely unknown, but one thing is always present - surprise. As we know, thinking begins with surprise; therefore, discoveries are extremely necessary for the development of intelligence. The life of schoolchildren deprived of mental holidays is truly catastrophic, as this affects their further success and well-being in life.

Goal: to identify the role of intellectual games in the development of children’s cognitive abilities.

study scientific and methodological literature on this topic;

establish how, with the help of intellectual games, it is possible to develop the cognitive abilities of children;

Object: cognitive abilities (attention, thinking) of a primary school student.

Subject: development of cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren through participation in intellectual games.

Research base: Municipal educational institution "Nikolskaya elementary school No. 1" in Nikolsk.

This work consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, bibliography, applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic being studied. The first section examines the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren, which provides a description of the age-related characteristics of children, as well as games aimed at developing the cognitive sphere. The second section is devoted to the influence of intellectual games on the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren, which presents tables and graphs by which the results of the experimental work can be assessed. In conclusion, conclusions on the theoretical and practical parts of the study are presented.

Section 1. Psychological and pedagogical features of the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren

1.1 Age characteristics of a primary school student

Primary school students, that is, children of primary school age, differ greatly from each other in their academic success - focused and distracted, quick-learners and slow-witted. They came from a variety of families - more developed and less developed, well-mannered and wild, affectionate and those who do not receive affection. All of them have in common the same age, some common features of reacting to the environment.

As you know, in the lower grades, all academic subjects (sometimes with the exception of drawing, singing and physical education) are taught by one teacher, most often a teacher. Every day she teaches and educates her pets, disciplining and developing them. The attitude of elementary school students towards the teacher obviously has both strengths and weaknesses and expresses a certain stage of age development.

Such psychological characteristics as belief in the truth of everything that is taught, imitation, and trusting diligence are an important prerequisite for initial schooling and represent, as it were, a guarantee of learning ability and educability. The noted features are closely related to other features of age. According to N.S. Leites knows the freshness, brightness, children's perception and extreme responsiveness of children to their surroundings. Primary school students respond with their whole being to individual moments of the teacher’s statements: they react very vividly to what is somewhat new to them, to every joke. For some example from life. For the most seemingly insignificant reason, they develop a state of complete interest and mental activity. Not a single episode of the lesson leaves them indifferent. The impulsiveness of children and their tendency to react immediately add impetus and tension to classes and determine their intensity. Younger schoolchildren especially react to direct impressions delivered by their senses. Sensitivity to imaginative thinking and content is noticeable especially in arithmetic classes. The spontaneity of children's reactions and insatiable impressionability can be very noticeable in an out-of-school environment. Along with the immediacy of reactions, there is a passing awareness of one’s impressions. The imitation of many children's actions and statements is an important source of success in primary learning. In children of this age, it manifests itself primarily in external copying, repetition of what is perceived. Primary school students willingly transfer into their games what they themselves have just learned. Therefore, educational material is mastered and consolidated not only in the hours allotted for it.

Junior school age, the initial years of learning itself, is a period of absorption and accumulation of knowledge.

The profound changes occurring in the psychological appearance of a primary school student indicate the wide possibilities for the child’s individual development at this age stage. During this period, the potential of the child’s development as an active subject is realized at a qualitatively new level. Cognizing the world around him and himself, gaining his own experience of acting in this world.

Junior school age is sensitive for:

formation of learning motives, development of sustainable cognitive needs and interests;

development of productive techniques and skills in academic work, the ability to learn;

disclosure of cognitive abilities.

It is also necessary to include cognitive processes among the age-related characteristics of a primary school student. According to Alferov A.D. , the perception of children of this age is marked by acuteness, a kind of curiosity, which is associated with the predominance of the first signaling system. Little differentiation: at the beginning of their studies, schoolchildren may write letters with similar styles inaccurately or erroneously. They do not recognize the same geometric figure. Otherwise located on a plane. Capable of perceiving the subject not in detail, but in general. Everything bright, lively, and visual is perceived better.

There is a weakness of voluntary attention, so stimulation of their activities is required with encouragement and praise. And involuntary attention develops intensively, the stability of attention is small. The pace of work is often lost, and letters are skipped. The tendency to rote memorization is well developed in children of primary school age. Development is proceeding in two directions:

the mental role of verbal-logical memory;

The ability to manage your memory develops.

Typically, children of this age think in specific categories, but gradually there is a transition from knowledge of the external side of objects to their essence.

As the child develops, thinking is freed from ideas and moves on to analysis at the conceptual level. But still, it is easier for a student to go from cause to effect than from effect to cause. During this same period, the reconstructive and creative imagination develops. Children tend to fantasize, which is why younger schoolchildren are often considered liars.

R.S. Nemov believes that for the formation and development of each psychological and behavioral property of an individual there is a specific period when it is most reasonable to begin and actively conduct the training and education of children. But one should not think that these periods are uniquely determined for all children and times and cannot be changed as a result of improving methods of teaching and raising children. In the psychology of the theory of child development, the driving forces of development are of great importance. The process of individual development of each child occurs in certain conditions, surrounded by specific objects of material and spiritual culture, people and relationships between them. Individual characteristics, the use and transformation into appropriate abilities of certain inclinations present from birth, qualitative originality and the combination of psychological and behavioral properties acquired in the process of development depend on these conditions.

Teaching plays a leading role in the development of children of primary school age. In the process of learning, intellectual and cognitive abilities are formed. Children’s abilities do not necessarily have to be developed by the time they start school, especially those who continue to actively develop during the learning process.

Abilities are those psychological characteristics of a person on which the success of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities depends. But which themselves do not come down to the presence of this knowledge, skills, and abilities. Otherwise, the answer on the board, a successful or unsuccessful test, would allow us to make a final conclusion about the child’s abilities. Abilities are revealed only in activities that cannot be carried out without the presence of these abilities. From the perspective of considering this problem A.V. Petrovsky, one cannot talk about a child’s ability to draw if they have not tried to teach him to draw, if he has not acquired any skills necessary for visual activity. A serious psychological mistake of a teacher is making hasty statements without seriously checking them. That the child has not yet mastered the necessary skills, solid knowledge, or established work techniques. Abilities are revealed not in knowledge, skills and abilities, as such, but in the dynamics of their acquisition, that is, in how quickly, deeply, and easily the process of mastering knowledge and skills that are essential for a given activity is carried out, other things being equal. .

The development of cognitive abilities is due to the fact that each child goes through his own developmental path, acquiring various typological features of higher nervous activity. An individual approach creates the most favorable opportunities for the development of cognitive strength, activity, inclinations and abilities of each student.

Thus, in younger schoolchildren, when the content and conditions of learning are changed, as well as the introduction of a new type of activity in the classroom (game), it is possible to develop a fairly high level of ability for generalizations and abstractions.

1.2 Play as a means of developing a child’s individual abilities

As is known, play, as a leading activity, appears in preschool age. Children of this age spend most of their time playing games, and during this time games go through a fairly significant development path: from objective and symbolic to plot-role-playing with rules.

From the moment a child enters school, educational activity becomes the leading activity, and play fades into the background. When younger schoolchildren develop educational activities, a central new formation of this age is formed and developed - the foundations of theoretical consciousness and thinking and the foundations of the abilities associated with them (reflection, analysis, planning, etc.).

The assimilation of theoretical knowledge through educational activities is fully accomplished when it is combined with a game. The prerequisites for the need for educational activity in the form of cognitive interests arise in a child of primary school age in the process of developing a plot game, within which the imagination and symbolic function are intensively formed. Role-playing play contributes to the development of cognitive interests in the child. The child’s fulfillment of rather complex roles presupposes that, along with imagination and symbolic function, he also has a variety of information about the world around him, about adults, and the ability to navigate this information according to its content. A necessary element of the game, an imaginary situation represents a transformation of the child’s accumulated stock of ideas.

The fantasy image acts as a program for play activity. Role-playing games, which provide rich food for the imagination, allow the child to deepen and consolidate valuable personality traits (courage, determination, organization, resourcefulness). Comparing your own and other people’s behavior in an imaginary situation with the behavior of the real character being represented. The child learns to make the necessary assessments and comparisons.

At primary school age, children's games gradually acquire more advanced forms, turn into developmental ones, their content changes and is enriched due to newly acquired experience. Individual subject games acquire a constructive character; new knowledge is widely used in them, especially from the field natural sciences. As well as the knowledge that children acquire through labor classes at school.

Group and collective games are being intellectualized. At this age, it is important that the younger student is provided with a sufficient number of educational games at school and at home and has time to play with them. Games at this age continue to take second place after educational activities as leading ones and significantly influence the development of children.

“Play is a need of a growing child’s body. In play, the child’s physical strength develops, the hand becomes stronger, the body becomes more flexible, or rather the eye, intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative develop.”

Play for a child is not only relaxation and entertainment, but also a type of activity: without play, a child cannot grow and develop normally. In games, the child develops physically and mentally, encountering the world of modern technology. The game develops hard work, perseverance in achieving goals, observation, and ingenuity. It is necessary to constantly find and use games that promote children's development. All games taken together must necessarily lead to certain pedagogical goals and achieve them. When starting to organize games in a children's group, it is necessary to rely on the already achieved level of development of the children, their inclinations, habits, and abilities. And then smoothly adjust and rebuild the existing interests of children into the desired ones, increasing the requirements for them, patiently and persistently working on their spiritual transformation.

Play cannot be equated with entertainment. Even though some games are fun, a way to pass time. But the degree of usefulness of most games as a means of development depends on the methodology and technique of their organization, on the style of the game, and most importantly, on its nature and goals. The whole essence of a child is revealed in games. And if these games are selected thoughtfully and carried out correctly, then it is in games that much can be achieved, which is very difficult to achieve through conversations, meetings and other methods and techniques of influencing the child, which are very tiring for him. By observing children during play, the teacher can correct the child in time and help him. In games, children discover their positive and negative sides, seeing and comparing which the teacher receives a huge opportunity to influence properly on everyone together and each individually.

Thus, a game is one of the components of the means, methods and forms used for development purposes. The game evokes a cheerful and cheerful mood and brings joy. Captivated by lively, emotional play, children more easily learn and acquire various skills, abilities and knowledge that they will need in life. This is why games should be widely used in working with children. It is customary to distinguish between two main types of games:

games with fixed and open rules;

games with hidden rules.

An example of games of the first type is the majority of educational, didactic and outdoor games, as well as educational games (intellectual, musical, fun games, attractions).

The second type includes games in which, based on life or artistic impressions, they are freely and independently reproduced social relations or material objects.

Typically, the following types of games are distinguished: outdoor games - varied in design, rules, and the nature of the movements performed. They help improve children's health and develop movement. Children love active games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to move rhythmically to it; construction games - with sand, cubes, special building materials, develop children's constructive abilities, serve as a kind of preparation for mastering later labor skills; didactic games - specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich natural science knowledge, and to develop certain mental qualities and properties (observation, memory, attention); role-playing games - games in which children imitate the household, work and social activities of adults, for example, games for school, daughter-mother, store, railway. Story games, in addition to their educational purpose, develop children's initiative, creativity, and observation skills.

1.3 Didactic game as a means of intellectual development

Recently, teachers and parents often face the difficulty of introducing children to active recreation. One of the most accessible forms of active leisure is gaming.

Intellectual and creative games for younger schoolchildren are very popular. The following types of such games can be distinguished:

Literary games: create interest in reading among students. Having become acquainted with a book, the whole class prepares homework and comes to the game, which includes intellectual, creative, outdoor tasks and competitions. The purpose of such games is to develop cognitive interest among students, develop individual abilities, and master the skills of collective activity.

combination games: these are games such as tangram, games with matches, logic problems, checkers, chess, puzzles and others - they involve the ability to create new combinations from existing elements, parts, objects.

planning games: labyrinths, puzzles, magic squares, games with matches - aimed at developing the ability to plan a sequence of actions for any goal. The ability to plan is manifested in the fact that students can determine which actions are performed earlier and which later.

games to develop the ability to analyze: find a pair, find the odd one out, riddles, continue the series, entertaining tables - provide the ability to combine individual objects.

Intelligence in a broad sense is all cognitive activity; in a narrower sense, it is the most general concept that characterizes the sphere of human mental abilities. These kinds of qualities include the ability to analyze, synthesize and abstract, the presence of which means that the intellect has sufficient flexibility of thinking and creative potential; the ability for logical thinking, manifested in the ability to see cause and effect relationships between events and phenomena of the real world, to establish their sequence in time and space; as well as the child’s attention, memory, and speech.

From the point of view of N.S. Leites, the most essential thing for human intelligence is that it allows one to discover regular connections and relationships in the surrounding world. Anticipating upcoming changes makes it possible to transform reality, as well as to understand one’s mental processes and influence them (reflection and self-regulation). The need-personal side of the signs of intelligence is of primary importance.

Mental activity is the most characteristic feature of childhood. It appears not only in external manifestations, but also in the form of internal processes. Psychology has long noted the importance of activity for the success of mental development.

The originality of didactic games lies in the fact that it is at the same time a form of education that contains all the structural elements (parts) characteristic of children’s play activities: design (task), content, play actions, rules, result. But they manifest themselves in a slightly different form and are determined by the special role of didactic games in the upbringing and teaching of preschool children.

The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game and the focus of its content on the development of children’s cognitive activity.

In contrast to the direct setting of a task in the classroom, in a didactic game it also arises as a game task for the child himself. The importance of didactic play is that it develops independence and active thinking and speech in children.

Children need to be taught play actions. Only under this condition does the game acquire an educational character and become meaningful. Teaching game actions is carried out through a trial move in the game, showing the action itself.

One of the elements of a didactic game is the rules. They are determined by the task of learning and the content of the game and, in turn, determine the nature and method of game actions, organize and direct the behavior of children, the relationship between them and the teacher. With the help of rules, he develops in children the ability to navigate in changing circumstances, the ability to restrain immediate desires, and demonstrate emotional and volitional effort.

As a result of this, the ability to control one’s actions and correlate them with the actions of other players develops.

The rules of the game are educational, organizing and disciplinary in nature.

teaching rules help to reveal to children what and how to do: they relate to game actions, strengthen their role, and clarify the method of execution;

organizing - determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game;

disciplining - warn about what and why not to do.

The rules of the game established by the teacher are gradually learned

children. Focusing on them, they evaluate the correctness of their actions and the actions of their comrades, the relationships in the game.

The result of a didactic game is an indicator of the level of children’s achievement in mastering knowledge, in the development of mental activity, relationships, and not just a gain obtained in any way.

Game tasks, actions, rules, and the result of the game are interconnected, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity and reduces the educational and training impact.

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge.

These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developing role.

It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.

The didactic game helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher puts children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Successful management of didactic games, first of all, involves selecting and thinking through their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining their place and role in the holistic educational process, and interaction with other games and forms of education. It should be aimed at developing and encouraging children’s cognitive activity, independence and initiative, their use of different ways to solve game problems, and should ensure friendly relations between participants and a willingness to help their comrades.

The teacher outlines a sequence of games that become more complex

The development of the game is largely determined by the pace of children’s mental activity, the greater or lesser success of performing game actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, and the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game, its pace is naturally slower. Later, when the game unfolds and the children get carried away, its pace quickens. By the end of the game, the emotional upsurge seems to subside and the pace slows down again. Avoid excessive slowness and unnecessary acceleration of the pace of the game. The fast pace sometimes causes confusion in children, uncertainty,

untimely execution of game actions, violation of rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get involved in the game and become overexcited. The slow pace of the game occurs when overly detailed explanations are given and many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that game actions seem to move away, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, commit violations, and make mistakes. They get tired faster, monotony reduces emotional uplift.

A didactic game as one of the forms of learning is carried out during the time allocated for classes. It is important to establish the correct relationship between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process.

Didactic games sometimes precede classes; in such cases, their goal is to attract children's interest in what will be the content of the lesson. The game can alternate with classes when it is necessary to strengthen the independent activity of children, organize the application of what has been learned in play activities, summarize, and generalize the material studied in class.

1.4 Games for children of primary school age

At the age of 6-7 years, the child begins a period of change in the leading type of activity - the transition from play to directed learning (in D.B. Elkonin - the “crisis of 7 years”). Therefore, when organizing the daily routine and educational activities of junior schoolchildren, it is necessary to create conditions that facilitate a flexible transition from one leading type of activity to another. To solve this problem, you can resort to the widespread use of games in the educational process (cognitive and didactic games) and during recreation.

Young schoolchildren have just emerged from a period in which role-playing was the leading type of activity. The age of 6-10 years is characterized by brightness and spontaneity of perception, ease of entering into images.

Games continue to occupy a significant place in the lives of children of primary school age. If you ask younger schoolchildren what they do besides studying, they will all unanimously answer: “We play.”

The need for play as preparation for work, as an expression of creativity, as training of strengths and abilities, and, finally, as simple entertainment among schoolchildren is very great.

At primary school age, role-playing games continue to occupy a large place. They are characterized by the fact that, while playing, the schoolchild takes on a certain role and performs actions in an imaginary situation, recreating the actions of a specific person.

While playing, children strive to master those personality qualities that attract them to real life. Therefore, children like roles that are associated with the manifestation of courage and nobility. In role-playing, they begin to portray themselves, while striving for a position that is not possible in reality.

Thus, role play acts as a means of self-education for the child. In the process of joint activity during role play, children develop ways of relating to each other. Compared to preschoolers, younger schoolchildren spend more time discussing the plot and assigning roles, and choose them more purposefully. Particular attention should be paid to organizing games aimed at developing the ability to communicate with each other and with other people.

In this case, the teacher must use an individual and personal approach to the child. It is typical that very shy children, who themselves cannot act in scenes because of their shyness, quite easily act out improvised scenes on dolls.

The educational significance of story games for younger schoolchildren is fixed in the fact that they serve as a means of understanding reality, creating a team, fostering curiosity and forming strong-willed feelings of the individual. Younger schoolchildren understand the conventions of the game and therefore allow a certain leniency in their attitude towards themselves and their comrades in games. At this age, outdoor games are common. Children enjoy playing with a ball, running, climbing, that is, those games that require quick reactions, strength, and dexterity. Such games usually contain elements of competition, which is very attractive to children.

Children of this age show an interest in board games, as well as didactic and educational. They contain the following elements of activity: game task, game motives, educational solutions to problems. Didactic games can be used to improve the performance of first grade students.

During primary school age, significant changes occur in children's games: gaming interests become more stable, toys lose their attractiveness for children, and sports and constructive games begin to come to the fore. The game is gradually given less time, because... Reading, going to the cinema, and television begin to occupy a large place in the leisure time of younger schoolchildren.

Thus, taking into account the positive significance of play for the all-round development of a primary school child, when developing his daily routine, one should leave enough time for play activities that give the child so much joy. A pedagogically well-organized game mobilizes children’s mental capabilities, develops organizational skills, instills self-discipline skills, and brings joy from joint actions. The development of intellectual abilities has a direct connection with all basic subjects of primary education. For example, intensive development of students’ thinking helps them better analyze and understand more deeply readable texts. And the active introduction of intellectual games into the educational process is one of the most important tasks of a teacher.

Section 2. The influence of intellectual games on the development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren

2.1 Planning and organization of the experiment

Location of the study: Municipal educational institution "Nikolskaya elementary school No. 1" in Nikolsk.

Objectives of the practical part of the study.

1. Select intellectual games aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren.

2. Conduct them with schoolchildren.

3. Evaluate the results of the work done.

Hypothesis: intellectual games contribute to the development of cognitive abilities (thinking, attention) in younger schoolchildren.

Research methods:

1. testing ("What's extra?" test), testing according to the Munstenberg method;

2. play therapy;

3. methods of mathematical processing of the obtained data.

Class characteristics.

Students of grade 2 “B”, aged 8 to 9 years, took part in our study. The level of development of cognitive abilities and general educational skills of students is not high, due to the fact that psychological classes on the development of the cognitive sphere were not conducted with children due to the absence of a teacher-psychologist at school. Therefore, students had difficulties when participating in intellectual games.

Planning of practical work:

At the preparatory stage:

determine the level of development of thinking and attention in students of grade 2 "B", in accordance with this, select a number of intellectual games.

Main stage:

conducting intellectual games with children.

The final stage:

conducting repeated diagnostics aimed at assessing the level of development of cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren;

evaluate the results of the work done and draw appropriate conclusions.

To develop the cognitive abilities of second-graders, we used the following games:

combination games - tangrams, games with matches, logic problems, checkers, chess, puzzles and others - involve the ability to create new combinations from existing elements, parts, objects;

planning games - mazes, magic squares, puzzles - are aimed at developing the ability to plan a sequence of actions to achieve a goal. The ability to plan is manifested in the fact that students can determine which actions are performed earlier and which later;

games to develop the ability to analyze - find a pair, find the odd one out, riddles, continue the series, entertaining tables - provide the ability to combine individual objects into a group with common name, highlight the general characteristics of objects, the ability to describe an object according to the principle “what it consists of, what it does.”

In our opinion, the material of search and creative tasks of non-educational content creates favorable conditions for developing a culture of thinking in younger schoolchildren, which is characterized by the ability to independently manage mental activity, take initiative, set goals and find ways to achieve them (see Appendix 1).

2.2 Analysis of the results of experimental work

At the first stage of the study, we carried out diagnostic procedures, using the Munstenberg method to assess the level of development of attention in second-graders, and the “What’s extra?” test to assess the level of development of thinking.

The Munstenberg technique is aimed at determining the selectivity of attention, as well as for diagnosing concentration and noise immunity. Students were offered a form with alphabetic text containing words; the test subjects’ task was to look through the text as quickly as possible to find and underline these words, example:


Table 1. Initial diagnostic data (Munstenberg technique).

F.I. students Highlighted words Errors Missing words
1. Tolya S. 7 1 9
2. Lisa K. 3 14
3. Serezha S. 6 1 10
4. Vika K. 6 1 10
5. Nikita V. 4 13
6. Tanya S. 5 1 11
7. Vanya K. 2 1 14
8. Zhenya P. 8 1 8
9. Lena Ts. 8 9
10. Lesha Ch. 2 1 14
11. Olya Ch. 6 1 10
12. Lena P. 6 11
13. Sasha K. 3 14
14. Andrey I. 2 15
15. Natasha P. 7 10
16. Kolya K. 3 1 13
17. Dima K. 7 10
18. Matvey L. 7 10

Graph 1. The number of errors made by students when performing the Munstenberg technique.

According to the diagnostic results, it was found that the majority of students made from 7 to 12 mistakes (61.1%), a small proportion of children made from 13 to 17 mistakes (39.9%). Therefore, we can conclude that attention is unstable and its level of concentration is low.

Test "What's extra?" allows one to judge the degree of development of thinking, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize. The result is assessed in points:

9 - 10 points - high level (the child solved all the tasks correctly in less than 1.5 minutes).

7 - 8 points - above average (the child completed the task in 2 minutes).

5 - 6 points - average level (the child completes the task in 3 minutes; perhaps does not complete one of the tasks).

3 - 4 points - below average (the child does not complete 2 - 3 tasks in 3 minutes).

0 - 2 points - low level (the child fails to complete the task in 3 minutes or completes only one of the tasks).

Table 2. Initial diagnostic data ("What's extra?" test)

Students State of the art Points
1. Tolya S. below the average 4
2. Lisa K. below the average 4
3. Serezha S. average 6
4. Vika K. below the average 4
5. Nikita V. average 6
6. Tanya S. short 2
7. Vanya K. average 6
8. Zhenya P. average 6
9. Lena Ts. average 6
10. Lesha Ch. short 2
11. Olya Ch. below the average 4
12. Lena P. average 6
13. Sasha K. average 6
14. Andrey I. below the average 4
15. Natasha P. short 2
16. Kolya K. short 2
17. Dima K. below the average 4
18. Matvey L. average 6

Graph 2. Level of development of thinking in second-graders based on the results of the initial diagnosis

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the level of development of thinking among students in this class is low and below average.

And only 44% of children have an average level of thinking development.

Thus, based on the diagnostic results, we can say that students need classes aimed at developing cognitive abilities.

Therefore, at the second stage of our research, we consider it advisable to conduct intellectual games outside of school hours.

Over the course of 5 weeks, various games were played with primary schoolchildren to develop cognitive abilities, namely thinking and attention.

After that, repeated diagnostic procedures were carried out with the children - the “What’s extra?” test. and the Munstenberg technique.

The following results were obtained:

Table 3. Repeated diagnostic data (Munstenberg technique)

F.I. students Highlighted words Errors Missing words
1. Tolya S. 10 1 6
2. Lisa K. 5 11
3. Serezha S. 9 8
4. Vika K. 10 1 6
5. Nikita V. 7 10
6. Tanya S. 10 7
7. Vanya K. 5 12
8. Zhenya P. 14 1 2
9. Lena Ts. 13 4
10. Lesha Ch. 6 11
11. Olya Ch. 8 1 8
12. Lena P. 6 11
13. Sasha K. 7 10
14. Andrey I. 7 1 9
15. Natasha P. 8 9
16. Kolya K. 5 1 11
17. Dima K. 8 9
18. Matvey L. 9 8

Graph 3. Number of errors made by students when performing the Munstenberg technique (repeated diagnosis)

Graph 4. Comparative control data of results using the Munstenberg method

Based on the data obtained, after conducting intellectual games with children, we see that the result is significantly different from the original; namely, the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, as evidenced by the increase in the number of correctly highlighted words.

And in identifying changes in the level of development of students’ thinking, the following results were obtained:

Table 4. Repeated diagnostic data ("What's extra?" test)

Students State of the art Points
1. Tolya S. average 6
2. Lisa K. average 5
3. Serezha S. above average 7
4. Vika K. average 5
5. Nikita V. average 6
6. Tanya S. below the average 3
7. Vanya K. average 5
8. Zhenya P. above average 7
9. Lena Ts. above average 7
10. Lesha Ch. below the average 4
11. Olya Ch. average 6
12. Lena P. average 6
13. Sasha K. above average 7
14. Andrey I. average 6
15. Natasha P. below the average 4
16. Kolya K. below the average 3
17. Dima K. average 6
18. Matvey L. above average 7

Graph 5. Comparative control data of results ("What's extra?" test)

As a result of the final diagnostics, we can conclude that the results shown by the children generally increased, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize was formed. After conducting intellectual games, we see that the majority of children have an average level of thinking development, even 27.7% of students have an above average level of thinking development, which was not observed during the initial diagnosis.

Conclusions and recommendations: by analyzing the study, one can judge the effectiveness of using intellectual games for the development of cognitive abilities, namely attention and thinking in primary schoolchildren. The diagnostic results we received confirm the above - the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize have been developed. Students develop forms of consciousness and self-control, and the fear of making mistakes disappears.


Today, more than ever, society's responsibility for educating the younger generation is widely recognized. The transformation of general education and vocational schools aims to use all opportunities and resources to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Not all pedagogical resources are used in the field of child upbringing and development. One of these little-used means of education is play.

Meanwhile, pedagogy and psychology see such important

features like:

multifunctionality - the ability to provide the individual with the position of a subject of activity instead of a passive “consumer” of information, which is extremely important for the effectiveness of the educational process.

the game refers to an indirect method of influence: the child does not feel like an object of influence from an adult, but is a full-fledged subject of activity.

play is a means where education turns into self-education.

play is closely related to the development of personality, namely during the period of particularly intensive development in childhood, it acquires special significance.

play is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of personality, in the formation of properties and enrichment of its internal content.

When organizing intellectual games, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students, since primary school age is a period of positive changes and transformations. That is why the level of achievement achieved by each child at a given age stage is so important. If at this age a child does not feel the joy of learning and does not acquire the ability to learn, doing so in the future will be much more difficult and will require immeasurably higher mental and physical costs.

In play, a child’s imagination is formed, which includes both a departure from reality and penetration into it. The abilities to transform reality in an image and transform it in action, to change it, are laid down and prepared in play action, and in play the path is paved from feeling to organized action and from action to feeling. In a word, in the game, as in a focus, all aspects of the mental life of the individual are collected, manifested in it and through it are formed in the roles that the child, while playing, assumes; the child’s personality itself expands, enriches, and deepens.

In the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for studying at school are formed, which determine readiness for learning.

At different stages of development, children are characterized by different games in natural accordance with the general nature of this stage. By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops.

In order for a game to be an effective means of developing and educating a child, the following conditions must be met when organizing and conducting games:

emotional (to attract the child, give him pleasure, joy);

cognitive, educational (the child must learn something new, recognize something, decide, think);

games should be socially oriented.

The main goal of the teacher is to consistently guide the process of developing independent play for each child and the team as a whole, because Only play in the form of children's independence has the greatest influence on the child's mental development. This is its pedagogical value. It is necessary that the game does not lose its value, freedom and ease.

It is necessary to take into account individual and age characteristics.

Subject to these conditions, the game will serve the development and education of the child.

Analyzing the study, we can judge the effectiveness of using intellectual games for the development of cognitive abilities, namely attention and thinking in primary schoolchildren. The diagnostic results we received confirm the above - the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, the ability to find essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize have been developed.

Therefore, we believe it is advisable to conduct intellectual games and actively involve students in this process.


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2. Anikeeva N.P. To the teacher about the psychological climate in the team. - M., 1983. - 215 p.

3. Vakhrusheva L.N. The problem of children’s intellectual readiness for cognitive activity in elementary school // Elementary school. 2006. - No. 4. - p.63-68.

4. Developmental and educational psychology: Reader / Under the general. ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M.: Academy, 1999. - 320 p.

5. Developmental psychology: Reader // Pod general. ed. V.S. Mukhina. - M.: Education, 1999. - Chapter 2. - p.258-270, 302-305, 274-284.

6. Galperin P.Ya. Introduction to psychology: Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed. - M.: University, 2000. - 336 p.

7. Gurov V.A. Intellectual and creative games // Primary school. 2005. - No. 5. - pp. 121 - 122.

8. Zhukova Z.P. Development of intellectual abilities of younger schoolchildren during the game // Primary school. 2006. - No. 5. - p.30-31.

9. Leites N.S. Age-related giftedness of schoolchildren: A textbook on psychology. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 320 p.

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11. Leites N.S. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 334 p.

12. Lyublinskaya A.A. To the teacher about the psychology of younger schoolchildren: A manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 1997. - 224 p.

13. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook for pedagogical students. textbook establishments. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1995. - 496 p.

14. Orlik E.N. Texts that develop logic and thinking. - M.: Literacy, 2003. - pp. 48-56.

15. Pedagogical dictionary. / Ed. I.A. Kairov. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 1960, vol. - 775s.

16. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 512 p.

17. Psychological Dictionary. / Ed. Yu.Ya. Namera. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003. - 640 p.

18. Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical psychologist, part 2. - M.: Vlados, p.321-331, p.377.

19. Smirnova E.O. Psychology of the child. - M.: School-press, 1977, p. 200-215.

20. Tabakova G.N. Intellectual and creative games // Primary school. 2005. - No. 5. - pp. 121-122.

21. Talyzina N.F. Formation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1988, pp. 38-48.

22. Tarabarina T.I.50 educational games. - Yaroslavl: Academy, 2003. - pp. 12-43.

23. Shagreva O.A. Child psychology // theoretical and practical course. - M.: Vlados, 2001. - pp. 243-254.


The relevance of research. It consists in the fact that a primary school teacher, first of all, must teach children to learn, preserve and develop the cognitive needs of students, and provide the cognitive tools necessary to master the fundamentals of science. A purposeful solution to these problems is possible only if the teacher knows what the nature of the origin of cognitive activity is, what it consists of, in what order it should be formed in children of primary and secondary school age, what conditions must be taken into account to guarantee the formation of the intended cognitive activity. activities for all students. Cognitive activity is formed throughout a person’s life. A child is not born with a formed, developed thinking, ready to learn. Educational activities requires the student to have very specific cognitive skills and tools.

And the teacher must know whether the student has these means and whether they have developed them in the preschool period. Studying the principles of the formation of a student’s cognitive activity is necessary not so much for theoretical justification, but for practical application. Specific content must be clearly presented various types cognitive activity. Those. what and in what sequence should students be taught, equip them with techniques of rational logical thinking, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the development of learning skills and the formation of general cognitive activity. The principle of student activity is widely known in pedagogy. Without encouraging student activity, the teacher will not be able to achieve his goals.

But the ability to learn includes both general and specific types of cognitive activity. Before becoming a means of assimilation, these types of cognitive activities themselves must be mastered by students. When forming cognitive activity, the question of how to teach, what methods to use and in what sequence is resolved. Conditions are specifically identified, the implementation of which allows the teacher to guarantee the achievement of the set goal. Particular attention is paid to functional control in the educational process. Monotony, patterned repetition of the same actions kills interest in learning. Children are deprived of the joy of discovery and may gradually lose the ability to be creative. Cognitive processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking - act as the most important components of any human activity. In order to satisfy his needs, communicate, play, study and work, a person must perceive the world, pay attention to certain moments or components of activity, imagine what he needs to do, remember, think, and make judgments. Therefore, without participation cognitive processes human activity impossible, they act as integral internal moments. They develop in activity and are themselves types of activity.

The development of human inclinations, their transformation into abilities is one of the tasks of training and education, which cannot be solved without knowledge and the development of cognitive abilities. Every child has abilities and talents. Children are naturally inquisitive and eager to learn, but in order for them to express their gifts, they need smart and skillful adult guidance. Cognitive abilities, like any other, can be developed by developing certain skills and abilities, and most importantly, the habit of thinking independently, finding unusual ways to the right decision. A child will definitely need these qualities to succeed in life. Cognitive interests significantly influence the intensity personal development. The effectiveness of this process increases if cognitive interests are developed from primary school age. This provision determines the pedagogical feasibility of the problem of studying and developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren.

The diversity and complexity of solving this problem require improving the educational process at school, intensifying traditional and searching for non-traditional forms and methods of teaching. The existing system for organizing educational activities of schoolchildren takes into account the possibilities of cognitive interests in mastering educational knowledge. However, the practiced element-by-element formation of cognitive interests, insufficient introduction of modern technologies and methodological tools is not able to fully and effectively ensure the development of students’ cognitive interests as a personal integral education.

An analysis of the pedagogical experience of primary school teachers shows that when developing children's interest in learning and developing students' creative abilities, they experience certain difficulties. At the same time, currently available in psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature Recommendations for developing the cognitive interests of schoolchildren are often not used in the modern practice of teachers, or their use is situational and one-time in nature. Scientists note that it is impossible to develop the entire complex of properties included in the concept of “creative abilities” at once. This is long-term, purposeful work, and the epizootic use of creative cognitive tasks will not bring desired result. Therefore, cognitive tasks should constitute a system that allows one to form the need for creative activity and develop the entire diversity of the child’s intellectual and creative capabilities. Eliminating this contradiction requires changing the technology for organizing the process of developing cognitive interests. With this formulation of the problem, the presence of creativity in the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren is especially important.

Object of study: the process of forming the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren.

Subject of study: development of cognitive abilities in children of primary school age

Purpose of the study: to identify and scientifically substantiate the optimal ways to develop the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren in the educational process of school.

Research objectives:

  • Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue;
  • Reveal the essence of the concept of “cognitive interest”;
  • Conduct psychological and pedagogical observation of changes in students’ activities.

Thus, cognitive activity is an activity that is based on the implementation and development of the child’s individual cognitive interests, capabilities and abilities, a focus on discovering new and interesting knowledge, and reproducing known but new values ​​for the child.

Analytical part

2.1. The essence of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren.

Focus on a person with a high level of development of various qualities of intelligence encourages teachers to constantly search for ways to update the educational process, as well as to identify and create psychological, pedagogical and organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary for the full disclosure and development of the intellectual potential of students.

When teaching children, we must first of all understand what is given to the child by nature and what is acquired under the influence of the environment.

The development of human inclinations, their transformation into abilities is one of the tasks of training and education, which cannot be solved without knowledge and the development of intellectual processes.

Primary school age is characterized by intense intellectual development. During this period, all mental processes develop and the child becomes aware of his own changes that occur during educational activities.

In different psychological and pedagogical sources, the concept of “intelligence” is revealed in different ways.
D. Wexler understands intelligence as the ability to successfully measure one’s strengths and life circumstances, using accumulated experience and knowledge. That is, he views intelligence as a person’s ability to adapt to the environment.

Psychologist I.A. Domashenko: “Intelligence is a general cognitive ability that determines a person’s readiness to assimilate and use knowledge and experience, as well as to behave intelligently in problem situations.”

So, intelligence is the totality of an individual’s qualities, which provides mental activity person.

In turn, it is characterized by:

  • erudition: the sum of knowledge from the field of science and art;
  • ability for mental operations: analysis, synthesis, their derivatives: creativity and abstraction;
  • the ability to think logically, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world;
  • attention, memory, observation, intelligence, various types of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, speech, etc.

Abilities - individually - psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of one or another productive activity. (“Pedagogical Dictionary”. Kodzhaspirova G.M.).

Abilities are closely related to the general orientation of the individual, and to how stable a person’s inclinations are for a particular activity.
- What does intellectual ability mean?

Intellectual abilities- these are the abilities that are necessary to perform not just one, but many types of activities.

Intellectual abilities mean memory, perception, imagination, thinking, speech, attention. Their development is one of the most important tasks in teaching children of primary school age.

Intellectual development does not occur on its own, but as a result of the multilateral interaction of the child with other people: in communication, in activities and, in particular, in educational activities. Passive perception and assimilation of new things cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to develop the mental abilities of students and involve them in active activities.

But not every activity develops abilities, only emotionally pleasant ones.

Gaming technologies are one of the unique forms of learning, which makes it possible to make interesting and exciting not only the work of students at the creative and search level, but also the everyday steps of learning the Russian language. The entertaining nature of the conventional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorizing, repeating, consolidating or assimilating information positively emotionally charged, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of the child. Another positive side of the game is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, i.e. The material acquired by students goes through a kind of practice, introducing variety and interest into the learning process.

Play is a source of development of the child’s consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, and a special form of modeling the relationship between a child and an adult.
The play environment creates an environment where children want and can show their independence. The child's playful actions, accompanied by high emotional uplift and stable cognitive interest, are the most powerful stimulus for his activity in cognition.

Games during the learning process - didactic games - are of great interest to younger schoolchildren. These games make you think and provide an opportunity for the student to test and develop their abilities. They are one of the means of developing intellectual abilities.

The purposes of using didactic games are as follows:

  • intellectual development of younger schoolchildren;
  • creating suitable conditions for the formation of the development of each child as an individual, the development of his creative abilities;
  • individual approach to each child and the use of individual learning tools;
  • emotional and psychological development of younger schoolchildren, which is facilitated by participation in didactic games.
  • deepening previously acquired knowledge;
  • increasing the volume of concepts, ideas and information that the student masters; they constitute the individual experience of the student.

Didactic games (educational, cognitive) contribute to the development of children's thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, ability to analyze and synthesize, perceive spatial relationships, develop constructive skills and creativity, cultivate students' powers of observation, validity of judgments, habits of self-examination, teach children subordinate your actions to the task at hand, bring the work started to completion.
Didactic games are very important for the development of the intellectual abilities of primary schoolchildren.

Project part

The goal of my pedagogical activity: to create conditions for the implementation of a person-oriented approach to learning, activating personal potential students, I work to provide physical and spiritual development child in such conditions when learning becomes for him a benefit, a joy, the main form of expression of a child’s life. I create problematic, exploratory research situations in the classroom in order to model situations of success, taking into account the individual abilities of students in order to include them in the creative search for a solution educational tasks.

To increase the effectiveness of the lesson, I use non-standard forms of teaching. When conducting such lessons I use ICT. As a result of combining educational and gaming activities, children learn to model educational material and independently obtain knowledge (they use educational literature, encyclopedias, and during lessons they make presentations on the topic being studied, using information resources on the Internet). This form of work helps me instill interest in the subjects I study and maintain it in the future.

Using signal cards, we clarify the spelling of unstressed vowels, conduct a vocabulary dictation using the cards, compose and write down sentences with difficult words and spellings, and explain their spelling.

Children read poems in chorus to prove that they are right:

If you have a letter
Will raise doubts
You immediately
Put emphasis on it.

With grammar games, jokes, and physical exercises, I support the children’s performance. Children solve puzzles and crosswords with great interest. I offer copying and dictations with the task “Skip the letter”, the spelling of which can be checked. When working with children who have a low level of learning and poor memory, we conduct a gradual assimilation of the material. To find out what topic I still need to work on, I give the children cards or test papers. We carry out creative exercises, performing various kinds of tasks. We conduct vocabulary dictation in different forms. Children are more active in lessons where we use exercises with game elements. She paid much attention to sound-letter, syllable-sound analysis, and in the process of consolidation and repetition, the children performed a variety of tasks. I offered these tasks on individual cards. Each card contains different material, united by one spelling.

Children work individually. Working with cards gives a complete picture of the mastery of the studied spelling. This work disciplines children and saves time. The student receives the card at any stage of the lesson: at the beginning of the lesson, during the lesson, at the end of the lesson. Children do not try to spy on their neighbor, since the cards are different in content. For low-performing children, I made envelopes with individual works, and a notebook is kept to record errors. I pay a lot of attention to working on mistakes, and think deeply about the system of exercises for each subject. I always sum up the results, comment on the grades given, and praise the weak to make them believe in themselves. I believe that it is very important to organize the lesson correctly, to go from easy to complex, from unknown to known, not to let weak students out of sight, so that every minute is used expediently. Children perform many different types of exercises during lessons.

Throughout my time, I have been looking for a multi-level approach to teaching students, developing the individual abilities of children.

In order to make mathematics accessible and exciting for children, you need to arouse the admiration and surprise of the children, offer them forms that will imperceptibly involve them in useful work. For mental counting, I come up with a lot of games, for example, “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”, “Parachutists”, “Toy Store” and others.

I know how to pay attention to each student and come to help in a timely manner. All my years I have been trying to achieve success. I use tools in class feedback: cards with letters, special cards. This makes it possible to keep an eye on each child and the entire class as a whole. Each student has everything necessary for the lesson. At our school, the administration systematically checks reading techniques in accordance with the requirements of the program; the reading of the majority of my students meets the standard.

I teach children to answer questions clearly, to express own opinion. I teach them to listen, think, and complete the answer. I involve them in choral reading and speaking. I introduce children to works of different genres and talk about writers. I explain new material simple, intelligible. I am making changes aimed at developing oral and writing students, spelling vigilance. While teaching children, I realized that the key moment in a child’s development is his speech. Therefore, I consider the main thing in my work to be the development of students’ speech at all levels of their education in primary school through the integration of subjects. Developing speech exercises, focused on the development of students’ thinking, analysis, synthesis, the ability to identify the main features of objects through observations and generalizations; to solve logical problems, to identify cause-and-effect relationships, to compare and contrast. To enhance the cognitive activity of students, I use game lessons, correspondence travel, dialogues, dramatizations, and work with creative notebooks in my work.

Training based on thoughtful motivation in the activities of children, clearly presenting the immediate and ultimate goals in their development and education:

  • fostering a love for the Russian language;
  • development of interest in academic subject;
  • awakening in children the need for independent work over the knowledge of the native word and over one’s speech;
  • improving the general language development of schoolchildren;
  • instilling in them ethical standards of speech behavior.

Developed a system of exercises to develop the speech of students in grades 1-4, which contributes to enrichment vocabulary students, the correct interpretation of words, stimulates communication.

I have compiled question cards in an entertaining form on certain topics for theoretical self-control, graphic diagrams, and entertaining tables.

To develop oral and written speech, I use thematic supports with tasks.

To develop interest in subjects in my lessons, I use games and creative writing lessons. In gaming activities, the principle of communicative learning develops, since this is an activity that requires speech acts. Children really like games such as: “Theater of Facial Expressions and Gestures,” “Story in a Circle,” “Relay Race,” and role-playing games. Children especially love staged competitions (such competitions bring excitement to the educational process and allow children to reveal their acting abilities).

I believe that the use of communicative tasks with game moments is a reliable basis for teaching students’ speech activity and contributes to their creative growth.

I systematically conduct complicating communicative situations that create an atmosphere in the lesson verbal communication, interviews, exchange of opinions. This allows you to actively participate in dialogues: “teacher-student”, “student-student”.

The pedagogy of cooperation, collective and group forms of education develop the skills of self-control and self-government in my students.

Creative writing lessons develop children's imagination, gift of words, and serve as a good way to develop a sense of humor. Children learn to compose poems, songs, riddles, letters, stories and aesthetically design their creativity.

Such forms of work as creative copying, creative dictations, free dictations, creative presentations contribute to the development of students’ speech.

My correctly selected texts and reproductions for lessons are a good means of instilling in students a love for nature, for their homeland and help broaden their horizons. In my lessons, I seek complete, meaningful, meaningful answers from students. I improve students’ speech, paying great attention to such factors as logic, accuracy, clarity, expressiveness and correctness of speech.

To develop cognitive abilities in classes, I use “brain gymnastics” exercises. Doing exercises to improve brain activity and prevent visual impairment is an important part of developing cognitive abilities. Since, under the influence of physical exercise, the indicators of various mental processes underlying creative activity improve: memory capacity increases, attention stability increases, and the solution of intellectual problems accelerates.

Exercise 1. “Shaking your head”(stimulates thought processes): breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and drop your head forward. Allow your head to slowly swing from side to side, releasing tension with your breath. (30 sec)

Exercise 2. “Lazy Eights”(activates the structure of the brain, ensures memorization, increases stability of attention): draw figure eights in the air in a horizontal plane three times with each hand, and then with both hands.

Exercise 3. “Thinking cap”(improves attention, clarity of perception and speech): put on a “hat”, that is, gently roll your ears from the top to the earlobes 3 times.

Exercise 4. Breathing exercises “Sound gymnastics”

It is performed sitting or standing with a straight back, taking a deep breath through the nose, and as you exhale we pronounce the sound loudly and energetically.

A, e, o, i, y, i, m, x, ha
A - for the whole body
E - for the thyroid gland
And - brain, eyes, nose, ears
O - heart, lungs
U - organs located in the abdominal area
I - for the whole body
M - for the whole body
X - cleansing the body
Ha - improves mood

Gymnastics for the eyes

  1. “Blinking” (useful for all types of visual impairment): blinking with each inhalation and exhalation.
  2. “I see a finger!”: hold the index finger of your right hand in front of your nose at a distance of 25 - 30 cm, look at the finger for 4-5 seconds, then close your left eye with the palm of your left hand for 4-6 seconds, look at the finger with your right eye, then open your left eye and look at the finger with both eyes. Do the same, but close your right eye. (4-6 times)
  3. “Finger doubles” (facilitates visual work at close range): stretch your arm forward, look at the tip of the finger of the outstretched hand, located along the midline of the face, slowly bring the finger closer, without taking your eyes off it, until the finger begins to double. (6-8 times)
  4. “Keen Eyes”: Use your eyes to draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise.

In extracurricular activities on a problematic topic I use Toolkit O. Kholodova “For young smart people and smart girls”, “Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities grades 1-4”, a series of educational and methodological books “To help the teacher”.

I am working on the problem “Development of cognitive abilities in children of primary school age”

Changing socio-economic conditions modern life, the increased scale of transformative activity requires a person to activate his intellectual abilities, non-standard thinking, and theoretical knowledge. In this regard, the importance of cognitive activity of schoolchildren increases, deepening their creative potential and contributing to the expansion of individual interests.

Unfortunately, modern mass schools still retain an uncreative approach to the acquisition of knowledge. Monotony, patterned repetition of the same actions kills interest in learning. Children are deprived of the joy of discovery and may gradually lose the ability to be creative.

Cognitive processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking - act as the most important components of any human activity. In order to satisfy his needs, communicate, play, study and work, a person must perceive the world, pay attention to certain moments or components of activity, imagine what he needs to do, remember, think, and make judgments. Therefore, without the participation of cognitive processes, human activity is impossible; they act as integral internal moments. They develop in activity and are themselves types of activity.

The development of human inclinations, their transformation into abilities is one of the tasks of training and education, which cannot be solved without knowledge and the development of cognitive abilities.

Every child has abilities and talents. Children are naturally inquisitive and eager to learn, but in order for them to express their gifts, they need smart and skillful adult guidance. Cognitive abilities, like any other, can be developed by developing certain skills and abilities, and most importantly, the habit of thinking independently, finding unusual ways to the right decision. A child will definitely need these qualities to succeed in life.

Cognitive interests significantly influence the intensity of personal development. The effectiveness of this process increases if cognitive interests are developed from primary school age. This provision determines the pedagogical feasibility of the problem of studying and developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren. The diversity and complexity of solving this problem require improving the educational process at school, intensifying traditional and searching for non-traditional forms and methods of teaching.

The existing system for organizing educational activities of schoolchildren takes into account the possibilities of cognitive interests in mastering educational knowledge. However, the practiced element-by-element formation of cognitive interests, insufficient introduction of modern technologies and methodological tools into the educational process are not able to fully and effectively ensure the development of students’ cognitive interests as a personal integral education.

An analysis of the pedagogical experience of primary school teachers shows that when developing children's interest in learning and developing students' creative abilities, they experience certain difficulties. At the same time, the recommendations currently available in the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the development of the cognitive interests of schoolchildren are often not used in the modern practice of teachers, or their use is situational and one-time in nature. Scientists note that it is impossible to develop the entire complex of properties included in the concept of “creative abilities” at once. This is long-term, focused work, and the epizootic use of creative cognitive tasks will not bring the desired result. Therefore, cognitive tasks should constitute a system that allows one to form the need for creative activity and develop the entire diversity of the child’s intellectual and creative capabilities.

Eliminating this contradiction requires changing the technology for organizing the process of developing cognitive interests. With this formulation of the problem, the presence of creativity in the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren is especially important.

Thus, the relevance of the research problem, its insufficient development in the scientific literature determined the choice of the research topic: “Development of cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren”

The object of the study is the process of development of cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren.

The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for organizing the educational process for the purpose of effective development of cognitive development of junior schoolchildren.

The purpose of the study is to identify and scientifically substantiate the optimal ways to develop the cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren in the educational process of school.

Thus, creative cognitive activity is an activity that is based on the implementation and development of the child’s individual cognitive interests, capabilities and abilities, a focus on discovering new and interesting knowledge, and reproducing known but new values ​​for the child.

The inclusion of a primary school student in such activities encourages him to be active in the procedural side of the activity, which leads to a pronounced desire to think, overcome mental obstacles, and find solutions independently. The end result of inclusion in creative cognitive activity is the acquisition of a motivational basis for performing mandatory educational and cognitive tasks.

As experimental work has shown, the organization of the educational process, focused on the development of the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren, requires taking into account a number of factors. First of all, factors related to the student’s personality, as well as factors related to the teacher’s activities in organizing the creative cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Taking these factors into account required compliance with the following conditions:

1. To organize the educational work of students, which promotes the development of interest in the subject being studied and the process of mental work itself, activities are necessary that correspond to the age characteristics and capabilities of a primary school student.

Educational material offered to the student:

A) should be difficult, but feasible, varied, bright and emotional, expedient, connected with the previous;

B) take into account the individual level of intellectual and mental development of the child, a differentiated approach to the organization of education;

C) satisfy the needs for communication and cooperation with the teacher and classmates in the process of educational work in the lesson;

D) form in students a correct assessment of their capabilities, encourage and consolidate the desire for self-improvement;

D) use a combination of traditional and non-traditional, group and individual, frontal and pair work in the lesson.

2. Learning activities should be emotionally charged. An essential condition for organizing creative cognitive activities to develop the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren is sensory motivation. This is, first of all, students feeling a sense of joy, emotional satisfaction with their successes; creating an atmosphere in which children can use their knowledge and skills to benefit others and themselves; teaching “without danger”, promoting the development of intellectual activity and going beyond the limits of a given situation.

3. Students’ activities should be based on the creative use of games and play activities in the educational process with primary schoolchildren, which best meets the age needs of this category of students.

In the course of my work, I came to the conclusion that the development of children’s cognitive abilities in elementary school can be facilitated by a comprehensive system of tasks, activities, and exercises. In the first grade, I diagnose the level of cognitive abilities of the students in the class. The diagnostics of the level of cognitive abilities of students makes it possible to see the level of the class and outline further paths in work.

The main thing in the system of work on developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren: the educational process should be intense and exciting, and the communication style should be soft and friendly. The educational process should not be gray and dull. It is necessary to maintain in the child for a long time the feeling of joyful surprise before school, to make the child happy at school. Therefore, I set myself the goal of developing his cognitive abilities, which help develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, imagination, and support interest in learning. All these processes are interconnected. In my methodological collection there are a lot of tests that allow us to diagnose general intellectual abilities, thinking, memory, attention, imagination, many tasks and exercises for the development of mental abilities, various games that allow us to activate and develop cognitive abilities. O. Kholodova’s manual “Young Smarties and Clever Women” is a great help.

I teach the elective “Young Smarties and Smart Girls” from 1st to 4th grade. It is based on work based on the workbooks of O. Kholodova. This manual includes a system of work on the development of children's cognitive abilities. It is aimed at children 6-10 years old and helps them master the program secondary school. Exercises performed in a certain sequence provide comprehensive development of various types of memory, attention, develop observation and imagination; contribute to the development of the child’s sensory and motor spheres, forming non-standard thinking. Classes are structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. This makes children's work dynamic, rich and less tiring. With each lesson, the tasks become more complex, the volume of material increases, the pace of completing tasks increases, and the proposed drawings become more complex.

The system of tasks and exercises presented in RPS classes allows you to solve all three aspects of the goal: cognitive, developmental, and educational. Classes are structured according to the following model:

  • “Brain gymnastics” (2-3 minutes).Performing exercises to improve brain activity and prevent visual impairment is an important part of RPS training. Research by scientists proves that under the influence of physical exercise, the performance of various mental processes underlying creative activity improves: memory capacity increases, attention stability increases, the solution of elementary intellectual problems accelerates, and psychomotor processes accelerate.
  • Warm up (3-5 minutes).The main task of this stage is to create a certain positive emotional background in the children, without which effective learning is impossible. Therefore, the warm-up includes fairly easy questions that can arouse interest, designed for intelligence, quick reaction, colored with a considerable amount of humor and therefore help prepare the child for active cognitive activity.
  • Training and development of mental mechanisms underlying the creative abilities of memory, attention, imagination, thinking (15 minutes).The tasks used at this stage of the lesson not only contribute to the development of the listed qualities, but also allow them to deepen the knowledge of children and diversify the methods and techniques of cognitive activity.
  • Fun break (3-5 minutes).A dynamic pause as part of a lesson develops not only the child’s motor sphere, but also the ability to perform several different tasks simultaneously.
  • Solving creative search and creative problems (15 minutes). The ability to solve atypical, search-and-creative problems not related to educational material is very important for a child, as it allows someone who has not mastered any educational material and therefore does not solve typical problems well to feel the taste of success and gain confidence in their abilities, After all, solving non-educational problems relies on the child’s search activity and intelligence, on the ability to “get” one or another reasoning algorithm from his memory at the right moment.
  • Corrective gymnastics for the eyes (1-2 minutes).Performing corrective gymnastics for the eyes will help both improve visual acuity, relieve visual fatigue and achieve a state of visual comfort.
  • Logic problems to develop analytical and reasoning abilities (5 minutes).In order to develop logical thinking, tasks are proposed in which the child learns to analyze, compare, and build deductive conclusions.

Children go to these classes with great pleasure, the guys get so carried away entertaining tasks that they begin to look for them themselves and ask each other and teachers.

One of the main values ​​for students is mental, intellectual activity associated with independent acquisition of knowledge, which evokes vivid intellectual feelings of discovery. I use discussion forms of cognition, dialogical principles of communication, encouragement of different points of view, organize the exchange of opinions when solving various educational problems,

In my work I try various methodological and didactic techniques, modern pedagogical technologies, which include educational didactic games and game moments, confidential conversations, educational excursions, observations, practical work, working with dictionaries and diagrams, introducing integration, using group work.

Riddles are of great value - a means of emotional influence on the development of students’ cognitive abilities. They teach children to speak vividly, figuratively, simply. Working on riddles is an exercise in the independent development of thinking, intelligence, and imagination. Lessons using riddles are interesting and do not tire students, providing them with useful exercises for the mind, developing observation skills, and teaching them to draw conclusions on their own.

I teach lessons using ITK. Modern children's computer games help develop logic and attention, memory and adequate perception of the world around them, which are so necessary for full development. This method also improves the quality of knowledge, promotes the child’s overall development, helps to overcome difficulties, brings joy to the child’s life, allows for learning in the zone of proximal development, and creates favorable conditions for better mutual understanding between teacher and students, and their cooperation in the educational process.

The use of all these techniques and methods makes it possible to obtain positive results in many respects, including the development of thinking, memory, logic, ingenuity, and ingenuity.
As a result of training, children achieve a high level of development of mental operations.

I use a variety of tests to assess the educational achievements of schoolchildren. Test results show an increase in general intellectual skills.

Painstaking and persistent work with tests allows you to identify gaps in knowledge with the aim of further eliminating them, develop quick wits and quick thinking, and formulate optimal testing practice; establish the level of knowledge, both for an individual student and for a class and class parallels, diagnose the most “correct” tests, and therefore timely adjust the educational process

I consider the following to be the result of my work in developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren: increasing the level of educational motivation, deepening the level of understanding educational material, development of intelligence, spatial thinking, imagination, ability to analyze and generalize. Children can think creatively, show high results in Olympiad tasks, and become winners of various KVN and competitions.

Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who can make non-standard decisions and who can think creatively. Cognitive development work contributes to the development of such skills.
