Scientists about the concept of A. Zalmanov. The secret wisdom of the human body - Zalmanov A.S.

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History of invention and development of the method

Method therapy with turpentine baths according to Zalmanov gained fame relatively recently. Zalmanov’s book “The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body,” published in Paris in 1958, introduced capillary therapy to the world and had a profound impact on medicine. In the Soviet Union, this work was published 5 years later in a small edition and soon became a bibliographic rarity.

Abram (Alexander) Solomonovich Zalmanov

Zalmanov was looking for a therapeutic method that would have a beneficial effect on the entire body at once, since he did not consider it advisable to act on a separate organ or tissue. A procedure that improves the condition of the entire biological system under the name “man”, turpentine baths became the basis of the famous capillary therapy. The mechanism of their therapeutic action is simple, like everything ingenious: turpentine irritates skin receptors, causing a reflex opening and blood flow of reserve capillaries. Because of this, the supply of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients to the cells increases, venous blood flow is stimulated, and the removal of breakdown products from the intercellular fluid, cells and the blood itself is accelerated.


For centuries we have been living in conditions of heat deficiency, which is why we are attracted to holidays in tropical resorts, and baths, saunas and hot tubs serve as an excellent healing remedy for a wide variety of ailments. Needless to say, an organism suffering from disease is more sensitive to a lack of heat than a healthy one.

Heat treatment have been used since ancient times different peoples. Observant healers of the past appreciated the properties of water, which allow it to be used as a cleansing agent, as well as a medium that provides close contact with the skin and uniform heat transfer. Perhaps it is the tradition of short-term (4-5 minutes) hot baths that Japan owes to the record low percentage of patients with rheumatism and cardiovascular disorders. How common bathing is in this country can be judged at least by the number of public institutions providing this service to the population.


Before the 1923 earthquake, there were 800 bathroom establishments in Tokyo alone. To appreciate the scale, imagine that during the day in Tokyo about 400,000 people could take a bath. Moreover, the cost of this pleasure did not exceed 1 sou, that is, baths were available to all segments of the population without exception.

The famous Japanese bath - ofuro

Scientists have proven that heat is energy, the role of which in the body is similar to nutrition. The body's energy balance equally depends on these two components, and one type of energy can compensate for the lack of another: heat deficiency requires an increase in the amount of nutrients, part of which is spent on heating the body. The opposite is also true: external heat leads to more efficient absorption and use of nutrients, which makes it possible to reduce their consumption. In addition, sufficient heat prevents the body from storing nutrients in adipose tissue to protect against the cold.

External heat serves additional source energy, helping a weakened body fight viruses and bacteria. Moreover, the bacteria themselves become less dangerous at high temperatures. The brilliant scientist Louis Pasteur discovered that in conditions of high temperature (42.5 ° C), strains of anthrax bacilli lose their infectivity. This property was used to make a vaccine against anthrax, but the hyperthermia method was never studied further.

Naturally, each human body is unique, and each has its own thermal optimum. There are more and less cold-resistant people. But the emerging need for warmth must be satisfied in full and not be considered a manifestation of pampering. No one argues about the need to eat well, so why is it often considered unnecessary to provide the body with thermal energy above the minimum?

The need for warmth does not mean that you need to bundle up and avoid any cold. For the development of the body's adaptive capabilities, and therefore for health in general, alternating cold and heat is much more beneficial than constant temperature. Therefore, a healthy person benefits from cold rubdowns in the summer heat, and hot baths in winter.

An increase in temperature is the body’s protective reaction to infection.

The body has its own protective reactions to the influx of infectious agents or foreign protein associated with an increase in temperature. Fever mobilizes white blood cells to fight hostile microorganisms, and also speeds up the metabolism necessary to quickly neutralize toxic elements. The processes that occur in the body during fever and taking a hot bath are in many ways similar, but there are serious differences. First of all, the heat from the baths is sterile, there is no infection in the body, which means that all mobilized forces are spent not on fighting invading microbes, but on building new cells, repairing damage and renewing tissues and organs. An increase in temperature during infectious diseases increases the number of leukocytes, increases acidity, and is accompanied by increased protein breakdown. General health worsens. During hyperthermic baths, protein synthesis prevails over its breakdown, acid-base balance and biochemical blood parameters remain normal, and the person feels better.

Of course, you shouldn’t use hot baths at elevated temperatures: you can disrupt the body’s thermoregulation and get an uncontrolled rise or fall in body temperature. But a long-term chronic disease, when the body’s defenses are depleted and, despite the presence of infection, the temperature does not rise or rises slightly, is a direct indication for the use of hot baths. Baths prescribed according to a specific pattern can awaken the body's defenses and help recovery.

Hot baths are the most accessible means of improving well-being

Modern practice shows the greater effectiveness of the method when using turpentine baths according to Zalmanov. Deforming arthritis and chronic ankylosis, against which simple hot baths were powerless, are quite amenable to treatment with turpentine baths. Cases of healing of ankylosis of the arm thirty years ago and ankylosis of the leg that lasted 6 years have been recorded.

From clinical practice

The ability to walk returned to me only thanks to turpentine baths. I took yellow and mixed baths in courses for six months, and arthrosis of the knee and hip joints receded! My blood pressure has returned to normal. For a long time I lived with elevated (up to 300 mmHg), and now I understand how wonderful it is to feel like a healthy person! My mobility has not yet returned to full extent, but I have confidence in the correctness of the chosen treatment.

Olga T., 43 years old, Ekaterinburg

What is turpentine? There are people who are prejudiced against it; in their perception, it is a caustic liquid used in paint and varnish production, which has no prospects in the field of medicine. And even the explanation that medical turpentine is made using a different technology and is radically different from technical turpentine does not get rid of this attitude. Therefore, in medicine they often use more attractive-sounding names: turpentine oil, or resin.


Turpentine is a liquid distillation product of coniferous tree resin, a mixture of organic substances, mainly terpenes. Turpentine has a local irritant, analgesic and antimicrobial effect, is included in many pharmaceutical ointments and is widely used in official medicine and veterinary medicine as an inhalation agent for respiratory diseases.

Pine is a source of gum turpentine

The healing qualities of turpentine have been known for a long time. Also in Ancient Egypt Compresses and poultices made from dried pine or fir needles were used to treat wounds and stop bleeding. Turpentine oil, which they already knew how to make at that time, was also used for the same purposes. During the plague epidemic in the 16th century, the only effective means bactericidal vapors of turpentine were used to prevent infection with a deadly disease.


In Russian traditional medicine, turpentine occupied a place of honor. In the “People's Medicine Book” published in 1868, it is written about pine resin, which helps treat rheumatism, gout, wounds and joint pain of any origin. The comprehensively educated surgeon Pirogov, using turpentine, achieved good healing of wounds after amputation of limbs during Russian-Turkish war 1877. The resin really helped save many lives.

Before Zalmanov, turpentine was used exclusively in the form of the active ingredient in medicinal ointments, rubbing and compresses. The problem of using turpentine in aqueous solutions the fact that this substance does not mix with water, forming a thin film on its surface. If you use pure turpentine, only a small area of ​​the skin will come into contact with it, which will receive a burn as a result, while turpentine will not have any effect on the rest of the surface of the human body.

In 1904, the famous Russian doctor, who received his doctorate in medicine in Germany (1901) and Italy (1903), managed to create two ways to emulsify turpentine, allowing the substance to mix with water. After this, it became possible to use gum turpentine in hydrotherapy. Zalmanov developed two types of turpentine preparations for baths with opposite effects on blood pressure in the vessels: a white emulsion that increases blood pressure and a yellow solution that lowers blood pressure. By mixing drugs in one bath, you can achieve optimal effects on pressure and capillaries for a particular person in this moment for existing diseases.

Zalmanov deeply studied the problems of balneology, working at the best resorts in Russia, Italy, Germany and France. I came to the idea of ​​turpentine baths during a study of the healing effects of water on the human body. Having made sure that hot and cold baths can affect the functional state of the capillaries, regulate water exchange, restore the energy saturation of depleted cells and tissues, normalize vascular permeability, that is, comprehensively restore the health of the body, Zalmanov was the first to use salt and herbal additives in baths. Then he began to prescribe patients not only general baths, but also hand or foot baths, and later, reflecting on the improvement of Valinsky’s hyperthermic baths, he decided to use the famous gum turpentine for the procedures.

In 1918, A.S. Zalmanov was appointed head of the Main Resort Administration and chairman of the State Commission for the Fight against Tuberculosis. The scientist disseminated the method of hydrotherapy and the use of turpentine baths in sanatoriums and hospitals. This procedure is still used in medical institutions, sanatoriums and resorts in Russia and other countries that were part of the USSR and have preserved the best traditions of the Soviet medical school.

An excellent clinician who knew how to carefully examine a patient and make an accurate diagnosis, the personal physician of Lenin and Krupskaya, Zalmanov understood all the imperfections of medical methods and tried to find harmless methods of therapy. In search of new knowledge, with the permission of the leader, he went abroad. After the death of Vladimir Ilyich, Zalmanov was forbidden to return to Soviet Union, all his requests for this remained unanswered. That's how he ended up in Europe. He worked in several large clinics, wrote books and refused to replace his Soviet passport, calling himself a citizen of the USSR until his death.

In 1920, Danish physiologist August Krogh received the Nobel Prize for his research into the physiology of capillaries at the microscopic level. Zalmanov, who followed all the innovations in medical science, realized that it was in the field of capillary blood flow and metabolism at the cellular level that the answer to the question that tormented him was found: how to help the body heal itself? He worked in great detail on many articles on this topic, analyzed the work of capillaries (at the Institute of Pathology, the Institute of Physiology and Colloid Chemistry), while continuing to practice in the clinic of the Faculty of Medicine in Berlin and other medical institutions. As a result, the Russian doctor found a practical application for the brilliant discovery of the Danish physiologist.

Physiologist August Krogh, who studied capillary circulation

During World War II, Zalmanov lived in Paris. His name was known in Germany, the elite of the Third Reich were treated using his method, therefore, even refusing to head the Paris hospital and treat German soldiers, the doctor survived. Neither his Jewish origin, nor his Soviet citizenship, nor the fact that he secretly provided medical assistance to fighters of the French Resistance, harmed him.

After the war, Zalmanov theoretically substantiated capillary therapy, popularized the technique among his colleagues and trained successor students. In 1946, the scientist held several conferences in Switzerland and France. The vigorous activity yielded results: in 1952, turpentine baths as a therapeutic method received official recognition from the French Ministry of Health. The queue for an appointment with the “capillary healer” was scheduled two years in advance.

Success did not turn the doctor’s head and did not prevent him from continuing to work methodically on the formalization of his theory. In 1956 the book “Secrets and Wisdom of the Body” was published, in 1958 - “The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body”, in 1960 - “The Miracle of Life”. In them, the scientist reveals the essence of capillary therapy, shares his observations and practical results. Shortly before Zalmanov’s death, his last work, “A Thousand Paths to Recovery” (1965), was published.

The book “The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body” was published with an appendix containing comprehensive information about the turpentine bath technique. As soon as it was published, Zalmanov sent one copy to Moscow, to the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. A world-famous scientist asked to publish a book in Russian and send young specialists to him for training, so that he could pass on the experience of healing diseases that were considered incurable completely free of charge. There was no answer this time either.

Zalmanov’s book still appeared in Russia. One of the doctors at the departmental clinic of the USSR Academy of Sciences got hold of the French version and, after reading it, decided to treat one of his patients with turpentine. The effect exceeded all expectations, then the doctor and his sympathizers tried to publish Zalmanov’s books in Russia.

This was achieved in 1966, when the brilliant doctor, who had so counted on the recognition of his methods in his homeland, was no longer alive. Zalmanov died at the age of 90, before last day maintaining excellent health, good memory and clarity of thinking. He really managed to create an effective recipe for longevity and overcome the most unpleasant moments of old age.

In Zalmanov's books, which were published in Soviet Russia, corrections were made to the recipes for emulsifying turpentine so that the reader could not prepare the solution at home and self-medicate.

In the rest of the world, turpentine baths gained popularity during the lifetime of their creator. They are still successfully used in sanatoriums in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and, of course, France. They knew about this method and its effectiveness in Russia. At first, Zalmanov baths began to be used in Kremlin clinics, and later at the Central Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology.

Yuri Yakovlevich Kamenev – student of Zalmanov

Under Brezhnev, general practitioner Yu. Kamenev, who served in the Armed Forces and therefore was not subordinate to the Ministry of Health, showed courage by defending his dissertation using the method of Zalmanov, whom official medicine at that time accused of quackery. Kamenev did not limit himself to one a brave act, introducing treatment with turpentine baths at the department of advanced therapy for doctors of the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov.

Today, turpentine baths are available to all social strata of the population. Research at the Research Institute of Balneology revealed normalization of blood composition as a result of therapy with turpentine baths, convincingly proving their benefits. Since then, Zalman baths have become popular in sanatorium and resort treatment for a variety of diseases. They can also be done at home by purchasing a ready-made emulsion or solution and strictly following all the instructions for preparing and taking a bath.

Zalmanov’s name has been cleared of all suspicions of quackery, his therapeutic technique is recognized, books are published, and his museum has been opened at the Military Medical Academy, which houses the scientist’s archive, donated by his family in 1979. The relatives had to work hard to fulfill the doctor’s last will and take the archive and library to their homeland - for 7 years they were not given permission to do this, until the family sent Zalmanov’s certificate signed by Lenin and a pass to the Kremlin to Russia in his name. But even now, when the name of the scientist is widely known, his archive has not yet been studied by anyone and his ideas have still not taken their rightful place in official medicine.

Although there is still some progress: private clinics use turpentine baths along with other naturopathic methods of therapy, literature on the treatment of capillaries is appearing, industry produces solutions for taking baths at home, some of them add herbal extracts and essential oils that make the smell more pleasant . There are many sites where people share their experiences of taking turpentine baths, and there are other resources on the Internet that provide medical advice on capillary therapy and allow you to order solutions.

Turpentine baths owe much of their popularity to Yuri Yakovlevich Kamenev and his book “A. S. Zalmanov. Capillary therapy and natural therapy of diseases”, presenting all the information known at that time about oleoresin baths in simple and understandable language.

A. S. Zalmanov wrote: “If a means is found to expand the capillaries when they are compressed by spasm, a means to stop the paralyzing atony when they are dilated; if an opportunity is found to improve their insufficient permeability or curb their violent permeability, then the nutrition of tissues and cells will be improved, the supply of oxygen to cells will be established, tissue drainage will be facilitated, and the energy balance of affected tissues will be increased; if we improve and establish tissue nutrition, cells in a state of bionecrosis (death) will be brought back to life, and the elimination (removal) of cellular waste will be ensured in order to avoid slow but dangerous protein intoxication (poisoning).”

The doctor devoted his whole life to searching for this remedy. In medical practice, he used all the physiotherapeutic methods known at that time, but their effectiveness seemed insufficient to Zalmanov. It took time, an active search for an answer and familiarity with Valinsky’s hot bath method to find an effective remedy for many diseases - turpentine baths.

Basic advantages oleoresin baths, which distinguish them from other physiotherapeutic methods, are their complex effect on the capillary network and the ease of their use. Zalman baths are one of the few treatment methods that do not contradict the physiology of the human body, but, on the contrary, contribute to the manifestation of its own restorative capabilities. Baths do not disturb internal balance the body and the biochemical composition of its tissues and at the same time have a beneficial effect on metabolism. They do not cause pathological changes in internal organs and do not disrupt their functions, which is why they differ from pharmacological treatment with its side effects according to the principle “we treat one thing and cripple another.” A person taking turpentine baths is insured against medical error, incorrect choice of medication and incorrect dosage.

Another thing is pharmacological agents: they are toxic, and the side effects of new drugs do not become known immediately, but after several years of widespread use. This has happened before: the history of pharmacology is replete with examples of how many popular drugs were subsequently banned due to their carcinogenic or poisonous effects. That's why medicines should be taken very carefully: the poisoned body will not feel any better because the drug that harmed its health will later be prohibited.

Unjustified addiction to pills is dangerous


Among medical drugs, only two have broken the hundred-year barrier. These are aspirin and Zalmanov solutions for turpentine baths, which is very significant. Moreover, aspirin was found to have many side effects, to avoid harmful effects which is possible only with careful, short-term use and monitoring of blood tests.

In general, if the condition is not critical, it is better to resort to naturopathic remedies, leaving chemical and surgical methods for extreme cases. If baths are as effective as medications, and there is no harm from them, is it worth poisoning your body with pharmacological drugs?

Turpentine baths cope so successfully with the task of restoring the functioning of the capillary bed that they can become the basis for the treatment of any known disease. The mechanism of their effect on blood circulation is multifaceted and worthy of detailed consideration.

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We offer the inquisitive and curious reader quotes from Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov’s magnificent book “The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body,” which I called ZALMANOV’S MAXIMS.

You can rejoice at the wisdom of a contemporary who wrote this book in the first half of the 20th century, or you can grieve with him, since at the beginning of the 21st century everything in medicine remains the same.


We need to once and for all make a list of our actually existing scientific knowledge and give ourselves an account of the existing shortcomings and our ignorance.

The paths of the past are too thickly strewn with the remnants of numerous doctrines.

We must again learn to experience life in its entirety. We must learn to understand anatomy, physiology, pathology and therapy in a new way.

What we know is animal physiology, not human physiology.

We must never forget that many diseases are at the very beginning only tiny deviations from physiological processes. However, very often we are not aware of this.

Illness means for ordinary people the fact that a mysterious enemy has captured the body, heats and suffocates it.

Unfortunately, to this day medical thinking has not been able to completely free itself from this demonic point of view. We have a diagram that shows: cause - damage - symptoms. Treatment has so far been determined primarily by the lesion. But between the cause and the lesion, between the lesion and the symptoms, there always appears at first a tiny dysfunction. And only this functional disorder then often creates a lesion.

Leriche believes that illness is a drama in two acts. The first act is played out in the dark silence of our fabrics, without any dim light. When pain or other disturbing factors appear, we are already in the second act.

There are no local diseases, organ diseases. It is always the whole person who is sick. No local therapy. Each therapeutic intervention causes small or large changes in the body.

Man knows very little about the brain and he only has the opportunity to discover the world.

Delors writes about it this way: “Our so-called scientific medicine still in children's shoes. She is only 100 years old. She is just entering puberty. Other civilizations have moved far from ours, and others will follow it.

The coming revolution in medicine will not cause either anarchy or blind destruction. On the contrary, it will create and establish order, it will develop new clear principles and return to the good old principles that have been consigned to oblivion.

We need fundamental ideas. Without organization, soldiers are not an army, but a crowd.

In a medical class it would be necessary to introduce symbols. Insight and fantasy, yes - creative fantasy.

Observation, patience, perseverance, critical judgment and reflection are the best auxiliaries of real medicine.

Deprived of human emotions, technology takes over nuclear physics for the purpose of destruction, which is similar to the instinct of termites. Life avoids rough, arrhythmic, uncontrollable explosions.

These small movements, tiny chemical reactions at medium temperatures give the body a force of resistance that is harder than steel and which can be controlled with a certain precision and understanding inconceivable to the technicians of the termite race. This is the great “wisdom of life.”

Doctors will be able to significantly contribute to the preservation and extension of life if they constantly take this “wisdom of life” into account. But they will be dangerous if they begin to consider themselves as demiurges and allow themselves to forget the wonderful work of life, in which they want to correct the skillful life processes with rude interference.

The old building of classical medicine contains untold riches. But these treasures are hidden in basements, warehouses and forgotten, abandoned and covered with dust. To find these spiritual values ​​and make the right choice among them, you need to be armed with main ideas, the sieve of teaching that filters the grains.

Selflessness and purity of perception are needed to master clear thought.

Human bugs and termites hate wise and knowledgeable people. But the time will come when biologists, physiologists and doctors, after expanding their limited horizons, will bow with respect and admiration before the wisdom of the body, so fragile, but still able to resist. A deep understanding of the wisdom of life intrudes into the philosophical, spiritual and religious spheres.

The dominance of words and the absence of thoughts are, apparently, a reflection of the eternal conflict, causing waves of disorder that overwhelm the cosmic structure, destroyed by barbaric, soulless civilizations.

All philosophical systems will break down, all methodologies and political mystifications will disappear, humanity will be freed from its painful ballast filled with stupidities, superstitions and prejudices, it will look at heaven and earth with eyes filled with gratitude and gratitude for being allowed to be admitted to the grandiose spectacle of life.

Liberation atomic energy- this is an explosion, destruction.

The accumulation of material energy in a small space is fraught with the threat of explosion. The distribution of the mass of material energy means peace and life.

“The Great Sterilization of the Body” - Ehrlich's dream - is a utopia and will always remain so.

The opinion that groups of “antigens” are captured by a “sterile” organism, which, for its part, exposes an army of antibodies to the enemy, seems erroneous if we realize that the so-called “sterile life” exists only as an artificial abstraction.

In the act of conception, inanimate matter is completely freed from physical and chemical laws. Instead of dissipating, it initiates a process of enormous concentration of vital force, multiplication of living matter, splitting into cells, tissues and organs, and thus ultimately an organism arises: plant, animal, man - all three have their own spirit and soul, have requests and instincts and are free in their mechanical and mental movement, so it is impossible to compare the transformations of living matter with completely different transformations of inanimate matter into energy.

The act of birth is accompanied by the emergence of a certain degree of spirituality, which can develop and have a sufficient breadth of individual freedom.

If we take into account the ideas of Pavlov’s school about conditioned reflexes, if we accept the existence of exteroreceptors and interoreceptors in every organ and in every cell as a given, and if we simultaneously reject vitalism as a basic principle, then, if necessary, a plant, an animal and a person should be considered as a perfect cybernetic machine.

We have no choice: either vitalism, or a living world inhabited by cyborgs.

But if people are cybernetic robots, then human science becomes mechanical, automatic, soulless, meaningless, and we live in a world of cybernetic machines.

If we recognize the cybernetic world, then we must recognize the super-cybernetic being who invented and created cybernetic machines and controls them - the cybernetic god or god of Chance.

If physicists, chemists, physiologists could free themselves from worldly prejudice, which was born from the opposition of church and science, then they would understand that without the idea of ​​​​the Creator, who created physicochemical, biological and astronomical laws, the philosophy of science becomes incomprehensible.

All branches of science are governed by the effort to discover the plans of God.

Every researcher is unconsciously a preacher.

Every scholar preaches a theology outside the church that defends the presence of God by means inconsistent with divine majesty.

Everywhere, in every cell, you will find a directed choice, a predetermined rhythm of all biochemical reactions, which is established once and for all, a certain rate of reaction for each particle of protoplasm, a pre-planned and established relationship between a particle of chlorophyll and the influence of one ultraviolet ray of the sun. This is a huge world of self-regulation, self-assimilation and self-allocation.

We find ourselves today in a position of destruction of our insignificance small planet, but we will not do anything with the eternal laws of the universe.

Countless antibiotics against various types germs and viruses, ultrasound, intravenous injections that dangerously change the composition of the blood, pneumothorax, chest surgery that destroys the lungs, are considered great achievements in therapy.

A chemical-physical technology has been created that is blind and inhuman, with no respect for the integrity of the poor organism and no responsibility for it.

Modern medicine has become a great danger to society.

Medicine that cripples must give way to healing arts that try to improve energy balance.

At 90, you should die young. You need to keep your social significance, your human dignity until your last breath. We must give an old person the opportunity to earn financial assistance: for every state and for every taxpayer this means healthy economic policy, for an elderly person - the opportunity to live his only life, which is value.

Physiology strives, and this is its indisputable right, to measure everything that is possible.

The clinic, on the contrary, is obliged to take into account all life phenomena, even those that cannot be measured.

The myth of earthly sins will become clear if we realize that man has forgotten the idea of ​​internal breathing, a symbol of spiritual freedom, and the meaning of his “inner ocean” - his juices with which he is connected with cosmic life.

Is not the life of blood a completely extraordinary miracle?

Beneath the visible surface of the river of life there exists an invisible world of deeply moving wonders.

Stricken blind, tied to their microscopes, biologists are overwhelmed by the optics of their microscopes, instead of becoming great apostles of the miracle of life.

There are no diseases of only one single system. The body is a single whole. We have no right to waste time studying sterile systems in the clinic.

The transmission of skin sensations to the nerve centers can occur without contact, as if our skin were exposed to radiation whose receiving antennas were processes.

The skin is a huge peripheral brain (more like gland. Author's note); it is a tireless guard, constantly on alert and immediately transmitting every disturbance, every danger, every attack to the brain center.

Biochemistry means the actual “chemistry of life”; chemistry of life phenomena. But neither chemists nor physiologists are able to give any explanation of life. Biochemists do not attempt to pose this fundamental question at all.

Biochemistry is the description of substances that are found in a living organism; she conducts research into the changes of these substances in the body. Biochemistry is unable to carry out actual biochemical reactions in its laboratories.

Everything in the body changes. Everything and everywhere.

Biochemical tests, which occupy a leading place in pathophysiology, are not able to explain the mechanisms or dominant factors of painful changes.

If chemists had the courage to say, “We know very little,” or in certain cases, “We know nothing,” this particular habit of discovering unnecessary terms and label phantoms would disappear. Maybe then they would start to think, reflect, compare facts, and not pile up fragments of chemical knowledge without a plan and without a main idea.

Against every external aggression, be it infection or injury, the body builds a defense system in order, on the one hand, to destroy the invader, and on the other, to restore the losses caused; in cases of tumors, on the contrary, the same body seems to contribute to its own death. Having ceased his magnificent protection, his wonderful regulation, he seems to be working on his own destruction. It sends capillaries, arterioles, arteries with their branches into the accumulation of initial newly formed cells to feed tumor cells that quickly multiply and grow into large tumors.

It does not fight these deadly phenomena, it supplies the tumors with sufficient nutrition.

He gives the enemy his own supplies, his weapons, his lines of communication, like a commander-in-chief who has betrayed his country and betrayed it.

Such observations force us to look for explanations for these phenomena beyond the region where the first accumulation of newly formed cells began.

If this supercenter is for some unknown reason, pathological reasons no longer performs its task, uncontrolled activity occurs in the areas of the affected tissues and, as a result, excessive proliferation of tumor cells occurs. One can easily imagine that this supercenter is located in the brain.

The increase in cancer cases in our turbulent era may create a mental climate that is the cause of these brain delusions.

Viruses, lack of drinking, the effects of harmful chemical substances are secondary factors (including factors E.K.).

In 1886, the first institute for the research and treatment of cancer was created in Moscow. About 75 years have passed since then, and now there are at least 400 cancer institutes in the world and at least 20 thousand oncologists have devoted their lives to this problem. Every country has a league against cancer. Every three years, cancer specialists gather for a gala congress to sum up their diligent research, which is practically an infinite zero - the sum of innumerable zeros!

Why do we face the failure of a century of research, undertaken for the most part by capable and active people?

The reason is very simple: the cancer cell was studied separately. They didn’t take the trouble to get to know the cancer patient well with all his endless reactions.

And when one is limited to studying one cell or one tissue as an isolated organ, one always gets necrology and never biology.

In the presence of neoplasms, the body itself seems to have played its own role.

Clinical teaching, in which extreme specialization prevails, saturates the minds of students with endless blood samples, biosconomics of individual organs, highly controversial dubious laws; and there is never any mention of natural self-healing.

Clinical and therapeutic thinking must submit to the ubiquity of self-healing and autopharmacology.

The unhealthy abundance of the pharmaceutical arsenal must give way to the use of a minimum of drugs and a maximum of potency if the blockade of the autoregulatory mechanism is to be removed.

Man is amazingly protected against heat, against extreme cold, against germs, but he remains defenseless against cruelty, envy, and the stupidity of people.

To become effective, medicine must become humble, free from all pseudoscientific complacency.

To forget the main thing, to delve into details, to distinguish between them with impeccable precision and at the same time to neglect the essential means to show unforgivable frivolity. A broad view is the basis for planning and successful implementation.

If the fire of quest is extinguished by the ashes of routine, arsonists are needed to relight the dying fire.

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Print » Date of publication: 08.11.2010

Russian doctor Abram (Alexander) Zalmanov gained international fame thanks to his turpentine baths. According to his theory of capillary therapy, this simple recipe helps restore and maintain youth, as well as cure many diseases.

Doctor Zalmanov lived for 90 years. And it is possible that precisely thanks to their turpentine baths

Abram Zalmanov (1875-1965) was born in Belarus, and since childhood he dreamed of becoming a doctor. After graduating from high school, he entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Medicine, but in the fourth year he dropped out and, disillusioned with the teaching system, transferred to the first year of the Faculty of Law.

At the university, Zalmanov became infected with revolutionary ideas and in 1899 was arrested for organizing the All-Russian student strike and expelled from the university. After his release, Zalmanov went to Heidelberg (Germany), where he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1901. Two years later he received his diploma in Russia, and in 1911 in Italy.

Despite his successes in medicine, Zalmanov periodically interrupted his career to travel, in which, out of curiosity, he mastered other professions. He was a fisherman, a reporter, a builder and even a shoe shiner. Zalmanov generally loved to transform. For example, he dressed up as an Arab fortune teller and performed on the streets.

At one time, Zalmanov was in charge of a resort hospital in Nervi on the shores of the Gulf of Genoa. Plekhanov, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin and many others came to him for treatment. famous people. During the First World War, Zalmanov served at the front near Bialystok: he operated, was wounded, was awarded a medal, and received the rank of general of the medical service. He was in charge of military hospitals on Miusy and Presnya in Moscow. In 1918, Lenin appointed Zalmanov head of the Main Resort Administration and chairman of the State Commission for the Fight against Tuberculosis, and in the same year Abram became the personal physician of Lenin and Krupskaya. He was admitted to Lenin’s house and, according to contemporaries, was considered almost a member of the family.

In 1921, Zalmanov went to Europe to improve his skills and exchange experience. He failed to return. Lenin soon died, and the scientist remained in Europe. Thanks to his fluency in five languages, he easily got a job in European clinics, but never stayed anywhere for more than three months: having studied the technique, he moved on. Zalmanov tried to find a universal way to heal the whole body using natural remedies.

Fascinated by the work of the Danish laureate Nobel Prize August Krogh, who studied the physiology of capillaries, in 1933 Zalmanov began to study the processes of capillary circulation and a few years later created a theory capillary therapy , which he promoted as a method of rejuvenating the body, based on taking turpentine baths. The meaning of the method is that turpentine emulsion stimulates capillary blood circulation, microcirculation of intercellular fluid and thus promotes nutrition and rejuvenation of tissues.

Zalmanov’s baths had incredible success throughout Europe - they were used in Italy, Germany and Switzerland. During World War II, the Gestapo became seriously interested in the scientist, but while in occupied France, he continued to accept patients. Since 1946, Zalmanov has held conferences, taught and published scientific articles. In 1956, his book “The Secrets and Wisdom of the Body” was published, and four years later his second book, “The Miracle of Life,” was published. Perhaps it was thanks to the turpentine baths that he took himself that Zalmanov lived to be 90 years old. Until his death he led clinics and taught doctors his method.(

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