What does the expression point of no return mean? Point of no return - what does it mean and what is hidden behind it? Financier's inspiration point

This article will bring many people disappointment...

Not everything in our lives can be changed and not everything can be returned.

What a pity for people who believe that there are magical means that can return what they have lost or achieve what they want!..

Every person sooner or later goes through " point of no return". What it is?

God or some internal or external program obliges every person who comes into this world to “give his best”, in other words, to become successful, that is, to have time to use all the abilities he has.

A certain time is given for this, and if a person does not follow the program, then his mechanism of influence on the future is turned off.

The point at which a decision is made is relative to future fate person and is called the “point of no return.”

According to our observations, this point is in the range from 33 to 75 years of life, although, apparently, there are rare exceptions.

Passing the “point of no return” does not definitely mean death, although such an outcome is possible. But as a rule, if a person does not die shortly after the “point of no return” (which happens in the overwhelming majority of cases), then his further life will not be bright, interesting, eventful and full of impressions - it will simply be LIFE, within the framework of which the person is already nothing will depend.

This phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, and it is not known whether it is possible to somehow “deceive” this law, for example, by changing the name, gender, ritual burial or something else, it’s just that the cost of such a check would be too high...

That is why, when achieving ANY LIFE GOALS, you need to use the maximum effective model influence on Fate.

Apparently, practices such as yoga and similar ones are frankly powerless in this case. A yogi does not need to live a vibrant life, love and be loved, suffer, search, make mistakes, find, achieve, in a word, ACT....

Hurry up to live - the “point of no return” is approaching!..

What to do if the POINT OF NO RETURN has been passed?

As mentioned earlier, the “point of no return” only in exceptional cases means death. Most often, this is a state of affairs when a person can no longer influence the course of his life.

How to understand that this point has been passed?

Strange as it may sound, it is very difficult to independently determine the fact of passing the “point of no return”.

A huge number of different problems in your life that, as it seems to a person, do not have a solution - this is ON THE OPPOSITE a sign that you still have time.

The main sign is that there have been no CHANGES in your life for about one and a half to two years.

It seems that there are problems, and the languor of the spirit from unrealized potential is present, but the problems are not critical, without them, of course, it is better, but you can live with them. And most importantly, people try to eradicate them, but they don’t go away. He goes to a dozen local magicians and healers, undergoes training, changes his hairstyle and wife, but his life essentially remains unchanged.

What to do if you have given yourself such a “terrible” diagnosis?

Act! Act with tenfold force! Completely give up bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol, idle pastime). Change.

You may ask: why act if it is no longer possible to change anything. The fact is that you do not know for certain that the “point of no return” has been passed. Moreover, the conversation is not about days and hours, but about several months, during which this point is overcome....

An illustrative example is one forty-five-year-old man who passed the “point of no return.”

He lived in a town near Moscow, worked in a foundry, had a wife and two adult children.

Problems immediately fell upon him, the company went bankrupt, he divorced his wife, but due to lack of funds he was forced to live with her in the same apartment. On this basis I started drinking. He lived in such limbo for a little over two years.

The man “emerged” from it already when the “point of no return” had been passed.

I stopped drinking immediately and now, apparently, forever. I contacted the project coordinator, but the results of special testing showed that nothing could be done.

For certain ethical reasons, the man was not told the truth, but he apparently guessed everything himself. Almost a week later I packed up and left to live in a small village. He fishes, grows strawberries, and seems to have met an equally lonely woman.

There will never be anything bright and outstanding in his life, there will be no victories and success, no travel, interesting meetings, but he learns to enjoy what he has.

If you also want to get lost in the everyday routine of life, then this is your choice, but if you want more, you want to live a bright, bright, rich life and get the most out of this life, then act right now!

A curve in which its two branches have a common half-tangent. For a flat curve, a distinction is made between the 1st and 2nd kind. In the first case, both branches lie on one side of the half-tangent (Fig., a), and in the second case, on opposite sides (Fig., b).

A. B. Ivanov.

Mathematical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia.

I. M. Vinogradov.


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Demographic catastrophe in Russia and ways to overcome it

A meeting was held at the Historical Perspective Foundation" Round table", which examined various aspects demographic situation in Russia. The full text will be published separately.

Natalia Narochnitskaya,

Deputy of the State Duma of Russia, President of the Historical Perspective Foundation:

We do not pursue the goal of organizing a propaganda campaign to once again shout about a serious problem in the country. We will strive to obtain professional, competent assessments of the current demographic situation, based on verified, accurate material collected as a result of studying its various aspects. And as a result, we will collect serious material with specific recommendations and suggestions.

If we do not reverse the demographic situation, then it will be pointless to make loud statements about strengthening the strategic security of the country, boosting the economy... We will not be able to retain even the territory of our country at the current rate of depopulation. What does this mean? Neither more nor less - the disappearance of the Russian nation as a phenomenon of world history and culture.

There is a widespread myth that declining fertility is natural process development of civilization, therefore, they say, everything is predetermined. In fact, other factors, most of them artificial, are responsible for the millions of losses of our population.

A complete degeneration of the cultural and historical type of our state is coming. The state of the Russian and other peoples, with their culture and civilization, which created the image of Russia and established its educational role, is now becoming material for the historical projects of other civilizations.

Archpriest Dmitry (Smirnov),

Chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies:

As was said at one of the last congresses of the CPSU, over the years Soviet power appearance Soviet man changed beyond recognition. This is absolutely true. Those moral guidelines that the Russian people had and made it possible for the Russian people to increase by 20 million people during the reign of Nicholas II have now disappeared. We still feel this loss.

Our main value is children and people. But they did not become the main value for modern man, but personal comfort and enrichment.

I will try to summarize the reasons for the decline in the birth rate. Firstly, there are abortions. If every conceived child in our country were born, then the problem of extinction would not arise at all. The second reason is stress from a change in social formation.

Now about what needs to be done. We are told that our state is poor, that it has no money. In fact, there is money; hundreds of billions of dollars from the Stabilization Fund could be used for a program to recreate and preserve the population.

...In order to return a person to a consciousness approaching a Christian view of the world, it is necessary to try to stop the influence of liberal ideology on this consciousness, at least in that part of it that aggravates the demographic situation. It is necessary to develop and introduce a special course in schools and universities, primarily in pedagogical ones. family education- instead of raising asexual. We are somehow accustomed to the fact that boys and girls are taught the same way, as if they were the same creatures. Education needs to be differentiated.

The problem of child orphanhood is also not difficult to solve. There are many in the country good people, but they don't have the funds. Where can I get them? First, the adoption system needs to change. In the Kaluga region, by the way, they have already begun to do this. Each adoptive parent was given state money, which was used to support the orphan. Previously, after adoption, the state took them away. Now, orphanages have begun to close, and abandoned children are being taken into families. This resulted in savings of 4-6 million rubles, which, with the previous approach, would have been used to support full-time employees of orphanages. I know from my own experience (I have two orphanages that I look after) that it is expensive to maintain such a staff; it is much more effective to pay a specific family.

It is necessary to separate abortion clinics from maternity hospitals and make abortions paid. Free midwives from the obligation to kill children, as is already common in other countries.

...Ensuring the return of Russian families to Russia is also an important task. Of course, it will require an expensive Government program. But it is necessary to implement it constantly and purposefully in order to return it to their historical homeland at state expense and provide work and housing to those full-fledged families who need it.

Natalya Rimashevskaya,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

The most important factor that determined the decline in public health was the exacerbation of social inequality, a sharp polarization in the standard of living of the population, which does not exist even in Latin American countries. The second factor that negatively affects health is changes in the structure of society. After all, the population is a collection of different social and age groups, so it needs to be considered systematically. In our case, they take some individual issues out of context, discuss them, make decisions, as if this could change anything.

...The problem is that not only depopulation is occurring, but also degradation of the gene pool. And this is a more dangerous phenomenon. Over the years we have followed three thousand families. The people we surveyed got married, divorced, had children, and died. Three and a half decades later, it became clear: each of our subsequent generations has less health potential than the previous one. For example, my children have lower health potential than I do. And my grandchildren have even less potential. These are not words, these are statistics.

Among those born, one third are children born out of wedlock. This is also an important factor, because if the marriage does not take place in the future, then there will be no second and third child. IN Lately the number of divorces has increased. They make up approximately 60 percent of the number of marriages. Of course, this is largely due to difficult living conditions. If almost a third of our workers have a salary below the subsistence level, then what kind of favorable conditions for the family can we talk about? But at some point this vicious practice must be changed!

What needs to be done to increase the birth rate? Betting on an increase in benefits - one-time or monthly - is not effective. A much more significant factor is the availability of housing. People need minimal living conditions, without which everything else becomes meaningless.

There is such a concept - the point of no return. It occurs at the intersection of two lines characterizing fertility and mortality. In Russia, we passed it back in 1992, when the population decline was clearly visible.

Exists international statistics, which clearly states that birth and death rates are only 10 percent dependent on health care. But the socio-economic factor - food, housing conditions, employment level - accounts for 50 percent. Population decline or growth is influenced by ecology and hereditary factors - that’s another 40 percent.

There is an urgent need to conduct special research on this topic, and it should be interdisciplinary in nature. So that doctors, economists, sociologists, and ecologists can study it. There is still no structure in the country that would be seriously interested in the results of such work.

Irina Medvedeva,

Director of the Institute of Demographic Security:

The ideology of consumption and large families are not compatible. Every new baby capable of lowering consumption standards. This is the strategic position.

Now regarding tactical measures. We must abandon all the commitments that were made at the 1994 Cairo Conference. Many of her recommendations relate to reducing the birth rate. Therefore, one should not think that the deterioration of the demographic situation is a spontaneous process...

First of all, we must abolish family planning centers in our country. Because they have one goal - reducing the birth rate. And the recommendations of the Cairo Conference themselves provide for a lot - here is the promotion of contraception, and abortion... And of course, “social education”, which we have not yet been able to implement in an open form, mainly due to the position of the church.

Now about the separate education that Father Dmitry spoke about. It is better to introduce it from the first grade. This will help improve the demographic situation, because when girls and boys are constantly around each other, it does not promote mutual attraction to each other. On the contrary, it leads to the opposite...

Recently it became known that the signing of the European Social Charter is coming. One of the most important points in it will be the right of children to receive information. For those who have not yet learned to decipher documents of this kind, I will explain that this is precisely the right to “sexual education”...

Anatoly Antonov,

Head of the Department of Sociology of Family and Demography, Moscow State University:

When depopulation is reduced only to mortality, to extinction, although it would be more accurate to talk about degeneration, then the emphasis is greatly shifted. Depopulation is the collapse of the modern institution of the family, and therefore the collapse of the birth rate.

The socio-biological potential is never fully realized, since people resort to contraception, abortion, have health problems that adversely affect fertility, etc. Now this potential, roughly speaking, has been realized by one fifth.

...Here they talked about an increase in physical, mental and social diseases, an increased number of people with disabilities. Indeed, shock therapy had a destabilizing effect on people and led to a reduction in their standard of living. Last year, for the first time, the proportion of the population over 60 years of age exceeded the proportion of children. And this process will continue.

Depopulation is not a quantitative process, but a qualitative one sudden change the entire structure of life in our country - political, social, economic, psychological. Society has been struck by a crisis of values; people do not want to get married or start a family. However, the “intellectual elite” does not perceive the full seriousness of the situation.

...Concentrating on the fight against mortality alone does not eliminate depopulation. Even if we reach the Japanese level of life expectancy by 2050 (any doctor will say that this is a fantastic goal), we will still suffer colossal losses: from the current 143 million people there will be about 100 million left. There will also be a change in the social-age structure and gender ratio. We must not forget that Russia is a multinational country in which hundreds of nationalities live. Of these, 80 percent are Russian and 20 percent are all others. There are mathematical and demographic calculations: at what level of population decline will small nations try to save themselves alone, separately from Greater Russia so as not to end up in a situation of complete extinction.

If our government continues to be dominated by the liberal point of view, the opinion that everything that happens is normal, that the main problem- this is overpopulation, not depopulation, then all this will have very disastrous results.

Igor Gundarov,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the International Center for Monitoring Quality of Life

I'm interested in the mechanism that kills people. What exactly led to the fact that during the years of “reforms” we lost over five million people? Supermortality. But why are so many people dying in Russia? The first monograph on this topic was published 10 years ago. It was called "Spiritual Trouble as a Cause of Demographic Catastrophe."

All classical factors known to medicine, when seriously analyzed scientifically, do not explain depopulation and turn out to be a bluff. The environment has improved recently, there is less cholesterol in the blood plasma, physical activity grew…

But since none of the material factors explains depopulation, we find ourselves pushed into the realm of the ideal. And they suggested that the physical vitality of the population depends not only on the material conditions of life, but also on the moral atmosphere and emotional state of society - spiritual and emotional factors.

...By the dynamics of murders one can judge the balance in society. Suicide is an indicator of extreme hopelessness and melancholy. Divorces reflect the spirit of unsettled or destroyed property relations. Thefts and robberies reflect the nature of unfair relationships. And when we realized that we could measure the level of sinfulness in society, a new direction appeared - the epidemiology of spirituality, the science of moral and emotional processes. We were interested in whether there was a direct connection between the dynamics of spirituality and the dynamics of mortality. It turned out that these two dynamics are closely related. The degree of correlation is 85 percent! For example, crime jumps at first, and after six months you can expect heart attacks and strokes. In the post-Soviet space, 80 percent of the mortality dynamics are explained by such a concept as aggressive-depressive syndrome. This combination in itself is scary. Russian and other peoples are in a state of embitterment. This normal reaction great people to the unfair results of reforms.

Spiritual ill-being is the result of an attempt to replace our old mentality. Why are the consequences of the Great Depression in the United States and “shock therapy” in Russia so strikingly different? Americans have left the social economic crisis, without changing their spiritual and moral foundations, the situation is different with us, where they tried to amputate the old “uncivilized” soul, and in its place transplant a new one - “modern and civilized.”

What forces managed to cause damage to the reproductive apparatus and muffle the strongest biological instinct for procreation? Economic forces, for all their significance, did not play a decisive role in this. As studies have shown, the richer the family in modern Russia, the fewer children there are. To explain reproductive paradoxes, we also turned to the assumption of the influence of the moral and emotional state of individuals. It is known that aggression, hopelessness, anxiety, fear, loss of control life situation have a negative effect on sexual performance. In the zoo, many animal species do not breed, although they are well cared for, have large enclosures and plenty of food. But they see a wall, a fence, and nature in front of them. psychological level imposes a ban...

The decline in the reproductive activity of the population, as well as the increase in mortality, is largely explained by mental ill-being. Including the growth of aggressive-depressive syndrome. When comparing the dynamics of murders and the birth rate in the CIS countries, a close inverse relationship was found between them: the higher the increase in murders, the deeper the decline in the birth rate. To check the pattern, a similar study was conducted in countries of Eastern Europe: the result is the same.

There are other facts. If in 1860 the number of sperm per milliliter of seminal fluid was about 80 million, then in 1960 the WHO set the norm at 60 million, in 1983 - 40 million, and in 1992 the bar dropped to 20 million. In Moscow, the real picture is even worse – 10 million. It turns out as if at first 32 teeth were considered the norm, then 24, then 16 and finally 8 teeth. The main cause of various sexual disorders in men (more than half of those surveyed suffered from them) and women (such disorders were characteristic of more than 80 percent of the fair sex) in the United States (1992 study) were factors of a psychological nature. Deterioration of financial situation, dissatisfaction with personal health, and perception of one's life as unhappy had a pronounced adverse effect on sexual activity. American doctors believe that the deteriorating sexual health of the US population represents a pressing national problem.

...I may be asked: what practical significance has set out to develop an effective demographic policy in Russia? I think it's a lot. Because it is possible to manage the physical and reproductive health of vast masses of the population using moral and emotional levers, even in conditions of economic crisis. If people feel that they are not humiliated hired workers, but free citizens, society can be guaranteed to overcome depopulation in 4-5 years.

I have already given an example when mortality among civilian population in 1943 in the USSR it halved. What changed then compared to the previous year, 1942, in an economic sense? Nothing! People continued to work in extreme conditions, malnourished and lack of sleep. However, there was already Stalingrad and the enthusiasm of the people associated with it and hopes for new life after the war. People were united by a unifying idea, made them forget personal hardships, and helped them find the meaning of life.

Vyacheslav Nikolaev,

co-founder of the Russian Demographic Society:

In order to prevent a demographic catastrophe from developing into a national one, it is necessary to create models, centers of a new way of life. The way of life we ​​have followed throughout last three centuries, which we Russians adopted from the West, demonstrates an inability for normal reproduction. Together with the West, we are getting deeper and deeper into a certain civilizational dead end. Naturally, the question arises of finding a new way of life.

But it's easy to say - new image life. In my understanding, this is a task on a national scale. But, in my opinion, we need to start solving it immediately. The shoots of a new way of life can emerge through the creation of pockets of survival. Recently I came across the concept of social modernization centers. This is when people break out of cities, from urban civilization and create a different habitat on a completely different territory. Attempts to create such social modernization centers, a kind of de-urbanization, are, perhaps, an intuitive groping for a model for organizing a correct way of life with all the ensuing consequences.

...It would be advisable to create a fund for the resettlement of abandoned Russian villages. At one time there was a campaign for raising virgin soil. Essentially, now is the time to populate the abandoned, forested territories of central Russia in exactly the same way. A source of replenishment of the population here could be a well-organized migration of Russians from the republics former USSR. High lifting, interest-free loans for housing construction, acquisition of equipment, abolition of taxes for five to ten years on any type of production activity - all this, I am sure, will actively stimulate the return of Russian people to their ancestral land. If out of the 25 million Russians abandoned in the so-called near abroad, at least 15 million return, we will be able to overcome the demographic collapse and revive the Russian hinterland.

Special for the Centenary

There are turning points in every person's life when there is no turning back. There is no need to be upset, because thanks to such situations a new, better period in life can begin. Let’s find out what the point of no return is in life.

What is the point of no return?

IN modern world point of no return is a social term, not a geometric or aviation one. When it is used in a speech or report, they want to emphasize the urgency of the moment and the fact that it can have a variety of consequences - from positive to irreversible and even catastrophic. As for established terms, in aviation the point of no return is the moment of flight when the pilot can make a final decision and return. When this line is passed, all return roads will be cut off and only the forward road will remain.

Point of no return - psychology

Everything in life can have a beginning and an end. This process is natural and natural. However, ignorance of certain energy laws and incorrect actions can lead to this period being artificially shortened. The point of no return in psychology says that a person sometimes brings his own positive energy to the point where there is no longer a way back.

This can lead the system to a critical point - death, family breakup, or business destruction. You can often hear that passing the point of no return is indeed very dangerous, since when you get into a negative energy cone, you need to make a lot of effort to eliminate the process of a possible future increase in negative energy.

Point of no return in esotericism

Esotericism also has its own definition of what the point of no return means. This term means temporary, as well as energy state, after overcoming which consciousness will not die. It can arise in cases where a person’s soul has been able to accumulate a lot of energy and has acquired the energy intensity of consciousness, which balances its karmic debts. The latter, in addition to moral and ethical ones and between people, nature and other objects, are expressed in terms of time.

Living in this world, thinking, feeling and doing certain things, we all spend our own energy received from above. In addition, each person takes up the energy of time for our thoughts and actions to exist. It is very important to understand what this is, the point of no return, because getting around it means winning in life and becoming higher than others. This can be called a new major planetary initiation, after which a person can be called an initiate.

Point of no return - what does it mean in a relationship?

You can often hear that there is a point of no return in a relationship. What is meant by this term? This is often said if:

  1. One of the partners cheated on the other. Moreover, for the betrayer, such an act is the end of the relationship.
  2. A woman (man) at a certain moment refuses to tolerate the behavior of her chosen one and puts a certain point in the relationship, after which there is no longer a future for the two.
  3. The couple went through a crisis, and the two decide to separate forever. In such situations, there are no question marks or commas, but only a period.

Point of no return in relationship with husband

Starting a family is a responsible step for young people. However, sometimes there are situations when a point of no return arises in family relationships. Among possible reasons the destruction of marriage and the relevance of such a concept as the point of no return:

  1. Betrayal by one of the spouses.
  2. The unwillingness of the husband or wife to continue to put up with the behavior or attitude of the other half.
  3. Moral or physical. This could include beatings, insults, or humiliation.

The point of no return for a husband from his mistress

Starting a family is not that difficult, but maintaining it is sometimes beyond the power of young spouses. Sometimes it happens that a man gets bored with his wife and finds a mistress. In fact, there may be many reasons for such a husband’s behavior. Sometimes, with her constant reproaches and behavior, the wife herself pushes her husband to cheat. However, it is still very difficult to justify such behavior. In some situations, a man, having had a good time, leaves his mistress and returns to his legal wife. However, there is a point of no return for men when the husband decides to divorce and stay with his new chosen one.

Point of no return for alcoholism

– one of the common harmful habits not only of men, but also of women. Often drinking man poisons his life and even destroys his family. In such situations, it is important that the person himself understands that he has problems and agrees to begin treatment for his addiction. The point of no return for an alcoholic is stage 3-4 of alcoholism, when the drinker can no longer stop drinking alcohol on his own. Often after this death occurs because the person becomes an alcoholic.

Nothing in this life lasts forever. Everything has its beginning and its end. This is a natural and natural process. However, our ignorance of the laws of energy, wrong actions, fatal errors lead to the fact that this period can be artificially shortened.

We bring our positive energy to the point of no return, after which the energy appears again, but in its new negative quality. This leads the entire system to a critical point - the death of a person, the breakdown of a family or the destruction of a business (see Fig. 1).

Why is it so dangerous to go past the point of no return?

If you fall into a negative energy cone, titanic efforts are required to neutralize the process of further growth of negative energy (see Fig. 2).

  • A - A- the maximum possible amount of positive energy in a given system that can be used to neutralize negative energy.
  • B - B- the amount of negative energy at a certain point in time at which an attempt to change is made.
  • C - C- the amount of energy obtained as a result of the actions performed (see Fig. 3).

Negative energy B - B"eats" part of the positive A - A, which we are making efforts to change the situation. The resulting positive energy C - C obviously not enough to radically change the situation. As a result, the energy will again strive for the point of no return and sooner or later will reach it again, and all efforts will be in vain. Such simple arithmetic.

Until the point of no return is passed, everything is still possible, but the closer to it, the less chance there is to change the situation. And since time cannot be stopped, inaction will push it further and further into the zone of negative energies.

It is worth noting that determining the point of no return is not easy. In each individual case it has its own characteristics. But there is common features: these are states of loss of strength, interest in life, indifference, emptiness, reluctance to move and work. All actions are performed automatically.

At the point of no return, energy usually freezes. It feels like she's not there. But this is just the calm before the storm. Energy cannot but exist, since this is a violation of the laws of nature. It will definitely manifest itself and begin to increase, while changing its sign to the opposite.

For example, in family relationships this process looks like this:

When the point of no return has already been passed, and the husband and wife, suddenly coming to their senses, begin to make desperate attempts to preserve the relationship, then these efforts, as a rule, turn out to be in vain.

There are not enough resources to increase positive energy.

As a result, the situation worsens even more, and disappointment arises from unsuccessful attempts to change anything. A breakdown sets in, and this further alienates the wife from her husband and finally makes them strangers.

As a result, the relationship is destroyed.

Sometimes it’s better to live separately, reconsider relationships, accumulate enough personal positive energy necessary for changes, and only after that try to start all over again, and perhaps something will work out. But this will be a different story, different relationships and different energy.

In the case of a business, after passing the point of no return and entering the zone of negative energies, all physical and emotional efforts, as well as financial investments, stop working. They are neutralized by negative energy, and any actions taken become ineffective.

New loans are taken out. Attempts are being made to “resolve” the situation, but business continues to plunge further and further into the abyss, into the zone of negative energies. And time only makes the situation worse. Loans must be repaid. Pay taxes and salaries. Everything is getting out of control.

A business that has passed the point of no return needs to be radically transformed, and in some cases it will be cheaper to liquidate.

In the West, organizations that have passed the point of no return are identified and absorbed by more successful competitors.
