Marina Devyatova biography, marital status. Biography of the ninth Marina Vladimirovna. Personal life of Marina Devyatova

And, by her own admission, she began her creative path in a village near Kashira, where she visited her grandfather. She hung an advertisement on the well about her own performance and organized a real concert right on the street. And today, outside the city, the young singer prefers to relax and increasingly dreams of her own dacha.

The countryside is for the soul

Marina, you are a native Muscovite, you live and work in the city. Where do you relax?

Moscow is more suitable for work. And I find it more comfortable to relax outside the city, where after work I can find solitude, enjoy the silence and the singing of birds. It’s as if two personalities are combined in me: on the one hand, I can fly business class and enjoy expensive restaurants, and on the other hand, I really love when on the table there are products from my garden, everything that’s my own, natural, when everything is cooked in a real Russian stove or in a pot on a fire. I also love being able to eat with my hands—it’s so delicious!

Of course, life outside the city is more relaxed, so sometimes when you arrive there with your “disheveled” head, the calmness is annoying at first: you think, why is no one in a hurry, where are the phones, where is the Internet? But people live by different values. And you gradually get used to it, calm down and understand that this is a real thrill.

Steam room, broom and felt hat

What do you like to do away from civilization?

I adore the sauna, although there is an opinion that it is harmful for vocalists - the ligaments are steamed along with the body. Of course, because of the tour, I don’t have time to visit the bathhouse often, and I miss it, for a real one... with a steam room, a broom, felt hat, I really want to relax both body and soul. I also like to just wander through the forest, there is a special energy there.

Can I see you in the garden?

Of course, I’m not an avid gardener, but I can help: weed something, for example. Although, at the same time, I immediately warn everyone that I am a responsible lady and I will field efficiently: in the heat of the moment, I may not be able to distinguish a weed from something that is not worth pulling out. (Laughs.) I like to plant flowers myself; even fans give me garden flowers at concerts. And as a child, I loved hauling hay with my grandfather.

Fun village life

Does your family have a dacha?

On this moment I don’t have a dacha, but before I often went to a small village near Kashira, where there were only ten houses. My creative journey began there: I organized concerts, gathered local residents, and posted an announcement on the well that I would have a performance. And like a real artist, she always took a lot of things there, my grandfather even joked with me: “Why are you in one dress in the morning, in another at lunchtime, and in a third in the evening?” This was such a fun village life.

I would really like to have a dacha. I have a desire not only to be closer to nature, but also to unite the family, because where else can children come? Of course, to my parents' dacha! I have been nurturing this idea for a long time, and someday it will come true.

Since childhood, my mother taught me to be independent

Marina, your latest album is called “I’m Happy,” can you call yourself happy?

I can't call myself one hundred percent happy man. We women are always missing something. How can I call myself happy if I have not yet realized myself as a mother and wife? But I'm happy from a creative point of view. There is an opportunity to travel around the country, see smiling faces in the hall, hear words of gratitude when after the concert people come for an autograph and just talk.

In one of your interviews you called yourself a careerist, but at the same time you want a family, how do these two things coexist in you?

By my qualities, I am a leader and a careerist, but this does not mean that I have no desire to become a mother. Of course, I am aware that I will not be an ordinary mother, a kind of “mother hen,” but I will try as much as possible to raise my child with love, in a full-fledged family where there is a mother and father, and I will devote all my free time to him.

My desire to make a career is explained simply: when my parents divorced, my mother often told me: Marina, you must be independent, you must be strong.

It is not right?

In my opinion, not really. A woman must be dependent, this is why she gets married, that is, she follows her husband. But with us everything is upside down.

Children should be happy and loved

Then what do you want to instill in your future children?

I understand that it will not be easy for me, but I will try to raise my children so that they are guided by true values, are happy and loved, and know how to give their feelings to people. I don’t want them to think only about how much money they have in their pocket. It seems to me that many parents develop big complexes in their children, arguing that they must study in the UK or, at worst, at Moscow State University, have an academic degree and, as a lifelong goal, create their own business. All children are different, each has their own talents, their own path.

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova is a Russian folk singer, finalist of the television competition “People’s Artist-3”.

Childhood and youth

Devyatova Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of an artist of the choreographic ensemble named after. Semyon Dunaevsky Natalya Nikolaevna and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, performer of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Her parents separated when Marina was five years old. Subsequently, Natalya married a second time. Marina had an excellent relationship with her stepfather.

The future artist’s grandparents (on her mother’s side) came from Ryazan and settled in Moscow at one time. Grandmother worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a trolleybus driver. As Marina recalled, it was at her grandfather’s job that her vocal career began: the man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced stops and sang while the trolleybus traveled along the route from Ivanovsky to Vykhino.

Like her older sister Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was sent to music school (piano class) early. In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the music school named after. Alfred Schnittke, and in 2003, after graduation, she became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

During her studies, Marina worked as a teacher at the vocal school at the Center for Russian Culture and Art under the direction of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates on musicological expeditions - in the Russian outback, students studied folklore songs.

Marina Devyatova's graduation performance in Gensink (2005)

As for sister Marina Devyatova, she was unable to connect her life with art. She works as a groomer and helps homeless animals find new homes.


Since the early 2000s, Devyatova has often performed at music festivals and competitions, and in 2003 she became a laureate of the Slavic Bazaar competition for young pop singers.

In her senior years at the Academy, the girl was invited to join the musical group “Indrik the Beast,” whose main repertoire consisted of ancient Russian and Slavic songs in modern arrangements. In 2005, the band successfully performed at the “Wings” rock festival in Tushino.

In 2006, Devyatova passed the casting for the TV project “People’s Artist”. The permanent judges of the competition were actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridova, composer Maxim Dunaevsky and producer Evgeny Fridlyand. The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin Amarkhuu Borkhuu (until 2013, the lead singer of the group “Prime Minister”). Marina took second place, but there was no reason to be upset: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

“People’s Artist”: Marina Devyatova, first performance

After the end of the project, Fridlyand invited Devyatova to enter into a contract with the production company FBI MUSIC. From that moment on, Marina began the life of a sought-after artist, filled with filming, touring and recording songs.

In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala for the ceremony for choosing the capital of the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympic Games - during the event, the singer sang “Katyusha” several times as an encore.

Marina Devyatova - “Katyusha”, 2007

In 2009, Devyatova released her first album, “I Didn’t Think, I Didn’t Guess,” after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater. Next is a performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. She also had the opportunity to speak to Russian leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya Muammar Gaddafi, and the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In 2011, Marina released the album “I’m Happy.” Two years later, the girl left FBI MUSIC and set off on a free voyage - six months later, in November 2013, the singer’s third acoustic album, In the Moonlight, was released.

Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcisse – “Cossack” (2011)

Devyatova has hundreds of concerts to her name, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexei Goman, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Moldovan opera singer Methodie Bujor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Varvara and other international pop stars.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

In her youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than herself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship that ended so tragically, as well as an unsuccessful romance with actor Nikolai Demidov, Marina found happiness with Alexey Pigurenko, founder of the YogaBoga brand.

The difficult relationship between the young people lasted about five years. The young people either diverged or lived separately from each other, but in the end, at the end of October 2016, they signed at the Moscow registry office.

The girl’s father said that Marina is a Hare Krishna devotee - the practices help the girl to know herself and find inner peace.

Marina Devyatova now

In parallel with raising her daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of her child, Devyatova returned to filming the program “You Are Allowed to Laugh” on the Russia 1 channel, of which the girl has been a regular participant for several years now.

“You are allowed to laugh”: Marina Devyatova – “Quadrille”

The girl also took part in a concert at the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Valery Obodzinsky, starred in the “Mood” program on the TV Center channel, and then went with a series of solo concerts around Russia.

In the future, Marina plans to work on choral projects and build a country cottage in the style of a Swiss chalet.

Vladimir Devyatov’s personal life and family have never been an obstacle to his professional and career growth; on the contrary, he easily achieved everything with the support of his family. Vladimir Devyatov is a famous artist, performer of a huge number of musical works and a talented composer.

The main role and direction in which the singer develops are folk songs and motifs. He knows how to combine modern style and traditional folk tunes. The artist’s concerts are incredibly crowded a large number of fans and lovers of this art.


The hometown of the future artist, oddly enough, is Moscow; he was born here on March 15, 1955. Vladimir’s mother worked in the economic sector, his father was a military man. At the age of 6, he had to move to Vologda with his family. At that time, my father was sent to this region for a year, so the time spent outside the capital flew by very quickly.

Vladimir Devyatov: photo

The future artist studied at secondary school, which was no different from all similar institutions. As for Vladimir himself, he was always an obedient and exemplary guy. I easily learned new things and studied quite well. At the same time he received an education at a music school.

He was constantly praised by teachers, as he really showed good results. He played the accordion very well and had a unique voice.

Personal life and biography of Vladimir Devyatov is a shining example that you should always move forward towards your dream, without stopping at anything. A young guy after finishing school, for a long time I was thinking about what professional field to choose.

In his youth, the future musician studied at the Military Academy

Thus, the choice fell on Military Academy. Not many people know, but Vladimir Devyatov is a chemical technologist by training. At the initial stages of his career growth, he had to work by profession. But he always knew that he could become a creative person and a professional musician.


Immediately after graduating from a higher educational institution, I received an invitation from a scientific research center in Moscow. Of course, there was no point in refusing such work; Devyatov happily agreed. Vladimir spent some time engaged in laboratory research related to defense technologies. Despite his professional career, continued to look for various creative ways that would allow him to reveal his talent. He dreamed that he would become a singer, and this desire never left Devyatov.

V. Devyatov on stage

The first musical association of Vladimir Devyatov was the group “Old Arsenal”. Together with friends, they decided to start recording experimental music, which included rock and folk songs. It turned out quite interesting, especially since Devyatov was very interested in folklore, which helped select material for future songs. Vladimir managed to hold two positions in the group at once: soloist and drummer.

A fateful meeting with Vladimir Vinokur allowed the young guy to reveal his talent in a new way. Vinokur advised the young talent to get more qualified musical education to easily achieve professional success.

Vladimir Devyatov with his musical group

The Musical Pedagogical Institute is the institution the musician chose for himself. At that time, many famous Russian performers studied here. In 1983, he submitted documents and entered without any particular difficulties. Then his new group “Russian Tunes” appears. This was already a professional start, which he had dreamed of for a long time. Together with his friends, he organized tours around Russia and neighboring countries.

The popularity gradually grew, as many people liked the performance style of the young musicians. Many organizers of major concerts began to invite the guys, and this became a real success. The scope of the tour gradually increased, and trips to European and Asian countries began to appear. Vladimir Devyatov tried himself in a variety of musical styles and was never limited to genres.

At a concert with Joseph Kobzon

Vladimir began to be invited by leaders opera houses. Thus, the musician performed arias in such operas as “Rusalka”, “Demon” and “Snow Maiden”. These are the most significant works. He never stopped improving educationally and received lessons from famous foreign masters. Creative successes did not hinder him, but on the contrary forced him to take new steps.

Subsequently, a center of Russian culture and art was organized, which was headed by the artist himself. Such a significant event in his life occurred in 1995. The goals of the institution are not only to introduce the population to folk art, but also to help talents organize their own concerts. Afterwards, a school of musical arts was created, which since 1999 has trained a considerable number of professional musicians.

During a performance with his daughter Marina

In 2003, he was awarded a unique opportunity to become a People's Artist Russian Federation. Of course, Vladimir Devyatov has more than a dozen awards and prizes that he can boast of.

Personal life

Family values ​​are incredibly important for an artist great importance. He came under suspicion more than once and became a hostage to circumstances, which led to rumors in the media. But everyone who knows Vladimir Devyatov knows that he is always honest and open.

Vladimir Devyatov’s first serious relationship was not registered. He and his girlfriend Irina lived together for a long time. They got a daughter, whom they named Katya, but after that the relationship began to collapse. Thus, less than two years had passed since the birth of the child, when Vladimir Devyatov left the family.

With daughter Marina from her second marriage

The reason for the breakup of the first relationship, oddly enough, was another woman. Vladimir could not hide their connection for a long time, so he told Irina. They still maintain friendly relations. Together with his second wife, they have already officially registered.

A daughter, Marina, appeared in the family. As in the first case, their relationship did not last long. The reason for the couple's breakup was identical.

Marina, Devyatov’s daughter, continues to please her father with success in the musical field. She has repeatedly become a participant and winner of international vocal competitions. Artist Vladimir Devyatov greatly values ​​his personal life and family, but sometimes there are moments between lovers when it is simply unbearable to live together. Therefore, you should not hold each other, but it is better to separate.

Vladimir Devyatov with his fourth wife Elizaveta Goryashkina

In the third marriage, another child was born. Son Nikita was born in 1995, but there are no details about this relationship. Vladimir tries not to comment on his personal life. The artist supports his children warm relations and tries to devote more time to them. Nikita lives abroad, but often calls his father.

Marina Devyatova with her family

For some time now, the folk singer has also been a happy wife and mother. The singer got married three years ago, and a few months later gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana.

- Marina, how has your life changed after the birth of your child?

When the first child appears, it seems to me that a woman is born again: she transforms and gets to know herself as a completely new person. Because he naturally devotes all his free time to the child. In my situation it was not easy: I had practically no maternity leave, I went on stage in two months. My work has not become less, but everyday life has become richer. And of course, my husband and I resorted to the services of a nanny, because we simply couldn’t do without this person. My mother also lives with us, she helps us.

- Was the birth of the child planned or happened by accident?

It was a surprise for my husband and I. Especially for me as a workaholic. It seems to me that if this surprise had not happened, I would have been touring for a long time, being in the status of a wife and not a mother. Alexey and I have known each other for a long time; our relationship was different. We met, and parted, and met again. We have probably gone through all the circles in the development of relations between men and women. But the birth of Ulyana also changed her husband very much, despite the fact that Alexei already has a daughter from his first marriage. But when Sasha was born, he was conventionally twenty years old, and now, when he is over forty, the birth of a child is perceived completely differently. They have their own relationships, their own games. But the most important thing is that they have a connection, that thread from which I feel incredible pleasure.

- Has Alexey been courting you for a long time?

When we met, I was quite an old girl. I had few suitors in my life, and I perceived all my young people as future potential husbands. I myself am a passionate monogamist. Alexey is a reliable person, good, brought up in an intelligent family. Unfortunately, his mother, who, I think, was the best mother-in-law, recently passed away. This was my real friend. And that’s why I didn’t have any particular desire for Alexey to pursue me. He cared as best he could, to the best of his ability. We quickly started living together. Maybe they made mistakes somewhere, but at the same time I understand that sharp corners We tried to avoid it.

- What is his attitude to the fact that you are a popular singer?

I always tell him: you didn’t marry a woman, but an artist, an audience. It’s not easy for him, he’s a normal man who also feels jealous of those men who want to give me flowers, hug me, kiss me. But he endures all this, he understands that his wife is an artist.

- In your youth, did you imagine what the man of your dreams should be like?

My husband did not agree with this idea at all. What we imagine is only a fantasy. We've seen enough cartoons, good fairy tales and now we are sitting waiting for Romeo to start singing serenades for us under the window. But I am a creative person, I need a knight who will come to me on a horse and win my heart. I've always been such a dreamer. Moreover, these fantasies are very disturbing. For example, sometimes it seems to me that everyone, and first of all my husband, should think the same way as me. And men are practical guys by nature. My husband says to me: tell me, what do you need? And I: “Well, how can that be! You have to guess!” But men think differently. And it seems to me that there are no ideal men, just like women.

You say that you have known your husband for a long time, but when did the moment come when you realized that you were made for each other?

I don't like to talk about how people are made for each other. The strongest marriages sometimes fall apart. Everything happens with us: we quarrel and swear, believe me, I am a very difficult passenger in family life. Alexey is also like a real Taurus, born in the year of the Ram, generally a twice-stubborn person. And it’s also not easy for me, as a woman leading my team, to come home and become soft and fluffy. A family is a penal colony in which everyone primarily works on their ego. Because we are all selfish, we want to enjoy: each other, ourselves, our environment. And first of all, of course, you need to learn to appreciate every day you live. I understand that God gave me Alexei with my qualities, and gave him a singing wife with his qualities, which are also very difficult. We have a good age difference, my husband is ten years older, so in some places he is wiser, in others he is more cunning. And Alexey is also a good father. And the most important thing we have is our Ulyana Alekseevna, who is growing into a real future artist.

- So you already see it in her?

Aspen trees will not produce oranges. And this orange, in my opinion, was very creative. As my mother says, Ulyana is my copy. She dances, her favorite artists are her mother and grandfather. And if suddenly non-folk songs are played, she will not dance. She has concert dresses, she looks at my dancers at performances and repeats some of their body movements. In April, I had a concert in the Kremlin, and Ulyana appeared before the audience, absolutely calmly brought flowers to her mother, and was not afraid: 5,700 people applauded her, and it was as if she had come to her own home. I sang throughout my pregnancy, and Ulyana never kicked me or hit me. When the concert started from seven to nine somewhere, the child was silent, she always let me perform. And now she organizes concerts herself from seven to nine, she has her own solo program. (Laughs.)

“Mom says that Ulyana is my copy. She dances, she already has concert dresses.”

- When there are two beautiful ladies in a family, then they probably have a rather large dressing room?..

I was born in the Soviet Union when there was nothing. We lived quite poorly, when our parents divorced, my mother began working three jobs. All Soviet children wore the clothes of their older brothers and sisters. And, apparently, I am now compensating for this deficit at the expense of Ulyana. They tell me: a child doesn’t need so much! But I try, I work on myself. Although in defense I can say that I have someone to give something that we didn’t even wear.

- How did your famous father Vladimir Devyatov react to the birth of his granddaughter?

My dad waited a very long time for me to become a mother. He often said: “Marina, what are you doing? All these songs, tours... Who needs these awards! We need to improve our personal life and get married.” And when I found out that I was pregnant, I was very happy. It seems to me that the father is Lately changed, became softer towards me. And when Ulyashka was born, it was like that in general. What can I say: he is a young father himself, my sister is four years old, and he knows well what children are, sleepless nights, diapers... We have an excellent relationship, we are always in touch.

-Have you thought about Ulyana having a brother or sister?

My husband and I really hope that Ulyana Alekseevna will have a brother or sister. This is very cool because I have an older sister, Ekaterina. We are both mothers, and, of course, this seven-year difference is not felt at all, we are the best of friends. It is important that you have a brother or sister, a blood mate.

- Marina, does your husband often attend your concerts?

He is generally a music lover. It seems to me that if Lesha were reborn now, he would become a musician. He is generally a master of sports in pole vaulting, he played sports all his childhood, but music has now become his hobby: he and Ulyashka strum the guitar. Before meeting me, he didn’t even understand what a folk song was, but now he gets high on all sorts of authentic Cossack romances like “Black Crow.” When I have concerts in Moscow, he attends them with his daughter.

- There is not much information about your wedding. How did it go?

We didn’t have a wedding, we ran into the registry office - I was already pregnant. Painting from the series “I arrived yesterday with Far East, and tomorrow I’m flying to Chelyabinsk.” We didn’t tell anyone about this, our friends were even a little upset and offended, we only gathered our mothers in the evening and immediately at dinner they said that they had signed. So we didn’t have a big and luxurious wedding. Maybe someday we will be worthy of such a story, but now there is a little time for that. Now we need to build a house. For now we are renting a house and have already realized how good we feel outside the bustle of the city. There is already a plot of land, we bought it. By the way, this is another stage of the relationship: build a house, make repairs and manage not to get divorced at all this. (Laughs.)

- Now many are simply obsessed with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Are you trendy?

I have been a vegetarian for fifteen years, but this is not a healthy lifestyle, but my way of life, primarily due to humane considerations. As for the shape after childbirth, it seems to me that I still have my extra five kilograms. And it’s always very difficult for me to lose weight because of the touring lifestyle. I try to control my weight and include sports in my activities as much as possible. daily life and meet your requirements. It doesn't always work out. I lose weight faster in volume than in kilograms, many nutritionists say that this is even better. I should feel comfortable on stage. In general, I have never been thin, and there aren’t many thin people in our family. I try to listen to my body: if the body feels good, then we live on; if not, I try to eat smaller meals, drink more fluids and exercise. I simply don’t have time to follow diets and keep a diary.

The biography of Marina Devyatova is the story of a bright, talented and purposeful young singer who managed to revive the people's love for Russian song. Our heroine was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow into a creative family. Marina's father, Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov, is a famous performer of Russian songs, and her mother, Natalya Nikolaevna, is a choreographer. For the girl, her star dad became her first music teacher. He instilled in his daughter a love not only for folk songs, but also for other genres. From early childhood, Marina became acquainted with the works of classical composers, the work of Deep Purple, The Beatles.

Musical education

Devyatova developed a voice and a sense of rhythm very early, and adults took her to a music school. At first, the girl’s parents had a hard time because she didn’t like studying. It even got to the point that Marina threatened to dismantle the piano for firewood. Gradually, the future singer fell in love with music and began to attend classes with pleasure. Today the girl is grateful to her parents for not allowing her to leave music school. After graduating, she received the specialty of academic conductor. After school, in 1999, Marina Devyatova continued her studies at the department of solo folk singing at the Music College named after. Schnittke. This was followed by the Academy. Gnesins, where the girl studied from 2003 to 2008.

Celebrity's first performances

The creative biography of Marina Devyatova began very early. As the singer herself recalls, she and her older sister gave their first concerts when she was barely 3 years old. The girls staged performances with their families. The older sister, who was already attending music school at that time, played the piano, and Marina sang.

First public speaking celebrity happened when she was 14 years old. Marina, in a duet with her father, performed the song “River-River” on the stage of the huge Rossiya concert hall. This performance turned out to be fateful. Charged with the energy of the hall and feeling the gaze of almost two thousand spectators, the girl realized that the stage was her calling, and since then the biography of singer Marina Devyatova has been inextricably linked with song recordings and concerts.

While studying at college. Schnittke, the girl met the organizer and leader of the folklore ensemble “Indrik-Zver” Artyom Vorobyov. The group performed ancient Slavic and Russian folk songs in a rock arrangement. Vorobiev invited Marina to sing in the ensemble, and she agreed. Together with the rest of the group, the singer traveled to many villages and villages in search of folklore material. Traveling through the Russian outback, the girl was so imbued with folk color that she could not imagine her future fate without a Russian song.

Participation in “People’s Artist” and life after the project

During her student years, Devyatova regularly performed at various music competitions and festivals, but the project “People's Artist-3” (2006) brought her real popularity. Participation in a TV show was a kind of risk for the young singer, because she often had to hear that the genre in which she performed was unformatted and could not be of interest to the general public. Brilliant participation in the project brought Marina an honorable second place and a contract with producer Evgeny Fridland. But most importantly, the young singer was able to prove to all skeptics that the folk song is still popular and loved in society.

“People’s Artist” made Devyatova a real star. Marina began to actively tour not only in Russian cities, but also abroad. In 2008, the singer gave her first solo concert in Moscow, which was sold out. A year later she presented Russian folklore royal family in London during a social event organized by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Marina Devyatova has many songs recorded together with other performers. The singer successfully collaborated with Nikolai Baskov, Pyotr Dranga, Alexei Goman, the Pyatnitsky Choir and, of course, with her father. The musical biography of Marina Devyatova could have been replenished with a duet with the legendary Zykina, but this was not destined to happen due to the death of Lyudmila Georgievna.

The singer's hobbies

Since her student years, Devyatova has professed Krishnaism. For this reason, she is a staunch vegetarian and does not smoke or drink alcohol. After long tours, Marina prefers to recuperate with the help of bhakti yoga and meditation, and regular fitness classes help her stay in good shape.

The girl's passion is driving a car. Devyatova always drives her “iron horse” independently; her driving experience is already 10 years. Free time the girl likes to spend time outside the city with her closest people, and prefers to go on vacation to Asian countries.

Relationships with men

The biography of Marina Devyatova will be incomplete if it does not mention the singer’s personal life. The girl had a long-term relationship with the aspiring singer Nikolai Demidov. Marina, for whom life priorities are family and children, she hoped that their romance would lead to a wedding, but the young man was in no hurry to get married. After Demidov admitted in one of his interviews that the main thing for him is his career, and he uses his relationship with Devyatova only for PR, the upset girl stopped all communication with him. In 2014, information leaked to the media that the singer had a new boyfriend involved in advertising. I would like to hope that soon all fans of the singer’s talent will be able to see joint photos of Marina Devyatova and her lover.
