Umk primary schools included in the list. UMK is an educational and methodological complex. School program. Educational and methodological complex “Promising Primary School”

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About educational complex "School of Russia"

One of the most famous projects of the Prosveshcheniye publishing house in the country is the educational and methodological complex (UMK) for primary classes"School of Russia". The educational complex “School of Russia” is built on the same principles for all educational subjects , has full software and methodological support and guarantees .
, which form the basis of the teaching and learning complex “School of Russia”, are aimed at ensuring modern education junior schoolchildren in the context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
A powerful educational resource is the educational complex “School of Russia”, which includes: , , , components of the IOS core, as well as a powerful methodological shell, a variety of electronic and Internet resources.
The proposed material in the article reveals answers to pressing questions about the differences between the new textbooks of the “School of Russia” educational system that were revised and passed the federal examination in 2010 for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Features of the completed subject lines of new textbooks combined into a single educational system, are presented in the explanatory note to the textbook system “Russian School”, prepared as part of its examination for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

System of textbooks “School of Russia”, based on expert opinions RAS and RAO, implements the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education, covers all subject areas curriculum Federal State Educational Standard and includes the following completed subject lines:

  • »:
    2. Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. 1 class
    3. Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. 2 classes in 2 parts
    4. Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. 3 grades in 2 parts
    5. Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks " »:
    1. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A., Vinogradskaya L.A. and etc. . 1 class at 2 o'clock
    2. Zelenina L.M., Khokhlova T.E. Russian language. 1 class
    3. Zelenina L.M., Khokhlova T.E. Russian language. 2 classes in 2 parts
    4. Zelenina L.M., Khokhlova T.E. Russian language. 3 grades in 2 parts
    5. Zelenina L.M., Khokhlova T.E. Russian language. 4 grades in 2 parts
    Explanatory note to the completed subject line of textbooks on the Russian language (authors Zelenina L.M., Khokhlova T.E.) for grades 1-4 of general education institutions

  • 1. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. and etc. Literary reading. 1 class in 2 parts
    2. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. and others. Literary reading. 2 classes in 2 parts
    3. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. and others. Literary reading. 3 grades in 2 parts
    4. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. and others. Literary reading. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks "":
    1. Moro M.I., Stepanova S.V., Volkova S.I. Mathematics. 1 class in 2 parts
    2. Moro M.I., Bantova M.A., Beltyukova G.V. and others. Mathematics. 2 classes in 2 parts
    3. Moro M.I., Bantova M.A., Beltyukova G.V. and others. Mathematics. 3 grades in 2 parts
    4. Moro M.I., Bantova M.A., Beltyukova G.V. and others. Mathematics. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks “Informatics”:
    1. Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. Computer science. 3 grades Part 1
    2. Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. Computer science. 3-4 grades Part 2
    3. Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. Computer science. 4 grades Part 3.
  • Completed subject line of textbooks "":
    1. Pleshakov A.A. The world. 1 class in 2 parts
    2. Pleshakov A.A. The world. 2 classes in 2 parts
    3. Pleshakov A.A. The world. 3 grades in 2 parts
    4. Pleshakov A.A., Kryuchkova E.A. The world. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks “Technology”:
    1. E.A. Lutseva, T. P. Zueva Technology. 1 class
    2. E.A. Lutseva, T. P. Zueva Technology. 2 classes
    3. E.A. Lutseva, T. P. Zueva Technology. 3 grades
    4. E.A. Lutseva, T. P. Zueva Technology. 4 grades
  • Completed subject line of textbooks "":
    1. Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V., Freytag I.P. Technology. 1 class
    2. Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V., Dobromyslova N.V. Technology. 2 classes
    3. Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V., Dobromyslova N.V. Technology. 3 grades
    4. Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V., Shipilova N.V. etc. Technology. 4 grades
  • Completed subject line of textbooks “Music”:
    1. Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Music. 1 class
    2. Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Music. 2 classes
    3. Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Music. 3 grades
    4. Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Music. 4 grades
  • Completed subject line of textbooks "":
    1. Nemenskaya L.A. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). art. 1 class
    2. Koroteeva E.I. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 2 classes
    3. Goryaeva N.A. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 3 grades
    4. Nemenskaya L.A. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 4 grades
  • Completed subject line of textbooks " Physical Culture»:
    Lyakh V.I. Physical Culture. 1-4 grades
  • Completed subject line of textbooks "":
    Viner I.A., Gorbulina N.M., Tsygankova O.D. Physical culture. 1-4 grades
  • Completed subject line of textbooks " English language»:
    1. Kuzovlev V.P., Peregudova E.Sh., Pastukhova S.A. and others. English language. 2 classes in 2 parts
    2. Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Kostina I.P. and others. English language. 3 grades in 2 parts
    3. Kuzovlev V.P., Peregudova E.Sh., Duvanova O.V. English language. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks “English language” (extended learning content foreign language):
    1. Vereshchagina I.N., Bondarenko K.A., Pritykina T.A. English language. 2 classes in 2 parts
    2. Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A. English language. 3 grades in 2 parts
    3. Vereshchagina I.N., Afanasyeva O.V. English language. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks " German»:
    1. Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I. German. 2 classes in 2 parts
    2. Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Fomicheva L.M. German language. 3rd grade. in 2 parts
    3. Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I. German. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks " French»:
    1. Kuligina A.S., Kiryanova M.G. French language. 2 classes
    2. Kuligina A.S., Kiryanova M.G. French language. 3 grades in 2 parts
    3. Kuligina A.S. French language. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks " Spanish»:
    1. Voinova A.A., Bukharova Yu.A., Moreno K.V. Spanish language. 2 classes in 2 parts
    2. Voinova A.A., Bukharova Yu.A., Moreno K.V. Spanish language. 3 grades in 2 parts
    3. Voinova A.A., Bukharova Yu.A., Moreno K.V. Spanish language. 4 grades in 2 parts
  • Completed subject line of textbooks “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”:
    1. Kuraev A.V. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. 4-5 grades
    2. Latyshina D.I., Murtazin M.F. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of Islamic culture. 4-5 grades
    3. Chimitdorzhiev V.L. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of Buddhist culture. 4-5 grades
    4. Chlenov M.A., Mindrina G.A., Glotser A.V. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia.
    Fundamentals of Jewish culture. 4-5 grades
    5. Beglov A.L., Saplina E.V., Tokareva E.S. and others. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Foundations of world religious cultures. 4-5 grades
    6. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of secular ethics. 4-5 grades

All public schools in our country teach children according to educational and methodological programs that must comply with Federal State Educational Standards - Federal State Educational Standards educational standards. However, their very content, as well as teaching methods, may differ significantly. “Littlevan” tried to figure out how certain curricula for primary grades are formed, which of them are officially approved for use, and how they differ from each other.

Curricula: general provisions

Many parents of future first-graders are concerned about the question of what program their children will study in, and whether they can somehow influence its choice. According to current legislation and educational standards, each school has the right to create its own. However, it can only be based educational literature, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 (with subsequent amendments, the last one dated April 21, 2016) “On approval federal list textbooks recommended for use when implementing state accreditation educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education.” The so-called “federal list” is not a disparate set of textbooks, but several completed subject lines, which, in turn, are an integral part of certain programs - educational and methodological complexes (UMK). Each of them has its own principles and characteristics. The educational complex is created by one team of authors with a specific scientific supervisor.

Thus, a parent can choose a specific curriculum only indirectly - by finding out in advance which school teaches using the textbooks of the educational institution they like, and, if possible, by enrolling their child there (we wrote about the rules for admission to 1st grade here and here). Some schools, in which parallel classes teach different teaching materials, test children to determine the program that is more suitable for them.

What teaching methods are allowed today?

Today, the federal list includes textbooks that are included in the following educational and methodological complexes:

  • "Russian School"
  • "RHYTHM",
  • "Perspective"
  • "Elementary School XXI century»,
  • "Promising Primary School"
  • "Planet of Knowledge"
  • System of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov,
  • "Elementary innovative school."

The list must be updated once every three years or more often. Thus, since 2014, including on the basis of negative expert opinions, textbooks that were previously distributed in many UMC schools: “School 2000”, “School 2100”, “Dialogue”, “Harmony”. And in the developmental education system of L.V. Zankov, only manuals on fine arts are now recommended!

However, it is worth keeping in mind that all books and notebooks that are no longer included in the federal list can be used for training for another 5 years after the relevant acts enter into force. In addition, over time, some completed subject lines of textbooks within the framework of one educational textbook may be excluded and replaced in the list of recommended ones with new ones (a corresponding order is issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

One more nuance. Elementary school teachers themselves have the legal right to choose which textbooks to base the educational process on (and follow this choice for all 4 years of study). However, they do not necessarily relate to one specific educational system. The main thing, we repeat, is that all textbooks are listed on the federal list.


This project of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" on this moment, perhaps the most common textbook system in Russian schools. The teaching and learning center has existed since 2001 and has been updated and supplemented more than once since then. Its peculiarity is its focus on the formation of universal educational activities The child has. As advantages of the “Russian School”, parents on note the simplicity, consistency and “clarity” of the presentation of the material (the presence of rules, algorithms for solving problems), as well as the fact that it is most similar to how they were taught in “Soviet childhood” . At the same time, the simplicity of the program, when compared with other educational systems, is also considered one of its disadvantages. Some also note with a minus sign that during training little imagination and personal logical thinking. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , , , , , , .

“RHYTHM” stands for “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking”, which very clearly defines the peculiarity of this educational complex. The program integrates all primary school subjects and is based on the principles of revealing the individuality of each student, instilling in him the ability to think creatively and independently. Its basis is a revised, supplemented and brought into conformity with the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Instructions “Classical Primary School” (previously very common, now its textbooks are excluded from the list of recommended ones). This teaching aid is quite rare in elementary schools now; there are few reviews on it. The textbooks are published by the Drofa publishing house. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , .

Another set of textbooks published by Prosveshchenie. Since 2010, the scientific director of this teaching and learning center has been Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson, laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education. In contrast to “Schools 2000”, which was excluded from the federal list, this educational complex, with some similar principles, evokes greater sympathy from parents. It is based on the idea that the teacher only pushes towards knowledge; the child must “discover” it himself. At the same time, some say that the program is difficult for average children and is largely designed for intuitive understanding and independent extracurricular work. Other parents, on the contrary, consider its complexity and focus on cognitive activity and is recommended for children with a mathematical mind. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , , , .

According to the methodology of this educational complex, each child acts as a researcher and is an equal subject of the learning process (and not “listened-remembered-repeat”). The program includes many tasks for imagination and ingenuity. The textbook system is published by the VENTANA-GRAF publishing center. It is part of the educational system “Algorithm of Success”. Parents of children enrolled in the program note its confusion and inconsistent presentation of material as disadvantages. Others consider the long period of adaptation of the child to school as a plus, in contrast to “ Soviet school”, a strong philological component and call the educational complex “quite adequate and interesting”. Most people agree that it will be easier for those children who entered 1st grade to learn how to read, but who do not know how to write. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. ,

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

Training and metodology complex academic discipline is one of the elements of the organization educational activities, including in institutions of additional education for children.

An educational and methodological complex is a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching and control tools necessary and sufficient for the high-quality implementation of additional educational programs in accordance with the curriculum.

After creation, the educational and methodological complex is tested in educational process, during which, analyzing the results of the current monitoring of students, the necessary adjustments are made to it. Thus, the educational and methodological complex is constantly being improved.

The educational and methodological complex and its components should:

  • provide for a logically consistent presentation of additional educational material educational program;
  • involve the use of modern methods and technical means allowing students to deeply master educational material and gain skills in using it in practice;
  • comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;
  • provide interdisciplinary connections;
  • provide ease of use for teachers and students.

about the educational and methodological complex of the additional educational program
Municipal Educational Institution "Center" children's creativity

I. General provisions

  • The educational and methodological complex (hereinafter referred to as the EMC) defines a unified procedure for educational and methodological support educational process children's creativity center.
  • The educational complex is developed by teachers additional education according to the educational program they implement, in accordance with the curriculum.

II. Structure of the educational and methodological complex

2.1. An additional educational program is the main document in which the purpose, forms, content, methods and technologies for the implementation of additional education, and criteria for assessing its results in specific conditions are determined and argued in a logical sequence. The additional educational program is drawn up in accordance with the Requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education of children, approved at a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Additional Education of Children of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 06/03/2003.

2.2. The teaching and learning complex of the additional educational program includes the following educational and methodological documentation:

  • additional educational program;
  • teaching aids;
  • didactic materials;
  • teaching materials;
  • monitoring of additional educational program.

2.3. Tutorials– materials that ensure the implementation of the content of the additional educational program. Teaching aids can be:

  • reference literature (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, tables, databases, links, websites, etc.);
  • fiction;
  • scientific and popular science literature (scientific, popular science publications and publications, descriptions of experiments, etc.);
  • periodicals;
  • video materials (video lectures, feature and popular science films, video recordings of classes, events, etc.);
  • audio materials (phonograms of musical works, audio books, audio recordings necessary for studying this topic);
  • electronic means of educational purposes (virtual lectures on the topics of the educational program, demonstration models, slide presentations, virtual tests and laboratory works, individual assignments, etc.);
  • in general for the additional educational program;
  • for individual sections of the additional educational program;
  • on certain topics of the additional educational program.

2.4. Didactic materials must comply with the content of the additional educational program, learning objectives, level of preparedness of students, their age and individual characteristics, sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Didactic material can be presented in the following form:

  • handouts for students (workbooks, test and questionnaire forms, diagnostic and creative tasks, task cards, ready-made templates and stencils, living and inanimate nature, photographs, instruction cards, technological maps), visual aids (tables, graphs, three-dimensional models, dummies, etc.).

2.5. Methodological materials on topics and classes of the additional educational program must contain:

  • lesson plans, including a list of questions to be raised during the lesson;
  • control tasks to track the results of mastering each topic; for conducting intermediate and final certification of students, which includes: a list of questions to be submitted for the final lesson and a key for checking the correctness of the answers;
  • types of practical, laboratory and other work performed by students based on the results of mastering a topic, section, program and criteria for assessing the performance of these works;
  • guidelines, revealing one or more private methods, the task of which is to recommend the most effective rational options for action when solving specific pedagogical problems.

2.6.Monitoring of additional educational program allows you to take a more qualitative and differentiated approach to the student’s results and track the real degree of compliance of what the student has learned, as well as make adjustments to the process of his subsequent learning. When determining the level of a student’s mastery of the program, the teacher must use a 10-point system for assessing quality indicators of learning outcomes:

  • minimum level – 1 point,
  • average level– from 2 to 5 points,
  • maximum level – from 6 to 10 points.

Entering these indicators into the table is the task of every teacher who knows well the goals, objectives, and features of the content of his program. Set out in a systematized form, they will help the teacher visualize what he wants to get from his students at one or another stage of mastering the program.

F.I. student


Final (average) score
Theoretical preparation of the student:
A) theoretical knowledge;
b) knowledge of special terminology.
Practical training of the student:
a) practical skills;
b) creative skills.

General educational skills of the student

Educational and intellectual skills:
a) the ability to select and analyze specialized literature;
b) the ability to carry out educational and research work.

Educational and communication skills:
a) the ability to listen and hear the teacher;
b) the ability to speak in front of an audience.
Educational and organizational skills:
a) the ability to organize a work (study) place;
b) skills to comply with safety rules.

III. Control

  • Control over the status and development of teaching materials of additional educational programs is assigned to the head of the structural unit and is carried out as part of the annual review-competition of classrooms.
  • The Deputy Director for Educational Work and the heads of structural divisions control the provision of educational and didactic materials to students in the relevant additional educational programs.
  • The Methodological Council of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Creativity Center carries out general control over the availability of teaching materials for additional educational programs being implemented.
  • This provision is discussed at the scientific-methodological council, adopted at the pedagogical council of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education "Center for Children's Creativity". The validity of this provision is unlimited.

    Evaluation sheet of the educational and methodological complex of the additional educational program

    FULL NAME. teacher_______________________________________________________________

    Cabinet No.__________________________________________________________

    Each indicator is assessed according to four-point system:

    0 – lack of materials for assessment;
    1 – materials partially meet the requirements;
    2 – materials are more consistent with the requirements;
    3 – materials meet the requirements by 90%;
    4 – materials fully comply with the requirements.

    The maximum number of points is 20 points.


    Availability additional educational program, designed in accordance with the Requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education of children:


    – reference literature (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, tables, databases, links, websites, etc.);

    - fiction;

    – scientific and popular science literature (scientific, popular science publications and publications, descriptions of experiments, etc.);

    - periodicals;

    – video materials (video lectures, feature and popular science films, video recordings of classes, events, etc.);

    – audio materials (phonograms of musical works, audio books, audio recordings necessary for studying this topic);

    – electronic means of educational purposes (virtual lectures on the topics of the educational program, demonstration models, slide presentations, virtual tests and laboratory works, individual assignments, etc.);

    Didactic materials:

    handouts for students (workbooks, forms of tests and questionnaires, forms of diagnostic and creative tasks, cards with tasks, ready-made templates and stencils, objects of living and inanimate nature, photographs, instruction cards, technological maps), visual aids (tables, graphs, three-dimensional models, dummies, etc.).

    Teaching materials:

    – lesson plans, including a list of questions to be raised during the lesson;

    – control tasks to track the results of mastering each topic; for conducting intermediate and final certification of students, which includes: a list of questions to be submitted for the final lesson and a key for checking the correctness of the answers;

    – types of practical, laboratory and other work performed by students based on the results of mastering the topic, section of the program and criteria for assessing the performance of these works;

    Monitoring of additional educational program(availability and timely completion of the statement)

    Total points__________________________

    Members of the commission:

    1.____________________________ ____________________ 2._____________________ ___________________________

    3.________________________________________________ 4._______________________________________________

    Date of completion_________________________________

    1. How does this educational complex implement the principles of the activity approach? 2. Does the educational complex have a problematic nature in presenting the content, requiring an activity-based approach? 3. How the structure of an individual textbook provides a variety of forms of organization educational activities? 4. Do you see a system in the variety of forms of organizing educational activities presented in the educational complex? What is it? 5. Does the educational complex provide a combination of results (subject, meta-subject and personal) for mastering the program? 6. Does this educational complex reflect the interests and needs of the modern child? What does this mean? 7. Does the educational complex offer an assessment mechanism that allows you to track the dynamics of students’ personal achievements? If yes, then what does this mean? 8. Give examples of educational tasks that ensure the formation of UUD. Provide examples of all UUD groups. 9. How is children’s independence formed in this educational complex? 10. How are control actions formed in the MK? 11. Do you think that this educational complex really creates conditions for motivating a student to learn? If yes, then how is this done? 12. How is educational cooperation presented in the educational complex with the aim of “achieving personal, social and cognitive development students"? 13. How does this educational complex provide conditions for the individual development of all students? 14. Do you need to change the teaching materials in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO?

    How the child will feel
    climbing the first step of the ladder of knowledge, what he will experience,
    His entire further path to knowledge depends.
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    A child's entry into first grade is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every parent. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously approach the solution of this issue: choose good school, be sure to meet the teacher. After all, it is in elementary school that the desire to learn and learn new things, the ability to assimilate material, and the ability to find mutual language with peers, happens further development certain abilities (technical or humanitarian) and much more. It is very important to pay attention to another issue - the training program or educational and methodological complex (EMC) according to which the child will study. Since using these textbooks and workbooks, he and, possibly, his parents will have to master the material and gain basic knowledge. And their quality will determine how easily and quickly the child will get involved in the learning process, and what knowledge he will come to secondary school with.
