Time to improve yourself and yours. We improve ourselves. Using the social support system

1. The mirror principle. Before judging others, you should pay attention to yourself.

2. The principle of pain. Offended man he hurts others.

3. The principle of the upper road. We are moving to more high level when we begin to treat others better than they treat us.

4. The boomerang principle. When we help others, we help ourselves.

5. The hammer principle. Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on someone else's forehead.

6. The principle of exchange. Instead of putting others in their place, we must put ourselves in their place.

7. Principle of learning. Every person we meet has the potential to teach us something.

8. The principle of charisma. People show interest in a person who is interested in them.

9. Principle 10 points. Believing in people's best qualities usually makes them show their best qualities.

10. The principle of confrontation. You should take care of people first and only then enter into confrontation with them.

11. The principle of stone rock. Trust is the foundation of any relationship.

12. The principle of the elevator. In the process of relationships, we can lift people up or bring them down.

13. The principle of the situation. Never let a situation mean more to you than the relationship.

14. The Bob Principle. When Bob has problems with everyone, the main problem is usually Bob himself.

15. The principle of accessibility. Being at ease with ourselves helps others feel at ease with us.

16. The principle of the trench. When preparing for battle, dig a trench for yourself large enough to fit a friend in it.

17. The principle of agriculture. All relationships need to be cultivated.

18. The 101 percent principle. Find the 1 percent we agree with and focus 100 percent of our effort on it.

19. The principle of patience. Traveling with others is always slower than traveling alone.

20. The principle of celebration. The true test of a relationship is not only how faithful we are to our friends when they fail, but also how much we rejoice when they succeed.

21. The principle of friendship. Other things being equal, people will tend to work with those they like; under other unequal conditions, they will still do it.

22. The principle of cooperation. Working together increases the likelihood of winning together.

23. The principle of satisfaction. In a great relationship, all the parties need to do to enjoy it is simply being together.

How to improve yourself

If you suddenly don’t like your shadow - it’s somehow stooped, crooked - then in order to straighten it, you straighten yourself. Naturally. Also, if you don’t quite like your life, then the only way to improve it is to correct yourself. Your life is a reflection of your personality, and...

that's right, you guessed it

you need to start with yourself. If you live well, but want to live excellently, then you are good, but you need to become excellent!

Do you mind?

Then - let's go!

Chapter V. (That) just as it exists through itself, and the rest through it, so it exists from itself, and the rest - from it. So, since what we have found satisfactorily (now) it would be good to investigate whether it is true that this nature itself and everything that is something does not exist

Chapter VI. (That) it is not brought into being by any cause, but does not exist through nothing or from nothing; and how can one understand that it exists through itself and from itself? So, since “to be through something” and “to be from something” does not always have the same meaning, it is necessary

C. Individuality that sees itself as real in itself and for itself Self-consciousness has now taken possession of the concept of itself, which until now was only our concept of it, namely, in the certainty that it itself is all reality; the goal and essence for him from now on

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Escape from oneself Often, the reader's confessions are a portrait of success or, more often, failure, charm or disappointment, a small life story, a study of intimate experiences. The most interesting confessions are experiences of self-knowledge, testing oneself, one's own strengths,

16. “Don’t let yourself go” Morning. A man in a carelessly tied tie is ready to fly out of the apartment like a bullet. “At least tie your tie!” - his wife tells him. – You can’t let yourself go like that! – Leave me alone! – the husband answers irritably. - I have no time! Later, when he returns,

Become beautiful in 30 days - real practice! Find out how these products wonderfully cleanse the body, making your skin smoother and fresher. We offer a course to improve your appearance.

We offer a 30-day course to improve your appearance.

So let's get straight to the point.

Tip #1

Every morning, on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. Chew thoroughly and drink a glass of warm water. After half an hour you can eat.

What will it give?

This product wonderfully cleanses the body, making the skin smoother and fresher. There will be a slight but healthy weight loss. Also, flax seed strengthens hair and nails.

Attention! Flax seed should not be consumed if there are stones in the body.

Tip #2

Eat boiled beet salad every day. For breakfast or dinner, as convenient.

What will it give?

Beetroot is a unique blood purifier. And blood health is an important indicator of beautiful appearance. This product also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the functioning of internal organs.

Tip #3

Every day, an hour before bed, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E to your face. The mixture is very simple to prepare:

  • For 30 grams of glycerin we take 10 capsules of vitamin E;
  • pierce the capsules with a needle and squeeze the oil into the bottle.

All this can be purchased at the pharmacy at a low price.

Before applying the product, you need to cleanse your facial skin and do a light massage with a soft brush so that the surface turns slightly red. In this state, cells absorb nutrients as much as possible.

One downside is that the skin becomes a little sticky while the glycerin is absorbed. To alleviate discomfort, spray your skin with a refreshing toner.

What will it give?

Every morning you will observe a grateful skin reaction to such nutrition. Wrinkles will be smoothed out and the color will be evened out. Very effective remedy from crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

Tip #4

Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Any that you like.

What will it give?

Your hair and nails will thank you SO MUCH in just 2 weeks.

Tip #5

Once every three days we make a hair mask from dry mustard powder, diluted to the consistency of porridge with the addition of vegetable oil (preferably burdock or wheat germ). Apply to damp hair, leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

What will it give?

The result of this mask speaks for itself. And after a month of regular use, you simply won’t recognize your old hair in the luxurious wave.

Tip #6

Get yourself socks for sleeping. Made from natural fiber. Cotton or wool. Depending on the time of year. Before going to bed after a shower, generously lubricate your feet with butter and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Then we put on socks and go to bed like this.

What will it give?

In a month, your legs will become the subject of envy and admiration. This procedure, completed a month before the beach season, will serve you well. You will be able to show off your bare feet with pride.

Tip #7

Now let's take care of the eyelashes. You will need an empty mascara tube. Wash it thoroughly inside using your original soapy brush. Dry it. We drip wheat germ oil inside. All! A home remedy is ready to strengthen and grow your eyelashes that are tired of dye.

Before going to bed, apply oil along the entire length. It is very convenient to do this with a brush. No need to apply too much. It is enough to lubricate the hairs just a little.

What will it give?

In a month, you will see that your eyelashes have become thicker, grown and clearly invigorated.

Tip #8

Let's take care of your body skin. Take one glass sea ​​salt(although regular, cooked with iodine is also suitable), add one glass of full-fat sour cream.

After bathing, putting on a washcloth mitt, thoroughly massage the entire body, including the neck, with the resulting porridge, then rinse with warm water. We are not lazy and do this after every bath.

The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

What will it give?

Salt removes dead particles from the surface and disinfects. If you have small pimples, they will soon be a thing of the past. Sour cream softens the effect of salt, preventing it from scratching delicate skin, and also nourishes cells.

Do I need to explain that regular use will give wonderful results.

Tip #9

Once again about the skin. It will be wonderful if you purchase for yourself such a treasure as amaranth oil. The main component of this miracle product is squalene. And it, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed almost 100%, and in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles it is unrivaled! You can and should use amaranth oil daily, lubricating both your body and face.
Tip #10

Prepare special water to rinse your hair after washing. Just add a few drops of menthol oil to it (5 drops per 1 liter) and rinse your curls after each wash.

What will it give?

The question will disappear immediately after you try it for the first time. Incredible freshness on the scalp and lightness. This remedy even relieves headaches. Effectively fights dandruff. Excellent for treating excess oily hair. published

Reading time: 2 min

Self-improvement is the conscious work of personal growth and development. The process of self-improvement consists in the formation of certain qualities, skills and personality traits for individual interests and purposes. Those. This process is understood as the development of certain abilities that contribute to subjective success and the development of new social roles.

The main thing in the processes of self-improvement is to focus not on internal sensations, but on modern trends, the requirements of life and society. Self-improvement of a person can take place in various directions, for example, development in a moral, spiritual or professional direction.

Personal self-improvement

Self-improvement of a person lies in a kind of self-education or is a purposeful action of the individual in relation to himself for further development. Often, people strive to develop positive qualities in themselves in accordance with their own ideas about the ideal.

There are 6 main stages of self-improvement. At the first stage, the goal of self-improvement is determined. Then an ideal image or ideal result of actions to improve oneself is created. The next stage is to determine the time limits for implementation and identify secondary goals. And the subsequent stages are based on self-knowledge and self-awareness, self-control and self-regulation, self-development.

Where to start self-improvement? There are several general recommendations on which successful development and self-improvement are based.

In order to be able to write down or save ideas that come to mind, you should always have with you a notepad, tablet, voice recorder or other device aimed at storing information. You should choose the most suitable and relevant topic for yourself and tune your brain to generate ideas regarding the chosen topic. Be sure to write down everything that comes to your mind on this matter. Your thoughts can give you a clear idea of ​​what you need to do to improve the quality of your life. As a result, your intentions will become more serious and effective. When you feel that the topic you are working with has already exhausted itself, you should move on to another.

The next immutable rule on the path to self-improvement and success in life is the “here and now” principle. It consists of taking the necessary actions to eradicate the habit of living with beautiful illusions and dreams.

Another important recommendation is the art of achieving more in small steps. For achievement desired result You should perform a certain portion of the total load every day. This technique is easier to consider using the example of sports. You want to have a beautiful figure, so to get the desired result you need to do certain exercises every day. Only under this condition will a tangible result appear.

Self-improvement is quite difficult to imagine without mastering planning skills. Therefore, you need to divide your day into several blocks, for example, morning, lunch, evening, etc. Using this technique, you can easily track how much time it takes to complete a particular task.

Try to communicate with people who inspire you to achieve achievements and exploits. But it’s better to distance yourself from communicating with individuals, in comparison with whom you have already achieved a lot.

For excellent well-being and excellent appearance, you need to have a fairly good understanding of the following areas: healthy food, physical activity, competent mental self-regulation.

Self-development and self-improvement

Development and self-improvement is the path to success, achieving dreams, and to a rich life interesting events. This is serious and painstaking work on one’s own personality, during which one sets oneself certain goals, while acquiring new knowledge and skills to make one’s dreams come true. If you consider yourself an insecure person, regularly encounter insurmountable obstacles on the path of life, and do not get pleasure and happiness from life, then you should engage in self-development and self-improvement.

The motivation for self-improvement is harmony in the soul, which leads to a person getting sick less and becoming more successful.

Where to start self-improvement? Personal self-improvement continues throughout life. It is characterized by awareness and consistency, which forms new personal properties and qualities. It is important not to forget about moral and spiritual self-improvement. Many people today think that there is no need to waste time on this. Since ancient times, ancestors believed that spiritual and moral self-improvement is an internal harmony and union of spirit, personality and mind. People following the path of development are not inclined to, they are calm and balanced.

Physical self-improvement is also very important. It is not without reason that it is believed that a healthy mind will be in a healthy body. It so happened in the process of evolution that people tend to first evaluate appearance, and only then the mind. The body is the so-called container, a temple for the soul. That is why it is important to care for and monitor it, preventing its destruction.

Personal relationships are considered the most fertile soil, from which any advancement, success, all achievements in life begin. Therefore, interaction with people should always be put first.

If you seriously decide to engage in self-development, then start by reading a book on self-improvement. The environment also greatly influences the course of thoughts and consciousness. That is why, if the house is dirty and cluttered, then the thoughts will be the same. General cleaning once a year will not lead to order. Make it a rule to clean regularly. As a result, there will always be in my thoughts full order and clarity. So self-improvement should begin with putting things in order around yourself. However, the most important thing is, after all, order in your own head. This means deciding on goals, dreams and formulating the end result to which you should move every day. Try setting 4-6 ambitious goals for yourself, and then determine the steps needed to achieve them.

Ways of personal self-improvement consist, first of all, in working on your personality. Try to read more, communicate with different people, engage in self-knowledge, learn to love and value others. Along with self-improvement and self-development, there is self-education - the development by a person of the qualities that she herself desires. These are conscious, purposeful actions to obtain results. After all, every individual dreams of looking perfect in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. This is the problem with self-improvement. After all, you cannot please the entire surrounding society, since each person has his own ideal.

Ways of personal self-improvement

Self-improvement should begin with sleep. You need to sleep less. After all, for proper rest, a person needs only about 8 hours of daily sleep. Therefore, train yourself to get up 1 hour earlier than your usual time. This way you will have more free time to implement your ideas and plans.

Try to do more important things first. Every day in the evening, analyze the rationality of the time and energy spent. Make your slogan the phrase - if you manage time, therefore you manage life. You need to communicate with enthusiasm and confidence on the phone. Be sure to show respect to your interlocutor.

You should always remember the goal, not the end. Do work not for recognition, but for pleasure.

Laugh more, especially in the morning. Raise your mood with a smile, charge your body with vigor.

Summarizing the above, it should be concluded that the main components of the processes of self-improvement and self-development are: dream, systematicity and discipline, goal and achievement, reason, the power of happiness, inspiration, responsiveness, physical state body and soul. It is the development of personality and its self-improvement that are the main tasks for realizing oneself in life and the world.

Ways to improve yourself

Constant self-improvement is one hundred percent the result of life prosperity and success.

There are many ways to improve yourself. One of the most popular and necessary is the study of foreign languages. This is not only useful, but also quite interesting. Knowledge of languages ​​opens up broad prospects for traveling to distant countries, reading books in the original, career growth, etc. A language can be learned independently or with the help of various trainings, courses, or with the help of a teacher. To secure foreign language should read a lot. This will not only increase the level of proficiency in foreign speech, but also expand your horizons, develop your imagination, and contribute to a more competent presentation of thoughts. You need to read not only foreign literature, but also domestic books on self-improvement.

If possible, do not neglect trips to different countries and cities. This type of self-improvement is probably one of the most enjoyable. Traveling will help you not only take a break from everyday life and work, but also learn a lot about the culture, religion, and nationalities of countries. And this contributes to all-round development. Therefore, try to treat yourself to a trip at least once a year.

Take care of your upbringing. Create a list of important things for yourself and make a schedule for completing them. Try to get up at the same time every day. On weekends, you should not allow yourself to sleep more than eight hours. After all, to get the most out of it, organization and composure are very important.

If you are prone to laziness, then you need to gradually get rid of this harmful illness. Ban yourself from lying on the couch for hours, endlessly playing computer games, or watching entertainment programs on TV. Everything is good in moderation. Better spend your time watching TV news or reading it on the Internet. Organize your personal schedule in such a way that you have free time only in the evening and just a couple of hours before bed. Sport is the road to self-improvement. Physical exercise makes an individual happier. However, they do not have to be of an active nature, such as running. It will be enough to do regular yoga or Pilates.

Direct your energies to improving your character. Dreams are the most important component of self-development. So don't forget to dream. After all, they contribute to a more vivid presentation of their goal.

If you decide to engage in self-improvement, but don’t know where to start, then take some courses, for example, in cooking or psychology. Remember that a new day is given to us for a reason. Nature instills in man the need for self-improvement. By learning something new every day, or mastering new skills, you will always feel happy, and there will be no place for despondency and boredom in life.

Self-improvement program

The self-improvement program is based on several basic principles. The first principle is education. Hone your skills in what you are good at. However, also don’t forget that you are bad at it. It is very important to improve such skills. Try to find something interesting in an area where you are not very strong, then you will be more motivated to gain knowledge in that area.

The next principle is to never stop learning. You can be sure that you are fluent in something, but this is far from true. After all, the world does not stand in one place, it is constantly developing just like humanity. There can always be someone who will do it better than you. Therefore, curiosity and enthusiasm should be your constant companions throughout your life. life path. Give preference to reading books that will inspire you and motivate you to “feats” and accomplishments. Do your best to let your actions speak for you, not your words. It so often happens that most people's words do not match their deeds. After all, it is much easier said than done. Therefore, consciously control yourself and stop when you notice that unconscious actions contradict yours. in my own words.

Practice self-care through physical activity, a healthy diet, good sleep, and balance between your mental, physical and spiritual development. All of the above will help improve absolutely all aspects of life. However, do not forget about rest. After all, even superheroes need a break sometimes.

Set yourself a goal that will inspire you a lot and seem a little impossible. Try to get closer to its implementation every day. Bring a little variety into your life - define a goal that will go beyond the boundaries of your usual interests.

It is necessary to control your emotions to study your consciousness. Every time you feel any emotion, you need to be aware that it is a consequence of your thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what caused the emotions that arose. Such self-analysis helps you become aware of personality traits and character traits that you may not have previously been aware of. When you are aware of your own involuntary emotional expressions, you can transform your perception of circumstances and improve your reactions to them simply by changing the way you think about them.

Try to avoid negative environments. Remember that you may unknowingly pick up qualities from people you spend a lot of time with. Therefore, prioritize communicating with people who will inspire you, make you smile and challenge you.

The key to self-awareness is to gain insight into your personal existence and clarity of thought through journaling. It is needed for recording various ideas, interesting thoughts, and not just for the sake of a dry statement of events that happen to you every day.

Remember that self-improvement should occur in various directions. For example, physical self-improvement is inextricably linked with personal growth and self-improvement. Physical self-improvement is working on your own body, its strength, beauty, toughness, stamina and health.

The most successful businessmen are not only graduates of prestigious economic or law faculties, but also athletes and graduates of physical education departments. Competent work on your own body is work on improving your personality.

Unfortunately, many people, in their daily pursuit of material well-being, forget that spiritual self-improvement plays a very important role. important role for personal growth and development. Spiritual self-improvement is aimed at realizing the right choice directions of life principles and goals.

Moral self-improvement lies in adaptation to life, in flexibility while maintaining one’s own inner core. The first concepts of morality are laid down in early childhood by parents and then by teachers. However, this knowledge in adult life is not enough. After all, life often throws up many unexpected surprises. For the purpose of moral self-improvement, one should try to evaluate oneself impartially in different life situations, read serious literature, engage in self-knowledge, attend trainings.

Professional self-improvement

The pace of modern progressive development brings with it tension, transformation and modernization in absolutely all areas of human activity. As a result of such changes, the problem of self-improvement in all areas becomes particularly relevant and acute. This is due to the fact that the knowledge that was acquired earlier becomes obsolete quite quickly. After all, time always dictates its own. Even in the last century, the professional skills of the absolute majority of specialists did not change, since the pace of life was more measured, and therefore the pace of transformation also corresponded to it. Individuals practically did not strive for professional growth and self-improvement, since life did not require this.

Today, using the latest scientific achievements and technology, time requires the training of highly qualified and professional specialists who are fluent in the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to work in their chosen field. They must be competitive specialists, not just competent workers. The present time requires from every working individual mobility, creativity and the ability to put into practice the daily growing flow of information. This cannot be achieved without independent persistent systematic professional self-improvement. Today's specialists strive to get the most out of life in the shortest possible time. Therefore, such deadlines should be used more competently and wisely.

The speed of advancement up the career ladder today directly depends on how much a specialist is able to learn and improve his own professional skills, and not so much on his efforts.

Therefore in last years various corporate trainings, which are aimed at personal growth, and for professional improvement. Today, quite often, people of the older generation, who still have to work and work, become practically unsuitable for professional implementation in society due to the difficulty of adapting to constantly changing conditions, mastering new skills and interacting with modern world.

Professional self-improvement trainings are aimed at helping those who wish to cope with precisely this task. Employers interested in the prosperity of the company include in their plans mandatory training of employees through trainings and improvement of their qualifications. They understand what it is the most important condition competent planning of human resources.
Professional self-improvement is one of the areas of formation and development of a personality in the process of its life path.

Teacher self-improvement

Constant self-improvement of a teacher is a conscious, purposeful process of increasing the level of professional competence and developing important qualities in accordance with external social requirements and conditions professional activity and a personal development program.

The processes of self-improvement of teachers are carried out in interrelated forms. These forms include self-education and self-education, which should complement each other and influence the nature of the individual’s work on himself. However, at the same time, they are considered two relatively independent processes.

Self-education is the conscious work of a teacher to systematically develop positive and eliminate negative personality traits and character traits. It happens in three directions. The first direction is the adaptation of one’s individual and personal characteristics to the requirements of pedagogical professional activity. The second direction is the systematic improvement of competence in the profession. The third is the continuous formation of social, moral and other personality qualities.

Professional self-education consists of targeted cognitive activity teacher for mastering special and methodological knowledge, universal human experience, professional skills necessary to improve pedagogical process.

Acquiring knowledge through independent studies is self-education, i.e. self-study. Self-education is one of the main aspects on the path to self-determination and self-improvement of an individual, since only through entering into culture does she create such an ideal image of her “I”, which is a kind of guideline in her movement towards a better self.

The main areas of self-improvement for teachers include:

Systematic replenishment professional knowledge;

Improving professional skills;

Broadening your horizons;

Moral improvement;

Physical improvement;

Ability to effectively plan your workday.

Striving for self-improvement

The goal of self-improvement is, first of all, to know oneself and develop certain personal qualities and properties, the realization of one’s destiny, the desire to rise above oneself.

One of the probable motives for self-improvement can be identified as an individual’s desire for personal change, self-improvement, which is called the desire for self-improvement.

Socially defined motivational readiness to achievements, realized by the individual, is an aspiration. Those. aspiration lies not only in desire and need, the urge to activity. Aspiration can be displayed as some form of manifestation of activity, combining two successive actions “I want” and “I can”, which support each other and smoothly transform into each other.

Personal aspiration implies the individual’s focus on generating such achievements, the process of implementation of which is felt as pleasure. Those. in this case, the very probability of action is transformed into an incentive reaction (“I can” is transformed into “I want”). Satisfying the desire to act undoubtedly gives rise to an increase in potential opportunities for taking action.

The desire for self-realization is the leading driving force formed personality, which motivates and gives direction to its activities.

The value and semantic components of an individual’s psychological culture necessarily contain such a component as the desire for self-improvement.

So, the value-semantic component of a personality can contain the following types of aspirations as its constituent parts: the desire for self-improvement, to understand oneself, to regulate one’s own behavioral reactions and relationships in accordance with humanistic universal values, to build a future in life and life creativity.

It follows that the desire for self-improvement is an integral part of the psychological culture of the individual, which represents a conscious motivation and determines the search, choice and direction of improving the subject’s own abilities and potential for the most effective existence in specific environmental conditions. The desire for self-improvement as a conscious motive, which is characterized by a readiness to become even better, more successful, is not an immutable state given to an individual from birth. Aspiration goes through a certain path of formation and modification. Any age period characterized by individual prerequisites for development and forms of aspiration.

The pursuit of perfection is the basis of any development and technological progress, both in the spiritual sphere and in the material field.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

You have exactly what you deserve and not a bit more. You yourself came to such a life, physical appearance, work, the thickness of your wallet and relationships with girls.

What steps have you taken to get great abs and an athletic appearance? What courses did you take and what did you study for? new job? How hard have you worked and what new things have you tried? Have you brought your appearance into an attractive state for girls by starting to dress well, take care of yourself and be neat?

Any achievement is the result of our actions. If you only dream of being athletic and rich before going to bed, but do nothing, there will be no success. Come up with a dream and go towards it, and not sit on your ass and dream about it.

1. The desire to succeed

How much do you want to achieve your dream? To have everything that is in your imaginary world? Only laziness and fear of the unknown stand in your way. If the desire to succeed is real, then a person achieves what he dreams of.

2. Change your environment

Each person represents an averaged version of their five closest friends. If your comrades only have booze and women on their minds, then nothing good will come of it. Surround yourself with new people. Those who play sports, go to trainings and look for ways to realize themselves. Change your environment and your lifestyle. Look for strong, confident and proactive friends. Then you will be drawn to them and grow.

3. Work hard

Start working, or rather working hard. Stop lounging around and doing nothing. Eagerly absorb knowledge and develop while others drink and party. Invest money in your development, education and opportunities, not iPhones and show-offs. Start the path to your dream today. Everyone is afraid of failure, but there is nothing worse than realizing at 70 years old that you didn’t take a risk and didn’t try what you dreamed about all your life.
