What can you do in a lucid dream? Can a person learn to fly

“Our world is quite dual, life

today is based on rationalism,

science and analysis, but we all from time to time

time we feel a craving for something more..."

Beach Paul. “Intensive course. Personal development"

Why am I not a falcon?

Learning to fly... Crazy? A ridiculous fantasy? To what extent is devotion to a dream excusable for an adult? Humanity has always wanted to fly. With the advent of flying machines, it did not calm down, it continued to look for ways to learn to fly, to dream of flight as a free soar. And expressing all this in songs, in high samples poetry, in dreams and technical fantasies.

But are our dreams of flying so far away? Why don’t we take advantage of the wings of a beautiful Dream and finally fly to those wonderful countries that we have dreamed of since childhood. But where can you find this magical instruction for making your dreams come true and is there such a thing in a world filled with constant obligations and sacrifices?

Analytics and statistics

Having crossed the line of childhood, the vast majority of people, according to statistics, stop dreaming, setting themselves “rational” goals. Lack of imagination entails a revision of needs, capitulation of abilities, and modesty of motives.

“What do you want to be when you grow up? - they asked little Tolya. − I will never grow up. Our ceilings are too low” [Victor Zhibul. Poetry. Collection]. So it is with us: the too low ceilings of our lives do not allow room for imagination.

We shamefully prefer the monetary equivalent of becoming an accountant to the romantic dream of becoming a musician (or writer). In V.V. Likhachev’s novel “The Only Cross,” the choice of profession is dictated by the convenience of the location of the nearest university.

A dream is not only a way to prove your loyalty to yourself and show your ability to complete any task, but also optimism. The need to fly is a psychological response to the challenge of nature. But how can you learn to fly if everyone around you is trying to take away and cut off the wings of your dreams?

"If you can dream it, you can do it"

In a cozy cafe in the ancient city, in large letters there is a saying: “If you can dream it, you can do it,” which literally translates as: “If you can dream about it, you can do it.”

Agree that a person needs not only to dream, but also to achieve, simply because your innermost self achieves its formation through this.

The plan to make your dreams come true does not start with the technical side (question: how?), it should not bother you. The dream itself will overcome the law of gravity, establishing its own logic of things.

Perhaps in your dream nature has found its evolutionary peak, which does not yet agree with its capabilities. But she found you specifically to test her own testing ground. Discover a new star, a new galaxy... Go for it: your dream can materialize it!

“A dream is not a distance from reality,

and a way to get closer to her"

Where are dreams born? In an absolute sense, the very birth of a dream is by no means accidental. The focus on self-development directs him towards the infinite, making him the master of his own destiny. Even the existence of a brain that gives birth to a dream proves the validity of any hopes.

But if you tell yourself, for example, the following: “I will never pass this exam,” the brain internalizes this attitude organically, blocking itself, and its activity goes away.

Dr. Bekhtereva spent her entire life working on the problem of the brain. Having established a tremendous reserve of possibilities, she proved the harm of self-restraint, since the creative capabilities of the brain are limitless.

IN scientific work“The magic of the brain” she calls discomfort the only reason for the decrease in its activity. Oddly enough, the cause of this discomfort is an attitude of skepticism.

Who are the skeptics?

Dreamers are opposed by skeptics. They ruin plans. Thus, the noble dreamer Munchausen, who, as we know, managed to fly, is opposed in the film “That Same Munchausen” by the reinsurer Theophilus.

He worries every now and then: “I haven’t gone crazy all my life. Enough! What if this gardener flies in and we’ll be left in the cold again? I have the right... No, such an opportunity cannot be missed: I will fly with him!”

In the end, it turns out that the antagonists include everyone who did not believe in the impossible. Doubts take hold of you, but that is skepticism. After all, how can you gain the ability to fly if you are hung with ballast from doubts, the opinions of those people who themselves betrayed their dream and are now dragging you along with them.

About false modesty...

Modesty is a serious inhibitor of progress. “The Tagoreans of the Strugotskys slowed down progress... Three quarters of all their capacities are directed to studying the harmful consequences that can arise from a discovery, invention, new technological process, and so on. Slowing down progress is just as exciting as creating it - it all depends on the initial attitude and upbringing” (B. Strugatsky. “Waves extinguish the wind”).

Live without fanaticism, some will object. Live for today, many will say. But then how to gain wings, what is the use of a dream if it does not set a price for itself? The only way to maintain progress is not to give in to other people’s opinions, not to clip the wings of your dream.

"Courage drinks honey"

The plan for making your dream come true is simple and is based primarily on the enormous feeling of passion at the mere thought of desire. If you strongly wish for something, then the probability of the event will significantly increase.

In some cases, realizing a dream can be a matter of honor for a person, his valor. Literary stories about dreamers serve to awaken sublime feelings: having risen to the super-mundane, the heroes set a price not for fame or wealth, but for their honesty, loyalty to their word.

This is Baron Munchausen. He is famous not because he flew to the Moon, but because he does not lie: “And if I said that I would fly to the Moon, I must do it.” Strong natures who managed to achieve their plans started from their dreams, even made a bet, making fate itself the guarantor. They perceived any obstacles as external stimuli rather than obstacles.

« I packed him some things for the journey - after all, the path is not close. “Do you really think he’ll make it?” - To the moon - of course. “You can’t even see her.” - When you can see it, the fool will fly. The Baron likes it to be more difficult” (film dialogue from the television film “Munhausen” by M. Zakharov). Galileo Galilei was one of these dreamers.

The picture you will complete

Behind the logic of things there is an invisible law: with sufficient persistence, “dreams will materialize.”

A simple example: why do people love the puzzle game so much? With just one puzzle, it’s interesting to reconstruct the whole picture. Knowing where to start requires a good photographic memory. And an imagination capable of drawing a holographic map of your future.

The only way to support your dream on the path to its realization is to “find” all the puzzles. Recovering the whole picture means getting a strategy. The first puzzle is a clear snapshot of your future, which includes changing your lifestyle.

You need to think carefully about what will change if your wish comes true, including: your daily routine, the attitude of others towards you, changes in habits...

Align yourself with your dreams! Don't let life change you - you must change life! How to make your dream come true? The answer is to start with yourself.

Helen Keller has been disabled since childhood (lost her sight and hearing). However, this did not stop her from getting an education and becoming a teacher. With the help of Anne Sullivan, she realized her dream. Mark Twain wrote: “In the 19th century there were two truly great people - Napoleon and Helena Keller.”

Specify your requirements

Life is like a layer cake. When you set a goal for yourself, your imagination plays the role of instructor. But it takes upon itself the functions of understanding the upper layer and only in relation to immediate goals produces a plausible forecast, but the future is “pie in the sky.” Words: not given, not available, impossible– it’s just an energy block from the turbulent flow of your thoughts.

Thought is the only force that knows no opposition to itself, if it contains the charge of your desire and “organizes” the universe in a way convenient for the fulfillment of your dreams. Therefore, a formulated desire (thought) is the first stage in the materialization of your destiny. Voice your wish: write it on a piece of paper.

Let's start looking at the instructions for making your dreams come true. First of all, the dream must be refined: if it is too reliable or too general, then it is no longer a dream. The dream must be selfless. Think about what your dream will give you, what new qualities it will reveal in you, how it will turn the world towards good.

Test yourself. Visualize yourself as who you would like to see yourself as. Think about the answer to the smallest detail in order to be prepared for the new reality: what will you do when your dream comes true? How will your relatives react? How will your responsibilities change?

About optimism

With a positive setting, you will move as if on a compass. “Difficult” does not mean “impossible” - it’s all about a successful combination of circumstances. "Never say never".

The ability to dream is already an advance, a way to introduce you to a future reward, to orient you in the space of the universe, just as many did before you. And the ineradicable desire to fly is an ordinary confirmation of its necessity for nature. The reason for the unattainability of the result most likely lies in the incorrectness of the goal.

Hear yourself...

The thing is that the vast majority of people do not know what they want: a dream helps to understand their true needs. Moreover, a desire is only a dream when it is “for the Glory of God” and for the benefit of people.

Killing an old pawnbroker in order to benefit the whole world, or shooting a neighbor’s dog that keeps you up at night is a clear contradiction of these criteria.

If your dream keeps you from sleeping at night, throw away comfort, say goodbye to false modesty, don’t be content with your daily needs, go for it! A person is never further from himself than when he betrays his dream. Get ready for a change in reality...

Learn to hate everything that has gone wrong, including the lack of saving energy in order to move somewhere and a diary in order to plan: after all, the beauty of your dreams requires some sacrifices...

Finally, make a bet with your opponents: this will also be the pinnacle of your courage and proof of your love of adventure. And don't be tempted to "censor your dream." (The habit of denying imagination inherits laziness.) Then you will see with what accuracy fate will follow your program.

Today we talked a lot about how important it is to be true to your dreams. There are only a few brave souls in the world who decided to follow their dreams, even when the whole world was against it. But they used this life 100%. Which path will you choose? Are you ready to fly?

There are many techniques about this and that - study them, implement them in your life. The main thing is to do at least something, even small step towards your dream is a great step that not everyone will dare to take today.

The ability to fly is not a dream, but a real possibility! It's called "levitation"! Learn to do what others call a “miracle”!

Levitation¹ is the ability to lift off the ground and float in the air. It is one of human superpowers.

The ability of man to overcome gravity is denied by science, but in ancient tales around the world there are stories of heroes who can fly in the air.

And in our time there is a lot of evidence of the existence of this superpower. As Indian yogis soared into the air, people watched in large numbers and even filmed it on video camera!

Levitation is antigravity: a force opposite to gravity. It can be developed through the power of your consciousness! This article presents an interesting technique that will allow you to develop the ability to fly.

Just imagine your possibilities if you could fly through the air!

Step 1: accustom yourself to this opportunity!

Many of a person’s superpowers are blocked by his logical mind and many self-limitations: “impossible”, “impossible”, “unreal”. And this is the first thing that needs to be fixed!

At the first stage, it is necessary to admit the possibility of levitation, to overcome skepticism and resistance of the mind.

The secret to this is working with your imagination.

It is known that the human subconscious does not distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Thus, the feeling of flight that you imagine is identical to real levitation.

It is necessary, with the help of imagination, to neutralize gravity, to “cancel” it. Remember: any mental image is already real!

1. The practitioner lies down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

For the success of the practice, complete darkness and silence is necessary: ​​you need to forget about reality for a while! Earplugs and an eye mask, which you can purchase at a pharmacy, are perfect for this.

2. A person relaxes his body: he pays attention to all muscle groups, relaxing them. Then he begins to observe the breathing process without interfering with it. This will put you in a trance state².

3. As soon as the practitioner feels that he has entered an altered state of consciousness, he remembers his body, imagines how it becomes heavier, how deeply it is pressed into the bed.

4. The person fully concentrates on the feeling of heaviness, and gradually consciousness will recede into the background and dissolve.

5. The practitioner imagines walking through a multi-colored field filled with the light of the summer sun. A person plunges deeper into this picture: he feels a warm ray of sun on his face.

6. Once in this image, the practitioner imagines how he slowly rises into the air, how his legs leave the ground, and he begins to levitate.

7. A person is immersed in this feeling, enjoys it, experiences and remembers the feeling of weightlessness, inner lightness, the absence of any bodily and spiritual stress.

8. To complete the exercise, the practitioner imagines himself slowly floating down and falling to the ground. Afterwards he returns to his usual state of consciousness.

It should be remembered that this exercise absorbs a lot of internal energy³. Imaginary levitation should be performed no more than twice a month. There are also certain restrictions on the duration of one session: meditation should not last longer than 30 minutes.

Step 2: real levitation training

When you have memorized and learned to easily reproduce the feeling of weightlessness, you can proceed to the next step and learn real levitation! You need to develop the ability to levitate by lifting individual parts of your body into the air.

1. The practitioner prepares the space: turns on dim lighting in the practice room, lights an incense stick.

2. The person sits down at the table and places his right hand on its surface. Initially he will work on this part of the body.

3. The practitioner relaxes, concentrates on feeling his body, and takes several deep breaths. In this state, he tries to let go of all thoughts.

4. Immersed in non-thought, a person begins to concentrate on his right hand. He imagines the heat that passes through it, how it becomes almost hot and very heavy.

A person mentally “travels” along the entire right arm to the shoulder joint, feels the skin, muscles, tendons, blood as it flows through the veins.

5. The practitioner continues to feel the heaviness and heat of the hand, intensively exaggerate this feeling, make it stronger.

After some time, the feeling of a “heavy hand” will reach the point where a person will no longer feel it at all!

6. As soon as the hand “disappears,” the practitioner imagines that an “air cushion” appears under it and flies up. And the weightless hand lying on it also rises into the air.

The state of non-interference is important! It’s not you who raise your hand, but the hand that raises itself! Here is the main secret! At this time you need to be immersed in your sensations and state of non-thought!

7. As soon as the practitioner sees that the hand begins to rise into the air, he continues to concentrate on breathing and does not interfere with the process with his emotions.

As soon as you can successfully carry out the levitation experiment with your right hand, you need to do this with all parts of the body: the other hand, legs, you can do the exercise with your fingers.

Speaking of safety precautions, everything is simple here: you can train as long as you feel good. If tension or internal interference arises, you interrupt the exercise and repeat it at another time.

Real levitation training can be done no more than once a week. It is not recommended to take alcohol or any medications on the day of the experiment - this lowers the level of vibrations.

Now you know that levitation is real, that you can awaken this superpower in yourself. All you need is a strong intention and regular training. A world of completely new possibilities will open up before you!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Levitation is a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support floats in space (that is, levitates) without touching a solid or liquid surface (

It is generally accepted that the phenomenon of levitation came to us from Tibet. In the East, concepts such as telepathy, clairvoyance or levitation are very common and generally accepted. Real miracles are demonstrated by Tibetan monks who are able to walk on hot coals and not feel pain. There are many cases where people with the wisdom of the East were able to run without practically touching the ground with their feet. Can this be called levitation?

What is levitation

According to popular belief, levitation is the human ability to fly. This phenomenon can also be described as the ability of willpower to influence the forces of gravity and attraction. Very often the phenomenon of levitation is associated with the superlightness of a person. For example, there is a known case when, in order to learn to fly, Tibetan monks immured the person who wanted it in a wall for three days, where, according to legend, he was supposed to comprehend the secret knowledge of levitation.

There is also another known case according to which, in order to learn to fly, Tibetan monks conducted the following experiment. Two chairs were placed opposite each other at a distance of about one meter. A long sheet of the finest papyrus paper was laid on them. Then two monks sat on the chairs, who with their weight had to hold the sheet taut between the chairs. A person who expressed a desire to comprehend levitation had to walk across this paper bridge without damaging it.

How can a person learn to fly?

Scientists are of the opinion that levitation can be explained by scientific point vision. According to enlightened minds, learning to fly is quite possible if you change the human energy field. To do this, you need to increase your own energy background, which will allow you to create an additional aura around yourself, which will interact with the planet, not obeying the law of gravity. According to this opinion, the stronger a person’s second biofield is, the easier it will be for him to learn to fly. There are many cases where sorcerers and psychics resorted to special rituals and chants, putting themselves in a state of trance, which allowed them to levitate.

But astrologers think somewhat differently regarding the phenomenon of levitation. In their opinion, it will become possible for a person to learn to fly only if he allows his spiritual nature to develop. A very important fact is what exactly a person believes in. Astrologers believe that any person includes two opposite principles: spiritual and material. If he allows the material side to dominate his life, then the concept of levitation will remain incomprehensible to him.

Why is levitation dangerous?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that levitation by its nature is a very, very mysterious phenomenon. Many people believe that a person can only levitate while in a state of altered consciousness. In order to learn to fly, you first need to enter a state of deep trance and master new breathing techniques and concentration of strength and attention.

In addition, one cannot help but notice that levitation is also very dangerous. Many scientists talk about such a phenomenon as spontaneous combustion, when a person concentrates too much a large number of current, as a result of which the body may simply not withstand such a load. We wish you good health and do not forget to press the buttons and

28.03.2014 10:07

We are all different. We have different worldviews personal qualities and lifestyle. Besides, ...

Numerology sheds light on many things in our lives. This science has a special relationship with...

Do you want to overcome your fear of flying? Most The best way— learn more about how an airplane flies, at what speed it moves, to what altitude it rises. People are afraid of the unknown, and when the issue is studied and considered, then everything becomes simple and understandable. So be sure to read about how a plane flies - This is the first step in the fight against aerophobia.

If you look at the wing, you will see that it is not flat. Its lower surface is smooth, and its upper surface is convex. Due to this, as the speed of the aircraft increases, the air pressure on the wing changes. At the bottom of the wing, the flow speed is lower, so the pressure is higher. At the top, the flow rate is greater and the pressure is less. It is due to this pressure difference that the wing pulls the plane upward. This difference between the lower and upper pressure is called the lift of the wing. In fact, during acceleration, the aircraft is pushed upward when it reaches a certain speed(pressure differences).

The air flows around the wing at different speeds, pushing the plane upward

This principle was discovered and formulated by the founder of aerodynamics Nikolai Zhukovsky back in 1904, and 10 years later it was successfully applied during the first flights and tests. The area, shape of the wing and flight speed are designed in such a way as to easily lift multi-ton aircraft into the air. Most modern airliners fly at speeds from 180 to 260 kilometers per hour - this is quite enough to stay confidently in the air.

At what altitude do planes fly?

Do you understand why planes fly? Now we will tell you about the altitude at which they fly.Passenger aircraft “occupied” the corridor from 5 to 12 thousand meters. Large passenger airliners usually fly at an altitude of 9-12 thousand, smaller ones - 5-8 thousand meters. This altitude is optimal for aircraft movement: at this altitude, air resistance is reduced by 5-7 times, but there is still enough oxygen for normal engine operation. Above 12 thousand, the plane begins to fail - the rarefied air does not create normal lift, and there is also an acute lack of oxygen for combustion (engine power drops). The ceiling for many liners is 12,200 meters.

Note:a plane that flies at an altitude of 10 thousand meters saves approximately 80% of fuel compared to if it were flying at an altitude of 1000 meters.

What is the speed of the plane during takeoff?

Let's consider, how the plane takes off . Picking up a certain speed, it takes off from the ground. At this moment, the airliner is most uncontrollable, so the runways are made with a significant margin in length. Lift-off speed depends on the mass and shape of the aircraft, as well as the configuration of its wings. As an example, we provide table values ​​for the most popular types of aircraft:

  1. Boeing 747 -270 km/h.
  2. Airbus A 380 - 267 km/h.
  3. IL 96 - 255 km/h.
  4. Boeing 737 - 220 km/h.
  5. Yak-40 -180 km/h.
  6. Tu 154 - 215 km/h.

On average, the takeoff speed of most modern airliners is 230-250 km/h. But it is not constant - it all depends on wind acceleration, the mass of the aircraft, the runway, weather and other factors (values ​​may differ by 10-15 km/h in one direction or another). But to the question: At what speed does a plane take off? you can answer - 250 kilometers per hour, and you will not be mistaken.

Different types of planes take off at different speeds

At what speed does the plane land?

Landing speed, like takeoff speed, can vary greatly depending on aircraft models, wing area, weight, wind and other factors. On average, it varies from 220 to 250 kilometers per hour.

From time immemorial, humanity has wondered a simple question"Why don't people fly?" Famous inventors sought the answer to this question, inventing devices for flight, soaring and slow falling. They studied birds and aerodynamics to create the desired designs. And today we can fly on airplanes, jump with a parachute, soar with a glider and use many other devices to feel like a bird.

Let's take a closer look at how today you can learn to fly for real.

Flights with complex training

To learn how to fly an airplane, you will need to spend a lot of time studying with a real flight instructor and a professional pilot. In addition, it will cost quite a lot of money. If you have become stronger in your desire to be able to fly aircraft, then you need to:

  1. Select vessel type. It can be different kinds airplanes and helicopters. You can become like a professional pilot military aviation or a Boeing captain who transports passengers to the other side of the world, or learn to fly a firefighter, cargo, passenger or military helicopter. The choice is yours.
  2. After you decide on the type of controlled equipment, you need to find an air base or educational institution near your place of residence where you will be taught to fly. Simple types of equipment will require short flight courses with practice. However, for serious equipment such as passenger aircraft, military helicopters or firefighting aircraft, helicopters, you will need to study at educational institution, especially if you want to then work for a company.

Training usually includes practice, theory and computer flight simulations.

Flights without complex preparation

It is quite difficult to call skydiving, gliding, hot air ballooning and other types of extreme sports flights, but it is possible. If in a hot air balloon you can regulate the rise and fall to the ground, then with a parachute, glider and other gliding devices you just smoothly fall to the ground thanks to the special design of the suit or the device for this.

Luckily, there is no need to pay any training fees for this type of flying and you can try it at any time. You will only need a little instruction and supervision from an instructor who will make sure that you do not get hurt during the flight.
