Who is an idol for a person? Youth idols: who they are and what example they set for the younger generation. When Infatuation with Other People Becomes Dangerous

From a religious point of view, an idol is a material object that serves as an object of religious worship. An idol is an object of admiration, admiration, and an example to follow. Unlike adults, idols are very important for teenagers and young adults.

Most children already have new authorities and idols in their first school year. They could be a teacher, a character from a favorite book, a singer, or the host of a popular TV show. Famous athletes are often role models for children. There is no need for personal acquaintance with the idol - means mass media provide enough information about the lives of celebrities.

What happens when an idol appears?

In the fascination with celebrities, one can notice some characteristics. A child or teenager is most often fascinated by famous and extraordinary personalities and willingly talks about their idol to their peers, so celebrity worship becomes a “contagious disease.” Worshiping a particular celebrity opens doors for a teenager or young man to various companies or fan clubs where like-minded people gather. Fans want to get as much information as possible about their idol, so they collect everything that is somehow related to the subject of their hobby - photographs, CDs or tapes, autographs, etc. A lot of time is devoted to studying facts from the life of the idol, his habits, hobbies and hobbies. Teenagers try to imitate celebrities, try to be like them in everything. However, fans rarely remain “loyal” to their idol for a long time. Usually, interest in a particular celebrity passes as quickly as it arises.

Girls begin to show interest in celebrities of the opposite sex earlier than boys. They talk more openly about their passions. However, this does not mean that female celebrities remain on the sidelines - girls are also interested in them and try to be like them. The interest of teenagers in a celebrity of the opposite sex is at the same time a manifestation of awakening sexuality.

Why are idols needed?

In childhood, the only role models are parents. However, with school age the child begins to move away from his parents. A child at this age critically evaluates everything that parents say and do. During puberty, the confrontation intensifies. Teenagers and young people change, and at the same time their idols change. However, this does not mean that parents cease to be role models for young people - they simply evaluate them differently. Parents should not worry too much as this is a natural stage of child development. If, during the difficult period of puberty, parents show at least a little interest in the child’s idol, it will be easier for them to find mutual understanding.

Searching for one's own self

Many young people have complexes; they feel that no one needs them or is interesting to them. The young man endures this condition very hard. He tries to compensate by running away from reality and worshiping bright representatives of the public, show business, etc. Thus, the young man seems to equate himself with the elite - famous and popular people. Ideally, all this helps him find himself.

The fact that a child or teenager has a role model should not particularly worry parents. When a child begins to respect and admire someone, this is a completely natural stage of his development.

When does being infatuated with other people become dangerous?

Often, political groups and religious sects try to use youth’s fascination with celebrities and idols for their own purposes. Of course, parents should pay attention to changes in the views and principles of their children. However, under no circumstances should you immediately criticize the object of a child’s admiration. Frank conversations with parents can help a teenager realize a lot. The best way protection from dishonest “seducers” - trust.

Idol. In meaning "idol" of wines idol. Create an idol (with the negation of an idol). Do not make yourself an idol. In meaning “the person who is the object of worship” wines. idol. I adored my idol... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

Idol- (Ivanovo, Russia) Hotel category: Address: 11th passage 7, Ivanovo, Russia, O ... Hotel catalog

ICON, idol, husband. (book poet.). 1. Statue of a pagan deity, idol. 2. transfer An object of blind worship. “The idol of mature young ladies, the company commander has arrived.” Pushkin. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (ar.) the same as an idol. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ICON idol. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

idol- ICON, deity, idol, hero, idol, favorite, book. fetish... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

Idol, pagan god. In a figurative sense, an object of admiration, admiration... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ICON, huh, husband. 1. Same as an idol. 2. transfer An object of admiration and worship. Do not make yourself an idol (book) a call to have a free conscience, an independent and courageous mind [according to the Old Testament: the divine commandment to the prophet Moses]. Intelligent... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Husband. image, statue of a pagan deity; idol, graven image or blockhead. | * The object of stupid love, blind affection. Idol-like, idol-like, related to idols. Idol, Nice. Idol worshiper, pagan, idolater. Idol,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- “IDOL”, USSR, TAJIKFILM, 1988, color, 76 min. Criminal social drama. Pop singer Khurshed begins working under the guidance of impresario Mir Alisovich. Success comes to him very soon and the hero does not yet notice that everything depends... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

IDOL- complex learning worlds programming language … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations


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He is so wonderful, smart, handsome, successful... Well, there are people who simply have no flaws... I want to be the same... These are the standard thoughts of fans about their idol. Where does the pathological desire to adore someone come from, why do they sometimes choose boring and harmful people as idols, who on the screen are condescending and kind to other people’s weaknesses? Alexandra SUCHKOVA, a psychologist-consultant and trainer at the Institute of Group and Family Psychotherapy, tells the story.

FANATISM implies obsession with an idea or some ideal. Moreover, for a person this is a serious emotional shift, even a painful condition (but not a disease). To become a fan of someone, you need to feel so imperfect, so lacking in yourself, that you have to focus your attention on someone supposedly perfect - in this way the fan compensates for his shortcomings positive qualities idol. Thanks to what is taken from the outside, the fan’s internal state is balanced. In other words, in an idol one likes those qualities that a person himself would like to possess. Moreover, the lack of these qualities is felt so acutely that living without an idol who has them seems simply impossible. It seems that if a person is close to an idol, everything in life will work out. This is a painful desire for integrity at the expense of someone else, a feeling when a person subconsciously strives to acquire that shining, as if perfect, inner part of himself (in fact, he has it, but he does not see it).

Every person is self-sufficient, everyone has their own potential, their own characteristics. But the fan completely denies these unique qualities; he does not see them in himself. Parenting is partly to blame for this. When parents are constantly dissatisfied with the child, compare him with others (you can’t do anything, you don’t know, but Petya can do everything), set high standards, it seems to him that he is good for nothing. And everyone admires the person on the screen because he is ideal, and you want to get closer to this ideal. Most often, teenagers have idols and become fans of singers, artists, TV presenters, etc. Moreover, being a fan does not mean just watching all the performances, hanging posters of your idol in your bedroom and admiring his appearance. A true fan appropriates the idol as his own property, imitates his behavior, clothes, does not sleep at night, eats poorly, gets money for concerts by any means, watches over his favorite at his house, writes dozens of letters to him and sobs into his pillow. Fandom interferes with such a person’s life, study, work, and causes damage personal life. The fan doesn’t think about anything else, all thoughts and conversations are only about the idol. This state can already be called insane, and we need to fight it.

Don't create an illusion

People are always (!) disappointed in IDOLS. Sooner or later the illusion collapses; a living person cannot be an ideal. Suddenly it turns out that your favorite actor is selflessly and unaesthetically picking his nose, your favorite singer is rude to parents and slaps the children on the head (but she looks so cute) or does something else that can irritate - for example, lies often and out of place. You don’t always know even a loved one from all sides; every day you discover something new and not always pleasant. What can we say about an idol with whom you only know from concerts, at best you talked a couple of times in your life, and the rest of the time you were content with watching TV. Along with disappointment comes life collapse. “If the idol is not as perfect as I imagined, then who is the best?” And no one. Ideal people, as we know, does not happen. Do not try to fill in the shortcomings in your worldview with the positive qualities of your idol. Better develop the good in yourself.

Knight arm in arm with princess

Fanaticism SHOULD NOT be confused with the ideals that children and teenagers have. Although rare, boys still consider a knight (now a modified superhero) as their ideal, whom they want to imitate in courage and nobility (the same story for girls with princesses and modern Cinderellas). The desire for a universal image is common to everyone. It's part of the personality. Thus, the child trains his qualities through this image, which is very useful for growing up. This is not fandom because there is no idol to worship. It’s just that the child himself (and not like someone else!) wants to be big and strong, an adult.

So, what should loved ones do if a child, foaming at the mouth, demands money to buy clothes the same as their idol’s (although he looks terrible in them). Do not prohibit anything or be indignant under any circumstances. Have a careful conversation: what, exactly, is interesting and convenient about such things? Listen patiently to the answers, do not object aggressively. If the child answers that it is fashionable and stylish, rejoice, he has his own ideas about life, he understands that a thing is needed not because an idol wears it, other people wear it too. This is the norm. And if a child says that he is going to imitate his idol in everything, including clothing, ask who his idol is and why he should be admired. Why imitate him if he is a completely different person, living by his own rules, in a different family? It's always better to be yourself. Under no circumstances should you put pressure, otherwise the desire to resist will immediately arise.

Balls and stamps

THERE IS another version of fandom - worship of some activity. If a teenager collects stamps, badges, candy wrappers and this does not interfere with his studies, friends come to him and they can talk about something else besides their hobby, there is nothing to worry about. If there is no obsession, let the person get carried away and look for new items for the collection. It's great that he has a hobby. In this way, the child wants to feel his ownership: this is mine, it belongs only to me, so it must be the best, of the highest quality. This promotes concentration and development of attention, the main thing is that it does not overlap other activities and does not become the most important thing in life.

Sports fandom is a separate topic. In fact, games such as football and boxing are just a way to express your aggression. The group form of expressing negativity makes it seem invisible; a person consoles himself with the hope that he will get lost in the crowd and therefore can take liberties.

Crazy football fans who are not averse to starting a fight are teenagers for whom aggression is prohibited in principle or is the only way of communication in the family. For such fans, either the voice in the family cannot be raised at all, or the entire conversation consists of shouting. When a family has a reasonable attitude towards aggression (it only manifests itself if you are really defending yourself - then you can be indignant), the fans there are “normal” - they can shout and cheer as they should for their team, but they will never rush bottles at each other in the stadium. They enjoy the game, but are not fans of it. literally this word.

If you have such a crazy sports fan in your family, pay attention to how you feel about aggression. Do you think that this feeling should be kept to yourself, that it is indecent to display negative emotions? It's a waste if that's the case. Because aggression is the same feeling as the others, you need to learn to express it. If you are attacked, you need to defend yourself and express your emotions, just as you cannot show your aggression unnecessarily. If you yourself are overly hot-tempered or afraid of aggression, it would be a good idea to see a psychologist and then engage in instructing your child on the true path. The main thing to remember is that aggression is a good, useful feeling that just needs to be managed. For example, you can politely say that you don’t like coffee when they offer it to you - this is also aggression, but shown in the right place and at the right time, so it is useful.

Bad, but loved

WHY attract violence, crime, evil? After all, for many teenagers, their idol is a crime boss, a killer, a calculating businessman connected with the mafia, etc. Where does this desire to imitate the bad, to idealize it come from?

Psychology explains this phenomenon, which also directly depends on unexpressed aggression. All negative heroes embody traits that have always existed in humans. The fact is that in our unconscious there are many archetypes (special states necessary for life). IN modern society a person is often isolated from his unconscious, lives according to a stereotypical system and is afraid of his archetypes because they are incomprehensible to him. Throughout life, a person joins archetypes that arise if necessary. For example, if the family was in danger, a man could protect and even kill the enemy; Normally he wouldn't have done this. There is the archetype of the mother, the archetype of the divine child (appears only when we frolic and fool around), the archetype of the mistress (lover). There is also a warrior archetype. In times of peace, when there is nowhere to put it, this archetype breaks out in some people, but the person cannot cope with it. Killers, crime lords - this is one part of the warrior archetype, where he is the attacker. From the subconscious of a teenager in peacetime, she simply has nowhere to go. Another part of the warrior archetype in peacetime is to guard, to go on patrol, but this part of the unconscious can be isolated. A teenager who feels only part of the archetype is sure that by going against everyone, he makes himself a warrior, and therefore worthy of respect.

Such an archetype must transform and become holistic. To do this, there must be an older man in the family whose archetype has already been transformed, who knows how to use his aggression at the right time and in the right place. If there is no one to look up to in the family, it is customary to either hide your negative emotions or express them too violently. Invite your teenager to take up martial arts, in which training is based on images, there is inner balance under the motto: " Best fight“This is a failed fight.”

At the same time try to find positive features in the same killer, authority. Let's say a killer is a murderer and a cynic, but he is an amazing intelligence officer and observer who sees the target well and is always in balance. Pay attention to this, develop these qualities. If, God forbid, war comes, you may have to shoot, but in peacetime you can observe and see details that no one will see. Authority is an excellent strategist who knows how to develop his plan taking into account the possible outcomes of the situation. This can turn into a life trait that will serve you well in choosing a profession and in your studies.

Girls also have their own archetypes. One part of the female archetype is Demeter, the goddess of fertility, dawn, birth, creation. The other part is Cybele, the goddess of destruction, death and witchcraft - these are two parts of one whole in the unconscious. The second part also appears for a reason. Plays a significant role social attitude to a woman. If, for example, a girl was beaten as a child and no one stood up for her, she stops valuing herself and her body and begins to destroy herself. Although in fact this aggression is directed at those who harmed her. In contrast to this part is an avenger woman who, by destroying relationships, causes pain to others, and a charmer woman who bewitches herself. All these traits live in absolutely every woman.

Unlike stereotypes (here I am a mother, at work I am a boss), which can be controlled, archetypes cannot be controlled, you can only contact them and find balance. If you try to deny the unconscious, pretend that it does not exist, the archetype becomes uncontrollable and can appear at the most inopportune moment, which is destructive for the person himself. Try to adapt to your archetype and learn to live with it. For example, if you have nowhere to put your anger and emotions, learn to express them, but again only when it is appropriate - for example, in the case of protecting your child. Then these will be only positive qualities.

Carbon Fate

OF COURSE, someone will watch the next series with a hired killer and want to imitate this image, and someone will not even try on this image for themselves. This means that a child or teenager knows how to use that part of himself in which the warrior archetype is embedded. Let's say he is allowed to fight with wooden sticks, and this is enough not to suppress aggression in himself. Otherwise, at the expense of the idol, you want to become invincible and “cool”.

There is another option when a fan strives for the same career and family as his idol. In this case, first explain that, firstly, all people are alive and what seems ideal from the outside always has a downside. Secondly, you still won’t have the same career and family as someone else. It will definitely be different, maybe even better, because you - different people. You shouldn’t blindly apply a pattern and make a copy of someone else’s fate. If you have an idol and you like the results he achieved, make your plan, think about how it would work out for you: I can do this, I can’t do that (non-lethal, because I can do it differently).

Since the idol's ideal always collapses, and with it the world collapses, the crazy fan needs help. If you see that at the mere mention of his idol a fan falls into a stupor, you should send him to a psychologist. There are many techniques that can be used to help an ardent fan. “Cure” is needed primarily for addiction. Everyone has their own method. For some - analysis and awareness of what is happening to him; with the help of psychoanalysis of psychodrama, a person, by replaying the situation in a group, realizes why he found himself in such a situation and what to do next. Ericksonian hypnosis helps some - a mental journey into one’s own inner world, imagining images; others - working with unconscious images, active imagination, etc.

Of course, a child must have idols. For a child 3-6 years old, they should be the parents or a loved one who is raising him. All children necessarily go through the stage of parents being omnipotent. At this stage, mom and dad are magicians for them who can do anything. Moreover, if during this period the child sees that the parents are contradictory, unsure of themselves, or that something is wrong with them, he is deprived of the most important resource for the future life of the individual. At this stage of development, he is defenseless in front of the world, and if the protection in the form of parents is fragile, great damage is caused to the psyche. The internal image of strong, stable, calm parental figures should stand before your eyes so that you can rely on it in life. Starting from the age of 6, the child himself destroys the illusion of omnipotent parents, but in any case it must take place.

It would seem, well, what could be difficult in determining this or that famous word? There is a familiar object, and all that is required of us is simply to describe its characteristic features. Do you think it's easy? Okay... Then try to complete the phrase “An idol is...”. Well who? The one we love so much? Ideal? Reference? Idol? According to experts, each person puts his own meaning into this word. Which? Let's try to figure it out together.

General definition of the concept

So, from the point of view of the majority, an idol is an idol, an object of adoration and blind worship. Everything is correct. This is exactly how the concept of “idol” is defined in explanatory dictionaries.

It is believed that the creation of idols from wood, stone, precious metals dates back to pagan times. When creating the image of God, the masters sought to convey as vividly as possible the feelings that people experienced before the greatness of the Universe.

Such images attracted attention and were the subject of religious worship. And today, when approaching the idol, people note that their state of mind changes.

All this is wonderful! However, experts warn that fanatical worship is very dangerous. So, it’s no secret that sometimes teenagers literally learn from some celebrity, adopting her habits, clothing style and even manner of speaking. The idols of youth themselves often become objects of envy or malice from their opponents.

Idols and psychology. Experts' opinions

The pathological desire for adoration borders on obsession. Often a person who has such a desire evaluates his condition as painful. To someone who is fanatically devoted to his idol, it seems that only next to the object of his adoration can he gain personal integrity and feel truly happy. That is, for such a person the phrase “An idol is..” ends with the words “life, well-being and joy.”

Of course, this is a manifestation of heightened feelings, a sign of being in a state of daydreaming and boundless inspiration. A number of researchers believe that the characteristics of upbringing play a significant role in the formation of the need for unbridled worship of any object. If a child feels insufficiently successful, and adults constantly emphasize his shortcomings, then, as a rule, the formation of his personality occurs with disturbances. In adolescence, fanaticism usually intensifies.

A children's idol is...

The desire to copy an idol in everything, to use all means to find money to buy tickets to a concert of a favorite artist, desperate attempts to physically get closer to the object of adoration - all this leads to the fact that a fanatic can cause irreparable harm to his psyche. If a child cannot separate himself from his idol and considers himself a part of it, it is necessary to take into account that an effective solution must be found so that the child does not lose self-sufficiency and is able to cope with the situation in which he finds himself by the will of fate. Adults should understand that the idol of millions of children will be forgotten over time, and life does not stand still.

Idols of the past. Do we know them today? 50-60s

French cinema of the mid-twentieth century... Wonderful actors - Jean Marais, Louis de Funes, Bourville, Yves Montand, Jean-Paul Belmondo... These names meant a lot to those who were young in those years. The bright costume dramas and comedies with sparkling humor in which these actors starred attracted the attention of many.

The film about Fantômas with Jean Marais in the title role made a strong impression on the audience. A wonderful, amazingly charming artist has become the idol of so many. His work in the second and third films (where the actor played two main roles - both the journalist Fandor and the villain Fantômas) allowed the detective comedy to gain truly deafening fame. Then Jean Marais acted little. Such amazing success that accompanied films about Fantômas never happened again in his career.

The wonderful comedic talent who played with Jean Marais (all in the same film about Fantômas) also deserves attention! For many, many people he was an idol for many, many years. Yes, films with the participation of this artist attracted a huge number of viewers.

Getting to know the idols of the past can allow you to make amazing discoveries - to get to know yourself better and understand what exactly people value at all times.

Where are our idols now?

From the outside, the life of movie and pop stars seems festive. Success, fame, material well-being (to say the least) - fans believe that their idols never lack anything. However, life works completely differently. Agree, often even the most famous and popular teenage idols unexpectedly leave the brightly lit stage for their fans - their lives continue, but become completely different.

Eduard Khil was very loved in the Soviet Union. “Where the Motherland Begins”, “Birch Sap”, “Blue Cities”, “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest” - these songs were known and sung by the whole country. And in the late 80s, this public idol was forced to emigrate with his family to France, where he sang in the “Rasputin” cabaret (in Paris). When he returned to Russia in 1994, he free time started growing vegetables and fruits at my dacha!

Or the Estonian singer Jaak Joala - a star of the 70s and 80s. His performance of the song “I Draw You” is impossible to forget. Young people today are unlikely to know this name. The singer himself has not worked in show business for a long time - life in Estonia has changed, and the lifestyle of artists who were very popular in the past has also changed. And the values ​​today are not the same...

Modern idols

They have their own idols. Success accompanies Taylor Swift today. Short skirts, vintage shoes, hats knitted with large knitting - this is her style, which young people like, and which teenagers imitate recklessly. This country singer is very attractive. For many, she is a real idol.

In Russia they also love fashionistas. The idol of many young girls today is pop singer Nyusha. Corsages, short shorts, miniskirts - all this suits a girl perfectly. A beautiful body, energy during performances - teenagers today cannot help but like this image.

People, especially young people, are always looking for role models. This is fine. However, to find your happiness in life, you must listen to your own soul and fully unleash the potential of your personality.

Oh, fleeting youth. Quite recently, we at the editorial office of Find Out.rf were nostalgic for the stars of the 90s and were sad about how they had aged

(you can join our sadness).

Unfortunately, the idols of modern youth will sooner or later suffer the same fate. We decided to predict the course of events and played with photos of current teen idols in the FaceApp mobile application, which can “age” faces. So, what will (possibly) now popular video bloggers, rappers and other public figures look like in a certain number of decades? Let’s see!


Rapper Gnoyny, who was in the deep underground before the historical version battle with Oksimiron, boasts a very cute appearance, which does not fit well with his rather cynical work. Well, in his old age, Slava will clearly charm all the surrounding grandmothers with his charisma and bright blue eyes.

Yury Khovansky

Video blogger Yuri Khovansky can rarely be seen on camera without beer. Be careful, Yura, because of alcohol abuse, you can turn into the person on the right much sooner than you expected.


The author of the hit “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg,” rapper Face can show this photo to everyone who is interested: “What will your tattoos look like in old age?” As you can see, everything will be fine with them.

Maryana Ro

Star social networks Maryana Ro keeps up with her age: previously her content had a pronounced children's theme, now she pleases the public with materials for older audiences. And her romance with Face (you saw the aged version of it just above) became one of the most discussed events of 2017 among the “YouTube generation.”

Sasha Spielberg

We are very interested in what Sasha Spielberg will do when the bulk of her subscribers graduate from school and there will be no one to watch her bathe in a bathtub filled with chips. Maybe he will become a State Duma deputy or continue his career in cinema and release the film “Hack the Bloggers-2”? Look forward to!

Diana Shurygina

Will Diana Shurygina, who caught a wave of popularity after the rape scandal, be able to stay afloat when the hype around this story subsides? Time will tell, but the chance is great, because for now this pretty girl is very far from the photo on the right.


We hope that in his old age Miron Fedorov will delight his fans with new albums and gather gigantic concert venues. Maybe by then a new king will appear in Russian rap, but loyal fans will still shake their heads with nostalgia to “Tumbler” or “The City Under the Sole.”

Alexander Petrov

We guarantee that in 40 years, those who are about twenty today will remember Alexander Petrov in much the same way as the older generation now speaks of Alexander Abdulov or Oleg Dal. As you can see, the actor’s charming smile and signature sly look will not leave him even in old age.

Nikolay Sobolev

In the right photo, Nikolai Sobolev looks as if he had just recorded a vlog about “Doctors’ disgrace in the clinic.” In fact, the blogger’s life is in full swing: by the beginning of 2018, almost 4 million had subscribed to his YouTube channel, and Nikolai himself was preparing for the wedding with his fiancee, model Polina Chistyakova.


It is unlikely that in his old age Ivangai will wear the same oblique bangs. It's a shame - it suits him.


Feduk (Fedor Insarov), whose career took off after the release of the album “F&Q,” will look something like this in his old age. Whether the software algorithm made a mistake will not be known soon.

Yuri Dud

At 31, Yuri Dud still heads the editorial board of the sports publication Sports.ru and is the most popular interviewer in the Russian segment of YouTube. Fans often call him “Vladimir Pozner’s successor” and are amazed at what professional heights Yuri achieved in his still, in general, young years. I wonder how soon he will become the host of an original program on some federal channel?