Examples on the topic of humanity. Examples of humanity from life and literature. How to develop humanity in yourself

This summer, a very touching story happened in Florida - a true example of humanity. On a hot summer day, 65-year-old Ralph McCrory was mowing his lawn. The grass grew almost to the knee and it was very difficult for the elderly owner to operate the lawn mower. As his wife says, sometimes mowing the lawn took him 4 days, with rest breaks.

That day, Ralph felt ill right in the yard. He hobbled home, sat on the threshold and complained to his wife about chest pain. "I think I'm having a heart attack."

Rescuers from the local fire department responded to the call. They examined the elderly man, confirmed fears that the matter was serious and immediately took him to his hospital. He had heart surgery that same day.

However, the four firefighters felt that they had not done all that was in their power. The guys returned straight from the hospital to the McCrory couple's house, and in 30 minutes they completed what the elderly owners would not have had the strength to do.

They mowed the lawn, swept the driveways, and changed the tires on the old man's pickup truck. The nice guys had no idea that their actions would become known. The old people's neighbor, Jacob Shipp, took some photos and posted them on Facebook.

This is how he himself explained his manifestation of humanity in life in an interview with ABC News: “I have policemen and firefighters among relatives and friends, and I know how often the good deeds of these guys go unnoticed, while any misdeeds are blown out of proportion in the news. on a huge scale."

His Facebook post received a lot of likes, and fire chief Kevin Carroll had to explain to reporters: “Actually, this is not our responsibility, the guys just wanted to help and didn’t even tell any of their colleagues about it. We all learned about this example of humanity from their Facebook.”

Local residents were very touched by the compassion and humility of their firefighters. For several days after that, they brought home-cooked meals to the firehouse to show their appreciation.

As Kevin Carroll says: “We do things like this every day, but we’re not used to it getting so much attention.”


Compassion is what makes us human. This is what guides us through life's ups and downs and the craziness of the world.

Here are 30 of the most powerful moments in history that were made possible by empathy for each other. These photos prove that better world available.

1. Army corpsman Richard Barnett holds a child whose family disappeared during a shootout. Iraq, 2003.

2. A Russian special forces soldier carries a child rescued from a school captured by terrorists. Beslan, 2004.

3. A medic bandages a wounded child. World War II, 1944.

4. Protesters in Oakland, California, remove a woman in a wheelchair from tear gas.

5. Negro doctors provide assistance to a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

6. After the Los Angeles riots in 1992, a boy poses with National Guard soldiers in the background.

7. Residents of London came out together to clean the streets after pogroms and protests in 2011.

8. Residents of the streets where the pogroms took place offer tea to a policeman in London, in 2011.

9. Brazilian protesters brought the officer a cake for his birthday.

10. A priest acts as a human shield during protests in Ukraine in 2014.

11. A participant in student protests in Bogota, Colombia tries to kiss a police officer.

12. American soldiers push a car with two seriously wounded German soldiers, January 26, 1945.

13. A man plays the piano in front of a police barricade in Kyiv, in 2013.

14. A woman protects a wounded protester from a military bulldozer. Egypt, 2013.

15. A protester protects a police officer from violence during protests against the election results in Iran.

16. An East German soldier, defying orders, helps a boy cross the Berlin Wall to reunite with his family, 1961.

17. A journalist saves a child during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.

18. Protesters carry out a wounded policeman during protests in Turkey.

19. A Ukrainian soldier kisses his girlfriend through the bars of a base surrounded by “polite people” in Crimea.

20. A French soldier helps a family from Spain after crossing the border during the civil war in 1938.

21. Americans treat a wounded dog during World War II, 1944.

22. Protesters in Turkey wash the eyes of a dog injured by tear gas.

23. Sergeant Frank Praytor feeds a kitten whose mother died under fire. Korean War, 1953.

Arguments from literature

  1. (38 words) In Pushkin’s novel “ Captain's daughter“Peter acted nobly when he gave his sheepskin coat to Pugachev. Grinev ignored class barriers and helped to the common man without demanding anything in return. This is where the true nobility of the soul is expressed. Respecting him, the chieftain even spared the enemy.
  2. (50 words) In Kuprin’s work “The Wonderful Doctor,” the hero saved strangers from death in a damp basement. He gave them free medicine and left money on the table, even though they didn’t ask him for anything. I see nobility in his action, because Pirogov helped the Mertsalov family free of charge and voluntarily, without expecting praise.
  3. (57 words) In Kuprin’s work “The Duel,” Romashov was truly noble towards Shurochka. He agreed not to shoot her husband in a duel because of only one request from a woman who was parting with him forever. He paid for this quality, receiving a mortal wound from a treacherous enemy. However, his example still inspires me to meet people halfway and keep my word.
  4. (39 words) In Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” Tatyana is a very noble girl. In order to remain faithful to her husband, she rejects her first and only love. Her decision elevates her above a society where everyone boasts about their origins without being a truly noble person.
  5. (54 words) In Dostoevsky’s novel “Poor People,” the hero is small man, a modest tradesman, but it is his heart that is distinguished by its nobility, but more noble and rich people will never be able to equal him. Makar alone takes part in the fate of the unfortunate Varenka and gives the girl all his savings not out of self-interest, but out of pity and love for her.
  6. (57 words) In Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” Starodum teaches the reader nobility, talking about true and false virtues. Power, origin and wealth in his time meant nothing in comparison with talent, courage and intelligence. So he favors the wise and meek Sophia and punishes the vicious and ignorant Prostokovs. He united loving hearts and exposed deception - this is nobility.
  7. (53 words) In Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky is noble, but the respectable nobles do not even have the remotest idea of ​​this quality. Alexander exposes cruelty, hypocrisy and ignorance, tries to defend the rights of the peasants, and Famus society only tries to expose him and defends only its position. Only those who are not indifferent to the world and people are noble.
  8. (36 words) In Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky,” the hero is a noble robber who takes ill-gotten wealth from wealthy people and gives it to his poor and oppressed brothers. His gang rebelled against social injustice, so Vladimir’s rightness is beyond doubt.
  9. (50 words) In Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” the hero proves his nobility in deeds, and not on the family tree. Andrei defends his homeland, sacrificing everything: he lost his family, freedom, health and incentive to live on. However, Sokolov did not break and got out of captivity. When he returned, he adopted an orphan. All this characterizes a noble and strong-willed man.
  10. (38 words) In Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matrenin’s Dvor,” the heroine raised someone else’s girl as her own daughter. Matryona devoted herself entirely to raising Kira. She even died helping her drag her own things across the rails. Such selfless love is only possible for a noble heart.

Examples from life, cinema and media

  1. (36 words) I will remember for the rest of my life the noble deed of my relative, who gratuitously gave up his share of the inheritance to his sister because she was raising a disabled son. Although he huddled in rented apartments, he never regretted his choice.
  2. (47 words) We owe the noble intentions of the Tretyakov brothers the largest art gallery in our country, which even today bears their name. Patrons and collectors have collected the rarest museum exhibits from all over the world for their beloved city. They did all this not for themselves, but for the entire fatherland, showing the paintings to everyone.
  3. (45 words) I consider my friend to be a truly noble person. I once accidentally broke his mother's favorite watch while I was visiting. So he took my blame upon himself so that his parents would not think anything bad about me. He got it really bad, but he didn’t give me away.
  4. (45 words) In Anton Megerdichev’s film “Moving Up,” the coach showed nobility by assembling a team not from the privileged CSK, but from all over Soviet Union. He gave athletes from the outskirts of a huge country a chance to prove themselves and succeed in basketball. In gratitude for this, they played to the limit of their capabilities.
  5. (51 words) In O. Trofim’s film “Ice,” Sanya acquires nobility along with love. When he sees his unwitting “patient” fall on the ice, he drops everything and rushes to international competitions to help her get back on her feet. He helps Nadya, they perform triumphantly together. This example proves that it is never too late to become noble.
  6. (51 words) In Janik Fayziev’s film “The Legend of Kolovrat,” the main characters, real warriors, showed nobility, sacrificing their lives to save children. They gave battle to the hordes of foreign invaders and held back the onslaught until the children escaped by rafting down the river. This feat may not go down in history, but it will certainly inspire people to be kinder and more noble.
  7. (41 words) For me, nobility is the desire to take care of others, supported by real action. For example, my relatives regularly transfer money to families with sick children who need help. They do this anonymously, without publicity, and in this small act of kindness I see true good.
  8. (54 words) In the newspaper I read about a man who set up a shelter for dogs on his land. From the city, people brought to him those animals that had nowhere to live. In the spacious yard they found home and care, as well as a chance to settle down in a loving family. It is very noble of him to take on the problem of stray dogs.
  9. (47 words) In a magazine I saw an article about the life of Alexei Tolstoy. It said that the writer received a 100,000th prize in 1943. Then there were difficult times, and the author decided to help his country by donating money for the construction of a tank for the defense of his homeland. This is a very noble decision that saved more than one life.
  10. (48 words) I read on one blog that Elon Musk, an inventor and engineer, plans to launch a satellite that will distribute free Internet everywhere. This measure will allow millions of people to gain knowledge and skills that are currently unavailable to them due to the lack of accessible education. I believe that this is one of the most noble intentions in the history of mankind.
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Humanity – this is the priceless quality that makes us real people. It lies, first of all, in the ability to sympathize and sympathize. IN modern world humanity, unfortunately, is losing relevance. Striving only to satisfy our own needs, many of us become callous, selfish, and indifferent to the grief of others. But without humanity, inner beauty is unthinkable, the loss of which leads to spiritual misery.
In the story by Viktor Astafiev, village boys killed marten cubs for fun. Children, in my opinion, are completely devoid of humanity. They don’t think about the grief they cause to Belogrudka, they don’t know the feeling of compassion. Humanity is shown only by the local hunter, who understood the grief of the marten and released it into the wild. “It’s not the marten’s fault. She was wronged,” he says.
Fortunately, there are still people in the world who are capable of humane actions. One of them is Dr. Leonid Roshal. Risking his life, he selflessly helped children who were victims of terrorist attacks in Dubrovka and Beslan.
Showing humanity is sometimes difficult: it requires enormous mental strength. Therefore, people with this quality should be treated with great respect.

Humanity is one of the most important and at the same time complex concepts. It is impossible to give it an unambiguous definition, because it manifests itself in a variety of human qualities. This is the desire for justice, honesty, and respect. Someone who can be called humane is capable of caring for others, helping and patronizing. He can see the good in people and emphasize their main advantages. All this can be confidently attributed to the main manifestations of this quality.

What is humanity?

Exists a large number of examples of humanity from life. These are the heroic deeds of people in war time, and very insignificant, seemingly, actions in everyday life. Humanity and kindness are manifestations of compassion for one's neighbor. Motherhood is also synonymous with this quality. After all, every mother actually sacrifices the most precious thing she has - her own life - as a sacrifice to her baby. The brutal cruelty of the fascists can be called a quality opposite to humanity. A person only has the right to be called a person if he is capable of doing good.

Dog rescue

An example of humanity from life is the act of a man who saved a dog in the subway. Once upon a time, a stray dog ​​found itself in the lobby of the Kurskaya station of the Moscow metro. She ran along the platform. Maybe she was looking for someone, or maybe she was just chasing a departing train. But it so happened that the animal fell on the rails.

There were many passengers at the station then. People were scared - after all, there was less than a minute left before the next train arrived. The situation was saved by a brave police officer. He jumped onto the tracks, picked up the unlucky dog ​​under his paws and carried him to the station. This story - good example humanity from life.

Action of a teenager from New York

This quality is not complete without compassion and goodwill. Currently in real life there is a lot of evil, and people should show compassion to each other. Case in point from life on the theme of humanity is the act of a 13-year-old New Yorker named Nach Elpstein. For his bar mitzvah (or coming of age in Judaism), he received a gift of 300 thousand shekels. The boy decided to donate all this money to Israeli children. It's not every day that you hear about such an act, which is a true example of humanity from life. The amount went towards the construction of a new generation bus for the work of young scientists on the periphery of Israel. This vehicle is a mobile classroom that will help young students become real scientists in the future.

An example of humanity from life: donation

There is no nobler act than giving your blood to someone else. This is real charity, and everyone who takes this step can be called a real citizen and a person with capital letters. Donors are strong-willed people who have a kind heart. An example of the manifestation of humanity in life is Australian resident James Harrison. He donates blood plasma almost every week. For a very long time he was awarded a unique nickname - “The Man with the Golden Arm”. After all, blood was taken from Harrison's right hand more than a thousand times. And in all the years that he has been donating, Harrison has managed to save more than 2 million people.

IN early years the hero donor underwent a complex operation, as a result of which he had to have his lung removed. His life was saved only thanks to donors who donated 6.5 liters of blood. Harrison never knew the saviors, but decided that he would donate blood for the rest of his life. After talking with doctors, James learned that his blood type was unusual and could be used to save the lives of newborn babies. His blood contained very rare antibodies that can solve the problem of incompatibility of the Rh factor of the mother’s blood and the embryo. Because Harrison donated blood every week, doctors were able to constantly produce new batches of the vaccine for such cases.

An example of humanity from life, from literature: Professor Preobrazhensky

One of the most striking literary examples of possessing this quality is Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov’s work “ dog's heart" He dared to challenge the forces of nature and transform street dog into a person. His attempts failed. However, Preobrazhensky feels responsible for his actions, and tries with all his might to turn Sharikov into a worthy member of society. This shows top quality professor, his humanity.

From early childhood, when raising a child, parents focus on developing qualities such as kindness, respect, patience, compassion and empathy towards other people. Taken together, these moral characteristics reflect humanity.

In this article we will tell you what humanity is and give examples of its manifestation.

Definition of humanity

Humanity is a caring and caring attitude towards other people. This is the ability of compassion and willingness to help in difficult times.

Humanity is expressed in respect and tolerance, as well as a friendly attitude not only towards one’s own loved ones, but also towards strangers. In addition, humanity involves self-sacrifice for the sake of others.

Simply put, humanity is nothing more than humanism, that is, human attitude to others. The concept of humanism can be found in our article.

Humanity in its entirety is love, nobility, kindness, modesty, honesty, sincerity.

Even the ancient Chinese thinker Confucius noted that “He will be humane who can embody the five virtues everywhere: respectfulness, generosity, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness.”

And the French writer and philosopher Claude Adrian Helvetius said that “Humanity is a meaningful feeling, only education develops and strengthens it.”

Parents should instill this feeling in their child from an early age. And then each person develops and strengthens it in himself independently.

It is important to understand that without humanity, the inner beauty of a person is impossible.


The most important thing is that thanks to humanity, the world is becoming a better place.

Good deeds, thoughts and actions give hope for a bright future. In addition, humanity helps to gain willpower to do useful things.

Thanks to humanity, evil and self-interest disappear, leaving room for love, care and good intentions.

Humanity gives faith in an individual and in all humanity as a whole.

Examples of manifestations of humanity

  • Most shining example- charity and volunteering. These actions are aimed at selflessly providing assistance to those in need. You can help the poor and the sick, children and the elderly, the disabled, the homeless, and animals. By helping others, you contribute to solving other people's problems;
  • Another example is family relationships and values. The love of parents for children, children for parents, the relationship of spouses with each other;
  • In addition, humanity often has a place in some professions. For example, doctors, firefighters, rescuers, teachers.

Examples of humanity can be clearly seen in the photographs if you follow the link. Each photograph represents love despite harsh circumstances.

How to develop humanity

  1. Participate in charity events.
  2. Become a volunteer.
  3. Be sincerely interested in the lives of those around you.
  4. Offer your help and don't expect reciprocal gratitude.
  5. Do not remain indifferent to the grief of others.
  6. Forgive people for their mistakes and don't hold a grudge against them.
  7. Attend psychological training that will help you understand other people.