Walking in kindergarten in summer presentation. Presentation: A walk in kindergarten is the most important routine moment. Independent play activities of children

I bring to your attention a presentation on the topic: The importance of walking for children. IN preschool age, walking plays an important role in promoting the health of a growing body. There is a place for games, creativity, and communication between children.



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Walk in kindergarten. Walking games

Every child is a little explorer; he discovers for himself with joy and surprise the world.

Children strive for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote it further development. The more complete and varied the children's activities during the walk are organized, the more successful the children's development will be, the better the potential opportunities and children's creative manifestations will be realized.

The activities that are closest and most natural to children, such as play, communication with adults and peers, observation, and child labor, occupy a special place during the walk.

During a walk, it is necessary to integrate such educational areas as: “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Labor”.

Integration is possible in the process of mastering sensory standards when mastering the rules of safe behavior, speech skills, experience of communicating with children and adults, reflecting various subjects in outdoor games, forming the habit of alternating sedentary activities with active motor rest...

Purpose of the walk: – health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental development children – restoration of the functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

Objectives of the walk: Physical development of children Optimization of motor activity Mental development of children Solving problems of moral education

Planning a walk 1. Providing active, meaningful, varied and interesting activities for children: games, work, observations. 2. Uniform alternation of calm and motor activities of children, proper distribution of physical activity throughout the walk. 3. The sequence and duration of different types of activities changes taking into account specific conditions: - time of year, - weather, - age of children - the nature of their previous activities. The content of evening walks is planned taking into account all the children’s previous activities.

Walk structure Observation. Motor activity: outdoor games, sport games, sport exercises. Individual work with children. Independent play activity.

Observation A large place is given to observations (pre-planned) of natural phenomena And social life. Observation can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual children. The teacher involves children in observations in order to develop attention and interest in nature and social phenomena. The surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity to organize interesting and varied observations. For example, you can pay attention to the clouds, their shape, color, and compare them with images known to children.

Physical activity The leading place during a walk is given to games, mainly outdoor games. They: - develop basic movements, - relieve mental stress, - educate moral qualities. During the walk we include outdoor games: 1-2 games of high mobility; 1-2 games of low and medium mobility; Games of children's choice.

An outdoor game can be played at the beginning of the walk if educational activities was associated with children sitting for long periods of time. If they go for a walk after a music or physical education lesson, then the game can be played in the middle of the walk or half an hour before it ends.

The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature

The effectiveness of walks in a preschool institution is largely determined by an understanding of their significance, which is to: - satisfy the child’s natural biological need for movement; - ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the child’s body through motor activity and physical activity specially organized for this age; -build skills in different types movements; -promote the development of the child’s motor qualities and abilities; -stimulate the functional capabilities of each child and activate children's independence; - create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of children: activation mental activity, search for adequate forms of behavior, formation of positive emotional and moral-volitional manifestations of children.

Conclusion So, the process of raising children is continuous. Great potential opportunities for the comprehensive harmonious development of the child’s personality are inherent in the educational process -educational work with children on a walk. Here, like nowhere else, children are provided with unique conditions for all-round development; their needs for active movements, independent actions when getting to know the world around them, new vivid impressions, and free play with both natural materials and toys are fully satisfied. However, due to age characteristics, children themselves cannot use all the time of walking with maximum benefit for your development. An adult must pedagogically correctly guide their activities. In the process of daily outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, children’s motor experience expands and their existing skills in basic movements are improved; agility, speed, endurance develop; independence, activity, and positive relationships with peers are formed.

Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education Educator: Plotnikova N.P. G.A. Speransky wrote: “A day spent by a child without a walk is lost for his health.” Every child is a little explorer, he discovers the world around him with joy and surprise. Children strive for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote its further development. The more complete and varied the children's activities during the walk are organized, the more successful the children's development will be, the better the potential opportunities and children's creative manifestations will be realized. Therefore, the activities that are closest and most natural to children, such as play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, observation, and child labor, occupy a special place during the walk. Every child is a little explorer; he discovers the world around him with joy and surprise. Children strive for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote its further development. The more complete and varied the children's activities during the walk are organized, the more successful the children's development will be, the better the potential opportunities and children's creative manifestations will be realized. Therefore, the activities that are closest and most natural to children, such as play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, observation, and child labor, occupy a special place during the walk. Main objectives of the walk

  • Develops mental abilities and observation skills.
  • Provides an opportunity to introduce children to their hometown, its attractions, and the work of adults.
  • Satisfies the child's natural biological need for movement.
  • Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become agile, dexterous, courageous, and resilient.
Children develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen muscular system, vitality increases.
  • Children develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality.
  • During the walk, problems of mental, moral, physical, labor and aesthetic education are solved.
  • Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children.
Integration of educational areas when conducting a walk in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. During the walk, it is possible to integrate educational areas such as: “Physical development”. "Social and communicative development." "Speech development." "Cognitive Development". “Artistic and aesthetic development” Objectives of the educational area “PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT” Objectives of the educational area “PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT”

Development of physical qualities

Accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience

Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health

Solved through Solved through

Outdoor games

Development of basic movements

Objectives of the educational field “SOCIAL AND COMMUNICATIVE DEVELOPMENT”

  • Development of children's play activities.
  • Introduction to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
  • Development of labor activity;
  • Developing a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;
Decided Decided

Work assignments


Outdoor games.

Objectives of educational areas Objectives of educational areas "FCCM" and "FEMP"

  • Development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities;
  • Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;
  • Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children;
Resolved during: Resolved during:
  • outdoor games with children
  • labor assignments
  • introduction to adult labor
  • observations
  • experimenting with objects in the surrounding world
  • targeted walks
  • independent play activities
  • They form one direction - COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT
Objectives of the educational field “SPEECH DEVELOPMENT.”
  • Development of free communication with adults and children;
  • Development of all components oral speech children (lexical side, grammatical structure speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech – dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;
  • Practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.
Decided Decided


Independent play activity

Outdoor games.

Objectives of educational areas " Artistic and aesthetic development» 2 1. development of aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions. 2.development of aesthetic and artistic and creative abilities. 3. Perception of music, fiction, folklore 4. Implementation of independent creative activity children Decided Decided


1.Perception of the world

nature (peer,

notice the beauty of nature.)

2.Aesthetic perception

social world

(human labor)

Independent play activity

Forms of training organization: 1. Design

(Laying on asphalt, sand, snow from natural materials (sticks, pebbles, plastic plugs, autumn leaves, fruits and other materials).

2. Artistic and visual activities (Drawing with a stick, on sand, snow.)

3. Music. (Development of creativity:

song, music and play, dance)

When organizing a walk, you should observe a reasonable alternation of joint activities with the teacher and independent activities of children, specially organized educational situations and free play and practical activities of the children’s choice, physical and mental stress, active activity and relaxation. When organizing a walk, you should observe a reasonable alternation of joint activities with the teacher and independent activities of children, specially organized educational situations and free play and practical activities of the children’s choice, physical and mental stress, active activity and relaxation. Structural Components walks Structural components of a walk

Various observations.

Basic movements and outdoor games.

Labor activity.

Independent play activities of children.

Each of the required components of the walk takes time from 7 to 15 minutes V younger age And from 20 to 25 minutes in older children and is carried out against the background of independent activity of children.

Observations are the main method of learning. Observations are the main method of learning. Observations in younger group should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright and interesting; at older ages, observations should range from 15 to 25 minutes. Objects of observation

Wildlife: plants and animals

Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams)

Adult labor

Types of observation Types of observation


organized to formulate information about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon


are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, and about seasonal changes in nature.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence: When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

  • facts are established;
  • connections are formed between parts of the object;
  • children's ideas are accumulating;
  • comparisons are made;
  • conclusions are drawn and connections are made between the observations being carried out now and those carried out previously.
Basic movements and outdoor games. Basic movements and outdoor games.
  • Children's motor experience expands
  • Improves skills in basic movements
  • Physical qualities develop
  • Independence and activity are formed
  • Positive relationships with peers
Outdoor game Outdoor game Every month, learn 2-3 exercises (repeat within a month and consolidate 3-4 times a year)

Younger age – 6-10 minutes

Older age -

10-15 minutes

Game Game

Older age

Relay races, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.

Middle group The teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is performed by a child who can cope with this task).

Work assignments. Work assignments. Forms of labor organization

Individual work assignments are applied in all age groups of kindergarten.


makes it possible to develop labor skills and abilities simultaneously in all children in the group. During collective work, the ability to accept a common goal of work, coordinate one’s actions, and plan work together is formed.

Group work

Independent play activity. Independent play activity. During independent play activities, children reflect the impressions received during educational activities, excursions, Everyday life, acquire knowledge about the work of adults. This happens in the process of role-playing games. Walks will be joyful, interesting, educational and will achieve their goal, provided that the teacher is able to interest and enrich the children’s knowledge. Preschoolers look at the world around them with great interest, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if the teacher, who wonders with them, teaches not only to look, but also to see, the children will want to learn more. Walks will be joyful, interesting, educational and will achieve their goal, provided that the teacher is able to interest and enrich the children’s knowledge. Preschoolers look at the world around them with great interest, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if the teacher, who wonders with them, teaches not only to look, but also to see, the children will want to learn more. THANK YOU for your attention!

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“Organization and conduct of a walk in a kindergarten” Work performed by: Elena Aleksandrovna Smetkina The purpose of the walk is to improve health, prevent fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restore the functional resources of the body reduced during activity. A walk is a very important routine moment in the life of children in kindergarten; it has a hardening effect on the body in natural conditions; it helps to increase the level of physical fitness children of preschool age to optimize the motor activity of children to promote cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social and personal development of children. Objectives of the walk: Requirements for the content of walks on the preschool site The walk should consist of the following structural elements Observation Work assignments Independent activity of children Motor activity: outdoor activities, sports games, sports exercises Individual work in various areas of development of pupils Observations Organization of observations: When planning observations, the teacher thinks through: equipment and materials used during the observation, placement of children; techniques for attracting children's attention to observation (surprise moment, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problem situation); techniques for activating mental activity (search questions, actions, comparisons, using childhood experience). Observations Organization of physical activity The leading place during the walk is given to games, mainly active ones. They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress, and cultivate moral qualities. During the walk we include outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility; 2-3 games of low and medium mobility; Games of the children’s choice. An outdoor game can be played at the beginning of the walk, if the educational the activity was associated with children sitting for a long time. If they go for a walk after a music or physical education lesson, then the game can be played in the middle of the walk or half an hour before it ends. Motor activity Independent physical activity. Organization of individual work Labor assignments. All these parts of the structure are required during a walk; they make it more eventful and interesting. Pupils on a walk find themselves in a world that is already familiar, but changes depending on the seasons, climatic conditions. And our goal during the walk is to solve several problems at once - to develop not only physical skills, but also the moral and emotional interest of children in the walk. During walks, it is necessary to develop detailed knowledge about various objects (it’s raining, the cat washes itself with its paw), navigate the world around us (let’s go to the slide, to the table, etc.), develop the ability to listen to an adult and perform movements depending on his requirements. Thank you for your attention !

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Walks for young children Walks for young children Teacher Elena Pavlovna Verbnyakova

The most important task is to preserve and strengthen the health of children. Children's stay in the fresh air has great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse effects. external environment, especially to colds. Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children.

A properly organized walk helps children not only have fun, but also usefully spend time in the fresh air. In winter, walks are carried out at air temperatures down to -15 degrees; clothing during the cold period should consist of 3-4 layers and not restrict the child’s movement. A teacher and a junior teacher help children get dressed. Children are taken to the site in groups; the entire group is not allowed to go for a walk at the same time.

Components of the walk: 1. Observation; 2. Labor activity; 3. Game activity (p/i, m/i, i/sr.akt.); 4. Individual work; 5. Independent activity of children; 6. Artistic and visual activities; 7. Orientation in space.

Observation, what we include here: observation of natural phenomena, which allows them to form holistic orientations towards nature and social phenomena. observations of weather changes, transport, animals, trees, birds, the work of adults, flora, for water, for the sky, for the wind, for the clothes of adults, peers, for insects, etc.;

Labor activity. We instill the necessary labor skills and abilities to keep the veranda clean, feed the birds, not throw sand around the site, and collect interesting natural material. It is planned to care for snow buildings on the site in winter (removing snow from the figures)

Game activity. The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature, on the previous lesson, on the condition of the children, their desires, on the time of walks; We play outdoor games that provide the child with movement.

Individual work is aimed not only at improving physical qualities, but also at developing mental processes and consolidating material. Children's independent activities during walks take place under the supervision of a teacher. This is necessary so that children do not overheat or become hypothermic, and games should be varied in content and physical activity. When organizing independent activities of children, you need to take them into account individual characteristics, degree of mobility, in accordance with weather conditions.

Artistic and visual activities. This is a favorite activity for children on a walk; they really like to draw lines, circles, as well as different shapes of animals and birds in the snow with sticks in the cold season, and drawing with crayons in the warm season. Orientation in space. This is a walk around the kindergarten site, especially when there are a lot of interesting, bright figures on the territory.

Conclusion: daily mandatory walks with children not only contribute to general health, but also comprehensively develop our kids.

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