Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy (rhga). Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute institutio rossica christiana Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy rkhga

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Russian Christian
humanitarian academy
Former names

Russian Christian humanitarian Institute

Year of foundation



Dmitry Kirillovich Bogatyrev

Legal address

191011, St. Petersburg, emb. R. Fontanki, no. 15, letter A

Coordinates: 59°56′10″ n. w. /  30°20′35″ E. d. / 59.9362; 30.3430 59.9362° N. w. 30.3430° E. d.(G) (I)

K:Educational institutions founded in 1989 (Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy RHGA ; until 2004 - Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute ) - quotient educational institution higher vocational education , founded in 1989. The Academy is an associated member of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Education (since 1993). The Academy is also one of the members of the educational and methodological association of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation for education in the field of historical and archival studies. The founders include the Russian Academy of Education, St. Petersburg Theological Academy,. The university has.

state accreditation



The university has four faculties. In addition, the RKhGA operates 4 permanent research seminars.

  • Faculties
  • Faculty of World Languages ​​and Cultures
  • Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
  • Psychology faculty

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

  • Ongoing scientific conferences and seminars
  • Historical and methodological seminar “Russian thought” under the guidance of prof. A. A. Ermicheva
  • Seminars of the center for the study of esotericism and mysticism at the Russian Chemical Academy
  • Patrological seminar
  • Pedagogical scientific and practical seminar
  • Sretensky scientific and practical conference “Psyche and Pneuma”

Interuniversity conference of young scientists “God. Human. World"

"Bulletin of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy" is a Russian-language scientific journal. Published since 1997, until 2005 it was called “Bulletin of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute”. Since 2006, he has participated in the Russian Science Citation Index. The magazine is also included in the List of leading periodicals of the Higher Attestation Commission.



The RHGA building is located in the historical center of the city on the embankment of the Fontanka River opposite the Sheremetev Palace (“Fountain House”).

From the time of this news until the end of the campaign, all of Kutuzov’s activities consisted only in using power, cunning, and requests to keep his troops from useless offensives, maneuvers and clashes with the dying enemy. Dokhturov goes to Maloyaroslavets, but Kutuzov hesitates with the entire army and gives orders to cleanse Kaluga, retreat beyond which seems very possible to him.
Kutuzov retreats everywhere, but the enemy, without waiting for his retreat, runs back in the opposite direction.
Historians of Napoleon describe to us his skillful maneuver at Tarutino and Maloyaroslavets and make assumptions about what would have happened if Napoleon had managed to penetrate the rich midday provinces.
But without saying that nothing prevented Napoleon from going to these midday provinces (since the Russian army gave him the way), historians forget that Napoleon’s army could not be saved by anything, because it already carried in itself the inevitable conditions death. Why is this army, which found abundant food in Moscow and could not hold it, but trampled it underfoot, this army, which, having come to Smolensk, did not sort out the food, but plundered it, why could this army recover in the Kaluga province, inhabited by those the same Russians as in Moscow, and with the same property of fire to burn what they light?
The army could not recover anywhere. From the Battle of Borodino and the sack of Moscow, she already carried within herself, as it were, chemical conditions decomposition.
People of this former army They fled with their leaders without knowing where, wanting (Napoleon and each soldier) only one thing: to personally extricate themselves as soon as possible from that hopeless situation, which, although unclear, they were all aware of.
That is why, at the council in Maloyaroslavets, when, pretending that they, the generals, were conferring, presenting different opinions, the last opinion of the simple-minded soldier Mouton, who said what everyone thought, that it was only necessary to leave as soon as possible, closed all their mouths, and no one , even Napoleon, could not say anything against this universally recognized truth.

I won’t give any characteristics, I’ll just tell the story of my studies at the Russian Chemical Academy. She studied at the department of cultural studies and art history. The first two years were cloudless: easy sessions, no problems, many interesting subjects taught by well-trained teachers. But in the second half of the training, half the Academy staff and the training department were replaced, and a real nightmare began. The program began to rapidly decline, the level of teaching fell below the plinth. Lectures were canceled without warning, teachers forgot to notify them about a test/exam, students’ records were lost, so they had to literally storm the dean’s office to avoid accruing a dozen or so debts. It never happened without outright rudeness and ignoring the student’s problems. In addition, the leadership of the department has changed. Among the teachers of the department there was almost not a single specialist left who knew his subject perfectly, and a good half of the program had to be mastered at home. The hours in art history were cut almost in half, but philosophy and other additional disciplines were more than enough. The program for art historians is very superficial: a huge number of subjects are more suitable for cultural studies. Of all the teachers in the department, you can count on one hand certified art historians. Even the head of the department is neither an art critic nor even a cultural scientist by training. However, these were still flowers. The biggest shock came to me when, at the end of the 3rd year, they told me that my specialty Culturology, it turns out, had not existed for a year already, that I was enrolled in philosophy and had 30 academic subjects. I had to quickly transfer to art history. So, I found myself in the 4th year with 20 debts, half of which were specialized. The diploma was approaching. I rented under constant threats of expulsion. Plus, there was a teacher who was fixated on plagiarizing students’ abstracts (although we were told time after time that an abstract is not scientific work, and a compilation of different sources and is assessed according to the principle of disclosure/non-disclosure of the topic). 5 items were hanging (I just didn’t want to accept them, I rewrote them 10 times). The entire department had to gather (other students also had this problem) and write an official complaint to the dean. The problem was solved, but with subsequent insults and complaints, like, “We are so good, we try so hard, and you scribble slander at us.” The next and biggest shock was the change in the thesis topic approved back in December to a completely unfamiliar and undeveloped one, and it was bluntly stated that I MYSELF GAVE THE GOOD FOR IT BACK IN DECEMBER. It was impossible to prove anything (it was probably backdated). Conversations with the dean and the head of the academic department did not yield results. In addition, the new head of the department simply took up arms against all the students who signed a complaint against the teacher, who was in good standing, although she horrified everyone with her “teaching.” They forbade me from changing the topic of my thesis, they scolded me, made me rude, accused me of “ungratefulness”, said that they would leave me to repeat the 4th year and, as I understood from transparent hints, they would spoil even more blood. And they’ll add a dozen more debts... Despite the fact that my classmate was released with debts and a diploma that didn’t even qualify for a C grade. I was disappointed by the disgusting attitude, constant mistakes in the educational process and the low level of the program. Immediately after the session, which took the graduating class a week and a half, I wrote a letter of expulsion due to a transfer to another university. I waited THREE AND A HALF months instead of one for an academic certificate, and they managed to make mistakes in it. Now many core subjects have been reduced to FOUR LECTURES, and prices have increased even more. I won’t speak for other departments, but I believe that you cannot get a good art history education at the Russian Academy of Arts. A huge amount of everything: the history of philosophy, literature, religion. And this is against the background of an uncontrollable reduction in specialized subjects, when compared with the program 10 years ago. The groups are unforgivably small, so you will end up in individual training and visiting the university at most 2 times a week for one lecture - this is a pattern. I repeat, I do not want to give any assessments, this is a NOT FICTIONAL story, and I want everyone who wants to enter the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy at the Department of Art History to carefully find out everything and receive a guarantee that they will complete their studies without any delays or unforeseen incidents. ;

Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute (RCHI) -

non-state higher education institution created in 1989 (old name - Higher Humanitarian Courses).

The founders of the RKhGI are:

Russian Academy of Education

St. Petersburg Theological Academy

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House)

RKhGI is a non-profit organization: income from all types of activities is not distributed in the interests of the founders, being reinvested directly into the educational institution. The goal of the Russian Cultural Institute is the creation in St. Petersburg of a center for Christian education and the revival of Russian culture, the way to achieve it is the development and implementation of a model of humanitarian education of a qualitatively new type. The novelty of the latter is due to the concept of a holistic humanitarian education, the recognition of the Christian worldview as the basis of humanitarian education and the choice of Russian culture as the main object and goal of the educational process.

A holistic liberal arts education presupposes the choice of a specific specialization only against the backdrop of a broad general humanitarian knowledge. For this educational process is structured as a five-year study of the history of world culture, so that each academic year is devoted to a specific cultural and historical era (antiquity, the Middle Ages, etc.), and the history of literature, art, philosophy, political and religious life

of the periods being watched are taught synchronously. This method of “immersion in culture” allows us to identify the logic of the cultural and historical process and understand the spiritual appearance of each era.

The following departments operate at the RKhGI:

Russian history and culture


Art history

Classical philology

Romano-Germanic philology




It prepares specialists who are able to analyze, develop and promote Russian humanitarian culture in the light of its age-old traditions and spiritual ideals of Orthodoxy and in the context of its connections with world culture. The program is based on a cultural approach to understanding Russian history, as a result of which students receive a holistic understanding of Russian culture and can concretize their knowledge in the following areas: Russian literature and language, Russian history, Russian philosophy, Russian art.


On a broad basis of general humanities education, its task is to train art historians of a new type, not only oriented in the history of the human spirit and possessing knowledge of art history, but also capable of participating in the management and functioning of art in modern culture as guides, experts, consultants, critics, organiza-

exhibition organizers and art managers. This is ensured by the teaching of a number of subjects that have not previously been studied in our country in departments of this kind. The peculiarity of training at the faculty is the initial focus on the European face of Russian culture and art, on their spiritual Orthodox origins. The foundations of general humanitarian and general art education are laid at the first stage of training (bachelor's degree), which ends with the choice of specialization in the following areas: Art criticism, History of Western European art, History of Russian art, Organization of exhibition activities and art management.


The first experience of secular theological education in Russia. The department's program combines a university-type cycle of humanities education with a cycle of theological and church-historical disciplines of theological seminaries and academies, which gives the opportunity to a graduate of the department who has successfully completed full course training, obtain higher theological education. Most of the teachers are professors and associate professors of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. However, theologians from the Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches also teach at the department. To teach other religions (Islam, Judaism), specialists trained by the relevant religious structures and who are representatives of this confession are invited. The task of the department is to prepare teachers of secondary educational institutions in religious subjects, as well as specialists in need of theological education (archive workers, libraries, museums, journalists, editors, etc.), who could teach and study religion in connection with general history culture. Theological and pedagogical department

It is not only an educational structure, but also a research and coordination center for interfaith relations. Students of the department participate in the work of the Christian Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of New Religious Movements, the Institute of Missiology and Ecumenism at St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Russian Chemical Institute. Anyone from among the RKhGI students is allowed to study at the department, regardless of religious affiliation, nationality and gender.


Designed to meet the need for teachers of ancient Greek and Latin languages, ancient history and literature for gymnasiums, lyceums, and other secondary specialized educational institutions. The training is based on working with original texts. Good knowledge of students in the field of history, art, philosophy, literature, religious practice ancient civilizations enables graduates of the department to prepare courses related to understanding ancient culture as a whole.

DEPARTMENT OF ROMAN-GERMANIC PHILOLOGY (English, German, French specializations)

It is aimed at producing specialists in the field of Romano-Germanic literatures who can comprehend their subject in the light of the main trends in the development of world culture. The subjects studied in the specialization are typical for similar university departments. At the same time, a thorough familiarization of students not only with the literature of the countries of the language being studied, but with a wide panorama of their cultural and historical life makes it possible to train specialists of a new type, firstly, in addition to teaching the philological disciplines themselves, conduct courses in subjects that are currently in acute shortage - art -

theory (theory) of world culture; secondly, ready to work in specialized secondary educational institutions as teachers of regional studies and cultural history disciplines. For this purpose, most courses in this profile are taught in the department in the original language.


They train specialists who will be able to teach humanities and conduct research in various areas humanitarian knowledge. The basis of training is the analysis of trends and ideas of world philosophy: Russian - in the department of philosophy, Western European - in the department of cultural studies, Eastern - in the department of religious studies.

Thorough cultural training, detailed acquaintance with the history of religious teachings of various eras and peoples makes it possible for graduates of these departments to prepare training courses various profiles - on the history and theory of world and domestic culture, religious studies, in fact philosophical disciplines- logic, anthropology, history of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, etc.

Efroimson V. P.

Genetics of ethics and aesthetics. - St. Petersburg: “Talisman”, 1995. - 288 p.

In the work of the classic of Russian genetics V.P. Efroimson (1908-1989), the idea of ​​genetic inheritance of the moral, ethical and aesthetic foundations of personality is defended. Within the framework of the “person and environment” problem, the determining role of early childhood impressions is considered. A special chapter is devoted to the relationship between genius and hereditary psychopathology using the example of F. M. Dostoevsky. The book is written in a relaxed manner, with excursions into history, sociology, and ethnology. For biologists, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, teachers.

Publishing credo:

All highly developed national cultures are characterized by a significant number of publishing enterprises. Their profile is different - scientific, educational, artistic, children's... The criteria for distinguishing them are varied - the quality of editorial preparation and the printing level, production volumes... But if we talk about the development of culture, we can distinguish publishing houses serving the functioning of society, and publishing houses that are tools for its development. The activities of the Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Arts are a phenomenon of national self-awareness, as well as the program activities of the academy as a whole. The publishing house RKhGA does not just publish books - scientific and educational, religious-philosophical and historical, program series of the publishing house purposefully connect the past and future of Russian culture here and now. Central is the “Russian Path” series, the name of which could become the motto of the Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Arts, which makes our publishing house completely unique in the information and cultural space modern Russia- synthesis of fairly diverse trends. Firstly, a clearly expressed programmatic character, like YMCA-PRESS had in its time. Secondly, the requirements scientific value publications and qualified scientific and editorial design (the bulk of the editorial department employees are former employees publishing house "Science"). Thirdly, the educational and educational orientation of publications. The publishing house, as a rule, does not deal with highly specialized projects.
