Mixed declensions of nouns in Russian. Types of noun declension. II type of declination

Many of us remember from school what is called declination. But not everyone will be able to reproduce all the nuances associated with it. But knowing the rules associated with will help us avoid making spelling mistakes in the future.

What is declination

Almost every independent clause (with the exception of adverbs and gerunds) can be changed according to its own rules. persons and numbers are conjugated, and nominal parts of speech are declined. What does this mean? Declension of words is the ability of nouns, adjectives, numerals and participles to change according to:

  1. Childbirth (male, middle, female, except noun).
  2. Numbers (singular and plural).
  3. Cases.

The well-known set of Russian rules “Grammar-80” explains differently what is called declension. He proposes to define it as a change in the class of words by case. Which of the terms is closer and what is called declension, everyone is free to choose for themselves.

Noun cases

Based on the definition of declension in Russian, we need to remember what case is. They call him grammatical form, connecting any with words of other parts of speech. Case shows how exactly the parts of speech agree with each other.

For a long time, the case system was subject to change. IN Old Russian language counted not six, as in our time, but seven cases. Another one was called vocative. Today it has already been abolished, and now there are 6 of them left.

  • Nominative. A special case, since only it is called direct (who? what?), the rest are indirect. In the form of them. pad. subjects appear in sentences. Another feature of it: it is the initial form for nominal parts of speech.
  • Genitive. This form answers questions Whom? What? In order not to confuse it with other cases, you can substitute the auxiliary word “no”: cat - to them. p, (no) cat - gen. P.
  • Dative. This case is so named because it answers the questions To whom? Why? Declension of words will be easier if you substitute the word “give”: to the cat - date. P.
  • Accusative. Quite a controversial form. Similar to the nominative for inanimate objects - What? True, in relation to living beings the question is asked Whom? The word "blame" is substituted for what he is testing. noun, will help you remember the rules of declension: (blame) cat - wine. P.
  • Instrumental. Special case. Answers the questions By whom? How? The test word for him is “create”: with a cat - tv. pad.
  • Prepositional. Question form About whom? About what? To make it easy to remember, we substitute the word “think”: about a cat - sentence. P.


We remembered the case system that the Russian language is studying. Declension also depends on the category of number. There are only two of them in our language - singular and plural. Almost all nouns have both forms. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Some words are used in only one form. An example of those that have only a singular number: the sun (well, this is logical, it exists in one copy), milk, foliage, highway (it is foreign).

But the Russian language is so diverse that it has in its arsenal words that are used only in the plural. Example: scissors, trousers, glasses, watches, people.

Declensions in the Russian language can be carried out in singular forms. h and multiply h. For example:

Unit h. Pl.

I.p. book, books.

R.p. books, books.

D.p. book, books.

V.p. book, books.

etc. book, books.

P.p. about the book, about books.

First declension

The declension system in the Russian language, as is known, consists of three groups. Each of them has its own characteristics. The first declension has the following special features:

  • Words naming certain male persons with endings -A or -I: uncle, man, dad, Vanya.
  • Nouns that also have endings - A or -I, denoting people and objects female: spring, hand, aunt, Anna.
  • The same endings (- and I) with common nouns (that is, they denote both male and female persons): crybaby, grouch, sleepyhead, slob.

Sample of 1st declension (examples):

I.p. boy, girl, crybaby.

R.p. boys, girls, crybabies.

D.p. boy, girl, crybaby.

V.p. boy, girl, crybaby.

etc. boys, girls, crybabies.

P.p. about a boy, about a girl, about a crybaby.

Second declension

This group differs from the previous one in endings and gender category. It includes:

  • Nouns that have zero endings in the initial form and belong to the masculine gender: table, stump, ceiling, husband.
  • Husband's words kind, but ending in - O or -e: little house.
  • Them. noun with endings - O or - e neuter: sky, spot, sea, gun.

Sample 2nd declension:

I.p. table, happiness.

R.p. table, happiness.

D.p. table, fortunately.

V.p. table, happiness.

etc. table, happiness.

P.p. about the table, happiness.

Third declension

This group of nouns is the most special. It includes only feminine words and only those with a zero ending: mouse, oven, life, reality.

It is necessary to remember an important rule regarding the third declension: when a word ends in one of the hissing sounds, it must be written (daughter, night, stove). They should not be confused with second declension nouns in sibilant (ray, cloak, mite). They are masculine and therefore do not require a soft sign at the end.

Sample 3rd declension:

I.p. life, thing.

R.p. life, things.

D.p. life, things.

V.p. life, thing.

etc. life, thing.

P.p. about life, things.

Summarizing the above, we were able to put together the declension of nouns. The table demonstrates everything more clearly. Study it carefully.

Indeclinable nouns

Now we know what is called declension and what words refer to each of them. But not the entire lexical composition of our language obeys these rules. There are nouns that incorporate endings of both the first and second declension. They are called heterogeneous.

What are the features of such nouns? Firstly, almost all of them end in -mya: time, name, burden, stirrup and others. And the word path also belong to this group.

Secondly, the rules for declension of differently indeclinable nouns are such that when changing these words by case, all forms will have the suffix - en(except I.p. and V.p.): time, stirrup, seed.

Thirdly, by inflecting these words, we will be able to notice that in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they took the ending - And in the 3rd declension, and in the instrumental the ending -em appeared, as in the 2nd declension.

I.p name, path.

R.p. name, path.

D.p. name, path.

V.p. name, path.

etc. name, way.

P.p. about the name, about the path.

Indeclinable nouns

Our speech is rapidly expanding with new words of foreign origin. They do not have declension forms in the Russian language and therefore are called indeclinable.

This group includes:

  • Foreign words that came to us from other languages -o, -e, -i,- y: coat, fillet, Sochi, kangaroo. In all cases they will have the same form, so there is simply no point in declining them. (Walk in a coat, approach a kangaroo, go to Sochi.)
  • Last names ending with -ko, -ago, -yh: Yurchenko, Zhivago, Belykh. (To be a visitor to Kozarenko, to come to the Reds.)
  • Words formed by abbreviation: USSR, ATS.

Personal endings

This topic is related to the correct spelling of letters. And And e at the end of nouns. By observing the rules of declination, we were able to identify that the ending e write in words:

  1. First declension (the exception is gender): to the river (dat.p.), about mother (pr.p.), on the topic (dat.p.).
  2. Second declension: about the ray (pr.p.), about the sea (pr.p.)

We’ll write the letter I at the end if it’s a word:

  1. Third declension: in the steppe (pr.p.), towards the night (dat.p.)
  2. First class, used in birth. case: by the river.
  3. In words ending with yeah, yeah, yeah: in the planetarium, for a promotion, about an event.
  4. For differently inflected nouns they also write And: on the way, about time.


After reading these simple rules, you will know what is called declination. It should not be confused with inflection of other parts of speech, such as conjugation of verbs.

It is imperative to study it, because theoretical knowledge our practical literacy depends. From our article we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Nouns change not only by cases, but also by numbers.
  • But it is worth remembering that not all words of this part of speech have these categories. Some of them cannot be indeclined at all (indeclinable) and do not have one of the number forms (only plural or singular).
  • Each of the declinations has its own characteristics, so it is worth studying them carefully. We gave an example of the declension of nouns (table).
  • Personal endings that are not accented are subject to a set of specific rules. Depending on the declension and case, the letter will be written or e, or And. This topic is one of the most difficult in the nouns course.

According to "Grammar - 80", changing a word according to cases in the singular and plural is called declination.

The system of case forms forms a paradigm of declension. Classes of nouns that have the same case endings, called types of declension. Declension types are strictly contrasted only in singular forms. Plural forms different types declensions are unified in the process of language development.

Productive types of noun declension

The basis of the modern declension system is made up of nouns of three productive types of declension.

I type of declination

Refers to female and having in I. p. units. ending numbers - A , (-I ):

  • walls A
  • land I
  • bully A
  • young man A

II type of declination

Nouns ending in - O , -e in I. p. units numbers and masculine nouns with a base on a hard and soft consonant with a zero ending in the I. p. unit. numbers:

  • apples O
  • weapons e
  • mayak Ø
  • punishmentYeah Ø

III type of declination

They are related to the base on a soft consonant with a zero ending in I. p. unit. numbers:

  • beforewhose Ø
  • Butwhose Ø
  • Karumudflow Ø
  • methspruce Ø

The numbering of declination types is arbitrary and is not of fundamental importance. School textbooks (Gvozdeva A.N. and Lekanta P.A.) reflect given point vision. In “Grammar - 80”, in the encyclopedia “Russian Language”, in the textbooks of N. M. Shansky and A. N. Tikhonov, E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk, type I declension includes masculine and neuter nouns. Argumentation - there are more of them in quantitative terms.

IN I and II types of declension Depending on the nature of the base, hard and soft varieties are distinguished.

The particular case paradigm consists of the forms of all 6 cases, but depending on the word it can be different.

This is a change of word by case. The system of case forms of nouns is called the noun declension paradigm.

The types of declension of nouns in the university course of the Russian language differ from the types of declension considered in school course. At the university, as at school, there are three substantive types of declension . The difference lies in the numbering order of the declinations and, accordingly, in their names.

First of all, there are three substantive types of declension - first, second and third.

By system scientific classification To first declension include masculine nouns with a hard and soft stem and zero inflection ( ocean, beast) and neuter nouns with endings -o, -e (cloud, sea).

AND. - ø,-o(-e) IN. - ø, -o(-e) (inanimate) -and I) (soul.)

R. - and I) T. - ohm

D. - y (s) P. - e

Towards the second declension include feminine nouns with endings -a, -i (moon, earth), as well as a small number of masculine nouns with endings -a, -ya (grandfather, bunny, uncle).

This type of ending system:

AND. - and I) IN. - y (s)

R. - s(s) T. - oh (s)

D. - e P. - e

To the third declension include feminine nouns with zero inflection, having a base on a soft consonant or sibilant ( steppe, youth, night).

This type of ending system:

AND. - ø V. - ø

R. - and T. - (b)yu

D. - And P. - And

Scientific and educational grammars, in addition to the three substantive declensions, distinguish adjective, mixed and zero declensions.

Adjective declension- This is a declension similar to adjectives. Substantivized adjectives and participles change by case in the same way as they changed when they were adjectives and participles ( teacher's room, ice cream, student).

This type of ending system:

Unit number Mn. number

husband. and Wed gender female

AND. - y/-y, -oh, -oe, -ø -y, -a/-y -y/-y, -i

R. - oh/-his -oh/-its

D. - oh/-him -oh -y/-im

V.I. (inanimate), R. (inanimate) - wow I. (inanimate), R. (inanimate)

T. - y/-im -oh/-y -y/-imi

P. - oh/-em -oh/-its

Mixed declension - This is a declination in the paradigm of which the endings of different declensions meet (mix).

Traditionally, the mixed declension includes 10 neuter nouns ending in -mya (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown) and words way (m.r.). They are otherwise called indeclinable nouns. When declined, these words in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases have the ending -And(as in the third declension), and in the instrumental case - the ending -eat(as in the first declension).

AND. time path - ø child

R. times-and-put-and-children-and

D. times-and-put-and-children-and

IN. time path - ø child

T. from time to time, by the way, children

P. (o) time-i (o) put-i (o) child-i

To those who disagree also applies to noun child (s.r.). But the forms of indirect cases are singular. the numbers of this noun are perceived as obsolete, they have been replaced by forms of the word child.

The mixed declension includes feminine nouns ending in - iya (army), which in the nominative, genitive, accusative and instrumental cases are declined according to the second substantive declension (such as Earth), and in the dative and prepositional - according to the third substantive declension (such as steppe). The mixed declension also includes masculine nouns in -ii (planetarium) and neuter on -ie (movement), which in all cases, except the prepositional one, have the endings of the first substantive declension, and in the prepositional case - the ending -And(end of the third substantive declension).

AND. genius-ø station-i rank-e

R. geniuses of the station and ranks

D. genius of the station and title

IN. genius station rank

T. genius station-her title

P. (about) genius-and (about) station-and (about) title-and

Nouns - names of masculine surnames with suffixes -in, -ov belong to the mixed declension, since the endings in their paradigm combine the signs of the first substantive declension (all cases except the instrumental case), and the signs of the declension of possessive adjectives (in the instrumental case). Nouns - feminine surnames cannot be classified as mixed declension, because the paradigm of their endings completely coincides with the paradigm of declension of feminine possessive adjectives. This is the adjective declension.

AND. Rostov-ø (Nikolai) Rostov-a (Natasha)

R. Rostov-a (Nikolai) Rostov-a (Natasha)

D. Rostov-oy (Nikolai) Rostov-oh (Natasha)

IN. Rostov-a (Nikolai) Rostov-u (Natasha)

T. Rostov-y (Nikolai) Rostov-y (Natasha)

P. (o) Rostov-e (Nikolai) (o) Rostov-e (Natasha)

When using such nouns in plural forms, all cases except the nominative have adjective endings:

AND. Rostov-s IN. Rostov-yh

R. Rostov-yh T. Rostov

D. Rostov P. (o) Rostov

Nouns - names of cities and villages of the same type are declined entirely according to the 1st declension pattern: near Rostov ohm, near Borodin ohm

Zero declination A.A. Zaliznyak identified as a special type of declension and attributed unchangeable nouns to this type. Traditionally, this group of words is defined as indeclinable words. However, since immutable nouns like coat, metro, cinema can be used with prepositions, i.e. form a prepositional case form, which serves to express case meanings ( near the metro, in a coat, about the cinema), and the case meanings of these words (bought a coat, invited me to the cinema) can be expressed syntactically, to the extent that highlighting the zero declension seems completely justified.

In the Russian language there is a special group of nouns that do not have declension indicators. This group includes the nouns pluralia tantum ( gate, scissors, perfume), which have only the plural form, do not have indicators of the gender category and are declined in the plural. The absence of a singular form and gender category does not make it possible to determine the type of declension.

Depending on the hardness/softness of the final consonants, the stems differ hard And soft types of declinations: oak, son - horse, beast; wall, fish - melon, dormouse; mouse - night(in the 3rd century, hard and soft varieties are characteristic only of nouns with a sibilant base).

Nouns with stems g, k, x, sizzling and ts refer to mixed type of declination: leg - legs, regiment - shelves, daughter-in-law - daughters-in-law, knife - knives, key - keys, fingers - fingers.

Declension types strictly differ only in singular case forms. In the plural, the differences between the types of declension are not clearly expressed, and in the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases there are no differences at all.

In hard declension nouns in the dative and prepositional cases of the singular, the final consonant stems are softened: country, about the country.

All types of declensions in D., T., P. plural cases have the same inflections. The forms I., R., V. cases have their own characteristics.

Plural ending system:

AND. - and (s), -a, -e V. = I. (inanimate), R. (inanimate)

R. - ø, -ov(-ev), -ey T. - ami/s

D. - am/-yam P. -ah/-yah

When declension of nouns in the plural form, animation/inanimateness is consistently expressed, while in the singular, animation is expressed only in masculine nouns of the 2nd declension ( to love books - to love sisters, to see cities - to see brothers, to see windows - to see monsters, to see steppes - to see mice).

Case ending options

There are cases when one noun in the same case has two endings - main and variant. The basic meaning is that which most words belonging to this declension have. A variant ending is an ending that occurs only in small word categories or in individual words. Variant forms of cases usually differ from the main ones either semantically, or stylistically, or simultaneously in both respects.

1. Endings genitive case -a/-i - -u/-yu: cheese-cheese, tea-tea, go-go.

Main ending -and I, variant - -у/-у.

2. Endings instrumental case singular feminine nouns of the 2nd declension: -oh/-her - -oh/-her: wall-wall, soul-soul, beauty-beauty.

Ending -oh/-ey is commonly used, neutral, and the variant ending -oh/-her usually used in book speech.

3. Endings prepositional case singular masculine nouns of the 1st declension: -е - -у/-у: on glue - on glue, in alcohol - in alcohol, on vacation - on vacation.

Main ending - -e.

4. Endings nominative case plural of masculine nouns of the 1st declension: -and/-s - -a/-s: turners - turners, mechanics - mechanics, engineers - engineers.

Main ending - - and/-s, variant -and I. Forms on -and I have a colloquial connotation and are used in professional speech.

5. Endings genitive case plural of masculine, feminine, neuter and pluralia tantum nouns: -ov/-ev, -ey, - ø: orange-orange, tomato-tomato. candles, candles, everyday life, etc. The selection of the leading option is carried out for each pair separately.

For masculine nouns of the 1st declension, the main ending is the materially expressed -ov/-ev, variant - zero: five kilograms, five grams, a kilogram of tangerines, oranges, eggplants, tomatoes etc. Options with zero endings are colloquial or colloquial in nature. However a pair of boots, shoes, stockings; several Georgians, partisans; kilogram of apples, where zero-ending forms are normative.

6. Endings instrumental case plural of 3rd declension nouns: -ami/-ми. Variant ending -my characteristic of free use only of words daughter - daughters, door - doors, horse - horses.

The system of declension of nouns developed in the common Indo-European era and was completely inherited by the Proto-Slavic language. Therefore, in the Old Russian language, nouns were divided into types not according to gender and case endings (as in modern Russian), but depending on what sound was at the end of the stem of the word in the Proto-Slavic language. From this point of view, in the Old Russian language there were following types declination:

I– words with stems in - ā , -jā ,

II– words with stems in - ǒ , -jǒ ,

III– words with stems in - ŭ (-ъ),

IV– words with stems in - ĭ (-b),

V– words with a base in consonant.

The original types of declension were still preserved in the Old Russian language of the 10th-11th centuries.

This explains the fact that nouns of the same gender often have the same endings in their names. pad. units h. belonged to different types of declension in the Old Russian language. So, the words of M.R. table, house, guest, deer, now belonging to one type of declension (II), in the Old Russian language they belonged to four types, since in ancient times they had different bases. Compare:

Them. table (*stolo-s ) house (*domŭ-s) guest (*gostĭ-s) deer (*jelen) Gen.

table domou guests deer

Dat. table house and guests deerThe final vowel of the ancient stem is preserved in some case forms. It can be found in date pad. pl . h. and in shape

dat.-creation pad. duality h.

any type of declination. A For example: A Them. pad. units h. Date pad. pl. h.Dat.-TV. pad. duality h.

sister of sisters O my sisters O Them. pad. units h. Date pad. pl. h.Dat.-TV. pad. duality h.

ma ъ table table my table house house ъ Them. pad. units h. Date pad. pl. h.Dat.-TV. pad. duality h.

m b table table from *ŭ) house b Them. pad. units h. Date pad. pl. h.Dat.-TV. pad. duality h.

guest guest

(b ā , -jā )

from *ĭ) gost

I DECLINATION OF NOUNS (based on - The first declension included: 1) nouns female And- A (- male ) clans that had names. pad. units hard The first declension included: soft ending iaѣ , depending on the hardness or softness of the preceding consonant (i.e., there werevarieties):malewife, rmaleka, fish, drowѥ zina, land, wheat, straw; elder, lord, in;

V (based on - Oh yeah, sloughAnd (- 2) nouns ) : kind of withѧ ending -yni;

slaves, mistresses, kun 1) nouns gyni, use your words, goddesses3) nouns : kind,

ending in -


judges, karmchii. Declension sample

Singular Hard variety

Soft variety


wife foot of the earthastrouialords

R. D.

IN. T.

with the wife's foot the earth builds the lord M.

marry the lands and build the mistresses

Singular Z.

Soft variety women nog lands build mistresses

AND. to wives to the feet of the earth to the lords

wife foot of the earthastrouialords Z.

R. wives with feet on the ground by mistresses

IN. wives on the feet of the lands of the strouiah of the mistresses


I.V.Z. T.

R.M. I'm building a land for my wife

D.T. wife nogama earth strawiama mistress


(b ǒ , -jǒ )

The second type of declension included:

I DECLINATION OF NOUNS 1) nouns kind with endings -ъ, -ь, -и : city, fruit, peopleѣ k, can,horse, region, customs;

V average kind with endings -o, -e : lѣ then, village, face, mineѥ , field.

In the II declension, hard and soft varieties are also distinguished.

Declension sample

Hard variety Declension sample


Singular city ​​drog village horse field

Soft variety towns drouga villages konia polia

AND. gorodou drougou village horse field

wife foot of the earthastrouialords city ​​drog village horse field

R. city ​​drougm village horse polm

IN. city ​​drouz village horses poly

3. the city is friendlier than a horse -


Singular gorodi druzi village koni polia

Soft variety city ​​drog sat down horse field

AND. city ​​drag village horse field

wife foot of the earthastrouialords cities drogues villages kone polya

R. cities drogues villages horses poly

IN. towns and villages and horses and horses

This article is about cases in the Russian language, about the types of declension of nouns: how many of these types there are, on what basis nouns are divided into the first, second and third declension, and also about whether there are indeclinable nouns in the Russian language.

Cases in Russian

If you substitute a noun various questions, then the endings in it will change:

  • What do you have? - Telephone ( Nominative).
  • What don't you have? - Phone ( Genitive).
  • What should you approach? - To the telephone (Dative case).
  • What did you hide? - Telephone (Accusative case).
  • What gift are you pleased with? - Telephone (Creative case).
  • What are these questions about? - About the phone (Prepositional case).

Changing the endings of nouns according to the function performed by the noun in a sentence is called case change.

Three types of noun declension

It's called declination.

As you obviously understood from the examples above, each case has its own endings. If you know the “favorite” endings of each case, then you won’t be mistaken in correct spelling words

But the difficulty is that, for example, in the accusative case of the words: mole (mole), shadow (shadow), sun (sun), wife (wife), dad (dad) - there are different endings.

In order to sort out all this confusion, scientists divided all nouns into types of declension. Nouns of the same declension have similar case endings.

The first type of noun declension includes masculine and feminine words that end in “-a” and “-ya”. For example: foreman, uncle, sleepyhead, queen, Vitya, Victoria, wine, cow.

Questions Examples
Nominative Who? What? The stick lying on the road disturbed everyone. Lilya was a very beautiful girl with a bad character. The mayor declared the meeting open. Rokhlya irritated everyone with his eternal whining.
Genitive Whom? What? I wonder where the stick starts? Lily's son is studying to be an astronaut. The mayor suddenly had a loud, sonorous voice. This clumsy fellow's classmates constantly laughed at his failures.
Dative To whom? Why? A red ant was crawling along a stick. On this issue, approach Lila, she will help. Petitioners came to the mayor. The shy little guy didn't have the courage to take the first step.
Accusative Whom? What? Victor looked thoughtfully at the clumsy stick. Anton Bogomolov loved Lilya very much. Ask the mayor about this. Everyone insulted the little girl.
Instrumental case By whom? How? The man was beating the cat with a stick. The boy admired Lily. The villagers were unhappy with the mayor. All the girls laughed at the little girl.
Prepositional About whom? About what? What did you find in this stick? Tell me something interesting about Lila. The mayor is wearing a brown suit. Everyone forgot about the baby.

Second type of declension

The ranks of the second declension include masculine nouns, except those ending in “-a” and “-ya” and neuter nouns ending in “-e”, “-o”.

Questions Examples
Nominative Who? What? The soldier measured his step clearly. The sea darkened.
Genitive Whom? What? The soldier hasn't had a day off for a long time. There is not even the smallest sea in our area.
Dative To whom? Why? The soldier's mother came to see him. In the summer, my family and I will definitely go to the sea.
Accusative Whom? What? The girl left the soldier. Little Yegorka saw the sea for the first time.
Instrumental case By whom? How? The sergeant and the soldier arrived at the station. The artist admired the sea for a long time, not daring to take up his brush.
Prepositional About whom? About what? What did Marianne see in this soldier? How I love swimming in the sea!

The third type of declension is feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end of the word.

Indeclinable nouns

Nouns metro, scoreboard, casino, radio, popsicle, tights, lotto, domino, cabaret, pince-nez, highway, kare, karate, relay, coffee, porter, taxi, salami, chassis, bet, blinds, kangaroo, menu by cases and numbers do not change. Such nouns are called indeclinable.

Case Questions Singular Plural
Nominative Who? What? Popsicle is my favorite ice cream. There were a lot of popsicles in the refrigerator.
Genitive Whom? What? There wasn't a single popsicle left in the store. These popsicle sticks broke.
Dative To whom? Why? The popsicle lacks sweetness. The boys added five glasses of lemonade to the five popsicles they ate.
Accusative Whom? What? I really love popsicles. Dad bought ten popsicles.
Instrumental case By whom? How? Alyoshka enjoyed the popsicle and didn’t notice anything around him. Greedy wanted to have all the popsicles in the world.

About whom? About what?

Well, what do you say about this popsicle? These popsicles don't have enough sugar.

The vast majority of these nouns are borrowed from other languages.
