Who studies at night school and why. Education Center "Golden Key" How long to study in evening school after 9

Weekend and evening school.

Our Weekend and Evening School is open for students in grades 5-11, no age limit!
And it is especially in demand by students over 18 years old!!!
According to statistics, more than seven and a half thousand people study annually in Moscow evening schools alone (2014 data)

Those of our adult students who study here are those who did not finish school at one time for various reasons, but now already have a job (working in shifts or a 5-day work week with two days off), but want to move up the career ladder further and it’s easy for them it is vital to catch up and finish school.

According to the standard provision on educational institutions, in regular day schools, minor children and teenagers study. Adults who did not have time to receive basic or complete secondary education before the age of 18 can complete it at evening school. Life situations Evening school students have very different high school served in the army and, planning to further study at a university, is currently preparing at evening school according to the program of grades 10, 11 for the final certification, obtaining a certificate and passing the Unified State Exam, someone studied at a technical school or college, but did not finish it - he got married or got married, interrupting his studies “for family reasons.” Someone came from another city or even country and is finishing their education in Russian languages ​​that are new to them. educational standards.
This, however, does not in any way limit these adult students’ rights and opportunities to receive good education. Night school- this is an opportunity to receive full certificates of basic and complete secondary education of the state standard! And at a more convenient time too!

A classic free state NIGHT SCHOOL will help you get the missing education starting from the 6th grade. You will choose your own convenient training schedule: full-time, part-time or part-time education.

The main task of the school:

ensuring equal opportunity to realize the constitutional right to education for all citizens of Russia, in accordance with their interests and inclinations, regardless of material wealth, place of residence, regardless of educational, national, age qualifications and physical ailments. The school implements this task on the basis of versatility, multifunctionality, flexibility of forms and operating modes. The school should become a guarantor of accessibility and truly democratic education for EVERYONE, but especially for those who, for various reasons, cannot study in a regular school, provide the opportunity to study for everyone of any age, both working and not working, in a convenient form and in convenient time. The school should promote through education social protection and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of school students. The school should become an effective Center for the socialization of students' personalities.

Basics of the school::

  • recognition of the right to education at any age as one of the most important fundamental human rights;
  • orientation of education towards universal human values ​​and ideals of humanism;
  • promoting the harmonization of the interests of students’ individuals and society as a whole;
  • ensuring access to quality education and enlightenment for every citizen;
  • taking into account the specific educational needs of various categories of evening school students
  • formation of an integral system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, and experience independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, key competencies that determine the modern quality of educational content.

    Education as a top priority in education is an organic component pedagogical activity integrated into the overall learning and development process.

    The most important tasks of education are the formation in schoolchildren of civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market.

Who are the students of the school today:

    Adult students who have a long break from their studies, work, and therefore are forced to receive education in the evening. This category of students includes people who have completed the 9th grade of secondary school, are working and have realized that without a complete secondary education, further career growth is impossible. This category also includes housewives caring for children, as well as pregnant women.

    Military personnel undergoing compulsory military service in the Dzerzhinsky Division, as well as conscripts and contract soldiers transferred to the reserve, incl. and from hot spots. The motivations of these students are very different, from gaining knowledge and continuing their education at universities to simply receiving a document on education.

    Young people who have graduated vocational schools without secondary education, as well as expelled from colleges and schools for various reasons. The school has an agreement with secondary vocational colleges “College of Automation and Radioelectronics” No. 27 and State Educational Institution Secondary Professional Education Technological College No. 28 on the transfer of students expelled from there directly to our school.

    Migrants and emigrants receiving education under the Russian Language School program of the Moscow government. Under this program, official migrants and emigrants coming to the country receive an intensive Russian language course for 1 academic year to enable further education in state educational institutions. Upon completion of the Russian Language School, they become students of the ethnocultural class of our school. Currently, refugees from Afghanistan are studying in the school's ethnocultural class.

    Teenagers, by various reasons not having the opportunity to continue their education in a public school. Among the reasons for the inability to continue studying in a public school, the following prevail:

    • The desire to quickly finish high school (teenagers choose an external form of education)
    • Conflicts with students or teachers at the school where they previously studied
    • Difficult financial situation in the family, forcing a teenager to either go to work and combine work with study in the evening, or, in parallel with secondary education at evening school, receive vocational education

      So-called “difficult” teenagers, from whom mass day schools are trying to get rid of either because of their deviant behavior or because they are lagging behind in their studies.

    People with physical disabilities, disabled people, including military personnel, undergoing treatment after injuries received in hot spots at the Burdenko Hospital

    Persons under investigation in pre-trial detention center No. 6. These are girls and young women who are highly motivated to study, because bitterly realized the mistakes they had made. It is school activities, regular and serious, that help them not to lose themselves as individuals.

Not every person managed to get at least on time general education. There is no need to think that evening school students are losers or narrow-minded people. Anything could happen in their lives - some in their youth did not understand how important education is and were idle in class, some got married early, sometimes even in childhood, some were forced to work.

Features of evening schools

In the evening secondary school study in the evening. Hence the name. You can get an education there for free if you do not need an intensive, shortened course of study. Then the price of training is set according to an agreement drawn up by the school administration. Thanks to the class schedule, you can combine study with work or other studies, and also acquire a profession at the same time.

Anyone who is already 15 years old can become a student at this school. Graduates of evening schools are given certificates the same as those issued in ordinary schools. Classes are not held every day. Because of this, the program of a regular high school school (10-11) is taught in evening schools for 3 years.

What does evening school give?

At evening school, a student can receive a general secondary education if he is serious and has good self-control. After the new Education Law came into force in 2014, evening schools teach according to the general standards existing in regular day schools. To graduate, all students must pass the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam).

Procedure for admission to evening school

To enroll in evening school, you need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • parental consent (if under 18 years of age);
  • certificate of basic education;
  • photos;
  • medical insurance;
  • statement.

Sometimes schools present Additional requirements, for example, they require a medical certificate of health.

If you lost your certificate and could not get it restored, you will be given an interview or entrance test, based on the results of which enrollment will be carried out.

Among the evening school students there are working adults, young and mothers of many children, people who have arrived from other countries who want to get an education in Russian standards. Mature people who have realized the value of education, but who find it difficult to find time to study, sometimes amaze teachers with their thirst for knowledge, their serious approach and the results of their studies.

Like any educational institution, evening school has its pros and cons.


  • Classes are not held every day. Lessons are held several times a week. At the same time, the load per lesson is less than in a regular secondary school;
  • it's free. According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to receive basic general education, therefore no one will demand money for studying at evening school;
  • can be combined with work. Classes usually start at 17:00. Therefore, after work it is quite possible to catch classes.


  • classes with students of different ages. Both young people and older people can study in the class. Therefore, the pace of the teacher’s presentation of the material can be either very fast or very slow; you will have to adapt to your classmates;
  • schematic presentation of material. Due to the fact that the programs follow an accelerated course, it is not always possible for the teacher to focus on a particular topic for a long time;
  • it's not obligatory. Most often, evening schools are attended by adults who have lived enough time without any education and are accustomed to it. So those who have problems with self-discipline will find it difficult to force themselves to attend classes regularly.

As we said above, upon completion of evening school, the student is given a certificate of complete secondary education if he has completed 11 grades, or a certificate of incomplete secondary education if he has completed a 9-year course of study. The certificate is a state document and is no different from what is issued in a day school. Therefore, after the “evening” you can continue your studies at any institution.

You can get a profession after 9th grade at a college, technical school or college. To do this, it is necessary that the results of the OGE (main state exam) are not negative. The applicant will need to provide the admissions committee with a copy of his passport, a certificate of incomplete secondary education, a certificate with the results of the OGE, an insurance policy, a medical certificate and 3x4 photographs. You also need to write an application for admission to this educational institution. As a rule, admission to the budget is carried out on the basis of the results of the OGE and grades for school exams in the certificate. Some specialties require passing an additional internal exam at the educational institution itself. The grade received for it is also taken into account when admitting an applicant to the university.

After 11 classes, a graduate of an evening school can enter any higher educational institution. To do this, you must pass the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam) in subjects that are mandatory for the chosen profession, Russian language and mathematics. The websites of universities always contain a list of subjects required for admission. IN admissions committee you need to bring a certificate of complete secondary education, a certificate with Unified State Exam results, a copy of your passport, 6 photographs and an application for admission.

Therefore, you should not be afraid or worry that finishing evening school will somehow affect the continuation of your studies. Graduates of these schools have all the same rights as students of day schools.

No matter how difficult life may be, self-confidence and hard work will help you in your studies and give you a chance to make your working career successful.

Evening schools allow you not only to fill the missing gap in your own education, but also to finally come to your senses and think about prospects for the future, combining education with work. In other words, such educational institutions play a special role in the system Russian education, occupying an intermediate niche between a regular school and additional education organizations.

We are assured that modern school education accessible to almost everyone. However, often, due to life circumstances, some high school students are forced to leave the walls educational institution and look for work. Quite often, the reason for premature completion of education is conscription into the army, which is why many young people believe that their education, and therefore a successful career in the future, can be put to rest. After all, we all know that without a diploma it is almost impossible to climb the career ladder and achieve material well-being.

However, not everything is as bleak as it might seem at first glance. Thanks to the institution of evening school that exists in Russia, every citizen of our country can receive a complete secondary education at any age (even if he graduated from grades 8-9 several years ago), and, accordingly, continue his studies at a university.

Note that evening schools They allow you not only to fill the missing gap in your own education, but also to finally come to your senses and think about prospects for the future, combining education with work. In other words, such educational institutions play a special role in the Russian education system, occupying an intermediate niche between a regular school and additional education organizations.

Who studies at night school?

During times Soviet Union Evening schools were intended mainly for working youth, not at all school age. Today, the bulk of students in such educational institutions are teenagers from disadvantaged environments, who, due to their age, should have studied in a regular school. And only a third of students are working young people over school age.

But this does not mean that every high school student can drop out of high school and go to evening uniform training. According to current legislation, after the ninth grade, a teenager can transfer to evening school only with the permission of the commission on juvenile affairs.

If we talk about the “adult” category of students, then most often contract soldiers who, due to lack of secondary education, cannot renew their contracts, and athletes who, due to frequent competitions, were unable to complete secondary education on time, enroll in evening school.

Problems of modern evening school

It's no secret that the Russian education system is currently in a rather critical state, and is just beginning its journey towards global reform. However, evening schools find themselves in the saddest situation, as evidenced by a number of problems, which include:

  • financing on a residual basis - and this applies to both the material, technical and methodological part, and the financing of staff units. As a result, the evening school cannot make timely repairs, provide students with educational material and staff with all the necessary specialists (psychologist, social teacher, methodologist, teacher, etc.);
  • lack of specialized curricula for evening schools– as a rule, teachers at each evening school independently “rework” teaching materials regular school, adjusting the secondary school curriculum to the number of hours required by these educational institutions;
  • alienation of evening school teachers from the status of school teachers - because of this problem, many teachers face great difficulties in obtaining a pension for long service and do not receive additional payment for classroom management.

Features of studying at evening school

According to the regulations, evening school education is three years. The increased duration of training is a necessary measure, since classes in most of these schools are not held daily, and the number of teaching hours is noticeably less than in a regular secondary school.

As can be understood from the name of the educational institution, classes are held in the evenings (usually from 16-00 to 20-30). Moreover, the student can switch to an individual learning schedule by agreeing with the teacher that he will skip some lessons and complete assignments at home.

There are evening schools that also provide daytime education (yes, yes, no matter how strange it may sound). In such educational institutions, classes begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3-4 p.m. True, you only need to study four days a week. At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the population (teenagers from disadvantaged families who experience difficulties in learning and communicating with others), teachers are loyal to their students, practicing a differentiated approach.

Evening school: to be or not to be?

For several years now, the need for evening schools has been actively discussed in Russia. Many experts are sure that modern society doesn't need them because get secondary education Today you can do it remotely and in a regular school. However, statistics indicate the opposite: in last years The demand for this type of education is steadily growing - many people strive to obtain secondary education without interrupting work, after a 10-year, or even 30-year break from study.

Why are there so many people who want to study at night school? According to UNESCO, in our country today there are more than a million completely illiterate children and adolescents (and this is only official statistics, in fact there are many more such children) who, instead of going to school, wander, beg, steal, etc. – these are all potential evening school students. In addition, small schools (most often in small villages) are closed in Russia every year. former students who do not have the opportunity to travel to study in a neighboring locality and remain illiterate.

Let us emphasize that for this category of people, evening school is the only opportunity not only to achieve success in life, but also to become a full-fledged member of society. Therefore, it is too early to seriously consider the issue of eliminating the institution of evening school in our country. Fortunately, Russian government officials understand this, and are doing everything possible to create (or rather restore) the legal basis for evening school activities, which are not even mentioned in the current version of the law “On Education”.
