Denoted by the letter e. The sound meaning of the letters e e yu i. Analysis of the project and its implementation

In this lesson we will learn in which cases the letters E, E, Yu, I can denote two sounds, and in which - one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound. Let's do a lot interesting tasks.

The letters E, E, Yu, I can denote one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound

As we already know, consonant sounds can be hard and soft. Let's compare pairs of words by pronunciation.

Mayor - meter

It is obvious that in the first column the first consonant is hard, in the second it is soft.

Remember: the letters E, E, Yu, I after a consonant indicate its softness.

Let's pronounce the words and determine what sounds the letters E, E, Yu, I represent after the consonants: forest - sound [e], honey - sound [o], trousers - sound [u], ball - sound [a].

We can conclude that the letters E, E, Yu, I after consonants denote 1 vowel sound and indicate the softness of the consonant that comes in front.

The letters E, E, Yu, I can represent two sounds

Often the letters E, E, Yu, I come first in words. For example: spruce, hedgehog, spinning top, apple.

Let's say these words out loud slowly and clearly. In a word spruce the letter E stands for two sounds Y E in the word hedgehog the letter Ё stands for two sounds ІО in the word spinning top the letter Yu stands for two sounds YU in the word apple the letter I stands for two sounds Y A.

We learned that at the beginning of a word the letters E, E, Yu, I stand for two sounds:

the letter E sounds like [ye], the letter E sounds like [yo], the letter Yu sounds like [yu], the letter I sounds like [ya]. Let's look at examples of words where E, Ё, Yu, I appear after the b and b signs: trees (the letter I after the b sign denotes two sounds - [ya]), entrance (the letter E after the b sign denotes two sounds [е]). Let's pronounce the words and determine what sounds the letters E, E, Yu, I represent: stakes [ya], shooting [yo], congress [ye], blizzard [yu], drinks [yo]. So, the letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds if they appear after the b and b signs.

The next task will help us understand what the letters E, E, Yu, I will mean after a vowel.

In a word lighthouse the letter I stands after the vowel A and denotes two sounds [ya].

Red Apple.

Rice. 10. Red apple ()

In a word red the letter E comes after the vowel O and denotes two sounds [ye].


The letters E, E, Yu, I stand for two sounds if they stand:

  1. At the beginning of the word (south, pit)
  2. After vowels (application, sing)
  3. After b and b (entrance, bindweed).

The letters E, E, Yu, I are called iotated vowels, because in some positions they denote two sounds, the first of which is the sound [th], which is called yot.

Consolidating knowledge in practice

Let's consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing tasks.

Let's divide the words into two columns: the first column - where the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 1 sound, the second column - 2 sounds.

Branch, drinking, Petya, Alyosha, mint, singing, friends, birch, chandelier, eaten, blue.

Vetka drinks

Petya sing

Alyosha friends

ate mint

birch blue

In this task, we will include in column 1 the words where the letter I indicates the softness of a consonant sound, and in column 2 - where I denotes two sounds.

Bright, pull, Petya, trees, clear, ball, plants, Anya, hawk, seamstress, rowan.

Let's check that the task is completed correctly:

Pull bright

Petya trees

Anya plants

rowan hawk

Let's read the poem and underline the letters that represent two sounds.

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands,

Good neighbors

Happy friends

Check that the task is completed correctly:

We e dem, e dem, e dem

Far away e kra I ,

good e neighbours,

Happy e friend I .

In the next lesson we will learn that a soft sign is a letter that is not pronounced, but means the softness of the consonant after which it stands. Let's talk about the rules for hyphenating words with a soft sign.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012. Complete the exercise. 95 P. 67.
  • Guess the riddles. In the answer words, find the letters E, E, Yu, I and underline them with one line if they mean 1 sound, or with two lines if they mean 2 sounds.

Lesson type: learning new material

Target: introduce the letter “E” and the sound [e, ye] that denotes it, establish cases when the letter “E” has two sounds.

educational: to develop students’ knowledge that the letter E can mean two sounds at the beginning of a word;

developmental: develop phonemic hearing, speech, thinking, memory. Enrich vocabulary;

educative: cultivate a love of nature.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, textbook.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

The bell rang and stopped.
The lesson begins.
Today we will watch
Draw conclusions and reason.
Let's start the lesson with clarity
Tsk-tsk-tsk we guys are great
Ok-ok-ok - together we will start the lesson
At-at-at - we will read together
Answer questions!

II. Dynamic warm-up

  1. Exercise “Toothbrush”
  2. “Let’s wake up the tongue”
  3. fragrant flower
  4. Candle
  5. Balloon

III. Repetition

What two groups are the sounds of the Russian language divided into? (Vowels and consonants)

How to recognize vowels and consonants? (Vowels - the air passes freely, we pronounce them with a voice, we can “sing” the sounds; consonants - when they are pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle, we pronounce them with noise)

What color do we use to indicate vowel sounds in the sound scheme of a word? (Vowels in red)

What color do we use to indicate consonant sounds in the sound scheme of a word? (Blue or green)

What determines the color of a consonant in a sound scheme? (Depending on which vowel comes after the consonant)

So what are the consonants? (Hard or soft, voiced or voiceless)

In which row on the tape of letters are the voiced consonants?

Which vowels indicate the hardness of the previous consonant? softness?

Today in the lesson you will get acquainted with another very special, tricky letter.

IV. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson

Listen to the song, which cartoon character sings it? (Little Raccoon) (Slide 2, 3). Application

They also say this about a raccoon
Unwashed in mouth
He won't take it for anything. -
And you be like that
How neat... (Raccoon)

What is an evergreen tree called? (Spruce)

The frost is getting stronger in the forest,
A blizzard is blowing in the fields,
Meets us for the holiday
Sparkling... (Spruce) (Slide 4)

And when there is not one, but many, how will we talk? (Ate ) (Slide 5)

Guys, how many syllables are there in a word? did you eat?

Which one is the first? Second?

Say the first syllable again. What do we hear? (Ye) ( Slide 6)

There is a diagram of the word on the board. (The rule is that there are as many vowels in a word as there are syllables)

Look carefully at the first syllable in the diagram, it is denoted by two sounds, but in writing it is customary to denote it not by two letters, but by one letter E. (Slide 7)

If we hear the sounds ye nearby, then we write the letter E. This is the topic of our lesson. Today in the lesson we will learn how to analyze words with this tricky letter .

V. Work on new material

1. Conversation about sound

Let's make this sound. How do we pronounce it?

What is he like? (Vowel)

Syllable-sound analysis of words:

Food, raccoon, washes, howls, digs. ( Slide 8)

Observe and tell me, in what cases do we hear two sounds ye next to each other? (At the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound)

Let's see what the letter means e after a consonant. (Slide 9)

(Softness of the previous consonant)

What can we conclude about this sound? (A vowel, at the beginning of a word and before a vowel, denotes two sounds, denotes the softness of the previous consonant and the sound e) ( Slide 10)

2. Introducing a new letter

A) What does the letter look like? (Slide 11)

It's such a pity outside! -
Our ladder is broken.
Our ladder is broken
Letter E but she stayed. (E. Tarlapan)

Eva combed her hair -
There are three cloves left in it. (G. Vieru)

E came in handy in the garden -
Instead of a rake I worked hard. (V. Stepanov)

B) Comparison of a printed letter with a capital letter.(Slide 12)

See how the printed and capital letters are similar. (Print has sharp corners, while capital has rounded corners)

3. Physical exercise

Are you probably tired?
Well then everyone stood up together
Hands patted
They stomped their feet,
Spun, spun
And everyone sat down at their desks
Close our eyes together
We all count to five
Open, blink
And we continue to work.

4. Work from the textbook, pp. 76-77

1. Guess the riddle:

Said a word -
The stove rolled.
Straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don’t know
Lucky I'm lazy. (Emelya)

What is shown in the picture? (Episode from the fairy tale “At the behest of the pike”)

What time of year is shown?

Why were people, birds, and animals surprised?

Why can we say that they were surprised? (By facial expressions)

What other miracles happened to Emelya?

What time of year did this event take place?

What other seasons do you know? (The clock is about the time of year)

How did the artist convey the beauty of the winter landscape?

Se, re, le, ve, no, ke, those.

Bringing a syllable to a word. (Slide 13)

3. Reading columns of words

What animals do we see in the picture?

What two groups can these animals be divided into? (Domestic and wild)

What else do we see? (Birds)

Tell me what question the words answer - squirrel, fox, bullfinch, magpie? (who?) Why? (Animate)

What else can you say about them? (Common nouns)

When they will be their own. (If you give them a nickname)

What other words answer this question? (Emelya, grandmother, grandfather)?

What can we say about the name Emelya? (Own)

4. Reading the text p.77

What other word order can be in a sentence? (Fox near spruce)

Guess the puzzles. (Slide 14-17)

Working with proverbs.

5. Conversation based on illustration p.78

What is shown in the picture?

Can we say about a river that it is full of water?

What trees grow on the right bank of the river? (Pine trees, willows) And on the left? (Birch, spruce, willow)

What types of trees can be divided into? (deciduous and coniferous)

(Drawings of trees)

6. Introducing words - antonyms p.78

What can you say about these words? (Opposite meanings are antonyms)

How many sounds at the end of a word does the letter “e” represent in these words? ( Slide 18)

Reading text. Forest

What sentences are found in the text? (Declarative and exclamatory)

7. Reading p.79

Which bank is steep? Which one is flat?

What is the boy doing by the river? How did he get from the village to the opposite bank?

Reading text. River(teacher)

Where did they grow?

What was the river like?

What branches does the willow have?

Where did they bend their branches?

What's in the river?

Who is in the mud and mire? What are they? (Fish)

V. Summing up the lesson

You answered a lot of questions today. How can we call in one word what we say and say? (Speech)

What types of speech do you know?

What kind of speech did we use in class?

What new letter did you learn about today?

How many sounds does it represent?

When does it represent two sounds?

Homework: pp. 77-79.

Underline the letter e.

The lesson is legit. (Slide 19)

1. In accordance with what sounds are indicated by letters, all letters are divided into vowels and consonants.

There are 10 vowel letters:

2. In the Russian language, not all speech sounds are designated, but only the main ones. In russian language 42 basic sounds - 6 vowels and 36 consonants, whereas number of letters - 33. The number of basic vowels (10 letters, but 6 sounds) and consonants (21 letters, but 36 sounds) also does not match. Difference in quantitative composition basic sounds and letters are determined by the peculiarities of Russian writing.

3. In Russian, hard and soft sounds are indicated by the same letter.

Wed: sir[sir] and gray[sir].

4. The six basic vowel sounds are represented by ten vowel letters:

[And] - And (Cute).

[s] - s (soap).

[A] - A (May) And I (my).

[O] - O (my) And e (Christmas tree).

[e] - uh (This) And e (me l).

[y] - at (ku st) And Yu (yu la).

Thus, to denote the four vowel sounds ([a], [o], [e], [y]) there are two rows of letters:
1) a, o, e, y; 2) I, e, e, yu.


1) I, e, e, yu are letters, not sounds! Therefore they are never used in transcription.

2) The letters a and i, o and e, e and e indicate respectively: a and i - the sound [a]; o and e - sound [o], e and e - [e] - only under stress! For the pronunciation of these vowels in an unstressed position, see paragraph 1.8.

5. The letters i, e, ё, yu perform two functions:

    after a consonant they signal that the preceding consonant represents a soft consonant:

    Xia Du[from hell], se l[s’el], that's it[s’ol], here[s’ uda];

    after vowels, at the beginning of a word and after the separating ъ and ь, these letters denote two sounds - the consonant [j] and the corresponding vowel:

    I - , e - , e - , yu - .

    For example:

    1. after vowels: chew t[zhujot], I shave t[br'eju t];

    2. at the beginning of a word: e l , I to ;

    3. after separators ъ And b: ate[сjé l], view n[v'jūn].


1) The letters i, e, e after the hissing letters zh and sh do not indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound. Consonant sounds [zh] and [sh] in modern Russian literary language always solid!

Shila[shouled], tin[zhes’t’], walked[shol].

2) The letter and after the consonants zh, sh and c denotes the sound [s].

Shila[shouled], lived[zhyl], circus[circus].

3) Letters a, y and o in combinations cha, schcha, chu, schuh, cho, schuh do not indicate the hardness of the consonants ch and shch. The consonant sounds [ch’] and [sch’] in the modern Russian literary language are always soft.

Chum[ch'um], (five) pike[sh'uk], Part[h’as’t’], Shchors[Sh'ors].

4) b at the end of a word after a sibilant is not an indicator of softness. It performs a grammatical function (see paragraph 1.11).

6. The sound [j] is indicated in writing in several ways:

    after vowels and at the end of a word - with the letter th;


    at the beginning of a word and between two vowels - using the letters e, e, yu, i, which denote the combination of a consonant [j] and the corresponding vowel;

    E l , I to .

    The presence of the sound [j] is also indicated by the separating ъ and ь - between the consonant and vowels e, e, yu, i.

    Ate l[сjé l], view n[v'jūn].

7. The letters ъ and ь do not represent any sounds.

    Separating ъ and ь signal that the following e, e, yu, i designate two sounds, the first of which is [j].

    Non-separating b:

    1) indicates the softness of the preceding consonant:


    2) performs a grammatical function.

    For example, in the word mouseь does not indicate the softness of the preceding consonant, but signals that the given noun is feminine.

For more information about spelling ъ and ь, see paragraph 1.11. Use of b and b.

Exercises for the topic “Speech sounds and letters”

Other topics

Let us list the rules that need to be taken into account when analyzing a word phonetically: compiling a transcription and phonetic characteristics. Let's consider the rules for soft and hard signs, for vowels and consonants. There are certain nuances from the list of rules that are paid attention to in middle classes and are not studied in primary school, we will give examples for them. The rules discussed on this page are correct and complete only For school curriculum .


Notations used in phonetic analysis:

  1. The transcription of the word is enclosed in square brackets: family → [s"im"y"a]. Sometimes an accent mark is placed in the transcription: [s"im"y"a ́];
  2. Each sound in phonetic analysis is enclosed in square brackets: s - [s], i - [i], m - [m"], etc. Opposite the soft and hard signs, put a dash or a dash in square brackets: b - [- ];
  3. The softness of sound is marked with an apostrophe: m - [m"];
  4. A long sound (long sound) is indicated by a colon: tennis → [t"en":is], loader → [grush':ik];
    instead of a colon, a long sound is also indicated by a horizontal line above the sound;
  5. In most school programs, at the end of phonetic analysis, a line is drawn, under which the number of letters and sounds in the word is indicated.

A detailed plan, oral and written examples of phonetic analysis are presented on the page.

Rules for ь, ъ

  1. The letters ь, ъ do not represent sounds. They cannot be present in the transcription of the word.
  2. The letter ь softens the previous consonant.
  3. The letter ъ is used only as a separator.

Vowel phonetics

  1. There are no sounds [e], [ё], [yu], [ya]. They cannot be present in the transcription of the word.
  2. The letters a, o, u, s, e make the previous consonant hard.
  3. The letters i, ё, yu, and, e make the previous consonant soft. But in some foreign words the consonant before the letter e remains hard.
    Cafe → [cafe], compartment → [compartment], hotel → [atel"].
  4. The letters i, yu, e, е after consonants indicate the following sounds: i → [a], yu → [y], e → [e], е → [o].
    Ball → [m"ach", chalk → [m"el].
  5. Letters i, e, e, o after consonants no accent denote the following sounds: i → [e] or [i], e → [i], e → [e] or [i], o → [a].
    Rowan → [r"eb"ina], spot → [p"itno], fun → [v"es"ila], cow → [karova].
  6. The letters е, я, ю, е after vowels, after ъ, ь and at the beginning of a word indicate the following sounds: я → [й "а], ю → [й "у], е → [й "е], ё → [ y"o] (under stress) and i → [y"i], e → [y"i] (without stress). They are called iotized. In some publications j is written instead of th.
  7. The letter and after ь denotes the sound [th"i].
    Streams → [ruch"th"i].
  8. The letter and after the consonants zh, sh, ts denotes the sound [s].

Let us summarize the rules for “converting” vowels into sounds with a table:

A O And e at Yu e I uh s
under stress AOAnduhatatOAuhs
no accent AAAndAndatatOuh, anduh, ands
at the beginning of a word AOAndy"eatth"yth"oy"auhs
after vowels AOAndy"eatth"yth"oy"auhs
after ь, ъ AOth"iy"eatth"yth"oy"auhs
after w, w, c sOssatatOAuhs

Phonetics of consonants

  1. In phonetic analysis, soft consonants are indicated by the apostrophe sign ": [l"], [s"], [h"], etc.
  2. In phonetic analysis, a long sound (drawn out) is indicated by a colon [zh:], [ts:] or a dash above the sound [zh], [ts].
  3. The letters th, ch, shch always denote soft sounds: [th"], [ch"], [shch"]. They remain soft even if they are followed by the vowels a, o, u, y, e.
  4. The letters zh, ts, sh always denote hard sounds: [zh], [ts], [sh]. They remain hard even if they are followed by the vowels i, ё, yu, i, e.
  5. The letter th always denotes a voiced and soft sound [th"].
  6. The letters l, m, n, r, y always denote voiced sounds and are called sonorant.
  7. The letters x, c, ch, shch always represent unvoiced sounds.
  8. Paired consonants in terms of voicedness/voicelessness at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant indicate a voiceless sound: b → [p], d → [t], g → [k], z → [s], v → [f]:
    pillar → [pillar], train → [sing"est].
  9. Unpronounceable consonants v, d, l, t do not denote a sound at the root:
    feeling → [ch"sti", sun → [sonts"e].
  10. Double consonants after a stressed vowel give a long sound:
    group → [group:a], tennis → [ten:is].
  11. Double consonants before a stressed vowel produce a single consonant sound:
    million → [m"il"ion], alley → [al"ey"a].

In some cases:

  1. The letter s at the beginning of a word means a voiced sound [z]:
    did → [z"d"elal].
  2. The letter g before a voiceless consonant is pronounced as [k] or [x]:
    claws → [kokt"i], soft → [m"ah"k"iy"]
  3. Consonants between the root and the suffix before a soft consonant are pronounced softly:
    umbrella → [zon"t"ik].
  4. The letter n denotes a soft sound before the consonants ch, sh:
    glass → [glass "ch"ik], changer → [sm"en"sch"ik].
  5. The combination -chn-, -cht- is pronounced like [sh]:
    of course → [kan"eshna], boring → [boring], what → [shto].

The combination of certain consonants in words produces a long or unpronounceable sound:

  1. The combination of letters -зж- denotes one sound [zh:]:
    get rid of → [izh:yt"], leave → [uizh:at"].
  2. The combination of letters -ts-, -ts- means one sound [ts:]:
    swim → [bapts:a].
  3. The combination of letters -stn- is pronounced as [sn], -stl- - [sl], -zdn- - [zn]:
    starry → [stellar"], ladder → [l"es"n"itsa].
  4. At the endings of adjectives -ogo, -its consonant G denotes the sound [v]:
    gold → [zalatova], blue → [sin "eva].
  5. Combinations of letters -сч-, -зч-, -жч- indicate the sound [ш"]:
    happy → [sch"aslivy"], cab driver → [izvoshch"ik], defector → [p"ir"ib"esch"ik].

These are all the basic rules of phonetic analysis. To consolidate the topic within the school curriculum, the publication by E.I. Litnevskaya is suitable. "Russian language. Brief theoretical course for schoolchildren."

There are a number of rules for the institute’s program and in-depth study of the phonetics of the Russian language. The rules take into account the subtleties of modern phonetic pronunciation and phonetic features over the past centuries. Such rules are not discussed in the school curriculum, so as not to complicate a topic that is already difficult for schoolchildren to understand. Thus, outside the school curriculum, options with a soft sound [zh’], including those characteristic of Old Moscow pronunciation, are considered. At the root of the word in the combinations -zh-, -zh- and -zh- in the word rain instead solid sound[zh:] takes place to be soft [zh’:]. For example, yeast – [yeast’:i]. According to another rule: the letter ь before a voiced consonant receives voicing and is marked ringing sound[and':]. For example, in the word material evidence – [v’izh’:dok].

Our site can do phonetic analysis words automatically. Use the word search form.

Food additives (FA) are substances intentionally added to food products in order to improve the production process, increase the product’s resistance to various types damage, preservation of structure and appearance product or changes in organoleptic properties (taste, color, smell).

All food additives are coded using the letter “E” and a four or three digit number. Why "E"? Experts associate this with both the word Europe and the abbreviations EU/EU, as well as with the words ebsbar/edible, which translated into Russian (from German and English, respectively) means “edible.”

According to the proposed system of digital codification of food additives, their classification, in accordance with their purpose, is as follows (main groups):

E100-E182 - dyes;

E200-299 - preservatives;

E300-399 - antioxidants (antioxidants);

E400-499 - consistency stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers;

E450, E1000 - emulsifiers

E500-599 - acidity regulators and anti-caking agents;

E600-699 - taste and aroma enhancers, flavorings;

E700-800 - spare indexes for other possible information;

Pros and cons of "E"

  1. Extended shelf life of products.
  2. Improved production technology or, in some cases, the only production option.
  3. Improving the taste and attractiveness of the product, its consistency.
  4. This substance has been tested for safety.
  5. For this substance, purity criteria are established that are necessary to achieve a certain level of food quality.

1. The use of PD raises the question of their safety. This takes into account the MPC (mg/kg) - the maximum permissible concentration of foreign substances (including additives) in food products, the ADI (mg/kg body weight) - the permissible daily dose for an average body weight of 60 kg. For example, it is assumed that the average person eats smoked meats less often than other types of sausages, so the maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in smoked meats will be higher. Consequently, with frequent consumption of smoked meats, it is easier to exceed the safe dose in total.

2. Most food additives, as a rule, do not have nutritional value, that is, they are not an energy or plastic material for the human body (it is impossible to build something or obtain energy from it).

3. Food additives are often allergens.

4. It is also necessary to remember that some substances have the property of cumulativeness, i.e. ability to accumulate in the body and cause undesirable effects.

List of harmful food additives

Code...impact Code impact

E102……………O E240……………P

E103……………W E241……………P

E104……………P E242……………O

E105……………W E249……………P

E110……………About E250-E251……RD

E110……………W E252……………P

E120……………O E270……………O

E121……………W E280-283………P

E122……………P E310-E312……S

E123………OO,Z E320-E321……X

E124……………O E330……………P

E125……………Z E338-E343……RJ

E126……………W E400-E405………O

E127……………About E450-E454……RJ

E129……………About E461-E466……RJ

E130……………W E477……………O

E131……………P E501-E502……O

E141……………P E503……………OO

E142……………P E510……………OO

E150……………P E513……………OO

E151…………VK E527……………O

E152……………Z E620……………RK

E153……………P E626-E635………RK

E154………RK,RD E636……………O

E155……………O E637……………O

E160…………VK E907……………S

E171……………P E951…………VK

E173……………P E952…………W

E180……………O E954…………P

E201……………O E1105………VK







Symbols of harmful effects:

O - dangerous;

P - suspicious;

BP - blood pressure;

P - carcinogenic;

VK - harmful to the skin;

RK - intestinal disorders;

X - cholesterol;

OO - very dangerous;

RZh - indigestion;

Z - prohibited

E250 (sodium nitrite) is usually used in sausages. Although sodium nitrite is a generally poisonous toxic substance, in practice it is not prohibited, since it is the “lesser evil” that ensures the presentation of the product and, therefore, sales volume (just compare the red color of the store-bought sausages with the dark brown color of homemade sausage).

Some manufacturers do not list ingredients with the letter code E for marketing purposes, replacing it with the name of the additive, for example, “monosodium glutamate.”

Some additives previously considered harmless (for example, formaldehyde E240 in chocolate bars or E121 in sparkling water) were later found to be too dangerous and banned; In addition, supplements that are harmless to one person can have a powerful effect harmful effects to another. Therefore, it is recommended, if possible, to protect children, the elderly and allergy sufferers from food additives.
