Military schools for girls. Shocking facts about the cadet school for girls. What will the school cadets become?

Military universities for girls allow them to get an education and a certificate of obtaining a specialty.

They are in demand by those who want to help the state in a difficult situation, and also want to find a job with a good social package and certain benefits.

List of military universities for girls

Only physically resilient girls who have passed the appropriate selection and psychological test can enter here.

Admission is allowed after grades 9 and 11.

For this there must be good school results and there are no medical contraindications.

Please note: In institutions of this type it is more difficult to study than in standard ones. There is a discipline here that not everyone can boast of.

Such establishments include:

  1. Kirov Academy, which is located in St. Petersburg. Reception is free of charge.
  2. Budyonny Academy is also located on the territory of the represented entity.
  3. Mozhaisky, which trains space forces both in a similar subject and in Yaroslavl.
  4. Margelova. The authority on the territory of the city of Ryazan is presented. This is an airborne school that allows not only boys, but also girls to graduate on a budget basis.

Institutes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Higher educational institutions of this type are represented mainly in St. Petersburg.

Training is provided free of charge, allowing you to obtain a specialty after 11th grade.

These include:

  1. Institute of Civil Protection.
  2. JV institution.
  3. GPS Academy.
  4. Ural and Voronezh Academy.
  5. Siberian and Ivanovo fire-fighting and rescue organization.

Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia

You can study to become a border guard or a military doctor at the Ministry of Internal Affairs school in Moscow, as well as at the St. Petersburg Academy of Communications. But not everyone can come here.

Borderline residents can also study at military universities.

These establishments include:

  1. Police school in Novosibirsk.
  2. Moscow University named after Kikot.
  3. SP Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Ministry of Internal Affairs - Nizhny Novgorod Academy.
  5. Ministry of Internal Affairs - Krasnodar educational institution.

Military academies

Military academies are often viewed on www.vumo.rf. Here you can go to border troops and help the Motherland.

These include:

  1. SP University Budyonny.
  2. SP Military Medical School of Kirov.
  3. Airborne Margelov in Ryazan.
  4. Min. defense in Moscow.
  5. Military Space Academy SP.

Military psychologist

A psychologist is also an integral employee in the ministry. They train for the following specialty:

  1. At the Yeltsin Institute - Ural District.
  2. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kikotya - Moscow.

Where are military translators trained?

An interpreter is necessary for conversations with other representatives of training programs, as well as in Russian defense. They prepare specialists in:

FSB institutions in Russia

FSB officers are a good profession, position and wage. They must abide by certain ethics and keep secrets.

Train employees in:

  • Border Institute - MSK;
  • Institute of SP;
  • Novgorod University FSB, as well as in the cities of Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg;
  • university information technologies Moscow.

Military medical universities

Medical specialization is an important aspect in military affairs. Train employees in:

  • Academy of Kirov SP;
  • Institute in Saratov;
  • Medical Academy in Saratov and Tomsk.

What does a military girl need to take?

For admission, you must pass mathematics and the national language in writing.

The military requires certain physical training, so there are also requirements for passing standards. Therefore, physical training is taken as both a mandatory factor and a core one.

It is possible to take additional disciplines, it all depends on the specific educational institution.

Requirements for girls when entering the military department

Military universities have certain requirements in accordance with legal acts:

  1. Full-time department only.
  2. Admission is only possible for Russian citizens.
  3. Only if there is no criminal record and the age limit is up to 30 years.
  4. Having a suitable medical condition or being allowed to have minor deviations within groups A and B.
  5. Only if you meet the psychological requirements and successful completion standards.

Is correspondence military education possible for girls?

There is no provision for correspondence education for women in the military structure. This is one of the mandatory requirements under federal law.


Enroll in military school or entering a university is quite difficult without sufficient physical training or knowledge. Each specific university has special requirements for applicants and the number of points scored.

Moreover, some institutions do not accept girls with children, citing health risks. For admission you need to provide a certificate from your medical office. institutions.

Over 100 years ago, American women and girls took to the streets and marched through the city, demanding equal rights with men regarding wages and reducing working hours. Women used to have much fewer rights than men, but now everything has changed. Now girls occupy the same positions, do the same things, and even serve on an equal basis with the boys.

If you knew from an early age that you wanted to defend your Motherland and wear uniform, then this material is for you. We found 5 cool military schools that accept girls.

What do you need to know before enrolling?

  • Military schools traditionally accept students after 4th, 7th, 8th or 9th grade.
  • Most often, all cadets live at the school and often go home only for the holidays.
  • To enter the cadet school, you need to pass exams in Russian language, mathematics and foreign language. Additionally, applicants are tested for psychological and physical readiness for service.
  • The routine and schedule in such schools are very strict. All cadets live at the school and can only go home during the holidays. Rise at 7 a.m. and bedtime at 11 p.m. Telephones are only allowed to be used during certain hours. Therefore, think carefully about whether you can live without Instagram and Twitter!
  • Unfortunately, girls are not accepted into military schools like Suvorov and Nakhimov. However, in Yekaterinburg in 2014, the only one in history took place Suvorov schools"girl" issue. Then 12 girls graduated. They, like the boys, wore uniforms, studied military affairs and marched in the morning.
  • There are not many cadet schools where girls are accepted, so the competition for one place can reach 12 people. Start preparing for admission as soon as possible.

But, since it’s not your destiny to enter Nakhimovskoye and Suvorovskoye, you can choose one of these institutions:

Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The cadet corps "Pension for Pupils" opened in 2008 in Moscow. Admission is carried out on a competitive basis after grades 4 and 8. In addition to general education subjects, students can study the basics of style, journalism, political science or cooking. Cool, right? IN free time girls go in for horse riding, tennis, play in a drama club, draw and learn to play musical instruments.

2MSKK Second Moscow Cadet Corps

The conditions for admission here are exactly the same as in other cadet schools. Both girls and boys can become cadets, but only after 5th, 7th and 8th grade. During the training process, you can additionally attend the “Young Rescuer” and “Young Firefighter” clubs. In the summer, all cadets undergo military field practice in military units Ministry of Emergency Situations and cadet camp "Patriot". This cadet corps is definitely worth a look. Have you seen a lot of girl firefighters?

Cadet Corps of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation named after. Alexander Nevsky

It is not difficult to become a cadet in the cadet corps if you have completed 7th grade well. Cadets annually take part in parades and ceremonies processions on Red Square, and after graduation they most often enter the Academy of the Investigative Committee. Very prestigious!

Arkhangelsk Naval Cadet Corps named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov

Studying in the Naval Cadet Corps is full of events. For the most active male and female students, teachers organize summer military training camps, and for the most romantic ones - autumn balls. At the same time, cadets have time not only to study, but also to take part in military sports games, historical quests and learn the basics of maritime affairs. Not every girl can boast of such skills!

On this moment Nowadays, everything related to military forces and defense is quite prestigious. People in uniform can count on decent wages, benefits and allowances, provision of living space, and so on. In addition, the labor process itself is quite interesting in many ways. A few years ago, only boys were accepted for military training. But since 2013, such educational institutions began to recruit girls. Not all schools and academies, of course, have made this amendment, but this is why our article was written, to find out which ones.

What is a military school

At this time, in the current education system, it is possible to obtain both a specialized secondary education and a much-needed higher education in our time. Including in the military direction. The first is carried out by schools (Suvorov) and cadet corps. The second are institutes, academies, military command schools. All these institutions produce various specialists in their field: pilots, naval forces, engineers, command staff. The choice of a specific school depends on the intended profession.

Pros of military schools

In addition to promising specialized education, military schools can do no less for girls than for boys. Special disciplines, teaching methods, increased attentiveness to bearing and self-organization will help young people and girls to feel the peculiarities in advance future profession, learn to properly manage your time, develop willpower and the right attitude towards necessity and responsibilities. Not all life circumstances are capable of achieving such an effect in character development. Military schools for girls are a rather harsh school of life, but often it is simply necessary.

What is taught in military schools

Any educational institution must provide its students with both specialized knowledge and skills, and the basic ones necessary for a productive life in modern society. It is quite obvious that military schools for girls are useful not only for training in military craft. The emphasis is on it, but ladies should also study other areas of the cultural and scientific life of society. These include the same standard subjects: Russian language and literature, mathematics of various levels, physics, chemistry, social studies and other subjects. They are taught equally in all educational institutions of any specialization. The emphasis will be on the knowledge necessary for the future profession. Accordingly, military engineers will go through in depth exact sciences, command staff - psychology, social science and other humanitarian disciplines. Any military man must be fluent in the legal basis of his work. Military schools for girls also require more rigorous physical training. This point is very important for future service.

Military school for girls: list (based on 9 classes)

First, let's look at the list of secondary specialized education schools. Military schools after 9th grade for girls:

  • Ekaterinburg Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School in Moscow;
  • Suvorov School in Minsk;
  • Ulyanovsk School (SVU);
  • Suvorov School in Tver;
  • Suvorov School of the North Caucasus;
  • Kazan Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School of St. Petersburg;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Military Music School in Moscow;
  • Cadet Corps (railway troops);
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps.

However, getting into military schools after 9th grade is very difficult for girls. Some SVUs, as well as cadet corps, recruit students based on geographic considerations. In others, there is still an opinion that there is no place for a lady in military affairs, and therefore, during the competition for places, they choose young men. But still, a good half of the list is quite loyal to female students.

Schools based on 11 classes

Military schools for girls after 11th grade provide the opportunity to receive higher professional education in this field. The rating list of these educational institutions is headed by Military Academy connection named after the marshal Soviet Union CM. Budyonny. This academy is located in the city of St. Petersburg. Postal and actual address: 194064, St. Petersburg, Tikhoretsky Avenue, building 3. There is also a branch in the city of Krasnodar, address: 350035, Krasnodar, Krasina Street, building 4. Training is provided in the following areas:

  • Faculty of Information Communication Technologies and Special Communication Systems;
  • Faculty of "Application and Operation of Automated Systems" special purpose".

The form in which students study is full-time at the academy on a budget basis. The duration of training is 5 years. After graduation, students receive a diploma indicating higher vocational education state standard. Graduates are awarded the rank of lieutenant, as well as the qualification "engineer".

The next educational institution in the rating list “Military schools for girls after 11th grade” is the Military Space Academy, named after A.F. Mozhaisky. The educational institution provides training in more than forty military specialties. The qualification fully meets the requirements for officer training. Among the girls there is a fairly high competition for a place - seven people. Last year only 30 girls were enrolled. However, the educational institution is considered one of the best in the country, and therefore it is really worth trying to enroll.

In third place is the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov in St. Petersburg. In this educational institution girls who see their future as a military doctor will find a place for themselves.

The fourth place in the ranking is taken by the Airborne Forces. command school in Ryazan, named after Army General V.F. Margelova. This military school for girls includes a specialization in “the use of airborne forces communications units.”

Military Academy Missile Forces strategic purpose named after Peter the Great takes fifth place in the ranking. The Academy opened its doors to girls in 2015. Since then, she has a fairly wide list of specialties for the fairer sex.

Military specialties for girls

Not all areas of military schools involve the education of girls. But still there are more than enough specialties to choose from. Among them are military cartography and special-purpose meteorology, taught at universities in the East Kazakhstan region, general medicine, medical and preventive medicine, pharmacy and dentistry (this can be studied at the Military Medical Academy). Various communication technologies, radio engineering, and information security are studied at the Academy of Communications. Aircraft designs, control of ballistic missile systems, radio-electronic systems, ground-based space infrastructure, collection and processing of information, information support for analytical and computer technology, topographic and geodetic support and cartography, missile and space defense systems, automated command and control systems - such a wide range of faculties offers applicants to the Military Space Academy.

How to enter a military school

As in other higher educational institutions, military schools require results based on the results of the Unified state exam. They vary depending on the chosen specialty. For the engineering specialty, exam results in mathematics, Russian language and a specialized one in physics are required. For cartographic areas - geography, mathematics and Russian language. For a medical profile, specialized chemistry and biology and general Russian are required. For management professions, results in the Russian language, mathematics, and also social studies are required. To enroll, you must submit documents to your chosen educational institution from July 1 to July 30. During this period, professional selection and compilation of a competitive list of applicants is carried out. Documents required include a certificate of secondary general education, primary vocational education, if there is a mark on completion of complete secondary education, and secondary vocational education. The next required document is a citizen’s passport Russian Federation. Only persons with Russian citizenship are allowed to study at such an institution. And of course, it is necessary to present the final Unified State Exam scores.

Professional selection

Military schools pay great attention to physical training. Without a positive test of strength endurance, it is almost impossible to enter. How can a girl enter a military school? The only way is to get the highest results on the Unified State Exam, and also not only pass the standards, but it is advisable to even exceed them. The competition in military academies is quite high, which means that girls need to try to keep up with the boys in their results.

Design nuances

Applicants are required to undergo a medical examination to determine their state of health and suitability for study. Next they will undergo a test for their psycho-emotional state. In addition, all candidates are granted access to information that constitutes state secret. If the applicant has not reached the age of majority, parental consent to study at this educational institution must be submitted in writing.

Volsk School

The Volsk Military School for girls conducts professional selection and entrance exams from July 1 to July 20. First you need to submit an application to the military commissariat. The application is submitted in a special form at the place of residence. This action is valid until April 20th. Applicants must attach an autobiography, a reference, 6 photographs to their application, and also pass a medical examination. Candidates are assigned professional suitability groups. Enrollment is carried out with groups of 1st and 2nd degrees. Third degree candidates are admitted only if there is a shortage of students.

Suvorov School

The Suvorov Military School for girls establishes the same admission rules as the cadet corps. Student places are primarily distributed among orphans or from single-parent and large families, as well as from low-income families. Candidates must meet standards based on health as well as psychological factors. The remaining places are distributed among other applicants based on academic performance.

Today, more and more girls are showing interest in specialties related to military service. Training in this area is carried out in schools and universities. At the same time, there are not so many schools in which graduates of the 9th grade can undergo professional military training, and they opened their doors to girls only in 2013.

In military schools, girls undergo the so-called school of life. It is in these educational institutions they can learn endurance, attentiveness and self-discipline, as well as learn all the features of their chosen profession.

To enter a military school, girls must meet a number of requirements: have excellent health, be physically fit, have high results on the Unified State Examination in specialized disciplines.

Failure to comply with at least one of these points will close the way to the selected institution.

Girls who have been trained in military schools, after graduation, can continue their studies at universities or begin working in their specialty, finding employment in the signal forces, air defense, headquarters, in specialized medical or other organizations.

List of military schools

There are no separate military schools for girls, but there are specialized ones educational organizations which they are allowed to enter.

Such institutions include:

  • Suvorov Military School;
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps;
  • Moscow Military Music School.

The above list is not exhaustive. Not all specialties in which training is conducted at these institutions are available to girls, but still, the choice of areas is quite large.

Here are just a few of them: cartography, meteorology, medical specialties, communication technologies, automated Information Systems, radio-electronic and other systems.

What is required for admission

The selection of applicants for military schools is quite strict, but if you have the desire and good physical preparation, you can achieve your goal. The results obtained by graduates during the Unified State Exam are important for admission. Important for different specialties various items(for cartographic areas - geography, for medical specialties - biology and chemistry, etc.).

To enter, girls need:

  • submit an application for admission;
  • provide written parental consent to undergo training at a military school;
  • provide a package of documents, which includes an autobiography, a medical certificate, a copy of a civil passport, a copy and original of a school certificate, and a reference from the place of study.

The listed documents are usually submitted to educational institutions during July. After this, a time is set for a medical examination, psycho-emotional testing and physical tests. Girls who want to be enrolled in a military school must try to pass the required standards at least as well as the boys, and ideally even better than them.

Conditions of education

Girls entering military schools must be prepared for difficult conditions not only physically, but also psychologically.

So, during training they will have to face:

  • with strict discipline, lack of a free schedule;
  • with rare days of rest and meetings with family.
  • During training, cadets live in an environment similar to that of the army. They must strictly adhere to the current daily routine.

    During their studies, they will have to participate in tactical exercises, drill training, study regulations and master many other information and skills. At the same time, the learning process is not limited to the study of military art and humanities. Studying involves taking various courses for the comprehensive development of the individual (etiquette, music, foreign languages, etc.).

    In military schools, girls are taught military affairs, self-organization and responsibility. Having acquired basic knowledge and skills at the schools and learned discipline, graduates will subsequently be able to continue their studies at more prestigious military universities.

    Requirements for applicants

    Girls entering military educational institutions must have the following qualities:

    • personal self-organization (the ability to organize others will not hurt);
    • increased sense of responsibility;
    • the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation in extreme circumstances and make the right decisions;
    • the ability to analyze ongoing events that pose a potential danger in order to prevent it in a timely manner;
    • the ability to concentrate on necessary actions;
    • the ability to control personal emotions.

    The listed qualities will be needed not only during the training period, but also during work.

    Of course, the requirements for girls to study in military educational institutions are much stricter than for studying in any other schools or universities. But having learned to comply with them, having mastered the basics of the chosen profession, it will be possible to achieve fairly high results in a subsequent career.

    The boarding school students are children of military personnel undergoing military service in remote military garrisons, from incomplete and large families, daughters of fallen military personnel and combatants who were awarded state awards for performing military duty.

    Pupils study from grades 5 to 11, the maximum number of students is expected to be 840. In 2008, the first enrollment was carried out in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades in the amount of 180 people, in 2009 - the second intake in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades in the amount of 140 pupils. Taking into account the 2011 intake, today there are 640 girls studying at the Boarding School. This year the first graduation took place - 55 students graduated from 11th grade.

    The educational process is built using advanced Russian and world experience. The training program includes, in addition to compulsory subjects school curriculum, wide block additional education: three foreign languages, dance classes, sports, art and music education.

    Mastering the skills of playing a musical instrument, vocal art, orchestral playing, the art of painting, the basics of graphic design, easel composition, sculpture, the basics of batik - this is an incomplete list of subjects that students will have to master.

    The procedure and rules for admitting pupils to the Boarding House can be found on the Boarding House website.

    Interest in the boarding house arose after the recent release of the “The Smartest” program. The girls answered questions so easily and set records that you involuntarily begin to wonder: what kind of training program do they have there, are they all child prodigies?

    Now let's talk about everything in order

    So, the boarding school for pupils is located in close proximity to the center of Moscow, a stone's throw from the Begovaya metro station. It is there, as soon as you step through the gates, Moscow with its bustle disappears, and you see a beautiful park in front of you:

    A little about the establishment itself. At the boarding school, which was opened in 2008, only the daughters of military personnel from distant garrisons study (there is no discrimination, they just really have fewer opportunities to get a good education), as well as children of fallen military personnel. Now there are 640 girls studying there, from 5th to 11th grade.

    The competition for the place is not announced, but it is probably very large, because free education this level in our country is nonsense. Pupils are allowed to see their parents once a month, holidays - 2 times a year (winter - starts on December 14, and summer - almost 2 months). Of course, at first it’s hard for the girls to be away from home, but, as the teachers assure, this quickly passes.

    You can often meet young drummers at the entrance. This ensemble is accustomed to everyone's attention: they themselves are already confused in the geography of their performances - this is the Kremlin Cathedral Square, and the Cannes Festival "Window to Russia", festive concerts for February 23 and Victory Day.

    About the daily routine

    Every day of the pupils is planned literally minute by minute: first training sessions, then additional (or vice versa, depending on the schedule), sports, cultural events, several hours of self-preparation. The boarding house has a center for additional classes - they, like academic ones, are mandatory in the schedule, but each girl can choose any club (or several) to her liking.

    And my eyes widen from the variety: painting, batik, sculpture, designer toys, drama club, journalism school, style school, culinary school and reading school, various dances...

    This is, for example, modeling classes:

    The equipment is the most modern, in the photo the teacher shows the kiln and pottery

    These are classes on artistic creativity, Decoupage technique

    And a circle of soft toys:

    Celebrities and important guests often visit the students:

    To get to the main academic building you need to go through the park. It turns out that there used to be a parade ground (!) on the site of a beautiful park, but now there is a whole rose garden (for the opening of the boarding house, these roses were planted together with the pupils famous women Russia). All grades study in the main building - from fifth to eleventh.

    This is a psychologist's room; there are several of these in the academic building.

    This is a math lesson, these are the interactive boards used (although maybe they are like this in every school now? I’m not sure...)

    Classes on cooking and table setting are held here - girls should learn this too. At the last dinner party at the Boarding House there were Valeria and Joseph Prigogine.

    Chemistry room:

    Language class (at the boarding school, girls study 3 languages, and many then connect their lives with linguistics).

    During breaks you can watch your own television. Or information on such interactive stands. For example, go to your personal electronic diary, or read the class schedule, or find out what’s for lunch today.

    By the way, parents also have remote access to the electronic system, and online they not only see their child’s grades, but also comments on them.

    Dinner menu:


    Meals in the boarding house are organized according to the buffet system, but the health and weight of the girls are strictly monitored. The healthy lifestyle program was developed in collaboration with Russian Academy Sciences, and every day the girls enter calories, types of physical activity and other information into the electronic form.

    Instead of salads there is a salad bar, a lot of vegetables without sauces and additives: There are no pasta and potatoes; these products are replaced in the guesthouse, for example, with soups and vegetable casseroles.

    Sports activities - one of the important components of studying at a boarding school. In addition to additional classes in equestrian sports (each girl has the right to 5 lessons at the equestrian club) and figure skating (each class practices 2 times a week at the CSKA Ice Palace),

    Swimming lessons are compulsory:

    The pupils have at their disposal a sports section for volleyball, taekwondo, fencing, shaping and aerobics. Among the teachers there are many masters of sports, and even two Olympic champions. However, the teaching staff includes only teachers with the highest qualification category, doctors and candidates of science.

    Volleyball section:

    Taekwondo section:

    Fencing section:

    On weekdays, the assembly hall is used for music classes and dance sections.

    And this is an Irish dance ensemble. By the way, they are Russian champions in Irish dancing, and in February of this year they took 1st and 2nd places at the European Championships in Ireland. Competitions in Milan are ahead.

    In the library you can often meet those same girls from “The Smartest” who conquered everyone with their knowledge. First, I suggest you watch this video to understand what I’m talking about:

    Nastya Varlamova - she took second place in the game, but in the hearts of TV viewers she probably took first place. Modest, but open to communication. Nastya said that it was not difficult to play, but she was very worried. Nastya is from Primorye, her mother is a midshipman on a ship. She says that she uses all the opportunities of the boarding school to get a good education, but even before the boarding school she won various regional and city Olympiads and competitions more than once. Playing the violin.

    The girls live in residential buildings; in the photo you can see how the pupils live. These are the rooms, 2 per block, each for two people. There are 2 toilets per block, an excellent bathroom and a large dressing room:

    Living room

    And here is news that will not leave any woman indifferent: upon arrival at the boarding school, girls are given 80(!) sets of clothes.

    This is an evening, cocktail, ball gown, 6 various forms training clothes, several coats, winter jackets, a ski suit, handbags, shoes, pajamas, dressing gowns - in general, everything you need and much more!

    The pupils' wardrobe.

    This is how the tour of the boarding house turned out. We can only be happy for the girls from different parts of our Motherland who are receiving such an education. Of course, the question remains whether their isolation from the boys is really necessary (although they often have discos with Suvorov students and cadets), and in general, I think that when they leave the boarding school and enter adult life, it will be difficult for them at first. But this is a good chance, and for many of these girls it is the only opportunity to realize themselves.

    This article was written based on the materials of the article,
