What do you need to get into medical school? Medical universities. Top medical universities in Russia

And today we will talk about doctors.

A doctor is one of the most noble professions. Despite the low wages, in Russia it is considered the most prestigious.

Save human lives, receiving gratitude from rescued patients and their relatives, seeing joyful smiles all around - what could be better?

But there is also the other side of the coin: constant stress, very frequent overtime, the need to constantly be ready to provide help, the ability not to let other people’s pain pass through your heart, a firm hand and iron self-control.

However, if you are reading this article, it means you have already decided who you want to become in this life. Our task is to help you and tell you everything about how to enroll in medical school/university (for a budget or a paid department), what subjects need to be taken for this, what documents will be needed.

Here you will find out whether it is difficult to enroll in medical school and which educational institution to choose.

What exams will you have to take?

If you feel that this is your calling, be prepared to overcome difficult obstacles, the most important of which are exams.

The first thing you need to get into medical school is excellent knowledge of chemistry and biology. For those entering medical universities, these are specialized disciplines, and preparation for passing them should begin long before the exam.

Ideally, you need to decide on a profession in the 9th-10th grade so that you can begin to study subjects intensively. In this case, the student will have some time left to catch up and understand what is not clear.

If you have decided which medical school to enroll in, we recommend visiting it in advance and communicating with local students. This way you can look at everything from the inside educational process, familiarize yourself with the list of exams required for admission and become more familiar with them.

So, for admission, an applicant will need to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  • Russian language,
  • biology,
  • chemistry.

How to prepare for exams

Most medical universities operate two-year training courses. During classes, university teachers coach students to pass exams.

What are the benefits of such courses?

  1. The student is completely immersed in the university environment.
  2. Meets future teachers.
  3. Can understand in advance whether the chosen focus is suitable.

But usually such courses are expensive.

However, there are also express courses that last a couple of months. They will not so much explain as test knowledge.

If you cannot afford to spend large sums on tutors or such courses, find out if the university of your choice offers the opportunity to attend preparatory classes remotely.

When passing the unified exam in Russian, chemistry and biology, not only how well the applicant is prepared in these disciplines plays a role, but also the number of points scored during the Unified State Exam. Often the minimum bar in medical universities is 50 points in specialized disciplines.

The number of points will play important role when deciding which form of education to send a student to - paid or budget. Depending on the state order, each state university is very limited in budget funding, so there is such big competition in place.

Tuition fees at the selected university can be viewed on the educational institution’s website

What documents are needed for admission?

Before entering a medical school, you need to collect a list of documents required by law. The list is the same at all universities:

  • application of the applicant;
  • A completed application form;
  • certificate of completion of secondary education;
  • Unified State Exam results;
  • original passport and copies;
  • 2 photographs 3*4, signed in pencil on the reverse side;
  • medical certificate in form 086-u;
  • if there are benefits, documents confirming the right to receive them.
Submission of documents can be done either in person or by mail. Some educational institutions have electronic registration students who are going to send documents by mail.

Which medical universities should I apply to?

If you have decided on a profession, but cannot choose a university, pay attention to the criteria for choosing a university:

  1. Territoriality. Usually, the location of the applicants plays a huge role in whether it is worth enrolling in a medical school in Moscow or in St. Petersburg Medical University. There are about 40 medical universities in the Russian Federation, located in different regions of the country. This allows students to stay as close to home as possible rather than traveling thousands of miles away.
  2. Prestige of the university. Applicants especially like the Moscow “tower” and the St. Petersburg Medical University. Universities in Smolensk, Ivanovo, and Kursk are also valued. Although the quality of education is the same everywhere, in these places, due to promotion, the competition will be much higher than in Khabarovsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk.
  3. Developed infrastructure. It is worth finding out in advance how the buildings at the chosen university are located, whether there are dormitories, living conditions and the opportunity to get into them, what kind of leisure activities are organized for students and everything related to programs for the harmonious development of personality.
  4. Additional Information. Undergraduate students recommend that applicants find out in advance about the teaching staff, whether there are laboratories, hospitals and clinics with which the university cooperates, libraries, and its own Internet resource. Even the presence of a morgue is an important indicator, because it is the main supplier of anatomical materials, without which full-fledged training of students is impossible.

Top medical universities in Russia

More than 40 universities across the country provide the opportunity to enroll in a medical school not only in Moscow, but also in the regions.

  • First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov;
  • Russian National IMU named after. Pirogov;
  • State Medical and Dental University.

Here are the medical universities that are considered the most prestigious in St. Petersburg:

  • State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova;
  • State medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov.

Among the leaders are also universities in Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa, and Ivanovo.

Is it difficult to get into medical school to become a doctor?

If by the time of admission you have not yet begun to understand chemistry and biology, you should not even try. It is better to postpone until next year, and devote this time to studying the most important disciplines for medicine.

To become a doctor, you need to have the skills to memorize a large amount of information. If you have a bad memory, you need to train it in advance, otherwise you simply will not be able to cope with the flow of information that will be dumped at the university.

High scores on the Unified State Exam do not guarantee admission. For training on a budget, in addition to the results of a single exam, diplomas and prizes for participation in olympiads, competitions, and conferences are taken into account.

Universities are also impressed by students with an active lifestyle, achievements in sports or social activities.

If the student and his family have a difficult financial situation, proof must be provided. The university leadership can accommodate this.

Is it possible to enter medical school without good preparation? Hardly. Will it be possible to pass the competition without the Unified State Exam? No. So study, work on yourself and overcome any difficulties.

If your active preparation is hampered by constant school assignments (essays, tests, reports), you can always rely on the help of the student service. At least with them you will have a chance to approach the application without nervous exhaustion.

The medical profession has always been necessary. Doctor, nurse, paramedic, laboratory assistant - these people save people's lives and health. But this article will focus on how to become a doctor. Even from school, many subjects should be mastered with a solid “A”. So what does it take?

Your native language is useful everywhere

Absolutely any college and university will need to take native language. You can only make an amendment in this case, when, for example, a Belarusian or Ukrainian wants to enroll in Moscow, then he will have to take the Russian language test.

Starting from elementary school, you need to take your studies seriously, because medical school will require maximum dedication, good memory and perseverance. A native speaker is needed to be literate in any field of activity. Of course, 100% literacy may not be required in life, but there should be respect for language.

What can help in mastering grammar, vocabulary, and correct writing of texts? Literature, namely the classics. Constant reading good books can make it possible to remember not only the correct spelling of words, but also teach punctuation marks. Answering the question: “What subjects should I take to become a doctor?” - it’s better to ask others: “How can I prepare for exams in general?” Often, the realization that one wants to become a doctor can come to a student in high school.

Literature is required everywhere

Even if a future graduate literally a year before graduation decides to enter medical school, he will need in-depth study of the necessary subjects. So that everything does not turn out to be in vain, there is a chance to enter universities of other profiles, it is better to study general subjects. Literature is a “lifesaver” for any schoolchild. This subject can help you gain the missing points for admission, including to medical school.

Preferably in free time re-read the books of those authors who are most often found in school curriculum. It is recommended to pay attention to the topics of essays from previous years.

Currently, schools take the Unified State Exam, which has nothing to do with essays. Students only need to constantly practice during testing. And the essay applies to those who finished school a long time ago, but expressed a desire to go to college. What other subjects do you need to take to become a doctor, besides Russian language and literature?

Chemistry - a medical student is nowhere without it

For those who began to hate chemistry from grades 7-8, it is better to immediately forget about entering a medical school. But these guys don’t need to despair. Medical colleges and schools accept everyone after grades 9 and 11; you just need to pass biology, chemistry is not needed (except for the specialty "pharmacist").

Why does a medical student need chemistry? This is one of the most important items. You need to know what's going on in human body, because living beings consist entirely of chemical compounds. The doctor looks at the test results; he must know how the medicine he plans to prescribe will act on the patient. Understand what doses are needed and how long to treat. This is just one example, but there are countless of them. You can immediately answer the question: “What subjects do I need to take to become a doctor?” Chemistry and more chemistry. From the very beginning of studying it at school, you need to take it seriously and listen carefully to the teacher.

Only one who wants to really help people recover can become a good doctor. Without chemical research not enough. Why do we need reaction equations and benzene rings? At first glance, the student will think that all this will not be needed. In fact, it will come in handy in the future.

In biology we study anatomy

What other items need to be taken to the doctor? Biology. But this science has several subsections: botany, anatomy, ecology, genetics. In medical universities and colleges there will be requirements specifically for anatomy, and there are often questions about genetics. A student in high school needs to pay special attention to studying the subject. The structure of the human body, skeleton, organs, physiology, processes in the body - you need to know all this with a solid “A”.

It's good to have an anatomical atlas. After all, every doctor must accurately determine the location of any organ. For example, how will a gastroenterologist determine where the liver is and where the pancreas is? Why are they needed and how to treat them? Being a doctor is very difficult, the responsibility is enormous.

Is physics necessary?

Some, instead of biology, may assign physics or the Unified State Exam at school. There are some specialties that require you to take biology and physics, in addition to your native language. Most often these are specialties related to biophysics. What subjects need to be taken for the External Independent Examination? The subjects required to become a doctor in Ukraine are the same as everywhere else: native language, chemistry (or physics) and biology. You need to check on the university website or when you appear in person at the admissions committee.

Every year, an educational institution can change not only the program, but also the subjects themselves, as well as the competition and the number of people per place. So why? How do doctors work with devices, for example, radiography, MRI, computed tomography? Physics is definitely needed here. The work involves not only people and technology, but also physical processes.

Do you need a tutor and preparatory courses?

If a student dreams of entering a medical institute, and has even decided what kind of doctor he can be, then he needs to seriously study biology, chemistry (or physics), as well as his native language. But what to do if you are unlucky with a teacher who does not know how to explain and does not provide a sufficient amount of knowledge? You have to study the subject yourself, but it is better to resort to the help of a tutor if your parents have material resources. Nowadays you can find many free online tutors, including problem books. When a student knows which exams to take to become a doctor, it becomes easier for him. Because all attention will be paid to the right items. If possible, he will get into a class with a medical bias.

It is worth noting that graduating from medical college will be an advantage when entering medical school. But not all universities admit students to the 3rd year right away. You need to find out about this in admissions committee.

Choosing a Specialization

It is important for a future doctor to know what specialization he wants to choose. You don't just need to have a desire to become a doctor. Of course, clarity may appear only in the middle of studying at a medical institute, but it is advisable to at least have an idea, so that later you do not regret that you have chosen an uninteresting profession.

A trauma surgeon and a pediatrician are two completely different doctors. One is not at all afraid of blood and carefully performs operations, the other loves children and knows everything about their health. When choosing a specialization, you don’t have to worry about what subjects you need to take to become a doctor. For the applicant, the exams are the same. Distribution will begin only after several years of study.

How to become a doctor? Exam subjects are not the most important indicator. The answer to the question is different: you can become a doctor only with high-quality training, when the student is completely devoted to his studies and really wants to save people in the future.

10/30/2016 The main Moscow medical universities are 1 Med. (Physical State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov), 2 Med. (RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov) and 3 Med. or Stomat (Moscow State Medical University named after Evdokimov). There is also a medical faculty at RUDN University.

1 Med. better known because he is in Soviet time was subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Health, and applicants from the Union republics also entered there. However, at present it does not have its own good premises; all departments are scattered around Moscow, many are simply in poor condition. The Faculty of Pedagogics was opened relatively recently “for assortment” in order to obtain university status. The rector's office has been preserved on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya in the center of Moscow, and for the sake of solidity the admissions committee is also there, but this does not mean at all that the entire 1 Med. it is located there, it is scattered around Moscow, students spend a lot of time traveling around the city. The dormitories there are also bad. However, many applicants mistakenly believe that 1 MED. is located in the Center and it is “First”, which is emphasized in its name.

2 Honey, which historically originated from 2 Moscow State University, and therefore received No. 2, in Soviet times belonged to the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, and therefore was less known throughout the USSR. However, back in Soviet times, it was allocated significant funds and a large territory in the South-West for the construction of a modern Medical University. Construction began back in Soviet times, and now 2 MED has a beautiful huge building, in which students receive their education for the first 2 years without leaving the walls of the University. In addition, 2 honey. has an excellent Pediatric Faculty, with a history dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. 2 Med received a special grant for research work; it is the leader in the field of science among all medical universities in Russia, which is reflected in its name RNRMU named after. N.I. Pirogova. Graduates of the Faculty of Pedagogics have all the rights of treatment that graduates of the Faculty of Medicine + they are specialists in childhood diseases. Those. graduates of the Faculty of Pedagogics have more knowledge and opportunities for treatment than graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. For example, the current Minister of Health Skvortsova graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy 2 Med.
A few years ago, a pedagogical department was opened at 1 Med as well, “for the sake of assortment”, but the level of training there is an order of magnitude lower than at 2 Med. A chemistry tutor in Moscow has 30 years of experience in preparing for admission to 2 Med and other Med Universities.

3 Med is based on Stomat, which is the best in the country for training dentists. But the medical faculty was opened relatively recently, it is not rated highly compared to 1st and 2nd Med, and after graduating it is difficult to find a good job.

RUDN University also has a medical faculty, but it is also not ranked.

Where to apply, and where is it easiest to apply on a budget?

In 1 Med the passing score is always higher, because it is the most famous, but the conditions for studying there are poor.
In 2 Med, the admission to the Faculty of Medicine is a little lower, and to the Faculty of Pedagogics even a little lower. Since the passing rate at the Faculty of Pedagogics is lower, and the knowledge is higher than at the Faculty of Medicine, it is optimal to put a tick in the application also for the Faculty of Medicine.
At 3 Med it’s good to go to the dentist, but it’s not worth going to the hospital.
RUDN University is not listed, it is not worth going there.

Despite the deplorable situation of the budgetary part of healthcare in Russia, higher medical education(especially those obtained at Moscow universities) enjoys stable popularity. , offering applicants training in various specialties of higher medical education, contains six state universities.


If you look at the average passing score of the Unified State Exam in 2011, you can understand that the most prestigious and practically inaccessible for most applicants (and Russia as a whole) is the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In order to become a student at the best dental university in Russia, applicants had to show an average of 84.3 points on the Unified State Exam. It is especially interesting that “Stomat” for the first time managed to overtake the oldest medical one - the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov.

Perhaps this situation has developed due to the relatively small number of budget places distributed on a competitive basis - 284 in Stomat versus 990 in First Honey. But it is worth noting that both the competition and the passing score for the main specialties at First Med were still higher (see tables).

At the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, you can enroll in three “medical” faculties: dentistry, general medicine, and the faculty of clinical psychology. The situation for these faculties was as follows:

Faculty Budget training Paid training
Number of places Contest Unified State Exam Number of places Contest Unified State Exam
Dental (day department) 250 15,0 240 125 10,2 214 145 000
Dental ( evening department) 100 11,0 198 30 12,3 153 145 000
Medical (day department) 230 20,0 225 80 19,4 225 87 000
Medical (evening department) 180 8,3 172 30 15,5 179 79 000
Clinical Psychology 25 50,4 169 15 25,8 217 75 000

At first glance, the competition for contract training at this time may seem surprisingly high. But the fact is that almost all the places in this area were occupied by “targeted people.”


The name of this university speaks for itself: the first - and therefore the oldest, best and most famous. It is this Moscow university that is the cherished goal of most applicants from all over Russia who dream of receiving a high-quality medical education. Finding itself in second place among Moscow medical institutes in 2011, First Med imposed, as usual, strict requirements on its applicants: 83.3 points on the Unified State Examination. At this Moscow university you can obtain higher medical education in six specialties: general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics, preventive medicine, clinical psychology and pharmacy.

Competition and passing scores for the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov in 2011.

Speciality Budget training Paid training
Number of places Competition person/place Unified State Exam Number of places Competition person/place Tuition fee RUR/year
"General Medicine" (day department) 349 15,60 255 535 4,43 91 000
“General Medicine” (evening department) 80 10,86 181 30 11,23 91 000
"Dentistry" (day department) 68 37,25 242 115 9,06 127 000
"Dentistry" (evening department) 30 12,33 145 20 7,75 127 000
"Pediatrics" 13 173,08 248 15 49,73 75 000
"Clinical psychology" 10 56,90 202 15 15,80 60 000
"Medical and preventive work" 88 17,51 186 15 27,27 65 000
"Pharmacy" (day department) 168 12,68 195 35 16,89 75 000
"Pharmacy" (evening department) 25 10,92 115 10 10,30 70 000
"Pharmacy" ( extramural) 75 2,21 152 25 3,60 71 000

Risen from the ashes:

The competition for the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was quite high - 10.16 people per place. The faculty was recreated in 1992, thereby replacing the “First Honey” that separated many years ago. At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, training is carried out in two directions: “general medicine” (35 budget places) and “pharmacy” (15 budget places). At the same time, becoming a doctor at Moscow State University is much more difficult than becoming a pharmacist. To enter “general medicine”, applicants needed to score at least 372 points out of 400 possible, while for pharmacy – “only” 336. Note that when entering the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, the Unified State Examination in Russian language, biology and chemistry is taken into account, but applicants must take one entrance exam in chemistry (written). Those who passed the exam with a positive mark, but did not pass the competition, are given the opportunity to obtain a higher medical education at Moscow State University for a record amount of 271,000 rubles per year.

Giving opportunities:

“Second honey”, as people call it RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov, in terms of popularity was far from second, but almost last. The average score for admission to the Unified State Exam is 74.8. It is interesting that the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov gives an opportunity to applicants who are not confident in their abilities to enter the budget and at the same time cannot pay for their education. The fact is that in 1998, the Moscow Government began to finance training in the specialties “general practitioner” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening) and “pediatrician” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening). A special feature of this faculty is that after graduation, the graduate must work for 3 years in Moscow municipal clinics. Accordingly, the competition for the Moscow Faculty is much lower than average.

Faculties, number of budget places and cost of training at RNRMU named after. N.I. Pirogov.


The situation with admission to a medical faculty that is not very prestigious looks quite deceptive. Russian University Friendship between nations. Training here is carried out in three areas: “medicine”, “dentistry” and “pharmacy”. At the same time, the passing grade for budget places at RUDN University turned out to be higher than in many “iconic” medical institutes in Moscow:

It is worth noting the incredibly low competition for a contract basis at the Faculty of Medicine of RUDN University. However, this can be associated with the incredibly inflated cost of training. On the other hand, only RUDN University gives a real chance to get a higher medical education in Moscow if the Unified State Exam results are not at all encouraging.

If we talk about the popularity of specialties, the TOP-3 consistently includes: “general medicine”, “dentistry” and “pediatrics”. To obtain a medical education in Moscow in these areas, the applicant will have to show truly outstanding results. On back side list: “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Psychology” and “Medical and Preventive Care”. However, it is impossible to single out one “best” or “worst” specialty. It seems quite logical that in “First Med” there is the highest competition in the field of general medicine, and in “Dentist” - in the Faculty of Dentistry. So, it is not enough for an applicant to choose the right specialty; it is also necessary to evaluate their possibilities of entering a specific one.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Doctor is considered one of the most important and noble professions in the whole world. After graduation, many girls and boys strive to enter the best medical universities Russian Federation. How to do this? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in our article.

Rules for selecting a medical university

Choosing a good medical university is quite simple; the most important thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • Territorial location. Many applicants try to choose an educational institution closer to home so that it is convenient to get there.
  • Kudos. Enough great importance has the popularity and credibility of a particular university.
  • Educational base. When choosing a medical university or academy, you need to pay attention to the teaching staff of the educational institution, the availability of research laboratories, libraries, the quality of food, and living conditions in the dormitory (for nonresident students).

List of documents for admission

Admission to a medical university begins with submitting the necessary documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • a statement written in your own hand;
  • filled blitzket;
  • certificate of general secondary education or diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • results of a single state exam(Unified State Examination) in selected and compulsory subjects;
  • 2 photos measuring 3x4 cm;
  • health certificate in form “086-u” (issued by a local physician);
  • special documents confirming the right to receive benefits (orphans, disabled people of group 1 or 2, single-parent or dysfunctional families).
to become a doctor, you need to go through a long and responsible path of study at a medical university

Training courses

You need to think about entering a medical institute or university in advance, starting from the 9th grade. Typically, schools provide various extracurricular activities to help high school students prepare for future exams. Do not skip or neglect such preparation under any circumstances, because it will be useful to you in the future. If possible, you can hire a tutor in the subject that is most difficult for you. It is also recommended to find out when the so-called “Day” will take place at the university you have chosen. open doors" On this day, employees of the educational institution introduce the future applicant to the rules, the “surroundings” of the university, some teachers, and talk about curriculum and additional education.

Entrance exams

In order to become a first-class doctor, desire alone is not enough, because you need to pass difficult entrance exams in the following subjects:

  • Russian language - from 65 points;
  • mathematics - from 70 points;
  • chemistry - from 75 points;
  • biology - from 70 points.

Above were the approximate minimum score values ​​for which subjects must be passed. Of course, these figures are approximate and statistically average, because every year different universities set their own threshold. Also, some educational institutions accept the results of the Unified State Examination taken at school, and some educational institutions conduct their own exams.

  • long before passing the exams, a future applicant can go to a hospital, hospital, clinic in his or any other city and take a referral to a certain medical university, so that after graduation he can return to work in this particular healthcare institution; this method is called targeted recruitment;
  • before passing the Unified State Exam do not forget to write an application addressed to the rector educational institution on admission to submit documentation to the admissions committee;
  • if you have previously studied at medical school, then you have some advantages over schoolchildren: you are allowed to immediately enroll in the 3rd year of a medical university, institute or academy;
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation has provided preferential conditions for admission to universities for disabled people, orphans, and children with one parent, so find out about this from the admissions committee in more detail;
  • if you already have a higher medical education, then you can enroll in a specialized university for a master’s degree, internship or residency to improve your qualifications;
  • if the educational institution is not in your city, then be sure to check the availability of places in the dormitory, and also find out about the quality of accommodation there;
  • do not forget to check whether the educational institution has a degree of accreditation and licensing in the state register (this information can be found on the official website or in the dean’s office).

List of the most popular medical universities

Let's look at the top 10 medical universities in Russia. The most popular and prestigious are:

  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (MSU);
  • Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (MSMU);
  • St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Pavlov (SPBGMU);
  • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (SPBSPMU);
  • Russian Research Medical University named after Pirogov (RNIMU);
  • Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA);
  • Siberian State Medical University (SibSMU);
  • Kuban State Medical University (KubSMU);
  • Kazan State Medical University (KSMU);
  • Rostov State Medical University (RSMU).

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession of “doctor”

Like any other profession, the specialty “doctor” has a number of its own advantages and disadvantages, which every applicant must take into account before enrolling. Let's look at them in more detail.

The advantages include:

  • official employment, “white” wages;
  • the possibility of part-time work, for example, in paid clinics;
  • work in a friendly team;
  • preferential medical care;
  • annual bonus;
  • demand in the labor market.

The disadvantages of this profession are:

  • increased responsibility;
  • military duty (after admission, students are registered with the military, even girls);
  • irregular work schedule;
  • constant retraining;
  • duration of study at the university (6 years).

In our article you got acquainted with many useful tips we learned about how to enter a medical university, what documents are required, how best to prepare for entrance exams, approximate passing scores, and also how to choose a medical university.
