Why is the child's head elongated? Head shape in newborns. How to read a person's character by their head shape

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In general, the head characterizes a person’s personality,” and by the signs on a person’s head one judges how this personality can be fully realized. In this article we will tell you how to determine character by the head.

How the head and character are connected

In physiognomy, the head represents ourselves. It's how we show up in the world. They recognize us by our heads. When something is wrong with your head, it means something is wrong with you and with your life.

All signs on a person’s head carry information about personality, what a person needs to do, innate traits and abilities, opportunities and obstacles to life path. These are all signs of Fate.

In physiognomic analysis, the head is divided very simply: the face, the back of the head and the crown (crown, dome).

How does head position affect character?

  • The head is thrown back - evidence of vanity, selfishness, conceit, desire to command.
  • The head is tilted forward - an indicator of intelligence, modesty, responsiveness.
  • The head is tilted to the side (to the left or to the right - it doesn’t matter) - a sign of observation, a mocking mind (sometimes sarcasm), a tendency to pretense and scams.
  • The head is turned to the side - such a person denies existing rules and generally full of contradictions (strong Uranus).
  • The head is raised straight - a sign of self-confidence and pride.

How to tell your character from your head

The head is divided into two main parts: the front - the facial area, and the back - covered with hair.

The front part of the head contains the organs of human spiritual life, while the back part serves as the focus of lower, animal instincts.

The proportionality of these parts indicates a normal mind, while excessive development of one of these parts is a detriment to the other and serves as a sign of some kind of abnormality.

The best case is when the entire line of the head is in proper proportion to the size of the body, that is, the head should not be too large and not too small. Any abnormality, for example, excessive development in length or width, represents a certain type of defect.

How to find out a person's character by the shape of their head

  • Excessive width of the skull, depression, angularity are a sign of mental abnormality.
  • A too large head is a sign of rudeness, laziness, sensuality and cruelty.
  • How to determine character by the head if it is too small? Such a head indicates frivolity, eccentricity, irritability, inconstancy and lack of common sense.
  • An elongated head is a sign of stubbornness, energy and perseverance in the absence of prudence.
  • A head that is wider than long, with very prominent cheekbones, is found in people with a strong will, decisive, unshakable, stubborn and cruel.
  • About practical intelligence, prudence, hard work and ability to exact sciences This is evidenced by the shape of the head, when the width prevails over the height in the size of the head.
  • A head that is taller than wide is a sign good character, imagination, impressionability, mobility, daydreaming, lack of prudence and impracticality in life.
  • A sign of common sense, practicality, consistency and excellent memory is a bulge in the upper part of the forehead.
  • A depression in this part of the forehead means a weak mind, poor memory and lack of consistency in judgment and action.
  • The head and character of a person are closely interconnected. Thus, a large, round head without noticeable bulges is found in people who are balanced, cold-blooded and inclined to physical labor.
  • A small round head without noticeable bulges is a sign of cowardice, fickleness and lack of independence.
  • The head is large, angular, with bulges on the forehead and back of the skull - a sign of base instincts. People with such a head are very observant and express their thoughts well.
  • An elongated head occurs in people with a bad character, indifferent, selfish, and evil.
  • A head with a long throat and a short neck, whatever its shape, indicates intelligence, hard work, and independence.
  • Conversely, a head with a long neck and short throat is a sign of laziness.

A woman feels the happiest and there are reasons for this. After all, from now on she has become a mother, and all the fears and anxieties associated with childbirth are already left behind. IN last years In many maternity hospitals, all conditions have been created for the mother and newborn baby to be together in the same room immediately after the baby is born. In this case, the child has the opportunity from the first minutes of life to feel the warmth and affection of his mother, and a happy mother is not able to take a critical approach to the newborn. She loves him for who he is.

In the case when Mother after giving birth, she is deprived of the opportunity to see her baby for a long time, anxiety creeps into her heart, and therefore, when the baby is brought to her for the first feeding, she begins to carefully examine the newborn and finds many features in his appearance, which makes her worry even more. One of the most common questions new mothers ask doctors is: “Why is my baby’s head elongated?”

Of course, to dispel the anxiety of women in labor, any doctor answers this question: “Don’t worry, this is normal.” However, young mothers are often not satisfied with this answer; they want to know more. So that they do not have any doubts, in this article we want to familiarize expectant and young mothers in detail about the features of the head shape of newborn children.

Nature has provided many mechanisms to facilitate the birth process and ensure the safe birth of children. Preparation of the parent and child's body for the birth of a baby occurs long before birth. Among them, special attention is paid to the fact that the bones of the child’s skull remain mobile until birth and only after birth do the sutures begin to harden. In addition, the bones of the skull in newborns are pliable and soft, thanks to which the head in infants can easily change shape and easily pass through the narrow birth canal.

For this reason, almost all newborn babies have an elongated head shape. The following head shapes are considered normal in newborn babies:
1. Dolichocephalic- the skull is slightly flattened, extended from the chin to the back of the head, and has a diagonally oblong shape.
2. Bracheocephalic- the longitudinal diameter of the head is less than the transverse one, the skull is elongated from the forehead to the back of the head, slightly flattened.
3. Tower- the skull is extended vertically. The reason for the formation of this shape of the skull is the rapid healing of the sutures of the skull bones.

Very rarely deformation of shape in newborns is a consequence of birth trauma, hydrocephalus and other dangerous diseases. As a rule, the shape and circumference of the head in newborn children directly depends on hereditary predisposition. Already a few months after birth, babies’ heads take on the shape they inherited from mom or dad.

More often skull shape in infants rounds at 6-12 months of age, but sometimes final formation skull formation occurs only at 5-7 years of age. At the same time, the child’s intelligence develops normally. Therefore, in cases where the birth took place without complications, there is no need to worry about the elongated shape of the baby’s head; this is normal for babies born naturally. The round shape of the head in newborn babies is most often an indicator of the birth of a child by cesarean section.

Despite the fact that everything newborn babies have a slightly elongated head shape, one cannot help but note the fact that the degree of elongation and flattening of their skull still depends on the duration of labor and the structure of the maternal pelvis. Most often, the child has a strongly flattened and elongated head shape from the chin to the back of the head in women with a narrow pelvis. The narrower the pelvis of a woman in labor, the more difficult it is for the child to move along the birth canal with the back of his head forward and the more likely he is to have an egg-shaped head.

A more important indicator than form, is the size of the child's head. Using this indicator, pediatricians determine the development of infants and identify pathologies. Parents themselves can measure the size of their baby’s head using a soft measuring tape. The measurement should be taken along the most protruding parts of the skull, covering the back of the head and the line of the eyebrows with a tape.

Head size in newborn babies in the first week after birth it should be within 32-38 cm. If the size of the child’s head is smaller or larger than this norm, then this should not be a cause for concern. Compare the baby's head circumference with the circumference of his chest. If the size of the head is 2 cm larger than the girth of the chest, then this indicates the absence of deviations from the norm.

Newborn head size largely depends on heredity, with the exception of premature babies who have a large head circumference. If a child’s head grows quickly after birth, this may be the first sign of hydrocephalus or other abnormalities in brain development. Normally, the head circumference of infants increases by 2 cm every month, and after 3 months of age, head growth decreases and by the age of one year its circumference is about 45-47 cm.

How to find out about a person by their head shape? Exists a large number of signs by which it becomes possible to distinguish an evil and selfish person from a kind and cheerful one.

At least, this is what adherents of folk superstitions, traditions, medicine, and so on say.

Let's consider the relationship between character and the shape of a person's head.

The certain shape of the back of the head (it is always hidden behind the hair), as well as its various areas, for a knowledgeable person, can say a lot about the development of abilities this person, as well as the characteristics of his psyche.

What are the different shapes of the human head? and what they say about it folk signs, by physiognomic standards:

- If a person has the head is slightly larger relative to the body , then this person is slow, shameless, lazy, but brave. A certain person who likes to lie on the couch alternately watching something intimate and scary.

- If Although the head is large, it is proportional to the body , such a person is noble and generous. A kind of “Slavic wardrobe” in shining armor.

- If a large head is located on an equally large neck , then such a person is wise, truth-loving, faithful. Oh how you guessed it! It's all about me!

- If on the contrary - thin neck and small head - then this person is unfaithful, crafty, evil, weak in body. Overall, typical negative character!

Oblong head shape is a sign of boredom and anger. An angry bore - it was always scary!

Round head– impatience, inconstancy, anger, and sometimes crime. It would be funny if the judges announced “Guilty!” during the verdict. Since the defendant has a round head shape.”

If a person has a forward face , then he is: weak in memory and body, but intelligent and judicious.

Big and ugly head often indicates the shamelessness and bad character of its bearer.

Disproportionately small - about the deceit, stupidity and weakness of character of its owner.

Sharp top symbolizes vanity and criminal tendencies.

Convex forehead- is an indicator of poor memory and stubbornness

Developed back of the head - a sign of a good mind, courage and memory.

Unexpectedly for many, these statements were confirmed by modern psychologists; they generally agree with these statements.


High crown characteristic of successful people who strive to implement their plans and take action.

Low crown- characterizes people with weak character and will.

Convex a beautifully defined (but not protruding nape) is an indicator of a harmonious character.

Back of the head - is an indicator of disharmony in character development.

Franz Gall (he is the founder of the science of phrenology) created a diagram in which he placed certain character traits on the human skull.

In his opinion, twenty-seven abilities of the soul are localized on the human skull:

1. Instinct to preserve the species.

2. Physical love.

3. Compassion, kindness.

4. Sense of personality.

5. The spirit of contradiction.

6. Resourcefulness, cunning.

7. Pride, arrogance.

8. Tendency to steal.

9. Prudence, foresight.

10. Ambition.

11. Tamability.

12. Innocence.

13. Good orientation in the area and memory of the area.

14. Memory for faces.

15. Speech.

16. Memory for names, words.

17. Artistic talents and sensitivity to colors.

18. Counting and arithmetic ability.

18. Musical talents and sensitivity to tones.

19 Ability for architecture, mechanics.

20. Wit.

21. Vivacity of thinking.

22. Ability for metaphysics.

23. Poetic talents.

24. Developed facial expressions, ability to imitate.

25. Good nature.

26. Religiosity.

27. Constancy, firmness.

Franz Gall assumed that numbers 3, 5, 9, 22, 23, 24 and 27 are characteristic only of representatives of the human race, and all others are characteristic of both humans and animals.

« Aristotle's treatise on physiognomy" - is the first European source that has survived to this day. In this treatise, Aristotle wrote the following about the size and shape of the head: “Those who have a large head are sensitive; this relates to dogs. Those who have a small head are insensitive; this correlates with pigs. Those whose heads taper upward are shameless; this correlates with birds having crooked talons. Those with small ears are like monkeys, large ones like donkeys; you can see that dogs have the most proportionate ears.”

All of the above, according to folk experts, is only the basis for understanding character, but by no means the complete picture. inner world of this person. For this reason, one should not make hasty conclusions about a person, guided only by the shape of the head, or any other signs, for example: eye color, hair, body structure, zodiac sign, age, and so on.

A round head, big ears, an aquiline nose - it would seem that only insecure and certainly not public people could have such complexes. But this is not so: the ability to notice “defects” in oneself is a congenital “disease” that manifests itself in the most various reasons and absolutely everyone. KYKY, together with lamoda, talked to four beautiful and famous Belarusians and found out what shortcomings they had to overcome in order to feel attractive.

Curator of the crowdfunding platform “Uley” Eduard Babariko

The first one decided to talk Eduard Babariko, which gets into the tops of beautiful Belarusians, changes its course more often than Bitcoin. This is a man with the face of Robert Downey Jr., whom nature has not deprived of ingenuity and common sense: if he takes on your project, do not doubt that he will definitely shoot.

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“Men care what they look like. Society puts pressure on us. All this resembles the conditions on the island New Guinea, who created a family of birds of paradise that is unique in its diversity. Feathered males, in the absence of natural predators, could no longer compete on the basis of physical characteristics - speed, beak size, strength - and males with a more striking appearance began to produce offspring. Male birds of paradise are incredibly beautiful. And how they dance, attracting a female... But the most persistent of us do not succumb to this kind of provocation, realizing that external characteristics are only part of the whole image, a small part of the personality that others perceive. I belong to the camp of men for whom appearance is not the main thing in life. This does not negate the fact that I may be dissatisfied with myself, but it allows me to perceive this fact completely calmly.

I consider myself far from handsome, but these thoughts rarely occur to me. As a child, I had a round head (perfectly round) and protruding ears.

Then my little button nose turned into a long thing, but for some reason my chin did not become square and masculine. How did it happen? I asked myself this question one day while looking at my reflection in the mirror. Then followed several hours of reflection and thinking about how to live further. Then I was probably distracted by dreams of adventures in the style of Thor Heyerdahl. These thoughts didn't make my nose smaller, but my ears miraculously ended up pressing closer to my head. Long nose, small chin, asymmetrical facial features, cucumber-shaped head (the head seems to have elongated along with the nose) - that's all me. And I would like to tell KYKY that this worries me greatly, it gives rise to numerous complexes and the desire to appear in public only in a mask. But that's not true. Appearance plays a role in communication, but only at the very beginning and for a very, very short time. Where are you striving, what are your values ​​and beliefs, are you bringing benefit to others, are you able to reveal your potential - these questions are much more important than the question: “What do I look like?” Appearance is capable of attracting attention, but is not able to retain it. And beauty, as for me, is not about appearance.”

TV presenter Dmitry Kokhno

It may seem that Dmitry smiles even while sleeping and going to the dentist. And he does it, as they say, beautifully. At first glance social media Dmitry, it seems that the young man has not a life, but a raspberry: a luxurious wife, a fun job, a vacation on the ocean. But the world of social networks is illusory - he felt ugly duckling and struggled with complexes.

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“People who are not stung by complexes do not go into public professions. The desire to be “in sight” is a kind of echo of similar human problems. In my case, for example, the effectiveness of work depends on the number (and quality) of spectators: the more there are, the harder I try; I don’t want to work for myself. Thanks to the broadcasts of the show “Luck to boot,” I have the opportunity to show off in front of millions of people. Knowing this, I do my work with the same coefficient. A story from my life: until my third year at university, I was very complex about my last name, because both at school and at the university they called Masha, Lena, Kostya and Kokhno to the board. This behavior of the teachers hurt me wildly, I couldn’t understand why they didn’t say: “Dima, come to the board” (now there is a version that such an attitude was formed because of my bad behavior).

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This was a real pain that caused embarrassment and irritation, I constantly reminded everyone that I actually have a name. And then the third year happened in my life, a new group was formed at the university, and at one of the first classes the teacher decided to introduce everyone. Lena and Veronica began to introduce themselves, and I shouted: “Kohno.” Literally immediately I heard in response that I have a cool last name. So easily (and quite unconsciously) my minus became a plus, and I stopped wondering about the name. Then some good-natured trolling began, and all these hashtags like #kokhnolegs, #if you're new at night in the morning, and so on. The conclusion from this story is quite prosaic: sooner or later, what you are ashamed of becomes a subject not only of your personal pride, but also arouses the admiration of others.

I can still remember my first complex about my appearance. When I was four years old, my parents took me to my grandfather Stepa in Kharkov. He decided to cut my hair with a manual clipper - this is the one that works by squeezing the mechanism with a brush. Most of my hair, however, was then torn out by a stupid machine - my grandfather cut my hair bald, leaving only a flowing forelock. Not like Taras Bulba, in the middle of the crown, but bangs. I was small and didn’t understand men’s style at all, but even then I understood that such a haircut was a blatant nightmare. That’s why I wore a cap all summer that covered my bald head, leaving only my bangs visible.”

Designer Apti Eziev

Brutal Apti Eziev always looks good. We don’t know what exactly he eats for breakfast, it seems that they use rejuvenating apples - it was difficult to find another explanation for his ideal appearance. And now a spoiler: an objectively attractive person’s complexes led to plastic surgery.

“I had small complexes that did not irritate the people around me, but worried me personally. These are my psychological problems, which I simply eliminated. The first is the shape of the teeth. All my life, the lower row of my teeth was completely crooked: tooth to tooth, and besides, the upper jaw was smaller than the lower jaw. I installed a braces system, wore it for two years, and took it off before this New Year: the shape of my teeth is perfect, I can smile more often. The second problem was the shape of the nose. I am a Caucasian, and my nose, as befits a Caucasian, is aquiline: large and slightly curved. It really confused me: when I watched my video interviews, it seemed to me that the angle made it even bigger and too crooked. I thought for a long time whether to have the operation or not, wrote a post on social networks, asked my friends - everyone unanimously said that it was not necessary, that it was character and that by changing the shape of my nose, I would simply lose myself.

But I thought differently, so I had rhinoplasty on December 15th.
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It was a very complicated operation, the nose was made smaller, the hump was removed, it was narrowed a little and the tip of the nose was raised up, otherwise it was very aquiline. Now the nose is more European - I like it. I'm glad I had the surgery, because even from a health point of view it's a big plus: now I can breathe easier and have fewer headaches. So I said that no one teased me about my nose, and I remembered a story from school. I liked a girl who was two years younger than me. When you're in someone's school years you like him, it’s embarrassing to admit it, so you just walk around, tease him and pull his pigtails. Once I offended this girl very much, and she said to me straight to my face: “Have you seen your nose?” The issue has now been resolved."

Director and presenter Yuri Yaroshik

Gallant Yuri Yaroshik, whom our editors once dubbed the Belarusian Barney Stinson, also admitted that as a child he was plagued by a feeling of inferiority. For the sake of beauty, at the age of 12 he stopped eating after six. And this was the guy who now, it seems to us, never leaves parties alone.

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“My main complex was a good upbringing. From the age of three, my dad explained how to properly care for the ladies, so I always carefully invited them to dance, walked them home - in general, I was a gentleman. As it turned out, it was precisely because of this that I didn’t have a girlfriend, because I had to behave like my classmates did - pulling my pigtails and calling her names. The image of a hooligan attracts girls more than a well-mannered guy. This a sober look Several long-term relationships taught me about life. More precisely, I realized that there is a contrast: if you are big, brutal and with a beard, be gentle and affectionate, but when, like me, you are a smart, nice and thin comrade, try to behave a little boldly, otherwise you will turn into a nurse, whose snot is no one’s business Not needed. The second complex – as a child I considered myself fat. In fact, I was practically no different in appearance from my average friends, I was an ordinary child with cheeks, I just faced school bullying. My classmates literally suggested that I had problems, and I believed in them. Around the age of 12, I stopped eating after six and actively took up sports. Perhaps if this had not happened, he would now be like his father, two meters tall. Of course, aunts and other relatives constantly said what a cool and handsome nephew they had, but I didn’t believe it, because I simply didn’t like myself. Until you accept yourself, no compliments will help.

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One day I was sent to a camp for volleyball training. For reference: even professional volleyball players have two, maximum three, training sessions a day. And we had four. Due to the heavy load, a lump popped out on my knee, a strict trainer forbade me to go to the doctor so that the training camp would not be curtailed. When my leg stopped bending, I plucked up courage and still went to the first aid station. Naturally, they found out about this, the coach put me in front of the whole team and kicked me out, throwing “complexes” on the road. But what didn't break you...

I remember there in the camp I was sitting on a bench with a girl from the detachment, and she said that I was cute, I replied that she was saying all sorts of nonsense, but I was glad.

Because of all these events, I became more confident, and in the same camp I had my first love. It was probably a kind of growing up school, when it dawns on you that you are normal, that people can like you. At such moments, complexes disappear. I repeat, the main thing is to accept yourself. P.S. Now there are no complexes, except that my upbringing does not allow me to be arrogant and arrange work matters over a glass. Finally, I want to say: just as a man can cause certain complexes in a woman, women can develop similar complexes in us. Therefore, in a serious relationship there are three immutable topics: appearance, sex (you need to talk about it, but you shouldn’t touch on your partner’s physical capabilities) and work. A person cannot be told that he is not professional or that he has chosen the wrong path. I think that’s all I have.”

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