Umk English in focus primary school. English in Focus (Spotlight) is an excellent textbook for school. Components of the educational complex “English in Focus”

UMK “Spotlight” or “English in Focus” is another popular educational and methodological set of textbooks, widely used in schools along with and.

The textbooks cover all 11 grades of English language teaching. "Spotlight" is a joint project Express Publishing (UK) and Prosveshchenie Publishing House (Russia). Among the authors of the textbooks are the well-known Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley, who have several dozen popular general, specialized and grammatical textbooks on the English language under their belts. The teaching and learning complex “Spotlight” fully complies with the recommendations and requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​and was created taking into account the requirements of the Federal component of the state standard for primary general education in foreign languages.

Spotlight offers a unique new approach to learning in English. The educational complex implements student-oriented, communicative-cognitive and activity-based approaches to teaching English. In simple words, these textbooks immerse children in private life situations and teach you to think as you construct English speech.

Look at an example topic from an elementary school textbook:

There is no complicated vocabulary here: all words and phrases are from the daily dictionary. The tasks are varied in form and content, accompanied by colorful illustrations and music. At any level, a lot of material is given about the cultures of Russia and Great Britain. The educational complex is designed for 3 hours of English per week.

I really like the textbooks in this series; they are easy and interesting to study, and children gain a wide range of knowledge.

You can buy Spotlight textbooks in the online store or Labyrinth:

Spotlight 3 (English in focus. Grade 3): GDZ

Spotlight 4 (English in focus. Grade 4): GDZ

Spotlight 5 (English in focus. Grade 5): GDZ

Spotlight 6 (English in focus. 6th grade): GDZ, GDZ (Workbook)

Spotlight 7 (English in focus. Grade 7):

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Teaching and learning complex “English in Focus” (Spotlight) for grades 2–11 of general education institutions

Teaching and learning complex “English in Focus” (Spotlight)– a joint production of the Russian publishing house “Prosveshcheniye” and the British publishing house “Express Publishing”, which reflects traditional approaches and modern trends of Russian and foreign methods of teaching a foreign language.

Teaching materials in English Spotlight meets the requirements of the Federal State educational standard general education and corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, and also complies with the standards of the Council of Europe.

Authors of UMK"English in Focus" (Spotlight):
English for primary school (grades 2-4) – N.I. Bykova, D. Dooley, M.D. Pospelova, V. Evans.
English for primary school (grades 5-9) – Yu.E. Vaulina, D. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, V. Evans.
English for high school (grades 10-11) – O.V. Afanasyeva, D. Dooley, I.V. Mikheeva, B. Obi, V. Evans

It is the main component of the educational system and has a clear structure. Course textbooks include up to 10 thematic modules.

New lexical and grammatical material is contained in the first lessons of the module; its development is organized through the integration of all types speech activity. These lessons along with the lesson speech etiquette English in Use form the core of the module. Lessons of regional studies as countries of the studied language (Culture Corner, Spotlight on Britain), and Russia (Spotlight on Russia) provide students with materials for the development of sociocultural competence and contribute to the formation of the ability to conduct a polylogue of cultures. The Spotlight on Russia section in primary school has the format of a magazine for teenagers, which contains text materials about different aspects life of the native country and questions for discussion and assignments.

Just like the textbook, it includes up to 10 main modules, each of which corresponds to the corresponding section of the textbook. The exercises are aimed at consolidating lexical and grammatical material.

The assignments come in a variety of formats. The workbook is accompanied by an audio guide for practicing reading and listening skills. The Translator’s Corner section at the end of each module offers students exercises to translate basic phrases. The workbook is brightly and colorfully designed.

Necessary for the teacher to use in class. They contain all the textbook exercises intended for listening during the lesson.

These discs can be used by students at home to practice listening skills on their own.

Directly intended for students. It contains exercises from the textbook that must be completed at home (learn a poem by heart, practice reading a text, etc.). The disc also contains tracks for Workbook, necessary for execution homework Houses.

Contains materials and guidelines on organizing and conducting classes at this stage of training, thematic planning, keys to the workbook, tests and reading book, script for staging a play based on this book.

The book for the teacher also presents a calendar and thematic planning of educational material, detailed lesson guidelines and cultural comments with the goals and objectives of each lesson. Distinctive feature book for teachers is that it is published in Russian in methodological terminology generally accepted in educational space Russia.

Includes up to ten test assignments in two versions, which are performed upon completion of work on each module.

The collection of control tasks ensures the control process on a regular and objective basis. The collection also provides material for intermediate control and the final annual test. Here are the keys to tests and texts of listening tasks. Textbooks for grades 10–11 present tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam (Spotlight on Exams).

For elementary school, provides a clear visualization of what is being studied lexical material. Bright and colorful pictures provide additional incentive and motivation to learn English.

They are a component of the educational and methodological set in English of the “English in Focus” series by the authors N. I. Bykova, D. Dooley, M. D. Pospelova and others for grades 2-4 educational institutions. Double-sided posters contain pictures illustrating the active vocabulary of each module on a thematic basis.

2nd grade: 1) English Alphabet; 2) Module 1; 3) Module 2; 4) Module 3; 5) Module 4; 6) Module 5.

3rd grade: 1) School Days! 2) My Favorites!; 3) In My Room!; 4) Animals Big and Small;

5) Things to Do!; 6) Spotlight on English-speaking Countries.

4th grade: 1) My Things!; 2) Things I Do!; 3) My Town!; 4) Sports Center!; 5) Let's Shop!; 6) At the Zoo!; 7) My Feelings!; 8) Countries!; 9) Let’s Go on Holiday!; 10) Spotlight on English-speaking Countries. One of the first textbooks to help build skills independent work

The introduction (A Letter for You) written in Russian allows the child to independently understand what a language portfolio is, how to maintain it and what it gives. Working with the Language Passport section - a record of your achievements (certificates, works included in the Language Portfolio) - is new for the Russian school. Students' independent work on the Language Biography section requires attention. Discussion of a selection of questions under the heading All about Me!

allows students to reflect on the importance of the language environment. The Now I Can section will help the child comprehend the work done and draw appropriate conclusions. The My Dossier section contains 20 tasks for individual creative work by students within all the topics being studied. The transfer of the studied material into the situation of their own experience determines the high motivation and incentive of students to complete tasks.

Audio accompaniment is a mandatory component when working on each module. In the line of textbooks for primary schools, the reading book is published separately from the textbook. It can be used optionally to organize a differentiated approach to students. The book is divided into episodes. The volume of the episode is feasible for work during the lesson, taking into account the completion of a full set of tasks for the texts (before-reading, while-reading, after-reading tasks). Colorful illustrations develop forecasting skills and promote effective organization speech activity based on reading. All books serve as the basis for a school play at the end of the school year. All reading books are famous works

English literature of different genres and authors.

The disc contains bright, colorful animated videos corresponding to the textbook material, professionally voiced by native speakers.

(The reading book included in the textbook is presented on disk in the form of a cartoon. The disc can be used by students at home or by a teacher in the classroom on a computer or interactive whiteboard. Software for interactive whiteboard; authors: W. Evans, J. Dooley) contains

It is recommended for students as an additional component for independent work at home. The disc can be used on a personal computer or on an interactive whiteboard. The software is suitable for all types of interactive whiteboards and computers. A detailed user manual is included on the disc.

This website is also a component of the English in Focus teaching and learning complex (Spotlight). Here you can find methodological recommendations, electronic versions of teaching materials components, additional tasks for the modules being studied, as well as letters from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, publishing projects, information about conferences, seminars, meetings, and competitions.

We wish you good luck with English in Focus!!!

Analysis of teaching materials Spotlight “English in Focus” for the level of basic general education

Given the huge variety of teaching materials in a foreign language, the choice methodological complex may not be as simple as it might seem at first glance. Even from the list of recommended teaching materials, it is difficult to choose one that would satisfy all the requirements that a modern teacher who keeps up with the times places on a textbook. One of the most popular in last years educational and methodological complexes is the “English in Focus” complex (“Spotlight"). In this article we will try to consider in detail the relevance of choosing this educational complex as the main one for conducting Foreign Language (English) lessons in a primary school.

Teaching and learning complex “English in Focus” (“Spotlight”), authors: Yu. E. Vaulina, O. E. Podolyako, D. Dooley, V. Evans, publishing house “Prosveshcheniya”, the complex is designed for 3 hours per week (basic level).

According to information from the developers: “UMK “English in Focus” (Spotlight) is a joint production of a Russian publishing house and a British publishing house, which reflects traditional approaches and modern trends of Russian and foreign methods of teaching a foreign language. The entire line is included in (

The English language teaching and learning complex Spotlight meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and complies with the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, and also complies with the standards of the Council of Europe. This educational complex fully satisfies the goals and objectives set out in the Federal State Standard. It provides opportunities to fulfill practical, educational, educational and developmental goals required by modern standardization.

The educational complex consists of the following components:


    Audio courses for classes in the classroom and at home;

    Work programs;

    Book to read andCD;

Distinctive features of the teaching and learning complex for primary schools are:

    • Availability of authentic language materials;

      Using English as a means of studying other disciplines;

      Introducing students to rational learning techniques foreign language(Study Skills);

      Availability of material about the countries of the language being studied (Culture Corner) and Russia (Spotlight on Russia);

      An additional set of interactive tutorials included in composition of the educational complex, allowing you to create conditions for person-centered learning;

      Availability of texts for additional reading (Extensive Reading);

      Including preparation materials various forms final certification (

Author group teaching aid describes it as follows: “The educational complex is built on the principles of a holistic and humanistic approach to teaching foreign languages. The essence of the holistic approach is to select such types educational activities, which contribute to the active, balanced work of both hemispheres of the brain and overcoming some characteristic difficulties in learning. The educational complex pays attention to the development of all types of speech activities (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks and exercises. The material is organized in such a way that it allows you to regularly repeat the main active lexical and grammatical structures and units" (

UMK "Spotlight» corresponds to modern methods of teaching foreign languages, and teaching techniques, methods and technologies are aimed at developing communicative and cognitive learning goals. Increased motivation educational process is achieved through a variety of situational exercises, interesting, relevant texts, types and forms of work that allow you to teach all types of speech activity. Positive aspect of UMC "Spotlight» is a support and close connection with culture native language.

Lessons on cultural studies and regional studies as countries of the target language, also presented in each module, provide students educational materials for the development of sociocultural competence, contribute to their real inclusion in the dialogue of cultures.

Having analyzed this teaching aid and its structure, we can say that all components of the teaching aid form a single complex, complementing each other.

The main component is the textbook, which has the following structure:

    holds 10 thematic modules;

    the textbook consists of Starter and 10 thematic modules, each of which includes 8 lessons + one reserve (at the discretion of the teacher);

    Spotlight on Russia section;

    lyrics or other authentic materials and exercises for them;

    grammar reference book;

    lesson dictionary (with the active dictionary highlighted in a different color).

Having analyzed the material of the modules, we can conclude that they have a clearly defined structure:

    new lexical and grammatical material (lessons a, b, c);

    lessonEnglish in Use (lessonspeechetiquette);

    Lessonscultural studies(Culture Corner, Spotlight on Russia);

    Additional reading lessons (Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum);

    Reading book (an episode from the book for each module);

    Lesson of self-control, reflection of educational activities (Progress Check).

According to the authors’ methodological concept outlined above, students exercise self-control, reflect on learning activities and become familiar with the content of the subsequent module, formulate its goals and objectives within each lesson.

The tasks given in this textbook allow you to implement various organizational forms of work: individual, pair, group, frontal and combine them.

To study lexical material in this textbook, the principle of clarity and thematic approach are used as the main one. The topic of one module consists of several micro-topics, which allows you to maintain high motivation of students. Within this topic, students have the opportunity to develop oral speech taking into account individual interests.

The second most important component is the workbook, which is made in color. Its goal is to consolidate the material covered in the main sections with the help of a variety of exercises. A review section in the Workbook is provided in each module. The assignments complement the material given on the topic in the textbook. Working with a notebook allows you not only to activate the material covered during the lesson, but also to expand it. The notebook also allows students to realize their creative potential, expressed in the presence of exercises based on individual experience. The exercises in the workbook can be used as part of homework assignments.

Language Portfolio is a manual that promotes the development of independent work skills and self-esteem of schoolchildren in educational process. The transfer of the studied material into the situation of their own experience, embedded in the tasks of the Language Portfolio, determines the high motivation of students to complete them. The language portfolio is the property of the students; all achievements in language learning (projects, essays, certificates, drawings, reviews, photographs, etc.) are recorded and included in it. This application can be used as desired, but its use makes language learning more student-centered and allows students to realize more of their creative potential. If it is possible to work end-to-end with this application for several years, the student can independently assess the progress in learning the language and identify his own individual vector of development.

According to information from the official website of the educational complex “English in Focus”: “The language portfolio is a new product in the Russian education sector, which is aimed at stimulating the student’s desire to learn a foreign language and making this process more entertaining” (http://www.prosv .ru/umk/spotlight/default)

The use of additional components of teaching materials, such as audio CDs, helps make the learning process more interesting and visual, actively complementing the main components. The audio application is available both when purchasing a textbook and on the official support website of the publication, in the public domain. The voiced material is made with high quality, the speech is usually emotionally colored, and there are also elements of noise and musical design.

From all of the above, we can draw conclusions about the main distinctive characteristics of the educational complex “English in Focus”:

    this educational complex complies with European standards and the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of learning foreign languages;

    allows schoolchildren to develop elementary communication skills in all types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in real communication situations in their integration;

    develops speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities, as well as general educational skills;

    provides an opportunity to include students in the dialogue of cultures - Russia and English-speaking countries, to introduce them to the world of their foreign peers;

    develops skills of independent work, self-control and self-analysis;

    shows the diversity of its constituent components;

    presents a clear structure and content of the textbook, bright and colorful design, beautifully composed audio accompaniment;

    is built on the principles of active, holistic and humanistic approaches to teaching a foreign language;

    meets modern printing requirements, the textbook is attractive for children. It presents various types of visualization: drawings, photos, diagrams, the font is easy to read;

    published for all years of study and can be purchased in bookstores offering educational and methodological literature.

    components are periodically updated and supplemented, which is also a positive thing.

Based on all the above characteristics, the choice of teaching materials can be considered rational. This educational complex combines all the necessary components to achieve the goals and solve the problems of teaching English in a primary school.

Educational and methodological complex “English in Focus” (“Spotlight”)

UMK "English in Focus" (Spotlight) - a joint production of a Russian publishing house "Education" and British publishing house "Express Publishing", which reflects traditional approaches and modern trends in Russian and foreign methods of teaching a foreign language. The entire line is included in Federal list Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and complies with the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, and also complies with the standards of the Council of Europe.

Textbook title: “English in Focus” (“Spotlight”)

Subject: foreign language (English)

Class: 1 - 4

Publisher: "Prosveshcheniye"

Type educational institution: general education

Subject Line Completeness: Completed

Composition of the educational complex:

Textbook (with built-in reading book);


Teacher's Book;

Language portfolio;

Test tasks;

Audio courses for classes in the classroom and at home;



Work programs;

Book for parents;

Video course on DVD (DVD-video);

Electronic application for computer (DVD-ROM, grades 3 - 4);

Interactive whiteboard software;

Electronic supplement to the textbook with an audio course for self-study at home (“Enlightenment” - ABBYY)

The educational complex “English in Focus” is designed for schools that have the appropriate technical means training necessary for listening to CDs and watching videotapes. Their absence sharply reduces the effectiveness of work on teaching materials.

The teaching materials contain thematic planning, detailed lesson plans, keys to textbook exercises, workbooks and tests and recommendations for introducing and practicing new material, additional exercises and games that allow the teacher to carry out a differentiated approach, as well as texts of listening exercises. In order to successfully perceive the material by students with different types of memory, the educational complex provides tasks and exercises that allow the use of all channels of perception. So, for visual children, there are different types visual aids: colorful textbook illustrations, handouts, posters and video. Most of the teaching materials' texts are recorded on audio cassettes and discs with sound and musical design, which meets the needs of auditory children. For kinesthetic children, songs and rhymes accompanied by movements are offered. This way, every student has a chance to absorb most of the information.

The textbook is written in such a way that it not only meets the interests of students, but also involves them in active learning in English. New words and structures are introduced in a clear and in effective ways using pictures, songs, rhymes, etc. New language material is presented in the context of interesting live dialogues. A variety of exercises, songs, poems and games will help students remember the material they are learning easier and faster.

There is also a resource bank, which includes: materials for assessing students’ knowledge, skills, and recommendations for working with a language portfolio.

The course implements personality-oriented, communicative-cognitive, activity-based approaches to language teaching.

The following principles form the basis of the teaching and learning complex:

The social nature of constructing tasks, implying interaction with people, nature, culture, civilization;

Personal significance of learning: the formation of a person, his acquisition of himself, his image;

Authenticity of language and speech activity;

Focus on the student as a subject of learning and life: respect for each student, his language and culture, providing opportunities for his individual development.

A clear structure of all components of the educational complex, the presence of regional studies material about Russia in each lesson, video and audio support, good printing and colorful illustrations are the main features of the course.

The English in Focus teaching and learning complex will help students use English effectively and give them the opportunity to learn it with pleasure. The educational complex pays attention to the development of all types of speech activities (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks and exercises. The material is organized in such a way that it allows you to regularly repeat the main active lexical and grammatical structures and units. The educational complex is built on the principles of active, holistic and humanistic approaches to teaching foreign languages.

The modular approach of the “English in Focus” teaching and learning complex series allows for the comprehensive development of students. It gives them the opportunity to work on topics in a variety of ways and takes into account the peculiarities of memory. Students are encouraged to participate in various types activities such as role-playing game, learning rhymes with movements, dramatizing dialogues and fairy tales, interviewing classmates, developing projects and presenting them. All work is aimed at developing language skills, learning abilities and acquiring communication skills.

The textbook “English in Focus” has a modular structure. Each module begins with a model page that gives teachers, students, and parents a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the unit and what students should learn by completing the module (Appendix I). The module includes two paragraphs, which in turn consist of lessons, and also contains sections that make the textbook material varied and exciting.

At the beginning of each lesson, its objectives are stated, a list of active vocabulary, lexical structures, receptive vocabulary is given, and the necessary equipment for the lesson is described. New active vocabulary is highlighted in bold and italics and is given in the order in which it is introduced in the lesson. Familiar vocabulary that students should actively use in this lesson is given in italics.

New language material is practiced using a sample taken from the plot dialogue. Reinforcing new material in dialogue meaningful context promotes the development of dialogical speech skills in students. In subsequent lessons, new words are practiced in various exercises. All dialogues represent a small interesting and sometimes funny plot. Lesson planning provides additional exercises for working with plot dialogue. In the third grade, the structures studied in the second grade at the module level are generalized and new grammatical material is introduced. At home, students, if necessary, can refer to the grammar reference book in Russian, which is located at the end of the textbook. The grammar guide presents a summary of the grammatical material of each module. The purpose of the Workbook is to consolidate the language material of the textbook with the help of a variety of exercises in all types of speech activity. It can be used both in the classroom and at home after completing the relevant module material in the textbook.

The workbook is made in color. At the end of the Workbook are Portfolio Sheets that students use to complete written language portfolio projects.

The Craftwork Sheets appendix (decorative craft pages; APPENDIX 8) contains visual material for some modules that students can use to make crafts.

Upon completion of the course, each student receives a Certificate of Achievement, which is completed by the teacher and presented at the end of the year.

The “Fun at school” section offers students tasks in which they gain knowledge of other subjects, and also get the opportunity to see how using the English language they can get interesting information from different areas of knowledge. Section “Spotlight on the UK/ the USA/ Australia" gives students an insight into the culture and life of English-speaking countries. (Appendix K)

“Now I know” is the section that ends the module and in which students have the opportunity to test their knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar they have learned, as well as their reading, writing and communication skills. This section also prepares students for the test, which is included in the collection of test assignments. Through the “Now I Can” section, a special place is given to reflection educational achievements and methods of activity. The “Progress Check” section promotes the development of self-esteem and self-control skills.

Each module provides songs and rhymes that create a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Songs are of great value when learning a language. Using songs promotes memorization of new vocabulary and increases the desire to learn. To work on reading, students are offered short texts and dialogues, the purpose of which is not only to develop reading skills, but also to instill interest in it. Texts and dialogues are based mainly on familiar language material, which greatly facilitates the reading process. Systematic work on reading rules begins. Students become familiar with transcription.

The language portfolio is presented in the form of a separate notebook and contains material that students will use throughout the course. The language portfolio is designed in such a way that it arouses students' interest and desire to learn English. Its purpose is to help children reflect on how well they are learning English and what aspects need further development.

In practice, the Language Portfolio may include projects or any other written works, computer disks with works and drawings done in class or at home, videotapes with favorite stories, songs, school plays, etc., certificates, teacher reviews and simply collections of objects or pictures. These are all things that students want to keep as evidence of their success in learning English.

The visuals are well presented and the fonts are chosen. The textbook is not very durable as it has a soft cover. Another drawback is the extremely multi-component composition of the CMC, which significantly increases its cost. UMK has a completed line, textbooks from grades 2 to 11 have been published.

Thus, the main distinctive characteristics of the educational complex “English in Focus” are:

compliance with European standards in the field of learning foreign languages;

formation of elementary schoolchildren communication skills in all types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in real communication situations in their integration;

development of speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities, as well as general educational skills;

inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures - Russia and English-speaking countries, introducing them to the world of their foreign peers;

development of skills of independent work, self-control and self-analysis;

variety of its constituent components;

the unique structure and content of textbooks, their bright and colorful design, beautifully composed audio and video accompaniment;

Teaching and learning complexes are built on the principles of active, holistic and humanistic approaches to teaching a foreign language.

Teaching and learning complex “English in Focus” (“Spotlight”) for grades 5-9
educational institutions
(authors E.Yu. Vaulina, D. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, V. Evans)

“English in Focus” for grades 5-9 of general education institutions is a continuation of the “English in Focus” series (“Spotlight”) for primary school. The educational complex is designed for 3 hours per week (90 hours of classroom work and 12 reserve lessons).

Textbooks for grades 5-8 were included in the Federal List of Textbooks ApprovedMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federationfor use in educational institutionsfor the 2009/2010 academic year.

Main characteristics of teaching materials for grades 5–9:

  • authenticity of a significant part of the language materials;
  • adequacy of the methodological apparatus to the goals and traditions of the Russian school;
  • interactivity, taking the student beyond the textbook;
  • personal orientation of the content of educational materials;
  • inclusion of native language and culture;
  • educational and developmental value of materials, ample opportunities for socialization of students.

The educational complex “English in Focus” for grades 5–9 consists of the following components:

  • Textbook;
  • Workbook;
  • Language portfolio;
  • Teacher's Book;
  • Reading book (with CD);
  • Test tasks;
  • CD for classroom use;
  • CD for independent work at home;
  • Course website (

The textbook consists of thematic modules (Modules), each of which includes 9 lessons (40-45 minutes each).

  • Lessons a, b, c – introduction of new lexical and grammatical material.
  • Speech etiquette lesson (English in Use).
  • Lessons on cultural studies of the countries of the target language (Culture Corner), Russia (Spotlight on Russia) for the development of sociocultural competence.
  • The Study Skills section is dedicated to mastering general academic skills, and also introduces students to rational techniques for learning a foreign language, both under the guidance of a teacher in the classroom and independently.
  • The additional reading lesson is built on an interdisciplinary basis (Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum).
  • Self-test and reflection material is combined into one lesson with the introductory page for the next module.
  • The reference materials of the textbook are constructed taking into account the independence of their use by students. The grammar reference book is written in Russian.
  • Lesson English-Russian dictionary.
  • The Workbook includes a Translator's Corner section. At the end of the Workbook there are tasks and visual supports (cards) for pair work. The Revision Section is dedicated to common student difficulties. The workbook is made in color.
  • The language portfolio (My Language Portfolio) is designed to develop the skills of self-analysis and self-assessment of students and includes recommendations for completing written creative works and audio tape recordings of independently completed tasks.
  • A book for reading (Reader) is adapted versions of examples of classical (including children's) literature.

Teaching materials for 5th grade – “Jack and the Beanstalk”
Teaching materials for 6th grade – “Alice in Wonderland”
Educational complex for 7th grade - “Peter Pan”
Teaching materials for 8th grade – “The Canterville Ghost”
Educational complex for 9th grade – “Pygmalion”

  • The Teacher’s Book is an integral part of the “English in Focus” teaching and learning kit. It contains materials and methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting classes at a certain stage of training, thematic and lesson planning, keys to the Workbook, Test assignments and the Reading Book, a script for staging a play based on the Reading Book and the necessary recommendations for this. The Teacher's Book also contains materials for assessing students' knowledge and skills.
  • Test Booklet includes ten test tasks in two versions, which are completed upon completion of work on each module. The collection also provides material for intermediate control and the final annual test. The keys to tests and the texts of listening tasks are also located here. All test tasks can be photocopied. The collection of control tasks ensures the control process on a regular and objective basis.