English from scratch. Learning to read. Stories in English for beginners: making reading an effective tool Topics for reading in English

“Harry Potter” in English is not very easy to read, but it is much more interesting than in Russian. There is nothing to say about “Alice in Wonderland”: no matter how many talented translations there are, all the puns can only be fully appreciated in the original. In general, reading in English is correct and useful. And we will help you choose a book that suits your level, so that it is also enjoyable.

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The more that you know, the more places you’ll go.

Dr. Seuss

Any English-speaking child will confirm: Dr. Seuss will not give bad advice. If you love to read, but are afraid to start with a long and full-length English novel, don't worry. Publishing houses publish adapted books in English specifically for educational purposes: for beginners, for intermediate levels, and so on. Yes, full picture work of art you will receive it a little later, but you can congratulate yourself on the first English book you read starting at the Elementary level!

1. Reading in English increases your vocabulary

Reading on foreign language enriches vocabulary, even if we ourselves do not realize it. Of course, in order for new vocabulary to be absorbed more effectively, it is better to read a book, writing down unfamiliar words and memorizing their translation. When choosing books to read, be guided by your learning goals: if you need spoken language, pay attention to modern “light” prose, but if you want to master special vocabulary, the most obvious advice is to read literature from your area of ​​professional interests.

2. Reading improves spelling

English spelling is full of mysteries and surprises. The spelling of many words defies logic: you just have to memorize them. And the best way to do this is to read more English-language literature so that the images of words are stored in memory.

3. Reading broadens your horizons

E-books and blogs, news sites and social media feeds: reading in the twenty-first century has reached a new level. A single information space makes it possible to learn about what is happening in the most remote corners of the world and to become familiar with the world’s cultural and scientific heritage.

4. Reading in the original language increases self-esteem

Listen to how you feel when you finish the last page of your first English novel: a wonderful feeling. “She reads Orwell in the original” - sounds proud! Any psychologist will tell you: motivation is important when performing any task. So don’t miss an opportunity to praise yourself once again, this one is not superfluous at all! :)

How to choose a book to read

  • Select adapted books in English for your level (see the list of recommended books for levels A2-C1 later in the article).
  • Choose works according to your strengths: start with short stories, gradually moving on to larger literary forms.
  • The more exciting the learning, the more effective it is: try to find books that are interesting to you. Detectives, thrillers, mysticism, or any other topic that awakens your imagination and makes you read the book to the end are suitable.

Children's books in English

If you only know a few hundred words in English, pay attention to children's literature: many children's books are also interesting for adults. In addition, children's literature, as a rule, is generously supplied with illustrations, which helps to understand the plot.

Interesting fact: the famous children's writer Dr. Seuss, who was discussed earlier in our article, wrote his best book The Cat in the Hat(“The Cat in the Hat”), using only 220 words. This list of children's first words was compiled by the publisher, obliging the author to use them in his work: everything to earn the love of the target audience!

Free English-language children's books can be found on the Internet. For example, on the KidsWorldFun resource.

Comics in English

Like children's literature, comics are a great way to start reading in an unfamiliar language. There are a great many genres of comics: there are comics for children, for adults, entertaining and educational.

Film scripts in English

One of the proven and effective methods learning a new language, recommended by many polyglots, is to read books in the target language that are already familiar in translation. The same applies to film adaptations: it is useful to read the scripts of the films you have watched. Advantages: the context is known, the plot is clear, you can guess the meaning of new words as the story progresses.

Books in English about personal development and professional literature

By reading them, you kill two birds with one stone: you study vocabulary that is relevant to you in English and learn new things on a topic that is important to you. If you are keenly interested in something, why not read about it in English? Another advantage of such literature: it is easier to read than fiction novels. The style is simpler, the vocabulary is limited to the topic under consideration.

3 “life hacks” for beginning readers of English literature

You don't have to understand every word

Сontext is king(context is king)! If you have grasped the main idea of ​​the story, that is quite enough. Moreover, if you understand everything you read, most likely you took a book of too low a level for yourself. Try to find books where about 70% of the vocabulary will be familiar (the rest will have to be written out and learned).

Read aloud in English

It may seem strange, but reading has proven itself to be excellent in improving pronunciation and listening comprehension - if it is read aloud. By reading aloud, you tune in to the sounds of the language you are learning. However, it is important to work on pronunciation in addition to reading, otherwise the incorrectly “guessed” pronunciation of a particular word can annoy you for years later.

Listen to audiobooks when reading English

When learning English, in which the same combination of letters can be pronounced in a dozen different ways, it is very important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of new words. We have already written about the format: when reading an English-language book, you listen to its audio version, voiced by native speakers in English. Very convenient for learning pronunciation!

Books adapted for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of English (A2-C1)

Level A2 - pre-threshold level (waystage level, elementary level)

The Fisherman and His Soul

Oscar Wilde

Level: elementary
Genre: romantic fairy tale
Volume: OK. 30000 characters
English version: British

A poignant romantic tale about the mad love of a dolphin fisherman and a mermaid.

Download audiobook: mp3 (8 files, 52 minutes, 48 ​​Mb)


Bram Stoker

Level: elementary
Genre: mysticism, horror
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English version: British

The chilling story of eternal love and eternal damnation: that's where all the modern vampire sagas come from.

The Million Pound Bank Note

Mark Twain

Level: elementary
Genre: adventures, humor
Volume: OK. 25000 characters
English version: American

A witty and instructive story about the exploits of a poor man with a million pound note in his pocket.

Download audiobook: mp3 (8 files, 30 minutes, 28 Mb)

Mr. Bean is in town - Mr. Bean In Town

Level: elementary
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 20000 characters
English version: British

Mr. Bean will always find adventures for his wild little head! The eccentric eccentric continues to surprise and make the reader laugh.

Download audiobook: mp3 (2 files, 31 minutes, 30 Mb)

Level B1 - threshold or intermediate level

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Level: average
Genre: fiction
Volume: OK. 80000 characters
English version: British

What is more important, the beauty of the face or the beauty of the soul? An incredible story about a beautiful mask and the terrible essence of a person. Mr. Gray, weren't you the prototype for the hero of Fifty Shades of Gray?..

Appointment With Death

Agatha Christie

Level: average
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 125000 characters
English version: British

Christie, Poirot, detective. A must read!

Forrest Gump

John Escott

Level: average
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English version: American

A book about a man whose fate makes you believe in the impossible.

Three Men In a Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Level: average
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English version: British

Three cheerful friends decided to go on a trip. What came of it - read in the original.

Intermediate level of English (intermediate, B1-B2)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Level: average
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English version: American

A fantastic story about a man who “lived in reverse.” But you've probably already seen the movie?..

George Orwell

Level: average
Genre: prose
Volume: OK. 150000 characters
English version: British

A landmark work of English literature that should definitely be included in everyone's reading arsenal. modern man. So that you don’t have to blush in polite society.


Dewey Gram

Level: average
Genre: historical novel
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English version: American

This book will tell about the difficult fate of the Roman gladiator. That's who had a really difficult job!

Four Weddings and a Funeral - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Richard Curtis

Level: average
Genre: romance, humor
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English version: British

The best way get to know the culture of the people - study the customs. A funny, touching, slightly frivolous book by Richard Curtis tells about the love between a British man and an American against the backdrop of four weddings and, alas, one funeral. Is there hope for a happy ending? Read about it for yourself.

Screen adaptation:

In English classes, students groan: “Why are the rules of reading in English so confusing?”

One reason is that English . Sometimes they kept their spelling, sometimes they changed it to suit themselves. In good old England, words were often spelled the way they were read, so one word could be spelled in many different ways. Take Shakespeare's manuscripts, for example - all this chaos is there in full view.

Eventually, the spelling of words was standardized and recorded in dictionaries, but... As you learn English, you will notice that a word is often read completely differently from how it is spelled. And usually there are historical reasons for this.

There are also good news. Although many English words are written, it would seem, “as God wishes,” there are a number of rules. But be careful, because for every rule there is an exception.

English has more than 1,100 ways of writing 44 individual sounds, more than any other language. But let studying be a game for you, not a duty.

Learn with our tips!

  1. Write down words that you have problems with in a notebook. Underline the part of the word that is most difficult for you.
  2. Use a dictionary, not a spell checker! Unfortunately, you can't always trust her.
  3. Learn words with all kinds of prefixes and suffixes, for example: biography - auto biography, child hood and so on.
  4. Learn the rules, but don't rely on them. We have already said: every rule has its exception. We'll talk about this below.

“i” is written before “e” (exception is after “c”)

One of the first reading rules taught in English classes. The rule works for words that have a long “ee”, as in shield(shield).

Examples: piece (part), niece (niece), priest (priest), thief (thief).

But after “c”: conceive (comprehend, plan), receive (receive), receipt (receipt; not to be confused with recipe).

For words in which the sound “a” or “i” is pronounced, the opposite is true:

“a”: eight (eight), neighbor (neighbor), reign (reign), weight (weight)

“i”: either, height, feisty, sleight

Exceptions: seize (grab), weird (strange), conscience (conscience, consciousness), efficient (effective), etc.

silent letters

The English language is full of unpronounceable letters. The question arises: why do the English insert letters into words and then simply not pronounce them?..

The silent witness, or What is the unpronounceable letter

Unpronounceable letter ( silent letter) is a letter that should appear in a word, even if we don’t read it. More than half of the letters of the alphabet can act as unpronounceable letters. They can be at the beginning of a word, at the end or in the middle - you won’t even realize from the sound of the word that they are there.

Examples of unpronounceable letters:
a— thread(a thread), bread(bread), thread(step)
​b — lamb(lamb), bomb(bomb), womb(womb)
c— scissors(scissors), science(the science), scent(aroma)
d— edge(edge), bridge(bridge), badge(icon)
e - see below
h - honor(honor), honest(honest), school(school)
k — knot(node), knight(knight), knowledge(knowledge)
l — talk(speak), psalm(psalm), balm(balm)
n — hymn(hymn), autumn(autumn), column(column, column)
p— pneumatic(pneumatic), psalm(psalm), psychology(psychology)
s— isle, island(island), aisle(passage, e.g. in an airplane cabin)
t— listen(listen), rustle(rustle) whistle(whistle)
u — biscuit(cookies; not biscuits!), guess(a guess), guitar(guitar)
w— write(write), wrong(wrong), wrist(wrist)

Unpronounceable “e”

The unpronounceable “e” is the most common unpronounceable letter. There are several strict rules for writing words that end in an unpronounceable “e”.

When you add a suffix to such a word and that suffix begins with a consonant, the stem of the word does not need to be changed.

force (strength) + ful = forceful (strong)

manage (manage) + ment = management (management)

sincere (sincere) + ly = sincerely (sincerely)

If the suffix begins with a vowel or with “y”, then the “e” before the suffix must be omitted.

fame + ous = famous

nerve + ous = nervous

believable (plausible) + y = believable (plausible)

criticise (criticize) + ism = criticism (criticism)

Exceptions: mileage (distance in miles), agreeable.

Prefixes and suffixes

When you add a prefix to a word, you usually don't need to change the base of the word.

anti + septic = antiseptic (antiseptic)

auto + biography = autobiography (autobiography)

de + mobilize = demobilize (demobilize)

dis + approve = disapprove (disapprove)

im + possible = impossible (impossible)

inter + national = international (international)

mega + byte = megabyte (megabyte)

mis + fortune = misfortune (failure)

micro + chip = microchip (microchip)

re + used = reused (recycled)

un + available = unavailable

When you add a suffix to a word, it often changes the base of the word. Below are a few rules. As always, there are exceptions, so if you're not sure how to spell a word, consult a dictionary.

Words ending in a consonant

If the suffix starts with a consonant, just add it to the stem, don't change anything.

Example: treat (treat; treat) + ment = treatment (treatment; attitude).

Doubling a consonant

For most words with a short vowel sound that end in a single consonant, that consonant doubles when you add a suffix that starts with a vowel (ing, er, ed, est).

mop (to wash) + ing = mopping (to wash)

big (large) + est = biggest (largest)

hot (hot) + er = hotter (hotter)

For words that end with an “l” after a vowel, this “l” is doubled.

model + ing = modeling

travel (to travel) + er = traveler (traveler)


For some words ending in “r”, “x”, “w”, “y”, the doubling rule does not apply.

fear (to be afraid) + ing = fearing (fear, afraid, fearful)

box (to box, not box!) + er = boxer (boxer)

know (know) + ing = knowing (knowledge, knowing, knowing)

play (play) + ing = playing (game, playing, playing)

And if a word has two consonants at the end or more than one vowel, the consonant is also not doubled.

maintain (maintain) + ing (two vowels a + i) = maintaining (maintenance)

keep (keep) + er (two vowels e + e) ​​= keeper (keeper; owner)

hang (hang) + er (two consonants n + g) = hanger (hook)

Word endings

Words ending in “ce” and “ge”

When you add a suffix starting with “a” or “o,” the “e” remains.

manage (perform) + able = manageable (doable)

notice (notice) + able = noticeable (noticeable)

courage (courage) + ous = courageous (courageous)

Exception: prestige (prestige) + ous = prestigious (prestigious)

Words ending with “ie”

When you add “ing” to verbs that end in “ie,” the “e” is dropped and the “i” changes to “y.”

die (die) - dying (dying, dying, dying)

lie (lie) – lying (lying, lying, lying)

tie (to tie) - tying (tying, tying, tying)

Words ending in “y” after a consonant

When you add suffixes such as “as”, “ed”, “es”, “er”, “eth”, “ly”, “ness”, “ful” and “ous” to a word ending in “y” ” after the consonant, “y” changes to “i” before the suffix.

eighty (eighty) + eth = eightieth (eightieth)

duty (duty) + es = duties (responsibilities)

lazy (lazy) + ness = laziness (laziness)

mystery (mystery) + ous = mysterious (mysterious)

beauty (beauty) + ful = beautiful (beautiful)

multiply (multiply) + ed = multiplied (multiplied)

cozy (cozy) + ly = cozy (cozy)

Words ending in “y” after a vowel

“y” is preserved before suffixes such as “er,” “ing,” or “ed.”

destroy (destroy) - destroying - destroyed

buy (buy) - buying - buyer

play (play) - playing - player

You may be confused by some of the discrepancies in spelling and reading rules that are caused by . It's not that this option is better and that option is worse, you just need to stop at one, learn it and stick with it. Try not to mix one with the other.

The rules of reading and writing are like a weather forecast: we can rely on them, but we cannot count on them to help us out every time. Therefore, it is very important to read more in English so that the sound of words and their style merge into a single image.


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Who among us, as a child, did not enjoy the wonderful books of Jules Verne, Alexandre Dumas, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson? We read the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, worried about the cabin boy Jim Hawkins, and sank to the bottom of the ocean in the submarine Nautilus. However, we read all these books in translation from another language, and only over time came the understanding that any translation, despite the skill of the translator, is still only a translation. For example, it is impossible to translate books by Jerome Klapka, Jerome or Lewis Carroll into any language without losing all the puns and puns. Something will definitely get lost, no matter how talented the translator is. There is nothing to say about the poems; they are all written as if anew, preserving only the general meaning of the original work. Take, for example, the translation of Hamlet's monologue. There are literally dozens of them.
Therefore, reading in a foreign language is not only prestigious, but also much more interesting than reading an English author in translation. For a person learning English, reading books in the original is a mandatory procedure. There are many reasons for this.

  1. Any reading increases the stock of words in a person’s vocabulary. It is interesting that when reading books in a foreign language, a person involuntarily remembers words, even if this is not a specific goal. This happens at the subconscious level. The efficiency is not the highest, but it works. Of course, when we make special efforts to remember certain words, the memorization process occurs more intensively. To do this, unfamiliar words found in the text are written down on a piece of paper and memorized along with the translation. To master the features of the language related to your profession, books to read should be selected on topics that interest you. For future sailors, for example, it is better to read adventure books that contain references to specific nautical terms, names of currents, ship equipment, and the like.
  2. The laws of English spelling are difficult to understand for a Russian-speaking person. Often writing English words defies any logic. The old school method remains - you just need to memorize them. Reading allows you to involuntarily store unknown words in your memory.
  3. Maxim Gorky also said that he owes everything good that is in him to books. Reading any literature, any information messages, jokes, funny stories, political reviews in English - all this not only gives great practice, but broadens one’s horizons. A person begins to better understand the country whose language he is studying, its culture, and customs.
  4. When you suddenly realize that a phrase in your news feed or a caption under a funny picture is suddenly easily understood by you, you are overcome with a feeling of joy. If you pick up an English book you like and read it, then little can compare with the feeling that covers you when you close the last page. Especially if someone witnessed this action and can tell others about your outstanding abilities. This greatly increases self-esteem and every person should strive for this success. This gives strength and increases motivation.

Choosing a book to read

You need to start with books that are adapted for a certain level. Initial texts should be short and, if possible, interesting. Everything should go gradually - from small to large. The fun of reading plays a huge role. Humor, detective, mysticism - everything is suitable here.
As a rule, we graduate from schools and institutes with knowledge of only a couple of hundred English words. Therefore, there is no need to be shy about children's literature. Start with it, by the way, there are pictures there that help understanding and memorization. Interestingly, there is a book "The Cat in the Hat" written by the famous children's writer Seuss. Its peculiarity is that it is written using the first children's words. There are only 220 of them in the book.
Stories from big amount drawings - comics, very convenient for reading in a foreign language. Moreover, comics exist for any audience, from children to pensioners, and on any topic.
Many people successfully learn a language by reading English scripts movies they watched. This helps to better assimilate what you read, since you can guess the meaning of a new word based on a familiar plot.
Reading professional literature not only provides knowledge of many specific terms, but also develops one’s horizons. By the way, professional literature much easier to read and understand. For example, many personal computer users began to learn the language by reading documentation for programs and computer equipment. And, I must say, they succeeded quite quickly in this activity. Such texts are designed in a simpler style, and the topics are familiar to the student.

Three nuances for beginning readers in English

  1. It is not at all necessary to understand every word when reading. The main thing is to grasp the context. Try to take books where you do not understand all the words, then you will see growth in your learning. Unfamiliar words must be memorized.
  2. Reading aloud is very helpful for learning words. However, you need to read it correctly only after learning the transcription of the word.
  3. Reading English text, support it with an audio version. This is proven and effective method, which is used in all educational institutions where foreign languages ​​are taught.

INTERESTING! Recently a very cool online service for reading interactive books in English has appeared. There are not very many books, but the functionality is cool.

Level - Starter (the easiest adapted books in English for beginners)

Book title Description

John Escott
Zoe is a 17 year old girl who loves to play in the theater. When the theater plays Romeo and Juliet, she plays the mother main character. Mike writes a review of this production in the local newspaper, arguing that a 17-year-old girl cannot play a grown woman. Will Zoey be able to prove him wrong?
April Fox was very happy when the dance show in which she worked was invited to perform in Moscow. She has a very busy schedule of dance performances and sightseeing in the city. One day she meets a Russian young man named Nikolai...

Bernard Smith
Pam and Martin come on an excursion to Cambridge. At some point, Pam decides that she needs to run out of film in her camera and takes a photo of Martin. Subsequently, this photo will be of great help to the police...

Annette Keen
Jake spots a beautiful girl during a carnival in London. Their eyes meet and she smiles at him. He falls in love. But how can they meet? And who is she?

Norman Whitney
Sarah lives with her father, who sells fruit at the market. One day she notices that her father is cheating and she doesn't like it. Will she be able to correct her father and make their family business profitable and prosperous?

C.J. Moore
The story of a 12 year old girl named Alice. She loves to read books and study. But there is no work in her village, and her parents sell their daughter to the city. What will be the fate of the poor little girl?

Eleanor Jupp
Sue and Rebekah love to ski. One day they come with friends to a ski resort during their vacation. They skate very well and take part in competitions. But can they win?
Leah and Jay's grandmother is old and frail. She is mourning her recently deceased husband. She begs her family to fetch water from the well on the family's abandoned mountain farm. After listening to their parents' warning about recent volcanic activity in the mountains, the children set off early in the morning to the farm. But when they return to the city, the children will not have water from the well.

Harris Clare
Romantic story. One rainy day, buying an ordinary umbrella leads to the emergence of a romantic relationship.

Interactive books in English with parallel translation and dubbing.

Level – Beginner

Book title Description

Jenny Dooley
What do you know about the Bermuda Triangle? This is a mysterious place where many ships and people have disappeared. Have you heard anything about Blackbeard's treasures? They were lost in the Bermuda Triangle and no one could find them. No one wanted to risk searching for these treasures. But for a drunken pirate who hears the clink of coins, there are no barriers. The greatest pirate in the world, Captain Pike, enters a bar in one of the ports where many sailors gather. It's already late at night and no one expects to see such a celebrity. He offers them an adventure, but no one is in a hurry to join, because no one returns from the Bermuda Triangle. He eventually manages to assemble a team, but will they be able to carry out the captain's plan?
This race began in the summer of 1910. Two ships, with two captains and two crews on board, almost simultaneously set off towards the south pole. A team from Great Britain led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott on the black ship Terra Nova and a team from Norway led by Roald Amudsen on the ship Fram. The English captain decided to use ponies and motor sleighs and only a few dogs, since he believed that they would not work well in the Arctic conditions. When both ships reached the Arctic, both crews were eager to be the first to get to the south pole and plant their country's flag there. Everyone knows that Norwegians are the best skiers in the world. In addition, their team had better equipment. Both captains make a lot of mistakes because of their strong desire to be the first to reach the south pole.

Mark Twain
Welcome to the world of classic children's literature. You will find yourself in a charming and calm town on the banks of the Mississippi, surrounded by sunny green valleys, inhabited by simple and touching people, in an atmosphere of play and romance. These are the adventures of Tom Sawyer. The book is intended for children and teenagers. Although the author himself claimed that he created this book for adults and that it would only be interesting to them.

Jennifer Bassett
New owners opera house receive a strange message from the Phantom of the Opera. The Phantom demands £20,000 a month and that Christine Day get the lead role. The director takes this message as someone's prank, but soon a series of deaths occur in the theater and prima Carlotta loses her voice...

Jules Vern
Geology professor Lindenbrock takes a risky journey to the center of the planet, choosing a route through the mouth of an extinct volcano. What awaits him in the lost world, where giants reign - dinosaurs that disappeared thousands of centuries ago, but found refuge under the earth's crust, in the very heart of the planet?
The Wizard of Oz
Frank Baum
A terrible hurricane carried away a girl named Dorothy and her dog Toto to the distant land of Oz. How can she get home? There is only one way - to meet the great wizard of the Emerald City. She goes on an adventure-filled journey with her new friends: the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Woodman.

Level Elementary

Book title Description

H. G. Wells

Number of unique words 977
Total number of words 12451
This book has become a source of inspiration for many writers around the world. The science fiction novel raises questions such as: what makes us human? Where is the line that cannot be crossed? Traveler Edward Prednik, who survived a shipwreck and spent eight days in the middle of the ocean, finds himself lying in the ship's cabin. Next to him sits a man calling himself Montgomery. He cares about Edward and will ask you to tell him about his survival in the ocean and about his life. Throughout the conversation, Edward hears strange animal noises and metal scraping, but he doesn't pay much attention to them. Later, when he gets better, he realizes that the ship is heading to an unnamed island, and the people he met on this ship do not look like people...

Robert Louis Stevenson
A classic adventure novel about the life of pirates. An exciting story about the search for Captain Flint's treasure hidden on a mysterious island. Involved by coincidence in this adventurous story, the young man Jim Hawkins will play a very important role while searching for lost treasures and will help your friends escape.

Daniel Defoe
The story of Robinson Crusoe, who found himself on a desert island and lived there for several years. Shipwrecked Robinson has to learn to survive alone in wildlife, escape from bad weather, get food for yourself. Will he be able to remain human after such trials?
E. Nesbit
Mr. Bastable is ruined. And his children decide to go in search of treasure. Along the way, many adventures await them and interesting people. But will they be able to find the treasure and make the family rich again?

Lewis Carroll
One hot summer day Alice notices white rabbit and starts chasing him. She follows him down the rabbit hole and ends up in Wonderland. In this country, caterpillars talk, rabbits wear watches, and cats smile...

Vicky Shipton
London is the most big city in Britain and Europe. In 1900 it was also the largest city in the world. In this book you will find a lot of interesting information about London. Immerse yourself in its history. Get to know the museums, palaces and celebrities of this delightful city.

John Whitman
This is a continuation of the action adventure film "The Mummy". 10 years have passed since the last battle with Imhotep. Evelyn and Rick O'Connell return to Egypt. The year of Scorpio is coming and people in Egypt are in panic. Someone must destroy the Scorpion King or the world will come end.

Peter Benchley
The thriller on which the world famous film “Jaws” was based. Amity is a small quiet town near New York. One night a woman goes for a swim in the sea, and in the morning her body is found on the shore. Brody works for the police in this small town. He believes that a killer shark has appeared in the sea, but no one takes him seriously...

Beech is a strong, intelligent dog who moved from California with its measured life to the Klondike. Life is very harsh in the cold north of Canada and Beech has to go through a lot to survive. But can he become happy in these harsh lands...

Arthur Conan Doyle
Colonel Elias Openshaw was a major planter in South America. But after the war he returned to England. When he receives an envelope containing five orange seeds, he is horrified. Since his brother Joseph lived exactly five days after receiving such an envelope. Will Sherlock Holmes be able to help him?

Conan Doyle Arthur
Another adventure of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. This time he has to find a skillfully hidden letter and save the reputation of a high-ranking person.

Arthur Conan Doyle
Helen Stoner turns to Sherlock Holmes for help. On the eve of her wedding, her sister dies. And now the time comes for her to get married, but every night she hears a strange whistle in her room, which her sister heard before her death.

Oscar Wilde
The Canterville Ghost has been living in Canterville Castle for many years. But one day, the castle changes its owners. How will the relationship between the new owners and the ghost develop?

Mary Shelley
The legendary novel, which marked the beginning of the era of science fiction, has repeatedly become the subject of films.

Susan Hill
On Christmas Eve, the family gets together and everyone takes turns smearing ghost stories. One of them, Arthur Kipps, listens to all his relatives and remembers a story that happened to him many years ago, when he worked in a law firm and put in order the affairs of a deceased woman who lived alone next to a swamp...
Jane Eyre
C Bronte
The novel “Jane Eyre” tells about the difficult fate of a girl who, no matter what, was able to find the strength to overcome adversity. For this, fate thanked her with happiness. The novel contains many plot twists filled with tragedy. The work will not leave either men or women indifferent and will make you empathize with the main character.
Mr Bean in Town
John Escot
Mr. Bean is an eccentric who does not understand the world around him. Bean looks at everything that happens around him through the prism of naivety and some foolishness. For example, he hides restaurant food that he doesn’t like in... Where? You will read about this in the novel about the adventures of Mr. Bean.
Dawson's Creek Shifting into Overdrive
C. J. Anders
Friends Joey and Jen hatch a plan to go to a party in New York. Dawson and Pacey arrive as uninvited guests in a stolen truck to visit the girls. And then events unfold in the most unexpected way. The party will remain in the memory for a long time.
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Deborah Tempest
This book will introduce the legendary King of Britain - Arthur (V-VI centuries). Tales and legends about the famous warrior and ruler appeared during his lifetime. The book will tell in a fascinating way about battles and knightly courage, about the culture and morals of the society of ancient Britain, about witchcraft and, of course, about love.
Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer’s bosom friend, cannot stand the “civilized” life in the house of the widow Douglas and, together with a runaway black man, goes on a raft down the Mississippi.
The story is full of humor and satire on the principles of that time. Racism is ridiculed with particular sharpness. This kind and cheerful book talks about the most important thing - humanity and love for one's neighbor.
Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
Alice didn't think that her rash decision to run after the white rabbit would change her whole life. In Wonderland, where she finds herself in the most incredible way, she will meet dancing lobsters, talking turtles, a smiling Cheshire Cat and many other characters on her way. At the end of her magical journey, Alice will understand: in order to find the right path in life, you need to realize the goal you want to reach.

Daniel Defoe
Surviving a shipwreck is not the worst thing. Staying alive on a desert island visited by wild tribes of cannibals is the limit of human capabilities. Robinson Crusoe had no choice but not to let circumstances break him.
Round the World in 80 Days
Jules Verne
Phileas Fogg accepted the bet, promising his opponent to circumnavigate the Earth in 80 days. The main character has to go on a dangerous journey. Who knows what awaits him around the corner? Phileas is not afraid of difficulties. Together with his friend Passepartout, they will cover thousands of kilometers. But what awaits them at the end of their trip around the world?

Level - Pre-Intermediate (adapted books in English of average difficulty level)

Book title Description

Peter Viney
Rachel works for a company that creates astrological forecasts using computers. She comes up with the idea that it is possible to analyze the pattern of a person’s palm using a computer. The idea becomes successful, but Rachel is tormented by doubts about whether it is really possible to know the future. She instructs the computer to compare thousands of different palms belonging to people from different cities. The results are frightening and shocking.

Tim Vicary
Gerald and Karl return home from a business trip. When Karl orders a cup of coffee on board the plane, he notices that the flight attendant is behaving strangely. After some time, the flight attendant returns in the company of two men armed with pistols. These people want to talk to the Prime Minister. They demand that their brother be released within an hour, otherwise they will start killing the hostages.

During the gold rush in Alaska, sled dogs were in great demand. This is the story of a dog named Beech, who grew up in the comfortable conditions of a California ranch, well-fed and happy. But from the first days when the Beech was stolen, he learns what hunger, thirst and cruelty are. His life changes radically. Now he is in a team with other dogs pulling a mail cart. A dog pack has its own laws and Buk is forced to quickly get used to them. Will he be able to survive in these harsh conditions and become the leader of the pack?

Charles Dickens
The old and evil miser Ebenez Scrooge hates joy and fun. Perhaps he would never change, but on Christmas Eve he has an unusual dream. At night, three ghosts visit his dream...

L.G. Alexander
Katrina Kirby is a detective. Her friends call her Kay. A murder has been committed in a large country house and Kay knows that the killer is one of the five people present in the house. But who? How? And why?

Kevin Brophyr
This is the story of a great team. Manchester United is the biggest, richest and most successful football club in the world.

Vicky Shipton
Every year millions of tourists visit New York - the most stunning city on earth. You can get to know its history, sights and people. What makes New York the city that never sleeps?

Robert Bloch
Marion's dreams begin to come true. She just needs to find a room to stay the night before her wedding to Sam. She is very tired and loses her way in the middle of the night. But soon she comes across a motel. She thinks about how lucky she is. But something terrible awaits her ahead...

Alexander Dumas
Edmond Dantes is a smart young sailor, but he has enemies who spread gossip about him. And on the day of his wedding with the beautiful Mercedes, he is thrown into prison. There he meets a man who tells him about the treasures on the island of Monte Cristo. Will Edmond be able to escape from prison and find the treasure? Will he see the charming Mercedes again?

Geoffrey Chaucer
A group of pilgrims travels together for five days from London to Canterbury. Along the way, each of them tells a story, trying to surprise the others. Some of the stories turn out to be happy, others sad, but they all carry some message and are very instructive...

Stephen Colbourn
A novel about the adventures of Robin Hood, defender of the weak and oppressed. Together with their friends, they live in Sherwood Forest and fight against the tyranny of the English king.

Philip Prowse
Leni Samuel is a private detective. One day, Sandy Bonner comes to his office and tells him about the disappearance of his racehorse. Will the detective be able to help Sandy?

Edgar Allan Poe
A terrible epidemic of the Red Death swept the country. The epidemic is spreading quickly and is deadly, half the kingdom has already died. But the ruling prince Prospero does not care about the fate of his subjects. He locks himself in his castle with selected knights and throws an endless party. The prince orders the doors to be tightly closed, so that no one can enter or leave after the appearance of the last of the guests.

Edgar Allan Poe
The author receives a letter from an old friend, Roderick Esher, asking him to come. What will happen in the mysterious House of Usher.

Edgar Allan Poe
A scientist who is interested in hypnosis is interested in what would happen if a dying person was hypnotized. And soon he is given the opportunity to test his hypothesis...

Edgar Allan Poe
A man regains consciousness in a completely dark room. He's trying to figure out where he is. It soon becomes clear that the room is round in shape, and in the center there is a deep well. He soon loses consciousness and comes to in another room, tied to a table. What awaits him this time? And will the prisoner be able to free himself?

Arthur Conan Doyle
This legend is passed down from generation to generation in the Baskerville family. Several centuries ago, Sir Hugo Baskerville lived on a family estate located near the swamps. He was an aristocrat, an alcoholic and a very cruel man. As the legend goes, he was killed by a huge black dog with glowing eyes and a glowing mouth near a swamp. The dog punished him for the evil that he committed. 200 years have passed. And one of his descendants dies while walking through the park late in the evening, and traces of a very large dog are found around. Will the famous London detective, Sherlock Holmes, be able to unravel this mysterious case?
The Prince and The Pauper
Twain, Mark
Written by Mark Twain, the historical novel will take the reader to England, where exciting events will unfold. English Prince Edward Tudor meets a boy, a beggar, who looks like him, as if they were twin brothers. Suddenly the prince and the little tramp switch places...
The Canterville Ghost
Oscar Wilde
A family with very pragmatic views moves into an old castle. And even stories about a ghost living in the long and dark corridors of the castle do not scare them. The novella is replete with bright and funny plot twists. And who knows what lengths a desperate ghost, unable to scare people, can go to.
The Mark of Zorro
Johnston McCulley
Who is hiding under the mask of Zorro? Who came to the defense of the oppressed and defenseless? Who is afraid of the corrupt rulers of the city? The answers to these questions are in the book “The Mask of Zorro.” The captivating narrative will not let the reader go until the last page is read.
Forrest Gump
Winston Groom
Forrest Gump is a kind but weak-minded man with an open soul and a big heart. There is nobility and honesty in his every action. This helps him become a billionaire, football player and war hero. Throughout his life, he has been in love with a girl who will reciprocate his feelings, but...
P. Shipton
A love story that unfolds against the backdrop of the sinking of the cruise ship Titanic. Dramatic events force the main characters to step over their principles and understand what is important for them in this life and what is of secondary importance.

Level - Intermediate

Book title Description

Mario Puzo
Worldwide famous story about the life of the Italian mafia in New York, which became the plot for the film The Godfather.

Jonathan Swift
The author of this book is a magnificent master of words, his main weapon is humor. He sends his main character Guliver to four different countries, where he cruelly ridicules human behavior and vices.

Jerome K. Jerome
One evening, three friends sitting at a club begin to discuss their poor health. They come to the conclusion that all their illnesses are because they work too much and urgently need rest. After a long discussion, they reject country holidays and sea cruises. In the end, the friends decide to go on a river walk along the Thames, from Kensington to Oxford. With overnight stops in a tent on the shore. They hire a boat and their adventure begins.

Nick Hornby
HornbyWill Freeman craves an easy life, without any obligations or responsibilities. But one day he meets Marcus, an unusual 12-year-old teenager with serious problems. Modern classics - very funny story, on a very serious topic: “Love.” The book was adapted into a famous film starring Hugh Grant.

George Orwell
Winston Smith lives in a society where the government controls every second of people's lives. Alone in his small apartment, Winston dreams of better life. Is it possible to free yourself from this humiliating life? There must be something that the party cannot control. Love, perhaps?

Michael Walsh
This story begins from the moment where the famous film “Casablanca” ends. At that time, this Moroccan city was famous for its guests. Not only criminals, but also those who wanted to escape from the Nazi regime in Germany. The lucky ones managed to get documents that allowed them to go to Lisbon, and from there to America...

by Anonymous
Jack Stanton is a young and ambitious governor who wants to become president of the United States. Henry Burton can help him achieve his goals, but he understands that Stanton will stop at nothing to win. Henry discovers the governor's dark past and must decide what is right and what is wrong. This is a fictional story based on information about past American presidents. In this regard, the author decided to remain anonymous. A film was made based on this book with John Travolta.

Richard Curtis
Christmas is coming in London and all the characters in this story have thoughts of love spinning in their heads. Someone found love. Someone lost her. Some people resign themselves to loneliness, while others live with hope. Even the new Prime Minister of Great Britain thinks not only about work, because love is everywhere around us.

David Evans
The story of five women, each of whom was able to reach the top in their business. The whole world knows them, although they belong to different cultures and started in different social environments. One thing unites them - “Success”
You will get acquainted with the history of Coco Chanel (well-known perfume), Hana Mori (Japanese fashion designer), Anita Roddick (founder of the Body Shop), Oprah Winfrey (Host of a famous TV show), Madonna (world-famous singer).

Philip Prowse
Peter is a truck driver. One day, on the way to Manchester, he picks up a wet teenager standing in the rain. It soon turns out that the police are looking for him throughout the country and he is suspected of murdering his uncle.

Richard Chisholm
Tom's fiancée, Angela, was supposed to meet him at Istanbul airport. She had already worked in this ancient city for seven months. Her company exports and imports various equipment: lamps, lamps, holders, etc. Her task is to organize this process. When Tom arrives in Turkey, Angela doesn't greet him, and that's very unlike her. Tom tries to find Angela, but cannot. But he begins to worry when he notices that some strange man in a cloak is following him everywhere. What happened? Where is Angela? Tom and his new friend Kamal will look for answers to all these questions in their exciting adventures in Istanbul.

Jane Austen
Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, smart and rich. She lives with her father and teacher since her mother died and her sister got married and moved in with her husband. She never thinks that it’s time for her to get married. Instead, she spends her time trying to organize the weddings of her friends and neighbors. Although Emma is still young and does not have much life experience, she believes that she is always right. As a result of this, she makes many mistakes and creates more problems than happy marriages. Because Emma is trying to organize other people's lives, will she be able to maintain her family happiness? Will she be able to make her relatives happy? Will she be able to get married or not?
Count Vlad
Dooley, Jenny
Can you believe it: Count Dracula is dying!? He writes a letter to the village where he had recently stayed, terrifying the locals. And now he asks in a letter to help him go to another world. What is hidden behind this not very logical request? This is what the readers will have to find out.
A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens
The story, set out in the book of the famous writer Charles Dickens, tells about the Great French Revolution, about terrible events in which the lives of thousands of people were crushed. Main character finds himself in a labyrinth, from which it is very, very difficult to exit without losing his human form.
Management Gurus
David Evans
How to become a successful manager? How to generate brilliant management ideas? Is it possible to build a business on managing people? The book describes the life stories of Frederick Taylor, Tom Peters and other business thinkers who were able not only to give practical advice, but also to guide personal development and material well-being.
A Kiss Before Dying
Ira Levin
What can you do for the sake of material well-being? For example, marry for convenience. What if the inheritance goes not to the wife, but to her sister? The murder of the missus and remarrying for convenience are details of the same plan. Ira Levin's impressive thriller will not leave anyone indifferent.
Jack the Ripper
Peter Foreman
The city is shaken by one news after another: corpses of women with their genitals cut out are found in the gateways. The police are left scrambling to find the culprit, and the killings continue. Who will stop the crazy maniac? Who will free the city residents from fear?
The Treasure of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas

The whole life of the Count of Monte Cristo was filled with extraordinary events and adventures. He never gave up, finding joy in struggle. Imprisoned in prison, Monte Cristo manages to escape, showing considerable intelligence and dexterity. Who will the Count take revenge on now?
The Wizard of Oz
L. Frank Baum
Three Great Plays of Shackspeare
W. Shackspeare

Robert Louis Stevenson
A man appears at the Admiral Benbow Inn asking for overnight accommodation. He has a secret that he carefully hides. The son of the owner of the inn, Jimi Hawkins, is involved in an incredible story related to the search for treasure on a distant island, lost in the ocean.

Daniel Defoe
The Canterville Ghost
Oscar Wilde
Crime Story Collection
Collection detective stories

M. Puzo
“The Godfather” is a novel about the mafia clan of Don Corleone. The author managed to tell the world about the crime syndicate with great truthfulness. The work became a “classic” and took its rightful place in world literature.
Strangers on a Train
P. Highsmith

Upper-Intermediate level

Advanced level (the most complex of the adapted books presented on our website in English)

Book title Description

Alan Maley
A very interesting modern novel about the adventures of an Englishman who lives in India and manages a branch of a large international company. At some point, he begins to fight corruption in his company and is soon fired. From that moment on, his life changes dramatically. He receives a large severance pay, starts drinking a lot, and his wife leaves him. Will he be able to get out of this difficult situation, find out who is behind his dismissal and find his love? You can find out all this by reading or listening to the adapted audio book of difficulty level 6 (advanced) “He Knows Too Much” in English.

Thomas Hardy
One day, Jack, the head of the Durbeyfield family, accidentally learns that their family comes from the ancient knightly family of D'Urberville. Jack goes to the pub to celebrate the news. And there he finds out that a certain Stoke D'Urberville lives nearby. This begins the adventures of his eldest daughter, full of bitterness and disappointment, but also great love and great patience. How will her adventures end and will she be with her beloved?
A novel about incredible human patience and humility.

Dashiel Hammett
Detective Continental is hired to guard wedding gifts on the small private island of Coufignal. Late at night, during a storm, the lights go out and gunshots are heard. A car with armed people drives onto the island, and the only bridge connecting the island with the mainland is blown up...

Patricia Highsmith
After the death of her mother, Lucille decides to leave and start her life over. She gets a job as a nanny for the Kristiansan family.

Lawrence Block
Mark pretends to commit suicide. He jumps off a bridge in front of a policeman. He begins to go to a psychotherapist and even swallows sleeping pills, but the doctor manages to clear his stomach. He buys a gun using Edward Wright's fake driver's license. He then kills Edward, making it look like suicide. Mark does this because Edward killed his wife, who wanted to divorce him because she loved Mark.

John Lutz
There is no doubt that Curtis Colt will be sentenced to the electric chair for the cold-blooded murder of a liquor store owner. The case seems obvious, because three witnesses cannot be wrong...

Reginald Hill

Number of unique words 2500

Total number of words 26640

A wonderful summer day in an English garden filled with beautiful roses. A young boy watches in fascination as his aunt trims the dried buds of rose bushes with a sharp knife. What could be more serene and peaceful.
Young Patrick was to grow up to be a balanced, well-mannered young man with a wonderful career, a wonderful family and the most beautiful rose garden in the entire area. When someone tells the police that Patrick Aldermann is killing people, Police Chief Dalziel believes it is all a hoax. However, Inspector Pascoe is not so sure about this...

Stephen King
A story written by the master of the thriller, Stephen King.
Paul Sheldon is Annie Wilkes's favorite writer. Her favorite series is the Misery Castain series. When Annie finds Paul at the scene of a car accident, she decides to take him home and look after him. One day, Annie learns that Paul is going to end Misery and write other books. She decides to stop Paul and he becomes her prisoner...

Charles Dickens
Pip is a poor orphan whose life changes forever after meeting an escaped criminal and an eccentric old woman living with a young girl. And who will be the mysterious person who will leave him a fortune?

Bill Gates
All computers in the world today are part of a living being. They have a "digital nervous system" Bill Gates, in his amazing book, explains how business will work in the 21st century. He provides advice, primarily to business leaders, on how to adapt, prepare and transition to the Internet age and information technologies most quickly and painlessly. Information is new tool business and she can move at the speed of thought.

Raymond Chandler
When Terry Lenox's wife is murdered, his friend private detective Philip Marlowe helps him flee the country. The police detain Marlowe, but soon release him, and for some reason recommend that he forget about everything. Of course, Marlowe does the opposite... The Long Goodbye is the last of seven novels about the legendary private detective Philip Marlowe.
L.A. Movie
Philip Prowse
Officially dead
Richard Prescott

The Sound Word service makes it easy to find out transcription, pronunciation and translation of English words online.

To use it, you need to enter a word and click “Search”. After a short pause, it provides a transcription of the English word, pronunciation and translation. For convenience, there are two options: British and American. You can also listen to pronunciation options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is a graphic recording of the sound of a word; pursues the goal of accurate graphic recording of pronunciation. Each individual sound must be recorded separately. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets; special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

Why is transcription of English words needed?

Knowing English transcription is useful. This makes it possible to easily read and correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without outside help. Just look in the dictionary or use online services. Everyone knows that reading English words is a rather specific process, based not on “putting together” words from letters, but rather on converting letter combinations into combinations of sounds. Of course, there are certain reading rules that you need to know and apply. But there are many more words that do not obey these rules. This is where transcription comes to the rescue, allowing you to find out correct pronunciation the English word, and, accordingly, its reading.

Hello dear friends! If you have just started learning English, then the first thing you need to do is learn to read.

This can be done easily and quickly, since the English language has certain reading rules. First, let's get acquainted with to find out how to read english letters.

English letters are accompanied English transcription so that you can easily learn to read English letters on your own. Why do you need to know the English alphabet?

First of all, while you are learning English and don't know many English words yet, your interlocutors will often spell words you don't know, helping you understand the word. You will do the same when the interlocutor does not understand you or is not familiar with the word you said.

Rules for reading English words depending on the type of syllable

Syllable type
open syllable closed syllable vowel + r vowel +re unstressed syllable
A [æ] [ə]
make cat
E [e] [ɜː] [ɪə] [ə] [i]
we bed her here absent
I/Y [i] [ɜː] [i]
time sit girl fire music
U [ʌ] [ɜː] [ə]
tube cup turn cure success
ABOUT [əʊ] [ɒ] [ɔː] [ɔː] [ə],
note not short more more

Why is “Liverpool spelled, but Manchester pronounced” or how to read the word correctly in English?

First, let's learn the 4 main types of vowel reading E, A, Y, U, O, I in stressed syllables in English

Syllable type I is an open syllable; it ends in a vowel. For example: make, note.
Type II syllable is a closed syllable; it ends with a consonant. For example: cat, system.
Type III - a syllable where the stressed vowel is followed by the letter “r”. For example: girl, turn.
Type IV is a syllable where the stressed vowel is followed by “re”. For example: cure, fire.

Check your pronunciation of English vowels

Let's reinforce reading vowels with the following exercise:

I syllable type- open syllable

Note, lone, mice, rice, type, tune, shy, lay, say, he, hay, name, same, nine, nice, game, came, make, Kate, Pete, five, tie, life, eve, me, size, no, cope, smoke, rose, nose, spine, sly, cry, vine, maze, home, tube, made, fume, cube, pace, lace, sky, hale, spine.

II syllable type– closed syllable (a syllable ending in a consonant is considered closed). This is the second row in the table. Pay attention to the words rat, hot, red, bit, myth, run, which do not have a silent vowel at the end. These words sound like "rat, hot, ed, beat, miss, ran."

Cap, pen, bed, ten, not, spot, lot, bad, rat, sit, send, test, pit, in, send, spell, tin, less, ban, mad, fat, Sam, land, did, fit, sat, pet, tin, slip, sad, glad, bag, jam, gap, lag, can, kin, Jim, Jack, yes, ink, cup, run, cod, spin, not, doll, hop, hot, bank, rank, spin, up, us, bus, bun, cut, fun, vet, well, but, nut.

III syllable type– vowel + letter “r”, which affects the sound of the vowel at the root of the word, giving it some prolongation. So the words car, sort, term, fir, Byrd, fur sound like “ka: so:t, te:m, fe: be:d, fe:”.

stern , Far, curt, hard, hart, car, card, cart, fork, cork, work, sort, term, first, Byrd, furs, curl, her, curb, turn, girl, sir, burn, turn, word, born, torn, bird, form, serf, herb.

IV syllable type– vowel + letter “r” + vowel. The letter “r” is also unreadable in this case; all three vowels together sound like this: care, store, mere, tire, cure - “kea, hundred:, mie, taie, kue.”

Fare, here, pure, rare, cure, during, mare, fire, bare, mire, stare, tire, sere, mere, store, core, more, care.

Check the pronunciation of English diphthongs

Click on the image to listen!

Pronunciation of English consonants

Click on the image to listen!

Check the pronunciation of English consonants

Click on the image to listen!

Like and learn with our tips!

  1. Write down words that you have problems with in a notebook. Underline the part of the word that is most difficult for you.
  2. Use a dictionary, not a spell checker! Unfortunately, you can't always trust her.
  3. Learn words with all kinds of prefixes and suffixes, for example: biography - auto biography, child - child hood and so on.
  4. Learn the rules, but don't rely on them. We have already said: every rule has its exception.

“i” is written before “e” (exception - after “c”)

One of the first reading rules taught in English classes. The rule works for words that have a long “ee”, as in shield(shield).

Examples: piece (part), niece (niece), priest (priest), thief (thief).

But after “c”: conceive (comprehend, plan), receive (receive), receipt (receipt; not to be confused with recipe).

For words in which the sound “a” or “i” is pronounced, the opposite is true:

“a”: eight (eight), neighbor (neighbor), reign (reign), weight (weight)

“i”: either, height, feisty, sleight

Exceptions: seize (grab), weird (strange), conscience (conscience, consciousness), efficient (effective), etc.

English reading lessons from scratch
